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Physical Examination Normal Interpretation

Moderate illness healty Looks moderate pain

W = 11 kg, - BB= age x 2 +8 weight and height is

= 2 x 2 +8 rather low
H = 84 cm = 12 kg
- TB= age x 6 + 77
= 2 x 6 + 77
= 89 cm

Compos mentis Compos mentis Normal

HR 140x/menit Neonatus 100-180 Normal

1 minggu – 3 bln 100-200
3 bln – 2 thn 80-150
2 thn – 10 thn 70-110
> 10 thn 55-90
RR 32 x/menit < 2 bln < 60 Normal
2-12 bln < 50
1-5 thn < 40
Temp. 36,4oC Hipotermia < 36oC Normal
Normotermia 36,5-37,2oC
Subfebris 37,3-38oC
Febris > 38oC
Hiperpireksia ≥ 41,2oC

Head :
- Close forehead The large crown is not concave dehidration
- Sunken eyes, no tears the eyelid is not concave
- Wet mouth mucous the oral mucosa is not dry

- Increased bowel sounds Normal bowel sound (3x in 1 Hiperperistaltik
- Decrease turgor pressure minute) intestines
Turgor returned quickly Dehydration
Laboratory examination

Laboratory examination Normal Interpretation

Hb 12,6 g/dl Kid : 11 – 16 gr% Normal

WBC 6000/ mm3 Kid: 5000-18.000 Normal

Differential Count : - 0 : basophil, 0 – 1 - Normal (Basophil)
0/1/2/45/48/4 % - Normal (Eosinofil)
- 1 : eosinofil 1 -3 - Normal (Neutrofil
- 2 : neutrofil batang)
batang, 2 – 6 % - Normal (neutrofil
- 45 : neutrofil segmen)
segmen, 50 – 70 - Abnormal (limfosit)
% - Normal (monosit)
- 48 : limfosit, 20 –
- 4 : monosit 2 – 10


Capability level 4: diagnose, perform self-management and complete. Doctor graduates can
make a clinical diagnosis and manage the disease physically and thoroughly

The meaning :

And whatever strikes you of disaster - it is for what your hands have earned; but He pardons

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