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CA Doc IV-H - First Grade/ Nile Yohay/ Room 214

Health/Learning Empathy

1. Materials:

- Emotions Work Sheet

- Dry Erase Board

- Smart Board

- Sharpened Pencils

- Sesame Street Video Mark Ruffalo + Murray on Empathy

- Sesame Street Video Robin Williams and Two-Headed Monster on Conflict

- Sharing Bear

- Crayons

2. Pre-assessment

- Earlier in the semester the students were given a lesson on bullying. They were
given an additional lesson in the form of a school-wide assembly on bullying. In
these lessons the students were taught strategies on how to deal with bullying
and the signs that might mean that the students themselves were participating in
behavior that might be construed as bullying behavior.

- These lessons had little to no effect on the student’s willingness to bully one
another. Instead it had an effect on how tactfully they bullied one another. Being
aware of what teachers considered bullying the students suddenly knew how to
hide their bullying behavior and how to use the teacher’s perceived symptoms of
bullying against one another. Specifically the students began telling on one
another as a defense against the accusation of bullying and as an bullying
offensive. The students began trying to get each other in trouble and taking even
the slightest of physical contacts as an assault and immediately informing
teachers. They’re strategies for dealing with bullies became a larger issue than
the bullying was prior to the lessons. I created this lesson as a companion to the
previous bullying lesson. I believe that the students lack social trust and
development within their classroom.

3. Standards: Comprehension and Collaboration:

- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.1.1
Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1
topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.1.1.a
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care,
speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).

- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.1.1.b
Build on others' talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others
through multiple exchanges.

- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.1.1.c
Ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under

4. Objectives

- Complete emotions assessment worksheet

- Review what bullying means

- Learn what empathy means

- Practice showing empathy

5. Assessment

- Mid-Lesson

- I will use formative assessment when I have the students start the lesson by
filling out a worksheet on emotion. The work sheet has six blank faces and
underneath each face there is the name of a feeling or an emotion. The students
will be required to draw/color in the face to the corresponding emotions listed
underneath. I will walk around the room and observe while they complete this

- Because the topic of empathy may be a difficult idea for the students to grasp
immediately, and because this will be the student’s first time participating in a
share of this style, I will assess and correct student participation as we go along
during our share.

- End of Lesson:

6. I will be using summative assessment regarding their ability to show empathy

during our share. I will have a checklist with each student’s name listed on it. I will
give the student a number rating based on their ability to follow directions during
the share as well as the respect that they display for their classmates.

7. Differentiation

- Process: After the lesson and before the start of their task I will talk to the class
so that they understand what they are being asked to do. It is a new experience
for them and I will require that they are able to repeat the directions of the share.

8. Product:
- I will give the entire class a level of leeway considering that this will be a new
experience. I will not dock points for giggling or shyness or any other kind of
natural hindrance to an ideal and comfortable atmosphere. For my students who
are known to have ADHD or I have noticed to have trouble sitting still in
environments such as these, I will give additional leeway and consideration
while grading.

- For students who are too shy to share I will give them the option of writing how
they feel or saying how they feel privately to myself or one of the other teachers
in the classroom.


- Good afternoon class. Today we are going to have a very special lesson on
feelings. I was looking over many of the worksheets that you did right before you
came to the rug and I could really tell that you have a very good understanding of
many of the different feelings. Today’s lesson is about feelings and it’s also about
the best ways to treat each other.

- Last week when I told you that we would be doing a health lesson today you
asked ‘what kind of health’ and I said we would talk about ways to make our
classroom healthier. So we’re going to work on ways to it so that we all feel more
comfortable in class.

- At first we were supposed to do a lesson on bullying together, but I noticed that

you are all really knowledgeable about what bullying looks like and what to do if
you get bullied. Let’s review a few examples of bullying: Raise your hand and
give me an example of what it means to bully.

- Hitting, saying bad words, telling secrets, talking bad about people, etc

- You all know all of the different kinds of bullying. Now tell me what you would do
if you felt like you were being bullied or if you saw somebody else getting bullied.
- :They would tell the teacher:

- That’s great and it is the right thing to do. I’ve noticed that several times a day
this class tells the teacher that there is a lot of bullying going on. Bullying is very
serious and it is a teacher’s job to take it seriously if one of our students feels
that they are being bullied. But it did make me wonder ‘I think my class is full of
really bright and wonderful students. How could there be THAT much bullying
going on? But they’re such great kids.’

- Class I’m going to have you watch a fun video on the word ‘Conflict’. Conflict is
another way to say an argument or a fight or a disagreement.

- :Play Robin Williams Sesame street Video on conflict.:

- Class, who can tell me in their own words what a conflict is.

- Raise your hand if you can name a time when you might have told on a classmate
for bullying you when it wasn’t REALLY a conflict and maybe it was an accident.

- Now raise your hand if you have ever gotten in trouble for something that you
really didn’t mean to do.

- I’ve actually seen that. I’ve seen students bump into other students online
accidentally. I’ve seen students accidentally step on each other’s shoes. I’ve seen
students accidentally knock each other’s things down. Each time the person who
got hit or had their things knocked over told the teacher that they were getting
bullied. It’s not wrong to tell the teacher when you are getting bullied, but
hopefully we think about whether or not the person was trying to do something
to us or not. And if we accidentally hurt somebody then we need to remember to
do the right thing and try to make them feel better by apologizing. It’s important
to show eachother that we care about eachother’s feelings.
- Just like sesame street we are going to have a word of the day. The word is
EMPATHY. :Write it on the dry erase board and sound it out: EM-PA-THY.

- Empathy is when you are able to relate to somebody elses feelings. It means that
you understand how somebody else feels because you have been through it
before or you could imagine what it must feel like. It’s such an important word.

- Raise your hand if you have ever seen some body upset and you tried to comfort
them? You did that because you recognized them as upset and you knew what
makes you feel better when you are upset, so you tried to make them feel better.
Have you ever had a relative in a bad mood and you changed the way you acted
to make things easier for them? You showed empathy. Let’s watch a second
sesame street video.

- :Play video of Murray and Mark Ruffalo talk about empathy.:

- That was really a great example of what somebody who felt empathy would say
“Oh I know exactly how you feel!”

- For the last part of our lesson today we are going to do something very special.
Let’s all sit in a giant circle. The rules of our share are that you are not allowed to
call out and you can’t share unless you have the Share-Bear in your hands. We are
going to go in a circle. The first person will say a feeling that they have felt
recently and why. The next student will say “I can empathize with that feeling’
and describe a time when they felt that way too. Then that student will introduce
a new feeling or a new reason why they felt it. Let’s review the rules again.
- 1. No calling out.

2. You aren’t allowed to speak unless you have the Share-Bear

3. You share a feeling and why you’ve felt it recently

4. Before you go you respond to the feeling that was shared before you by saying
“I can empathize because.. and you give an example of when you felt like that too.

5. Then you introduce a new feeling.

6. The most important rule of all is to show respect to your classmates.

I will start the circle by saying’ Today I am happy because I get to teach this class
and it is one of my favorite things to do.’

:Around the class:

9. Development Activities/Steps

- Understanding/Application: Comprehending a word and being able to apply

usage of a word to real life situations.

- Understanding: I asked the class to repeat what they had previously learned
about bullying.

- Understanding: being able to recall feelings and translate those feelings into
drawings on a page.

- These discussion questions are appropriately challenging given the students

expected level on the Bloom’s Taxonomy chart. The children are at the age where
they are expected to begin moving beyond mere repetition of ideas, but proving
that they understand the ideas. There is a moderate level of application of an
idea when the students are able to practice using empathy in real life situations.


- Class you all did an amazing job of really listening to one another. You showed
great empathy in the way you related to each other’s feelings. I hope that the next
time a student accidentally bumps into another student that one student thinks
“I know what it feels like to be bumped in to so the right thing to do would be to
apologize” and I hope the other student thinks “I don’t think he meant to do it
and I know what it feels like to be blamed for something I didn’t mean to do”. As
you move up to second grade together I hope that you all are as good to one
another as you possibly can be. I hope you are able to show empathy and caring
because you will have an even better classroom if you do.

11. Cultural Linguistic Diversity

Though the class has six students who are classifies as ELL none of those students
are at a level where they require specific language differentiation for individual

12. Sources Cited: http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/SL/1/

13.Alternative Activities

- Students that choose not to share may take notes and write down at least 3
feelings of their classmates and the classmate who shared them. They are still
fully expected to pay attention and show their classmate as much respect as

14.Co-Teaching and Collaboration

- Along with myself, there will be two certified teachers in the classroom during
my lesson. My cooperating teacher, Mrs. McMullen, will work independently with
my study group while they attempt to complete the task. A substitute teacher,
Mrs. S, who has been assigned to my classroom for the remainder of the school
year, will also work with students who require additional instruction.

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