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rmulas y bandas de serie CROSTA aplicadas a datos ASTER

Mineral o alteración Clave Fórmula ASTER Serie CROSTA Observaciones
Indice de Alunita ALI (7/5)*(7/8) (7*7)/(5*8) 1357 Ninomiya
Alunita 6/5
Indice de Hidroxilos (Micas) Al-OHa (7/6)*(4/6) (4*7)/(6*6) Montmorillonita Ninomiya
Indice de Hidroxilos (Pyrophillite)Al-OHb (7/5)*(4/5) (4*7)/(5*5) Ninomiya
Arcillas OHI OHIa AND OHIb
Phengita Clay (5+7)/6 Rowan, CSIRO
Arcillas Clay2 (5/6)*(7/6) (5*7) / (6*6)
Alt. Argilica: Alu / kao / Pyro/Arg (4+6)/5 (4+6) / (5*2)
Alt. Argilica avanzada 6/5 Epitermal
Host Rock 5/6

Alt. Filica: (Ser/Mus/ili/sme) Phy2 (5+7)/6 White MICA Al-rich (Musc, Parag) Endoskarn - Porphyry
Alt. Propilica 8/5
Indice de Calcita Ci (6/8)*(9/8) (6*9)/(8*8) Ninomiya
Kaolinita KLI (4/5)*(8/6) 1467 Ninomiya
Kaolinita KLIa 7(5+6)
Kaolinita, Illite, Montmorillonite 4/6 Carranza et al.(2008)
Kaolinita 7/5 Epitermal Aproximate only
Kaolinita + Smectite 1469
Illita Clay – KLIa Illi (4+7) / (6*2) 1356 1456 USGS

Muscovita 7/6 (4+7) / (6*2) (7+9) / (8*2)

Ferric Iron Fe3+ LIMONITA 2/1 1234 Epitermal Rowan
HEMATITA* 3/1 321 *Req. Mascara de Vegetación
Silicato Ferroso 5/4 Biotita, Chlorita, Amphibole Endoskarn - Porphyry CSIRO
GOSSAN 4/2 Volesky
Ferric Iron Fe2+ (Ferrous Iron) B5/B3 + B1/B2 Rowan
Oxido Ferrico 4/3 *Alteración Oxido Fe, Cu - Au Epitermal
Jarosita 4/7 1247 (Origel Gutierrez)
Goetita 1259 (Origel Gutierrez)
Silice SiO2 Si 13/12 Contenido de Silicato Ninomiya
Rocas ricas en Cuarzo 14/12 Rowan
Indice de Cuarzo Qi (B11*B11)/(B10*B12) Indice Rocas Siliceas Ninomiya
SiO2_3 11/10 Silica Epitermal CSIRO
SiO2_4 11/12 Silica Epitermal CSIRO
SiO2_5 13/10 4 Silica 3 Epitermal CSIRO
Indice de Silice Si (123 *14 ) / 13 (14/13) / (13/12) Ninomiya
Inverso Silice (Feldespatos Alcalinos) (12/13) Qi
Indice Mafico Mi 12 / 13 Ultramaficas / Felsicas Ninomiya
Granitoide (12/11)(11/10)
Dolomita (6+8)/7 (6+8) / (7*2) 5678 (Origel Gutierrez)
Carbonato Ci 13/14 Calcite, Dolomite 4689 Exoskarn Ninomiya
Carbonato/Clorita/Epidota (7+9) / 8 Rowan
Epidota / Clorita / Anfibole (6+9) / (7+8) Endoskarn-Porphyry CSIRO
Clorita 5/8 2458/2489 (Origel Gutierrez) 2358 1258 Burcu Fatma Pekesin
Amphibole (Hornblenda, Serpentine 6/8 (6+9) / 8 Bierwith
Actinolite, Tremolita) Olivine 2/3
Carbonatos 4/8 Calcita, Dolomita Exoskarn
Olivino y Piroxeno 14/13
Biotita, Gneiss, Migmatitas 8/5 3479
Calcite 3918 Burcu Fatma Pekesin
Epidote 2589 Burcu Fatma Pekesin
Ksilica SiO2 (wt%) = 57.11 - 286.88 * K K = Log((E10 + E11 + E12)/3/E13)*(-1) Miyatake, 2002
SiO2 (%) = 56.20 - 271.09 * K K = Log((EmsB10 + EmsB11 + EmsB12)/3) Watanabe,
SiO (wt%) = 138.42*(B13/B12)+34.61*(B2/B1)-129.02
Common Ratio & Band Combinations ASTER

Features Red Green Blue Reference

Vegetation and visible 3, 3/2, or
2 1
bands** NDVI
AlOH minerals/advanced Hewson (CSIRO)
5/6 (phen) 7/6 (musc) 7/5 (kaol)
argillic alteration***
Clay, amphibole, laterite (5x7)/62 (clay) Bierwith
6/8 (amph) 4/5 (lat)

Gossan, alteration, host 5/6 (host Rock) Volesky

4/2 (goss) 4/5 (alt)
Gossan, alteration, host 6 (goss) 2 (alt) 1 (host)
Decorellation (envi) 12 10 Bierwith
Silica (Silicification)
Silica, carbonate, basic (11/10)*(11/12) 13/14 (carb) 12/13 Bierwith
degree index (Qi) (Ci) (Mi)

Silica Index 11/10 11/12 13/10 Cudahy and Hewson, 200

Discrimination for 3/1 Abdelsalam

4/1 12/14
Discrimination in
12 5 3
sulphide rich areas
Discrimination Sultan
4/7 4/1 (2/3) x (4/3)

Discrimination 4/7 Abrams (USGS)

4/3 2/1

Silica, Fe2+ Rowan (USGS)

14/12 (1/2) + (5/3) MNF Band 1

Enhanced structural 7 4 Rowan (USGS)


Mapeo Litologico 4/7 4/6 4/10 Sabree Gad

Mapeo Litologico 7/6 6/5 6/4

Alteracion de color Blanco 4/5 4/6 4/7

*Comments by Hewson
**Equivalent to Landsat RGB 432
***Alunite/pyrophyllite, mica, kaolinite/dickite Mapeo Litologico
Common Ratio & Band Combinations ASTER

Features Red Green Blue Reference

Mapeo de Menas de Fierro (1+3)/2 (3+5)/4 (5+7)/6 Sankaran Rajendran

Mapeo de Litologia asociada (2+4)/3 (5+7)/6 (7+9)/8 Sankaran Rajendran

Discriminacion asociada a
cuerpos intrusivos o 3/1 4/6 4/7

NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) = (NIR - Red)/(NIR+Red) = (3-2) / (3+2)

sVI (stabilized vegetation index) = (Green/Red)*(NIR/Red) = (1/2)*(3/2)

5 6

3 4
1 4

5 8
2 9
1 3

1 4
2 5
1 8
Spectra of Sulfate and others minerals that might occur in a volcanic and/or
arid setting (USGS spectral library) resampled to ASTER bands.
Formulas y bandas de serie CROSTA aplicadas a datos LANDSAT
Mineral o alteración Fórmula LANDSAT Observaciones
Alunita, ARCs, Silice 5/7 1457 Louglin
Limonitas, Goethita 3/1 2 3 4 5 PC4
Hematita, Magnetita 5/4 1 3 4 7 PC4 Hassen
1345 Louglin

NUBES - NIEVE 123 PC1 (Invertida)

Defoliant Technique DPC (Directed Principal Components)
Vegetation Oxs
Frase and Green, 1987
Oxidos de Fe 4/3 3/1
The Vegetation Component
Clay 4/3 5/7 has Positive Loading in both
input images.
The Mineral Component has Loadings of oppossite Signs.
If the Mineral Component has Positive Loadings then that mineral is mapped as
bright pixels in the mineral images.
Formulas y bandas de serie CROSTA aplicadas a datos LANDSAT
Mineral o alteración Fórmula LANDSAT Observaciones

Mineral Images Band Ratio Images input to DPC (Directed Principal Components)
Vegetation Mineral
Quartz 2/3 7/1 John Carranza, 2000
Alunite 2/3 5/1 The Vegetation Component
has Positive Loading in both
Illite 4/2 7/1 input images.

Chlorite 4/2 5/1 The Mineral Component

has Loadings of oppossite
Epidote 4/1 5/7 Signs.

Limonite, Goethite 2/3 5/1 If the Mineral Component

has Positive Loadings then
that mineral is mapped as
bright pixels in the mineral

FIGURA 2: Reflectance Spectra of Minerals (Clark et al., 1993; USGS, 1998)

Quartz Alunite

Illite Chlorite

Green Vegetation

5 Goethite
Illite 1, 5
4 Kaosmectite

4 5

1 7

Illite 4

Common Ratio & Band Combinations LANDSAT

Features Red Green Blue Reference

Epithermal 5/7 3 / 1 (2) 3/5 Sabins
Clay Iron-oxide Abrams
Abdel Salam
Epithermal 5/7 4/5 3/1 Abrams
Delinear Unidades Sultan
Litologicas 5/7 5/1 3 / 4 * 5 /4

Gossan 3/5 3/1 5/7 Sabins

Iron 3/1 3 1

Clay 5/7 5 7

Alteration 5/4 5/7

Anomalies Silica
5/4 7 5/7

Gossan 5/4 7 3/1

Hydrothermal 7/4 4/3 5/7
Clay Kaufmann
Alteration Iron ions Vegetation
Hydrothermal 5/7 5/4 3/1 Chica-Olma
Alteration Clay Iron ions Ferrous Oxide

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