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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.


(4) Container valves and accessories. (i) (A) Hydrocarbon fuels used solely for
Each container shall have a fixed liq- workplace consumption as a fuel (e.g.,
uid-level gage. propane used for comfort heating, gaso-
(ii) The filling connection shall be line for vehicle refueling), if such fuels
fitted with a combination back-pres- are not a part of a process containing
sure check valve and an excess-flow another highly hazardous chemical
valve; one double or two single back- covered by this standard;
pressure check valves: or a positive (B) Flammable liquids stored in at-
shutoff valve in conjunction with an mospheric tanks or transferred which
internal back-pressure check valve or are kept below their normal boiling
an internal excess-flow valve. point without benefit of chilling or re-
(iii) The applicator tank may be frigeration.
filled by venting to open air provided (2) This section does not apply to:
the bleeder valve orifice does not ex- (i) Retail facilities;
ceed seven-sixteenths inch in diameter. (ii) Oil or gas well drilling or serv-
(iv) Regulation equipment may be icing operations; or,
connected directly to the tank cou- (iii) Normally unoccupied remote fa-
pling or flange, in which case a flexible cilities.
connection shall be used between such (b) Definitions. Atmospheric tank
means a storage tank which has been
regulating equipment and the remain-
designed to operate at pressures from
der of the liquid withdrawal sys-
atmospheric through 0.5 p.s.i.g. (pounds
tem.Regulating equipment not so in-
per square inch gauge, 3.45 Kpa).
stalled shall be flexibly connected to
Boiling point means the boiling point
the container shutoff valve.
of a liquid at a pressure of 14.7 pounds
(v) No excess flow valve is required in per square inch absolute (p.s.i.a.) (760
the liquid withdrawal line provided the mm.). For the purposes of this section,
controlling orifice between the con- where an accurate boiling point is un-
tents of the container and the outlet of available for the material in question,
the shutoff valve does not exceed or for mixtures which do not have a
seven-sixteenths inch in diameter. constant boiling point, the 10 percent
[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43 point of a distillation performed in ac-
FR 49748, Oct. 24, 1978; 49 FR 5322, Feb. 10, cordance with the Standard Method of
1984; 53 FR 12122, Apr. 12, 1988; 61 FR 9238, Test for Distillation of Petroleum
Mar. 7, 1996; 63 FR 1269, Jan. 8, 1998; 63 FR Products, ASTM D–86–62, which is in-
33466, June 18, 1998] corporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6, may be used as the boiling
§§ 1910.112–1910.113 [Reserved] point of the liquid.
§ 1910.119 Process safety management Catastrophic release means a major
of highly hazardous chemicals. uncontrolled emission, fire, or explo-
sion, involving one or more highly haz-
Purpose. This section contains re- ardous chemicals, that presents serious
quirements for preventing or mini- danger to employees in the workplace.
mizing the consequences of cata- Facility means the buildings, con-
strophic releases of toxic, reactive, tainers or equipment which contain a
flammable, or explosive chemicals. process.
These releases may result in toxic, fire Highly hazardous chemical means a
or explosion hazards. substance possessing toxic, reactive,
(a) Application. (1) This section ap- flammable, or explosive properties and
plies to the following: specified by paragraph (a)(1) of this
(i) A process which involves a chem- section.
ical at or above the specified threshold Hot work means work involving elec-
quantities listed in appendix A to this tric or gas welding, cutting, brazing, or
section; similar flame or spark-producing oper-
(ii) A process which involves a flam- ations.
mable liquid or gas (as defined in Normally unoccupied remote facility
1910.1200(c) of this part) on site in one means a facility which is operated,
location, in a quantity of 10,000 pounds maintained or serviced by employees
(4535.9 kg) or more except for: who visit the facility only periodically


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§ 1910.119 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–04 Edition)

to check its operation and to perform and the employees involved in oper-
necessary operating or maintenance ating the process to identify and under-
tasks. No employees are permanently stand the hazards posed by those proc-
stationed at the facility. esses involving highly hazardous
Facilities meeting this definition are chemicals. This process safety informa-
not contiguous with, and must be geo- tion shall include information per-
graphically remote from all other taining to the hazards of the highly
buildings, processes or persons. hazardous chemicals used or produced
Process means any activity involving by the process, information pertaining
a highly hazardous chemical including to the technology of the process, and
any use, storage, manufacturing, han- information pertaining to the equip-
dling, or the on-site movement of such ment in the process.
chemicals, or combination of these ac- (1) Information pertaining to the haz-
tivities. For purposes of this definition, ards of the highly hazardous chemicals in
any group of vessels which are inter- the process. This information shall con-
connected and separate vessels which sist of at least the following:
are located such that a highly haz- (i) Toxicity information;
ardous chemical could be involved in a (ii) Permissible exposure limits;
potential release shall be considered a (iii) Physical data;
single process. (iv) Reactivity data:
Replacement in kind means a replace- (v) Corrosivity data;
ment which satisfies the design speci- (vi) Thermal and chemical stability
fication. data; and
Trade secret means any confidential (vii) Hazardous effects of inadvertent
formula, pattern, process, device, infor- mixing of different materials that
mation or compilation of information could foreseeably occur.
that is used in an employer’s business, NOTE: Material Safety Data Sheets meet-
ing the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1200(g)
and that gives the employer an oppor-
may be used to comply with this require-
tunity to obtain an advantage over ment to the extent they contain the infor-
competitors who do not know or use it. mation required by this subparagraph.
Appendix D contained in § 1910.1200 sets (2) Information pertaining to the tech-
out the criteria to be used in evalu- nology of the process. (i) Information
ating trade secrets. concerning the technology of the proc-
(c) Employee participation. (1) Employ- ess shall include at least the following:
ers shall develop a written plan of ac- (A) A block flow diagram or sim-
tion regarding the implementation of plified process flow diagram (see appen-
the employee participation required by dix B to this section);
this paragraph. (B) Process chemistry;
(2) Employers shall consult with em- (C) Maximum intended inventory;
ployees and their representatives on (D) Safe upper and lower limits for
the conduct and development of proc- such items as temperatures, pressures,
ess hazards analyses and on the devel- flows or compositions; and,
opment of the other elements of proc- (E) An evaluation of the con-
ess safety management in this stand- sequences of deviations, including
ard. those affecting the safety and health of
(3) Employers shall provide to em- employees.
ployees and their representatives ac- (ii) Where the original technical in-
cess to process hazard analyses and to formation no longer exists, such infor-
all other information required to be de- mation may be developed in conjunc-
veloped under this standard. tion with the process hazard analysis
(d) Process safety information. In ac- in sufficient detail to support the anal-
cordance with the schedule set forth in ysis.
paragraph (e)(1) of this section, the em- (3) Information pertaining to the equip-
ployer shall complete a compilation of ment in the process. (i) Information per-
written process safety information be- taining to the equipment in the process
fore conducting any process hazard shall include:
analysis required by the standard. The (A) Materials of construction;
compilation of written process safety (B) Piping and instrument diagrams
information is to enable the employer (P&ID’s);


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.119

(C) Electrical classification; cordance with paragraph (e)(6) of this

(D) Relief system design and design section.
basis; (2) The employer shall use one or
(E) Ventilation system design; more of the following methodologies
(F) Design codes and standards em- that are appropriate to determine and
ployed; evaluate the hazards of the process
(G) Material and energy balances for being analyzed.
processes built after May 26, 1992; and, (i) What-If;
(H) Safety systems (e.g. interlocks, (ii) Checklist;
detection or suppression systems). (iii) What-If/Checklist;
(ii) The employer shall document (iv) Hazard and Operability Study
that equipment complies with recog- (HAZOP):
nized and generally accepted good engi- (v) Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
neering practices. (FMEA);
(iii) For existing equipment designed (vi) Fault Tree Analysis; or
and constructed in accordance with (vii) An appropriate equivalent meth-
codes, standards, or practices that are odology.
no longer in general use, the employer
(3) The process hazard analysis shall
shall determine and document that the
equipment is designed, maintained, in-
(i) The hazards of the process;
spected, tested, and operating in a safe
manner. (ii) The identification of any previous
(e) Process hazard analysis. (1) The incident which had a likely potential
employer shall perform an initial proc- for catastrophic consequences in the
ess hazard analysis (hazard evaluation) workplace;
on processes covered by this standard. (iii) Engineering and administrative
The process hazard analysis shall be controls applicable to the hazards and
appropriate to the complexity of the their interrelationships such as appro-
process and shall identify, evaluate, priate application of detection meth-
and control the hazards involved in the odologies to provide early warning of
process. Employers shall determine and releases. (Acceptable detection meth-
document the priority order for con- ods might include process monitoring
ducting process hazard analyses based and control instrumentation with
on a rationale which includes such con- alarms, and detection hardware such as
siderations as extent of the process hydrocarbon sensors.);
hazards, number of potentially affected (iv) Consequences of failure of engi-
employees, age of the process, and op- neering and administrative controls;
erating history of the process. The (v) Facility siting;
process hazard analysis shall be con- (vi) Human factors; and
ducted as soon as possible, but not (vii) A qualitative evaluation of a
later than the following schedule: range of the possible safety and health
(i) No less than 25 percent of the ini- effects of failure of controls on employ-
tial process hazards analyses shall be ees in the workplace.
completed by May 26, 1994; (4) The process hazard analysis shall
(ii) No less than 50 percent of the ini- be performed by a team with expertise
tial process hazards analyses shall be in engineering and process operations,
completed by May 26, 1995; and the team shall include at least one
(iii) No less than 75 percent of the employee who has experience and
initial process hazards analyses shall knowledge specific to the process being
be completed by May 26, 1996; evaluated. Also, one member of the
(iv) All initial process hazards anal- team must be knowledgeable in the
yses shall be completed by May 26, 1997. specific process hazard analysis meth-
(v) Process hazards analyses com- odology being used.
pleted after May 26, 1987 which meet (5) The employer shall establish a
the requirements of this paragraph are system to promptly address the team’s
acceptable as initial process hazards findings and recommendations; assure
analyses. These process hazard anal- that the recommendations are resolved
yses shall be updated and revalidated, in a timely manner and that the reso-
based on their completion date, in ac- lution is documented; document what


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§ 1910.119 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–04 Edition)

actions are to be taken; complete ac- trols, administrative controls, and per-
tions as soon as possible; develop a sonal protective equipment;
written schedule of when these actions (C) Control measures to be taken if
are to be completed; communicate the physical contact or airborne exposure
actions to operating, maintenance and occurs;
other employees whose work assign- (D) Quality control for raw materials
ments are in the process and who may and control of hazardous chemical in-
be affected by the recommendations or ventory levels; and,
actions. (E) Any special or unique hazards.
(6) At least every five (5) years after (iv) Safety systems and their functions.
the completion of the initial process (2) Operating procedures shall be
hazard analysis, the process hazard readily accessible to employees who
analysis shall be updated and revali-
work in or maintain a process.
dated by a team meeting the require-
(3) The operating procedures shall be
ments in paragraph (e)(4) of this sec-
reviewed as often as necessary to as-
tion, to assure that the process hazard
analysis is consistent with the current sure that they reflect current oper-
process. ating practice, including changes that
result from changes in process chemi-
(7) Employers shall retain process
cals, technology, and equipment, and
hazards analyses and updates or re-
changes to facilities. The employer
validations for each process covered by
shall certify annually that these oper-
this section, as well as the documented
ating procedures are current and accu-
resolution of recommendations de-
scribed in paragraph (e)(5) of this sec-
tion for the life of the process. (4) The employer shall develop and
implement safe work practices to pro-
(f) Operating procedures (1) The em-
vide for the control of hazards during
ployer shall develop and implement
operations such as lockout/tagout; con-
written operating procedures that pro-
fined space entry; opening process
vide clear instructions for safely con-
equipment or piping; and control over
ducting activities involved in each cov-
entrance into a facility by mainte-
ered process consistent with the proc-
nance, contractor, laboratory, or other
ess safety information and shall ad-
support personnel. These safe work
dress at least the following elements.
practices shall apply to employees and
(i) Steps for each operating phase:
contractor employees.
(A) Initial startup;
(g) Training—(1) Initial training. (i)
(B) Normal operations; Each employee presently involved in
(C) Temporary operations; operating a process, and each employee
(D) Emergency shutdown including before being involved in operating a
the conditions under which emergency newly assigned process, shall be
shutdown is required, and the assign- trained in an overview of the process
ment of shutdown responsibility to and in the operating procedures as
qualified operators to ensure that specified in paragraph (f) of this sec-
emergency shutdown is executed in a tion. The training shall include empha-
safe and timely manner. sis on the specific safety and health
(E) Emergency Operations; hazards, emergency operations includ-
(F) Normal shutdown; and, ing shutdown, and safe work practices
(G) Startup following a turnaround, applicable to the employee’s job tasks.
or after an emergency shutdown. (ii) In lieu of initial training for
(ii) Operating limits: those employees already involved in
(A) Consequences of deviation; and operating a process on May 26, 1992, an
(B) Steps required to correct or avoid employer may certify in writing that
deviation. the employee has the required knowl-
(iii) Safety and health considerations: edge, skills, and abilities to safely
(A) Properties of, and hazards pre- carry out the duties and responsibil-
sented by, the chemicals used in the ities as specified in the operating pro-
process; cedures.
(B) Precautions necessary to prevent (2) Refresher training. Refresher train-
exposure, including engineering con- ing shall be provided at least every


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.119

three years, and more often if nec- (vi) The employer shall maintain a
essary, to each employee involved in contract employee injury and illness
operating a process to assure that the log related to the contractor’s work in
employee understands and adheres to process areas.
the current operating procedures of the (3) Contract employer responsibilities.
process. The employer, in consultation (i) The contract employer shall assure
with the employees involved in oper- that each contract employee is trained
ating the process, shall determine the in the work practices necessary to safe-
appropriate frequency of refresher ly perform his/her job.
training. (ii) The contract employer shall as-
(3) Training documentation. The em- sure that each contract employee is in-
ployer shall ascertain that each em- structed in the known potential fire,
ployee involved in operating a process explosion, or toxic release hazards re-
has received and understood the train- lated to his/her job and the process,
ing required by this paragraph. The and the applicable provisions of the
employer shall prepare a record which emergency action plan.
contains the identity of the employee, (iii) The contract employer shall doc-
the date of training, and the means ument that each contract employee
used to verify that the employee under- has received and understood the train-
stood the training. ing required by this paragraph. The
(h) Contractors—(1) Application. This contract employer shall prepare a
paragraph applies to contractors per- record which contains the identity of
forming maintenance or repair, turn- the contract employee, the date of
around, major renovation, or specialty training, and the means used to verify
work on or adjacent to a covered proc- that the employee understood the
ess. It does not apply to contractors training.
providing incidental services which do
(iv) The contract employer shall as-
not influence process safety, such as
sure that each contract employee fol-
janitorial work, food and drink serv-
lows the safety rules of the facility in-
ices, laundry, delivery or other supply
cluding the safe work practices re-
quired by paragraph (f)(4) of this sec-
(2) Employer responsibilities. (i) The
employer, when selecting a contractor,
(v) The contract employer shall ad-
shall obtain and evaluate information
vise the employer of any unique haz-
regarding the contract employer’s safe-
ards presented by the contract employ-
ty performance and programs.
er’s work, or of any hazards found by
(ii) The employer shall inform con-
the contract employer’s work.
tract employers of the known potential
fire, explosion, or toxic release hazards (i) Pre-startup safety review. (1) The
related to the contractor’s work and employer shall perform a pre-startup
the process. safety review for new facilities and for
modified facilities when the modifica-
(iii) The employer shall explain to
contract employers the applicable pro- tion is significant enough to require a
visions of the emergency action plan change in the process safety informa-
required by paragraph (n) of this sec- tion.
tion. (2) The pre-startup safety review
(iv) The employer shall develop and shall confirm that prior to the intro-
implement safe work practices con- duction of highly hazardous chemicals
sistent with paragraph (f)(4) of this sec- to a process:
tion, to control the entrance, presence (i) Construction and equipment is in
and exit of contract employers and accordance with design specifications;
contract employees in covered process (ii) Safety, operating, maintenance,
areas. and emergency procedures are in place
(v) The employer shall periodically and are adequate;
evaluate the performance of contract (iii) For new facilities, a process haz-
employers in fulfilling their obliga- ard analysis has been performed and
tions as specified in paragraph (h)(3) of recommendations have been resolved
this section. or implemented before startup; and


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§ 1910.119 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–04 Edition)

modified facilities meet the require- (5) Equipment deficiencies. The em-
ments contained in management of ployer shall correct deficiencies in
change, paragraph (l). equipment that are outside acceptable
(iv) Training of each employee in- limits (defined by the process safety in-
volved in operating a process has been formation in paragraph (d) of this sec-
completed. tion) before further use or in a safe and
(j) Mechanical integrity—(1) Applica- timely manner when necessary means
tion. Paragraphs (j)(2) through (j)(6) of are taken to assure safe operation.
this section apply to the following (6) Quality assurance. (i) In the con-
process equipment: struction of new plants and equipment,
(i) Pressure vessels and storage the employer shall assure that equip-
tanks; ment as it is fabricated is suitable for
(ii) Piping systems (including piping the process application for which they
components such as valves); will be used.
(iii) Relief and vent systems and de- (ii) Appropriate checks and inspec-
vices; tions shall be performed to assure that
(iv) Emergency shutdown systems; equipment is installed properly and
(v) Controls (including monitoring consistent with design specifications
devices and sensors, alarms, and inter- and the manufacturer’s instructions.
locks) and, (iii) The employer shall assure that
(vi) Pumps. maintenance materials, spare parts and
(2) Written procedures. The employer equipment are suitable for the process
shall establish and implement written application for which they will be used.
procedures to maintain the on-going (k) Hot work permit. (1) The employer
integrity of process equipment. shall issue a hot work permit for hot
(3) Training for process maintenance work operations conducted on or near a
activities. The employer shall train each covered process.
employee involved in maintaining the (2) The permit shall document that
on-going integrity of process equip- the fire prevention and protection re-
ment in an overview of that process quirements in 29 CFR 1910.252(a) have
and its hazards and in the procedures been implemented prior to beginning
applicable to the employee’s job tasks the hot work operations; it shall indi-
to assure that the employee can per- cate the date(s) authorized for hot
form the job tasks in a safe manner. work; and identify the object on which
(4) Inspection and testing. (i) Inspec- hot work is to be performed. The per-
tions and tests shall be performed on mit shall be kept on file until comple-
process equipment. tion of the hot work operations.
(ii) Inspection and testing procedures (l) Management of change. (1) The em-
shall follow recognized and generally ployer shall establish and implement
accepted good engineering practices. written procedures to manage changes
(iii) The frequency of inspections and (except for ‘‘replacements in kind’’) to
tests of process equipment shall be con- process chemicals, technology, equip-
sistent with applicable manufacturers’ ment, and procedures; and, changes to
recommendations and good engineering facilities that affect a covered process.
practices, and more frequently if deter- (2) The procedures shall assure that
mined to be necessary by prior oper- the following considerations are ad-
ating experience. dressed prior to any change:
(iv) The employer shall document (i) The technical basis for the pro-
each inspection and test that has been posed change;
performed on process equipment. The (ii) Impact of change on safety and
documentation shall identify the date health;
of the inspection or test, the name of (iii) Modifications to operating pro-
the person who performed the inspec- cedures;
tion or test, the serial number or other (iv) Necessary time period for the
identifier of the equipment on which change; and,
the inspection or test was performed, a (v) Authorization requirements for
description of the inspection or test the proposed change.
performed, and the results of the in- (3) Employees involved in operating a
spection or test. process and maintenance and contract


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.119

employees whose job tasks will be af- plement an emergency action plan for
fected by a change in the process shall the entire plant in accordance with the
be informed of, and trained in, the provisions of 29 CFR 1910.38. In addi-
change prior to start-up of the process tion, the emergency action plan shall
or affected part of the process. include procedures for handling small
(4) If a change covered by this para- releases. Employers covered under this
graph results in a change in the process standard may also be subject to the
safety information required by para- hazardous waste and emergency re-
graph (d) of this section, such informa- sponse provisions contained in 29 CFR
tion shall be updated accordingly. 1910.120 (a), (p) and (q).
(5) If a change covered by this para- (o) Compliance Audits. (1) Employers
graph results in a change in the oper- shall certify that they have evaluated
ating procedures or practices required compliance with the provisions of this
by paragraph (f) of this section, such section at least every three years to
procedures or practices shall be up- verify that the procedures and prac-
dated accordingly. tices developed under the standard are
(m) Incident investigation. (1) The em- adequate and are being followed.
ployer shall investigate each incident (2) The compliance audit shall be
which resulted in, or could reasonably conducted by at least one person
have resulted in a catastrophic release knowledgeable in the process.
of highly hazardous chemical in the (3) A report of the findings of the
workplace. audit shall be developed.
(2) An incident investigation shall be (4) The employer shall promptly de-
initiated as promptly as possible, but termine and document an appropriate
not later than 48 hours following the response to each of the findings of the
incident. compliance audit, and document that
(3) An incident investigation team deficiencies have been corrected.
shall be established and consist of at (5) Employers shall retain the two (2)
least one person knowledgeable in the most recent compliance audit reports.
process involved, including a contract (p) Trade secrets. (1) Employers shall
employee if the incident involved work make all information necessary to
of the contractor, and other persons comply with the section available to
with appropriate knowledge and experi- those persons responsible for compiling
ence to thoroughly investigate and the process safety information (re-
analyze the incident. quired by paragraph (d) of this section),
(4) A report shall be prepared at the those assisting in the development of
conclusion of the investigation which the process hazard analysis (required
includes at a minimum: by paragraph (e) of this section), those
(i) Date of incident; responsible for developing the oper-
(ii) Date investigation began; ating procedures (required by para-
(iii) A description of the incident; graph (f) of this section), and those in-
(iv) The factors that contributed to volved in incident investigations (re-
the incident; and, quired by paragraph (m) of this sec-
(v) Any recommendations resulting tion), emergency planning and response
from the investigation. (paragraph (n) of this section) and com-
(5) The employer shall establish a pliance audits (paragraph (o) of this
system to promptly address and resolve section) without regard to possible
the incident report findings and rec- trade secret status of such informa-
ommendations. Resolutions and correc- tion.
tive actions shall be documented. (2) Nothing in this paragraph shall
(6) The report shall be reviewed with preclude the employer from requiring
all affected personnel whose job tasks the persons to whom the information is
are relevant to the incident findings in- made available under paragraph (p)(1)
cluding contract employees where ap- of this section to enter into confiden-
plicable. tiality agreements not to disclose the
(7) Incident investigation reports information as set forth in 29 CFR
shall be retained for five years. 1910.1200.
(n) Emergency planning and response. (3) Subject to the rules and proce-
The employer shall establish and im- dures set forth in 29 CFR 1910.1200(i)(1)


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§ 1910.119 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–04 Edition)

through 1910.1200(i)(12), employees and CHEMICAL name CAS* TQ**

their designated representatives shall
Dimethylhydrazine, 1,1- ....................... 57–14–7 1000
have access to trade secret information Dimethylamine, Anhydrous ................. 124–40–3 2500
contained within the process hazard 2,4-Dinitroaniline .................................. 97–02–9 5000
analysis and other documents required Ethyl Methyl Ketone Peroxide (also
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide; con-
to be developed by this standard. centration >60%) .............................. 1338–23–4 5000
Ethyl Nitrite .......................................... 109–95–5 5000
Ethylamine ........................................... 75–04–7 7500
Ethylene Fluorohydrin ......................... 371–62–0 100
REACTIVES (MANDATORY) Ethylene Oxide .................................... 75–21–8 5000
This appendix contains a listing of toxic Ethyleneimine ...................................... 151–56–4 1000
Fluorine ................................................ 7782–41–4 1000
and reactive highly hazardous chemicals
Formaldehyde (Formalin) .................... 50–00–0 1000
which present a potential for a catastrophic Furan ................................................... 110–00–9 500
event at or above the threshold quantity. Hexafluoroacetone .............................. 684–16–2 5000
Hydrochloric Acid, Anhydrous ............. 7647–01–0 5000
CHEMICAL name CAS* TQ** Hydrofluoric Acid, Anhydrous .............. 7664–39–3 1000
Hydrogen Bromide .............................. 10035–10–6 5000
Acetaldehyde ....................................... 75–07–0 2500 Hydrogen Chloride .............................. 7647–01–0 5000
Acrolein (2-Propenal) .......................... 107–02–8 150
Hydrogen Cyanide, Anhydrous ........... 74–90–8 1000
Acrylyl Chloride ................................... 814–68–6 250
Hydrogen Fluoride ............................... 7664–39–3 1000
Allyl Chloride ....................................... 107–05–1 1000
Hydrogen Peroxide (52% by weight or
Allylamine ............................................ 107–11–9 1000
greater) ............................................ 7722–84–1 7500
Alkylaluminums .................................... Varies 5000
Hydrogen Selenide .............................. 7783–07–5 150
Ammonia, Anhydrous .......................... 7664–41–7 10000
Ammonia solutions (>44% ammonia Hydrogen Sulfide ................................. 7783–06–4 1500
by weight) ........................................ 7664–41–7 15000 Hydroxylamine ..................................... 7803–49–8 2500
Ammonium Perchlorate ....................... 7790–98–9 7500 Iron, Pentacarbonyl ............................. 13463–40–6 250
Ammonium Permanganate .................. 7787–36–2 7500 Isopropylamine .................................... 75–31–0 5000
Arsine (also called Arsenic Hydride) ... 7784–42–1 100 Ketene ................................................. 463–51–4 100
Bis(Chloromethyl) Ether ...................... 542–88–1 100 Methacrylaldehyde .............................. 78–85–3 1000
Boron Trichloride ................................. 10294–34–5 2500 Methacryloyl Chloride .......................... 920–46–7 150
Boron Trifluoride .................................. 7637–07–2 250 Methacryloyloxyethyl Isocyanate ......... 30674–80–7 100
Bromine ............................................... 7726–95–6 1500 Methyl Acrylonitrile .............................. 126–98–7 250
Bromine Chloride ................................. 13863–41–7 1500 Methylamine, Anhydrous ..................... 74–89–5 1000
Bromine Pentafluoride ......................... 7789–30–2 2500 Methyl Bromide ................................... 74–83–9 2500
Bromine Trifluoride .............................. 7787–71–5 15000 Methyl Chloride ................................... 74–87–3 15000
3–Bromopropyne (also called Pro- Methyl Chloroformate .......................... 79–22–1 500
pargyl Bromide) ............................... 106–96–7 100 Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (con-
Butyl Hydroperoxide (Tertiary) ............ 75–91–2 5000 centration >60%) .............................. 1338–23–4 5000
Butyl Perbenzoate (Tertiary) ............... 614–45–9 7500 Methyl Fluoroacetate ........................... 453–18–9 100
Carbonyl Chloride (see Phosgene) ..... 75–44–5 100 Methyl Fluorosulfate ............................ 421–20–5 100
Carbonyl Fluoride ................................ 353–50–4 2500 Methyl Hydrazine ................................. 60–34–4 100
Cellulose Nitrate (concentration Methyl Iodide ....................................... 74–88–4 7500
>12.6% nitrogen ............................... 9004–70–0 2500 Methyl Isocyanate ............................... 624–83–9 250
Chlorine ............................................... 7782–50–5 1500 Methyl Mercaptan ................................ 74–93–1 5000
Chlorine Dioxide .................................. 10049–04–4 1000 Methyl Vinyl Ketone ............................ 79–84–4 100
Chlorine Pentrafluoride ........................ 13637–63–3 1000 Methyltrichlorosilane ............................ 75–79–6 500
Chlorine Trifluoride .............................. 7790–91–2 1000 Nickel Carbonly (Nickel Tetracarbonyl) 13463–39–3 150
Chlorodiethylaluminum (also called Nitric Acid (94.5% by weight or great-
Diethylaluminum Chloride) ............... 96–10–6 5000 er) ..................................................... 7697–37–2 500
1-Chloro-2,4-Dinitrobenzene ............... 97–00–7 5000 Nitric Oxide .......................................... 10102–43–9 250
Chloromethyl Methyl Ether .................. 107–30–2 500 Nitroaniline (para Nitroaniline .............. 100–01–6 5000
Chloropicrin ......................................... 76–06–2 500 Nitromethane ....................................... 75–52–5 2500
Chloropicrin and Methyl Bromide mix- Nitrogen Dioxide .................................. 10102–44–0 250
ture ................................................... None 1500 Nitrogen Oxides (NO; NO2; N204;
Chloropicrin and Methyl Chloride mix- N203) ............................................... 10102–44–0 250
ture ................................................... None 1500 Nitrogen Tetroxide (also called Nitro-
Cumene Hydroperoxide ...................... 80–15–9 5000 gen Peroxide) .................................. 10544–72–6 250
Cyanogen ............................................ 460–19–5 2500 Nitrogen Trifluoride .............................. 7783–54–2 5000
Cyanogen Chloride .............................. 506–77–4 500 Nitrogen Trioxide ................................. 10544–73–7 250
Cyanuric Fluoride ................................ 675–14–9 100 Oleum (65% to 80% by weight; also
Diacetyl Peroxide (Concentration called Fuming Sulfuric Acid) ............ 8014–94–7 1000
>70%) ............................................... 110–22–5 5000 Osmium Tetroxide ............................... 20816–12–0 100
Diazomethane ..................................... 334–88–3 500 Oxygen Difluoride (Fluorine Monoxide) 7783–41–7 100
Dibenzoyl Peroxide ............................. 94–36–0 7500 Ozone .................................................. 10028–15–6 100
Diborane .............................................. 19287–45–7 100 Pentaborane ........................................ 19624–22–7 100
Dibutyl Peroxide (Tertiary) .................. 110–05–4 5000 Peracetic Acid (concentration >60%
Dichloro Acetylene .............................. 7572–29–4 250 Acetic Acid; also called Peroxy-
Dichlorosilane ...................................... 4109–96–0 2500 acetic Acid) ...................................... 79–21–0 1000
Diethylzinc ........................................... 557–20–0 10000 Perchloric Acid (concentration >60%
Diisopropyl Peroxydicarbonate ............ 105–64–6 7500 by weight) ........................................ 7601–90–3 5000
Dilaluroyl Peroxide .............................. 105–74–8 7500 Perchloromethyl Mercaptan ................ 594–42–3 150
Dimethyldichlorosilane ......................... 75–78–5 1000 Perchloryl Fluoride .............................. 7616–94–6 5000


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.119


Peroxyacetic Acid (concentration Sulfur Tetrafluoride .............................. 7783–60–0 250

>60% Acetic Acid; also called Per- Sulfur Trioxide (also called Sulfuric
acetic Acid) ...................................... 79–21–0 1000 Anhydride) ........................................ 7446–11–9 1000
Phosgene (also called Carbonyl Chlo- Sulfuric Anhydride (also called Sulfur
ride) .................................................. 75–44–5 100 Trioxide) ........................................... 7446–11–9 1000
Phosphine (Hydrogen Phosphide) ...... 7803–51–2 100 Tellurium Hexafluoride ........................ 7783–80–4 250
Phosphorus Oxychloride (also called Tetrafluoroethylene .............................. 116–14–3 5000
Phosphoryl Chloride) ....................... 10025–87–3 1000 Tetrafluorohydrazine ............................ 10036–47–2 5000
Phosphorus Trichloride ....................... 7719–12–2 1000 Tetramethyl Lead ................................ 75–74–1 1000
Phosphoryl Chloride (also called Thionyl Chloride .................................. 7719–09–7 250
Phosphorus Oxychloride) ................ 10025–87–3 1000 Trichloro (chloromethyl) Silane ........... 1558–25–4 100
Propargyl Bromide ............................... 106–96–7 100 Trichloro (dichlorophenyl) Silane ......... 27137–85–5 2500
Propyl Nitrate ....................................... 627–3–4 2500 Trichlorosilane ..................................... 10025–78–2 5000
Sarin .................................................... 107–44–8 100 Trifluorochloroethylene ........................ 79–38–9 10000
Selenium Hexafluoride ........................ 7783–79–1 1000 Trimethyoxysilane ................................ 2487–90–3 1500
Stibine (Antimony Hydride) ................. 7803–52–3 500 *Chemical Abstract Service Number.
Sulfur Dioxide (liquid) .......................... 7446–09–5 1000 **Threshold Quantity in Pounds (Amount necessary to be
Sulfur Pentafluoride ............................. 5714–22–7 250 covered by this standard).


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§ 1910.119 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–04 Edition)




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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.119

APPENDIX C TO § 1910.119—COMPLIANCE GUIDE- ment program requires a systematic ap-

LINES AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROCESS proach to evaluating the whole process.
SAFETY MANAGEMENT (NONMANDATORY) Using this approach the process design, proc-
ess technology, operational and maintenance
This appendix serves as a nonmandatory activities and procedures, nonroutine activi-
guideline to assist employers and employees ties and procedures, emergency preparedness
in complying with the requirements of this plans and procedures, training programs, and
section, as well as provides other helpful rec- other elements which impact the process are
ommendations and information. Examples all considered in the evaluation. The various
presented in this appendix are not the only lines of defense that have been incorporated
means of achieving the performance goals in into the design and operation of the process
the standard. This appendix neither adds nor to prevent or mitigate the release of haz-
detracts from the requirements of the stand- ardous chemicals need to be evaluated and
ard. strengthened to assure their effectiveness at
1. Introduction to Process Safety Manage- each level. Process safety management is the
ment. The major objective of process safety proactive identification, evaluation and
management of highly hazardous chemicals mitigation or prevention of chemical re-
is to prevent unwanted releases of hazardous leases that could occur as a result of failures
chemicals especially into locations which in process, procedures or equipment.
could expose employees and others to serious The process safety management standard
hazards. An effective process safety manage- targets highly hazardous chemicals that


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§ 1910.119 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–04 Edition)
have the potential to cause a catastrophic formed about relevant safety and health
incident. This standard as a whole is to aid issues and employers may be able to adapt
employers in their efforts to prevent or miti- these practices and procedures to meet their
gate episodic chemical releases that could obligations under this standard. Employers
lead to a catastrophe in the workplace and who have not implemented an occupational
possibly to the surrounding community. To safety and health program may wish to form
control these types of hazards, employers a safety and health committee of employees
need to develop the necessary expertise, ex- and management representatives to help the
periences, judgement and proactive initia- employer meet the obligations specified by
tive within their workforce to properly im- this standard. These committees can become
plement and maintain an effective process a significant ally in helping the employer to
safety management program as envisioned in implement and maintain an effective process
the OSHA standard. This OSHA standard is safety managment program for all employ-
required by the Clean Air Act Amendments ees.
as is the Environmental Protection Agency’s 3. Process Safety Information. Complete and
Risk Management Plan. Employers, who accurate written information concerning
merge the two sets of requirements into process chemicals, process technology, and
their process safety management program, process equipment is essential to an effective
will better assure full compliance with each process safety management program and to a
as well as enhancing their relationship with process hazards analysis. The compiled infor-
the local community. mation will be a necessary resource to a va-
While OSHA believes process safety man- riety of users including the team that will
agement will have a positive effect on the perform the process hazards analysis as re-
safety of employees in workplaces and also quired under paragraph (e); those developing
offers other potential benefits to employers the training programs and the operating pro-
(increased productivity), smaller businesses cedures; contractors whose employees will be
which may have limited resources available working with the process; those conducting
to them at this time, might consider alter- the pre-startup reviews; local emergency
native avenues of decreasing the risks asso- preparedness planners; and insurance and en-
ciated with highly hazardous chemicals at forcement officials.
their workplaces. One method which might The information to be compiled about the
be considered is the reduction in the inven- chemicals, including process intermediates,
tory of the highly hazardous chemical. This needs to be comprehensive enough for an ac-
reduction in inventory will result in a reduc- curate assessment of the fire and explosion
tion of the risk or potential for a cata- characteristics, reactivity hazards, the safe-
strophic incident. Also, employers including ty and health hazards to workers, and the
small employers may be able to establish corrosion and erosion effects on the process
more efficient inventory control by reducing equipment and monitoring tools. Current
the quantities of highly hazardous chemicals material safety data sheet (MSDS) informa-
on site below the established threshold quan- tion can be used to help meet this require-
tities. This reduction can be accomplished ment which must be supplemented with
by ordering smaller shipments and maintain- process chemistry information including
ing the minimum inventory necessary for ef- runaway reaction and over pressure hazards
ficient and safe operation. When reduced in- if applicable.
ventory is not feasible, then the employer Process technology information will be a
might consider dispersing inventory to sev- part of the process safety information pack-
eral locations on site. Dispersing storage age and it is expected that it will include
into locations where a release in one loca- diagrams of the type shown in appendix B of
tion will not cause a release in another loca- this section as well as employer established
tion is a practical method to also reduce the criteria for maximum inventory levels for
risk or portential for catastrophic incidents. process chemicals; limits beyond which
2. Employee Involvement in Process Safety would be considered upset conditions; and a
Management. Section 304 of the Clean Air Act qualitative estimate of the consequences or
Amendments states that employers are to results of deviation that could occur if oper-
consult with their employees and their rep- ating beyond the established process limits.
resentatives regarding the employers efforts Employers are encouraged to use diagrams
in the development and implementation of which will help users understand the process.
the process safety management program ele- A block flow diagram is used to show the
ments and hazard assessments. Section 304 major process equipment and inter-
also requires employers to train and educate connecting process flow lines and show flow
their employees and to inform affected em- rates, stream composition, temperatures,
ployees of the findings from incident inves- and pressures when necessary for clarity.
tigations required by the process safety man- The block flow diagram is a simplified dia-
agement program. Many employers, under gram.
their safety and health programs, have al- Process flow diagrams are more complex
ready established means and methods to and will show all main flow streams includ-
keep employees and their representatives in- ing valves to enhance the understanding of


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.119
the process, as well as pressures and tem- significance of potential hazards associated
peratures on all feed and product lines with- with the processing or handling of highly
in all major vessels, in and out of headers hazardous chemicals. A PHA provides infor-
and heat exchangers, and points of pressure mation which will assist employers and em-
and temperature control. Also, materials of ployees in making decisions for improving
construction information, pump capacities safety and reducing the consequences of un-
and pressure heads, compressor horsepower wanted or unplanned releases of hazardous
and vessel design pressures and temperatures chemicals. A PHA is directed toward ana-
are shown when necessary for clarity. In ad- lyzing potential causes and consequences of
dition, major components of control loops fires, explosions, releases of toxic or flam-
are usually shown along with key utilities mable chemicals and major spills of haz-
on process flow diagrams. ardous chemicals. The PHA focuses on equip-
Piping and instrument diagrams (P&IDs) ment, instrumentation, utilities, human ac-
may be the more appropriate type of dia- tions (routine and nonroutine), and external
grams to show some of the above details and factors that might impact the process. These
to display the information for the piping de- considerations assist in determining the haz-
signer and engineering staff. The P&IDs are ards and potential failure points or failure
to be used to describe the relationships be- modes in a process.
tween equipment and instrumentation as
The selection of a PHA methodology or
well as other relevant information that will
technique will be influenced by many factors
enhance clarity. Computer software pro-
including the amount of existing knowledge
grams which do P&IDs or other diagrams
useful to the information package, may be about the process. Is it a process that has
used to help meet this requirement. been operated for a long period of time with
The information pertaining to process little or no innovation and extensive experi-
equipment design must be documented. In ence has been generated with its use? Or, is
other words, what were the codes and stand- it a new process or one which has been
ards relied on to establish good engineering changed frequently by the inclusion of inno-
practice. These codes and standards are pub- vative features? Also, the size and com-
lished by such organizations as the American plexity of the process will influence the deci-
Society of Mechanical Engineers, American sion as to the appropriate PHA methodology
Petroleum Institute, American National to use. All PHA methodologies are subject to
Standards Institute, National Fire Protec- certain limitations. For example, the check-
tion Association, American Society for Test- list methodology works well when the proc-
ing and Materials, National Board of Boiler ess is very stable and no changes are made,
and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, National As- but it is not as effective when the process
sociation of Corrosion Engineers, American has undergone extensive change. The check-
Society of Exchange Manufacturers Associa- list may miss the most recent changes and
tion, and model building code groups. consequently the changes would not be eval-
In addition, various engineering societies uated. Another limitation to be considered
issue technical reports which impact process concerns the assumptions made by the team
design. For example, the American Institute or analyst. The PHA is dependent on good
of Chemical Engineers has published tech- judgement and the assumptions made during
nical reports on topics such as two phase the study need to be documented and under-
flow for venting devices. This type of tech- stood by the team and reviewer and kept for
nically recognized report would constitute a future PHA.
good engineering practice. The team conducting the PHA need to un-
For existing equipment designed and con- derstand the methodology that is going to be
structed many years ago in accordance with used. A PHA team can vary in size from two
the codes and standards available at that people to a number of people with varied
time and no longer in general use today, the operational and technical backgrounds.
employer must document which codes and Some team members may only be a part of
standards were used and that the design and the team for a limited time. The team leader
construction along with the testing, inspec- needs to be fully knowledgeable in the proper
tion and operation are still suitable for the implementation of the PHA methodology
intended use. Where the process technology that is to be used and should be impartial in
requires a design which departs from the ap- the evaluation. The other full or part time
plicable codes and standards, the employer team members need to provide the team with
must document that the design and con- expertise in areas such as process tech-
struction is suitable for the intended pur- nology, process design, operating procedures
pose. and practices, including how the work is ac-
4. Process Hazard Analysis. A process hazard tually performed, alarms, emergency proce-
analysis (PHA), sometimes called a process dures, instrumentation, maintenance proce-
hazard evaluation, is one of the most impor- dures, both routine and nonroutine tasks, in-
tant elements of the process safety manage- cluding how the tasks are authorized, pro-
ment program. A PHA is an organized and curement of parts and supplies, safety and
systematic effort to identify and analyze the health, and any other relevant subject as the


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§ 1910.119 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–04 Edition)
need dictates. At least one team member evolved from a checklist or what-if ques-
must be familiar with the process. tions, could be developed and used by each
The ideal team will have an intimate employer effectively to reflect his/her par-
knowledge of the standards, codes, specifica- ticular process; this would simplify compli-
tions and regulations applicable to the proc- ance for them.
ess being studied. The selected team mem- When the employer has a number of proc-
bers need to be compatible and the team esses which require a PHA, the employer
leader needs to be able to manage the team, must set up a priority system of which PHAs
and the PHA study. The team needs to be to conduct first. A preliminary or gross haz-
able to work together while benefiting from ard analysis may be useful in prioritizing the
the expertise of others on the team or out- processes that the employer has determined
side the team, to resolve issues, and to forge are subject to coverage by the process safety
a consensus on the findings of the study and management standard. Consideration should
recommendations. first be given to those processes with the po-
The application of a PHA to a process may tential of adversely affecting the largest
involve the use of different methodologies number of employees. This prioritizing
for various parts of the process. For example, should consider the potential severity of a
a process involving a series of unit operation chemical release, the number of potentially
of varying sizes, complexities, and ages may affected employees, the operating history of
use different methodologies and team mem- the process such as the frequency of chem-
bers for each operation. Then the conclu- ical releases, the age of the process and any
sions can be integrated into one final study other relevant factors. These factors would
and evaluation. A more specific example is suggest a ranking order and would suggest
the use of a checklist PHA for a standard either using a weighing factor system or a
boiler or heat exchanger and the use of a systematic ranking method. The use of a
Hazard and Operability PHA for the overall preliminary hazard analysis would assist an
process. Also, for batch type processes like employer in determining which process
custom batch operations, a generic PHA of a should be of the highest priority and thereby
representative batch may be used where the employer would obtain the greatest im-
there are only small changes of monomer or provement in safety at the facility.
other ingredient ratios and the chemistry is Detailed guidance on the content and ap-
documented for the full range and ratio of plication of process hazard analysis meth-
batch ingredients. Another process that odologies is available from the American In-
might consider using a generic type of PHA stitute of Chemical Engineers’ Center for
is a gas plant. Often these plants are simply Chemical Process Safety (see appendix D).
moved from site to site and therefore, a ge- 5. Operating Procedures and Practices. Oper-
neric PHA may be used for these movable ating procedures describe tasks to be per-
plants. Also, when an employer has several formed, data to be recorded, operating condi-
similar size gas plants and no sour gas is tions to be maintained, samples to be col-
being processed at the site, then a generic lected, and safety and health precautions to
PHA is feasible as long as the variations of be taken. The procedures need to be tech-
the individual sites are accounted for in the nically accurate, understandable to employ-
PHA. Finally, when an employer has a large ees, and revised periodically to ensure that
continuous process which has several control they reflect current operations. The process
rooms for different portions of the process safety information package is to be used as
such as for a distillation tower and a blend- a resource to better assure that the oper-
ing operation, the employer may wish to do ating procedures and practices are consistent
each segment separately and then integrate with the known hazards of the chemicals in
the final results. the process and that the operating param-
Additionally, small businesses which are eters are accurate. Operating procedures
covered by this rule, will often have proc- should be reviewed by engineering staff and
esses that have less storage volume, less ca- operating personnel to ensure that they are
pacity, and less complicated than processes accurate and provide practical instructions
at a large facility. Therefore, OSHA would on how to actually carry out job duties safe-
anticipate that the less complex methodolo- ly.
gies would be used to meet the process haz- Operating procedures will include specific
ard analysis criteria in the standard. These instructions or details on what steps are to
process hazard analyses can be done in less be taken or followed in carrying out the
time and with a few people being involved. A stated procedures. These operating instruc-
less complex process generally means that tions for each procedure should include the
less data, P&IDs, and process information is applicable safety precautions and should
needed to perform a process hazard analysis. contain appropriate information on safety
Many small businesses have processes that implications. For example, the operating
are not unique, such as cold storage lockers procedures addressing operating parameters
or water treatment facilities. Where em- will contain operating instructions about
ployer associations have a number of mem- pressure limits, temperature ranges, flow
bers with such facilities, a generic PHA, rates, what to do when an upset condition


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.119
occurs, what alarms and instruments are erating personnel should be informed to pro-
pertinent if an upset condition occurs, and vide closure on the job.
other subjects. Another example of using op- 6. Employee Training. All employees, includ-
erating instructions to properly implement ing maintenance and contractor employees,
operating procedures is in starting up or involved with highly hazardous chemicals
shutting down the process. In these cases, need to fully understand the safety and
different parameters will be required from health hazards of the chemicals and proc-
those of normal operation. These operating esses they work with for the protection of
instructions need to clearly indicate the dis- themselves, their fellow employees and the
tinctions between startup and normal oper- citizens of nearby communities. Training
ations such as the appropriate allowances for conducted in compliance with § 1910.1200, the
heating up a unit to reach the normal oper- Hazard Communication standard, will help
ating parameters. Also the operating in- employees to be more knowledgeable about
structions need to describe the proper meth- the chemicals they work with as well as fa-
od for increasing the temperature of the unit miliarize them with reading and under-
until the normal operating temperature pa- standing MSDS. However, additional train-
rameters are achieved. ing in subjects such as operating procedures
Computerized process control systems add and safety work practices, emergency evacu-
complexity to operating instructions. These ation and response, safety procedures, rou-
operating instructions need to describe the tine and nonroutine work authorization ac-
logic of the software as well as the relation- tivities, and other areas pertinent to process
safety and health will need to be covered by
ship between the equipment and the control
an employer’s training program.
system; otherwise, it may not be apparent to
In establishing their training programs,
the operator.
employers must clearly define the employees
Operating procedures and instructions are to be trained and what subjects are to be
important for training operating personnel. covered in their training. Employers in set-
The operating procedures are often viewed as ting up their training program will need to
the standard operating practices (SOPs) for clearly establish the goals and objectives
operations. Control room personnel and oper- they wish to achieve with the training that
ating staff, in general, need to have a full un- they provide to their employees. The learn-
derstanding of operating procedures. If work- ing goals or objectives should be written in
ers are not fluent in English then procedures clear measurable terms before the training
and instructions need to be prepared in a sec- begins. These goals and objectives need to be
ond language understood by the workers. In tailored to each of the specific training mod-
addition, operating procedures need to be ules or segments. Employers should describe
changed when there is a change in the proc- the important actions and conditions under
ess as a result of the management of change which the employee will demonstrate com-
procedures. The consequences of operating petence or knowledge as well as what is ac-
procedure changes need to be fully evaluated ceptable performance.
and the information conveyed to the per- Hands-on-training where employees are
sonnel. For example, mechanical changes to able to use their senses beyond listening,
the process made by the maintenance depart- will enhance learning. For example, oper-
ment (like changing a valve from steel to ating personnel, who will work in a control
brass or other subtle changes) need to be room or at control panels, would benefit by
evaluated to determine if operating proce- being trained at a simulated control panel or
dures and practices also need to be changed. panels. Upset conditions of various types
All management of change actions must be could be displayed on the simulator, and
coordinated and integrated with current op- then the employee could go through the
erating procedures and operating personnel proper operating procedures to bring the
must be oriented to the changes in proce- simulator panel back to the normal oper-
dures before the change is made. When the ating parameters. A training environment
process is shut down in order to make a could be created to help the trainee feel the
change, then the operating procedures must full reality of the situation but, of course,
be updated before startup of the process. under controlled conditions. This realistic
Training in how to handle upset conditions type of training can be very effective in
must be accomplished as well as what oper- teaching employees correct procedures while
ating personnel are to do in emergencies allowing them to also see the consequences
such as when a pump seal fails or a pipeline of what might happen if they do not follow
ruptures. Communication between operating established operating procedures. Other
personnel and workers performing work training techniques using videos or on-the-
within the process area, such as nonroutine job training can also be very effective for
tasks, also must be maintained. The hazards teaching other job tasks, duties, or other im-
of the tasks are to be conveyed to operating portant information. An effective training
personnel in accordance with established program will allow the employee to fully
procedures and to those performing the ac- participate in the training process and to
tual tasks. When the work is completed, op- practice their skill or knowledge.


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§ 1910.119 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–04 Edition)
Employers need to periodically evaluate rience. This log will also contain informa-
their training programs to see if the nec- tion which will be of use to those auditing
essary skills, knowledge, and routines are process safety management compliance and
being properly understood and implemented those involved in incident investigations.
by their trained employees. The means or Contract employees must perform their
methods for evaluating the training should work safely. Considering that contractors
be developed along with the training pro- often perform very specialized and poten-
gram goals and objectives. Training program tially hazardous tasks such as confined space
evaluation will help employers to determine entry activities and nonroutine repair activi-
the amount of training their employees un- ties it is quite important that their activi-
derstood, and whether the desired results ties be controlled while they are working on
were obtained. If, after the evaluation, it ap- or near a covered process. A permit system
pears that the trained employees are not at or work authorization system for these ac-
the level of knowledge and skill that was ex- tivities would also be helpful to all affected
pected, the employer will need to revise the employers. The use of a work authorization
training program, provide retraining, or pro- system keeps an employer informed of con-
vide more frequent refresher training ses- tract employee activities, and as a benefit
sions until the deficiency is resolved. Those the employer will have better coordination
who conducted the training and those who and more management control over the work
received the training should also be con- being performed in the process area. A well
sulted as to how best to improve the training run and well maintained process where em-
process. If there is a language barrier, the ployee safety is fully recognized will benefit
language known to the trainees should be all of those who work in the facility whether
used to reinforce the training messages and they be contract employees or employees of
information. the owner.
Careful consideration must be given to as- 8. Pre-Startup Safety. For new processes,
sure that employees including maintenance the employer will find a PHA helpful in im-
and contract employees receive current and proving the design and construction of the
updated training. For example, if changes process from a reliability and quality point
are made to a process, impacted employees of view. The safe operation of the new proc-
must be trained in the changes and under- ess will be enhanced by making use of the
stand the effects of the changes on their job PHA recommendations before final installa-
tasks (e.g., any new operating procedures tions are completed. P&IDs are to be com-
pertinent to their tasks). Additionally, as al- pleted along with having the operating pro-
ready discussed the evaluation of the em- cedures in place and the operating staff
ployee’s absorption of training will certainly trained to run the process before startup.
influence the need for training. The initial startup procedures and normal
7. Contractors. Employers who use contrac- operating procedures need to be fully evalu-
tors to perform work in and around processes ated as part of the pre-startup review to as-
that involve highly hazardous chemicals, sure a safe transfer into the normal oper-
will need to establish a screening process so ating mode for meeting the process param-
that they hire and use contractors who ac- eters.
complish the desired job tasks without com- For existing processes that have been shut-
promising the safety and health of employ- down for turnaround, or modification, etc.,
ees at a facility. For contractors, whose safe- the employer must assure that any changes
ty performance on the job is not known to other than ‘‘replacement in kind’’ made to
the hiring employer, the employer will need the process during shutdown go through the
to obtain information on injury and illness management of change procedures. P&IDs
rates and experience and should obtain con- will need to be updated as necessary, as well
tractor references. Additionally, the em- as operating procedures and instructions. If
ployer must assure that the contractor has the changes made to the process during shut-
the appropriate job skills, knowledge and down are significant and impact the training
certifications (such as for pressure vessel program, then operating personnel as well as
welders). Contractor work methods and expe- employees engaged in routine and nonrou-
riences should be evaluated. For example, tine work in the process area may need some
does the contractor conducting demolition refresher or additional training in light of
work swing loads over operating processes or the changes. Any incident investigation rec-
does the contractor avoid such hazards? ommendations, compliance audits or PHA
Maintaining a site injury and illness log recommendations need to be reviewed as
for contractors is another method employers well to see what impacts they may have on
must use to track and maintain current the process before beginning the startup.
knowledge of work activities involving con- 9. Mechanical Integrity. Employers will need
tract employees working on or adjacent to to review their maintenance programs and
covered processes. Injury and illness logs of schedules to see if there are areas where
both the employer’s employees and contract ‘‘breakdown’’ maintenance is used rather
employees allow an employer to have full than an on-going mechanical integrity pro-
knowledge of process injury and illness expe- gram. Equipment used to process, store, or


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.119
handle highly hazardous chemicals needs to and inspection frequency, as well as appro-
be designed, constructed, installed and main- priate methodologies.
tained to minimize the risk of releases of The applicable codes and standards provide
such chemicals. This requires that a mechan- criteria for external inspections for such
ical integrity program be in place to assure items as foundation and supports, anchor
the continued integrity of process equip- bolts, concrete or steel supports, guy wires,
ment. Elements of a mechanical integrity nozzles and sprinklers, pipe hangers, ground-
program include the identification and cat- ing connections, protective coatings and in-
egorization of equipment and instrumenta- sulation, and external metal surfaces of pip-
tion, inspections and tests, testing and in- ing and vessels, etc. These codes and stand-
spection frequencies, development of mainte- ards also provide information on methodolo-
nance procedures, training of maintenance gies for internal inspection, and a frequency
personnel, the establishment of criteria for formula based on the corrosion rate of the
acceptable test results, documentation of materials of construction. Also, erosion both
test and inspection results, and documenta- internal and external needs to be considered
tion of manufacturer recommendations as to along with corrosion effects for piping and
meantime to failure for equipment and in- valves. Where the corrosion rate is not
strumentation. known, a maximum inspection frequency is
The first line of defense an employer has recommended, and methods of developing
available is to operate and maintain the the corrosion rate are available in the codes.
process as designed, and to keep the chemi- Internal inspections need to cover items
cals contained. This line of defense is backed such as vessel shell, bottom and head; metal-
up by the next line of defense which is the lic linings; nonmetallic linings; thickness
controlled release of chemicals through measurements for vessels and piping; inspec-
venting to scrubbers or flares, or to surge or tion for erosion, corrosion, cracking and
overflow tanks which are designed to receive bulges; internal equipment like trays, baf-
such chemicals, etc. These lines of defense fles, sensors and screens for erosion, corro-
are the primary lines of defense or means to sion or cracking and other deficiencies.
prevent unwanted releases. The secondary Some of these inspections may be performed
lines of defense would include fixed fire pro- by state of local government inspectors
tection systems like sprinklers, water spray, under state and local statutes. However,
or deluge systems, monitor guns, etc., dikes, each employer needs to develop procedures
designed drainage systems, and other sys- to ensure that tests and inspections are con-
tems which would control or mitigate haz- ducted properly and that consistency is
ardous chemicals once an unwanted release maintained even where different employees
occurs. These primary and secondary lines of may be involved. Appropriate training is to
defense are what the mechanical integrity be provided to maintenance personnel to en-
program needs to protect and strengthen sure that they understand the preventive
these primary and secondary lines of de- maintenance program procedures, safe prac-
fenses where appropriate. tices, and the proper use amd application of
The first step of an effective mechanical special equipment or unique tools that may
integrity program is to compile and cat- be required. This training is part of the over-
egorize a list of process equipment and in- all training program called for in the stand-
strumentation for inclusion in the program. ard.
This list would include pressure vessels, stor- A quality assurance system is needed to
age tanks, process piping, relief and vent help ensure that the proper materials of con-
systems, fire protection system components, struction are used, that fabrication and in-
emergency shutdown systems and alarms spection procedures are proper, and that in-
and interlocks and pumps. For the cat- stallation procedures recognize field instal-
egorization of instrumentation and the listed lation concerns. The quality assurance pro-
equipment the employer would prioritize gram is an essential part of the mechanical
which pieces of equipment require closer integrity program and will help to maintain
scrutiny than others. Meantime to failure of the primary and secondary lines of defense
various instrumentation and equipment that have been designed into the process to
parts would be known from the manufactur- prevent unwanted chemical releases or those
ers data or the employer’s experience with which control or mitigate a release. ‘‘As
the parts, which would then influence the in- built’’ drawings, together with certifications
spection and testing frequency and associ- of coded vessels and other equipment, and
ated procedures. Also, applicable codes and materials of construction need to be verified
standards such as the National Board Inspec- and retained in the quality assurance docu-
tion Code, or those from the American Soci- mentation. Equipment installation jobs need
ety for Testing and Material, American Pe- to be properly inspected in the field for use
troleum Institute, National Fire Protection of proper materials and procedures and to as-
Association, American National Standards sure that qualified craftsmen are used to do
Institute, American Society of Mechanical the job. The use of appropriate gaskets,
Engineers, and other groups, provide infor- packing, bolts, valves, lubricants and weld-
mation to help establish an effective testing ing rods need to be verified in the field. Also


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§ 1910.119 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–04 Edition)
procedures for installation of safety devices change in materials of construction, equip-
need to be verified, such as the torque on the ment specifications, piping pre-arrange-
bolts on ruptured disc installations, uniform ments, experimental equipment, computer
torque on flange bolts, proper installation of program revisions and changes in alarms and
pump seals, etc. If the quality of parts is a interlocks. Employers need to establish
problem, it may be appropriate to conduct means and methods to detect both technical
audits of the equipment supplier’s facilities changes and mechanical changes.
to better assure proper purchases of required Temporary changes have caused a number
equipment which is suitable for its intended of catastrophes over the years, and employ-
service. Any changes in equipment that may ers need to establish ways to detect tem-
become necessary will need to go through porary changes as well as those that are per-
the management of change procedures. manent. It is important that a time limit for
10. Nonroutine Work Authorizations. Nonrou- temporary changes be established and mon-
tine work which is conducted in process itored since, without control, these changes
areas needs to be controlled by the employer may tend to become permanent. Temporary
in a consistent manner. The hazards identi- changes are subject to the management of
fied involving the work that is to be accom- change provisions. In addition, the manage-
plished must be communicated to those ment of change procedures are used to insure
doing the work, but also to those operating that the equipment and procedures are re-
personnel whose work could affect the safety turned to their original or designed condi-
of the process. A work authorization notice
tions at the end of the temporary change.
or permit must have a procedure that de-
Proper documentation and review of these
scribes the steps the maintenance super-
changes is invaluable in assuring that the
visor, contractor representative or other per-
safety and health considerations are being
son needs to follow to obtain the necessary
incorporated into the operating procedures
clearance to get the job started. The work
and the process.
authorization procedures need to reference
and coordinate, as applicable, lockout/tagout Employers may wish to develop a form or
procedures, line breaking procedures, con- clearance sheet to facilitate the processing
fined space entry procedures and hot work of changes through the management of
authorizations. This procedure also needs to change procedures. A typical change form
provide clear steps to follow once the job is may include a description and the purpose of
completed in order to provide closure for the change, the technical basis for the
those that need to know the job is now com- change, safety and health considerations,
pleted and equipment can be returned to nor- documentation of changes for the operating
mal. procedures, maintenance procedures, inspec-
11. Managing Change. To properly manage tion and testing, P&IDs, electrical classifica-
changes to process chemicals, technology, tion, training and communications, pre-
equipment and facilities, one must define startup inspection, duration if a temporary
what is meant by change. In this process change, approvals and authorization. Where
safety management standard, change in- the impact of the change is minor and well
cludes all modifications to equipment, proce- understood, a check list reviewed by an au-
dures, raw materials and processing condi- thorized person with proper communication
tions other than ‘‘replacement in kind’’. to others who are affected may be sufficient.
These changes need to be properly managed However, for a more complex or significant
by identifying and reviewing them prior to design change, a hazard evaluation procedure
implementation of the change. For example, with approvals by operations, maintenance,
the operating procedures contain the oper- and safety departments may be appropriate.
ating parameters (pressure limits, tempera- Changes in documents such as P&IDs, raw
ture ranges, flow rates, etc.) and the impor- materials, operating procedures, mechanical
tance of operating within these limits. While integrity programs, electrical classifica-
the operator must have the flexibility to tions, etc., need to be noted so that these re-
maintain safe operation within the estab- visions can be made permanent when the
lished parameters, any operation outside of drawings and procedure manuals are up-
these parameters requires review and ap- dated. Copies of process changes need to be
proval by a written management of change kept in an accessible location to ensure that
procedure. design changes are available to operating
Management of change covers such as personnel as well as to PHA team members
changes in process technology and changes when a PHA is being done or one is being up-
to equipment and instrumentation. Changes dated.
in process technology can result from 12. Investigation of Incidents. Incident inves-
changes in production rates, raw materials, tigation is the process of identifying the un-
experimentation, equipment unavailability, derlying causes of incidents and imple-
new equipment, new product development, menting steps to prevent similar events from
change in catalyst and changes in operating occurring. The intent of an incident inves-
conditions to improve yield or quality. tigation is for employers to learn from past
Equipment changes include among others experiences and thus avoid repeating past


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.119
mistakes. The incidents for whicn OSHA ex- Employers at a minimum must have an
pects employers to become aware and to in- emergency action plan which will facilitate
vestigate are the types of events which re- the prompt evacuation of employees due to
sult in or could reasonably have resulted in an unwanted release of a highly hazardous
a catastrophic release. Some of the events chemical. This means that the employer will
are sometimes referred to as ‘‘near misses,’’ have a plan that will be activated by an
meaning that a serious consequence did not alarm system to alert employees when to
occur, but could have. evacuate and, that employees who are phys-
Employers need to develop in-house capa- ically impaired, will have the necessary sup-
bility to investigate incidents that occur in port and assistance to get them to the safe
their facilities. A team needs to be assem- zone as well. The intent of these require-
bled by the employer and trained in the tech- ments is to alert and move employees to a
niques of investigation including how to con- safe zone quickly. Delaying alarms or con-
duct interviews of witnesses, needed docu- fusing alarms are to be avoided. The use of
mentation and report writing. A multi-dis- process control centers or similar process
ciplinary team is better able to gather the buildings in the process area as safe areas is
facts of the event and to analyze them and discouraged. Recent catastrophes have
develop plausible scenarios as to what hap- shown that a large life loss has occurred in
pened, and why. Team members should be se- these structures because of where they have
lected on the basis of their training, knowl- been sited and because they are not nec-
edge and ability to contribute to a team ef- essarily designed to withstand over-pressures
fort to fully investigate the incident. Em- from shockwaves resulting from explosions
ployees in the process area where the inci- in the process area.
dent occurred should be consulted, inter- Unwanted incidental releases of highly
viewed or made a member of the team. Their hazardous chemicals in the process area
knowledge of the events form a significant must be addressed by the employer as to
set of facts about the incident which oc- what actions employees are to take. If the
curred. The report, its findings and rec- employer wants employees to evacuate the
ommendations are to be shared with those area, then the emergency action plan will be
who can benefit from the information. The activated. For outdoor processes where wind
cooperation of employees is essential to an direction is important for selecting the safe
effective incident investigation. The focus of route to a refuge area, the employer should
the investigation should be to obtain facts, place a wind direction indicator such as a
and not to place blame. The team and the in- wind sock or pennant at the highest point
vestigation process should clearly deal with that can be seen throughout the process
all involved individuals in a fair, open and area. Employees can move in the direction of
consistent manner. cross wind to upwind to gain safe access to
13. Emergency Preparedness. Each employer the refuge area by knowing the wind direc-
must address what actions employees are to tion.
take when there is an unwanted release of If the employer wants specific employees
highly hazardous chemicals. Emergency pre- in the release area to control or stop the
paredness or the employer’s tertiary (third) minor emergency or incidental release, these
lines of defense are those that will be relied actions must be planned for in advance and
on along with the secondary lines of defense procedures developed and implemented.
when the primary lines of defense which are Preplanning for handling incidental releases
used to prevent an unwanted release fail to for minor emergencies in the process area
stop the release. Employers will need to de- needs to be done, appropriate equipment for
cide if they want employees to handle and the hazards must be provided, and training
stop small or minor incidental releases. conducted for those employees who will per-
Whether they wish to mobilize the available form the emergency work before they re-
resources at the plant and have them spond to handle an actual release. The em-
brought to bear on a more significant re- ployer’s training program, including the
lease. Or whether employers want their em- Hazard Communication standard training is
ployees to evacuate the danger area and to address the training needs for employees
promptly escape to a preplanned safe zone who are expected to handle incidental or
area, and allow the local community emer- minor releases.
gency response organizations to handle the Preplanning for releases that are more se-
release. Or whether the employer wants to rious than incidental releases is another im-
use some combination of these actions. Em- portant line of defense to be used by the em-
ployers will need to select how many dif- ployer. When a serious release of a highly
ferent emergency preparedness or tertiary hazardous chemical occurs, the employer
lines of defense they plan to have and then through preplanning will have determined in
develop the necessary plans and procedures, advance what actions employees are to take.
and appropriately train employees in their The evacuation of the immediate release
emergency duties and responsibilities and area and other areas as necessary would be
then implement these lines of defense. accomplished under the emergency action


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§ 1910.119 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–04 Edition)
plan. If the employer wishes to use plant per- 14. Compliance Audits. Employers need to
sonnel such as a fire brigade, spill control select a trained individual or assemble a
team, a hazardous materials team, or use trained team of people to audit the process
employees to render aid to those in the im- safety management system and program. A
mediate release area and control or mitigate small process or plant may need only one
the incident, these actions are covered by knowledgeable person to conduct an audit.
§ 1910.120, the Hazardous Waste Operations The audit is to include an evaluation of the
and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) design and effectiveness of the process safety
standard. If outside assistance is necessary, management system and a field inspection of
such as through mutual aid agreements be- the safety and health conditions and prac-
tween employers or local government emer- tices to verify that the employer’s systems
gency response organizations, these emer- are effectively implemented. The audit
gency responders are also covered by should be conducted or lead by a person
HAZWOPER. The safety and health protec- knowledgeable in audit techniques and who
tions required for emergency responders are is impartial towards the facility or area
the responsibility of their employers and of being audited. The essential elements of an
the on-scene incident commander. audit program include planning, staffing,
conduting the audit, evaluation and correc-
Responders may be working under very
tive action, follow-up and documentation.
hazardous conditions and therefore the ob-
Planning in advance is essential to the suc-
jective is to have them competently led by
cess of the auditing process. Each employer
an on-scene incident commander and the
needs to establish the format, staffing,
commander’s staff, properly equipped to do
scheduling and verification methods prior to
their assigned work safely, and fully trained conducting the audit. The format should be
to carry out their duties safely before they designed to provide the lead auditor with a
respond to an emergency. Drills, training ex- procedure or checklist which details the re-
ercises, or simulations with the local com- quirements of each section of the standard.
munity emergency response planners and re- The names of the audit team members
sponder organizations is one means to obtain should be listed as part of the format as well.
better preparedness. This close cooperation The checklist, if properly designed, could
and coordination between plant and local serve as the verification sheet which pro-
community emergency preparedness man- vides the auditor with the necessary infor-
agers will also aid the employer in com- mation to expedite the review and assure
plying with the Environmental Protection that no requirements of the standard are
Agency’s Risk Management Plan criteria. omitted. This verification sheet format
One effective way for medium to large fa- could also identify those elements that will
cilities to enhance coordination and commu- require evaluation or a response to correct
nication during emergencies for on plant op- deficiencies. This sheet could also be used for
erations and with local community organiza- developing the follow-up and documentation
tions is for employers to establish and equip requirements.
an emergency control center. The emergency The selection of effective audit team mem-
control center would be sited in a safe zone bers is critical to the success of the program.
area so that it could be occupied throughout Team members should be chosen for their ex-
the duration of an emergency. The center perience, knowledge, and training and should
would serve as the major ccommunication be familiar with the processes and with au-
link between the on-scene incident com- diting techniques, practices and procedures.
mander and plant or corporate management The size of the team will vary depending on
as well as with the local community offi- the size and complexity of the process under
cials. The communication equipment in the consideration. For a large, complex, highly
emergency control center should include a instrumented plant, it may be desirable to
network to receive and transmit information have team members with expertise in proc-
by telephone, radio or other means. It is im- ess engineering and design, process chem-
portant to have a backup communication istry, instrumentation and computer con-
network in case of power failure or one com- trols, electrical hazards and classifications,
munication means fails. The center should safety and health disciplines, maintenance,
also be equipped with the plant layout and emergency preparedness, warehousing or
community maps, utility drawings including shipping, and process safety auditing. The
fire water, emergency lighting, appropriate team may use part-time members to provide
reference materials such as a government for the depth of expertise required as well as
agency notification list, company personnel for what is actually done or followed, com-
phone list, SARA Title III reports and mate- pared to what is written.
rial safety data sheets, emergency plans and An effective audit includes a review of the
procedures manual, a listing with the loca- relevant documentation and process safety
tion of emergency response equipment, mu- information, inspection of the physical fa-
tual aid information, and access to meteoro- cilities, and interviews with all levels of
logical or weather condition data and any plant personnel. Utilizing the audit proce-
dispersion modeling data. dure and checklist developed in the


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.119
preplanning stage, the audit team can sys- It is important to assure that each defi-
tematically analyze compliance with the ciency identified is addressed, the corrective
provisions of the standard and any other cor- action to be taken noted, and the audit per-
porate policies that are relevant. For exam- son or team responsible be properly docu-
ple, the audit team will review all aspects of mented by the employer. To control the cor-
the training program as part of the overall rective action process, the employer should
audit. The team will review the written consider the use of a tracking system. This
training program for adequacy of content, tracking system might include periodic sta-
frequency of training, effectiveness of train- tus reports shared with affected levels of
ing in terms of its goals and objectives as management, specific reports such as com-
well as to how it fits into meeting the stand- pletion of an engineering study, and a final
ard’s requirements, documentation, etc. implementation report to provide closure for
Through interviews, the team can determine audit findings that have been through man-
the employee’s knowledge and awareness of agement of change, if appropriate, and then
the safety procedures, duties, rules, emer- shared with affected employees and manage-
gency response assignments, etc. During the ment. This type of tracking system provides
inspection, the team can observe actual the employer with the status of the correc-
practices such as safety and health policies, tive action. It also provides the documenta-
procedures, and work authorization prac- tion required to verify that appropriate cor-
tices. This approach enables the team to rective actions were taken on deficiencies
identify deficiencies and determine where identified in the audit.
corrective actions or improvements are nec- APPENDIX D TO § 1910.119—SOURCES OF
An audit is a technique used to gather suf-
ficient facts and information, including sta- 1. Center for Chemical Process Safety,
tistical information, to verify compliance American Institute of Chemical Engineers,
with standards. Auditors should select as 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017,
part of their preplanning a sample size suffi- (212) 705–7319.
cient to give a degree of confidence that the 2. ‘‘Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Proce-
audit reflects the level of compliance with dures,’’ American Institute of Chemical Engi-
the standard. The audit team, through this neers; 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY
systematic analysis, should document areas
3. ‘‘Guidelines for Technical Management
which require corrective action as well as
of Chemical Process Safety,’’ Center for
those areas where the process safety man-
Chemical Process Safety of the American In-
agement system is effective and working in
stitute of Chemical Engineers; 345 East 47th
an effective manner. This provides a record
Street, New York, NY 10017.
of the audit procedures and findings, and
4. ‘‘Evaluating Process Safety in the Chem-
serves as a baseline of operation data for fu-
ical Industry,’’ Chemical Manufacturers As-
ture audits. It will assist future auditors in sociation; 2501 M Street NW, Washington, DC
determining changes or trends from previous 20037.
audits. 5. ‘‘Safe Warehousing of Chemicals,’’ Chem-
Corrective action is one of the most impor- ical Manufacturers Association; 2501 M
tant parts of the audit. It includes not only Street NW, Washington, DC 20037.
addressing the identified deficiencies, but 6. ‘‘Management of Process Hazards,’’ Amer-
also planning, followup, and documentation. ican Petroleum Institute (API Recommended
The corrective action process normally be- Practice 750); 1220 L Street, N.W., Wash-
gins with a management review of the audit ington, D.C. 20005.
findings. The purpose of this review is to de- 7. ‘‘Improving Owner and Contractor Safety
termine what actions are appropriate, and to Performance,’’ American Petroleum Institute
establish priorities, timetables, resource al- (API Recommended Practice 2220); API, 1220
locations and requirements and responsibil- L Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.
ities. In some cases, corrective action may 8. Chemical Manufacturers Association
involve a simple change in procedure or (CMA’s Manager Guide), First Edition, Sep-
minor maintenance effort to remedy the con- tember 1991; CMA, 2501 M Street, N.W.,
cern. Management of change procedures need Washington, D.C. 20037.
to be used, as appropriate, even for what 9. ‘‘Improving Construction Safety Per-
may seem to be a minor change. Many of the formance,’’ Report A–3, The Business Round-
deficiencies can be acted on promptly, while table; The Business Roundtable, 200 Park Av-
some may require engineering studies or in- enue, New York, NY 10166. (Report includes
depth review of actual procedures and prac- criteria to evaluate contractor safety per-
tices. There may be instances where no ac- formance and criteria to enhance contractor
tion is necessary and this is a valid response safety performance).
to an audit finding. All actions taken, in- 10. ‘‘Recommended Guidelines for Con-
cluding an explanation where no action is tractor Safety and Health,’’ Texas Chemical
taken on a finding, needs to be documented Council; Texas Chemical Council, 1402
as to what was done and why. Nueces Street, Austin, TX 78701–1534.


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§ 1910.120 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–04 Edition)
11. ‘‘Loss Prevention in the Process Indus- ery Act of 1976 (RCRA) as amended (42
tries,’’ Volumes I and II; Frank P. Lees, U.S.C. 6901 et seq.);
Butterworth; London 1983.
12. ‘‘Safety and Health Program Manage-
(iii) Voluntary clean-up operations at
ment Guidelines,’’ 1989; U.S. Department of sites recognized by Federal, state, local
Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Ad- or other governmental bodies as uncon-
ministration. trolled hazardous waste sites;
13. ‘‘Safety and Health Guide for the Chem- (iv) Operations involving hazardous
ical Industry,’’ 1986, (OSHA 3091); U.S. De- wastes that are conducted at treat-
partment of Labor, Occupational Safety and
Health Administration; 200 Constitution Av-
ment, storage, and disposal (TSD) fa-
enue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210. cilities regulated by 40 CFR parts 264
14. ‘‘Review of Emergency Systems,’’ June and 265 pursuant to RCRA; or by agen-
1988; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency cies under agreement with U.S.E.P.A.
(EPA), Office of Solid Waste and Emergency to implement RCRA regulations; and
Response, Washington, DC 20460. (v) Emergency response operations
15. ‘‘Technical Guidance for Hazards Anal-
ysis, Emergency Planning for Extremely for releases of, or substantial threats of
Hazardous Substances,’’ December 1987; U.S. releases of, hazardous substances with-
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), out regard to the location of the haz-
Federal Emergency Management Adminis- ard.
tration (FEMA) and U.S. Department of (2) Application. (i) All requirements of
Transportation (DOT), Washington, DC 20460. part 1910 and part 1926 of title 29 of the
16. ‘‘Accident Investigation * * * A New Ap-
proach,’’ 1983, National Safety Council; 444
Code of Federal Regulations apply pur-
North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611– suant to their terms to hazardous
3991. waste and emergency response oper-
17. ‘‘Fire & Explosion Index Hazard Classi- ations whether covered by this section
fication Guide,’’ 6th Edition, May 1987, Dow or not. If there is a conflict or overlap,
Chemical Company; Midland, Michigan 48674. the provision more protective of em-
18. ‘‘Chemical Exposure Index,’’ May 1988, ployee safety and health shall apply
Dow Chemical Company; Midland, Michigan
without regard to 29 CFR 1910.5(c)(1).
(ii) Hazardous substance clean-up op-
[57 FR 6403, Feb. 24, 1992; 57 FR 7847, Mar. 4, erations within the scope of paragraphs
1992, as amended at 61 FR 9238, Mar. 7, 1996;
(a)(1)(i) through (a)(1)(iii) of this sec-
67 FR 67964, Nov. 7, 2002]
tion must comply with all paragraphs
§ 1910.120 Hazardous waste operations of this section except paragraphs (p)
and emergency response. and (q).
(a) Scope, application, and definitions— (iii) Operations within the scope of
(1) Scope. This section covers the fol- paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section
lowing operations, unless the employer must comply only with the require-
can demonstrate that the operation ments of paragraph (p) of this section.
does not involve employee exposure or Notes and Exceptions: (A) All provisions of
the reasonable possibility for employee paragraph (p) of this section cover any treat-
exposure to safety or health hazards: ment, storage or disposal (TSD) operation
(i) Clean-up operations required by a regulated by 40 CFR parts 264 and 265 or by
governmental body, whether Federal, state law authorized under RCRA, and re-
state, local or other involving haz- quired to have a permit or interim status
from EPA pursuant to 40 CFR 270.1 or from
ardous substances that are conducted
a state agency pursuant to RCRA.
at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites (B) Employers who are not required to
(including, but not limited to, the have a permit or interim status because they
EPA’s National Priority Site List are conditionally exempt small quantity
(NPL), state priority site lists, sites generators under 40 CFR 261.5 or are genera-
recommended for the EPA NPL, and tors who qualify under 40 CFR 262.34 for ex-
initial investigations of government emptions from regulation under 40 CFR parts
identified sites which are conducted be- 264, 265 and 270 (‘‘excepted employers’’) are
fore the presence or absence of haz- not covered by paragraphs (p)(1) through
(p)(7) of this section. Excepted employers
ardous substances has been who are required by the EPA or state agency
ascertained); to have their employees engage in emer-
(ii) Corrective actions involving gency response or who direct their employ-
clean-up operations at sites covered by ees to engage in emergency response are cov-
the Resource Conservation and Recov- ered by paragraph (p)(8) of this section, and


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