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Semantics is the main branches of the linguistics. Semantics is scientific

study of language and the scientific study of meaning in natural and artificial
languages. Connotative is kind of meaning and as a part of semantics field. The
connotative meanings can be interpreted as not true meaning in words. The
connotative meanings can be described as the meaning given to a word as a
comparison so that what is intended becomes clear and interesting.
Connotative meanings is a technical terms for one of the most basic things
we do with utterances. Every utterance has meaning, and to know the meaning,
they needs to identified, then connotative meanings is one of the technique to
identify the words. This statement make the connotative meanings be clear to
identify the utterances. Speech as one example of literature can be understood if
the listeners get the meaning of the speech. The speech will be easy to know after
the utterances of the speech are identified.
Connotative meanings can be found in texts of speech or it can be found in
many written and spoken languages. Such as short story, novel, song lyrics, poem,
etc. Every language has connotative. In this case, the writer chooses the speech of
Prabowo Subianto as the object of this research. Intentionally or unintentionally,
Prabowo Subianto uses many the connotative meaning in his speech. It effects to
the audience who want to know the content of the speech. They are
misunderstanding and difficult to get the same understanding from the point of the
speech, the reference of the speech and etc.
Based on the explanation above, it because, every utterance has the different
categorizes in term of connotative. These utterances can be categorized based on
the types of connotative meanings. Therefore, the writer interests to analyses the
connotative meaning in “Tampang Boyolali” speech of Prabowo Subianto.
Based on the explanation previously, the writer focuses of the study are :
1. What are the types of connotative meaning in “Tampang Boyolali”
2. Why does the types of connotative meaning occur?


A. Connotative Meanings
Connotative is the kind of lexical meaning which is related to the certain
item it refers to. Connotative is the meaning which appears by association of
language used by the speaker or listener about the language which they speak or
read. Connotative meaning refers to the emotional association which a word or a
phrase suggests in one’s mind; it is the supplementary value which is added to the
purely denotative meaning of a word.
Connotative, on the other hand, refers to the associations that are connected
to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word. The
connotative meanings of a word exist together with the denotative meanings.
More specifically, connotation signals the attitude of the speaker towards the
object or event described.
Connotative Meaning emerged as a result of a feeling of the language user
associates the word is heard or read the word. Connotative meaning of a lexical
meaning. Connotative meaning is also sometimes associated with nature, sense,
objects, events intended. In other words, its meaning shifted from its true
meaning. In this case the need to distinguish between the connotative meaning and
conceptual meaning.
Connotative is stimulating and evocative senses, feelings, attitudes,
judgments and beliefs and purpose. This stimulation can be both individual and
collective. Stimulus direction can be positive and negative direction. The
classifications of this stimulation are overlapping and alternating based on
experiences and associations that exist and live on individuals and society
language users and beneficiaries of meaning. Thus, there is no single standard and
fixed connotation.
Berdasarkan beberapa pendapat di atas, dapat disimpulkan makna konotatif
adalah makna yang tidak sebenarnya, makna yang telah mengalami penambahan
pada makna dasarnya, yakni hanya tambahan yang sifatnya memberi nilai rasa,
baik positif maupun negatif. Makna konotatif atau konotasi kata mengacu pada

makna kiasan atau makna bukan sebenarnya. makna konotatif mengandung
imajinasi, nilai rasa, dan dimaksudkan untuk menggugah rasa.

B. Types of Connotative Meanings

A word sometimes has the emotional overtones or we call ‘connotative’
meaning. The other important thing whenever we are talking about connotation is
that the involvement of affective and emotive in our mind.
In addition, connotative meaning can be divided into three kinds, are :
a) Positive connotative (pure word)
Positive connotative is a word used to induce a positive response or
association in the person hearing or reading it. Commonly used to appeal to
people's emotions rather than their reasoning, and there by get them on your side.

b) Negative connotative (snarl word)

Negative connotative is a word used to induce a negative response or
association in the person hearing or reading it. Commonly used to appeal to
people's emotions rather than their reasoning, and thereby get them on your side.

c) Neutral connotative
Besides the positive and negative connotative meaning, there is neutral
connotative that is most of them is jargon language is the verbal sleight of hand
that makes the old hat seem newly fashionable; it gives an air of novelty and
specious profundity to ideas that, if stated directly, would seem superficial, stale,
frivolous, or false.
Negative Connotative Neutral Connotative Positive Connotative
Shanty / shack Cottage
Dirty underwear Soiled linen
Cancer Carcinoma Lingering Illness
Legal murder Euthanasia Mercy Killing
Kick the bucket Die Pass away
Mad / crazy Psychotic

Skinny Slim / slender Svelte

In short, the connotation is produce illusion, an illusion of language as

transparent and as a signifier and the signified are identical. So the connotative
just another denotative. From such a perspective connotative can not be seen as
nothing more than a sense of 'natural' or we can said that connotative as a process
of naturalization. Such a process leads to a powerful illusion that connotative
which seem most obvious to individual interpreters are just as 'natural'. As a
result, while the theory may be analytically useful to distinguish connotation from
denotation, in practice meaning cannot be separated cleanly.

In all cases, the associated connotations are not systematically accessible

using any known language reference resource or tool. Another definition of
connotation explains that connotative refers to all kinds of occasions words may
evoke: emotional, situational, etc.

C. Speech
Speech is kinds of public speaking. It is vocalized form of human
communication. It is based upon the syntactic combination of lexical and names
that are drown from very large vocabulary speech is the power of speaking ability
to express one’s thoughts and emotions by speech sounds.
Speech is an utterance with a good arrangement to be submitted to the
crowd. Its means beside the message, good arrangement of speaker speech is also
important in delivered a speech in order that the listener interpreted the speaker
message well. Speech is the expression of an idea in circumstances where it is
likely that the message would be understood.
Talking about speech there are special types of speeches, they are :
a. Entertaining speech provides amusement or division for the audience. It
should be light, enjoyable and easy to listen to.
b. Speech of introduction is introduction one to another.
c. Speech of presentation contains background information, criteria and

d. Speech of acceptance is difficult because it should sound appreciative
without being syrupy and sound deserving without being egoistical.
e. Speech of tribute praises or celebrates a person, group, intuition or
event. It should be completely positive.
f. Speech of inspiration is to stir positive emotions to cause people to feel
excited, uplifted and encourage. It is similar with persuasive speech but
in here you devote yourself almost solely to stiring emotions.
So, it can be convey that, in generally, in this speech have three functions
that are often done a lot of politics, are:
 To influence others to go along with our willingness to volunteer, and
 To give an insight or information on other people and to make other
people happy with an entertaining speech so that other people happy
and satisfied with the greeting that we submitted.

D. Text Organization of the Speech

1. Generic Structure
A good of the speech text must have a systematic of generic structure.
The generic structure in speech, consist of:
A. Pembukaan
1. Salam Pembuka
2. Ucapan Penghormatan
3. Ucapan Syukur
B. Body
Struktur yang kedua setelah pembukaan adalah body. Pada bagian
body of speech, pembicara akan menyampaikan inti dari topic pidato yang
C. Penutup
Struktur yang terakhir adalah penutup. Pada bagian penutup akan
disampaikan kesimpulan tentang topic utama pidato. Terkadang, pembicara juga
akan menyampaikan saran untuk orang lain.

2. Language Features
Language features in a speech text, consist of:
a. Focusing on circumstances
b. Using material process
c. Using action verbs
d. Using saying verbs (said, told, spoke, questioned, and so on), and
e. Using adverb of time.


The source of the research is the script of the inaugurated the Prabowo-
Sandi support office in October 30th 2018. This speech will be taken from
www.nasionaltempo.com. In here, the researcher used the text of speech entitled,
“Tampang Boyolali” by Prabowo Subianto as an instrument in this research. And
The researcher technique of this study will be collected by documentary
technique. The instrument of collecting data is documentary sheet.

The research was based on content analysis. It can be done by identifying,
defining, analyzing, classifying, and finding. So, in this study, the analyzing of the
data can be done through these steps :
1. Identifying connotative meanings with underline what the example of
connotative meanings found in the script of inauguration “Tampang
Boyolali” speech by Prabowo Subianto.
2. Defining the types of connotative meanings found in the script of
inauguration “Tampang Boyolali” speech by Prabowo Subianto.
3. Classifying the types of connotative meanings found in the script of
inauguration “Tampang Boyolali” speech by Prabowo Subianto.
4. Explaining the reason why do President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono use
the connotative meanings frequently
In additions, the steps of collecting data and analysis of this research are,
finding the script of inauguration “Tampang Boyolali” speech by Prabowo
Subianto, reading and underline the types of connotative meanings in the speech,
and last step was done by explaining utterances which contain of connotative

In this part, the writer lists transcriptions of speeches:

Speech Transcipt

"Salam sejahtera bagi kita sekalian. Marilah kita tidak henti-hentinya

memanjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT Tuhan Maha Besar, kita masih
diberi kesehatan, diberi nafas, untuk bertatap muka pada siang yang baik ini di
depan posko pemenangan koalisi adil makmur dalam rangka pemilihan umum
tahun 2019 yang akan datang.

Di mana saya Prabowo Subianto dan saudara Sandiaga Uno mendapat

kehormatan dan kepercayaan dari masyarakat Indonesia yang diwakili oleh
empat partai politik besar.

Partai Amanat Nasional, partai bersejarah yang pernah memimpin

reformasi di negara dan bangsa kita tahun 1998. Partai Keadilan Sejahtera,
partai yang selalu setia membela kepentingan, kebenaran, kesejahteraan,
keadilan dan kepentingan umat Islam di Indonesia.

Partai Demokrat yang telah melahirkan seorang Presiden Republik

Indonesia, yang telah memimpin bangsa Indonesia 10 tahun dengan adem ayem,
dengan tenang, dengan sejuk, dengan stabilitas dan tentunya Partai Gerakan
Indonesia Raya, partai saya sendiri.

Tapi saya merasa bahwa tidak hanya empat partai tersebut, yang
mendukung saya dan mengusung saya. Saya dimana-mana didatangi oleh
berbagai kalangan ormas-ormas, sayap-sayap sebagai contoh para
Purnawirawan Pejuang Indonesia Raya.

Singa-singa tua yang turun dari gunung untuk membela negara dan
bangsa kita walaupun mereka mungkin giginya sudah ompong. Giginya ompong
semangatnya masih menyala, tapi terutama yang saya rasakan adalah dukungan
dari emak-emak yang militan. Emak-emak ini militan. Mereka berani.

Saudara-saudara sekalian, kita menamakan diri koalisi adil makmur.
Kenapa, karena keadilan dan kemakmuran adalah cita-cita pendiri bangsa
republik Indonesia. Keadilan dan kemakmuran adalah tujuan kita merdeka.
Keadilan dan kemakmuran adalah tujuan kita mendirikan republik Indonesia
saudara-saudara sekalian.

Dan dirasakan sekarang saudara-saudara yang merasakan, sekarang saya

bertanya kepada saudara-saudara sekalian apakah saudara-saudara sudah
merasa adil, sudah merasa makmur.

Saudara-saudara, saya hari ini didampingi, ditemani oleh Ketua Umum

Partai Amanat Nasional, Pak Zulkifli Hasan. Tapi beliau juga kebetulan adalah
Ketua Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Republik Indonesia, ketua MPR RI
pemegang perwakilan rakyat yang tertinggi di Republik Indonesia.

Saya juga didampingi oleh tokoh Jawa Tengah dan tokoh TNI yaitu mantan
Gubernur Jawa Tengah Letnan Jenderal TNI Purnawirawan H Bibit Waluyo.
Saudara-saudara di Jawa Tengah yang lebih tahu bagaimana seorang Bibit
Waluyo itu. Orang gubernur yang banting tulang untuk rakyat, untuk petani,
untuk nelayan, untuk wong cilik di seluruh Jawa Tengah.

Dengan semboyan balik deso bangun deso. Balik deso bangun deso berarti
membangun bangsa dan negara. Saudara-saudara, saya kenal Pak Bibit Waluyo
sudah lama. Sebenarnya beliau adalah senior saya, beliau yang dulu mlonco
saya, yang menggembleng saya termasuk beliau. Karena saya termasuk dulu
taruna yang nakal.

Tapi kalau saya nggak nakal, nggak jadi jenderal. Dan saya kenal beliau di
daerah operasi kami ini. Tentara dulu bukan tentara di belakang meja. Kita
bukan tentara di kota, kita tentara di lapangan. Kita naik dan turun gunung, kita
membela negara ini pertaruhkan jiwa kita untuk menjaga keamanan negara ini.
Dari sejak muda kami pertaruhkan nyawa kami untuk bangsa Indonesia untuk
merah putih yang kita cintai.

Sekarang seharusnya kita pensiun, seharusnya kita istirahat, tetapi kita
melihat bahwa negara dan bangsa kita masih dalam keadaan tidak baik, ekonomi
kita tidak di tangan bangsa kita sendiri. Saya lahir di Jakarta. Saya besar di
Jakarta. Saya memberi usia saya untuk untuk bangsa ini, saya memberi jiwa saya
dan raga saya untuk bangsa ini. Tetapi begitu saya keliling Jakarta saya lihat
gedung-gedung mewah, hotel mewah, sebut saja hotel mana di dunia yang paling
mahal ada di Jakarta. Ada Ritz-Carlton, ada apa itu, Waldoft Astoria.

Namanya saja kalian nggak bisa sebut. Dan macam-macam itu semua, tapi
saya yakin kalian tidak pernah masuk hotel-hotel tersebut. Kalian kalau masuk
mungkin kalian diusir, tampang kalian tampang tidak orang kaya, tampang
kalian, tampang Boyolali, ini, betul.

Saya sebagai prajurit, saya lihat kok negara saya bukan milik rakyat saya.
Untuk apa saya berjuang, apakah saya berjuang supaya agar negara kita bisa
jadi milik orang asing, saya tidak rela, saya tidak rela. Dan karena itulah saya
melihat rakyat saya masih banyak yang tidak mendapatkan keadilan, dan tidak
dapat kemakmuran, dan tidak dapat kesejahteraan. Bukan itu cita-citanya Bung
Karno, bukan itu cita-citanya Bung Hatta, bukan itu cita-citanya Pak Dirman,
bukan itu Ahmad Yani, bukan itu cita-cita pejuang kita.

Karena itu saudara-saudara Pak Bibit, Saya, lama tidak ketemu, saya tidak
minta beliau mendukung saya, beliau yang menyatakan mendukung Prabowo dan
Sandi. Saudara-saudara tokoh-tokoh seperti Pak Zul, tokoh-tokoh PAN, PKS,
Demokrat, relawan-relawan dari mana-mana bergabung dengan Prabowo-Sandi
apakah mereka berharap uang, tidak.

Kami partai-partai yang tidak berkuasa kalau mendukung kami jangan

mengira, kami bisa membagi-bagi uang, membagi sembako, membagi apa, tidak.
Yang bisa kami janjikan kepada rakyat Indonesia adalah keteguhan, ketekatan,
kita untuk membela rakyat Indonesia, sebenar-benarnya. Yang bisa kami janjikan
kepada rakyat Indonesia adalah bahwa kami akan menjaga dan akan mengelola
kekayaan bangsa Indonesia, untuk sebesar-besarannya kemakmuran rakyat

Saudara-saudara sekalian bukan Prabowo tapi semua lembaga di dunia
bahwa Indonesia ini terjadi ketimpangan yang sangat besar, yang menguasai
kekayaan Indonesia hanya satu persen saja. Kurang dari satu persen. Ada empat
orang Indonesia yang memiliki kekayaan lebih dari seratus juta orang Indonesia
yang lain. Apakah ini cita-cita Indonesia?”

Based on the speech transcript above, to collect the sentences that include
the meaning of connotative in the table.
Types of connotative
Number Connotative meaning
1 Maha besar Positive connotative
Partai demokrat yang telah
2 melahirkan seorang Neutral connotative
presiden republik indonesia,
3 Adem ayem Positive connotative
Sayap-sayap sebagai contoh
4 para purnawirawan pejuang Positive connotative
Indonesia raya.
Singa-singa tua yang turun
5 Negative connotative
dari gunung
Giginya ompong
6 semangatnya masih Positive connotative
7 Emak-emak ini militan Negative connotative
8 Banting tulang Positive connotative
Beliau yang dulu mlonco
9 saya, yang menggembleng Positive connotative
saya termasuk beliau
Tentara dulu bukan tentara
10 Neutral connotative
di belakang meja
11 Kita naik dan turun gunung Positive connotative
12 Pertaruhkan jiwa Positive conotative

By conducting this research, there are some benefits expected from this
study, such as:

1. Ethics
Berbicara tentang etika dan hubungannya dengan makna konotatif dalam teks
pidato, maka seorang penyusun pidato mampu menggunakan kalimat dengan
makna yang dapat diterima oleh masyarakat dan pendengar. Pembaca bahkan
pendengar mampu membedakan positive connotative meaning and negative
connotative meaning yang sesaui dengan permasalahan yang dibahas.

2. Aesthetics
Connotative meaning merupakan sebuah makna yang berfungsi memberikan
keindahan dalam sebuah teks. Setiap makna yang dikandung oleh Connotative
akan memberikan ketertarikan kepada pendengar untuk berusaha mencari makna
yang sesungguhnya dari makna yang disampaikan.

3. Culture
The other of significance of menganalisis makna konotatif pada sebuah teks
pidato adalah dari segi culture. Makna konotatif akan memberikan pengaruh baik
dalam penyusunan teks pidato terlebih dalam pemilihan makna kata yang tepat.
Seorang penyusun pidato akan terbiasa dan terlatih untuk saling menghargai
dengan tidak menggunakan kalimat yang membuat pendengar salah paham
dengan isi pidato yang disampaikan.

4. Social
Dari segi sosial, manfaat penggunaan makna konotatif dalam sebuah teks
pidato adalah speaker of speech dapat berinteraksi dengan pendengar tanpa
memberikan kesalahpahaman kepada pendengar karna kesalahan penggunaan
makna kontatif atau makna kiasan yang tidak sesuai dengan fakta atau makna

5. Economy
Selain dari ethics, aesthetics, culture, and also social, the significance of the
analysis of connotative meanings in speech adalah dari segi ekonomi. Talking
about economics, maka penggunaan makna yang indah dan mengundang
perhatian pendengar, maka secara tidak sengaja dapat meningkatkan komersil
bagi sejumlah pihak. Tidak banyak orang yang bisa menggunakan dan memilih
makna yang tepat dan mampu diterima oleh masyarakat. Oleh sebab itu, dengan
adanya penelitian ini maka penulis, pembaca, bahkan orang yang bersangkutan
dalam penyampaian pidato dengan menggunakan makna konotatif akan mampu
membuat karya-karya yang lebih baik.


On the basis of what the researcher has written and scrutinized in the
previous chapter, she discovers that connotative have a role to deliver an
understanding of information conveyed in the speech to the listeners. So, it is
important to know the connotative, especially in text speech. Due to the important
of understanding connotative the research upon the text speech has been done and
the result can be concluded that connotative meaning is stimulating and evocative
senses, feelings, attitudes, judgments and beliefs and purpose. Usually,
connotative meanings can be found in several text such as speech, song, poem,
and so on. The connotative meaning can generating certain impressions and

Beside that, the most dominant type of connotative meaning found in the
“Tampang Boyolali” speech of Prabowo Subianto is positive connotative. The
connotative meanings in the “Tampang Boyolali” speech of Prabowo Subianto are
in such a way. Because, connotative in text of speech is very useful. By using the
connotative in text of speech, the speaker and the audience will have the same
understanding about the speech. The connotative has function to identify the
reference of the text or utterance, which influence of meaning and information of
the speech. The speech will be interesting if the listeners are easy to get the
information of the speech text.

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