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Cutting Temperatures and Their was measured with a thermocouple at the drilling tool.

It is

notable, that the temperature increases instantaneously up to

Effects on the Machining about 180 C at the beginning of drilling. After reaching the
initial temperature level it increases through the whole pro-
Behaviour in Drilling Reinforced cess continuously. The maximum of 387 C is reached, when
the tool exits the bore hole. The occuring temperature maxi-
Plastic Composites mum is possibly caused by stronger friction, as the reinforce-
ment plies are not cutted anymore, but pressed out by the
tool tip. Because the temperatures were not directly measured
By Klaus Weinert* and Christoph Kempmann at the cutting edge, it can be assumed, that the temperatures
are much higher there. It is also important, that the tempera-
In many cases machining of fiber reinforced polymer tures are at unexpected high levels, which can be rated as cru-
materials is performed without cooling lubricant, since the cial for the machining of plastics. Furthermore, increasing the
coolant can lead to swelling of the polymer as well as induc- feed changes the course of the temperature progression
ing chemical reactions with certain functional groups of the (Fig. 1, right). While a definitely progressive rising of the tool
macro molecules. This effect can lead to shape and accuracy temperature is observed at lower feed rates, a nearly constant
errors not only of the drilled hole but also of the entire work temperature course is evident when elevated feed rates are
piece, since a spreading of coolant can not be completely set. In the presented case there can even be observed a sligth
avoided. The latter effect causes a weakening of the compos- sinking of the temperatures. From a theoretical viewpoint, at
ite material by reducing the material strength, which is a low feed rate the overall contact length of the drilling tool is
result of lower adhesive forces within the polymer material particular higher, hence more friction takes place between the
and between polymer and fiber. In contrast, dry machinining cutting edge and the workpiece material. At the same time
offers the risk of a thermal damage induced by high process the minor thickness of cut leads to a lower energy transforma-
temperatures.[1±3] Especially, the thermo physical properties tion. When drilling is carried out with the threefold feed rate
of fiber reinforced polymers causes high temperatures at the (Fig. 1, right), it can be considered, that a balance exists
tool tip, when machined. The thermal conductivity as well as between temperature generation and heat removal. The pro-
the heat capacity is rather low compared to metal matrix gression of the temperature course gives no information
materials, hence the energy balance between tool and work- about the amount of energy, which is converted when dril-
piece is disturbed. Furthermore, the thermal expansion coeffi- ling. But the temperature progression points out, wether a
cient is also low, which causes accuracy errors when machin- heat flux balance exists or not. In the case of increasing tool
ing. Another reason which must be considered is the fact, temperatures during drilling there is no heat flux balance,
that especially thermoplastic polymers have a glass transition since still heat is generated by which the tool is loaded. In the
temperature ranging from 150±250 C. This means, that heat case of a constant course a balance exists. Hence, the amount
formation during the drilling process leads to plastifying of of generated heat equals the amount of heat, which is dissi-
the polymer matrix. In the presented research work, the tem- pated by the worpiece, chips and environment.
peratures which are generated when drilling fiber reinforced Figure 2 exhibits the dependency of cutting speed and
plastics are measured and the dependency of cutting parame- feed rate on the average tool temperatures. In order to avoid
ters is discused. Furthermore, some general aspects are out- errors by hot spots or by the up-heating the average tool tem-
lined including damages, tool wear and cutting forces, which perature was calculated from the temperature progression be-
can be attributed to the process temperatures and thermal tween a drilling depth of 3 mm to 17 mm. The results indi-
overloads. cate, that the average tool temperature rises with both
Tool Temperatures: Within the presented work an initial increasing cutting speeds and feed rates, which is basically
approach was undertaken for measuring the cutting tempera- caused by the higher conversion of energy. In both cases
tures at the tool tip, in order to estimate the thermal load increasing cutting conditions means a higher energy transfor-
when drilling fiber reinforced polymers. In Figure 1 (left) the mation and hence also a higher dissipation of mechanical
feed force is shown as well as the tool temperature, which energy into heat. Increasing the cutting speed at constant feed
levels involves more heat generation by friction processes. In
contrast, higher feed rates result in a shorter contact length of
the cutting edge. From this point of view less friction of the
± claerance face as well as the minor cutting edges should pre-
[*] Prof. K. Weinert, Dr. C. Kempmann vail, which actually should lead to a minor degree of heat
Institut für Spanende Fertigung, ISF developement. But here it is expected, that the thickness of
Universität Dortmund cut is substancially higher thus causing higher energy trans-
Baroper Str. 301, D-44227 Dortmund formation within the shear zone. In this way the effect of less
E-mail: weinert@isf.de friction is compensated by shearing process in the material.

684  2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/adem.200400025 ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2004, 6, No. 8
Weinert, Kempmann/Machining Behaviour in Drilling Reinforced Plastic Composites

Fig. 1. Tool temperature when drilling fiber reinforced CFRP.

Fig. 2. Influence of the cutting parameters on tool temperature.

Influence of Cutting Temperatures on the Process Behaviour and minor degree, so that the thermal load of the tool is much
Machining Quality: The measurement of tool temperature higher than the load of the machined composite material. The
indicates, that the generated heat during drilling could affect thermal load related to the energy conversion of the machin-
the process behaviour as well as the machining quality. In the ing process leads to a radial expansion of the drilling tool and
following, several studies are presented exhibiting the influ- hence also causes an expansion of the bore diameter. During
ence of temperatures on the drilling process.
First of all the influence on the bore diameter
accuracy was examined. During investigat-
ing the bore diameter accuracies after dril-
ling with different tool types by applying
different cutting conditions a characteristic
spreading pattern was observed. Figure 3 il-
lustrates the characteristical development of
diameter values when several bore holes are
drilled one after another. In the case dis-
cussed here, at first three bore holes were
machined and afterwards thirteen without
interruption. Afterwards, breaks were neces-
sary to measure the tool wear. It is notable,
that the measured diameters increase con-
tinuously. This effect can be related to the
heating of the tool initiated by the rising
number of bore holes. Because of its thermo-
physical properties carbon fiber reinforced
plastics absorb the generated heat only by a Fig. 3. Diameter variation as a result of tool heating and tool wear.

ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2004, 6, No. 8 http://www.aem-journal.de  2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 685
Weinert, Kempmann/Machining Behaviour in Drilling Reinforced Plastic Composites

the machining break, the applied tool cools down and re- increases continuously, while drilling thermosetting plastics

covers the nominal diameter. Moreover, the bore diameter exhibits a constant course. While the feed force rises when
decreases from interval to interval, which is a result of wear the material becomes ductile and inclines to plasticise, the
appearance at the minor cutting edges and thus a reduction softening of the material causes an increasing drilling torque.
of the nominal drill diameter occurs. The tests exhibit, that di- Generally, elevated drilling torques result from ductile mate-
mensional faults and form errors caused by heat appear, if rial properties. The risen friction of the minor cutting edges
several drill holes are machined in direct progression. also contributes to the drilling torque.
Furthermore, the experiments were carried out at the same This theory is evident, if the drilling test were carried out
cutting conditions without interruption after a certain num- by the use of lubricant. Thus, Figure 5 confirms, that the
ber of drilled holes. In this case, the typical saw tooth progres- decreasing feed force is caused by thermal effects. Here, the
sion of bore diameters is not observed. Moreover, the same use of emulsion as coolant was tested under equal machining
experiments were also conducted with lubricant. The results conditions. It is notable, that on the one hand the cutting force
confirm, that the use of lubricant shows only a statistical is much higher when emulsion is used and on the other hand
spreading of bore diameters. the described dropping of the cutting force does not appear
Further tests point out, that thermal effects not only inter- when the cutting edge is fully engaged. The feed force depicts
fere with the dimensional accuracy, but also can change the a constant progression. The cooling effect prevents a soften-
mechanisms at the cutting edge. Figure 4 depicts the mea- ing respectively plasticising of the polymer, so that the brittle
sured forces during the drilling process, when machining properties of the PEEK-material appear. The higher cutting
reinforced plastics with a thermoplastic matrix. For metal forces in case of using emulsion point out, that the material
materials or thermosetting plastics progressions at an almost does not soften and thus opposes a higher mechanical resis-
constant level exist for the feed force and drilling torque, after tance to the major cutting edge and especially to the chisel
the drill tip is fully engaged. Contrary, the feed force abnor- edge.
mally decreases and the drilling torque rises, depending on The use of coolant also indicates a positive effect on tool
the conditions of the process when thermoplastics are ma- wear.[4,5] Figure 6 exhibits the influence of coolant on the tool
chined. In this connection, the appearing thermal effects are wear. In this case, an uncoated cemented carbide drill of the
the reason for that. The glass transition temperature of ther- application group K10/20 with an internal coolant supply
moplastic polymers is far below the temperature of the melt- was applied. The machined material was a glass fiber fabrics
ing point respectively the decomposition temperature of the reinforced epoxy resin with a fiber fraction of about 70 %.
polymer. At the glass transition temperature the polymer Here it becomes clear, that even after a very short operating
starts to flow ductile. Under this circumstances the feed force time without coolant heavy wear occures. In contrast to this,
decreases, since the material flows around the chisel edge, at the tool wear is significantly lower when machining with
which a major amount of the feed force is transmitted. Here, emulsion as coolant.
the feed force decreases about 100 N, which is equal to a third Because of the fact, that emulsion was used, it can be con-
of the measured forces. In contrast to this, the drilling torque cluded, that the cooling effect is more important for the wear
reduction than the decreased friction. The usage of
coolant prevents, that the cemented carbides, which
are embedded in the cobalt binder phase, of the tool
is released by aditional temperature effects.
Machining of fiber reinforced plastics in many
cases leads to machining defects such as delamina-
tions, fiber cracks or fiber bundle pull-outs.[6±8]
Furthermore, the occuring temperatures when ma-
chining fiber reinforced plastics do not only cause
high tool wear, but also affect the machined work-
piece peripheral zone. The polymer matrix reacts
very sensitively, according to its chemical proper-
ties, to thermal influences already in a small tem-
perature range. Hence, a damage of the peripheral
zone must be expected. Figure 7 points out, that by
specificly selected cutting conditions burnings ap-
pear on the edge of the bore, which indicates pyrol-
ysis or decomposition of the polymer matrix. Be-
cause of the poor heat conductivity attributed to the
matrix material and even the glass fiber, the gener-
Fig. 4. Decrease of feed force and increase of drilling torque when machining thermoplastic materials ated heat is concentrated at the surface of the bore
as a result of tool heating.

686  2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim http://www.aem-journal.de ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2004, 6, No. 8
Weinert, Kempmann/Machining Behaviour in Drilling Reinforced Plastic Composites

Fig. 5. Influence of coolant on the machining forces.

Fig. 6. Comparing the tool wear with and without usage of coolant.

Fig. 7. Pyrolysis on the edge of the bore hole caused by overheating.

edge. The process conditions also have an obvious effect on The penetration depth of thermal influences is also an
the occurance of burnings. On the one hand low feed rates important factor, but very hard to detect. Figure 8 displays
and on the other hand high cutting speeds cause an overheat- the visualized microstructure in the peripheral zone of a
ing of the workpiece peripheral zone. Moreover, a depen- machined specimen constituted from carbon fiber fabrics
dency of the wear conditions on the tools cutting edge was reinforced plastics. The deformation of fibers in the peripher-
detected. When drilling with heavily worn tools the burnings al zone in a distance of 85 lm is apparent. This deflection
shown in Figure 7 appear. Furthermore, there are indications, occurs only when materials with a thermoplastic matrix are
that little rake angles promote the appearance of the de- machined, in which the direction of the fibers indicates the
scribed burns. cutting direction of the process. The cause of this occurence is

ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2004, 6, No. 8 http://www.aem-journal.de  2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 687
Weinert, Kempmann/Machining Behaviour in Drilling Reinforced Plastic Composites

tion of the tool temperatures. Considering economical cutting


conditions it must be noted, that the heat load involves ma-

chining defects.
Furthermore, the investigations point out the way cutting
temperatures affect the machining quality and machining de-
fects. Constant heating of the tool when several drill holes are
machined consecutively, results in significant expansion of
the nominal bore diameter. Moreover, an effect to be attribut-
ed to heat generation is observed, which becomes apparent in
the cutting force progressions. Here, an unusual decreasing
of the feed forces can be recognized due to the plastification
of the matrix polymer. Utilizing lubrication the described
Fig. 8. Deflection of fiber bundles in the peripheral zone as a result of a softening of the force decay is missing. Furthermore, besides friction and
other effects tool wear is supported by cutting temperatures.
Burnings at the bore edge indicates that the process tempera-
tures can moreover lead to pyrolysis and decomposition of
a bending of the fibers to be pushed away by the cutting edge the polymer material. Melting of thermoplastic matrices like
before the real cutting takes place. The reason for this deflec- poly ether ether ketone or poly ether imide respectively can
tion is a plastification of the matrix material. The penetration be recognized by deflected fiber bundles after visualizing the
depth of heat can be recognized by this zone indicating the microstructure within the bore edge.
depth of softened material. According to the cutting condi-
tions this zone can reach deeper into the specimen. Because
of the fact that the used PEEK-material has a glass transition Experimental
temperature of 143 C, the temperature in the edge of the bore
hole must have exceeded this value. There are no visible de- The temperature measurement were conducted at the clearance face of the
drilling tool. Therefore, three nickel-chromium-nickel thermocouples were
flections of fibers in the peripheral zone, when materials with placed on the claerance face shortly beyond the cutting edge of a standard dril-
a thermosetting matrix are machined. In this case only fiber ling tool. The thermocouples were led through the cooling supply bore of the
cracks occur. tool. Before measuring the tool temperatures the thermo couples were calibrat-
ed by contacting the prepared tool to a heated steel sample with predifened
Conclusions: The presented work aims at basic examina- temperatures. For technical reasons, it was necessary to perform the tempera-
tions of temperature measurements in drilling fiber rein- ture test with a fixed tool and a rotating composite specimen. The so-called
inverted drilling kinematic is displayed in Figure 9.
forced composite materials. Furthermore, machining defects For the experiments carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin were used contain-
which occur as a result of excessive cutting temperatures ing woven layers with a fabric of the twill type 2”2. The average fiber volume
were presented. For a coarse evaluation of the cutting temper- fraction is specified as 70 percentage. The tool temperatures were recorded
when drilling cylindric specimens. The specimens had an outer diameter of
atures an initial approach was chosen wherby the overall tool 20 mm, which were previously prepared by turning. Here, through borings
temperatures were measured. Here, several types of compos- were produced during temperature analysis with a drill depth of 25 mm. The
ite materials were machined. Within the
drilling tests fiber fabric reinforced as
well as short fiber reinforced plastic were
examined. There were also regarded ma-
terials with both duroplastic and thermo-
plastic matrices.
The research work indicates, that the
tool temperatures measured were con-
siderable high. In this context it should
be assumed, that the temperatures at the
cutting edge are probably higher, since
heat flow and instationary prosseses
superimpose the measured values. With
respect to the thermo physical and chem-
ical properties of polymer materials
damages to be expressed by melting, de-
composing or pyrolysis should be con-
sidered. Depending on the cutting condi-
tions the tool temperatures reach from
200 ± 350 C. Both increased cutting
speeds and feed rates leads to an eleva- Fig. 9. Experimental setup for temperature measurements.

688  2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim http://www.aem-journal.de ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2004, 6, No. 8
cutting proceeded perpendicular to the carbon fiber fabrics using a cemented the processing parameters[4±7] and influencing significantly

carbide drilling tool. The analysis of the tool temperatures were conducted by
varying the cutting parameters.
the in-service properties of coatings.[8]
The effects of process temperatures on the machining results and on the cut- Several techniques are implemented to follow these char-
ting process itself were studied. In this connection, several non-reinforced and acteristics during spraying and most of them belong to feed-
reinforced polymer materials such as poly ether ether ketone and epoxy resin
were machined. In addition, glass fiber reinforced as well as carbon short fiber back models controlling the regularity of the coating indus-
reinforced composites have been examined. trial manufacture.[9±11] Unfortunately, this control deals with
average characteristics and do not take into account the effect
Received: March 04, 2004 of process parameters on particle characteristic distributions.
Final version: May 11, 2005 In such a way, this paper aimed at studying the effect of APS
(Atmospheric Plasma Spraying) process parameters on the
± shape of velocity and temperature distributions in the case of
[1] W.-C. Chen, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact. 1997, 37, 1097.
alumina-titania in-flight particles.
[2] W. König, P. Graû, Annals of the CIRP 1989, 38, 119.
Energetic parameters were extensively studied but not
[3] H. Takeyama, N. Iijima, Annals of the CIRP 1988, 37, 93.
injection parameters.[3±7] In this paper, the role of injection
[4] K. Weinert, C. Kempmann, Production Engineering 2003,
parameters is pointed out through the consideration of 3
10 (2), 64.
parameters whereas energetic parameters were fixed to arbi-
[5] S. C. Lin, I. K. Chen, Wear 1996, 194, 156.
trary values called reference condition.
[6] E. Brinksmeier, R. Jannsen, Annals of the CIRP 2002, 51,
Results and discussion: In-flight particle characteristic distri-
butions were approximated using a Gaussian function of the
[7] N. Bhatnagar, N. Ramakrishnan, N. K. Naik, R. Koman-
form (Fig. 2):
duri, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact. 1995, 35, 701.
[8] M. S. Won, C. K. H. Dharan, Transactions of the ASME 2
A … x x †
2002, 124, 778. y ˆ y0 ‡ p exp 2 c (1)
w p=2 w2

where y is a frequency associated to a given x characteristic

Effect of Injection Parameters on value. y0 represents a reference frequency. A is the area under
the curve. xc is the centre of the distribution and w is its
Velocity and Temperature width.

Distributions of Alumina-Titania Eq. 1 is believed to represent intrinsic in-flight particle

characteristics because mainly of the fact that powder particle
In-Flight Particles in Atmospheric size exhibits generally a Gaussian variation around mean val-
ue cumulated to the fact that particle velocity and tempera-
Plasma Spraying ture are dependent on particle diameter.[6]
Correlation factor associated with particle velocity was the
highest compared to particle diameter and temperature
By Sofiane Guessasma*, Ghislain Montavon, (Tab. 2). Thus, particle velocity profiles are best described by
Christian Coddet Eq. 1. The low correlation factor associated to particle diame-
ter is attributed to sensitivity of particle emissive intensity to
Thermal spraying process is a technological process for the square of particle size.[12] In the case of particle tempera-
coating manufacturing implementing a wide variety of mate- ture, the relative low correlation factor is explained by a limit-
rials and processes.[1,2] The coating quality control of such ing phenomenon corresponding to particle evaporation.
technique generally considers the monitoring of the molten According to Figure 2b, the centre of temperature distribu-
feedstock particle characteristics (i.e., velocity and tempera- tion was at 2558 C, which is near alumina evaporation
ture) before their impingement onto the work piece to be temperature at equilibrium conditions (2493 C). Particle
covered.[3] These characteristics are intimately related to the temperature profile can be thus best approximated by a half-
particle semi-molten state and proved to be very sensitive to Gaussian shape when particle temperature exceeds material
evaporation temperatures.
The effect of process parameters considered in this study
are evaluated considering mean and standard deviation asso-
± ciated to each condition (Tab. 3). These parameters are the
[*] Dr. S. Guessasma*, Dr. G. Montavon, Prof. C. Coddet main quantifiers associated to particle characteristic distribu-
Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les MatØriaux, tions.
les ProcØdØs et les Surfaces (LERMPS) In the case of Figure 2 corresponding to a reference condi-
UniversitØ de Technologie de Belfort-MontbØliard (UTBM) tion, the mean values for in-flight particle velocity, tempera-
Site de SØvenans, 90 010 Belfort Cedex, France ture and diameter were 269 m.s±1, 2474 C and 39 lm, respec-
E-mail: sofiane.guessasma@utbm.fr tively. The relative spread with respect to mean characteristic

ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2004, 6, No. 8 DOI: 10.1002/adem.200300584  2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 689

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