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Scientific name :Passiflora edulis
Malay name :MARKISA
English name :PASSION FRUIT
Native to : tropical and sub-tropical
countries especially in Australia, India,
Kenya, New Zealand and Hawaii.
Markisa is grown commercially in these
countries .

Size :The oval fruit is about 7 cm and 6
cm long and weighs within 8 g :
Root : YES
Flower : YES
Fruit : YES

Root : Benefits of consuming
passion fruit
Passionate includes the type of fruit
that contains the many nutrients
needed for the body and good for
health. Here are the exceptional
benefits of passion fruit:
1. Contains many antioxidants
Passion contains many antioxidants
that function to protect the body
from cell damage caused by free
radicals. Passionate is rich in
vitamin C, beta-carotene, and
polyphenols that protect the body
from chronic inflammation, heart
disease and cancer. Additionally,
consuming passionate fruits can
maintain a healthy immune system
and prevent premature aging.

Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passion_fruit_(fruit)

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