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Force Vectors- Learning Outcomes

• Learn how to add forces and resolve them into

components using Parallelogram Law
• Express force and position in Cartesian Vector form and
understand how to determine the vector’s magnitude
and direction
• Understand the concept of dot product to use it find the
angle between two vectors or to find the projection of
one vector onto another
Two ways to express vectors

1. Scalar Vector Notation

Magnitude of x and y components
Fx  F cos  and Fy  F sin  
Handy for 2D situations

2. Cartesian Vector Notation

– Cartesian unit vectors i and j are used to designate
the x and y directions
– Unit vectors i and j have magnitude of unity ( = 1 )

F = Fx i + Fy j
Handy for 3D situations
2.1 Scalars and Vectors

 Scalar
• A quantity characterized by a positive or negative

• A quantity with no directional character

e.g. Mass, volume and temperature (anything else?)

• Indicated by letters in italic such as “b” instead of “b”

2.1 Scalars and Vectors

 Vector
• A quantity that has magnitude and direction
e.g. Position, force, moment
• Represent by a letter 1with an
Expression arrow over
Expression 2 it, Visual
(in writing) (((in printed form) expression
• Magnitude
Representation is designated
 as A
A A An arrow
• In this subject, vector is presented as A in bold font
Magnitude  The length of
and its magnitudeA (positive quantity)
A as A
2.2 Vector Operations

 Multiplication and Division of a Vector by a Scalar

– Product of vector A and scalar a = aA
– Magnitude = aA , direction of aA = same as A
– Law of multiplication applies e.g. A/a = ( 1/a ) A, a≠0
2.2 Vector Operations

 Vector Addition
- Addition of two vectors A and B gives
a resultant vector R by the parallelogram law
- Result R can be found by triangle construction
- Commutative e.g. R = A + B = B + A
- Special case: Vectors A and B are collinear (both
have the same line of action)
2.2 Vector Operations

• Vector Subtraction
- Special case of addition
e.g. R’ = A – B = A + ( - B )
- Rules of Vector Addition Applies
2.3 Vector Addition of Forces

Finding a “Resultant Force”

• Parallelogram law is carried out to find the resultant

• Resultant,
FR = ( F1 + F2 )
2.3 Vector Addition of Forces

Procedure for Force Analysis: step 1

1. Parallelogram Law (graphical expression)
– Make a sketch using the parallelogram law
– 2 components forces add to form the resultant force
– Resultant force is shown by the diagonal of the
– The components are shown by the sides of the
2.3 Vector Addition of Forces

Procedure for Force Analysis: step 2

2. Trigonometry (calculation of magnitude)
• Redraw half portion of the parallelogram
• Magnitude of the resultant force (blue arrow) can be
determined by the law of cosines
• Direction of the resultant force can be determined
by the law of sines
Example 1

The screw eye is subjected to two forces, F1 and F2.

Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant
F2 = 6 kN

General Procedure for Analysis

1. Define coordinate system (x, y, z axes)

2. Draw diagrams (vectors, parallelogram, etc)
3. Analyse angles
4. Apply principles in mathematics forms
(cosine law, sine law)
– Dimensional homogeneity
– Significant figures
– Rounding off numbers
5. Evaluate the answer with technical judgment
and common sense

6 kN


45o x
45+60=105o 
Fig. b
8 kN
Cartesian coordinate system

• Cartesian coordinate system

A system that specifies spatial points uniquely
by a set of axes that are mutually perpendicular

René Descartes
Analytical geometry

In Latin: Renatus Cartesius

Cartesian coordinate system

• Right-Handed Coordinate System

A rectangular or Cartesian coordinate system is said
to be right-handed provided:
– Thumb of right hand points in the direction of the
positive z axis
– z-axis for the 2D problem would be perpendicular,
directed out of the page.
Addition of Coplanar Forces
(problems in 2 dimensions)

• Coplanar Force Resultants

i.e. all the vectors are on the same plane

Using parallelogram?
require to pair two vectors at a time !!

Using Cartesian vector notation

Step 1: Resolve force into x and y components (Scalar notation)
Step 2: Add the respective components using scalar algebra
(Cartesian vector notation)
Addition of Coplanar Forces (2D)

Step 1: Resolve force into x and y components

F1 = F1x i + F1y j F2 = F2x i + F2y j F3 = F3x i + F3y j

Step 2: Add the respective components using scalar algebra

FRx  F1x  F2 x  F3 x
FRy  F1 y  F2 y  F3 y

 Force resultant FR = FRx i + FRy j

Addition of Coplanar Forces (2D)

• Coplanar Force Resultants

– In all cases we have
FRx   Fx
FRy   Fy * Take note of sign conventions

– Magnitude of FR can be found by Pythagorean Theorem

FR  F  F ,   tan


Magnitude Direction
2.5 Cartesian Vectors in 3D

• Cartesian Vector
– Use unit vectors along x, y, and z
axes, i, j and k

– 3 components of A act in the

positive i, j and k directions
A = Axi + Ayj + Azk
2.5 Cartesian Vectors in 3D

• Magnitude of a Cartesian Vector

– From the colored triangle, A  A'2  Az2

– From the shaded triangle, A'  Ax2  Ay2

– Combining the equations

gives magnitude of A

A  Ax2  Ay2  Az2

2.5 Cartesian Vectors in 3D

• Direction of a Cartesian Vector

– Can be expressed in two ways

1) Using coordinate “direction angles” α, β and γ

2) Using a “unit vector” in the direction of A

2.5 Cartesian Vectors in 3D

• Direction of a Cartesian Vector (1)

– Orientation of A is defined as the
“coordinate direction angles” α, β and γ
measured between the tail of A and the
positive x, y and z axes

– The “direction cosines” of A are

Ax Ay Az
cos   cos   cos  

Ax Angles α, β and γ can be determined by the inverse cosines
2.5 Cartesian Vectors in 3D

• Direction of a Cartesian Vector (2)

A = Axi + Ayj + AZk

then, the unit vector in the direction of A is

uA = A /A = (Ax/A)i + (Ay/A)j + (AZ/A)k

where A  Ax2  Ay2  Az2

2.5 Cartesian Vectors in 3D

• Direction of a Cartesian Vector … 2 ways to express

– uA can also be expressed as
uA = cosα i + cosβ j + cosγ k

– Since A  Ax
 Ay
 Az
and uA = 1, we have

cos   cos   cos   1

2 2 2

– A as expressed in Cartesian vector form is

A = A uA
= A·cosα i + A·cosβ j + A·cosγ k
= Axi + Ayj + AZk
Example problem 2

Observers on Earth at points O and A measure the

direction cosines of a Space Shuttle at B as

From point O: cos   0.360 cos   0.480 cos   0.800

From point A: cos   0.515 cos   0.606 cos   0.606

Take point O as the origin of the x,y,z coordinate.

If the coordinate of point A is (520, 640, 0) km,
What are the coordinates of the space shuttle?

Example problem 1

Overhead projector …
Key equations

• Direction of a Cartesian Vector … 2 ways to express

– uA can also be expressed as
uA = cosα i + cosβ j + cosγ k

– Since A  Ax2  Ay2  Az2 and uA = 1, we have

cos 2   cos 2   cos 2   1

– A as expressed in Cartesian vector form is
A = A ·uA
= A·cosα i + A·cosβ j + A·cosγ k
= Axi + Ayj + AZk
Example problem 3

Determine the magnitude and direction angles of the force

F2 so that the resultant of F1 and F2 is zero.
Example problem 2

Overhead projector …
1. Position Vectors
Position Vector
– Position vector r is defined as a fixed vector which
locates a point in space relative to another point.
– E.g. r = xi + yj + zk
1.1 Position Vectors … use 1 (relative position)

A position vector does not have to go through the “origin”

of the coordinate system


Position vector rAB : from point A to point B

Vector addition gives rA + rAB = rB
Solving this, the position vector can be expressed as
rAB = rB – rA
= (xB – xA)i + (yB – yA)j + (zB –zA)k
1.2 Position Vectors … use 2 (distance & direction)

Length and direction of cable AB can be found by defining

position vector rAB (from A towards B)

• Magnitude of vector rAB represent the length of cable

• Direction of vector rAB represent the direction of cable
(1) Coordinate direction A
angles, α, β and γ rAB

(2) Unit vector, uAB = rAB / rAB B

Position vector… use 3
(Force Vector Directed along a Line)

• In general 3D problems, force does not

necessarily go through the “origin” of
the coordinate system.
• In this situation, the direction of force F
is specified by 2 points (A & B), through
which its line of action lies.

The force vector F can be expressed using the position vector r

F = F u = F (r/r) where u is the unit vector in the direction of F

r is the position vector (AB)
Force Vector Directed along a Line

How to find the force vector F acting along the chain

• Find the magnitude of force F (normally given)
• Find the direction of force F
= find the position vector r of the chain

Step 1) Establish x, y, z axes

Step 2) Find the position vector of
the two ends of the chain
Step 3) calculate the position vector
r as a Cartesian vector
Step 4) calculate the unit vector
along the chain
Example 4

• Determine the
magnitude and
direction of the
resultant force acting
at the point A.

F = F u = F (r/r)
where u is the unit vector in the direction of F
r is the position vector (AB or AC)
Example 1

• Overhead projector …
2. Dot Product - definition

• Dot product of vectors A and B is written as A·B

(Read “A dot B”)
• Defined with the magnitudes of A and B and the angle
between their tails
A·B = AB cosθ where 0°≤ θ ≤180°
• Referred to as a scalar product of vectors, as the
result is a scalar
2. Dot Product - math

A·B = AB cosθ

• Laws of Operation
1. Commutative law
A·B = B·A
2. Multiplication by a scalar
a(A·B) = (aA)·B = A·(aB) = (A·B)a
3. Distribution law
A·(B + D) = (A·B) + (A·D)
2.1 Dot Product - applications
A·B = AB cosθ

1. The angle formed between two vectors or

intersecting lines.
θ = cos-1 [(A·B)/(AB)] 0°≤ θ ≤180°

2. The components of a vector parallel and

perpendicular to a line.
Aa = A cos θ = A·ua
where ua is the unit vector
of the line
 ua =1
2.2 Dot Product – Cartesian expression
A·B = AB cosθ

Dot product of 2 vectors

A = Axi + Ayj + Azk and B = Bxi + Byj + Bzk

A·B = AxBx + AyBy + AzBz

• Why so?
A·B = (Axi + Ayj + Azk) · (Bxi + Byj + Bzk)
= AxBxi·i + AxByi·j + AxBzi·k cos 90o  0
+ AyBxj·i + AyByj·j + AyBzj·k
cos 0o  1
+ AzBxk·i + AzByk·j + AzBzk·k
i·j = i·k= j·i = j·k = k·i = k·j=0, i·i = j·j= k·k=1
Example 5

• Find the magnitude of the

projected component of
the force acting along the
pipe. F = 400 [N].
Example 2

Overhead projector…

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