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The Impact of Raw Materials Price Volatility on Cost

of Goods Sold (COGS) for Product Manufacturing
Hadi Moheb-Alizadeh and Robert Handfield

Abstract—The supply chain ecosystem has become increasingly An often-mentioned source of volatility in the press involves
volatile due to a host of different factors. In an unpredictable en- the price fluctuation of major commodities, including oil, corn,
vironment, the factors influencing decision-making fluctuate con- hogs and beef, gold, steel, copper, and others. Since both sharp
stantly over time, and the effect of volatility on supply chain param-
eters such as cost, revenue, and working capital must be evaluated fluctuations and long-run trend movements in commodity prices
periodically. This paper seeks to develop a set of mathematical pro- are often tied to impacts on gross domestic product, balance
gramming models for exploring the impact of price fluctuation of (GDP) of payments, and government budgetary positions, many
raw materials on the cost of goods sold (COGS) of end products developing countries have faced serious challenges in this area
relative to targets in manufacturing companies. The mathematical in recent decades. Common macroeconomic fundamentals such
programming problems proposed in this paper rationally minimize
the COGS of end products while satisfying a set of constraints re- as inflation, interest rates, and industrial production influence
garding forecasting and physical conditions. The optimal solutions commodity prices. Hence, it is not surprising that commodities
of the proposed models provide guidelines on the optimal price at often move together in a general sense. In addition, commodities
which to purchase all raw materials, leading to the minimum the may be viewed as complements (e.g., oil and metals), substi-
overall COGS value for the enterprise. We also introduce a spe-
tutes (e.g., gold and silver), and inputs (e.g., petrochemicals,
cial type of sensitivity analysis, in which we explore the conditions
where the optimal purchasing price of a raw material used to manu- ferrous and nonferrous metals) in production of products. Rises
facture an end product changes within its feasibility range, and the in commodity prices have fueled expectations of increases in
relative effect on how much the minimum COGS of end products inflation, leading to monetary policy tightening and increases in
fluctuates. Finally, an empirical example presented in this paper interest rates.
illustrates the practicality and usefulness of the proposed approach The major impact of commodity movements in a manufac-
in practice.
turing company involves the raw materials used to manufacture
Index Terms—Cost of goods sold (COGS), mathematical a specific set of end products. It is clear that any volatility in
programming, price volatility, regression, sensitivity analysis. the price of raw materials (inputs) leads to fluctuation in end
products’ (outputs) price. This influence may be severe if the
price of end products is highly economically dependent on raw
OLATILITY refers to the unpredictable fluctuations of a
V process observed over time. In economics and finance,
volatility is a criterion used to study the risks associated with
materials’ price. Examples in this context include the price of
petrochemical products and automobiles, which are highly de-
pendent on crude oil and nonferrous metal prices, respectively.
holding assets when uncertainty exists relative to the future value Although there exists an abundant number of studies in the lit-
of assets. In operations management, due to naturally occurring erature that examine the price fluctuation of input commodities
uncertainty that exists in the operating environment, volatility for an enterprise such as crude oil, ethanol, metals, and others,
exists in almost every stage of material procurement, manufac- the literature suffers from a lack of studies exploring the rela-
turing, material planning, and distribution. Volatility analysis, tionship between price volatility of input commodities and that
volatility modeling, and volatility forecasting have various ap- of output manufactured products. This paper seeks to fill this
plications intended to manage them, including risk management, gap by proposing a general mathematical framework, which en-
uncertain decision making, and option valuation in financial ables us to study the price fluctuation of output merchandise (end
markets and operational environments [1], [2]. products) once the price of input commodities (raw materials)
changes in the future. More precisely, the question addressed in
this paper is: If the price of an input commodity fluctuates in
Manuscript received January 5, 2017; revised June 27, 2017 and October 16, the future, how much is the corresponding change in the cost of
2017; accepted December 5, 2017. Review of this manuscript was arranged by
Department Editor S. Talluri. (Corresponding author: Robert Handfield.) goods sold (COGS) for an enterprise’s end products? This is an
H. Moheb-Alizadeh is with the Graduate Program in Operations Research, important question faced by enterprises in a number of manu-
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695 USA (e-mail: hmoheba@ facturing and other industries. Answering this question can help
R. Handfield is with the Department of Business Management, Poole College managers set prices for their products more effectively to en-
of Management, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695 USA sure adequate returns. For instance, in the auto industry where
(e-mail: robert_handfield@ncsu.edu). the future price prediction of nonferrous metals is provided by
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. analyzing the global market and statistical routines, it is of great
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEM.2018.2796447 value to know that if the future price of Aluminum (Al) changes

0018-9391 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


by one dollar per ton, how much will the COGS of a specific car producers. Relative to crude commodities, however, crude oil
model fluctuate? Moreover, this paper provides executives with prices are currently more volatile than about 65% of other prod-
analytical tool to manage their supply chain contracts. The an- ucts. Radchenko [7] analyze d the effect of volatility in oil
alytical tool is an insensitivity interval obtained for purchasing prices on the degree of asymmetry in the response of gasoline
price of each input commodity. However, since the proposed prices to oil price increases and decreases. In this regard, several
approach in this paper is grounded on the predictive models, time series measures of the asymmetry between the responses
the volatility of input commodities’ prices should not be so un- of gasoline prices to oil price increases and decreases and sev-
naturally high that the authenticity of such predictive models eral measures of the oil price volatility were constructed. Cong
is suspected. In other words, the market of input commodities et al. [8] investigated the interactive relationships between oil
should be changing in a stable way without acute fluctuations. price shocks and Chinese stock market using multivariate vector
In finance and economics, COGS is defined as the direct costs auto-regression. Based on their findings, oil price shocks do not
attributable to the production of the goods sold by an enterprise. show statistically significant impact on the real stock returns of
This amount includes the cost of the materials used in creating most Chinese stock market indices, except for manufacturing
the good along with the direct labor costs used to produce the index and some oil companies. Serra et al. [9] assessed volatil-
good. In this framework, we define COGS in such a way as ity spillover in Brazilian ethanol markets using a specific kind
to exclude indirect and overhead expenses such as distribution of maximum likelihood estimator, which improved on previous
costs and sales force costs. methods by jointly estimating the ECM and the multivariate
The remaining of this paper is categorized as follows. GARCH processes.
Section II gives a literature review on both pricing input com- Worthington et al. [10] examined the transmission of spot
modities and analyzing COGS, separately. In Section III, the electricity prices and price volatility among the five regional
mathematical formulation of the problem and its special sensi- electricity markets in the Australian National Electricity Mar-
tivity analysis are elaborated. An empirical study is represented ket (NEM). They used a multivariate generalized autoregressive
in Section IV. Finally, Section V is devoted to conclusion and conditional heteroskedasticity (MGARCH) model to identify
future works. the source and magnitude of price and price volatility spillovers.
Zareipour et al. [11] conducted a comparative volatility analysis
II. LITERATURE REVIEW for the Ontario market and its neighboring electricity markets.
The analysis was carried out in two scenarios: in the first sce-
As mentioned before, to the best of the authors’ knowledge,
nario, the volatility indices are determined for the entire price
there does not exist any study in the literature considering the
time series. In the second scenario, the price time series are
impact of raw materials’ price changes on the COGS of end
broken up into 24 time series for each of the 24 h and volatility
products. Meanwhile, there are a bunch of papers that explore
indices are calculated for each specific hour separately. Garcia
how to analyze various commodities’ prices and use the COGS
et al. [12] provided an approach to predict next-day electricity
in the pricing management. In the following, a concise review
prices based on GARCH methodology that was already being
of these two categories is provided.
used to analyze time series data in general.
In the metal market, Hammoudeh and Yuan [13] used three
A. Analyzing Commodities’ Prices “two-factor” volatility models of the GARCH family to exam-
The studies in this category primarily adopt statistical ap- ine the volatility behavior of three strategic commodities: gold,
proaches to economically/financially analyze, predict, and ex- silver, and copper, in the presence of crude oil and interest
tract appropriate models for pricing data. For instance, in the rate shocks. McMillan and Speight [14] examined the condi-
oil and petrochemical market, Zhang et al. [3] first decomposed tional volatility of daily nonferrous LME settlement prices over
three crude oil price series with different time ranges and fre- the period 1972-1995 in the context of an empirical model of
quencies into several independent intrinsic modes. Then, the conditional volatility, which provides an explicit decomposition
intrinsic modes were composed into a fluctuating process, a of volatility into its long-run and short-run components, and
slowly varying component and a trend based on fine-to-coarse which is shown to be superior to the standard model of con-
reconstruction. Yang et al. [4] studied the price volatility of the ditional volatility widely applied in modeling financial market
crude oil market by examining the market structure of OPEC, volatility.
the stable and unstable demand structure, and related elastic-
ity of demand. Narayan and Narayan [5] examined the volatil-
ity of crude oil price using daily data for the period 1991– B. COGS Related Studies
2006. Their main findings can be summarized as follows: 1) There are not many papers in the literature that exploit COGS
across the various subsamples, there is inconsistent evidence analysis as a part of their analytical approaches. However, Carter
of asymmetry and persistence of shocks; and 2) over the full et al. [15] combined survey and archival data to show that envi-
sample period, evidence suggests that shocks have permanent ronmental purchasing is significantly related to both net income
effects, and asymmetric effects, on volatility. Regnier [6] exam- and COGS, after controlling for firm size, leverage, and primary
ined monthly producer prices for thousands of products over the earnings per share. Jack and Raturi [16] presented a theoreti-
period January 1945 through August 2005. Their results showed cal framework for measuring volume flexibility and relating
that crude oil, refined petroleum, and natural gas prices are more these measures to firm performance. They developed four met-
volatile than prices for about 95% of products sold by domestic rics using the principle that a volume flexible firm can handle
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


similar levels of uncertainty (as measured by sales variability) capj : Holding capacity of purchasing firm for the jth raw
with smaller fluctuations in inputs (as measured by variability material in the first level of material flow; j = 1, . . . , c1 .
in COGS and variability in inventory levels). Criner et al. [17] purj : Minimum amount of the jth raw material in the first
employed scanner data for 36 fresh produce items analyzing level of material flow to keep the manufacturing pro-
the relationship between costs of goods sold and retail prices to cesses operative; j = 1, . . . , c1 .
provide further insight into retail pricing behavior. Swamidass
Decision variables
et al. [18] developed an empirically valid neural model of U.S.
factories in a range of industries producing discrete products Pji : The purchasing price associated with the component
and used the model to test the effect of changes in product line lji , i.e., the purchasing price of the jth raw material in
width on plant performance variables. The sensitivity analysis the ith level.
of their neural factory shows that, as the product line increases, P̄jik : The purchasing price associated with the component
it does not affect COGS. s̄ij k , i.e., the purchasing price of the kth raw material of
Besides the papers reviewed in former two subsections, there the jth material in the ith level of material flow.
exist several other papers that explore the relationship among μr : The COGS of the rth end product, i.e., the value of
upstream and downstream markets, e.g., [19]–[21]. However, direct costs attributable to the production of one unit
they do not precisely model the relationship between raw mate- of the rth product manufactured by a company; r =
rials’ prices and end products’ COGS. 1, . . . , s.
Yr : The amount of the rth end product sold; r = 1, . . . , s.
III. MODEL DEVELOPMENT ϑj : The purchasing volume of material j in the purchasing
firm; j = 1, . . . , c1 .
In order to characterize the relationship among all raw ma- Hj : The inventory level of material j held in the purchasing
terials from beginning to end, which are used to produce the firm; j = 1, . . . , c1 .
end products in a purchasing firm, we describe a special rep- The COGS of a product is naturally a dynamic quantity be-
resentation called material flow. A material flow illustrates a cause it most likely varies over time as a function of its influ-
structure of levels of raw materials and their interrelationships. ential factors. To encounter such a dynamic quantity, from a
It is known that any raw material of a product needs its own statistics standpoint, we need to define a statistic for COGS,
raw materials to be produced. We specify the raw materials of such as expected value, variance, minimum/maximum value,
any raw material and their relationship in a material flow till we summation, etc. Kluge [22] asserted that a successful company
reach the very beginning raw materials, which do not have raw should rationally reduce the cost of its goods sold. In this regard,
materials anymore. Fig. 1 depicts a material flow of m levels he introduced three activities that a successful company needs
of raw materials; i = 1, . . . , m. Level zero, i.e., i = 0, indicates to employ for decreasing its COGS. Following this declaration,
the manufacturing firm. Let li ; i = 0, 1, . . . , m be the set of minimum of COGS sounds a sensible quantity (statistic) to de-
all nodes located in the ith level of material flow with |li | = ci , fine in the present study. Furthermore, this also enables us to
where || denotes the cardinality of the set inside. formulate the underlined problem as a mathematical program-
In addition, lji ; i = 0, 1, . . . , m and j = 1, . . . , ci , indicates ming model in which the COGS is minimized as the objective
the jth node of the ith level of material flow. As illustrated in function.
Fig. 1, a specific node located at any level might point to several
nodes in its preceding level. To characterize the later nodes, A. Mathematical Formulation
we define sij ; i = 2, . . . , m and j = 1, . . . , ci , with |sij | = cij
as the set of all nodes placed in the (i−1)th level of material Using the aforementioned notations, we propose the follow-
flow to which the jth node of the ith level points. On the other ing mathematical programming model. Then, using a variant of
hand, to any particular node in material flow, some nodes in the this mathematical model, we explain how to evaluate the fluctu-
proceeding level might point. To describe such nodes, we define ation in the minimum COGS as the purchasing price of at least
s̄ij ; i = 0, 1, . . . , (m − 1) and j = 1, . . . , ci , with |s̄ij | = c̄ij as one raw material changes
the set of all nodes located in the (i + 1)th level, which points to 
the jth node in the ith level of material flow. The kth component Min Z = Yr μr (1)
in the set s̄ij is presented as s̄ij k , i.e., s̄ij = {s̄ij 1 , s̄ij 2 , . . . , s̄ij c̄ i }. r =1
Since any node in the material flow represents a particular raw s.t.
material, the set sij characterizes all materials that have lji as one
Yr = Qr (ϑ1 , . . . , ϑc 1 , H1 , . . . , Hc 1 ) ∀r (2)
of their raw materials. On the other hand, the set s̄ij contains all
raw materials of lji that can be also served as the bill of materials μr = Fr (P11 , P21 , . . . , Pc11 , P11 P21 , . . . , P11 Pc11 , P21 P31 ,
for lji . . . . , P21 Pc11 , . . . , Pc11 −1 Pc11 , . . . , P11 P21 . . . Pc11 , ωr ) ∀r
We define the following notations toward developing the
mathematical model. Pji = Gij (P̄ji1 , P̄ji2 , . . . , P̄jic̄ i , P̄ji1 P̄ji2 , . . . , P̄ji1 P̄jic̄ i , P̄ji2 P̄ji3 ,
j j
. . . , P̄ji2 P̄jic̄ i i
, . . . , P̄j,c̄ i
i −1 P̄j c̄ i , . . . , P̄ji1 P̄ji2 . . . P̄jic̄ i , ji )
demr : Required amount (demand) of the rth end product in j j j j

the following period of time; r = 1, . . . , s. (3)

This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 1. Material flow of a purchasing firm with m levels.

i = 1, . . . , (m − 1) ∀j (4) characterized by the components of s̄ij , i.e., s̄ij k ’s; 2) the interac-
μLr ≤ μr ≤ μUr ∀r (5) tion factors of such prices; and 3) if autocorrelated, Pji in some
previous periods. Constraint (4) implies this requirement, where
Pji,L ≤ Pji ≤ Pji,U ∀i, j (6) Gij can be again regarded as a forecasting function of Pji with
the aforementioned three input factors. Recall that ji is the pure
P̄ji,L i i,U
k ≤ P̄j k ≤ P̄j k ∀i, j, k = 1, . . . , c̄i−1
j (7)
noise if there is no autocorrelation of Pji based on analysis of
Yr ≥ demr ∀r (8) ACF and PACF of the residuals from the respective OLS fit for

expression (4). Otherwise, ji = w̄ji + z =1 φ̄ij z ji z , where
Hj ≤ capj , j = 1, . . . , c1 (9)
ji z is the residual of the OLS fit for expression (4) z periods
ϑj + Hj ≥ purj , j = 1, . . . , c1 . (10) prior to the current period, φ̄ij z is the appropriate autocorrelation
Objective function (1) minimizes the total COGS. Constraint coefficient, ¯is the autocorrelation lag derived by analyzing ACF
(2) gives the production level of each end product as a function of and PACF, and w̄ji is the white noise. However, the price of any
purchased amount of raw materials and inventory level of each raw material can be estimated to be within a prediction interval
raw material held in the purchasing firm. In this constraint, one in the next period of time. Taking such prediction intervals into
might regard Qr as a production function, e.g., Cobb–Douglas account that can be calculated using time series analyses [23],
production function, Leontief production function, linear pro- [24] results in more precise estimates in practice. In this regard,
duction function, etc., where ϑj and Hj are factor inputs. In constraints (5)–(7) provide prediction intervals for COGS of the
constraint (3), the value of μr is estimated by function Fr of the rth end product and raw materials’ purchasing prices, where μLr ,
following: 1) the purchasing price of the raw materials located in μUr , pi,L i,U i,L i,U
j , pj , p̄j k , and p̄j k represent the lower and the upper
the first level of material flow; 2) the interaction factors of such bounds of the corresponding 100(1 − α)% prediction intervals,
purchasing prices; and 3) if autocorrelated, the COGS of respec- respectively. Constraint (8) indicates that production level of
tive end product in some previous periods. In this constraint, we the rth end product in purchasing firm satisfies its demand re-
indeed define the function Fr as a forecasting function for μr quirement. Constraint (9) implies the inventory level of the jth
with the aforementioned three input factors. We also assume raw material should be less than or equal to the corresponding
that ωr is the corresponding white noise. Meanwhile, if the au- holding capacity in purchasing firm. Ultimately, constraint (10)
tocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation func- guarantees proper amount of jth raw material is available in the
tion (PACF) of the residuals from the respective ordinary least following period of time to keep the manufacturing processes
squares (OLS) fit for expression (3) suggestautocorrelation of operative.
COGS of an end product, then ωr = wr + z =1 φz ωrz , where In order to characterize constraints (2)–(4), one might need
ωrz is the residual of the OLS fit for expression (3) z periods to investigate various functional relationships, i.e., linear and
prior to the current period, φz is the appropriate autocorrelation nonlinear, to derive the most statistically proper functions for
coefficient,  is the autocorrelation lag which is derived from Qr , Fr and Gij . Furthermore, it is worth noting that the pre-
analysis of ACF and PACF, and wr is the white noise. Other- dictive functions Fr and Gij might not necessarily include all
wise, ωr is purely with noise [23]. Furthermore, we know that their arguments when being characterized. In other words, the
the price of the jth raw material located in the ith level, i.e.,Pji , is most statistically suitable functions for Fr and Gij might in-
a function of the following: 1) the price of its own raw materials clude only a subset of their respective arguments or the whole
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


of them. That which input arguments are statistically significant products that lead to the minimum value of COGS, but also
when defining the functions Fr and Gij can be drawn based on it provides a tool to evaluate how much the minimum COGS
user’s experiment in the field and/or the result of some statisti- changes if the purchasing price of one raw material fluctuates
cal routines such as standardized coefficient in linear regression in future. To accomplish this objective, we propose an approach
models. that is grounded on a sensitivity analysis of the developed math-
Since the tth node in the (i + 1)th level, i.e., lti+1 , points to ematical model. In this sensitivity analysis, we relax the decision
ct nodes in the ith level of material flow, we are able to find variable that the impact of its purchasing price changes on the
t different j and k subscripts for s̄ij k , which in fact denote the minimum COGS in future is going to be evaluated by substi-
same lti+1 . Let’s define a new set Hti+1 ; i = 1, . . . , (m − 1) and tuting it with its real value after fluctuation. The steps of the
t = 1, . . . , ci , as the set of all s̄ij k that equivalently represent the proposed sensitivity analysis are described as follows.
particular node lti+1 . In other words, although the components of 1) The mathematical programming model (11)–(19) with re-
Hti+1 have different j and k subscripts, they indistinguishably duced decision variables is solved using the initial pa-
refer to the particular lti+1 . Due to this equivalence property rameters to derive the optimal values of raw materials’
between lti+1 and the components of Hti+1 , we can substitute purchasing prices and production level of end products
purchasing prices of the components belonging to Hti+1 , i.e., resulting in the minimum value of COGS.
P̄jik , with purchasing price of the corresponding equivalent lti+1 , 2) Regarding the optimal values derived in step 1 for purchas-
ing prices as p∗i
j , we assume pj  which is the optimal
i.e., Pti+1 , in all respective constraints, and subsequently reduce 
purchasing price of the j th raw material located in the
the number of decision variables. In this case, we derive the
(i + 1)th level of material flow is going to change by Δ
following mathematical programming problem:
in future to reach pi+1
j = p∗i+1
j + Δ, where Δ can be a

s positive or negative quantity. Therefore, if i = 0 in p∗i+1
j ,
Min Z = Yr μr (11) then we optimize the following programming model:
r =1

s.t. Min Z̄ = Yr μr (20)
r =1
Yr = Qr (ϑ1 , . . . , ϑc 1 , H1 , . . . , Hc 1 ) ∀r (12)
μr = Fr (P11 , P21 , . . . , Pc11 , P11 P21 , . . . , P11 Pc11 , P21 P31 , . . . ,
Yr = Qr (ϑ1 , . . . , ϑc 1 , H1 , . . . , Hc 1 ) ∀r (21)
P21 Pc11 , . . . , Pc11 −1 Pc11 , . . . , P11 P21 . . . Pc11 , ωr ) ∀r
μr = Fr (P11 , . . . , P(j1  −1) , p1 1 1 1 1
j  , P(j  +1) , . . . , Pc 1 , P1 P2 , ..,
Pji = Gij (Pti+1

, Pti+1

, . . . , Pti+1

, Pti+1


, . . . , Pti+1


P11 P(j1  −1) , P11 p1 1 1 1 1
c̄ c̄
j  , P1 P(j  +1) , . . . , P1 Pc 1 , . . . ,
j j

Pti+1 Pti+1 , . . . , Pti+1 Pti+1 , . . . , Pti+1 Pti+1 ,...,

p1 1 1 1 1 1
j  Pj  +1 , . . . , pj  Pc 1 , . . . , Pc 1 −1 Pc 1 , . . . ,
2 3 2 c̄ i c̄ i −1 c̄ i
j j j



. . . Pti+1

, ji ) (13) P11 . . . P(j1  −1) p1 1 1
j  P(j  +1) . . . Pc 1 , ωr ) ∀r (22)


Pji = Gij (Pti+1 , Pti+1 , . . . , Pti+1 , Pti+1 Pti+1 ,...,

i = 1, . . . , (m − 1), j, tk = {t; s̄ij k ∈ Hti+1 ≈ lti+1 } (14) 





μLr ≤ μr ≤ μUr ∀r (15) Pti+1

 , Pti+1


, . . . , Pti+1

c̄ i c̄ i
j j

Pji,L ≤ Pji ≤ Pji,U ∀i, j (16)

 , . . . , Pti+1


. . . Pti+1
 , ji )
c̄ i −1 c̄ i c̄ i
Yr ≥ demr ∀r (17) j j j

i = 1, . . . , (m − 1) ∀j, t k = {t; s̄ij k ∈ Hti+1 ≈ lti+1 }

Hj ≤ cap1j , j = 1, . . . , c1 (18)
ϑj + Hj ≥ pur1j , j = 1, . . . , c1 . (19)
μLr ≤ μr ≤ μUr ∀r (24)
In constraint (14), tk
returns the subscript for which Hti+1 Pji,L ≤ Pji ≤ Pji,U ∀i, j/{i = 1, j = j  } (25)
containing s̄ij k is equivalent to lti+1 . In this constraint, ≈ indi-
cates the equivalence property between lti+1 and the components Yr ≥ demr ∀r (26)
of Hti+1 . In this case, purchasing price of any raw material in Hj ≤ cap1j , j = 1, . . . , c1 (27)
a specific level is characterized as a function of the price of its
own raw materials located in the next level of material flow. ϑ j + Hj ≥ pur1j , j = 1, . . . , c1 . (28)
In the current programming model, p1j  is excluded from
B. Sensitivity Analysis the set of decision variables because it is relaxed by substi-
Not only does the mathematical programming model tuting with p1 ∗1
j  = pj  + Δ in the first constraint. In other
(11)–(19) assist us with determining the optimal values of all words, the purchasing price of lj1 , i.e., p1j  , is not regarded
raw materials’ purchasing prices and production level of end anymore as a decision variable after changing by Δ be-
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


cause its precise value is now known as p∗1 j  + Δ. Thus,

we place the value pj  into any function Fr containing p1j 

and then solve the later programming problem with the

new function Fr obtained.
On the other hand, if the optimal purchasing price of the
j  th raw material in the (i + 1)th level (i > 0) of material
flow is expected to change by Δ in future, then we solve Fig. 2. Representation of different purchasing prices and their respective min-
the following programming problem: imum value of COGS.

Min Z̄ = Yr μr (29) not be realistic because it may never be available in practice.
r =1 Meanwhile, we are able to reach the current or actual purchasing
s.t. price of lji+1
 , say pc,i+1
j , by selecting an appropriate value for
Δ, say Δ . If the current price is greater than or equal to the op-
Yr = Qr (ϑ1 , . . . , ϑc 1 , h1 , . . . , hc 1 ) ∀r (30) timal price, i.e., pc,i+1
j ≥ p∗i+1
j , then Δc = pc,i+1 j − p∗i+1
j ; oth-
∗i+1 c,i+1
μr = Fr (P1 , P2 , . . . , Pc 1 , P1 P2 , . . . , P1 Pc 1 , P2 P3 , . . . , erwise, Δ = pj  − pj  . Assuming the minimum COGS in
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c

the current purchasing price of lji+1  to be equal to Zc∗ , Zc∗ − Z ∗

P21 Pc11 , . . . , Pc11 −1 Pc11 , . . . , P11 P21 . . . Pc11 , ωr ) ∀r indicates how much the minimum COGS varies if the optimal
Pji = Gij (Pti+1  , Pti+1
 , . . . , P(ji+1  −1) , pj 
, P(ji+1  −1) , . . . ,
purchasing price of lji+1  alters by Δc to reach its current purchas-
1 2
ing price. After rescaling to the current price, if pc,i+1 j changes
Pti+1 , P i+1 i+1
P , . . . , P i+1 i+1
P , P i+1 i+1
p , c,i+1

c̄ i
1 t 
2 t 
1 (j  −1) t 
1 j 
by Δ̂ to obtain a new price for lj  , i.e., p̂j  = pj 
i+1 i+1
+ Δ̂, with
∗ ∗ ∗
i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 the minimum COGS of Ẑ , then Ẑ − Z denotes the changes

P(ji+1  −1), . . . , Pt 
Pt  i , pj  Pj  +1 , .., c

j in the minimum COGS with respect to the current purchas-
i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 ing price, whereas Ẑ ∗ − Z ∗ indicates this change with respect
pj  Pt  i , .., pt  i pt  i , . . . , to the optimal purchasing price. Fig. 2 illustrates how the mini-
c̄ c̄ −1 c̄
j j j
mum COGS is compared with respect to the optimal and current
Pti+1  −1) . . . Pt  i , j )
i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 i

P t 
. . . P (j  −1) pj  P (j purchasing prices, where the corresponding minimum value of


(31) COGS is represented beneath each type of purchasing price.

Remark 2: Starting from the optimum value, we enumer-
i = 1, . . . , (m − 1) ∀j, tk = {t; s̄ij k ∈ Hti+1 ≈ lti+1 } ate different values for Δ such that the whole prediction inter-
(32) val of the corresponding purchasing price is covered. However,
it might be likely that the mathematical programming models
μLr ≤ μr ≤ μUr ∀r (33) (20)–(28) and (29)–(37) become infeasible before reaching the

Pji,L ≤ Pji ≤ Pji,U ∀i, j; excluding pi+1 j (34) end points of the respective prediction interval. In such a circum-
stance, we acquire a subinterval of the corresponding prediction
Yr ≥ demr ∀r (35) interval within which the mathematical models (20)–(28) and
(29)–(37) retain their feasibility. We call such a subinterval the
Hj ≤ cap1j j = 1, . . . , c1 (36) feasibility interval of the respective optimum purchasing price.
ϑj + Hj ≥ pur1j , j = 1, . . . , c1 . (37)
Recall that since the precise value of purchasing price
of raw material lji+1  (i > 0) is disclosed once its opti- We present an empirical study in this section to illustrate
mal value is changed by Δ, it is regarded no longer how the proposed mathematical programming models work in
as a decision variable. Accordingly, the initial decision a practical context. In this regard, we implement the developed
variable Pj  (i > 0) is substituted by the precise value
i+1 approach in an American corporation that manufactures agri-
i+1 ∗i+1 cultural, construction, and forestry machinery, diesel engines,
pj  = pj  + Δ in all corresponding functions Gj con- i
drivetrains used in heavy equipment and lawn care equipment.
taining Pji+1  . The objective of this empirical study is to examine the impact
3) In both cases i = 0 and i > 0, since we retain all other pa- of price fluctuation of raw materials on the minimum COGS of
rameters fixed but only alter the optimal purchasing price two shafts manufactured by this company—primary shaft (PS)
of lji+1
 by Δ, any change in the objective function min- and secondary shaft (SS). The shafts are assembled together
imizing COGS can be viewed as the impact of changing to produce a gearbox of one special model of an agricultural
the optimal purchasing price of lji+1  by Δ. In other words, equipment. The main reasons why these two shafts are chosen
if the optimal price of lji+1  changes by Δ in future, then to be examined in this study are as follows.
the minimum COGS fluctuates by Z̄ ∗ − Z ∗ . 1) The company directly spends around 4.13% of its annual
Remark 1: Z̄ ∗ − Z ∗ indicates how much the minimum budget to produce them.
COGS volatiles if the optimal purchasing price of lji+1  changes 2) Their raw materials’ market has been somewhat volatile,
by Δ. However, working with an optimal purchasing price may which makes pricing of these two shafts too difficult.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


As mentioned before, Pji and P̄ji denote the correspond-

ing prices of lji and any component in s̄ij , respectively.
Moreover, the value of other parameters in the model are
as follows: demPS = 4045, demSS = 4850, capBF = capMF =
capSF = 1256, purBF = 7235, purMF = 6854, and purSF =
6045. After characterizing all sets and their components and
parameters, we have the following initial mathematical pro-
gramming model:
Min Z1 = YPS μPS + YSS μSS
Fig. 3. Material flow for the empirical study.
Hence, our proposed approach helps the company know how
to appropriately set the selling price of these shafts so as to obtain YPS = QPS (ϑBF , ϑMF , ϑSF , HBF , HMF , HSF )
as much marginal profit as possible, where profit = selling price YSS = QSS (ϑBF , ϑMF , ϑSF , HBF , HMF , HSF )
− COGS. In other words, once the company knows how the
minimum COGS of these two shafts would fluctuate in future, μPS = FPS (PBF , PMF , PSF , PBF PMF , PBF PSF , PMF PSF ,
it is able to properly set their selling prices resulting in more PBF PMF PSF , ωPS )
profit in the volatile market.
A. Data Acquisition and Model Configuration PMF PSF PBF PMF PSF , ωSS )
To manufacture the aforementioned shafts, this company pur- PBF = G1BF (P̄11
1 1
, P̄12 1
, P̄11 1
P̄12 , BF )
chases three types of major raw materials, including big forge
(BF), medium forge (MF), and small forge (SF), which are com- PMF = G1MF (P̄21
1 1
, P̄22 1
, P̄21 1
P̄22 , MF )
bined together with different percentages under different man-
PSF = G1SF (P̄31
1 1
, P̄32 1
, P̄33 1
, P̄31 1
P̄32 1
, P̄31 1
P̄33 1
, P̄32 1
P̄33 ,
ufacturing processes. Moreover, these first-level raw materials
1 1 1
are themselves produced by combining three different metals: P̄31 P̄32 P̄33 , SF )
Fe30 (FE), Me48 (ME), and Al32 (AL). Particularly, Fe30 (FE)
and Al32 (AL) are combined to make big forge (BF), Me48 μLPS ≤ μPS ≤ μUPS , μLSS ≤ μSS ≤ μUSS
(ME), and Al32 (AL) are blended to make medium forge (MF), L
, L
Fe30 (FE), Me48 (ME), and Al32 (AL) are all mixed together
1,L 1 1,U
to make SF. Fig. 3 depicts material flow of the underlined study, L
, P̄11 ≤ P̄11 ≤ P̄11
which represents the relationships among all raw materials. 1,L 1,U 1,L 1,U
1 1
Having such a material flow and following our discussion P̄12 ≤ P̄12 ≤ P̄12 , P̄21 ≤ P̄21 ≤ P̄21
given formerly, the next step is to define all introduced sets and 1,L 1 1,U 1,L 1 1,U
P̄22 ≤ P̄22 ≤ P̄22 , P̄31 ≤ P̄31 ≤ P̄31
their components. Since there are only two levels of raw materi-
1,L 1 1,U 1,L 1 1,U
als in material flow, we first characterize the set of components P̄32 ≤ P̄32 ≤ P̄32 , P̄33 ≤ P̄33 ≤ P̄33
located in each level as follows:
YPS ≥ 4045, YSS ≥ 4850
l1 = {BF, MF, SF}, |l1 | = c1 = 3
HBF ≤ 1256, HMF ≤ 1256
l2 = {FE, ME, AL}, |l2 | = c2 = 3.
HSF ≤ 1256, ϑBF + HBF ≥ 7235
Consequently, we describe the raw materials located in the ϑMF + HMF ≥ 6854, ϑSF + HSF ≥ 6045.
first level as l11 = BF, l21 = MF, and l31 = SF, and those placed
in the second level of material flow as l12 = FE, l22 = ME, and In order to modify the aforementioned model and reduce its
l32 = AL. We also define two sets sij and s̄ij as follows: decision variables, we derive the set Hti+1 ; i = 1, . . . , (m − 1)
and t = 1, . . . , ci introduced before as follows:
s21 = {BF, SF}, |s21 | = c21 = 2
H12 = {s̄111 , s̄131 }, H22 = {s̄121 , s̄132 }, and H32 = {s̄112 , s̄122 , s̄133 }.
s22 = {MF, SF}, |s22 | = c22 =2
Therefore, the modified programming model with reduced
s23 = {BF, MF, SF}, |s23 | = c23 = 3 decision variables is formulated as
s̄01 = {s̄011 , s̄012 , s̄013 } = {BF, MF, SF}, |s̄01 | = c̄01 = 3 Min Z1 = YPS μPS + YSS μS S
s̄11 = {s̄111 , s̄112 } = {FE, AL}, |s̄11 | = c̄11 =2 s.t.
s̄12 = {s̄121 , s̄122 } = {ME, AL}, |s̄12 | = c̄12 =2 YPS = QPS (ϑBF , ϑMF , ϑSF , HBF , HMF , HSF )
s̄13 = {s̄131 , s̄132 , s̄133 } = {FE, ME, AL}, |s̄13 | = c̄13 = 3. YSS = QSS (ϑBF , ϑMF , ϑSF , HBF , HMF , HSF )
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Period Purchasing Volume (103 kg) Inventory Level (103 kg) Production Level (103 kg)


1 31.725 18.308 13.907 10.922 10.742 13.45 37.525 42.144

2 29.726 25.988 14.913 11.346 8.666 11.17 35.048 39.917
3 42.521 19.119 15.655 11.234 9.427 10.68 38.636 44.913
4 32.782 20.723 10.984 12.239 8.031 8.224 35.236 40.674
5 26.791 18.698 18.081 10.602 9.461 11.17 34.854 41.889
6 33.868 11.539 14.810 11.658 8.567 11.49 34.238 43.464
7 35.873 12.754 14.298 13.393 9.931 8.350 35.453 41.754
8 43.112 19.432 14.798 9.482 10.945 12.12 34.080 43.136
9 27.956 19.521 12.669 13.383 8.668 10.23 39.212 43.279
10 35.661 23.795 13.329 12.296 13.449 10.78 39.716 39.659
11 32.542 21.321 18.772 9.358 12.029 10.73 34.832 40.875
12 21.317 26.842 13.117 13.471 9.177 13.46 38.176 42.357
13 29.559 20.249 11.921 13.015 9.740 12.65 35.860 42.562
14 30.133 19.139 12.631 12.551 12.795 13.43 37.300 44.678
15 36.017 19.351 13.602 10.831 11.921 12.94 36.379 42.525
16 32.030 15.997 17.571 8.886 12.860 11.53 39.532 40.745
17 29.190 14.811 15.739 10.118 8.756 8.170 35.700 44.395
18 28.854 20.267 14.742 10.397 8.748 10.84 35.676 39.519
19 34.014 22.931 14.431 13.447 10.211 8.392 39.264 43.567
20 35.029 17.583 11.441 9.123 10.512 12.67 38.411 39.077
21 34.380 15.826 14.440 8.226 12.250 9.685 39.353 44.228
22 36.941 25.560 18.060 8.192 12.944 12.94 33.008 43.369
23 34.346 20.936 12.858 11.041 10.909 10.40 35.166 41.050
24 36.815 27.167 17.305 8.030 11.209 12.01 36.153 43.925
25 32.178 18.525 14.888 8.987 11.827 10.10 37.669 43.710
26 34.926 9.522 15.775 11.494 9.499 11.43 38.983 40.832
27 29.508 23.404 12.319 10.044 11.226 10.01 36.435 44.843
28 37.259 20.176 10.166 11.165 13.191 10.66 38.187 43.235
29 30.541 21.690 4.206 11.281 9.880 12.60 33.085 43.118
30 33.995 22.903 14.728 10.487 8.057 9.961 35.452 40.643
31 36.984 18.011 12.710 11.499 8.518 9.279 33.963 39.156
32 38.883 21.997 16.885 10.250 12.086 10.88 36.912 40.979

It is observed that we have decreased four decision variables

μPS = FPS (PBF , PMF , PSF , PBF PMF , PBF PSF , PMF PSF , in the later programming model in comparison with the former
PBF PMF PSF , ωPS ) one. In large scale problems, this modification certainly dimin-
ishes the problem complexity and can assist with finding more
μSS = FSS (PBF , PMF , PSF , PBF PMF , PBF PSF , effective and efficient solution procedures.
PMF PSF PBF PMF PSF , ωSS ) The next step is to derive the production functions QPS and
QSS and also the forecasting functions FPS , FSS , G1BF , G1MF , and
PBF = G1BF (P12 , P32 ) = G1BF (PFE , PAL , PFE PAL , BF ) G1SF using the historical data available. We exploit the historical
PMF = G1MF (P22 , P32 ) = G1MF (PME , PAL , PME PAL , MF ) data for purchasing volumes and inventory levels of raw mate-
rials located in the first level of material flow for 32 previous
PSF = G1SF (P12 , P22 , P32 ) = G1SF (PFE , PME , PAL , PFE PME , periods, presented in Table I, and explore various functional re-
PFE PAL , PME PAL , PFE PME PAL , SF ) lationships to find out the most appropriate production functions
QPS and QSS . In this regard, the linear functional relationship
μLPS ≤ μPS ≤ μUPS , μLSS ≤ μSS ≤ μUSS sounds sufficient approximation to model the production func-
tions QPS and QSS , as follows:
, L

, L
YPS = 0.1341ϑBF + 0.012ϑMF + 0.385ϑSF + 1.307HBF
, L
U + 0.87HMF + 0.369HSF (38)
YPS ≥ 4045, YSS ≥ 4850 YSS = 0.26ϑBF + 0.118ϑMF + 0.38ϑSF + 1.226HBF
HBF ≤ 1256, HMF ≤ 1256 + 0.574HMF + 0.575HSF . (39)
HSF ≤ 1256, ϑBF + HBF ≥ 7235
Linear regression models (38) and (39) have R-squared of
ϑMF + HMF ≥ 6854, ϑSF + HSF ≥ 6045. 99.60% and 99.62%, respectively, and regression p-value of
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.




Period Purchasing Prices ($/kg) COGS ($) Period Purchasing Prices ($/kg) COGS ($/kg)


1 80.5 63.5 49.2 146.0 185.0 1 13.0 39.6 23.1 80.5 63.5 49.2
2 89.8 63.7 40.7 147.9 185.4 2 7.5 24.6 38.8 89.8 63.7 40.7
3 77.8 54.4 43.4 153.0 199.0 3 3.8 20.0 35.3 77.8 54.4 43.4
4 75.1 55.1 41.9 159.1 187.1 4 8.4 23.4 30.6 75.1 55.1 41.9
5 78.6 52.1 45.5 147.4 194.9 5 6.2 14.9 37.3 78.6 52.1 45.5
6 81.9 59.2 43.5 146.9 185.1 6 10.7 33.2 27.0 81.9 59.2 43.5
7 75.9 61.1 41.5 143.3 192.1 7 6.7 28.5 31.6 75.9 61.1 41.5
8 80.0 63.0 43.8 157.1 194.3 8 8.0 28.9 35.0 80.0 63.0 43.8
9 80.9 64.4 45.0 149.9 188.4 9 10.2 31.0 32.4 80.9 64.4 45.0
10 79.5 60.6 44.6 155.8 198.1 10 13.1 36.2 24.5 79.5 60.6 44.6
11 77.8 64.4 44.4 159.1 192.4 11 8.0 30.7 34.5 77.8 64.4 44.4
12 84.8 62.5 46.8 149.8 186.4 12 12.2 36.4 27.2 84.8 62.5 46.8
13 84.1 52.2 48.7 147.0 191.9 13 16.4 31.3 19.8 84.1 52.2 48.7
14 78.9 61.8 44.9 153.9 198.0 14 8.4 28.2 32.5 78.9 61.8 44.9
15 75.6 61.0 44.2 148.8 196.1 15 6.5 27.4 33.5 75.6 61.0 44.2
16 87.4 59.3 44.0 144.3 194.8 16 7.1 19.5 39.6 87.4 59.3 44.0
17 81.3 56.1 48.1 154.7 185.4 17 14.1 32.7 22.5 81.3 56.1 48.1
18 89.3 50.9 48.0 161.7 197.5 18 11.7 20.9 29.1 89.3 50.9 48.0
19 77.6 64.5 48.5 160.5 197.4 19 5.7 29.9 33.5 77.6 64.5 48.5
20 76.1 52.0 40.6 164.2 190.6 20 6.4 16.5 35.5 76.1 52.0 40.6
21 83.4 50.9 44.8 151.0 199.5 21 5.7 12.6 37.5 83.4 50.9 44.8
22 88.4 64.4 42.8 156.2 185.8 22 12.9 35.0 28.5 88.4 64.4 42.8
23 80.4 63.5 43.7 146.6 192.5 23 10.8 37.5 26.1 80.4 63.5 43.7
24 88.9 64.9 42.7 159.0 190.5 24 12.9 36.3 29.7 88.9 64.9 42.7
25 76.2 60.9 48.5 163.7 186.5 25 4.6 24.0 37.6 76.2 60.9 48.5
26 81.5 64.2 44.5 151.0 198.8 26 7.2 27.4 36.5 81.5 64.2 44.5
27 86.9 57.2 49.2 155.2 197.7 27 6.7 16.8 40.2 86.9 57.2 49.2
28 89.6 53.0 40.7 144.1 190.4 28 9.9 19.6 34.5 89.6 53.0 40.7
29 82.1 58.5 44.3 159.5 189.5 29 5.1 22.3 37.0 82.1 58.5 44.3
30 77.9 60.5 46.5 156.7 194.3 30 4.6 23.2 37.1 77.9 60.5 46.5
31 80.1 59.6 49.6 155.5 197.8 31 4.9 18.8 39.6 80.1 59.6 49.6
32 84.7 63.5 45.3 156.9 190.3 32 13.3 39.4 23.3 84.7 63.5 45.3

zero, which attest the appropriateness of linear relationship to We follow the same procedure as mentioned earlier to attain
characterize the production functions QPS and QSS . the forecasting functions G1BF , G1MF , and G1SF . In this regard,
To obtain the predictive functions FPS and FSS , we obtained Table III presents the purchasing prices of very beginning raw
the purchasing data of raw materials BF, MF, and SF from the materials FE, ME, and AL, and the respective COGS of raw
purchasing planning department of this company. Moreover, materials BF, MF, and SF, which were provided by suppliers of
associated with these purchasing data, the COGS of the pri- raw materials BF, MF, and SF. Exploring various functional re-
mary and secondary shafts were given by the accounting and lationships, we derive the following regression models to define
financial department. Table II presents 32 purchasing prices of the predictive functions G1BF , G1MF and G1SF :
raw materials BF, MF, and SF, and the corresponding COGS of PBF = 3.965PFE + 1.797PAL − 0.0421PFE PAL (42)
primary and secondary shafts. Following a fixed-order interval
(FOI) inventory system, the company has been purchasing these PMF = 3.5 + 0.96PME + 0.935PAL (43)
raw materials per two months. Therefore, the data presented in PSF = −165.26 + 18.364PFE + 6.478PME + 5.646PAL
Table II are related to past 64 months.
Recall that we need to examine various functional relation- − 0.526PFE PME − 0.499PFE PAL − 0.168PME PAL
ships to derive the most proper functions for FPS and FSS . We + 0.013PFE PME PAL . (44)
characterize the following linear regression models:

μPS = 0.556PBF + 0.5564PMF + 1.659PSF (40) The R-square of the current regression models are 99.89%,
μSS = 1.095PBF + 1.599PMF + 2.622PSF − 0.0005PBF PMF PSF 97.19%, and 99.79%, respectively. Their regression p-values are
(41) also all equal to zero.
Fig. 4 depicts ACF with 5% significance limits for the residu-
where R-square of models (40) and (41) are equal to 99.74% als from the OLS fit of the regression models (40)–(44). Examin-
and 99.95%, respectively, and their regression p-values are both ing this figure reveals that there is no significant autocorrelation
zero. for purchasing price of PS, SS, BF, MF, and SF.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 4. ACF of the residuals for regression models (a) 40, (b) 41, (c) 42, (d) 43, and (e) 44.

In the next step, we determine the 99% prediction intervals for predictors of their corresponding raw materials’ purchasing
two shafts’ COGS and all raw materials’ purchasing price. We prices. Using the later quantities, the 99% prediction intervals
start doing so from the raw materials placed in the second level for purchasing prices of raw materials BF, MF, and SF are
of material flow. According to thedata given in Table III and derived as 74.878 ≤ PBF ≤ 90.9045, 57.215 ≤ PMF ≤ 61.716,
the general interval x̄ ± tn −1,α /2 s 1 + 1/n [25], we are able and 36.886 ≤ PSF ≤ 49.358. Again, the centers of the cur-
to derive 99% prediction intervals for their corresponding pur- rent intervals are regarded as the observation for predictors
chasing prices as: 0 ≤ PFE ≤ 19.166, 3.845 ≤ PME ≤ 50.323 of their respective raw materials’ purchasing prices. In this
and 14.833 ≤ PAL ≤ 49.6. In the aforementioned general in- case, we obtain the 99% prediction intervals for COGS of
equality, x̄ and s are the sample mean and standard deviation end products PS and SS as: 127.472 ≤ μPS ≤ 173.933 and
of n = 32 purchasing prices of raw materials FE, ME and AL, 177.801 ≤ μSS ≤ 205.155. All computations associated with
and t31,0.005 = 3.022. For the next period of time, i.e., n = 33, the aforementioned prediction intervals are carried out by re-
we regard the center of these intervals as the observation for gression module of Minitab statistical software [26].
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Having all these defined, we are able to construct the proposed price of raw material BF, it is not regarded as a decision variable
mathematical programming model (11)–(19) for this case study anymore and we substitute the quantity 75.878 wherever the
as follows: decision variable PBF appears in the model to obtain the follow-
ing programming problem with the optimal objective function
Min Z1 = YPS μPS + YSS μSS value of $1 564 316:
Min Z1 = YPS μPS + YSS μSS
0.1341ϑBF + 0.012ϑMF + 0.385ϑSF + 1.307HBF + 0.87HMF
+ 0.369HSF − YPS = 0
0.1341ϑBF + 0.012ϑMF + 0.385ϑSF + 1.307HBF + 0.87HMF
0.26ϑBF + 0.118ϑMF + 0.38ϑSF + 1.226HBF + 0.574HMF
+ 0.369HSF − YPS = 0
+ 0.575HSF − YSS = 0
0.26ϑBF + 0.118ϑMF + 0.38ϑSF + 1.226HBF + 0.574HMF
0.556PBF + 0.5564PMF + 1.659PSF − μPS = 0
+ 0.575HSF − YSS = 0
1.095PBF + 1.599PMF + 2.622PSF − 0.0005PBF PMF PSF
0.556(75.878) + 0.5564PMF + 1.659PSF − μPS = 0
− μSS = 0
1.095(75.878) + 1.599PMF + 2.622PSF
3.965PFE + 1.797PAL − 0.0421PFE PAL − PBF = 0
− 0.0005(75.878)PMF PSF − μSS = 0
3.5 + 0.96PME + 0.935PAL − PMF = 0
3.965PFE + 1.797PAL − 0.0421PFE PAL − 82.00 = 0
− 165.26 + 18.364PFE + 6.478PME + 5.646PAL
3.5 + 0.96PME + 0.935PAL − PMF = 0
− 0.499PFE PAL − 0.168PME PAL + 0.013PFE PME PAL
− 165.26 + 18.364PFE + 6.478PME + 5.646PAL
− PSF = 0
− 0.526PFE PME − 0.499PFE PAL − 0.168PME PAL
0 ≤ PFE ≤ 19.166, 3.845 ≤ PME ≤ 50.323
+ 0.013PFE PME PAL − PSF = 0
14.833 ≤ PAL ≤ 49.6, 74.878 ≤ PBF ≤ 90.905
0 ≤ PFE ≤ 19.166, 3.845 ≤ PME ≤ 50.323
57.215 ≤ PMF ≤ 61.716, 36.886 ≤ PSF ≤ 49.358
14.833 ≤ PAL ≤ 49.6, 57.215 ≤ PMF ≤ 61.716
127.472 ≤ μPS ≤ 173.933, 177.801 ≤ μSS ≤ 205.155
36.886 ≤ PSF ≤ 49.358, 127.472 ≤ μPS ≤ 173.933
YPS ≥ 4045, YSS ≥ 4850
177.801 ≤ μSS ≤ 205.155, YPS ≥ 4045, YSS ≥ 4850
HBF ≤ 1256, HMF ≤ 1256
HBF ≤ 1256, HMF ≤ 1256
HSF ≤ 1256, ϑBF + HBF ≥ 7235
HSF ≤ 1256, ϑBF + HBF ≥ 7235
ϑMF + HMF ≥ 6854, ϑSF + HSF ≥ 6045.
ϑMF + HMF ≥ 6854, ϑSF + HSF ≥ 6045.
B. Results
It turns out that increasing the optimal purchasing price of raw
The later model is a type of nonlinear programming prob- material BF by unit leads to increasing the minimum COGS of
lem that can be effectively solved via the constrained vari- this company by $2410. In addition, if we set Δ = −1 and
able metric method and generalized reduced gradient method follow the same procedure by replacing $73.878 wherever PBF
in theory of optimization [27]. Meanwhile, we utilize GAMS appears in the model, then the model is infeasible because the
24.1.2 optimization language [28] with BARON solver on respective prediction interval, i.e., 74.878 ≤ PBF ≤ 90.905, is
a computer with CPU of 2.5 GHz and 6.0 GB RAM violated. We implement this type of analysis for various values
to achieve its optimal solution as: μ∗PS = $134.65, μ∗SS = of Δ in prediction interval of PBF , for which the obtained pro-
∗ ∗ ∗
$190.48, PBF = $74.878, PMF = $57.215, PSF = $36.886, gramming problem retains its feasibility. Therefore, according
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
PFE = $1.699, PME = $17.487, PAL = $39.494, YPS = 4045, to Remark 2, we are able to derive a feasibility interval for Δ

and YSS = 5340.5. The minimum COGS associated with these by enumerating different quantities for it. In the case of PBF ,
optimal values is calculated as $1 561 906. such a feasibility interval is [0, 16.027]. In other words, we
Now, we examine how the minimum COGS fluctuates if the alter the purchasing price of raw material BF in the interval
optimal purchasing price of each raw material changes by Δ [74.878, 90.905], which is identical to the corresponding pre-
units in future. As mentioned before, we implement a sensitiv- diction interval, for investigating its impact on the minimum
ity analysis to accomplish this goal. For instance, we suppose COGS. Fig. 5(a) depicts how the optimal value of the mini-
the optimal purchasing price of raw material BF will increase mum COGS changes once optimal PBF increases from 74.878
by Δ = 1 unit in the following period of time, i.e., it goes up to 90.905. In this figure, the red perpendicular line represents
from the present optimal value $74.878 to $75.878. Therefore, the current purchasing price of raw material BF incurred by this
since we presently know the precise value of the purchasing company, which is equal to $81.60 per part, i.e., Δc = $6.722.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 5. Sensitivity of the minimum COGS based on changes in raw materials’ prices.

We understand that the minimum COGS will increase by In the following, we carry out the same procedure for all
$2410 if the optimal purchasing price of raw material BF in- other raw materials in material flow. In this case, Fig. 5(b) to
creases by unit in future. However, according to Remark 1, this 5(f) represent how the minimum COGS changes once the pur-
comprehension might not be of interest because it is grounded chasing price of each raw material volatiles in its corresponding
on an optimal purchasing price, which might never be achiev- feasibility interval in future. In all these figures, recall that the
able in practice. Hence, we instead bring the current purchasing red perpendicular lines illustrate the current purchasing prices
price of raw material BF to our attention and quantify the mini- of the respective raw materials.
mum COGS fluctuation based on the changes of current PBF in Exploring Fig. 5(a) to (c), we notice that the minimum COGS
its respective feasibility interval for the next period of time. In generally volatiles in the same fashion once the purchasing
this regard, examining Fig. 5(a) reveals that the minimum COGS prices of raw materials located in the first level of material
increases by $2410 from $1 578 106 to $1 580 516 if the current flow fluctuate in their corresponding feasibility intervals, i.e.,
PBF increases by unit to $82.60. Therefore, the company real- the relationship between the minimum COGS and the purchas-
izes that its minimum COGS is somewhat sensitive to increasing ing price of such raw materials is exactly linear. Accordingly,
the current PBF . We are also able to draw such a conclusion by we conclude that the minimum COGS rises (reduces) by exactly
exploring the curve slop at the current purchasing price of raw $2410, $3347, and $9165 if PBF , PMF , and PSF grows up (dimin-
material BF. In other words, as Fig. 5(a) delineates an exactly ishes) by unit, respectively. Consequently, we understand that
linear relationship between the minimum COGS and PBF with the minimum COGS of this company is quite sensitive to fluc-
a slop of 2410, we conclude the minimum of COGS increases tuations of PBF , PMF , and PSF . On the other hand, as Fig. 5(d)
(decreases) by $2410 if PBF increases (decreases) by unit. to (f) represents, the minimum COGS changes somewhat
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Δ FE ($12.4) ME ($17.76) AL ($44.00) BF ($81.6) MF ($60.55) SF ($38.88)

−7 – 6.86% – – – –
−6 – 2.36% – – – –
−5 – 1.95% – – – –
−4 – 1.55% – – – –
−3 – 1.15% – – – –
−2 – 0.76% – – – –
−1 6.81% 0.38% – – – –
0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1 1.16% 0.23% 0.37% 0.15% 0.21% 0.59%
2 2.11% 0.45% 0.74% 0.31% 0.43% 1.17%
3 2.81% 0.68% 1.12% 0.46% 0.64% 1.76%
4 3.54% 0.90% 1.51% 0.62% 0.86% 2.35%
5 4.22% – 1.90% 0.77% – 2.93%
6 4.80% – 2.30% 0.93% – 3.52%
7 5.40% – 2.72% 1.08% – 4.11%
8 5.98% – 8.82% 1.23% – 4.69%
9 6.59% – – 1.39% – 5.28%
10 7.08% – – 1.54% – 5.87%
11 7.56% – – 1.70% – 6.45%
12 8.02% – – 1.85% – 7.04%
13 8.05% – – 2.01% – 7.63%
14 8.18% – – 2.16% – –
15 8.59% – – 2.31% – –
16 – – – 2.47% – –
Average 5.35% 1.44% 2.17% 1.23% 0.43% 3.81%

differently with respect to volatilities of PFE , PME , and PAL that the minimum COGS does not change significantly once the
in their corresponding prediction intervals. In particular, once price of raw materials fluctuates in some particular interval. If
PFE and PME increase through their respective prediction in- we regard an alteration under 1% as negligible for the minimum
tervals, the minimum COGS first lessens and then grows up. COGS, then the underlined italic values in Table IV indicate
Meanwhile, the minimum COGS is increasing with respect to quantities of Δ for which the change of minimum COGS is
PAL . If the current PFE , PME , and PAL that are, respectively, insignificant. In other words, if such quantities of Δ define an
equal to $12.4, $17.76, and $44.00 raise (reduce) by unit, then interval called insensitivity interval, then the minimum COGS
the minimum COGS increases (declines) by $2187 ($7477), is insensitive to the change of a raw material’s price as long as
$3538 (−$3315), and $6163 ($6083), respectively. the price fluctuates within its respective insensitivity interval.
In order to perceive why the minimum COGS increases while If the current purchasing price of a raw material is within its
optimal PFE and PME reduce, we examine interrelationships corresponding insensitivity interval, then the company can be
among PFE , PME , and PAL . For instance, exploring various re- safe against its volatilities. In addition, having known about the
gression models, we obtain insensitivity interval of each raw material in material flow, the
2 3 company is able to negotiate with its suppliers to set its raw
PME = 38.02 − 7.976PFE + 1.11PFE − 0.039PFE (45)
materials’ prices to be ideally within the respective insensitivity
PAL = 39.02 + 0.0377PFE − 0.08PFE . (46) intervals. Hence, it turns out that the developed approach in
this paper helps the company manage its supply chain contracts.
The derivative of PME and PAL with respect to PFE at its op- Among the raw materials of the company in this empirical study,
timal solution, i.e., $1.699, is equal to −$4.55 and −$0.235, ME and MF are within their corresponding insensitivity ranges.
respectively. In other words, reducing PFE by unit from its op- Table IV also gives the average percentage of changes in
timal solution leads to increasing PME and PAL by $4.55 and the minimum value of COGS while the price of each raw ma-
$0.235, respectively. According to the coefficient of PFE , PME , terial volatiles in its respective feasibility interval. Examining
and PAL in the functional relationships G1j ; j = BF, MF, SF, the the average values discloses that the raw materials located in
latter growths result in increasing PME and PSF , while PBF keeps the second level of material flow yield more fluctuations to the
unchanged. Consequently, μPS and μSS grow up that themselves minimum COGS, rather than those placed in the first level. To
result in raising the minimum COGS. One can follow the same comprehend this observation, we again investigate the interre-
argument to comprehend why the minimum COGS surges once lationships among raw materials’ prices located in each level of
the optimal value of PME diminishes. material flow. Alongside the cubic and quadratic polynomial re-
Table IV presents the change percentage in the minimum gression models (45) and (46), the following cubic polynomial
COGS based on various values of Δ for all raw materials. In regressions appropriately model the relationship among prices
this table, the current purchasing price of each raw material is of raw materials in the second level:
given in parenthesis underneath its respective abbreviated name.
Furthermore, the feasibility interval for Δ associated with each 2 3
raw material is derived in this table. Examining Table IV reveals PAL = 22.96+2.02PME −0.0822PME +0.000797PME (47)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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