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Products and stereochemistry of thermolysis of some diazenes containing the

Depai tinenf oj C h r m l \ t ~ U
~ .n r ~rrsrtj c)jAlbeifn, Edmoi~tonAltii C ~ ~ a i iT6G2G2
Rece~vedOctober 7, 1976
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 03/29/18


LOPEZSASTRE. Can. J. Chem. 55, 1001 (1977).
Thermolysis of (-)-(R)-I-benzyi-2-(2-phenyl-2-butyl)diazene ( - ) - R - 4 , produces (+)-(S)-2-
methyl-1,2-diphenylbutanewith 1297, net retention of configuration at 110 "C in benzene or
pentane containing 1 M butanethiol. The ratio of the rate constant for coupling of the initial
radical pair to that of rotation of the 2-phenyl-2-butyl radical, k,/kr, is calculated to be 0.04-
0.08. Therrnolysis of (+)-(S)-l-(2-phenyl-2-butyl)-2-(2-propyl)diazene at 100 "C in benzene
containing 1 M butanethiol produces 2,3-dimethyl-3-phenylpentane with no observable rota-
iion. The product must be less than 15% optically pure. The reaction produces (-)-(R)-2-
phenylbutane, (-)-(R)-IS, with 0.6-1.3% retention of configuration. The ratio of the rate
constant for disproportionation to (-j-(R)-16 to k, is calculated to be 0.02-0.04. Thermolysis of
(-)-(R)-l-(4-nitrophenyl)-2-(2-phenyl-2-butyl-diazene, (-)-(R)-12, at 175 ' C in diphenylether
produced no 2-(4-nitropheny1)-2-phenylbutane. This produci was produced on photolysis of
(+ j-(S)-32 in hexadecane at 15 "Cbut had no rotation. Neither (+)-(S)-7 nor (-)-(R)-12 was
racelnized during thermolysis and (+)-(S)-12 was not racemized during photolysis. Activation
For personal use only.

parameters for thermolysis of ( 1 ) - 4 are A H * = 33 kcal/mol, AS* = 15 eu and for (?)-I&

A H + = 37.3 kcal/mol, AS* = 5.5 eu.


LOPEZSASTRE. Can. J. Chem. 95, 10Oi (1977).
La therrnolyse du (-)-(R) benzyl-1 (phinyl-2 butyl-2)-2 diazene, ( - ) - R - 4 , conduit au ( + ) - ( S )
methyl-2 diphenyl-1,2 butane avec une retention nette de 12%de la configuration a 110 'Cdans
du benzene ou dans du pentane contenant 1 M de butanethiol. Le rapport des constantes de
vitesse du couplage de la paire de radicaux initiaux et de la rotation du radical phenyl-2 butyle-2,
k,/k,, est d'environ 0.04-0.08. La therrnolysc du (+)-(S) (phenyl-2 butyl-2)-l (propyl-2)-2
diazene a 100 "C dans du benz6ne contenant 1 M de butanethiol conduit au dimethyl-2,3
phenyl-3 pentane pratiquement sans rotation. Le produit doit etre moins que 15% optiquemcnt
pur. La reaction fournit du (-)-(R) phinyl-2 butane, (-)-(R)-16, avec une retention de con-
figuration de 0.6-1.3%. On a calcule que le rapport de la constante de vitesse de disproportiona-
tion en (-)-(R)-16 sur k , est de 0.02-0.04. La thermolyse du (-)-(R) (nitro-4 phtny1)-l (phenyl-2
butyl-2)-2 diazene, (-)-(R)-12, a 175'C dans I'Cther diphenyle ne conduit pas au (nitro-4
pheny1)-2 phenyl-2 butane. Ce compose est obtenu par photolyse du (+)-(Sj-12 dans l'hexa-
dtcane a 15 'C mais il n'y a pas de rotation. I1 11'y a pas de racemisation lors de la thermolyse du
(+)-(S)-7 ou du (-)-(R)-12 et le (+)-(S)-12 n'est pas racernise durant sa photolyse. Les
parametres d'activation pour la thermolyse de (+)-4 sont AH* = 33 kcal,'mol, AS' = 15 ue et
pour (*)-I2 A H * = 37.3 kcal/rnol, AS* = 5.5 ue.
[Traduit par le journal]

The results of the earlier studies of the

thermolysis of the chiral diazenes 1 (I) and 2 (2)
are consistent with the assun~ptionthat in these
compounds both C-N bonds are breaking
simultaneously in the rate determining step, [I].
[I] R-N=N-R' ---t R. N2-R'
There has already been evidence. which is still
'This research was supported by the National Research accumulating, that such a concerted cleavage
Council of Canada. occurs on thermolysis of a number of acyclic (3)
'Holder of a National Research Council of Canada and cyclic (4) diazenes. In most of these com-
Studentship 1966-1968, a Province of Alberta Scholar-
ship, 1966-1967, and a University of Alberta Dissertation pounds R . and R'. are radicals of similar
Fellowship 1968-1969. stability.
1002 CAN. J. CHEM

At the time that we initiated studies in this tions and absolute configurations of (+)-(R)-(2-
area we began also to examine diazenes that phenyl-2-buty1)diazane ( + ) - ( R ) - 3(1 (-)-(R)-
might provide stereochemical evidence for one- 1,2-diphenyl-2-methyI-2-butanone(-)-(R)-§(12),
bond cleavage (5) as indicated by racemization of and (-)-(R)-2-methyl-2-phenylbutanoicacid (-)-
optically active starting material, [2], in which R .(R)-9 (13) have been determined. Thus, the ab-
solute configurations and maximum rotations of
(-)-(R)-4, (+ )-(S)-l,2-diphenyl-2-methylbutane
(+)-(S)-6, (+)-(S)-2,3-dimethyl-3-phenyl-1-pen-
is a much more stable radical than is R'.. tene (+)-(S)-10, (-)-(S)-2,3-dimethyl-3-phenyl-
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 03/29/18

Since our work began, stereochemical evidence pentane (-)-(S)-11, and (-)-(R)-12 are es-
for one-bond cleavage during thermolysis of tablished. The absolute configuration and maxi-
several optically active diazenes has appeared (6). mum rotation of (+)-(S)-7 were determined by
Other evidence for one-bond cleavage has been hydrogenolysis to (-)-(S)-2-phenyl-2-butylamine
obtained from kinetic (7), pressure (8), and nmr (-)-(S)-8, of known configuration (11). This
(9) studies of, and the observation of isomeriza- amine was also prepared again in this work from
tion (10) in, the thermolysis of diazenes. (+)-(S)-2-methyl-2-phenylbutanoic acid (+)-(S)-
In this paper the thermolyses of (-)-(R)-1- 9 to check the magnitude of its rotation.
benzyl-2-(2-phenyl-2-buty1)diazene (-)-(R)-4, The magnitude of the rotation of the optically
(+)-(S)-l-(-2-phenyl-2-butyl)-2-(2-propyl)diazene pure coupling product (-)-(S)-11 expected from
(+)-(S)-7, and (-)-(R)- 1-(4-nitropheny1)-2-(2- thermolysis of optically active 7 is smaller than
phenyl-2-buty1)diazene (-)-(R)-12 are described. expected. It was prepared from (-)-(R)-9 by re-
The diazenes each contain a 2-phenyl-2-butyl actions that do not affect the chiral center and the
For personal use only.

group, chosen because it cannot undergo immediate precursor (+)-(S)-10 has a significant
racemization by reversible hydrogen atom ab- rotation. Values of [MI, - 19.2 or -4.4" for the
straction, and constitute a series in which the rotation of (-)-(S)-11 were calculated using
other substituent is varied from benzyl to 2- Brewster's empirical rules (14). By estimat~ngthe
propyl to 4-nitrophenyl. This is in order of density of (-)-(S)-11 to be 0.87 values of a,
decreasing radical stability. It was expected that - 9.5 or -2.2" (neat, l 1 dm) were obtained. The
(-)-(R)-4 would undergo concerted two-bond larger values were obtained using the higher
cleavage and produce a coupling product with polarizabil~tyof the phenyl group which has been
retention of configuration (1, 2), whereas (-)- found to give the more accurate estimate of
(R)-12 would decompose by a one-bond cleavage rotation for many compounds. However, it is
reaction [2] and thus might racemize during known that empirical rules for calculating optical
thermolysis. The mechanism of thermolysis of rotation give erroneous results for con~pounds
(+)-(S)-7 is not so easy to predict and a com- with 2-propyl groups attached to the chiral center
parison of the stereochemistry of the product of (15), presumably because of steric crowding. The
coupling with that from (-)-(R)-4 might be rotation of (-)-(S)-11 did not vary greatly with
informative. In fact, indirect evidence indicates wavelength down to 300 nm, the shortest wave-
that the coupling product from (+)-(S)-7 was length utilizable. The maximum rotation at the
formed with a somewhat smaller amount of position of a low intensity peak was [ ~ 1 ] , , , = ~~
retention of configuration than that from (-)- - 33" (C 1.05, CH,OH).
(R)-4, that (+)-(5')-7 was not racenlized during Results
thermolysis, and that (-)-(R)-12 was not
racemized during either thermolysis or pho- Rates and Products of Thermolysis
tolysis. The rates of thermolysis of (+)-4, (-1)-7, and
(&)-I2 are presented in Table 1. The rate of
Syntheses of Optically Actizje Diazenes and Cou- thermolysis of (+)-4 is about 17 times that of 1
pling Products (1). This is about the effect to be expected on
The syntheses of the optically active diazenes replacing a hydrogen atom of 1 by an alkyl group
and of the coupling products expected from (16). The rate of thermolysis of (-1)-7 is nearly
(-)-(R)-4 and (+)-(S)-7 are outlined in Schemes 1
to 3. Rotations given are those calculated for 3A much more convenient method of resolution of
optically pure compounds. The maximum rota- ( 1 ) - 3 has been found, see Experimental.

r5,,2'+ 13.6'(neat. I 1 dm)

( I ) LiAIH,
(2) HZ0 t
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 03/29/18

(3) Na. H
( 4 )C H 3 0 H

( I ) Tartaric
' 3 3
( I ) CH,COCH,
(2) LiAIH4
(3) H2O
' 3 3
.(3) 0
(2) HO-
2 CH
\ C-N=W--CH(CH3)2

For personal use only.

rD25 +42.3" (neat, 1 1 dm)

C6H5 ( I ) soC1, CsH5

\CC02H ( 2 ) N3- C-NH2
( 3 )H,O, A CH;-'d
(+)-(SF9 (-)-(.7)-8
rD25 - 15 7" (neat. 1 1 dm)

(1) SOClz C6H5 CH

(2) CH3Li
(3) H2O
/jH2H2/Rh +

(5) A
( -)-(R)-9 (+)-(S)-10 (-1-(S)-11
rD2'+ ll.6'(neat, I 1 dm) aD2' -0.4" (neat. I 1 dm)

( I ) Menthyl
C I ~ S chlorocarbonate C6H5 C H
I (2) Recrystalization \ ( 1 ) 4-FC,&N02 C-N=N-(4)-C,H,NO,
I (3) H O , A CH;*'i' (2) 0 2 ' CH;,'I
CH3 (4) H3O' c2H5 C2H5

rD2' - 11.6 (neat. 1 1 dm)
1004 CAN. J. CHEM. VOL. 55, 1977

TABLE1. Rates of thermolysis of diazenes (f)-4, (k)-7, and (*)-I2

Concentration Temperature Moles k x lo4

Diazene Solvent (MI ("c) Nza W1)

(11-4 Cumene 0.16 86.6 0.85 0 . 131b

(i1-4 Cumene 0.16 103.7 0.89F0.04" 1.18+0.05'
(i1-7 Cumene 0.25 122.5 0.85~0.01c-d 1.46f0.02'
(C 1-12 Diphenyl ether 0.35 160.5 O.88&O.0lc 0.213~0.007c3e
( C 1-12 Diphenyl ether 0.35 187.0 0.90C0.02" 2.77k0.03'
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 03/29/18

OMol N, per mol of diazene.

bAt 103.7'C A H * = 33 kcal/mol, A S * = 15 eu.
'Average of two runs,
*Based on 2 mol of gas (N2 propane or propene) per mol of 7.
eAt 160.5 "C A H * = 37.3 0.6 kcal/mol, AS* = 5.5 2 1.5 eu.

identical to that of I-(2-phenyl-2-propy1)-2-(2- CH, CH,

propy1)diazene 13 (17). Thus, replacement of a I I
methyl group in 13 by an ethyl group has little
effect on the rate of thermolysis.
For personal use only.

The rate of thermolysis of (*)-I2 is very much

slower than that of either (i-)-4 or (+)-7. This
might suggest that (+)-I2 thermolyzes by a
mechanism different from that of the other two
compounds, but the main factor contributing to coupling products were formed. Toluene and
the rate difference between (*)-7 and (f )-I2 is ( 1 ) -16 are formed outside the initial solvent cage
the difference in the entropies of activation, about from benzyl and 2-phenyl-2-butyl radicals by
8 eu (reported for 13 (17) AH' = 36.0 kcal/mol, abstraction of hydrogen atoms from the thiols.
AS* = 14 eu), assuming that the activation An additional source of toluene could be from
parameters of (*)-7 and 13 are nearly the same. disproportionation of the two radicals in the
A larger difference in the enthalpies of activation initial solvent cage. Since the yield of toluene is
than the observed 1.7 kcal/mol might have been only slightly higher than that of (+)-I6 only
expected if 13 were decomposing according to [I] -2% of the radicals undergo disproportionation
and (+)-I2 according to [2]. in the cage. Such a high ratio of coupling to
Thermolysis of a lo-' M solution of ( 1 ) - 4 in disproportionation is common to benzylic
benzene at 110 "C produced toluene, (1)-6, 3,4- radical pairs (1, 18).
dimethyl-3,4-diphenylhexane14, and 1,2-di-
phenylethane 15 in a 12 : 53 : 22 : 13 molar ratio in TABLE 2. Relative yields (%) of products from thermolysis
of ( f )-4 at 110 ' C in rhe presence of scavengers
50% total yield [3]. About a 10% yield of a
mixture, only partially resolved under the gc [Thiol]
conditions used, of 2-phenylbutane (i-)-16, 2- Solvent M Toluene ( f )-I6 ( f )-6
phenyl-1 -butene 17, Z- and possibly E-2-phenyl-
2-butene 2-and E-18 was also formed, as was Pentane-
benzenethiol 1. 2 46 46 8
about a 207, yield of several unidentified com-
pounds. Very similar results were obtained when Benzene-
benzenethiol 0.97 77 23
pentane was used as solvent.
Thermolysis of ( f ) - 4 in the presence of 1 kf Benzene-
butanethiol 0.84 28" 15"
butanethiol or benzenethiol resulted in greatly
increased yields, relative to those of (51-6, Butanethiol 9 . 7 74 26
toluene, and (*)-16, Table 2. No symmetrical

Numerous other products, most of which were

eluted between ($-)-I6 and (*)-6 under the gc
conditions used, were also formed in the
presence of the thiols. About half the amount of
these products, relative to (*)-6, was formed in
the presence of benzenethiol as was formed in the
presence of butanethiol. Only one of these com- radicals [4] (20). This would mean that the
pounds was identified and it was shown to be
E-1,2-diphenylethene E-19, formed in - 5%
radical generated upon abstraction of the first
hydrogen atom must have enough stability so
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 03/29/18

yield in the presence of butanethiol. No E-19 was that it can survive sufficiently long in the
formed in the absence of thiol. The formation of presence of thiol to undergo a second hydrogen
E-19 in low yield has been observed on ther- atom abstraction. The radical 20 generated in
molysis of 1,2-dibenzyldiazene in the absence of this way from 4 cannot undergo a second
scavenger (19). Its origin in these reactions is not hydrogen atom abstraction.
clear. It cannot be formed under the present Dimerization of two such radicals would give
conditions by dehydrogenation of 15 because the bis-diazene 21 and subsequent thermolysis of
none of the latter compound is formed. A possible this compound could produce E-19. The radical
route to the formation of E-19 is shown in 21 also could couple with a thiyl radical to form
Scheme 4. Thermolysis of diazenes in the the diazene 22 which would give rise to at least
presence of thiols produces appreciable amounts two other products 23 and 24 on therrnolysis. A
of bis(methy1ene)diazanes (azines) (20). Pre- search for these compounds was not made.
sumably this occurs by successive hydrogen Thermolysis of 0.5 M ( f ) - 7 in benzene at
For personal use only.

atom abstractions from the diazene by thiyl 100 "C produced (i)-16, 17, 2-18, (f )-11, and
14 in a 23:2:2:59:14 molar ratio in 51% total
yield. Very similar results were obtained at
125 "C. No E-18 was detected. No attempt was
made to detect other products of the 2-propyl
radical. In the presence of 1 M butanethiol a
64: 36 molar ratio of (i-)-16: (&)-I1 was formed
in 57% total yield. No symmetrical coupling
product 14 was detected. A number of un-
identified other products that eluted near
(*)-I1 under the gc conditions used were
formed in both the presence and absence of
thiol. Under both conditions considerable
amounts of hydrazone were formed. A signi-
ficantly larger yield, 30%, of (+)-11 was formed
in the absence of butanethiol than in its presence,
217,. This indicates that a considerable amount
of coupling between 2-phenyl-2-butyl and 2-
propyl radicals must occur outside the initial
solvent cage in benzene. Similar behavior was
observed recently for 2-butyl and diphenyl-
methyl radicals (21).
Products of thermolysis of 0.3 M (k)-12 under
nitrogen in diphenyl ether at 175 "C that were
identified are shown in [5]. Nitrobenzene and
1-phenyl-1-propanone were eluted together under
the gc conditions used. The identified products
accounted for -50% of the 2-phenyl-2-butyl
radicals. Unexpectedly, neither (+)-I16 nor the
coupling product 14 could be detected. The
coupling product 14 was shown to survive heat-
1006 CAN. J . CHEM. VOL. 55, 1977

formed. The absence of 14 is good evidence that

the radicals never encounter each other since
coupling is an important result of such en-
counters as shown by thermolysis of (f )-4 and
(f)-7 at lower temperatures. The higher tem-
perature in the thermolysis of (+)-I2 should not
be the reason for lack of formation of 14 since in
thermolysis of ( 1 ) - 7 a slightly higher relative
yield of 14 was formed at 125 "C than at 100 ' C .
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 03/29/18

The alkenes may be formed by disproportiona-

tion of 2-phenyl-2-butyl and 4-nitrophenyl-
diazenyl radicals in the initial solvent cage.
ing at 175 ' C in diphenyl ether for a time equal to Since 2-phenyl-2-butyl radicals do not couple
several half-lives of decomposition of (f )-12. under these reaction conditions it is unlikely that
4-nitrophenyi radicals would couple, hence the
None of the unsymmetrical coupling product
2-(4-nitropheny1)-2-phenylbutane 27 was de- suggested route to 25 in Scheme 5. The formation
of 25 in 79% yield on thermolysis of neat
tected either. As in the thermolysis of (f)-7, E-18
predominates greatly over Z-18. (+)-I2 at 175 "C is consistent with the proposed
Possible routes to some of the products are route. Higher concentrations of the diazene
given in Scheme 5. The presence of the ketones
among the products is good evidence that -
would favor the addition of the niirophenyl
radical to the diazene. Only 15% total yield of
the products of the 2-phenyl-2-butyl radical were
For personal use only.

2-phenyl-2-butoxy radicals are formed which

then undergo p-sission. The alkoxy radicals must detected. The reaction was not done in a sealed
result from the reaction between 2-phenyl-2- tube and these products may have evaporated.
butyl radicals and a nitro group. The alkenes 17 Tl~ernzolyrisof Optically Active D i a z e ~ e s
and Z- and E-18 are not likely to be formed by Thermolysis of (-)-(R)-4 in benzene at 110 "C
disproportionation between two 2-phenyl-2- produced ( + ) - ( S ) - 6 with 6% net retention of
butyl radicals since neither the alkane (f )-16, configuration, Table 3. In the presence of 0.9 M
which would be the other product of dispro-
portionation, nor the coupling product 14 is
butanethiol (+)-(S)-6 is formed with 12% net
retention of configuration in either benzene or

3. Stereochemistry of (+)-(S)-6from thermolysis of (-)-(R)-4" at 110 ' C

( ( R ) Concentration Butanethiol, (+)-(S)-6b Retentiond

Solvent (mg) (MI (M) (mg) [ ~ r (degIc
l ~ ~ ~ (%)
~ ~

Benzene 3 60 0.1 0 39 C2.67 5.8

Benzene 460 0.04 0.9 40 f5.88 12.8
Pentane 450 0.04 0.9 23 +5.07 11.0
Butanethiol 1170 0.09 9.7 70 + 5.54 12.1
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 03/29/18

4. Stcreochemistry of thermolysis of (+)-(S)-7at 100 'C in benzene


(-)-(R)-16 11
(+)-(S)-7 Concentration Butanethiol, - --
(mg) (M) (MI mg Rotation Retention (Y,) mg 1310~~"

a(c 2.2-2.7, CHIOH).

b z D 2 5t 35.5' (neat, 1 1 dm), 8 4 Z optically pure.
Copticallypure material has ED*^ - 24.3' (neat, I 1 dm) (22a) and [a143623- 55.5 (226).
dz,22 T 14.0' (neat, I 1 dm), 33Z optically pure.
For personal use only.

e ( - ) - ( R ) - 7 \+as actually used, [ r ~ l -

, ~
~ ~(c ~
0.567, CCI,). The material uas heated for 22 h, 700 mg recovered material had [ z ] , , , ~ ~
- 81.4" (c 0.631, CCI,).

pentane. In neat butanethiol the degree of butyl radicals that escape from the original
retention is also -12x. These results are very solvent cage must produce (+)-I6 the amount of
similar to those obtained on thermolysis of 1 retention of (-)-(R)-16 formed in the cage must
and 2. There is a higher degree of retention in the be greater than that indicated in Table 4. The
presence of butanethiol because no racemic relative amounts of material formed inside and
coupling product is formed outside the initial outside the solvent cage were not determined but
solvent cage as in unscavenged runs. a reisonable estimate can probably be made. For
The stereochemistry of the coupling product the 2-phenyl-2-propyl-cyclohexyl radical pair the
obtained from thermolysis of (+)-(S)-7 could not ratio of the rate of disproportionation to 2-
be determined. Even the isolated product from phenylbutane and cyclohexene to the rate of
scavenged runs had no observable rotation at coupling is estimated to be 0.24 (23). This ratio
3 10 nm, the position of the peak in the ord curve for the 2-phenyl-2-butyl-2-propyl radical pair
of optically pure (-)-(S)-11. At the maximum should be quite similar. From the relative yields
concentration of coupling product that could be of ( f)-I6 ( 6 4 9 and (+)-I1 (362) formed in the
used without overloading the photomultiplier, presence of butanethiol it can be reckoned that
product with an optical purity of 15% would have -0.24 x 36/64 = -3 of the total (f)-I6 was
given a reading on the ord instrument of -0.05". formed in the original solvent cage. Thus, the
This is similar in magnitude to the baseline noise (-)-(R)-16 that was formed from (+)-(S)-7 in
of the instrument. Thus, the optical purity of the
coupling product is less than 15%.
Fortunately, the 2-phenyl-2-butyl radical pro-
the original solvent cage was produced with
5-9x net retention of c~nfiguration.~
Recovery of ( - )-(R)-7 after heating at 100 "C
duced in the reaction is also converted to another in benzene for one half-life of decomposition
product with a chiral center, (-)-(R)-16, which gave product with 1.8x lower rotation than that
has an observable rotation. Only in the presence of starting material. Since the experimental error
of scavenger was enough (-)-(R)-16 produced to
be isolated. The optical activity of this product is 4A radical disproportionation giving product with a
high degree of retention has been observed already. Cage
due entirely to that fraction of the product that disproportionation during thermolysis of an optically
was formed by disproportionation in the original active diacyl peroxide produced product with 31-37% net
solvent cage. Since scavenging of the 2-phenyl-2- retention of configuration (24).
1008 C A N . J. CHEM. VOL. 55, 1977

must be of nearly the same magnitude there is no coupling product 27 was formed. Had the 2-
evidence that (-)-(R)-7 racemizes during ther- phenyl-2-butyl-4-nitro-phenyl radical pair been
molysis. formed in the solvent cage some cage recombina-
Thermolysis of (*)-I2 produced no coupling tion very likely would have occurred as cage
product, 2-(4-nitropheny1)-2-phenylbutane 27 so recombination appears to be a reaction common
the only stereochemical result sought was to all but the most bulky (25) of caged radical
whether (-)-(R)-12 racemized during thermoly- pairs. The observation that the 2-isomers of 28
sis. Recovered (-)-(R)-12 showed no loss of and 30 decompose thermolytically by a one-bond
optical activity after heating at 175 "C for 3.5 cleavage mechanism (6c, 6d, 9) also lends support
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 03/29/18

half-lives of decomposition in cumene. After this to a one-bond cleavage process for thermolysis
experiment had been performed it was reported of 12.
that optically active 28 racemized during pho- It is more diificult to determine from circum-
stantial evidence whether 7 undergoes ther-
molysis by a one- or two-bond cleavage process.
The enthalpy of activation for thermolysis of the
structurally analogous compound 13,36 kcal/mol
(17), is within experimental error of that for 12.
Thus, breaking of the 2-propyl-N bond of 7 does
tolysis (6c,d). The photolysis of (+)-(S)-12 was not appear to be important in the rate deter-
then carried out. Starting material was recovered mining step. Cage coupling product still could be
after 4097, decomposition in hexane or 6 0 2 formed as a result of a one-bond cleavage
decomposition in hexadecane at 15 "C with no process if the 2-propyldiazenyl radical has a very
For personal use only.

loss of optical activity. In hexadecane a 3"7,ield short lifetime. It appears that the 2-butyl-
of coupling product 27 was formed which diazenyl radical decomposes within the original
showed no optical activity. No attempt was made solvent cage (21). Most of the chemistry of 7 can
to isolate the Z-isomer of (+)-(R)-12. be accounted for in terms of either a one- or a
two-bond cleavage process. Only the enthalpy of
Discussioii activation seems to be in favor of a one-bond
The main purpose of this study was to deter- cleavage process although arguments in favor of
mine whether 7 and 12 underwent thermolysis by a concerted cleavage for 13 have been made (17).
a concerted two-bond [ l ] or a stepwise one-bond The lack of racemization of (+)-(S)-7 and,
[2] cleavage process. The lack of racemization of especially, of (-)-(R)-12 during thermolysis
the optically active isomers during thermolysis contrasts with the reported racemization of
provides no support for the stepwise process. optically active 31 (6a) and 32 (6b). It is clear that
Stereochemical evidence obtained recently indi-
cates that thermolysis of (-)-(S)-29 proceeds by
F2H5 I

(-)-(5)-29 30
a one-bond cleavage process to give, initially, the
diphenylmethyl-2-butyldiazenyl radical pair (21).
Viewed in this light thermolysis of 12 also would
be expected to proceed in a stepwise manner. The
aryl-N bond of 12 is much stronger than the
2-butyl-N bond of (-)-(S)-29 and the difference
in the strengths of these two bonds probably is racemization does not necessarily occur during
greater than the difference in the strengths of the thermolysis of optically active diazenes that
other two C-N bonds of the two diazenes. cleave by a one-bond mechanism.
Evidence in support of one-bond cleavage in the The lack of racemization of (+)-(S)-12 during
thermolysis of 12 is the observation that no photolysis was also surprising in view of the
Y ET AL. 1009

racemization of optically active 28 under essen- Experimental

tially identical conditions. The latter compound Boiling points and melting points are uncorrected.
Is ison~erized on photolysis to the thermally Infrared spectra were recorded on Perkin-Elmer model 421
labile 2-isomer which then decomposes thermally or model 337 recording infrared spectrophotometers.
by a one-bond cleavage process. Recombination Ultraviolet spectra were measured on a Bausch and
Lomb Spectronic 600 spectrophotometer. Nuclear mag-
of the 2-phenyl-2-butyl radical pair leads to netic resonance spectra wcre recorded on Varian analy-
partially racernized starting material ( 6 4 . The tical spectrometers, models A-60 and A-56/60, Tetra-
reason for the difference in behavior of (+)-(S)-12 methylsilane was used as internal reference. Neat optical
is not clear and a discussion of the possible rotations were taken with a Rudolph polarimeter model
80 and solution optical rotations were taken with a
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 03/29/18

factors involved would be premature before the Perkin-Elmer 141 polarimeter. Optical rotatory dispersion
2-isomer is isolated and studied. curves were taken on a Japan Spectroscopic Company
The ratio of the rate constant for coupling (or spectropolarimeter model 0RD;UV-5. Gas chroma-
disproportionation) of the caged radical pair to tography was carried out on Aerograph 202 and A90-P3
that for rotation of the 2-ghenyl-2-butyi radical fractometers with a 6 ft x & in. stainless steel column
packed with 20% SF96 on 6C,'80 Chromosorb P, column
with respect to iis caged partner, kc/kr,can be A, or with 10% Carbowax 20 M on 60180 Chromosorb P,
estimated for the radicals derived from (-)-(19)-4 column B.
and (+)-(S)-7[Q] (I), Chlorobenzene and bromobenzene were purified by
successive shaking with three portions of sulfuric acid,
retention two of water, and two of sodium bicarbonate. The
inversion cage materials were dried over magnesium sulfate and distilled
from phosphorus pentoxide through a 4 ft Podbielniak
where F is the fraction of radicals which are column or a 24 in. Nester-Faust annular Teflon spinning
consumed by coupling and disproportionation band column. Middle fractions were collected and stored
For personal use only.

before diffusion froin the original solvent cage over molecular sieves. Aliquots were distilled from the
stored solutions just before use. Benzene, cumene, and
and f is the fraction of radicals consumed in this cyclohexane were purified and stored in the same manner
way that undergo disproportionation. Accurate except that they were distilled from sodiumwire. Diphenyl
determinations of the cage effects were not ether was recrystallized twice from pentane.
carried out but reasonable estimates for the
j i/ -I-(I-Meth~~lefkylidene)-2-(2-p/zenyl-2-bcrtyl)diuzc~~ze
range of cage effects can be made. For (-)-(R)-4 A mixture made from 20 g (2-phenyl-2-buty1)diazane
the minimum value is 15%, the absolute yield of 6 (28), bp 90 "C11.4 torr, nDZ51.5365 (lit. (28) bp 81-84
formed in the presence of scavenger. There is 'C10.4 torr, nD2' 1.5354), 7.5 g magnesium sulfate, and
very little disproportionation. This value is lower 133 ml acetone was stirred under nitrogen at 45 'C for 2 h
and then at 23 'C for 12 h. The reaction mixture was
than the values of the cage effect found for 1, -filtered, concentrated, and distilled to yield 21 g (84%) of
2530% at 110 "C (I), 2, 28% at 105 'C (2, 26), a light yellow oil bp 82 "C/0.6 torr; nDZ71.5219; nmr
and 33, 21Y,, extrapolated to 110 "C (27). The (CCI,) r 2.75 (m, 5.OH), 5.5 (br, 0.7H), 8.15 (q, J = 7.5
actual cage effect is thus in the range 15-30%. Hz,2H),8.17(~,3H),8.34(s,3H),8.65(~,3.1H)and9.35
For (+)-(S)-7 the minimum value is 21%, the (t, J = 7.5 Hz, 3.0H).
absolute yield of 11 formed in the presence of ( _+ ) - I - (2-Phenyl-2-butylj -2- (2-propj~l)diuzene,( _+ ) - 7
scavenger. However, a large amount of dispro- A solution of 2.0 g (0.01 mol) of the above hydrazone
portionation must also take place. By analogy to in 20 ml ether was added over 3 h to 0.50 g (0.013 mol) of
the 2-phenyl-2-propyl-cyclohexyl radical pair lithium aluminum hydride in 100 ml ether. The reaction
(23) about 1.5 times as much disproportionation mixture was stirred under nitrogen at reflux for 3 days and
then hydrolyzed by successive addition of 0.5 ml water,
as coupling occurs and the actual cage effect for 1.0 ml 10% potassium hydroxide, and 0.5 ml water. The
(+)-(S)-7 must be -50z. For the radical pair mixture was filtered and the filtrate was stirred in an un-
derived from ( - ) - ( R ) - 4 , kc/k, is in the range stoppered f ask for 8 h, then washed with water, dried over
0.04-0.08 at 110°C in benzene and for the sodium carbonate, and concentrated. The residue was ad-
sorbed on a 30 x 1.5 cm column of neutral alumina. A
radical pair derived from (+)-(9-7, kcjkr is green band was eluted with 50 n ~ pentane.l Solvent was
0.02-0.04 at 100 "C in benzene. In the latter case removed and the residue kept under vacuum as a thin
kc actually represents the rate constant for film for several hours to leave 1.1 g (55%) of a green oil,
disproportionation to (-)-(R)-16 and propene. nu2' 1.4932; ir (CCI,) 1580cm-' (N=N, weak); A,,
These values for kc/k,are similar in magnitude to (ether) 368 nm, log E 1.46; nmr (CCl,) r 2.62 (m, 5.OI-i),
6.25 (septet, J = 6.5 Hz, 1.0H) 8.04 (q, J = 7.5 Hz,
those, -0.06-0.10, found for the radical pairs 2.2H), 8.62(s, 3.3H), 8 . 7 5 ( d , J = 6.5Hz,6.lH),and9.34
derived from 1 and 2. (t, J = 7.5 Hz, 3.lH).
1010 C A N . J. CHEM. VOL. 5 5 , 1977

distillation apparatus to yield 0.9 g (61%) of a colorless

oil, bp 107-110 "C/23 torr; nDZ51.5103; ir (CCI,) 1635
Reduction of 30 g of (i)-1-(I-methylethy1idene)-2-(2- and 895 cm-' (=CHz); nnir (CCI4) r 2.8 (s, 5.1H), 5.05
phenyl-2-butyljdiazane was carried out as described above (s, 1.9H), 8.12 (q, J = 7 Hz, 2.1H), 8.52 (s, 3.1H), 8.66
except that the reaction mixture (1500 ml), after hydroly- (s, 3.1H), and 9.21 (t, J = 7 Hz, 3.OH). Anal. calcd. for
sis, was filtered into a 2 !flask which contained a cold C13H18:C 89.58, H 10.41; found: C 89.80, H 10.60.
solution of 45 g dibenzoyl tartaric acid (29); mp 89-90 "C;
[rIDz5-115.3' (c 1.03, methanol) (lit. (29) mp 89-91 "C; ( + ) -(S) -2,3-Dimefhyl-3-phenyl-I-pentene, (+)-(S)-10
[rIDz5- 112.5' (30)). Eight grams of precipitate formed A sample of (-)-(R)-2-methyl-2-phenylbutanoic acid
immediately. The remainder of the solution was allowed (31) of [aIDZ5-29.06- (c 4.8, benzene) (lit. (31) [aIDz5
to stand at 5 'C for 48 h to give 20 g of crystals. The two - 30.0" for optically pure material) was converted to the
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 03/29/18

crops were recrystallized separately twice from 2 : 1 crude 2-acetoxy-2,3-dimethyl-3-phenylpentaneas de-

ethanol-water, 10 ml/g of crystals, to give 1.3 g and 7 g scribed above. This acetate, which was prepared from
of white, slender needles. Both batches had mp 109-110 ketone free alcohol, was pyrolyzed as described above to
"C; [aIDZ5- 65.2' (c 1, chloroform). Further recrystalliza- give the product bp 105-109 "C/21 torr; nDZ91.5101; rDz5
tion did not change the rotation of the salt or that of the + 11.3" (neat, 1 1 dm) whose ir and nmr spectra were
diazene prepared from it. Anal. calcd. for C31H36N,0,: identical to those of the racemic material.
C 65.94, H 6.43, N 4.96; found: C 65.65, H 6.23, N 5.08. ( i.) -2,3-Dirnethyl-3-phei1.v11,e1zfa1ze,( f ) -11
The dibenzoyltartrate salt (3 g) was treated with 20 ml A mixture of 1 g ( f i-10 in 20 ml ethanol and 0.1 g 5%
10% potassium hydroxide solution and the hydrazine was rhodium on alumina was stirred under hydrogen in a
extracted into ether (2 x 20 ml). The csmbined ether microhydrogenation apparatus for 24 h. The theoretical
cxtracts were washed with water, dried, and the hydrazine amount of hydrogen was consumed after 1 h and no
oxidized to the azo compound, which was isolated as more was taken up. The catalyst was filtered, the solvent
described for the preparation of (2)-7, to give 0.65 g oil; removed, and the residue distilled through a micro-
nDZ51.4934; rDZ5 f 35.5' (neat, I 1 dm); ord (c 0.25, dist~llationapparatus to give a colorle~soil, bp 105-107
cyclohexane) [@I,,, +98', + 130U,[@Isoo+230 , 'C 21 torr; nDZ71.5012; nmr (CC1,) r 2.86 (s, 5H), 7.9-
[@I450 +40gC, [@I410 +980°, [@I398 + 111Oo, [@I380
For personal use only.

8.7 (m, 3H), 8.83 (s, 3H), 9.10 (d, J = 6.5 Hz, 3H), 9.35
+506', [@I,,, o', [@I360 -945', [@I346 -127", [@I310 (d, J = 6.5 Hz, 3Hj, and 9.31 (t, J = 7 Hz, 3H). Anal.
- 620'. Anal. calcd. for Cl,H2,N2 : C 76.42, H 9.87, N calcd. for C1SHZO: C 88.57, H 11.43; found: C 88.89, H
13.71; found: C 76.12, H 9.86, N 13.86. 11.48.
( t ) -2-Acero.ry-2,3-dimethyl-3-phenllpen/ane f -) -(S) -2,3-Dimethyl-3-phenyl-I-penfane,( -) -(S)-I1
A solution of 13 g (0.066 mol) of 2-methyl-2-phenyi-
butanoyl chloride (31) in 90 ml ether was added to a
Hydrogenation of (+)-(S)-10, rDZ511,3",as described
above afforded (-)-(S)-11, bp 108-111 T I 2 3 torr; nDZ6
rapidly stirred solution of methyllithium, made from 3.7 g 1.5012; aDZ5-0.4' (neat, I 1 dm); ord (c 1.05, methanol)
(0.53 mol) lithium and 37.5 g (0.264 molj methyl iodide in
-13-, -34-, -58', -42',
200 ml ether, at -60 'C. The reaction mixture was al- [@Iz,, 0". Analys~sby gc showed that the compound was
lowed to warm to 0 'C, 100 ml saturated ammonium > 98% pure and contained no starting alkene.
chloride solution was added, and the aaueous solution was
extracted with ether. The combined ether solutions were Hj~drogenolysisof ( + ) - (S) - 7 to ( - ) -2-Phenyl-2-bufyi-
successively washed with solutions of sodium bisulfite amine, (-)-(S)-8
and sodium bicarbonate, water, and then dried. The ir +
A solution of 1.O g (+)-(S)-7, aDZ5 35.gC(neat, I 1 dm),
spectrum of the oil obtained on concentration of a in 100 ml methanol was stirred over 4.5 g of W-2 Raney
portion of the ether solution showed moderate carbonyl nickel under a hydrogen atmosphere at 22 'C. After 4 h
absorption (1710 cm-') so the entire solution was treated hydrogen uptake ceased when nearly 1 equiv. was taken
with excess methyllithiurn and the reaction mixture up. The contents of the flask were then held under reflux
worked-up as described above. The ether was removed to for 11 h. The catalyst was filtered, the methanol removed,
give 12 g of an oil which was acetylated (32) with acetyl and the residue taken up in ether. The ether solution was
chloride to give 8.5 g (55%) of product, bp 88-89 'C/0.4 extracted with hydrochloric acid and the acid layer made
torr; nDZ51.5034; nmr (CCl,) r 2.8 (m, 5.1H), 7.75 (m, basic with potassium hydroxide solution. The resulting
2H), 8.14 (s, 3H), 8.55 (s, 3Hj, 8.66 (s, 6K), and 9.33 (t, mixture was shaken with ether and the ether layer dried
J = 7.5 Hz, 3W). Anal. calcd. for C151-12282:C 76.88, over potassiun~carbonate and concentrated. The product
H 9.46; found: C 77.06, H 9.17. was collected from the effluent of the gas chromatograph
to give 200 mg of (-)-(S)-8; nDZ5 1.5146; rDZ5 -14.0'
( t) -2,3-Dimethyl-3-p11enyl-l-pentene, ( i.) - l o (neat, 1 1 dm) (lit. (29) nDZ51.5148; - 18.2' (neat,
A solution of 1.9 g of the above acetate in 10 ml I 1 dm)).
methanol was pyrolyzed by dropwise addition (33) into a
heated 1 in diameter glass tube filled to 12 in with glass ( - )-(S)-2-Phenyl-2-butylan?ine, ( -) -(S) -8
helices. The optimum conditions were determined by Using the reported procedure (28) (+)-(S)-2-methyl-2-
pyrolyzing small quantities of the solution and analyzing phenylbutanoic acid [%IDZ5 + 6.60' (c 4.8, benzene) 22%
the pyrolysate by gc. An equal volume of water was optically pure was converted to (-)-(3-8, aDZ5 - 3.42"
added to the pyrolysate and the resulting mixture shaken (neat, 1 1 dm). On this basis optically pure (-)+)-ti
with ether (2 x 20 mi). The combined ether extracts were would have aDZ5-15.7- (neat, 1 l dm) (lit. (34) aDz5
shaken with sodium bicarbonate solution, dried, and + 16.8"(neat, I 1 dm) for ( + ) - ( R ) - 8obtained by resolution
concentrated. The residue was distilled through a micro- of the maleate salt).

( j -1-Benzj~l-2-
(2-phenyl-2-butyl) diazane At 0 "C they turned to syrup after a few minutes exposure
A mixture of 2.5 g (0.015 mol) (2-phenyl-2-buty1)di- to air. A satisfactory analysis was not obtained.
azane (28), 0.6 g (0.015 mol) benzaldehyde, 2 g mag- A solution of 20 g of this resolved product and 20 g
nesium sulfate, and 20 ml anhydrous ether was stirred for potassium hydroxide in 100 ml methanol was heated
4 h and then filtered. The filtrate was hydrogenated under under reflux for 4 h and then evaporated to one half its
1 atm over 0.4 g 5% palladium-on-charcoal until 1 equiv. volume. The residue was acidified with dilute hydrochloric
of hydrogen had been taken up. The mixture was filtered acid and the resulting mixture extracted with ether. The
under nitrogen and the residue, after removal of solvent, aqueous layer was made basic with dilute sodium hy-
was distilled to give 2.7 g (67%) of a colorless viscous oil, droxide and extracted with ether. The ether layer was
bp 130-132 "C10.2 torr; nDZ51.5582; nmr (CCI,) 7; 2.6-2.9 dried under nitrogen with sodium sulfate and concen-
(ni, 10.1H), 6.20(s, 1.8H), 6.77 (br s, 2.OH, NH), 8.3 trated to an oil. The oil was distilled to give 3.2 g product,
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 03/29/18

(q, J =7.5 Hz)and 8.56 (s) (total 5.2H)and 9.32 (t, J =7.5 bp 68-69 'C10.2 torr; nDZ51.5350; xoZ5 - 11.56- (neat, 1
Hz, 3.1H). This material was readily oxidized by air and a +
1 dm) (lit. (28) for (+)-(R)-3, r546Z511.8" (neat, i 1 dm)
satisfactory analysis was not obtained. for material 80% optically pure).
( i- )-l-BenzyI-2-(2-p~~enyl-2-bufyl)&zer~e,
( i 1-4 ( + ) - (S) -1,2-D@henj~i-2-inerhylbutnr2e,( + ) -(S) -6
A solution of 0.6 g of the above diazane in 50 ml ether A sample of (-)-(R)-2-methyl-2-phenylbutanoicacid
was allowed to stand under an atmosphere of oxygen for (31), [%]Dz5-29.6' (c 4.8, C6H6),98% optically pure, was
20 h, then washed uith water and dried over potassium converted (13) to (-)-(R)-l,2-diphenyl-2-methyl-l-b~1ta-
carbonate. Removal of the ether under reduced pressure none, nDz5 1.5705; [x],'~ -61.1' (C 6, benzene) (lit. (13)
left 0.45 g of a yellow oil, nD" 11.538; nmr (CDCI,) r 2.66 nDZ51.5700, aDZ5-63.7' (neat, 1 ! dm)). The ketone was
(s, lO.OH),4.97(s, 2H),7.98(q, J = 7.5 Hz,2.1H), 8.57 reduced to the alcohol with lithium aluniinuni hydride
(s, 3.1H), 9.30 (t, J = 7.5 H L , 3.0H). Anul. calcd. for (13). A mixture of 2.0 g (0.009 mol) of the crude product,
C1,HZON2:C 80.91, H 7.99, N 11.10; found: C 80.46, 2.5 g (0.017 mol) iodomethane in 100 mi dimethoxy-
80.66, H 7.67, 7.68, N 11.06. ethane, and 0.3 g (0.014 mol) sodium hydride \+as stirred
for 4 h and then heated for 3 h under reflux. Water was
I-) -(R) -1-Benzyl-2-(2-yhenJ~I-2-butyl)diazene, (-1 -(R)-4 added to the cooled reaction mixture and the resulting
For personal use only.

This material was prepared as described for the raceinic mixture was extracted with ether. The ether layer was
compound from (+)-(R)-3 (28), r5,6253.52" (neat, 1 washed several times with water and dried over potassium
1 dm), 26% optically pure (28). The product, nDZ51.5528, carbonate. The crude methyl ether left after removal of
had a n nmr spectrum identical with that of ( i ) - 4 ; the ether was stirred with 2 ml sodium potassium alloy in
[c(]DZ5 - 12.88", [ ~ ] 5 4 -
6 ~16.6OZ,
~ [X]43625-66.8OC(c2.95, 100 ml ether under nitrogen for 24 h at 21 'C. The red
C6H6);ord (c 32.8, C 6 H 6 ) [@I5,, - 165', [@Iso0-230°, solution was then cooled to 0 "C and a methanol-ether
[@I450 -46OC, [@I400 -I28OC, [@I375 oC, [@I350 1680Ci mixture was added slowly until all the alloy was decom-
[@I300755'. posed. The reaction mixture was shaken with water and
f +)-(Sl-4 the ether layer dried over potassium carbonate and con-
The mother liquor from the first crystallization of the centrated. The product was isolated from the effluent of
dibenzoyl tartrate salt of ( i ) - 3 (28) was evaporated and the gc (column A); nDZ6.51.5584; [c(]DZ5 +78.3"; [c(]546z5
from the residue was isolated (-)-(S)-3, r546Z5 -2.04" +
+94.7', [s(]43625 178" (C 4.7, C6Hs) (lit. (12) nDZ5
(neat, I 1 dm), 15% optically pure. This product was con- +
1.5550; rDz567" (neat, 1 1 dm)); ord (c 4.7, C 6 H 6 ) [ @ ] 6 0 ~
verted to the benzyl derivative, as described above, which 118", [ Q I S ~ +167",
O [@I500 +224=, [@I450 +326', [@I400
was dissolved in a saturated solution of oxalic acid in + +
50OC,[@I350 880C,[@]300 1835^. +
ethanol. After several days at 5 'C crystals of the oxalate
salt were filtered, treated with aqueous potassium ( + ) -1-(4-1Vitrophenyl)-2-(2-yhenyl-2-butyljdiuze~1e,
hydroxide, and the hydrazine taken up in ether. Oxidation (+)-I2
of the hydrazine with oxygen produced (+)-(S)-4, [nIDz5 A mixture of 1.64 g (0.01 mol) ( 1 ) - 3 , 1.4 g (0.01 mol)
$28.0" (c 1.25, C6H,), 56% optically pure. A further 4-fluoronitrobenzene and 1.68 g (0.02mol) sodium
batch of the oxalate salt was obtained after concentration bicarbonate in 6 ml dirnethyl sulfoxide was stirred under
of the mother liquor and converted to the diazene, [zIDz5 nitrogen at 50 'C for 36 h. The mixture was then cooled
0.00 ( c 1SO, C6H6).Thus, the oxalate salt had undergone and filtered. The filtrate was stirred under air for 12 h a n d
spontaneous resolution, then diluted with 20 ml ether. The resulting mixture was
shaken several times with water and the ether layer dried
(-1 - i s ) -(2-P/1enj'l-2-b11tyl)dirrzane,
(-) -(S) -3 and concentrated. The residue was chromatographed on a
A solution of 36.0 g (0.166 mol) nienthyl chlorocar- 1.5 x 15 cni column of n e ~ ~ t r aalumina.
l Elution with
bonate (35) in 100 ml ether was added simultaneousiy 50 mi ether followed by concentration of the eluate
with a separate solution of 19.2 g (0.19 mol) triethylamine under vacuum yielded 1.8 g (65%) or a red oil, 1zDZ5
to a stirred solution of 27.3 g (0.166 mol) (f)-3 (28) in 1.5830; nmr (CCI,) T 1.71 (d, J = 8.8 Hz, 2H), 2.21
150ml ether under nitrogen. The reaction mixture was (d, J = 8.8 Hz, ZH), 2.63 (m, 5H), 7.86 (111, ZH),8.42
stirred overnight and filtered. The filter cake was washed (s, 3H), 9.22 (t, J = 7.0 Hz. 3H). Anal. calcd. for C16H17-
with ether and the combined ether solutions were eva- N,O,: C67.84, H6.01, N 14.84;found: C67.74, H6.12,
porated to give 58 g of a viscous oil. Five crystallizations N 14.87.
at 0 "C from methanol, containing a little water gave
material of constant rotation [a],,,2"220' (c 1.03, j - ) - ( R )- I-i4-n7ti.o~1/rer~'I)
-2- (2-phenjl-2-bur? lld~azene,
CC14). Filtration was carried out at 0 ' C and the crystals (-)-(R)-12
were quickly pressed dry. The crystals melted at -- 15 'C. The procedure used was identical to that for the pre-
1012 CAN. J. CHEM. VOL. 5 5 , 1977

paration of the racemic compound except that (+)-(R)-3 500 mg (-)-(R)-12 (nDZ51.5910; - 108.8' (C 1.09,
(28), [aIDz5 11.6' (c 1.04, CHCI3) was used. The CHCl,)) in 30 ml cumene in a stainless steel bomb which
product had nDZ51.5910; [aIDz5- 109" (C 1.09, CHCI,). was then sealed and heated at 175 "C for 5 h. Cumene was
distilled under reduced pressure and the residue was
( ) - (s)-1-(4-Nitrophenfl -2- ( 2 - p h e n ~ > l - 2 - repeatedly chromatographed on activity I alumina using
(+)-(S)-12 benzene-hexane as eluent until pure (tlc, nmr) (-)-(R)-12,
This material was prepared from (-?-(S?-3, aDZ2 31 mg, was eluted, nDZ5 1.5898; [r]D25 - 111.7" (C 1.02,
- 11.6" (neat, 1 1 dm) and had nDZ61.5910; [r1IDz5+ 120" C H C I ~ ) ,
(C 0.582. CHClql.
Photolysis of (+)-(S)-12
( F ) -2-(4-Nitrophenq.1)-2-phenylbutane, ( i:)-27 A solution of 400 mg (+)-(S)-12 (nDZ51.5902; [ciIDz5
A mixture of 1.0 ml concentrated nitric acid, 1.2 ml +
110.2- (c 0.448, CHC13)) in 50 ml hexadecane was
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 03/29/18

concentrated sulfuric acid and 2.0 g 2,2-diphenylbutane photolyzed at 15 "C under nitrogen in an immersion
(36) was stirred at 6 0 L C for 20 min. The mixture was apparatus fitted with a Pyrex filter using a medium
poured into 200 ml water. The water was extracted twice pressure 200 W Hanovia lamp until 60% of the theo-
with hexane, the combined hexane layers dried and retical amount of nitrogen had been evolved. The reaction
concentrated, and the residual oil chromatographed on a mixture was concentrated under vacuum and the residue
1.5 x 10 crn column of activity 2 alumina using 1 : 1 was chromatographed on 75 g activated alumina which
hexane-benzene as eluent. The first 30 ml of eluent con- had been heated over the full heat of a Bunsen burner for
tained 700 mg starting material; the second 30 ml con-
tained 250 mg of product contaminated (gc) by - 4 h. The column was washed with 1.2 !pentane and then
10% with pentane containing increasing amounts of benzene.
starting material; the third 30 1111 afforded 650 mg of pure Benzene-pentane, 1 : 1, removed pure (tlc, nmr) (+)-(S)-
(gc) product on evaporation; nDZ91.5819; nmr (CCI,) T +
12, 60 mg, nDZ51.5895; [rIDZ5 111" (C 0.130, CHCI3).
1 . 9 6 ( d , J = 8.5Hz,2H),2.71 ( d , J = 8.5Hz,2H),2.87
(n?, 5H), 7.85 (m, 2H), 8.40 (s, 3H), 9.28 (t, J = 7 Hz).
In a similar way 236 mg (+)-(S)-12, [aIDz5 120- (c +
0.400, CHCI,), was recovered from photolysis of 900 mg
Anal. calcd. for C1,HI7NO2: C 75.29, H 6.67, N 5.49; of the diazene, [aIDz5+ 119" (c 0.590, CHCl,), in hexane
found: C 74.97, H 6.67, N 5.69. for 9 h until 40% of the theoretical amount of nitrogen
For personal use only.

Hj,drogenolysis of (+ j -jS)-l-(2-P/~enyl-2-butyl)-2-(2- had been evolved.

propyl)diazene, ( + ) -S-12 The recovered diazenes were combined with fractions
A solution of 1.0 g (+)-(9-12, aDZ5435.5" (neat, I from the chromatographies containing impure diazene
1 dm) in 100 ml methanol was hydrogenated using 4.5 g and the resulting mixture photolyzed in hexadecane until
Raney nickel at 25 "C under 1 atm. Nearly 1 equiv. of n o more diazene remained (tic). I t was necessary twice to
hydrogen was consumed in 4 h when hydrogen uptake remove a brown precipitate when nitrogen evolution
ceased. The mixture was then heated under reflux for 11 h, ceased before the photolysis was complete. The photo-
cooled, filtered, and the filtrate concentrated to an oil. lysate was concentrated and the residue chromatographed
The oil was taken up in ether and the resulting solution on a 100 x 1.2 cm column of silica gel using pentane as
shaken with hydrochloric acid. The aqueous layer was eluent. A sample, 44 mg (373, of pure (tlc) 27 was iso-
made basic and then extracted with ether. The ether layer lated, [r]36525O.OO(c 0.18, CC14).
was dried over potassium carbonate, concentrated to a n
Thertnolysis of ( + ) -(S)-4 and (-)-(R)-4
oil, and the product isolated from the effluent of the gc
(colun~nA) to give 200 mg (-)-(S)-8, nDZ51.5146; aDZ5 A solution of 0.97 g of (+)-(S)-4, [aIDZ5f 2 8 . 0 ' (c 1.25,
C6H6), and 4.7 g butanethiol in 50 ml benzene in a
- 14.0" (neat, I 1 dm). Based on the calculated rotation of
stainless steel bomb was flushed with nitrogen. The bomb
aDZ5- 15.7' (neat, 1 1 dm) for optically pure material as
was closed and heated at 102 'C for 30 h, then cooled, and
described above the product was 89% optically pure.
the contcnts evaporated under reduced pressure. The
Interrupted Tlzern~olysisof ( - j -(R)-7 residue was fractionated by gc using column A. Material
A solution of 1.4 g (-)-(R)-7, tzDZ2 1.4947, in 300 ml which eluted at the retention time of ( i ) - 6 was collected
benzene was divided equally among three 150 ml pressure and found to consist of a liquid and a white solid. This
bottles. The solutions were boiled for several minutes and mixture was refractionated using column B to two
the bottles closed and kept at 100 "C for 22 h. The solu- separate compounds, a small amount of E-19, identified

tions were combined and concentrated through a 4 ft
Podbielniak colun~nto 20 ml volume. The residue was
taken up in pentane. Most of the benzene was removed by
by its nmr spectrum and gc retention time on both
columns, and ( - ) - ( R ) - 6 , [aIDz5- 4.6' (c 1.8, C6H6),which
was formed with 10.7z retention of configuration.
a series of crystallizations from this solution at -78 "C, The same procedure was used for the thermolysis of
concentrating the solution after each crystallization. The (-)-(S)-4. The concentrated reaction mixtures were
final residue was chromatographed on 30 g silica gel at fractionated directly with column B. The results arc
-30 "C. The hydrocarbon products were eluted with presented in Table 3.
pentane, and 2% ether in pentane removed pure (tlc,
nmr) (- )-(R)-7,0.70 g, nDZ21.4958. The coupling product Thern~oljsisof (+ )-is) -7
11 was isolated from the concentrated pentane eluent by Benzene solutions of (+)-(S)-7 were heated under
gc, column A at 170 'C and 150 ml/min He flow. Rota- nitrogen in a stainless steel bomb as described above.
tions are given in Table 4. After 10 half-lives of decomposition the solvent was
distilled slowly through a Vigreaux colun~n.Traces of
Interrupted Thermolysis of (-)-(,?)-I2 alkene were removed by heating the residual oil in a
Nitrogen was bubbled for 10 mill through a solution of solution of 10 ml acetic acid containing 2 ml trichloro-

methylsulfenyl chloride at 85 "C for 60 min. The reaction Kinetic Studies

mixture was taken up in 100 ml pentane and the pentane Rates of evolution of nitrogen from solutions of the
layer shaken 7 times with water, dried, and concentrated diazenes were measured using an apparatus and a pro-
by distillation through a Vigreaux column. The residue cedure similar to that described (39). Rate constants were
was chromatographed on 200 g of activated basic determined from the slopes of plots of log (V, - Vo/
alumina at 0 'C using pentane as eluent. The hydrocarbons V, - V,). The results are presented in Table 1.
11 and (-)-(R)-16 were isolated from the effluent of the gc
using column A. The results are presented in Table 4.
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