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A1 scap/bis/tris activations
***as many reps as needed

B1 single-arm preacher – 8-12 reps

B2 cable cross tri-ex – 8-12 reps
1 set, 90 seconds rest before top set

C1 seated cable “incline” curls – 8-12 reps

C2 seated overhead cable cross tri-ex – 8-12 reps
1 set, 90 seconds rest before top set


BFR (occlusion) superset 30, 30 – 30 sec rest – 15, 15

****all sets listed are WORKING. Always take as many sets as needed to warm up.

A1 multi-direction ankle and rooting (card/coin/band under ball of foot)

B1 TVA contractions

C1 overhead core bracing

D1 banded rec fem extensions

E1 banded bridges (with bracing)

F1 banded frog thruster bridges

G1 VMO step ups

H1 front foot elevated split squat

I1 top half leg extensions

***every exercise 3-6 reps, 3-5 second holds, looking for “quality” contractions. Every exercise
for 1-3 sets, depending on current training spot.

Then proceed based on current situation:

If fkd-
BFR quads wrapped at a 7/10 use knee wraps if no BRF straps (leg X or BW squats) – 30, 15, 15, 15 reps, 30
seconds rest between sets (LIGHT, non-taxing load)

If in between-
Whatever ONE quad movement you can tolerate completely pain free (may just be in a specific ROM).
Then build ONE, working set, and/or ONE exercise up per session. If you’re recovering.
If smash-ready (if above is just activation)-
Smash away


A1 scap retractions

B1 scap retraction/depression rows

C1 trap 3

D1 abducted rows

E1 abducuted external rotation

F1 Cuban press

G1 seated adducted internal/external rotation with protraction/retraction H1 incline press retractions

I1 pec upper arm adduction

J1 pec upper arm adduction w/ protraction

K1 triceps extensions

L1 biceps flexions

M1 core reaches

N1 core reaches w/ draw-in

O1 TVA activations

*****most will be 3-5 repetitions, but do as many as needed until you produce quality contractions


***every exercise, when in the fully contracted position, hold for 5 seconds. You want to feel a
“quality contraction”, not an exhausting or fatiguing feeling. Really feel the muscle that is getting
you there and focus on that contracting. Don’t just try and get to some arbitrary position. Repeat
each one for 3-5 reps total, both sides.

A1 prone TVA draw-ins

***Start by making sure low back is flat on the ground, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Exhale
aggressively and pull the bellybutton in towards the floor as far as you can. Hold position for 5

B1 “reach” draw-ins
***Legs straight and on the ground, arms straight overhead. Feel like you are reaching your
heels and hands as far apart as possible to opposite walls. Once they are reached as far as you
can go, exhale aggressively, and feel everything around your midsection pull in tight. (Not just
belly button, but obliques and abs as well, like the feeling of an imaginary weight belt pulling
your midsection in tight from all directions). Hold position for 5 seconds.
C1 hip flexed, knee extensions
****First brace the hips with your abs and keep them still. Then flex at your hip (thigh towards
chest) with your knee bent. Pull your thigh past 90 degrees. Hold upper leg/thigh still, then
extend at the knee as far as you can without thigh moving. (Have your thigh flexed far enough
that you can’t fully straighten your knee). Lightly press into your shin with your hand (2-3lbs of
pressure, just to feel a slightly stronger contraction). Hold position for 5 seconds.

D1 knee bent hip flexion

***First brace the hips with your abs and keep them still. Then bend the knee, and flex at the hip
as far as you can, aiming outside of your body. (Like you’re trying to touch your knee outside
your shoulder). Lightly press into the top of your thigh with your hand (2-3lbs of pressure, just to
feel a slightly stronger contraction). Hold position for 5 seconds.

F1 frog bridges
***First brace the hips and lower back with your abs and keep them still. Do not let your spine
move, do not let your low back extend. Put the bottom of your feet, (heels most importantly)
together and pull them as close to your body as you can. Squeeze Your glutes and abs HARD,
and drive your heels together as you raise your hips up. Hold position squeezing abs and glutes
hard for 5 seconds.

G1 kneeling oblique rotations

****Sit your butt on your heels (or hams on calves). Cross arms. Flex (crunch) the spine
slightly. Keeping your hips still rotate as far as possible, and when you’re at the end of the
range, exhale hard and try and rotate even further. Hold for 5 seconds.


A1 overhead reaches

B1 overhead reaches with draw in breathing and TVA activation C1 knee ups

D1 knee ups with abduction

E1 hip flexed leg extensions

F1 glute raise

G1 abducuted/external rotated glute raise

H1 bent knee internal/external rotation

I1 Wall rotations

J1 single leg leg ex (with light hip ex)

K1 seated calf raise AT contractions

L1 “check list” squat rehearsal set

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