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Assessment Blueprint for a Unit of Study

This Blueprint should help you determine the number of points each Component/Learning Target should be worth for all the
summative assessments given in this unit of study. Please use this for the High Achievement Unit Outcome for which you will be
creating summative assessments. After determining the approximate percentage and points for assessing each component,
review it to see if the Blueprint has the balance you feel is best for each component and adjust if necessary.

High Achievement Unit Outcome:

K.E.3A The student will discover daily and seasonal weather patterns, while connecting changes in the
seasons to plant and animal life.

Possible Points for all Assessments for this unit of study: 35

Components (Learning Targets) Points from all Questions on

assessments assessments
for each for each
Learning learning target

Categorize the differences between the four seasons using the appropriate vocabulary to represent each 14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
season. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14

Analyze local weather condition data to describe weather patterns that occur from day to day, using simple (Formative
graphs and pictorial weather symbols. assessments
Develop and use illustrations to predict seasonal weather patterns and changes. 12 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20

Obtain information to support claims about how changes in seasons affect plants and animals. 9 21

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