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NPM. 131244184




Submitted to the Faculty of Teachers Training and Educations Science University Muslim
Nusantara Al-Washliyah in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For English Language Education Study Program


NPM. 131244184




NAMA : Atika Aini

NPM : 131244184
JURUSAN : Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni
PROGRAM STUDI : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
JENJANG PENDIDKAN : Strata Satu ( S- 1 )
JUDUL : The use of short story to improve the student’s
speaking skill achievement

Advisor I, Advisor II,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS Rita Hartati, S.Pd, M.Hum

Diuji Pada Tanggal :

Judicium :

Ketua Sekretaris

H. Hardi Mulyono, MAP Drs. Mhd. Ayyub Lubis, M.Pd., Ph.D


Assalamua’alaikum Wr....Wb.....

Alhamdullillahirrabil’aalamiin, first of all, the researcher would like to praise

and thanks a lot God, Allah SWT, the Almighty and most beneficial the his mercy

and blessing that have been given to the researcher so that she finally accomplished

this skripsi. Shalawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW with his followers.

This skripsi could have been completed also because of the guidance,

encouragement, suggestion and comments from some people. The researcher,

therefore, would like to extend his sincere and special thanks to :

1. H. Hardi Mulyono, MAP as the Rector of University Muslim Nusantara Al-

Washliyah Medan.

2. Drs. M. Ayyub Lubis, M.Pd, Ph.D as the Dean of Education Faculty of

University Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah Medan.

3. Yuda Setiawan, S.Pd, M.Hum as the Head of English departmennt.

4. Her advisors Dr.H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS as the first consultant who has

contributed his time, knowledge, suggestion, and comments to help the

researcher on supervising the draft writing this skripsi.

5. Her advisors Rita Hartati, S.Pd, M.Hum as the second consultant who has

contibuted her time, knowledge, suggestion, and comments to help the

researcher on supervising the draft writing this skripsi.

6. The lecturers of the English department who have taught her and shared

insight during her study and for their nice valuable discussion to enrich the

researcher knowledge.

7. The Librarians of University Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah Medan for the

books needed in writing this research.

8. All of Her friends in University of Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah Medan,

especially class C 2013.

Finaly, this skripsi is presented to the English Education Study Program of

Language and Art Education Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education of University Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah Medan.

Medan, 2017

The Researcher,

Atika Aini


ACKNOWLEDGEMNTS ................................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... v

LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................ viii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ ix

ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................... x

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Problem ................................................... 1

1.2 Identification of the Problem ................................................. 3

1.3 Limitation of the Problem ...................................................... 3

1.4 Formulation of the Problem ................................................... 3

1.5 Aim of the Research ............................................................... 4

1.6 Significant of the Research .................................................... 4

1.7 Basic Assumption .................................................................. 4

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................................... 5

2.1 Theoretical Frame ................................................................. 5

2.2 Achievement ......................................................................... 5

2.3 Speaking ................................................................................ 5

2.4 Short Story ............................................................................ 14

2.5 Conceptual Frame ................................................................. 19

CHAPTER III : METHODS OF RESEARCH ................................................... 20

3.1 Design of the Research .......................................................... 20

3.2 Procedure of the Research ..................................................... 21

3.3 Subject of the Research ......................................................... 22

3.4 The Instrument for Collecting Data ....................................... 22

3.5 The Techniques of Analyzing Data ....................................... 24

CHAPTER IV : FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ..........................................

4.1 Results of the research ..........................................................

4.2 Finding of the Research ........................................................

4.3 Discussions ...........................................................................

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ................................

5.1 Conclusions ..........................................................................

5.2 Suggestions ...........................................................................

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................

APPENDIXES ....................................................................................................

I The Students’ Result of Cycle I ................................................................... 43

II The Students’ Result of Cycle II ................................................................ 48

III The Complete Result of Pre-test, Cycle I and Cycle II ............................... 51

IV The description of frequency Result ............................................................ 53





NPM. 131244184

The objective of the study is to describe and to analyze whether short story are
suitable to improve the English speaking achievement at the second grade students of
SMA Al-Masdar Batangkuis in 2016-2017 academic years. This research was
conducted in XI grade students of SMA Al-Masdar Batangkuis in 2016-2017
academic years. Subject in this study were the students of grade XI with 37 students
numbers and consisted of 15 male students and 22 female students. This research is a
class action research (CAR/PTK). The result of the study were: The implementation
of the first cycle last well but is less conductive. The average results value of 65 with
learning completeness reached 54% or as many as 20 students pass the study, and the
remaining 17 students or 46% fail in the study. Thus, the activity in the first cycle
should be repeated for students learning outcomes through the application of short
story can be improved. The implementation of the second cycle lasts well and
conductive. The average results values of 78 with learning completeness reached 89%
or as much as 33 students pass in the study, while students who fail the study is 11%
or as many as 4 students fail in the study. Thus, activity on the second cycle do not
need to be repeated because it exceeds the specified indicators of success that is as
much as 85% of students scored ≥70. By using short story especially on speaking,
learning results in class XI SMA Al-Masdar Batangkuis in 2016-2017 academic years
can be improved.




NPM. 131244184

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan dan menganalisa

apakah penerapan cerita pendek sesuai untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa
inggris siswa kelas XI SMA Al-Masdar Batangkuis tahun ajaran 2016-2017.
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kelas XI SMA Al-Masdar Batangkuis tahun ajaran
2016-2017. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI yang berjumlah 37
siswa, terdiri dari 15 siswa laki-laki dan 22 siswa perempuan. Jenis penelitian ini
adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah:
berbicara secara luas, pelaksanaan pada siklus pertama berakhir dengan baik namun
kurang begitu terpimpin. Nilai rata-rata siswa adalah 65 dengan KKM mencapai 54%
atau sebanyak 20 siswa tuntas dalam pembelajaran, dan sisanya 17 siswa atau 46%
tidak tuntas dalam pembelajaran. Sehingga, aktivitas pada siklus pertama harus di
ulang kembali dengan menerapkan cerita pendek dalam meningkatkan kemampuan
berbicara siswa. Berbicara secara luas, pelaksanaan pada siklus kedua berakhir baik
dan terpimpin. Nilai rata-rata siswa adalah 78 dengan KKM mencapai 89% atau
sebanyak 33 siswa tuntas dalam pembelajaran, sedangkan siswa yang tidak tuntas
adalah 11% atau sebanyak 4 siswa tidak tuntas dalam pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu,
aktivitas pada siklus kedua tidak perlu untuk di ulang kembali karena telah memenuhi
kriteria sukses yaitu sebanyak 85% siswa mendapat skor ≥70. Jadi, melalui penerapan
cerita pendek terutama dalam berbicara, hasil belajar siswa pada kelas XI SMA Al-
Masdar Batangkuis tahun ajaran 2016-2017 dapat meningkat.

1.1 Background of the Problem

We know that the English language as means of international communication

and it becomes more important nowadays . Entering the post-modernism era, the

problem of speaking still occurs.Speaking as one way to communication verbally is

still need to be improved in the context of secondary school students’

achievement.Many students are difficult to speak English even though the

government.The researcher found that there were only four five of thirty students who

were interested in learning English.She asked the reason to them.They said that

english a boring subject.They did not sepak English because the teacher herself

have seldom to do that.She taught them by only asking them to read the book, do

the exercise and drill type conversation.There were no communicative.The

curriculum demand is not fulfilled by the method used by the teacher.English as a

foreigh language involve four skills in language learning ,namely : Speaking,

Listening, Reading and Writing.The researcher will concern with speaking skiils .

These skill should be thought interestingly in order to enable students to express

and get ideas, throught speaking even absorb science and technologies through

reading, wring and listening.Foreigh language teaching speaking is considered to be

difficult among the four skills. Chastain (1976) points out that learning to speak are

obviously more difficult than learning to understand the spoken language.One who
wants to speak to others sometimes faces some troubles.He cannot produce his ideas,

agument or feelings communicatively.

Speaking is an act of making vocal sound.We can say that speaking means to

converse or expressing one’s thoughts and feeling in spoken language.Speaking is

productive skill of language learning.It involves communicative performance and

other important elements, such as pronunciation, intonation, grammar, vocabulary,

etc.They should be taught in any language learning to make the students able to use

the target language to communicate.

Speaking skills are the skill that give us the ability to communicate

effectively.These skill allow the speaker to convey the message in a passionate,

thoughtful and convincing manner.Speaking skills also help to assure that one won’t

be misunderstood by those who are listening.

Teachers are the determinant factor of the success in teaching English. They also

should create a good learning situation in making students happy, interested, and

motivated in learning English.The motivation of learning the language can be

enhanced by creating conducive situations, interesting activities in which the students

will be actively engaged in the learning process.Koesnosoebroto (1988:12) state that

a short story is short,and can waste no words.The short story can deal with only one

or a very few consciousness.It may recount only one central action and one major

change of effect in the life of the central character or characters.

Therefore, the teachers needs to give students sample opportunity to practice the

speaking skill.The means that much practice is needed to overcome the problem of
speaking faced by the students who learn a foreign language.In relation to statement

above.The teachers of English are expected to create and effective teaching and

learning process in improving the student skill to speak English.One of the strategies

is The use of Short Story to Improve the Student Speaking Skill Achievement .

1.2 Identification of the Problem

The problem of this study are identified as the following:

1. The students have little chance to practice speaking English

2. The problem faced by the students in learning speaking

3. Lack of speech material for the students

4. Students can not express their opinion

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, it is necessary to limit the

problem for the efficiency of the research. This research is limited to see the

improvement of speaking skill through presentation and debate. This research will

conduct in classroom action research.

1.4 Formulation of the Problem

It is necessary to formulate the problem of this research as: “How does the Short

Story improve students’ speaking skill achivement?”

1.5 Aim of the Research

Based on the problem formulated above, the writer defines that the aim of this

research is to find out how does Short Story to improve students’ in speaking skill.

1.6 Significant of the Research

The findings of the problem are expected to be useful for :

1) For the English teacher : By applying material stort story , the English

teachers can use the results of this study as the

feedbacks on their teaching activities so that the

students can improve their speaking skill.

2) For the students : Hopefully the students can improve their English

speaking skill in an alive class.

3) For the researchers : This study is expected will be one of the alternative

references in providing information for the

researchers about teaching speaking through

material short story that can be implemented in

Senior High School.

1.7 Basic assumption

The researcher assumes that the students can improve their speaking skill if they

use Short Story.


2.1 Theoretical Framework

In conducting this research, theories are needed to explain some concepts

applied concerning in the research. The theories must be clarified to avoid

misunderstanding. The following theories are used in this study.

2.2 Achievement

Achievement is the act of achieving something. Achievement also the things

done successfully, typically by effort, courage, especially by means of skill or


2.3 Speaking

A. Defenition of Speaking

Fisher and frey (2007:16) adopted the speaking definition put forth by cooper

and morreale:”speaking is the uniquely human act or process of sharing and

exchanging information,ideas,and emotions using oral language . whether in daily

information interactions or in more formal settings,communication are required to

organize coherent messages,deliver them cleary and adapt them to their listeners”.

Fulcher(2003:23) states that speaking is the verbal use of language to

communicative with others. In addition. Hughes (2002:73) explains that speaking is

interactive and according to accomplish pragmatic goals throught interactive

discourse with other speakers of language .

Hughes (2002:135) adds that :

a) Speaking is fundamentally on interactive task

b) Speaking happens under real-time processing contrainsts.

c) Speaking is more fundamental linked to the individual who produces it that the

written form is .

Thus , it can be concluded that speaking is as activity of someone’s expression in life

situation, which is used to interact or communicate with the other .

Speaking is one of the four basic skills in learning foreign language besides

listening, reading and writing. It has been taught since the students entered a Junior

High School; however it is not easy for the students to communicate in English. They

have to think more often when speaking English. Of course, students need interaction

with others (teachers, friends) to communicate.

In teaching speaking, it is necessary for a teacher to undersatnd the processes

involved in speaking. Though speaking, one expresses emotions, communicates

intentions, reacts to other person and situation and influences other human beings.

Language skill in the curriculum of school consists of four skills. Every skill

influences each other and can not stand alone.

Those are Ikawati state that speaking is natural way to communication.Without

speaking , people must remain in most total isolation from any kind of society . For

most people ,the ability to speak a language is the same with knowing a language
since the speech is the most basic means of human communication while Corbleet

and Carter (2000) defines that speaking is significant to an individual’s living

processes and experiences as are the ability of seeing and walking . Someone who

wants to get a good job must be able to speak English well,because now English is

properly to complete their competence in the society .

According to Webster (1980) state that speaking has a variety of meanings :

there are such as : to tell ,to say ,to make known or as by speaking : to declare ;to

announce , to proclaim , to celebrate , to use or be able to use ( a given language) in

speaking and to address. Taringa (1981) defines that speaking is a skill conveying

words or sounds of articulation to express or to deliver ideas, opinion,or feeling .

Speaking skill should be taught and practiced in the language classroom, because

the language course truly enable the students to communicate in English , so speaking

skill needs the special treatment. But in reality ,in our daily life most of people speak

more than write . yet many English teachers still spend the majority of calass time on

reading and writing practice almost ignoring speaking and listening skills. Based on

the statement above, there should be a good balance among the four skills to practice

in the classroom.

According to hornby(1995)speaking is making use of words in an ordinary voice

,offering words,knowing and being able to use a language expression in words, and

making speech . therefore the writer concludes that speaking uses the words and
produces the sounds express one’s ideas,feeling,though and needs oral

communication in an ordinary voice .

Speaking or conversation, in fact, by doing converstion means making oral

communication. As Byrne (2003:8) says that oral communication is two ways process

betweeen the speaker and listener (listeners), involving the productive skill of

speaking and the receptive skill of understanding (or listening with understanding).

Furthermore he says both speaker and listener have a positive function to perform: the

speaker has to encode the message to be conveyed in appropriate language, while the

listener (no less actively) has to decode (or interpret) the message.

Speaking is “the process of building and sharing meaning though the use of

verbal andnon verbal symbols, in a variety of context” Chaney (1998:13). Speaking is

an interactive process odf contructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and

processing information (Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997). It’s form and meaning

are dependent on the context in which it occurs, including the participants

themselves, their collective experiences, the physical environment, and the purposes

of speaking.it is often spontaneou, open-ended, and envolving.

In addition, Harris (1969: 81), states that speaking is a complex skill requring

the simultaneous use of a number of different abilities which often develop at

different rates. He adds that there are: pronunciation, including the segmental features

vowels and consonants and the stress and intonation patterns; grammar; vocabulary;
fluency, the ease and speed of the flow of speech; comprehension; requires a subject

to respond to speech as well as to initiate it.

1) Elements of Speaking

Many students have difficulties in speaking. There are many elements of

spekaing that must be mastered by students in order to be good speaker according to

Harmer (2002: 269):

a) Connected speech: effective speaker of English need to be able not only to

produce the individual phonemes of English, but also to use fluent connected speech.

On connected speech sounds are modified, omitted, added, or weakened. It is for this

reason that we should involve students in activities designed spesifically to improve

their connected speech.

b) Expressive devices: native of English change the pitch and stress of particular

parts of utterances, vary volume and speed, and show by other physical and non

verbal mean how they are feeling. The use of these devices contributes to the ability

to convey meaning. They allow the extra expressions of emotion and intensity;

students should be able to deploy at least some of such supra segmental features and

devices in the same way if they are to be fully effective communicators.

c) Lexis and grammar: spontaneous speech is marked by the use of number of

common lexical phrases, especially in their performance of certain language function.

Teachers should therefore supply variety of phrases for different functions, such as:

greeting, agreeing and disagreeing.

d) Negotiation language: effective speaking benefits from the negotiatory language

we use to seek clarification and to show the structure of what we are saying. We often

need to ask for clarification when we are listening to someone else talk.

2) Characteristic of Spoken Language

Speaking skill is seen as somewhat difficult for some language learners. Here,

a speaker should at least pronounce the words well, choose the suit dictions, and try

to do grammatically correct though, perhaps in any cases, it is common when a

speaker speaks without having good attention at accuracy of fluenvy. According to

Brown (2001: 207-271) there are eight characteristics of spoken language that can

make oral performance easy as well as, in some cases, difficult:

a) Clustering

Fluent speech is phrasal, not word by word. Learners can organize their output both

cognitively and physically through such clustering.

b) Reduced Forms

It is including contactions, elisions, reduced vowels, etc.

c) Performance Variable

One of the advantages of spoken language is that the process of thinking as you

speak, allows you to mainfest a certain number of performance hesitations, pauses,

backtracking, and corrections. Learners can actually be taught how to pause and

hesitate. For example, in English our “thinking time” is not silent; we inseert certain

“fillers” such as uh, Uhm, Well, you know, I mean, like, etc. One of the most salient
differences between native and nonnative speakers of a language is in their hesitation


d) Colloquial Language

The learners should also well acquainted with the words, idioms, and phrasesof

colloquial language and that they get practice in producing these forms.

e) Rate of Delivery

Another salient characteristic of fluency is rate of delivery. One of the teacher task in

teaching spoken English is to help learners achieve an acceptable speed along with

other attributes of fluency.

f) Stress, Rhythm, and Intonation

This is the most important characteristic of English pronunciation. The stress-timed

rhythm of spoken English and its intonation patterns convey important message.

g) Interaction

Learning to produce waves of language in a vacuum – without interlocutors-would

rob speaking skill of its richest accomodated within thi particular view of language.

When a teacher asks students to use the spoken language in the classroom, he/she

needsthem to take part in a process where not only involves a knowledge of the target

language, but also a general knowledge of interaction between the speaker and hearer

in order that meanings and negotiate meanings are made clear. For example, the

hearer may respond or give feedback as to whether the heare understood or not what

the speaker has just said.

3) The Factor of Speaking Skill

There are five components that are generally recognized in analyses of the

speech process:

a) Pronunciation; including the segmental features-vowels, consonants-and stress

and intonation patterns.

b) Grammar.

c) Vocabulary.

d) Fluency: the ease and speed of the floe of speech.

e) Comprehension; for oral communication certainly requires a subject to respond

to speech as well as to initiate it.

4) Teaching Speaking

There are some teaching principles that suggested in teaching speaking,

according to Wallace, Stariha, & Welbeerg (2004: 8-12):

a) Learning time; provide extensive amounts of time for language learning. The

more time students have to study the facts, a principle or practice a skill, the better

they learn. Teaching and study time at school, as well as student work done at home,

advance student’s learning.

b) Variety of lessons; students need a variety of experiences in writing, speaking

and listening.

c) Speaking practice; provide students with opputunities for practising specific

speaking skills. Students improve their formal speech when teachers provide insights
on how to organize their ideas for presentation. Students can give better speeches

when they can organize their presentation in a variety of different ways, including

sequentially, chronologically. And thematically. They need practice in organizing

their speech around problems and solutions, causes and results, and similarities and


Teachers can enable learners to present ideas to individual peers, peer groups and

entire classses of students. They can learn to speak on the subject their own choosing

or on teacher-assigned topics. Preparing for debating and participating in them help

students to see both sides of various issues.

Both teachers and students can provide suggestions for students’ speeches. In

constructively criticizing others, learners can learn to apply criteria for good speech

and employ tactful social skills. In doing so, they can increase and improve their own

speaking skills.

Positive experiences in speaking can lead to greater skills and confidence in speaking

in front or larger groups.

d) Reducing speaking fears; provide oppurtunities to practice speaking before

increasingly larger groups. Students can practice presenting information , answering

question and holding group discussions. Frequent classroom presentation and

discussion enable teachers to diagnose and remedy problems.

5) Factor Affecting Students’ Speaking Achievement

Wallace ( 2000:12) elaborate children, adolescents and adults sometimes fear

the challenge of sustained ,formal speaking before large groups. Teachers can help

reduce inrealistic fears by pointing out how common they are among people and what

to do about them. They can also help to reduce such fears by maintaining a friendly

atmposphere in the class and providing opportunities for students to practice alone or

with one student and then before increasingly larger groups. Thus ,students can

practice speaking in front of their peers who face the same situation . Wallace adds

that students are less likely to be fearful and anxious and mor likely to do well if they

are well prepared . preparedness can be enhanced by in-depth mastery of the subject

matter . appropriate organization and rehearsing the presentation.

Suzanne Graham in Pachler and Redondo (2007:59-60) reveals the problems

in teaching speaking :

• Learners are given speaking tasks that fail to motivate them to speak

• During speaking tasks , learners engage in off task behavior, and revent to the

mother tongue.

• Lessons that offer learners few opportunities to use the language independently or


• Anxiety on thepart of learners ,which makes them reluctant to take risks in using

the language , perhaps for fear of making a mistake or losing face in front of peers .

• Speaking tasks are set which are beyond learners’ language capabilities .
• Teacher-fronted lessons which offer limited opportunities for learners to practice

their oral skills

• Learners uncertainty about pronounciation learners lack of strategies to make up

for gaps in their knowledge, to keep the conversation going .

Thus ,it can be concluded that a teacher must realize several factors which affecting

speaking . the factors can make the student learning speaking easier.

2.4 Story Story

a) Definition of Story

According to koesnosoebroto (1988:11) short story is the art of literature

which consist approximately two thousands words.It must content itself with few

characters,few incident,scenes,of episode,few setting,and it take place in a brief span

of time and it can develop only one or two characters with anything approaching

fullness.It means that short story is a prose narrative shorter than a nove,where a short

story should be fewer in the quantity to words used,numbers of event and other


Burroway in koesnosoebroto (1988:12) state that a short story is short,and can

waste no words.The short story can deal with only one or a very few consciousness.It

may recount only one central action and one major change of effect in the life of the

central character or characters.

It can be concluded that a short story is brief, imaginative narrative,has certain

incident and character.It contains a plot, the details of whichb are so compressed,and

the whole treatment so organized,as to produce a single impression.

According to Elnaz (2013) Short story is a piece of prose fiction,which can be

read in a single setting.Emerging from earlier oral story telling traditions in the 17th

century, the short story has grouwn to encompass a body of work so diverse as to

defy easy characterization.At is most prototypical the short story featurea small cast

of named characters,and focuses o n a self-contained incident with the intent of

evoking “ single effect “ or mood.In doing so, short stories make use of

plot,resonance,and other dynamic components to a fat greater degree than is typical

of an anecdote,yet to a far lesser degree than a novel.While the short story is largely

distict from the novel,authors of noth generally draw from a common pool of literary


b) Characteristics of Short Story

Length: Short stories typically range from 1,600 to 20,000 words.Although

authors and critics have debated the length of the short story throughout literary

history, most agree on a minimum of 1,600 and a maximum of 20,000 words. In his

own contribution to the debate, Edgar Allen Poe suggested that a short story should

take 30 minutes to two hours to read.

Subject: Short stories usually focus on a single subject or theme.

Subjects or themes may range from something as mundane as a daily errand or as

thrilling as a ghost tale. A single, easily contained plot is one of the hallmarks of the

short story and helps shape its other characteristics.

'In medias res': Short stories usually take place in a single setting and begin

'in medias res', which means 'into the middle of things' in Latin.In general, short

stories tend to begin and end abruptly, with little to no prior information and no major

lapses in time. As they involve just one plot line and are limited in word length, there

is little room or need for the extended developments we frequently find in novels.

Limited number of characters: Due to the limitations of the genre, short

stories typically focus on just one or a couple characters.As short stories usually

cover such brief periods of time, even a single character may never be fully

developed. However, historical examples, like some of Geoffrey Chaucer's

'Canterbury Tales,' may find interesting ways of involving many different people, as

we'll discuss next.

The characteristics of thye short story according to Koesnosoebroto (1988:13)


1) The short story is not a condensed novel :

a) The short story produced a singleness of effect denied to the novel, it needs

simplicity and totally of effect

b) It must differ from the novel in scope and in structure

2) The short story is not an episode

3) The short story is not a scenario,or synopsis

4) It is not a biography

5) It is not a tale

c) Important Elements of a Short Story

A short story is a short work of fiction.Fiction, as you know, is prose writing

about imagined events and characters. Prose writing differs from poetry in that it does

not depend on verses, meters or rhymes for its organization and presentation.Novels

are another example of fictional prose and are much longer than short stories. Some

short stories, however, can be quite long. If a a short story is a long one, say fifty to

one hundred pages, we call it a novella.American literature contains some of the

world's best examples of the short story. Readers around the world enjoy the finely

crafted stories of American writers such as O. Henry, Stephen Crane, Jack London,

Mark Twain and Edgar Allen Poe.

They are true masters at combining the five key elements that go into every great

short story: character, setting, conflict, plot and theme.

Character : A character is a person, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part

in the action of a short story or other literary work.

Setting : The setting of a short story is the time and place in which it happens.

Authors often use descriptions of landscape, scenery, buildings,

seasons or weather to provide a strong sense of setting.

Plot : A plot is a series of events and character actions that relate to the

central conflict.

Conflict : The conflict is a struggle between two people or things in a short

story.The main character is usually on one side of the central conflict.

On the other side, the main character may struggle against another

important character, against the forces of nature, against society, or

even against something inside himself or herself (feelings, emotions,


Theme : The theme is the central idea or belief in a short story.

Point of view : The camera angle from which the writer presents the story.

Scenes : Parts of the story in which the writer’s attention is tighly focuse on a

particular point in the progression of events.

Dialogue : The written appromaximation of speech theme.The insigh or concern

that the hopes to convey through the story.

d) Short Story to Improve Speaking Skill

Speaking activities and speaking practice in the classroom should enable students

to gain experience using all the “prerequisites for effective oral communication”.

What make the classroom activity useful for speaking practice? The most important

feature of a classroom activity is to provide an authentic oppurtunity for the students

to get individual meanings across and utilize every area of knowledge they have in

the second or foreign language.They should have the opportunity and be encouraged

to become flexible users of their knowledge, always keeping the communicate goal in

mind.One of the ways to encourage students to improve their speaking skill is by

using Short Story

2.5 Conceptual Framework

Students got difficulties in speaking English because they only have little

change to practice speaking and expressing their ideas in English, they were rarely to

practice speaking English.So, the researcher applied short story to overcome this

problem by applying Short Stories.Student’s can get many opportunities to practice

their speaking skill, the availability of change to express students’s ideas and the

frequency of practice that facilitated by short story will increase student’s confidence

in speaking and automatically improve the student’s speaking skill .


3.1 Design of the Research

This research will conduct in Classroom Action Research (CAR). According

to Hopkins (1993: 44-45), CAR is a process that is designed to empower all

participants in that process (students, teachers, and others participant) which mean to

improve the practice in experience of teaching.. Arikunto (2008: 18) stated that action

research is one of the type of investigation that has characteristic reflective

participative, collaborative, and spiral that have purpose to repair and to increase the

system, method, process, substance and competence, and situation.

From all the definitions above, the researcher conclude that classroom action

research is a classroom action in a research, which can be done by teacher, researcher,

and teacher with his or her colleague. There is one cycles in this Class Action

Research that consisted of four main acties: planning, action, observation, and

reflection. If the cycle I is fail, the researcher will continue to the cycle II. The phases

could be seen in figure below:

1. Planning

Planning is the step of making preparation before doing an action research.

Researcher prepares some materials that will be used in conducting the research like

lesson plan, observation checklist, and test instrument.

2. Action

Action is the implementation of planning.

1. Observation

The activity in this phasewas observing whether short story technique to improve

the speaking ability of the students. This observation was carried out by filling the

observation checklist in students’ activities and reaction in learning tesching process.

2. Reflection

Reflection means to analyze the result based on the data that have been collected.

In this phase, the researcher observed the progress happened.

3.2 Procedure of the Research

1. Cycle I

a. Planning

1) Preparing lesson plan

2) Preparing list of student’ name scoring

3) Preparing checklist material

4) Preparing checklist observation

5) Preparing the test material

b. Action

1) Teacher explained the material

2) Teacher introduced presentation and debate to the student

3) Teacher asked students to make a group and conduct presentation and debate on

the topic given

c. Observation

1) Checked students activity in presentation and debate

2) Checked students’ response during the teaching and learning process.

3) checked students’ speaking skill improvement

d. Reflection

At this step, the researcher analyze the whole action that wiil do and evaluate

the test result. Afterwards, the researcher compare the result of the students’

achievement in survey-test and post-test cycle I. Thus, researcher can make

conclusion of this research. If the cycle I is fail, the researcher will continue to the

cycle II.

3.3 Subject of the Research

Subject of this research is the second grade students at SMA Al-Masdar

Batangkuis 2016/2017 academic year. The participants are 37 students.

3.4 Instruments of Collecting Data

The data will collect by using observation, test, questionaire, interview, and

diary note.

1. Observation

The observation will do by using observation checklist contains the lists of some

observable behavior that indicates students understanding on the material thought

which can be seen from their activeness and responses during teaching learning


2 Test

In this research, the researcher uses an achievement test to measure the student’s

speaking skill improvement. The researcher uses oral test in the form of presentation

and debate. There are four elements of speaking that will use to assess students’

speaking ability, there are: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency and

comprehension. With this form, the scoring can be done quickly and easily.

3. Questionaire

The researcher will use this technique to collecting data. Questionaires are survey

instruments that are completed by the subject. Questionaires are use to collect data

from a large group of subject on a specific topic.

4. Interview

By this technique the researcher ask the participants of the research by an in-depth

interview which aim to find out the data that can not be collect by the observation

before, during, and after the implementation.

5. Diary note

In this research, diary note is a tool that required to provides data in the form of notes

to record something that researcher needs as a data collection.

3.5 The Techniques of Analyzing Data

If using exhausting learning (mastery learning) using a reference standard, a

person is said to have succeeded in learning if it has mastered a minimum standard of

thoroughness predetermined or often called a minimum completeness criteria (KKM).

Conversely, if the mastery of under the minimum criteria then the students is said to

have failed (Suwanto, 2008:6). In this study KKM for speaking subjects individually

is 70 and 85% are classical.

According to Nasution and Suyanto (2002:1.13) to determine the level of

mastery of individual students used the formal:

Gained score
Level of Mastery Learning = x 100%
Total score
To determine the level of mastery learning classical formula can be used as

follows (Suryosubroto, 2002:63)

D x 100%

Description :

D = Percentage of classical learning completeness

X = Number of Students who have been thoroughly studied

N = Overall number of Students



4.1 Research Results

The results were taken from observations of teachers in second grade students

at SMA Al-Masdar Batangkuis in 2016-2017 academic year.

This research was conducted through two cycles. Before the action of cycle II

continued, the researcher must know the findings has implemented in the action of

cycle I, as a reference on the second cycle. In the action of cycle II, researcher still

find the findings that must be corrected, eventually the whole cycle of action to

determine the success of action research.

Based on the result of test given, the general implementation of the first cycle

lasts well but is less conductive. The results average value of 65 with learning

completeness reached 54% or in other words as many as 20 students from 37 students

pass the study and the remaining 46% or 17 students fail the study. Thus, activity in

the first cycle should be repeated for students learning outcomes through the

application of short story can be improved. Meanwhile, the average value of the

second cycle is 78 with learning completeness reached 89% or as much as 33 students

pass the study and the remaining 11% or 4 students of an incomplete study. Thus,

activity on the second cycle do not need to be repeated because it exceeds the

specified indicators of success that is as much as 85% of students scored ≥ 70. As

more data can be described in the discussion.

4.2 Finding of the Research

Each cycle consisted of one session of 90 minutes divided into four steps

which consist of the planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The results

were taken through the observation of students, the results of the test cycle of action

and final test results from all cycles. To find out the results of previous students’

learning, the researchers conducted initial tests with a time of 30 minutes.

Cycle I

1) Implementation actions

1. The teacher explains the material to be studied.

2. Apperception which will be teachers teach with methods of frequently

asked questions.

3. While the process of learning, teacher give individual counseling for

students who are experiencing difficulties.

4. In the end the teacher gives conclusion lessons through the frequently

asked questions about mixed integer arithmetic operations.

5. The teacher asks the students to make a test cycle of action I.

2) Observation

1. The researcher observed the process of learning.

2. Researchers assessing the results of the test cycle of action I.

3. From the observation of the cycle first action, the findings obtained as

1) Most of the students are less interested in making a speaking activity.

2) Only some students who can make a good speaking activity.

3) Level of students weakness in speaking activity is different, there is

nothing wrong and there is little harm in a lot.

4) The thirty seven of students who take the test cycle of action I, 20

students scored ≥ 70 and 17 students are still getting ≤ 70 (minimum

score of mastery learning students), students are still difficulties in

solving problems due to lack of students’ skills in speaking activity.

5) First cycle test result:

1. Pass the study: 20 students

The percentage completeness: 54%

2. Fail the study: 17 students

The percentage completeness: 46%



No Initial Name Cycle I Criteria

1 AFK 70 Complete

2 AAL 70 Complete

3 AR 60 Incomplete

4 AJ 50 Incomplete
5 ADE 70 Complete

6 BA 70 Complete

7 CR 50 Incomplete

8 DP 70 Complete

9 DT 60 Incomplete

10 ED 50 Incomplete

11 ES 60 Incomplete

12 FA 60 Incomplete

13 FS 50 Incomplete

14 FSR 60 Incomplete

15 HH 60 Incomplete

16 IH 70 Complete

17 IA 60 Incomplete

18 JV 70 Complete

19 JCN 80 Complete

20 MI 80 Complete

21 MNL 80 Complete

22 PP 70 Complete

23 PNZ 60 Incomplete

24 RN 80 Complete

25 RA 80 Complete

26 RAN 60 Incomplete

27 RB 80 Complete

28 SAP 50 Incomplete
29 SW 80 Complete

30 TAA 70 Complete

31 TMP 60 Incomplete

32 YRB 70 Complete

33 YAP 70 Complete

34 YR 70 Complete

35 YD 50 Incomplete

36 WA 60 Incomplete

37 ZA 70 Complete

Overall 2430

Average 65

3) Reflection

Based on the data in the first cycle above, the conclusion of research results

which then are reflected as follows:

1) Most of the students are less interested in making a speaking activity.

2) There are encouraged to explain the return of the speaking activity. Thus,

teachers are encouraged to explain the return of the speaking activity.

3) Teachers have to motivate cooperation among students in group


4) Teachers lack an understanding of the potential is actually owned by

students, teachers also often measure students’ ability to use standard

exceeds the reality. To overcome this, teachers must understand the true
potential of students held by teachers conducted frequent questions and

answers that lead to the subject matter, other than that avoid questions that

invite answers from the students simultaneously, and questions are also

not too easy that many students who can answer it. Teachers also do not

direct questions to specific students, but for all students.

5) The intensity of the teacher in providing guidance to students as a group

are still not adequate and teachers should give free time to provide

guidance to students in groups outside school hours though, or if you need

to be given additional hours for students who want guidance.

6) Broadly speaking, the implementation of the first cycle lasts well but is

less conductive. The results average value of 65 with learning

completeness reaches 54%. Thus, activity in the first cycle should be

repeated for student learning outcomes through the application of Short

story can be improved.

Cycle II

1) Implementation

1. In the class the teacher explained about the speaking activity.

2. The teacher gave the questions that lead to the steps in creating a speaking


3. While the process of learning teacher gave guidance to groups who have


4. When finished, the teacher asks the students to create a speaking activity, as

a test cycle II action.

2) Observation

1. The reserachers studied the learning process.

2. Researchers assessing the results of the test cycle II action.

3. The class orderly, controlled and conductive to the implementation of the

second act of the test cycle to run good.

4. From the observation in second cycle test results, obtained following


1) Students are more and more enthusiastic in making the speaking activity.

2) It is evident from the work of students who make fewer mistake.

3) The thirty seven of students who take the test cycle II action, 33 students

received ≥ 70 and 4 students received ≤ 70.

Cycle II test results:

1) Pass the study: 33 students

The percentage completeness: 89%

2) Fail the study: 4 people

The percentage completeness: 11%



No Initial Name Cycle II Criteria

1 AFK 80 Complete

2 AAL 80 Complete

3 AR 80 Complete

4 AJ 60 Incomplete

5 ADE 90 Complete

6 BA 70 Complete

7 CR 60 Incomplete

8 DP 80 Complete

9 DT 80 Complete

10 ED 50 Incomplete

11 ES 70 Complete

12 FA 70 Complete

13 FS 80 Complete
14 FSR 80 Complete

15 HH 80 Complete

16 IH 80 Complete

17 IA 80 Complete

18 JV 70 Complete

19 JCN 90 Complete

20 MI 80 Complete

21 MNL 90 Complete

22 PP 70 Complete

23 PNZ 90 Complete

24 RN 80 Complete

25 RA 90 Complete

26 RAN 80 Complete

27 RB 80 Complete

28 SAP 60 Incomplete

29 SW 80 Complete

30 TAA 100 Complete

31 TMP 80 Complete

32 YRB 70 Complete

33 YAP 80 Complete

34 YR 70 Complete

35 YD 90 Complete

36 WA 90 Complete

37 ZA 80 Complete
Overall 2890

Average 78

3) Reflection

Based on the activity on the second cycle, obtained by reflection as follows:

1. Increasing student interest is in making speaking activity.

2. Only 4 students who have difficulty in speaking. This is due to the child’s

internal capabilities are still lacking.

3. In presenting the subject matter of time that teachers are efficient.

4. In presenting the lesson material has been linked with other relevant


5. Teachers motivate continuous cooperative among students in group


6. Teachers have to understand the true potential possessed by students with how

often teachers held a question and answer that lead to the subject matter.

7. The intensity of teacher in providing guidance to students as a group to be


8. The implementation of the second cycle lasts well and conductive. The

averages result value of 78 with learning completeness reached 89%. Thus,

activity on the second cycle do not need to be repeated because it exceeds the
specified indicators of success that is as much as 85% of students scored

≥ 70.

4.3 Discussion

Based on all of the research the steps form the first to the second cycle the

complete result can be drawn as the table below.



No Name Score Cycle I Cycle X–Y Criteria

Pre-Test (X) II
1 AFK 60 70 80 +10 Complete

2 AAL 50 70 80 +10 Complete

3 AR 60 60 80 +20 Complete

4 AJ 50 50 60 +10 Incomplete

5 ADE 40 70 90 +20 Complete

6 BA 50 70 70 0 Complete

7 CR 50 50 60 +10 Incomplete

8 DP 30 70 80 +10 Complete

9 DT 40 60 80 +20 Complete

10 ED 50 50 50 0 Incomplete

11 ES 50 60 70 +10 Complete
12 FA 60 60 70 +10 Complete

13 FS 40 50 80 +30 Complete

14 FSR 20 60 80 +20 Complete

15 HH 40 60 80 +20 Complete

16 IH 50 70 80 +10 Complete

17 IA 40 60 80 +20 Complete

18 JV 40 70 70 0 Complete

19 JCN 60 80 90 +10 Complete

20 MI 50 80 80 0 Complete

21 MNL 60 80 90 +10 Complete

22 PP 70 70 70 0 Complete

23 PNZ 60 60 90 +30 Complete

24 RN 60 80 90 +10 Complete

25 RA 70 80 90 +10 Complete

26 RAN 60 60 80 +20 Complete

27 RB 60 80 80 0 Complete

28 SAP 40 50 60 +10 Incomplete

29 SW 60 80 80 0 Complete

30 TAA 80 70 100 +30 Complete

31 TMP 60 60 80 +20 Complete

32 YRB 60 70 70 0 Complete

33 YAP 50 70 80 +10 Complete

34 YR 30 70 70 0 Complete

35 YD 50 50 90 +40 Complete
36 WA 50 60 90 +30 Complete

37 ZA 50 70 80 +10 Complete

Overall 1900 2430 2890

Average 51 65 78

From the data above, we can see that the students’ average score in cycle I is

65, meanwhile the students’ average score in cycle II is 78. It can be concluded that

by using short story at SMA AL-Masdar Batangkuis in 2016-2017 academic years is

significantly improve the students’ Ability in Speaking.

Based on the data above, the students who got the score have been obtained

the data for the excellent mark has been obtained 100, and the less mark is 50, and the

all of explanation can be read at the description of frequency results of English




Interval Frequency Presentation Category

90 – 100 8 21.6% Best

73 – 89 18 48.6% Good

64 – 72 7 19% Enough

54 – 63 3 8.1% Less

≤ 53 1 2.7% More Less

Total 37 100%

From the table above, it can be explained that the obtaining of the results

learning English speaking by using short story was 21.6% students are the best

category it is caused that the students was cleaver than others, meanwhile 48.6%

students are good category it causes that the students in this category was good

enough to know the speaking ability, 19% students are enough category because

some of them are not clearly in speaking well, 8.1% students is less category it is

causes that the students’ do not know about the English speaking well, and 2.7%

students is more less category it cause that the students very do not know about the

English speaking well .

So, the hypothesis of this research is acceptable, and the strategy of teaching

English speaking by using short story in second grade students at SMA Al-Masdar

Batangkuis in the school year 2016-2017 can be improve the students’ ability in

speaking. We can see that the students’ results in the cycle I who get 80 are 7 students

or 19%, 70 are 13 students or 35.1%, 60 are 11 students or 29.7%, 50 are 6 students

or 16.2%. In the second cycle there are increasing of mark which almost of them have

a good mark 100 are 1 students or 2.7% and 90 are 7 students or 18.9%, 80 are 18

students or 48.6%, 70 are 7 students or 19%, only 4 students get score under the

minimum completeness criteria the study ≤70.



5.1 Conclusion

Based on the data finding results and discussion, there were some conclusions

that can be described as follows:

1. Short story is significantly improve the students’ achievement in speaking at the

second grade students of SMA Al- Masdar Batangkuis in 2016-2017 academic


2. The implementation of the first cycle lasts well but is less conductive. The evarage

results value of 65 with learning completeness reached 54% or as many as 20

students pass the study, and the remaining 17 students or 46% fail in the study.

Thus, activity in the first cycle should be repeated for students learning outcomes

through the application of short story technique can be improved. The

implementation of the second cycle lasts well and conductive. The average results

value of 78 with learning completeness reached 89% or as much as 33 students

pass the study, while students who fail the study is 11% or as much as 4 students.

Thus, activity on the second cycle do not need to be repeated because it exceeds

the specified indicators of success that is as much as 85% of students scored ≥ 70.
5.2 Suggestion

From the result of this research, the researcher suggestion that are:

1. To motivate students’ learning activeness need for an appropriate learning

strategies, so that the process of teaching and learning activities to be more

variation and not monotonous.

2. To do more research on learning strategies by using short story especially on the

subject of speaking, so as a benefit to improvement the education quality in


3. In general, the teachers are expected to give the main contribution to improving

the students learning achievement.

4. For other researchers, as a reference in doing the same research.


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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : XI SMA Al-Masdar Batang kuis

Tahun Ajaran : 2016-2017

Petunjuk Pengisian:

Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan selama observasi, nilailah sikap setiap peserta

didik dengan memberi skor 4, 3, 2, atau 1 (√ ) pada lembar observasi dengan

ketentuan sebagai berikut:

4 = Sangat baik

3 = Baik

2 = Sedang

1 = Kurang

No Nama Siswa Indikator Penilaian

Tata Bahasa Kosakata Intonasi

1 AFK 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

2 AAL 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

3 AR 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

4 AJ 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
5 ADE 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

6 BA 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

7 CR 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

8 DP 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

9 DT 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

10 ED 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

11 ES 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

12 FA 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

13 FS 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

14 FSR 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

15 HH 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

16 IH 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

17 IA 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

18 JV 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

19 JCN 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

20 MI 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

21 MNL 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

22 PP 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

23 PNZ 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

24 RN 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

25 RA 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

26 RAN 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
27 RB 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

28 SAP 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

29 SW 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

30 TAA 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

31 TMP 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

32 YR 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

33 YAP 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

34 YR 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

35 YD 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

36 WA 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

37 ZA 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

Medan, 2017


Atika Aini


1) Komponen Pengelolaan Kelas

No Hal yang Diamati Skor

Komponen Pengelolaan Kelas 1 2 3 4

1 Tujuan :

a. Ketepatan
b. Keefektifan
c. Pencapaian target kompetensi
2 Ruang:

a. Standarisasi ruangan
b. Kebersihan ruangan
c. Kenyamanan ruangan
3 Tempat Duduk:

a. Kerapian tempat duduk

b. Pengaturan tempat duduk
c. Pengaturan jarak duduk antar siswa
4 Siswa:

a. Kemampuan menstimulus untuk bertanya

b. Kemampuan memotivasi menjawab
c. Kemampuan menciptakan interaksi


4 : Sangat Baik

3 : Baik

2 : Tidak Baik

1 : Sangat Tidak Baik

2) Komponen Sarana

No Hal yang Diamati Skor

Komponen Sarana 1 2 3 4

1 Ketersediaan Sarana Pembelajaran :

a. Sesuai dengan kebutuhan

b. Tersedia untuk semua elemen sekolah
c. Dapat dimanfaatkan pada saat dibutuhkan
2 Penempatan Sarana Pembelajaran:

a. Dikelompokkan sesuai dengan jenisnya

b. Mudah dijangkau
c. Tersimpan dengan rapi
3 Kebermaknaan Sarana Pembelajaran:

a. membantu kelancaran pembelajaran

b. memudahkan pemahaman pembelajar
c. sesuai dengan materi pembelajaran
4 Kelayakan Sarana Pembelajaran:

a. Aman dipergunakan guru

b. Aman dipergunakan siswa
c. Semua sarana layak pakai


4 : Sangat Baik

3 : Baik

2 : Tidak Baik

1 : Sangat Tidak Baik

3) Komponen Lingkungan

No Hal yang Diamati Skor

Komponen Lingkungan 1 2 3 4

1 Kenyamanan :

a. kerasan
b. sejuk
c. luas
2 Ketenangan:

a. aman
b. sunyi
c. jauh dari sumber suara yang mengganggu
3 Kebersihan

a. bebas dari sampah

b. baunya harum
c. adanya tata tertib tentang kebersihan
4 Keindahan

a. enak dipandang
b. kerapian penataan
c. terawat


4 : Sangat Baik

3 : Baik

2 : Tidak Baik

1 : Sangat Tidak Baik

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