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(Graptophyllum pictum L.) AS ANTI HEMOROID

Dosen Pengampu : Umi Rachmawati, M.Pd

Disusun oleh :
Ageng Budi Wicaksono (17.0605.0019)


OF PURPLE LEAF EXTRACT (Graptophyllum pictum L.) AS

Purple leaves is a herbaceous plant, aged for years, with a height of about
2 m. This plant aerial and trunked trunked upright, woody, cylindrical, with a
greenish purple color, the inside is solid, has a slick surface and branching
simpodial (main stems not obvious) with a branch direction is upward sloping.
Purple Leaf single leaf plants, arranged facing each other (folia oposita), dark
purple, with 15-25cm long and 5-11 cm wide, with a thin leaf blade rigid, oval
with a pointed end and a tapered base (acuminatus), has flat edge, regrowth
pinnate (pinnate) and shiny surfaces (nitidus). While the compound interest and
emerge from the stem end (terminal). Fruit plants Purple Leaf true box-shaped
(capsule) and oval, brownish purple, while the shape of round white seeds.
Taproot of this plant only reaches three meters high and usually grows wild in the
countryside or planted as an ornamental plant. Purple leaves suitable to grow in
the low altitude 1250 meters above sea level. Purple Leaf Plants included in the
family Acanthaceae the species name Graptophylum pictum (L.) Griff (Edeoga,
Purple leaf extract containing non-toxic alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids,
saponins and tannins. Alkaloids are organic compounds of the largest natural
material amount in terms of both quantity and its distribution. Alkaloids can be
defined as a group of compounds that are alkaline (alkaline), because it contains a
nitrogen atom derived from plants and animals, the alkaloid in purple leaves have
the ability as an anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory) and as an analgesic
(reduce pain). One simple example is nikotina which can cause heart disease, lung
cancer, mouth cancer, high blood pressure and disorders of the pregnancy and the
fetus (Harborne, 2004).
Flavonoid compounds are compounds that are readily soluble in polar
solvents such as ethanol, butanol and acetone. Flavonoids largest group of
phenolic compounds, phenol compounds having effective properties of inhibiting
the growth of viruses, bacteria and fungi. Flavonoids work by protein denaturation.
This process also causes disturbances in the formation of cells that alters the
composition of the protein component. Disrupted cell membrane function that can
lead to increased cell permeability, followed by damage to the bacterial cell. Such
damage causes the death of the bacterial cell. Flavonoids function to maintain
normal growth, defense against the effects of infection and damage. When the
cytoplasmic membrane damage, H + ions from phenol and derivatives (flavonoids)
will attack the polar group (phosphate group) so that the phospholipid molecules
will break down into glycerol, carboxylic acid and phosphoric acid. This resulted
in the cytoplasmic membrane will leak and bacterial growth is inhibited or even
death of bacteria. Damage to the cytoplasmic membrane prevents the entry of
food ingredients or nutrients needed to produce energy (Mustarichie R., et al,
Hemorrhoids is a dilation and inflammation of the veins in the anal region
are derived from hemorrhoidalis plexus. Under or outside linea dentate widening
of veins under the skin (subcutaneously) is called external hemorrhoids. While the
above or within the dentate line, the widening of the vein under the mucosa
(submucosal) are called internal hemorrhoids. Clinical symptoms of hemorrhoids,
the blood in the anus, prolapse, anal discomfort (pruritus may anus), mucus,
secondary anemia, typical abnormalities visible on inspection, a typical picture on
anoscopy, or rektoskopi (Ulima, B, 2012).
Therapies used to treat hemorrhoids consisting of non-pharmacological
therapy and pharmacology. One pharmacological therapy is medication that can
improve defecation. Fibers that are laxatives can increase stool volume and
increases peristalsis, symptomatic medication can reduce the complaints of itching
and pain. The form of suppositories for internal hemorrhoids and external
hemorrhoids ointment for, medication to stop bleeding mixture of diosmin and
hesperidin, analgesics and stool softeners may be beneficial. Topical therapy with
nifedipine and lidocaine cream is more effective for pain relief than lidocaine
(Xylocaine). In patients with severe external hemorrhoids, treatment by excision
or incision and evacuation of thrombus within 72 hours of onset of symptoms is
more effective than conservative treatment (S Nugroho, 2014).
Non-pharmacological therapies that can be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids
one of them by utilizing the purple leaf extract (graptophylum pictum griff) where
some of whose organs have high medical value, from the roots, stems, leaves to
the fruit. Purple leaf extract could be expected to affect the healing of
hemorrhoids (Mubarak H, 2010).
One way in tackling the disease hemorrhoids is to use the extract of purple
leaves (graptophylum pictum griff) that can be used to overcome the disease of
hemorrhoids because of the contents of the womb purple leaves are alkaloids
nontoxic, flavonid, steroids, saponins, tannins that have the ability as an
anti-inflammatory and as well as an analgesic that has the property to soften the
stool, but does not cause diarrhea and lower the pain threshold value.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is known as opportunistic bacteria cause
nosocomial infections. The bacteria can infect humans and can cause skin
infections such as pus (Schlegel and Schmidt, 1994). Likewise Staphyloccoccus
aureus bacteria are bacteria that are responsible for 80% of illnesses that cause
infections in the skin surface as a natural habitat (Wistreich, 1999). Skin
infections and open wounds such as ulcers, burns, and postoperative wound
increases the likelihood of infection by bacteria and could result in systemic
infection (Wistreich, 1999).
To facilitate the use and obtain the desired properties, as well as mask the
bitterness, purple leaves (Graptophyllum pictum L.) can be made into a practical
preparations, namely effervescent granular preparation (Yasmin J, 2008). The
effervescent granules are selected for this dosage form has a pleasant taste, can
provide a refreshing effect, can mask the bitter taste of the active ingredient, and
easy to use (Allen, 2002). Effervescent granule contains a mixture of acid and
carbonate sections which, when put into water will emit CO2 (carbon dioxide).
Carbonated solution can mask the unwanted taste, suitable for products with the
taste bitter and salty (Khoerul A, 2010).
1. Material
Purple leaf extract (Graptophyllum pictum L.), bacteria (Staphylococcus
aureus) and bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Nutrient Agar and Nutrient Broth
Oxoid. Positive controls used were Oxoid 10 mg ampicillin disks and 500 mg
ampicillin tablets, methanol, aquadest, 96% ethanol, 70% ethanol obtained from
various chemicals. Sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, PVP, aspartame and lactose.
2. Tools
The tools used in this study were mealer machines, 61 mesh sieves, KIKA
WERKE RV06-ML rotary evaporator, JSSI300C shaker incubator, Venticell oven,
Mettler Toredo Al204 analytical scale, Hirayama hiclave HVE50 autoclave,
Laminar Air Flow ESCO, Panasonic Microwave, vortex 37600 Thermolyne
Mixer, UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Memmert incubator, microscope, test tube,
petridish, glassware set, mixer grinder (Orsatti Single Phase Motor), rotary
evaporator (Labor 4000-efficient), oven (Memmert), infusion pan, gas stove,
freeze dryer (Zirbus VacO 5-II-D), spatulas, refrigerators, analytical scales
(Adventure Ohaus), flow test equipment and stationary angle (Pharmeq),
incompressible density test equipment (TAP-28, Logan instrumens ), pH meter
(CP 502 Elmeiron), 100 mesh sieve (Pharmeq), mortar and stamper, vaporizer cup,
desiccator and Design Expert software Trial 10.0.6.

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