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Vocabulary and Memorization

In the following lesson, we will see some great ways to memorize rules, formulas,
the results of certain common calculations, and – lots of vocabulary. Although
vocabulary used in GMAT is mostly at the level that one might expect to find in
financial magazines rather than in high-level literature, some of the words and
idioms used in the test may prove to be hard for you.

Whether you are a native speaker or not, it will prove VERY useful to go over the
following list of words and make sure that you know (and understand) each and
every word. The lesson on memorization will help you with these words that you
don’t know. No need to go over them all at once! Screening the words and
memorizing is a daily task that will be more efficient and effective if it is done during
the next few weeks.

But here’s an important tip: there are lots of words that we can understand even if
this is the first time that we meet them, just because we know their “building
blocks.” The basic building block is either a base word, such as the word event, which
has a meaning on its own; or a root word, such as vis, which cannot stand alone as
word; it might be combined with another root, or with a prefix or a suffix We use
prefixes in the beginning of a word, and suffixes at the end.

For example:

Prefix + Base word + Suffix


Prefix + Root word + Suffix


There are also combining forms, which are words that can be part of longer words,
whether they appear in the beginning or in the end, as in:

So before we move to the full list of words that are very common on the GMAT, we
should get familiar with the common prefixes, suffixes, combining forms, and root
words. They are the key for the meanings of many thousands of words:

PREFIXES and combining forms

Prefix / Meaning Example


ab- away; away from abjure – give up rights

abs- abstain - refrain from

ac- toward; to accompany - go with

someone, escort
af- absorb – to take up by
ag- absorption

al- affix - attach to

something else
agile - quick, active
allocate - divide or give
out for a reason
annihilate - destroy
appease - turn something
peaceful, quiet
associate - connect with
something else
atone - pay the price for
doing wrong

act, to do; to act action – process of doing

ag agent - person who acts

on behalf of another

bas low baseline – minimum used

for comparison

cap, to take; to hold; to seize capable – able to achieve

whatever one has to do
capit head
captain – person in
command of a ship

cata down; against; back cataclysm - violent

upheaval bringing about
great destruction

circum roundabout; around circumference –

boundary line of an

contra against; opposite contrary - completely


counterfeit - being the

opposite of real

cred, belief creditable – deserving

acknowledgement but
not necessarily

de opposite; remove; reduce deforestation - cutting

down and removing all or
most trees in a forested

dia through; across; from point to point diameter – straight line

segment passing through

the center of a figure

epi upon; outer; beside; after; attached epicenter – focal point of

a usually harmful

equ equal; even equality – the state of

being equal

ex, out; away; outside; out of exhale – to breathe out

e emit – release, give out

extra, outside; beyond extraordinary – highly

exceptional; remarkable
extrovert – friendly and
social person

fac, to make, to do facile – easily achieved

fact, factory – building where

goods are manufactured
fiction – statement that is

fore before in time, rank, or position foredeck – forward part

of a ship

hetero different; other heterosexual – sexually

oriented to persons of
the opposite sex
homo, same; like homogeny – similarity in
structure between organs
homeostasis - tendency
to keep a stable

hyper over (implying excess or exaggeration) hyperbole - figure of

speech in which
exaggeration is used for

hypo low; under; beneath; down; below hypoglycemia – low

blood sugar

il, not illegal - not legal, against

the law
impossible - not
possible, cannot be done
ir inefficient - not efficient,
wasting a lotirregular –
contrary to rule

inflame; ingenious
in Having an intensive or causative function

inter between; among interaction - reciprocal

effect or action

intra, inwardly; within intragroup - within the

introspective – act of
looking into one’s self

mis, negate misanthrope – one who

hates people
mit to send
admit – allow to enter

non not nonprofessional – one

who is not a professional

ob, toward; to; over; against; over obstruct – block; get in

the way of
occlusion - closing,
shutting off, blocking out
op offend - insult, cause pain
oppose - stand up

par equal parity – state of being


para alongside; beside; near; resembling; beyond; paranormal – Beyond the

apart from range of human

per through perforated – bored


peri around pericardium – around the


plic to fold; to bend; to turn complicate – make

(something) more
re again; repeat resuscitate – to restore

retro backward retrofit – to install for use

on an existing structure

se apart segment – any of the

parts by which something
can be divided

secu, to follow consecutive – following

sequel – something that
takes place after an
earlier event

spec, to appear; to look; to see specimen – used as an

example of its species for
inspect – look at closely

sta, to stand; to make a stand status – position of affairs

at a particular time
stable – not likely to

su under; beneath; below suspect - think without

having proof
suc subdue – to overcome; to
suf vanquish
succumb - forced to do,
stop to resist, give in
sup sufficient - is enough
suggest - put for
summon - request
someone to come

suppress - put down by

surrender - give up, stop

sustain - support,

super, over; beyond; above; of greater quality supercilious – over-

bearing; haughty; proud
surplus - more than, extra

syn with; together; along with synchronize - make

happen at the same time
sympathize - go along
with others’ feelings
syllable - one or more
letters that together form
one sound

system - set of connected


tact to touch tactile – connected with

the sense of touch
tele far; far off; afar telescope – device used
to detect or observe
distant objects

ten to hold tenable – able to be


tra, across; through; over traverse - travel across or

transaction - putting
through a business or
other type of deal

ultra beyond; exceeding; ulterior ultraviolet - outside the

violet end of the visible

un not unforgettable -
impossible to forget; very

under insufficient; beneath underwater – situated

beneath the surface of
the water

with against withdraw - act of moving

something away or taking
something away

alone or in groups
ambi both ambidextrous - able to
use the right and left
hands equally well

a, not; without atypical - not typical

an anonymous - not
identified by name; of an
unknown name

arch chief; first; rule archangel - an angel of

high rank

co, with; together converge - come from

different directions and
collateral - connected
cor combine - unite, merge
conference - meeting
correlate - create a
relationship or

dis, not; opposite of; reverse; separate; deprive disproportion - being out
of; away of proportion with
something else

differentiate – separate;

ego self; self-importance egotistical - excessively


Time, amount and size

ante before antecedent - preceding in
time or order; previous or

bi two bifurcate - divide into two

branches or forks

chron time chronology -

arrangement of events in
the order of their

demi, half; partial demigod - half god-like;

partly divine
hemisphere - half of a
semi sphere; half of the earth

semiconscious - only
partially conscious

di two; twice; double diverge - to move in

different directions from
a common point

macro, large; long; great macrophage - a large

phagocytic cell
magnum - great, in size; a
large bottle for wine
magnanimous - great of
mega, mind and heart

megalo magnify - make very large

megaphone - device for
magnifying sound

megalomaniac - person
obsessed with his own

micro small; millionth microwave - small oven

that cooks or heats food
very quickly using
electromagnetic waves

mini small; short minute – very tiny


mono one monopoly - absence of

competition, which often
results in high prices and
inferior products

multi many; much multiply - to increase the

amount, number, or
degree of

olig few; little oligarchy - small group of

people having control of a
country, organization, or

omni all; every omniscient – knowing


out bigger; better; longer outclass - be far superior

over excessive; above overwork (v) - exhaust
with too much work

pan all panacea - solution or

remedy for all difficulties
or diseases

pent five pentagram - five-pointed


poly many polygon - figure with at

least three straight sides
and angles

post after; behind postpone - arrange for

something to take place
at a time later than first

pre before precede – come before in


prim first primary - of chief

importance; principal

proto first prototype - a first, typical

or preliminary model of

quadri, four quadruplets - four

children born in one

tetragon - quadrilateral,
polygon with four sides
tri three triangle - figure with
three straight sides and
three angles

uni one uniform - not changing in

form or character

Objects and actions

anthropo man anthropology - study of


aqua water aquatic (n) - having to do

with water

aud to hear; listen audience - assembled

spectators or listeners at
a public event

be on; around; over; about; excessively; make; belittle - make (someone

cause; name; affect or something) seem

bibl book bibliophile - person who

collects or has a great
love of books

bio life biology - the science of

life or living matter

cred believe credence - belief in or

acceptance of something
as true
cic, say; speak diction - choice and use
of words and phrases in

dyn power dynamic (n) - force that

stimulates change or
progress within a system

em, put into; make; provide with; surround with emblaze - light, ignite

en enamor - be filled with a

feeling of love for

gen kind generous - showing

kindness toward others

geo Earth geography - study of

physical features of the

graph, write; written; draw graphic - relating to visual

art, especially involving
drawing, engraving, or

grammar - written rules

of a language

hydr water hydrophobia - extreme or

irrational fear of water

manu; mani hand manual - handbook

mater mother maternal - related
through the mother's side
of the family

meta beyond; change metabolism - chemical

processes that occur
within a living organism in
order to maintain life

meter, measure meter - fundamental unit

of length in the metric

metrology - science of

nav ship; sail navigate - plan and

direct the route or course
of a ship, aircraft, or

other form of

pater father patriarchy - a system of

society or government in
which men hold


ped, foot pedestrian - a person

walking on foot
podiatry - a branch of
medicine devoted to the
study of the foot
mis, hatred misanthrope - he who
hates mankind
misogyny - hatred or
dislike of women or girls

phil love philanthropy - desire to

promote welfare of

phon sound phonograph - any sound-

reproducing machine
using records

photo light photogenic - looking

attractive in photographs
or on film

psych mind; soul psychopath - person

suffering from chronic
mental disorder with

violent social behavior

pyr fire; heat pyromania - obsessive

desire to set fire to things

scrib, write scribe - person who

copies out documents
scripture - any sacred

spect look; see spectrum - band of

colors, as seen in a
tech skill; art technocrat - exponent or
advocate of technocracy

therm heat thermostat - device that

automatically regulates

viv alive; life vivacious - attractively

lively and animated

voc calling vocation - strong feeling

of suitability for a
particular career


bene good; well; gentle beneficial - favorable or

advantageous; resulting
in good

brev short brevity - shortness of


clar clear clarify - make (a

statement or situation)
less confused

crypt hidden; secret cryptography - art of

writing or solving codes

cycl wheel; circle; circular cyclone - system of winds

rotating inward

dys bad; abnormal; difficult; impaired; dysfunctional - not

unfavorable operating normally or
eu/e/u pleasant; well; good eulogy - speech or piece
of writing that praises
someone or something

fort strength; strong fortitude - courage in

pain or adversity

mal bad; badly malady - a disease or


mis bad; improper mischance - unfortunate


neo new neophyte - person who is

new to a subject, skill, or

pot strength; ability potential - showing the

capacity to become
something in the future

pro forward; in favor of propulsion - driving

proponent - supporter

pseudo false pseudonym - false name

(sometimes used by

vice in place of vice-president - acts in

place of president


Suffix meaning example

-ate to cause complicate - make

(something) more
difficult or confusing by
causing it to be more

-cip, to take; to hold, to seize receive – be given or

presented with
recipient – person that
receives something

reception – process of
receiving something sent

-ced, to go; to give in precede – came before in

access (v) – approach or
proceed – begin a course
of action

-duc to lead induce – bring about

-duct aqueduct – small canal

channeling fluid

-en to cause shorten - to make short

-fect to make; to do effect – cause to happen

-fer to carry; to bring defer – put off to a later

referral – act of referring

-ify to make electrify - to charge with

-fy terrify - cause to feel

extreme fear

-ize to make alphabetize - to put in

alphabetical order

-al relating to natural - existing in or

caused by nature

-ial pertaining to; relating to commercial - related to

buying and selling things

-ic pertaining to ; relating to aristocratic - of or

pertaining to the

-ly resembling tenderly - done with


-ly in the manner boldly - in a bold manner

-ful full of meaningful - significant

-ous, full of humorous - full of humor;

-ive having the descriptive - giving a

-less lacking painless - without pain

-ish having the childish - like a child;


-ance quality; ability tolerance – willingness

-ence competence - ability to

do something successfully
or efficiently

-cy quality; state emergency - serious,

unexpected, and often
dangerous situation
requiring immediate

-tion state or quality caution - care taken to

avoid danger or mistakes

-or one who does or inventor - person who

performs action of invented a particular
process or device or who
invents things as an

teacher - person who


-arium a place for aquarium - tank of water

in which fish and other
water creatures and
plants are kept

auditorium - part of a
theater, concert hall, or
other public building in
which the audience sits to

-ary place for sanctuary - place of

refuge or safety

-cide act of killing suicide - instance of

taking one's own life
voluntarily and

-ism quality; state; condition optimism - hopefulness

and confidence about the
future or the successful
outcome of something

-ity quality; state; or equality - state of being

condition equal, especially in status,
rights, and opportunities

-ment act or ability; action; movement - act of

result changing physical
location or position or of
having this changed

-ology the study of zoology – study of

-pon to place compose – constitute or
make up
deposit – sum of money
placed in a bank

-scribe to write describe – to mark out or


-sist to stand; to stand with consist – be composed of

-sisto desist – cease; abstain


-tent to hold content (adj) – state of

contain – hold within

-tend to stretch contend – struggle to

extent – area covered by

-tract to draw contract (n) – written or

spoken agreement

-ven to come convene – bring together

for an activity
advent – arrival of a
notable person, place, or
-ver to turn avert – turn away

-vers reverse – move backward

-vert revert – return to

Common Latin Word Roots

Latin root meaning Example

Amare To love amorous - Showing

strong feelings of sexual
attraction or love

Audire To hear audience - Group of

people who gather
together to listen to

Bellum War belligerent - Aggressive;

showing readiness to

Bios Life biology - Science that

deals with things which
are alive (such as plants
and animals)

Capere To take captivate - Influence and

dominate by some special
trait and with irresistible

Chronos Time chronological - Arranged

in the order that things

Derma Skin dermatology - Scientific

study of the skin

Dicere To say, speak dictate - To speak or read

to a person who writes it
down or to a machine
that records it

Duco To lead conduct - Way that

something is managed or

Equus Equal equilibrium - State in

which opposing forces or
actions are balanced so
that one is not stronger
or greater than the other

Facere To make manufacture - process of

making products

Gamos Marriage polygamy - State or

practice of being married
to more than one person
at the same time

Genos Race; Sex genocide - Deliberate

killing of people who
belong to a particular
racial, political, or cultural

Geo Earth; Surface geology - Science that

studies the earth and

Graphein To write calligraphy - art of writing


Kratos Government; Rule; democracy - Form of

Authority government in which
people choose leaders by

Kryptos Hidden cryptic - having or

seeming to have a hidden

Lucere To light lucid - Very clear and

easy to understand

Manus Hand manicure - Treatment to

improve the appearance
of the hands

Medius Middle median - Middle value in

a series of values
arranged from smallest to

Metron To measure metronome - Device that

makes a repeated sound
to show a musician how
fast a piece of music
should be played

Mittere To send transmit - Give or pass

(information, etc.) from
one person to another

Morph Form polymorphous -

Occurring in many
different forms, styles, or
stages of development

Pathos Suffering pathetic - Very bad, poor,

or weak

Philos Loving xenophile - One attracted

to foreign things

Phobos Fear xenophobe - Fearful of

what is foreign

Photos Light photobiotic - Requiring

light in order to live or

Plicare To fold application - Act of

putting to use

Podos Foot podiatrist - Medical care

of the human foot

Ponere/Positum To place position - Place where

someone or something is
in relation to other
people or things
Protare To carry transport - Carry
someone or something
from one place to

Psuedein To deceive pseudonym - Name that

someone uses instead of
his/her real name

Pyr Fire pyromaniac - Mental

illness that makes people
have a strong desire to
set fires

Quarere To ask inquiry - Request for


Scribere To write scribe - Official secretary

or clerk; a copier of

Sentire To feel sentient - Able to feel,

see, hear, smell, or taste

Soma Body psychosomatic - Caused

by mental or emotional
problems rather than by
physical illness

Specere To look at spectacle - Very

impressive show

Spirare To breath respiration - Act or

process of breathing
Tele Distant telescope - Device
shaped like a long tube
that you look through in
order to see things that
are far away

Tendere To stretch extend - To become


Therme Heat thermos - Container that

keeps liquids hot or cold
for long periods of time

Verbum Word verbatim - In the exact

words; word for word
The GMAT word list

So here it is – the full list of common GMAT words. You may want to print it later on, when
you’ll start screening the words. Before you start memorizing, it is highly recommended that
you take the Vocabulary and Memorization lesson first.

Word Form Definition Example

Abrupt Adjective Sudden and There was an abrupt dismissal from class
unexpected when the last bell rung.

Accelerate Verb Move Increasingly You step on the gas to accelerate your car.

Accidental Adjective Not planned; The oil spill was proven to be accidental.
happen by chance

Accommodate Verb To fit or change The hotel offered to accommodate pets, as

with the needs of well as their owners.

Accordingly Adverb Consequently; It is important to act accordingly in front of

therefore the Queen.

Accrue Verb To gain money Depositors in the bank accrue interest in

over a period of their accounts over time.

Acquisition Noun Act of getting The newest acquisition for the museum was
something an Egyptian mummy.

Acquit Verb Declared innocent The defendant was acquitted of all charges.
after first being
charged with a

Acute Noun Describes an angle A triangle with an acute angle must have at
in math less than least one obtuse angle.
90 degrees but
greater than 0

Adamant Adjective Refusing to be The judge was adamant that he would not
persuaded be lenient during sentencing.
Adjacent Noun Angles found next The door is adjacent to the wall.
to one another

Adverse Adjective Unfavorable The medicine had adverse side-effects.

Aeronautics Noun Science or practice Using aeronautics, he succeeded in

of travel through maneuvering the plane to safety.
the air

Aftermath Noun Consequences of a In the aftermath of the earthquake, the

significant town was in shambles.
unpleasant event

Agenda Noun List of items to be The meeting’s agenda included a break for
discussed or done lunch.
in a meeting

Aggravate Verb Make worse or If you aggravate an already agitated

more serious venomous snake, you are likely to get bitten.

Allergy Noun High level of A common allergy among children is a

sensitivity to a sensitivity to peanuts.
substance that
causes a strong
reaction in the
immune system

allowance noun amount allocated Parents may pay a weekly or monthly

at predetermined allowance to their children for doing chores.

Alternative Noun One of two or The alternative to doing nothing is doing

more available something.

Altitude Noun The height of an Mountains are at a higher altitude than the
object in relation valleys beneath them.
to sea level

Amateur Noun; Noun: Person with Noun: The professional dancer refused to
Adjective little skill or work with any amateurs for fear of injury.
Adjective: The amateur athlete worshiped
Adjective: the professional athlete as his hero.
Performing in an
unskilled or
unprofessional way

Amend Verb Make changes to Americans amended the Constitution

something for the through the Bill of Rights.

Ample Adjective More than enough; You have ample time to finish taking the
plentiful test.

Anatomy Noun Branch of science Medical students study anatomy before

dealing with the becoming doctors.
physical structure
of animals, plants,
and other

Ancestor Noun Person from whom One of my ancestors on my dad’s side fought
another person is in the Civil War.
directly descended

Antibiotics Noun; A substance used To fight off an infection, you should take
Adjective as a medication antibiotics.
that will kill or
deactivate bacteria

apparel noun; verb noun: clothing Noun: Clothing stores sell apparel to
verb: to put clothes
on someone; Verb: A designer of women’s fashion
embellish regularly apparels her clients to go to black-
tie events.

Applicable Adjective Relevant or The classes are not applicable towards your
appropriate degree.

Apportion Verb Divide and allocate The mother evenly apportioned the toys
among her three children.

aquatic adjective Noun: Anything Noun: Diving could be considered aquatic.

done in or on
water Adjective: Water polo is an aquatic sport
played at the Olympics.
Adjective: Relating
to water
Arc Noun; Verb Noun: Curved or Noun: An arc is part of the circumference of
semicircular line the circle.

Verb: To create a Verb: The path along the sidewalk arced

curve or travel slightly to the left.
along a curved

Arcane Adjective Impossible to Mysticism is considered an arcane science by

comprehend; some of its followers.
mysterious or

Arid Adjective Land having little The desert climate is arid because of a lack
or no rain of rain and moisture in the air.

Array Noun; Verb Noun: An ordered Noun: A rainbow of colors is an example of

arrangement an array of colors.

Verb: Arrange in a Verb: She arrayed herself in rich velvets and

particular way satins.

Aspire Verb Trying to achieve a Broadway actors and actresses who can sing
specific goal aspire to win a Tony.

assess verb evaluate Standardized tests assess students’ cognitive

something skills.

Attribute Verb; Noun Verb: To believe Verb: The gambler attributed his winning
something is streak to his new lucky coin.
caused by a
specific Noun: Her best attribute was her winning
circumstance smile.

Noun: Quality or
feature regarded
as an inherent part
of something

Authentic Adjective Of undisputed The woman bought a painting at a garage

origin; genuine sale and found out that it wasn’t actually a
copy, but an authentic Turner.

Average Noun Number expressing If you take the average of a hundred, you
the central or will get fifty.
typical value in a
set of data
Benefactor Noun Person who gives The billionaire decided to become a
money or other benefactor of a certain charity and put his
help to a person or money to good use to help people other
cause than himself.

Betray Verb Deliver or expose Citizens betray their governments when they
to an enemy by become spies for foreign nations.
treachery or

betrayal noun Putting loyalty in It is a betrayal to marriage when a husband

someone, and then or wife commits adultery.
having him or her
turn on you

Bilateral Adjective Affecting both China pledged to boost bilateral ties with
sides Korea.

Bilingual Adjective Speaking two She was bilingual because she could speak
languages fluently English and French.

Binary Adjective; Adjective: Adjective: A binary star is a system of two

Noun Comprised of two stars that revolve around each other.
separate elements
Noun: The computer code was constructed
Noun: The binary in binary.
number system in

Bisect Verb Divide something The two lines bisected each other on the
into two parts plane.

Bizarre Adjective Very strange or The circumstances of the girl’s

unusual disappearance were bizarre.

bound adjective; adjective: Adjective: The truth was bound to come out
verb; noun something eventually.
destined to happen
because of custom Verb: She bounded away happy after
or experience receiving a kiss.

verb: movement Noun: The soldier was homeward-bound

with leaping strides after war.

noun: leaping
movement upward
Bounty Noun Monetary gift or The bounty on the fugitive’s head was high,
reward which made him a target.

Brutal Adjective Extremely ruthless The break-up was particularly brutal for both
or cruel parties.

Bureaucrat Noun A government or The bureaucrat loathed his job after a

administrative decade because it was too mundane for him.

Capacity Noun Maximum amount The swimming pool had a maximum capacity
something can of 100 occupants.

Captivate Verb Attract and hold The superstar captivated her audience with
the attention of; her new song.

Capture Verb; Noun Verb: To take by Verb: The Humane Society captures stray
control or force cats and dogs, then makes them available for
Noun: The action
of capturing or of Noun: The Spanish treasure ship was the
being captured most valuable capture ever taken.

Carbohydrate Noun An organic Carbohydrates can be broken down in the

compound made body to create energy.
up of carbon,
hydrogen, and

Casualty Noun One who is injured The plane crash had several casualties.
or killed in an

category noun actions, things, or Lions and domestic house cats are both in
people grouped the feline category.
together because
of a characteristic
that they have in

Cater Verb Provide what is Food catered for events is usually specialized
needed or required to meet the needs of the occasion.
Causality Noun The relationship Prisoners of war are often one of the horrific
between cause and causalities resulting from the conflict.

Censure Noun; Verb Noun: Harsh The principal wanted to censure the
criticism student’s newspaper article.

Verb: To submit
someone or
something to harsh

Circle Noun; Verb Noun: A round Noun: You can find the area of a circle if you
figure whose have its radius.
boundary consists
Verb: The bicyclist circled the block before
of points
equidistant from heading home.
the center

Verb: Move all the

way around

Circulation Noun Physiological When blood circulation is interrupted from

movement of the heart to the body, a person may suffer a
blood throughout heart attack.
the body

Circumference Noun The enclosing The circumference of a circle is its perimeter.

boundary of a
curved geometric

Civic Adjective Relating to the As citizens, it is our civic duty to vote in

government of a every election.
town or city

Civil Adjective Relating to His aunt worked in a civil service role for
ordinary citizens more than twenty-five years before receiving
and their concerns her pension.

clarify verb to make more The questions were incomprehensible, so

comprehensible the student asked the teacher to clarify
Clerical Adjective Concerned with or Office administrators have clerical roles.
relating to work in
an office

Clumsy Adjective Awkward in Tripping over your own feet is very clumsy.
movement or

Codify Verb Put (laws or rules) The convention codified the rules of war.
into a systematic

coherent adjective logically or Politicians are some of the most coherent

artistically speakers.

Collaborate Verb Work jointly with Co-workers collaborate on group projects.

others on an

Combat Noun; Verb Noun: Fighting Noun: Some armed forces personnel never
between armed see combat during their tours of duty.
Verb: Get plenty of sleep to combat a cold.
Verb: Take action
to reduce, destroy,
or prevent

Commercial Adjective; Adjective: Adjective: The music was too commercial for
Noun Pertaining to the the director’s tastes.
buying and selling
of services and Noun: The actress appeared in many
products commercials before moving on to films.

Noun: A television
or radio

Compact Adjective; Adjective: Dense Adjective: The car was compact and could
Verb; Noun not hold more than four people at a time.
Verb: Exert force
on; compress Verb: Compacting cars down to smaller sizes
saves space in junkyards.
Noun: A small flat
case containing Noun: The woman on the bus used her
makeup compact to fix her makeup on the way to
Compatible Adjective Able to exist or Leo and Aries are compatible horoscope
occur together signs.
without conflict

compensate verb to give someone The workers were monetarily compensated

money or for working overtime during the holiday
something else for season.
work done

compensation noun money or The interns received compensation in the

something else form of experience.
given to reward for
loss, or work done

Compile Verb To put together in The editor compiled all Frost’s poems into
one book or work one volume.

Complement Noun; Verb Noun: A thing that Noun: The complement of food at the table
makes something was sufficient to feed the entire wedding
else whole party.

Verb: To make Verb: The white shirt complemented the

something whole woman’s grey slacks.
or perfect

Complex Adjective; Adjective: hard to Noun: She has a complex about her
Noun understand, appearance.
explain, or resolve
Adjective: The problems were too complex
Noun: A thing for the mathematicians to solve.
made up of many
different but
interrelated parts

Comply Verb Act in accordance The soldier refused to comply with direct
with a wish or orders and was thrown into the brig.

Component Noun A part or element Computers are built from many

of a larger whole components.

Compound Noun; Noun: Thing that is Noun: By mixing several compounds, the
Adjective; composed of two scientists created a chemical reaction.
Verb or more separate
elements Adjective: “Raindrop” is a compound noun.

Consisting of
several parts or Verb: Bank interest is compounded at
elements regular intervals.

Verb: Make up;


Comprehend Verb Grasp mentally; It is difficult to comprehend the effects of

understand post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Compromise Noun; Verb Noun: Settlement Noun: The compromise was fair and
or agreement of equitable, though neither signatory like the
differences by terms.
mutual concession
Verb: Two parties need to compromise to
Verb: Settle a come to an agreement.
dispute by mutual

Conceal Verb Keep from sight; Masks conceal the face and identity of the
hide person wearing them.

concentrate verb; noun Verb: to focus Verb: The student was unable to
every thought on concentrate on their exam after not sleeping
one subject or the night before.
Noun: The orange juice was made from
Noun: a substance concentrate, which did not taste the same as
made more pure if it had come from freshly squeezed
by removing oranges.
another substance

concern noun; verb Noun: Anxiety; Noun: The concern expressed by politicians
worry; business for their constituents is often not genuine.

Verb: Worry; make Upon the death of the founder, the manager
anxious took over the helm of the small and growing
concern founded by his father.

Verb: Parents are concerned about their

children’s school performance.

concession noun a thing that is The bilateral agreement contained

granted; small concessions for both parties.

Condense Verb Make denser or The cooler temperatures cause the gas to
more concentrated condense into a liquid.
Configuration Noun Relative The company needed to change the
arrangement of configuration of the system to
parts or elements accommodate the new server.

confinement noun to enclose within Wild animals have difficulty with

bounds; limit confinement.

Conform Verb Comply with rules, A sycophant enjoys conforming to look like
standards, or laws the object of his affection.

Confront Verb To deal with a It is not easy to confront one’s fears.


Congestion Noun To concentrate in a Congestion on the freeway is usually caused

small or narrow by a bottleneck.

Conspiracy Noun A secret plan by a Some people believe there is a conspiracy

group to do running the governments of the largest
something world nations.

Constraint Noun A limitation or Lack of funding has been a major constraint

restriction on the building's design.

Contagious Adjective Transmissible by Airborne viruses are highly contagious and

direct or indirect infectious.

contaminant noun a substance that Biological containment is necessary when

makes a place or dealing with highly contagious, deadly
another substance viruses and bacteria.
unsuitable for use

Contemporary Adjective; Living or occurring Adjective: Contemporary music is influenced

Noun at the same time by artists of previous eras.

Noun: He was a contemporary of Abraham


Conversion Noun An alteration or She is thinking about conversion to Judaism.

change in the
nature, shape, or
operation of
convert verb; noun verb: cause to Verb: Some faiths believe that they should
change in form, convert other people to believe in the same
character, or philosophies as theirs.
Noun: He is a recent convert to the Church.
noun: person who
changes his beliefs

Conviction Noun Strong belief or The courts struck down the convict’s
opinion conviction after new evidence came to light.

Crest Noun; Verb Noun: Uppermost Noun: She reached the crest of the hill.
part of something
that rises or slants Verb: She crested a hill and saw the valley
upwards spread out before her.

Verb: To arrive at
or rise to a peak

Crestfallen Adjective Sad or The girl was crestfallen when her father did
disappointed not return home.

Criterion Noun Standard by which The criteria for being accepted into Ivy
something may be League colleges are harder than those for
decided state universities.

critique noun; verb noun: a detailed Noun: The critique of the play after opening
analysis and night caused the show to close down for
assessment of good.
Verb: The editor critiqued the new style
verb: to assess section unfavorably.
something by
giving observation
of the work’s good
and bad qualities

Crucial Adjective Extremely The map was crucial to finding the treasure
significant or on the island.

Crumple Verb; Noun Verb: Crush so it Verb: The man didn’t like what he saw, so he
becomes wrinkled crumpled the paper and threw it to the
Noun: A crushed
fold, crease, or Noun: My clothes get crumples when I
wrinkle forget to fold them after washing.
Crusade Noun; Verb Noun: A medieval Noun: Medieval soldiers believed it was their
military expedition; purpose in life to fight in the Crusades.
a major effort to
change something Verb: She took a crusading stance on
Verb: To make a
dynamic effort to
get rid of

Culminate Verb Reach point of Weeks of violence culminated in the death

highest of a police officer.

cultivation noun act of preparing The economy was based largely on wheat
the land or cultivation.
something else for
the purpose of
planting, growing,
or developing

Curriculum Noun The aggregate of A high school curriculum is much easier than
courses of study a college’s.
given in a school or

debut noun; verb noun: a first public The movie had its debut over the weekend.

verb: performing
or appearing in
public for the first

Decay Verb; Noun Verb: To rot and Verb: The animal’s body decayed after
become soft, flaky, several days of lying in the woods.
and fluid-like
Noun: The rate of decay helps medical
Noun: The examiners determine how long a body has
biological process been buried.
of decomposing
and rotting.

Decimal Adjective; Adjective: The use Adjective: Pi has an infinite number of

Noun of the number ten decimal places.
as a base and
organized in sets of Noun: The computer converts the initial data
ten from decimal to binary.

Noun: A number
conveyed in a
counting system
using sets of ten

Deduct Verb Subtract or take From the paw prints, it was easy to deduct
away from a total the culprit of the mess in the house.

Defendant Noun A person who is The defendant lost in court and is now
being sued or appealing the decision.
accused of a crime
in a court of law

Degree Noun A unit of A triangle that has three angles of ninety

measurement of degrees is called a right triangle.

Delicate Adjective; Adjective: Adjective: A delicate flower will not survive

Noun Destroyed with the first frost of winter.
Noun: Your delicates should not be washed
Noun: Clothing with the heavy cottons in a washing
requiring special machine.
attention when
being washed and

Delinquent Noun; Noun: Young Noun: The young delinquent got into trouble
Adjective person who breaks for stealing cars.
the law
Adjective: The delinquent teenager felt
Adjective: persecuted by law enforcement, especially
Characterized by a after going to juvenile detention.
tendency to
commit a crime

Delta Noun Alluvial deposit at The delta of the Amazon River is in Brazil.
the mouth of a

Denote Verb Be a sign of; The arrow sign pointing down in currency
indicate denotes a drop in value.

Depart Verb To go away; leave She departed for the airport before dawn.
Deplete Verb To consume or The army depleted its food supply and began
decrease the to starve.
amount of

Depletion Noun The consumption The depletion of food resources before the
or reduction of supply truck arrived meant starvation for the
something troops.

Depreciation Noun Reduction in worth The United States does not like to see
of an object over depreciation in the value of the U.S. dollar
time compared to other currencies.

Depress Verb Make someone When someone loses his job, he becomes
feel utterly depressed.
dispirited or

Descend Verb Move or fall You rapidly descend in bungee jumping only
downward to be snapped back upward.

Descendant Noun Person or animal She was a direct descendant of Thomas

descended from a Jefferson on her mother’s side of the family.
specific ancestor

Detached Adjective Not connected to People are feeling more detached as they
something incorporate technology into their lives.

Detection Noun To discover Smoke detectors are installed to increase the

something hidden possibility of early fire detection.
or subtle

Detrimental Adjective Producing hurt or Taking street drugs can be detrimental to

damage your health.

Dialect Noun Form of a language The Southern dialect of the United States
that distinguishes has a distinct twang.
itself to a specific
region or social

Dimension Noun; Verb Noun: A Noun: An X and Y plane on a graph denotes

measurable extent two dimensions.
of something, such
as length width, Verb: To eliminate waste, he dimensioned
depth, or height the house to accept stock framing pieces.
Verb: Cut or shape
to particular

Diminish Verb Make something Resources were diminished after the flood.
lose its importance

Discrete Adjective Individually Digital phones broadcast their

separate and communications in discrete bursts of energy.

Discrimination Noun Practice of unfairly People who are different from others often
treating a person suffer from discrimination.
or groups
differently from
other people.

Disorder Noun; Verb State of confusion The house was in disorder after the party.

Displace Verb Move or shift from The police displaced the renters from the
the usual place or building at the owner’s behest because they
position were behind on their rent payments.

Distinct Adjective Obviously The dog had distinct markings on its head.
dissimilar and

Distraction Noun Something The loud noise in the room was too much of
hindering a distraction for the speaker.

distribution noun act of giving or The increased distribution of products to

delivering various regions magnified the company’s
something revenue.

Diverse Adjective Very different Plant life in the jungle is unique and diverse.

Diversify Verb To increase in To compete in a global marketplace, large

variety companies must diversify their products.

Divine Adjective; Adjective: Faith Adjective: It took divine wisdom to gather

Verb; Noun pertaining to God, the whole community at the one building
gods, or goddesses that wasn’t effected by the tornado.

Verb: Realize by Verb: Dousers use sticks to divine where

intuition or water sources are found in order to dig
supernatural Noun: The prayed to the divine for
means forgiveness.

Noun: God

Divisible Adjective Capable of being Prime numbers are only divisible by

divided themselves and the number one.

Division Noun Action of The division of labor on a team can increase

separating productivity.
something into

Divisor Noun Number divided The divisor of nine is three.

into another

Dose Noun; Verb Noun: Specific Noun: When one has a cold, she may take a
amount of dose of medicine every day to help her feel
medicine given out better.
at one time or at
planned intervals Verb: The senior citizen dosed himself with
vitamins in an attempt to prolong his life.
Verb: To give
medicine to

Drastic Adjective Extreme in effect When someone needs a change, he

or action sometimes does something drastic.

duplicate verb; noun; verb: make an Verb: The student was unable to duplicate
adjective exact copy her experiment for science class.

noun: one of two Noun: Locksmiths can make duplicates of

or more identical most keys.
Adjective: The child created a duplicate
adjective: exactly report card to show his parents, but with
like something else better grades.

economics noun; social science The economic forecast for Mexico suggested
dealing with a rise in overall gross domestic product
production, (GDP).
distribution, and
consumption of
Economical Adjective Avoiding waste or It is not economical to buy a new luxury car
extravagance every year.

economy noun Noun: the Noun: The poor economy was suffering
manufacture and under the dictator.
use of products
Adjective: The family bought an economy
economic adjective and services
looked at as a car, as the luxury sedan was out of their
whole. price range.

proposed to be
inexpensive or of
higher quality

Elective Adjective; Adjective: Adjective: Powerful Emperors manipulated

Noun Pertaining to or the elective body.
involving voting
Noun: Students take electives in college
Noun: An optional along with their major course of study.
course of study

Elevate Verb Raise to a more The promotion elevated his stats at work.
important or
impressive level

Eligible Adjective Able to be chosen Adjective: The eligible bachelor received

for something many requests for dates.

Eliminate Verb To remove or get The politician wanted to eliminate the

rid of competition before the vote.

Elite Noun; The people who Noun: The nobility were the elite of most
Adjective have the most ancient societies.
wealth and status
Adjective: The elite unit was dispatched to
in a society
handle the crisis.

Elongate Verb; Make something Verb(prolong)

Adjective longer
With all the dinner guests, the table had to
be elongated.

Adjective: The forelimbs are elongated and

are positioned ventrally.
Elongation Noun Verb: The Clothing manufacturers utilize the
lengthening of elongation of artificial fibers in the
something manufacturing process

Elude Verb To evade or escape The fugitive was unable to elude the police
from, as by daring, during the manhunt.
cleverness, or skill

Embrace Verb; Noun Verb: Hold Verb: The mother embraced her newborn at
someone close in the hospital after giving birth.
one’s arms
Noun: He held her in a warm embrace.
Noun: Act of
holding someone
closely in one’s

Encode Verb Convert into a The computer files were encoded and
coded form unreadable without the encryption.

Encounter Verb; Noun Verb: Verb: The prosecutor did not expect to
Unexpectedly encounter any difficulty in court against the
experience defense.
something difficult
Noun: I had a chance encounter with a
Noun: An famous writer at the pub.
meeting with
someone or

Endorse Verb To provide official The mayor agreed to endorse the sheriff in
support for the next election.

Enhance Verb To raise to a higher The glasses on her face enhanced her profile
degree; intensify; and made her eyes appear larger.

Enlist Verb Enroll in the armed During war times, it is important that eligible
services citizens enlist for the armed forces.

Enormous Adjective Oddly large in size, The elephant at the zoo was enormous
quantity, or level compared to the other animals.
Entail Verb; Noun To have something Verb: A lavish wedding entails extensive
as a part, step, or a planning and often staggering expense.
Noun: The cottage in the back was not part
of the entail.

Enterprise Noun Project or After college, the students collaborated and

undertaking created a new enterprise based on their
school project.

Entice Verb To tempt a person The mother was able to entice the child to
or an animal by eat her vegetables by offering dessert.
presenting a
desirable object

Entity Noun Something that has One division of the company was broken off
a real existence as a separate entity.

Entrant Noun Person or group Each entrant had to agree to the contest
that enters, joins, rules.
or takes part in

Entrepreneur Noun Businessperson The entrepreneur made his fortune with his
that provides the unconventional idea.
money to make
new business
ventures to then
make a profit

Envision Verb To picture Most parents envision a better future for

mentally; visualize their children.

Episode Noun Usually a brief unit The first season of the new series had ten
of action in a episodes.
dramatic or literary

Equation Noun Mathematical Formulas are expressed in the form of an

statement that two equation.
expressions are of
the same value

erratic adjective; adjective: not Adjective: The child began to demonstrate

noun consistent, regular, erratic behavior after the death of his
or able to be parents.
noun: someone or Noun: The source of stone for the
something that whetstones may have been glacial erratics.

Eternal Adjective; Adjective: Existing Adjective: She prayed every night for fear of
Noun for all time without eternal damnation.
a beginning or end
Noun: They prayed to the eternal for
Noun: Lasting forgiveness.

Ethnicity Noun Cultural affiliation Universities try to recruit a diverse student

or uniqueness body of many ethnicities.

evaporate verb change from liquid Water evaporates into the air as steam
into vapor when it boils.

Exempt Adjective; Free from an The students were exempt from attending
Verb obligation or class today because they were on a field trip.
liability to which
others are subject

Exhort Verb To urge, advise, or He exhorted his people to take back their
caution earnestly land.

Exile Noun; Verb Noun: State of Noun: The family fled their country in exile
being barred from because they opposed the current regime.
one's native
country Verb: The Spanish exiled the Jews during the
Middle Ages.
Verb: Make
someone leave his
or her country as a

Exotic Adjective; Adjective: Of Adjective: Exotic animals are popular on the

Noun foreign origin or black market because of their uniqueness.
Noun: He planted exotics in the sheltered
noun: a plant or garden.
animal that is
foreign in

Expedition Noun An excursion, The South Pole expedition saw many

journey, or voyage hardships along its way.
made for some
specific purpose

Expertise Noun Expert skill or Consultants are hired for their skills and
knowledge in a expertise.
particular field

Explicit Adjective Fully and clearly The directions to the club were explicit.
expressed; leaving
nothing implied

Expression Noun Process of making Mimes use expressions to convey their

known one's emotions.
thoughts or

Exterior Adjective; Adjective: Forming Adjective: All of the exterior scenes were
Noun or relating to the filmed in the middle of the night.
outer part of
something Noun: The exterior of the house was
beginning to show signs of rot.
Noun: The outer
part or coating of

External Adjective; Adjective: Adjective: Skin is the external layer of the

Noun Belonging to or body.
forming the outer
surface or Noun: The place has all the appropriate
structure of externals, such as chimneys choked with ivy.

Noun: The exterior

appearance of a
person or thing

factor noun; verb noun: number or Noun: The amount exceeds it by a factor of
quantity that, 1000 or more.
when multiplied
with another, Verb: Last year, researchers factored a
produces a given number over a hundred digits long.
number or
Verb: Another
term for factorize
in math

Fatal Adjective Adjective: Causing Adjective: The drunk driver caused a fatal car
death crash.

Fatality Noun Death as a result of The train wreck was lucky to have no
an accident or resulting fatalities.

fiction Noun Literature that is a The fiction section of the library has books
work of the labelled A through Z.
imagination and is
not necessarily
based on fact

fictitious Adjective Not real or true, Cartoon characters are over-exaggerated to

being imaginary or emphasis their fictitious nature.
having been

Fierce Adjective Displaying an The fierce lion fought off many challengers
intense or for his territory.

Finale Noun Scene symbolizing All the characters died in the finale of the
the end of a opera.

Fiscal Adjective Pertaining to Fiscal conservatives believe that spending

financial matters too much government money is waste.

Flawed Adjective Damaged or The diamond was flawed because it had a

defective crack in the center.

Florid Adjective Having a red or A florid, gilded mirror took up most of my

flushed wall.

Forecast Verb; Noun Verb: To predict a Verb: Newscasters are forecasting rolling
future condition or blackouts.
Noun: Prediction Noun: The weather forecast for Tuesday is
or estimate of sunny, but on Wednesday it might rain.
future events

Foreign Adjective Strange and Foreign correspondents face difficult

unfamiliar challenges in the field.

Forge Noun; Verb Noun: make or Verb: Forging new alliances could not have
shape metal by come at a better time for the improvised
heating it in a fire nation.
or furnace and
beating or Noun: The forge was occupied by
hammering it blacksmith.

Verb: A

Foster Verb; Verb: Bring up a Verb: Appropriate praise helps a child foster
Adjective child that is not a sense of self-worth.
one's own by birth
Adjective: The foster child was adopted by a
Adjective: great set of parents.
Receiving a home,
nurturing, and
parental care

Foul Adjective; Adjective: Adjective: The lake smelled foul after the
Noun; Verb Sickening or hazardous waste was dumped into it.
revolting to the
senses Noun: The football player committed too
many fouls and had to leave the game.
Noun: An unfair
Verb: They fouled the water supply with lead
and made it undrinkable.
Verb: Pollute

Fraction Noun Noun: Number that Once you eat a slice of pie, it is only a
is not a whole fraction of its original self.

Fracture Noun; Verb Noun: Break in the Noun: Ground movements could cause a
bone fracture of the pipe.

Verb: To split or Verb: The child fractured his arm when he

break something fell off the swing.
Fragile Adjective Weak; not strong Babies are fragile by nature.

Fragment Noun; Verb Noun: Small part Noun: A fragment of the meteor broke off
broken or and struck the satellite.
separated from
something Verb: The property is being fragmented into
Verb: Cause to
break into

Fragrance Noun Pleasant, sweet Perfumes are designed to have wonderful

smell fragrances.

Fraudulent Adjective Obtained, done by, The fraudulent company stole social security
or involving numbers from senior citizens.

Frugal Adjective Economical with To save enough money for more expensive
regard to money or items in the future, one needs to be frugal
food with his money in the present.

Frustrate Verb To prevent a It is frustrating to watch your team lose

person or thing season after season with no improvement.
from achieving

Fungus Noun An organism that Mushrooms are an edible form of fungi.

can be either
singled-celled or
multicellular, does
not have
chlorophyll and
produces spores in
order to reproduce

Funnel Noun; Verb Noun: Cone- Noun: The funnel cloud of the tornado
shaped utensil with barely missed the town.
a tube at the apex
for conducting Verb: The crowd funneled through the
liquid doors.

Verb: To move
something through
a constricted space
Gradual Adjective; Adjective: Adjective: The change was gradual, but the
Noun Happening slowly older woman eventually lost enough weight
by degrees or to fit into her high school dresses.
Noun: The choir sang the graduals during
Noun: In Christian mass.
Church, a response
recited between
the Epistle and
Gospel in the Mass

Gullible Adjective Easily persuaded to Con artists hope that they meet gullible
believe something people.

Habitat Noun Type of Bio-domes are enclosed habitats designed to

environment in mimic the Earth’s atmosphere.
which a particular
kind of animal or
plant usually lives

Habitation Noun State or process of The house was not fit for human habitation.
living in a
particular place

Hallmark Noun Distinctive Humor is one of the hallmarks of her style.

characteristic of
something or

Handicap Noun; Verb Noun: Noun: Having a handicap does not require
Circumstance that that someone need a cane or a wheelchair,
makes progress or as it may also affect their mental state.
success difficult
Verb: Her lack of formal training
Verb: To handicapped her.
disadvantaged or
hinder a person or

Harness Noun; Verb Noun: Set of straps Noun: My morning chore was putting the
placed on an harnesses on the horses.
animal so it can
pull something Verb: To harness strength, one must train
heavy hard.
Verb: Control and
make use of
natural resources

Haven Noun Place of safety or An embassy is considered a haven for

refuge foreigners traveling abroad.

Havoc Noun Noun: Extensive Noun: The loud siren created havoc in the
destruction, small enclosed space.
devastation, and

Hazardous Adjective Risky; dangerous Hazardous materials are illegal to bring onto

Hereditary Adjective Capable of being Some diseases are hereditary by nature and
are passed along in the genes.
passed genetically
from one
generation to the

Heritage Noun Property that Hospitality is a cherished Southern heritage.

descends to an heir

Hexagon Noun Two dimensional Honeycombs are composed of hundreds of

figure made up of tiny hexagonal holes.
six sides

Hierarchy Noun System in which The company hierarchy had the Vice
people or things President of Sales reporting to the Chief
are arranged Executive Officer.
according to their

Homicide Noun Illegally killing or Serial killers commit a homicide every time
murdering another they kill someone.

Hormone Noun Chemical Today’s science allows people to take

substance medicine for hormone imbalances.
produced in the
body that controls
and regulates the
activity of certain
cells or organs
Horrendous Adjective Extremely The man had a horrendous scar on his face
unpleasant, after the construction accident.
horrifying, or

Hospitable Adjective Welcoming to The bed and breakfast was known for its
strangers or guest hospitable hosts.

Hostility Noun State of ill will and Cats and dogs seem to have inborn hostility
bad feeling towards one another.

Hue Noun A color or shade The hue in her shirt matched her eyes.

Humanitarian Adjective; Adjective: Adjective: He suggested that duties at the

Noun Dedicated to agency would involve humanitarian aid.
making the lives of
people better Noun: Most anti-war activists consider
themselves humanitarians.
Noun: Someone
who is dedicated
to making the lives
of people better

Hydrocarbon Noun Organic chemical The rain is rich in benzene and

compound that hydrocarbons.

has only hydrogen

and carbon atoms

Hydrogen Noun Lightest and most Hydrogen is a highly flammable element.

abundant chemical
element in the

Hypotenuse Noun Side opposite the Use the length of the other two sides of a
right angle of a right angle triangle to determine the value of
triangle the hypotenuse.

Hypothesis Noun In science, an idea It is important to form a hypothesis before

or explanation beginning any scientific experiment.
tested through
study and

Identical Adjective Similar in every The identical twins switched places at school
detail; exactly alike to play a prank.
Identify Verb To establish or The body was identified at the morgue by
recognize the the tattoo on her ankle.
identity of

Idle Adjective; Adjective: Not Adjective: Idle hands are considered evil in
Noun; Verb functioning, some cultures where hard work is important.
working, or in use Noun: He left the car in idle while he waited
for his date at the curb.
Noun: The velocity
of a car's engine Verb: The man preferred sitting around
that is in use but idling all day to putting in a hard day’s work.
does not actually
run because it is
not in gear

Verb: To be lazy or
slothful and avoid
doing work

Illiterate Adjective; Adjective: Adjective: The illiterate woman took work

Noun Describes people cleaning homes where she wasn’t required
who cannot read to read.
or write
Noun: Their son was an illiterate until his
Noun: Offensive parents sought help for his dyslexia.
term for a non-

Illuminate Verb To light up in order The gas lanterns illuminated the sidewalk
to make visible with their yellowish glow.

Illusionary Adjective An erroneous Liberties would be discarded to seek

perception of illusionary security.

Illusory Adjective Based on illusion; She knew the safety of her room was
not real illusory.

Immoral Adjective Not conforming to It was immoral of him to tell lies.

accepted standards
of morality
Impact Noun; Verb Noun: Act of Noun: The impact of the boxer’s punch
objects hitting knocked out his opponent.
each other
Verb: High interest rates have impacted
Verb: To hit retail spending.
something with

Impart Verb To convey The professor imparted his knowledge unto

knowledge or his students.

Impartiality Noun Not partial or The referees did their best to show
biased; impartiality when making a call on the field.

Impatient Adjective Unable to wait The nanny was impatient with her new
patiently or charges as they continued to misbehave.
tolerate delay

Impede Verb To meddle with the The soldiers could not impede the enemy's
advancement, advance.
improvement, or
progress of a
person or a thing

Imperial Adjective Relating to an For centuries, the Japanese had Imperial

empire or an Guards guarding the Emperor.

Impersonal Adjective Having no The boss liked to keep his interactions with
personality; devoid employees impersonal.
of human
character or traits

Implant Verb; Noun Verb: Establish a Verb: This idea was implanted in my mind by
belief in a person’s coincidence.
Noun: Cochlear implants are used by people
Noun: A thing that with profound deafness.
is placed or
implanted during a
surgical procedure
into an organ or a
Implicit Adjective Not directly stated, The director gave implicit instructions to his
but instead implied employees not to disturb him.

Incompatible Adjective So opposed in The marriage dissolved because the couple

character as to be was incompatible ideologically.
incapable of
existing together

Incorporate Verb; Verb: Take in or Verb: The linguist liked to incorporate

Adjective contain as part of a foreign words into his sentences.
Adjective: The incorporated company held
Adjective: its first board meeting.
Combined into a
unified whole

Increment Noun Action or process The system download occurred in

of increasing, increments.
especially in
quantity or value

Incumbent Adjective; Adjective: As a result of name recognition, most

Noun Currently holding incumbents are re-elected.

Noun: The holder

of an office or post

Indigent Adjective; Adjective: Not Adjective: The indigent people of the tribal
Noun having the lands were exploited for manual labor
fundamental because of their high rates of illiteracy.
necessities of life
Noun: Because he was an indigent, the court
noun: person who appointed a lawyer to defend him.
is poor and lives off

Indulge Verb To yield to an After finishing dinner, the couple indulged in

inclination or a sugary dessert.

Infancy Noun period of time She has been a member of the church since
before a child is her infancy.
able to walk or
talk; new-born
Infest Verb Overrun to an The apartment was infested with
unwanted degree cockroaches.
or in a

Ingest Verb take into the body It is best to induce vomiting if you ingest
by swallowing or poison.

Inherent Adjective Existing as a He has an inherent sense of fair play.

natural or basic
part of something

Inherited Verb To become the She inherited several properties in

proprietor of a Manhattan from her uncle after he passed
thing after a away.
person has died

Inhumane Adjective Without Dog fighting is considered inhumane

compassion for treatment to animals.
misery or suffering;

Innate Adjective Inborn; natural The toddler was already showing some
innate personality characteristics.

Insight Noun The capability of The psychic pretended to have insight into
seeing into a the case in order to bilk more money out of
situation her client.

Instantaneous Adjective Occurring or done When a match is struck, the appearance of

in an instant fire should be instantaneous.

Intact Adjective Not damaged or The village was intact even after suffering ill-
impaired in any effects from a vicious hurricane.

Intake Noun An act of taking in To lose weight, it is recommended that a

something person reduce his daily calorie intake.

Integer Noun A whole number Many formulas only allow the use of
that is zero, integers, not fractions.
negative, or
Integrate Verb To make into a She integrates elements of jazz and rock in
whole by bringing her music.
all parts together

Intense Adjective Of extreme force, Military boot camp requires many weeks of
degree, or strength intense training.

Intention Noun An aim that guides It was not his intention to hurt her feelings
action when he broke off their engagement.

Intentional Adjective Done on purpose The bully’s insults and attacks were

Interior Noun; Noun: The inside While the exterior the building looked
Adjective part of something rundown, the interior was magnificent.

Adjective: Placed
or happening
inside of

Interrogate Verb To examine by The detectives interrogated the suspect to

questioning determine whether he was innocent.
formally or

Intersect Verb To cut or divide by Line A intersects with line B.

passing through or

Intersection Noun The place where The traffic lights at the intersection stopped
two lines cross working.

Intimate Adjective Closely acquainted They are in an intimate and committed


Irrational Adjective Not logical or Addicts will act in an irrational manner when
reasonable denied their addictive substance.

Isolation Noun Separation of a The hospital staff thought the patient

person or thing showed signs of Ebola, so they put him in
from others isolation.

Jolt Verb To jiggle or shake The earthquake jolted the building up and
something down.
violently and
Lease Noun; Verb Noun: A contract Noun: The owner would only offer tenants a
granting use of one-year rental lease on the property.
property during a
specified period in Verb: Leasing a car is a good way to test
exchange for a whether it is the right make and model for
specified payment you.

Verb: To rent
something to a
person under
conditions of a

Legislative adjective Pertaining to an The legislative body of the United States is

official body of called Congress.

Lethal Adjective Capable of The spider bite was poisonous and lethal.
producing death

Liability Noun The state of being The homeowners take on any liability
legally responsible regarding the state of their property, which
for something is why it is recommended to purchase
homeowner’s insurance.

Lobbyist Noun A person who is The environmental lobbyist insisted she

paid to lobby meet with the congressman to discuss the
political pending legislation on climate change.
representatives on
a specific topic

Locale Noun Where an event or They chose a tropical island as the locale for
story takes place their wedding.

Magnetic Adjective Possessing an The playboy successfully attracted women

extraordinary because of his magnetic personality.
ability to attract

Magnitude Noun Size, extent, or The magnitude of the storm shocked the
importance of town it hit.

Malfunction Verb; Noun Verb: To stop Verb: The computer malfunctioned because
working of a virus.
because of a Noun: The computers were sent back to the
design failure manufacturers at the first sign of
Noun: Failure to
function properly
due to a design

Mandatory Adjective Required to be The mandatory evacuation required

done or everyone to exit the building.

abided by

Maneuver Noun; Verb Noun: Movement Noun: The daredevil pulled an amazing
that requires maneuver to jump through a flaming hoop
dexterity with a motorcycle.

Verb: Move Verb: A sports car is an easier vehicle to

skillfully or maneuver than is a truck.

Manufacture Verb; Noun Verb: Make on a Verb: The firm manufactured its product in
large scale using China, but sold it exclusively in Australia.
Noun: The manufacture of many so-called
Noun: The making domestic products is actually carried out
of articles on a abroad.
large scale using

Margin Noun amount by which a The foot race was won by a margin of only a
thing is won or falls second.
short; edge

Marginal Adjective Unimportant or His efforts were marginal at best because he

irrelevant didn’t care about the issue.

Martial Adjective inclined or After the coup, martial law was enforced.
disposed to war or
the military

Marshal Noun An officer The general decided to marshal his forces

and take the peninsula.
Maternal Adjective Related through He inherited the baldness gene from his
the mother's side maternal grandfather.
of the family

Mature Adjective; Adjective: Fully Adjective: Mature adults are sometimes

Verb developed referred to as seniors.
Verb: As his children matured, he began to
Verb: To go feel older in spirit.
through a

Maximum Adjective; Adjective: Greatest Adjective: The maximum number of people

Noun allowable amount allowed in the elevator is posted above the
or value floor buttons.

Noun: The greatest Noun: Production levels are near their

possible or maximum.
allowable amount,
extent, degree, or

Mechanism Noun System of parts The main mechanism to make a car run is
working together the engine.
in a machine

Median Adjective; Adjective: Situated Adjective: The median state in the United
Noun in the middle States is Kansas, as it is situated directly in
the middle of the country.
Noun: A middle
point, part, plane, Noun: Acreages ranged from one to fifty-two
or line with a median of twenty-four.

Medium Adjective; Adjective: Of Adjective: The teenager wore a medium

Noun average size; shirt because he was of average build.
Neither large nor
small Noun: The tribe's primitive valuables such as
beads acted as a medium of exchange.
Noun: Means of
doing something

Methodology Noun A body of He blamed the failure of their research on

methods, rules, poor methodology.
and postulates
employed by a
Metropolitan Adjective, Adjective: Making Adjective: Water restrictions were imposed
Noun up a large area on Saturday in the metropolitan area.
urban area
Noun: London is often considered a city of
Noun: A person trendy metropolitans.
who lives in a city

Migrant Noun; Noun: A person Noun: The migrants all moved to one side of
Adjective who moves from the boat and the vessel tipped over.
one area or nation
to another Adjective: Migrant workers are the
backbone of the agriculture community, as
Adjective: Moving they are willing to work seasonally.
from one area or
nation to another

Migrate Verb Move from one Birds migrate south for the winter.
region or habitat to

Millennium Noun A period of a The Crusades happened over a millennium

thousand years ago.

Mimic Verb To imitate a person Talking parrots mimic their owners’ speech.

Miniature Noun A thing that is The collector has a miniature figurine of

much smaller than every canine breed.

Minimum Noun; Noun: The smallest Noun: The minimum the company required
Adjective amount or quantity investors to put down was $200,000.
Adjective: The city wanted to raise the
Adjective: Smallest minimum wage to help out its lowest paid
or lowest workers.

Minus Preposition; Preposition: With Preposition: He left the restaurant minus his
Adjective; the subtraction of hat.
Adjective: Showing Adjective: Five minus three equals two.
Noun: A minus sign in front of a number
Noun: An amount indicates an outflow of funds.
below zero

Minute noun; verb; noun: period of Noun: She waited 45 minutes to speak with
adjective sixty seconds civil servant.
verb: summarize Verb: The Secretary shall minute the
occurrences during proceedings of each meeting.
a meeting
Adjective: This recipe calls for only a minute
adjective: a tiny amount of salt.

Miracle Noun An extraordinary It was a miracle that she survived falling into
event manifesting the frozen lake.
divine intervention

Mobility Noun The ability to move Crutches help people who have limited
freely or be easily mobility after spraining their ankles.

Modest Adjective Showing a He was a modest man, refusing to take any

moderate or credit for the enterprise.
humble estimate of
one's merits

Modify Verb To change in form The salespeople of the firm modify their
or character behavior around clients.

Momentous Adjective Having great or A 50th wedding anniversary is considered a

lasting importance momentous occasion.

Monitor Noun; Verb Noun: A device Noun: The heart monitor allowed the
used for observing doctors to check the patient’s vitals.
and checking
Verb: Equipment was installed to monitor air
Verb: Observing quality.
and checking the
quality over time

Monochrome Adjective; Adjective: Showing Adjective: The images are displayed on

Noun in only one shade monochrome screens on the flight deck.
of color
Noun: The photograph was shown in
Noun: A painting or monochrome for effect.
drawing in
different shades of
a single color

Monopoly Noun The control of an Any business with over 60% of the market
industry by one share of any product or service has a
company monopoly.
Morale Noun Moral principles, The team is playing well and their morale is
teachings, or high.

Mortality Noun The state of being A small stroke made the man question his
subject to death mortality.

Multiple Adjective; Adjective: Involving Adjective: He suffered multiple injuries in

Noun several parts, the accident.
elements, or
members Noun: Thirty-six is a multiple of six.

Noun: A number
that is divisible by
another number
without leaving
any remainders

Mute Adjective; Adjective: Not Adjective: They hugged each other in mute
Noun; Verb having the ability sympathy.
to or the
willingness to talk Noun: The mute communicated with sign
Noun: A person
Verb: Her footsteps were muted by the thick
who cannot or
does not speak carpet.

Verb: To decrease
the volume of a
particular sound

Mutual Adjective Shared between My father hated him from the start, and the
two or more feeling was mutual.
people or groups

Naval Adjective Pertaining to the The navy has a naval fleet to dispatch to war
navy at a moment’s notice.

Navigation Noun Planning and Our car has a GPS navigation system.
pursuing a course
from one place to

Neutral Adjective; Adjective: Not Adjective: The parents tried to stay neutral
Noun taking sides in the fight between their children.

noun: vehicle gear

in which no power
is sent to the Noun: When being towed, you should put
engine your car in neutral.

Notorious Adjective Famous or well- The rapper was notorious for making
known, typically amazing albums about his bad behavior.
for some bad
quality or deed

Novelty Noun Quality of being Cellphones are no longer the novelty they
new, original, or were 30 years ago.

Null Adjective; Adjective: Not Adjective: The new government program

Noun having legal was declared null and void.
Noun: All the values on the computer were
noun: zero null.

Nutritious Adjective Providing The granola bar was a nutritious substitute

nourishment for her daily candy bar.

Obedience Noun The state or act of The kennel master required obedience from
complying with all his canine charges.

Obesity Noun Condition of being There is a growing problem with American

grossly fat or childhood obesity due to the amount of
overweight sugar in children’s diets.

Obsess Verb To preoccupy a The girl was obsessed with her favorite
person’s thoughts singer and went to his recording studio to
make an effort to visit him.

Obtrusive Adjective Tending to push We used less obtrusive colors in the

self-assertively bedrooms.

Obtuse Adjective 1. More than 1. The triangle’s angle was obtuse,

90 degrees which meant the other two were
and less less than 90 degrees combined.
than 180 2. The man was obtuse regarding
degrees women and could never figure out
2. Not alert in when one liked him.
Occupy Verb Reside or use The tenants occupied the basement
space apartment while the owners lived above
Odor Noun A pleasant or The odor of freshly baked bread would drift
unpleasant smell through the building each day because we
were next to a bakery.

Offset Noun; Verb Noun: Acts to Noun: In framing the door, the inept
counterbalance carpenter left an offset of one inch.
something else
Verb: Gains in one area offset losses in
Verb: To make up another.
for something or
counteract it

Omen Noun Noun: Event It was a bad omen when I walked under a
regarded as a ladder on the way to work.
portent of good or

Optical Adjective Pertaining to or Optical illusions are what cause people to

making light that is see mirages in the desert.

Optimal Adjective Best or most The optimal human body temperature is

favorable 98.6.

Orientation Noun The placement or Students will generally attend a formal

direction of school orientation before their first day of
something classes.

Orthodox Adjective; Adjective: Adjective: His methods were not always

Noun Following the orthodox and in line with the company
conventional or policy.
customary rules or
laws of faith, social Noun: The orthodox women of that religion
behavior, or beliefs go about heavily veiled.

Noun: A person
who follows
conventional or
customary rule or

Outpatient Noun Patient treated at a The insurance companies track outpatients

hospital but does in the hospital system to determine whether
not stay overnight the treatment they receive works.

Output Noun; Verb Noun: Production Noun: The quality of the output from the
printer is very good.
Verb: To produce Verb: Computers output data very quickly.

Outrageous Adjective Shockingly bad or The price tag for the skiing trip was
excessive outrageous, but the couple paid it anyhow
for their perfect getaway.

Overlap Verb; Noun Verb: To extend Verb: The roof shingles overlap each other.
over and cover a
part of Noun: There is some overlap in the
Noun: An edge that
partially overlays
something else

Overrun Verb; Noun Verb: Spread over The office was overrun by mice, so they laid
or occupy in large out mousetraps overnight.
Noun: The overrun wound up costing the
Noun: The act of a company thousands of dollars.
person or thing
exceeding an
expected or
allowed time or

Parallel Adjective; Adjective: Side by Adjective: The road runs parallel to the
Noun; side and having the Mississippi River.
Verb; same distance
Adverb continuously Noun: She draws a parallel between
between them personal destiny and social forces.

Noun: Person or Verb: The increase in the quality of wines has

thing that is similar paralleled the rise of interest in food.
to another

verb: be side by
side with
something and
always keep the
same distance

Parameter Noun Fact or We need to optimize the system and

circumstance that improve its operational parameters and
limits designs.

how a thing is done

Parasite Noun An organism that Ringworm is a parasite that attacks most
lives on or inside domestic animals and is easily transmittable
another larger to humans.
organism; the host
organism is either
harmed or suffers
no advantage

Particular Adjective; Adjective: Used to Adjective: She is very particular about

Noun single out an cleanliness.
individual member
of a specified Noun: A clerk took the woman’s particulars.
group or class

Noun: A detail

Particulate Adjective; Adjective: Adjective: A pond has far more organic

Noun Pertaining to or particulate matter than a chemically
made up of maintained swimming pool.
individual particles
Noun: Exposure to carbon monoxide, carbon
noun: a substance dioxide, and particulates were all well within
that is made up or the current exposure recommendations.
individual particles

Partisan Noun; Noun: A person Noun: The partisans stormed the Bastille in
Adjective that strongly 1789.
supports a person,
group, or cause Adjective: The partisan committee was deaf
to the other side’s issues and would only
Adjective: Showing adopt their agenda.
extremely biased
support for a

Patent Noun; Noun: Exclusive Noun: He took out a patent for his new
Adjective; right granted to an software design.
Verb inventor to
produce or sell Adjective: She was smiling with patent
inventions insincerity.

Verb: An invention is not your own until it is

Adjective: Easily
recognizable patented.

Verb: Obtain a
patent for an
Patron Noun Person who gives She is a well-known patron of the arts.
financial or other
support to a
cause, or activity

Patronize Verb To frequent as a They patronize the library regularly.

customer; to act in
a condescending The headmistress spoke to her new teacher
way towards in a patronizing manner, shaking the pour
someone woman’s confidence.

Pedestrian Noun; Noun: A person Noun: The road is so dangerous that

Adjective walking along a pedestrians avoid it.
Adjective: The citizens of the town were
Adjective: disappointed by their pedestrian lives.

Peer Verb; Noun Verb: Look keenly Verb: The postman peered through the
window to see whether anyone was home.
Noun: Person who
belongs to the Noun: The scientist collaborated with his
same age group peers to come up with a solution for his

Penalty Noun Punishment for The penalty for breaking the law in different
breaking a rule or countries varies.

Penetrate Verb To pass through or Using a drill, the carpenter was able to
go into something penetrate the wall.

Pentagon Noun five-sided The headquarters of the Department of

geometric figure Defense is shaped like a pentagon.

Perceive Verb to observe Her boyfriend could always perceive when

something by using she was lying, by the flush in her cheeks.
the senses

Perish Verb To die The family’s pet gerbil perished in the house
Persecute Verb To oppress people The Trail of Tears was a time in American
because of their History when Native Americans were being
religious beliefs or persecuted openly.

Petition Noun; Verb Noun: Formal Noun: The petition for the rally was not filed
written request on time.

Verb: Make a Verb: Workers petitioned the boss for better

formal request working conditions after too many
with respect to a workplace accidents.
particular cause

Phase Noun; Verb Noun: A step in a Noun: The parents assumed their teenage
process daughter was going through a phase when
she announced that she was going vegan.
Verb: Carry out in
gradual stages Verb: Most schools in the 1960s gradually
phased out their dress codes.

Phony Adjective; Adjective: Not Adjective: He bought a phony watch with a

Noun; Verb genuine designer logo.

Noun: A fraudulent Noun: A phony or a quack will take you for

person or thing every dollar you have.

Verb: To make Adverb: She phonily claimed that she

something seem wanted to work hard, when she was really
true when it is lazy.

Pinnacle Noun; Verb Noun: A spire on a The president of the United States is at the
roof pinnacle of his career.

Verb: The most The bell tower pinnacled the old church.
successful point

Pint Noun A measurement of In a pub, a pint is a way to order a beer, as it

a liquid is the size of the glass.

Plague Noun; Verb Noun: An epidemic The bubonic plague swept through Europe
disease causing a during the Middle Ages killing so many
high rate of people it is often referred to as the Black
mortality Death.

Verb: Cause She is plagued by frequent migraines.

continual trouble
Plaintiff Noun A person who The plaintiff sued the defendant when the
initiates a lawsuit defendant would not pay his share of the
against another investment.

Plausible Adjective Seeming The excuse that “The dog ate my homework”
reasonable or no longer seemed plausible to the teacher.

Plead Verb Make an emotional The boss let the employees plead their case
appeal before firing them.

Polygon Noun A many-sided The sides of the polygon may be arranged in

geometric figure any order.

Potent Adjective Having great The beer in Europe is more potent than
power, influence, America because it has a higher alcoholic
or effect content.

Precaution Noun Care taken in Pedestrians should take precautions when

advance; foresight crossing the street.

Precipitation Noun Water that falls to Heavy precipitation in hotter and wetter
the earth as hail, climates can lead to humidity and then rain
mist, rain, sleet, or in the summer.

Precursor Noun Something that The delicious appetizer was a precursor to

happens before the main dinner course.
something else

Predator Noun An animal that Cats are natural predators of mice and small
lives by killing and birds.
eating other

Predisposition Noun The state of being The inmates had a predisposition towards
likely to behave in violence, so putting them together increased
a particular way the likelihood of a fight breaking out.

Preface Noun; Verb Noun: Introduction Noun: It was an abrupt question, made
to a book or without even the preface of a greeting.
Verb: The book is prefaced by a quotation
Verb: Introduce an from Stephen King.
action or speech
Preferential Adjective Giving advantage Parents unknowingly show preferential
treatment towards their own children over

Premature Adjective Happening earlier Too much exposure to the sun can cause the
than expected premature aging of skin.

Premium Noun; Noun: Amount paid Noun: Customers are reluctant to pay a
Adjective for insurance premium for organic fruit.

Adjective: Of very Adjective: Premium ice cream is made from

good quality real cream and not soy substitute.

Preoccupied Adjective Completely The clerk was preoccupied with a customer

engrossed in and could not help anyone else.

Prestige Noun Distinction The business award had significant prestige

attached to a attached to its name.
person or thing

Prevalence Noun The state of The prevalence of obesity in adults is causing

occurring an epidemic of early onset diabetes.
frequently or

being common

Previous Adjective Existing or The previous tenant destroyed the carpet

occurring before and the owner failed to replace it before the
something else in new tenant moved in.
time or order

Primate Noun A member of the Jane Goodall has long been an advocate of
most developed safe treatment of primates in their natural
and intelligent habitats.
group of mammals

Prime Noun A number that can Thirteen is a prime number because it can
only be divided by only be divided by itself and one.
itself and one

Primitive Adjective; Adjective: Not Adjective: We share many primitive

Noun developed responses with animals.
Noun: Person Noun: Reports of travelers and missionaries
belonging to a described contemporary primitives.
society or culture

Principal Adjective; Adjective: First in Adjective: Her principal complaint was the
Noun order of inequality of pay for officers of the same
importance rank.

Noun: Person with Noun: The principal of the firm made

highest authority changes to the corporate policy.

Probe Noun; Verb Noun: Slender The doctor used a probe during the delicate
medical instrument brain surgery. Verb: The doctor probed the
used for patient’s abdomen as he complained of
exploration severe abdominal pain.

Verb: Physically
explore or
examine, usually
by hand or with an

Proceeds Noun Money obtained The proceeds from the auction went to the
from an event or orphanage.

Product Noun Something made The company’s revenue was generated from
or grown to be sold the products it sold.
or used

Profile Noun; Verb Noun: Side view of Noun: The actor had a great side profile.
a person's face
Verb: Profiling is how the FBI catches serial
Verb: To present a killers.
description of

Profit Noun; Verb Noun: A financial Noun: The company made a profit this year.
Verb: We are profiting from the newest
Verb: To obtain a product line.
financial advantage
or benefit
Profitability Noun Ability of a The profitability of the company is
business to make a determined by whether it earns more than it
profit spends.

Progressive Adjective; Adjective: Adjective: The candidate saw a progressive

Noun Happening decline in popularity.
gradually or in
stages Noun: People tend to present themselves
either as progressives or traditionalists on
Noun: A person this issue.
advocating for
social reform

Project Noun; Verb Noun: Planned Noun: The group worked on a research
work or activity project together for school.
finished over a
period of time Verb: The company projected a 10% loss on
next quarter’s revenue.
Verb: Estimate
something on the
basis of present

Pronounced Adjective Clearly seen or The witch’s pronounced wart scared the
apparent Munchkins.

Prospect Noun; Verb Noun: Likelihood of Noun: The prospect of facing his parents
some future event after failing his bar exam had him avoiding
occurring going home for the holidays.

Verb: Search for Verb: Prospecting for gold in California was

mineral deposits in so popular during the mid-1800s that the
an area time was referred to as The Gold Rush.

Prosper Verb To be financially The writer was unable to prosper as a

successful journalist and had to seek employment

Prudent Adjective Care, caution, and Prudent women can avoid unsavory
good judgment gentlemen by obtaining character

Publicity Noun Something that Bad publicity for celebrities can make them
attracts the notorious.
attention of the
Pursue Verb Follow in order to To achieve happiness, one must pursue her
catch or attack hopes and dreams.

Quadrant Noun A 90-degree arc In quadrant I on an X and Y graph, the data

that is point x and y are always positive.
representative of
one fourth of the
circumference of a

Quadrilateral Noun A geometric figure It has the form of a quadrilateral, elongated

that is two from the northwest.
dimensional and
has four sides

Quadruple Verb; Verb: To make four Verb: Oil prices quadrupled in the 1970s.
Adjective; times as great
Adjective: The quadruple murder left the
Adjective: Four town in shock.
times as great
Noun: When presses are made in a double
Noun: A quantity wide, two-reel machine, it is known as a
that is four times quadruple.
as great as another

Qualify Verb To be entitled to To qualify for a home loan, a borrower must

something or to fit have good credit.
the requirements
of something

Quotient Noun Result obtained by The first, and most important, is that the
dividing one quotient is placed above the dividend.
quantity by

Racist Adjective; Adjective: Person Adjective: We still have certain people who
Noun who believes that a are racist in attitudes.
particular race is
superior to another Noun: People live in fear of being called
Noun: a person
who believes that a
particular race is
superior to another
Radian Noun A unit of angular The inverse of the radius of the circle equals
measurement that the curvature in radians / m.
is equal to the
angle between two
radii and that
surrounds a
section of a circle's

Radius Noun A straight line that The radius of a circle is used to determine
extends from the the area along with Pi.
center of a circle to
the edges

Rapid Adjective; Adjective: Moving, Adjective: They lost three workers in rapid
Noun occurring, or acting succession.
in a swift manner
Noun: The adventurers wanted a challenge,
Noun: Part of a so they took a boat down the rapids.
river in which
water moves very

Rare Adjective Not occurring very The fan owned an extremely rare baseball
often card.

Rate Noun; Verb Noun: Quantity Noun: The rate of exchange from franc to
measured with pound is favorable today.
respect to another
measured quantity Verb: The students rated each other by
grades to determine who would be class
Verb: Assign a valedictorian.
standard or value

Rating Noun Classification Rotten Tomatoes reviews every movie and

according to grade ranks each one with a percentage score.
or rank

Ratio Noun A proportional The party had a higher ratio of men to

relationship women attending it.

two different
numbers or
Reactor Noun Person or thing The core reactor stabilized after an initial
that reacts or overheating.
undergoes a

Rear Verb to raise the young The cat reared her kittens under a tree in the
into adulthood backyard.

Recall Verb; Noun Verb: To bring back Verb: The car manufacturer recalled a
from memory specific product line of cars due to a defect
in the engine.
Noun: The action
of remembering Noun: The company recently sent out a
something recall on its latest crib model.

Recruit Verb; Noun Verb: Enlist in the Verb: We recruit our toughest soldiers from
armed forces the desert tribes.

Noun: Person Noun: The newest recruit was constantly

newly enlisted in being hazed by his peers.
the armed forces

Rectangle Noun A figure with four A square can be a rectangle, but rectangle
sides and four right cannot always be a square.

Reflex Noun; Verb Noun: Action Noun: It is a standard reflex to duck when a
performed as a ball is thrown at your head.
response to
stimulus Adjective: When someone sneezes, it is a
reflex action.
Verb: Performed
without conscious
thought as a
response to

Regimen Noun A regulated system To lose weight, it helps to stick to a dietary

or plan used to regimen.
promote health or
treat illness or

Reluctant Adjective Unwilling to do People are reluctant to vote for government

something representatives who want to raise their
Remainder Noun The leftovers from The remainder of the year was filled with
something holiday parties.

Remedy Noun; Verb Noun: Medicine or The remedy for the common cold is rest and
treatment for a fluids.
disease or injury

Verb: Sets right an


Replicate Verb; Verb: Make an The coder was unable to replicate his
Adjective exact copy of previous work as it was too complex.

Duplicated, copied,
or reproduced

Reptilian Adjective; Adjective: Adjective: He was a reptilian villain with no

Noun Characteristic of redeeming qualities.
Noun: A crocodile is reptilian.
Noun: Animal
belonging to the
reptile class

Reservation Noun Act of withholding He had reservations about taking the job
something offer.

Resign Verb To accept Nixon was the only president of the United
something States to resign in office.

Responsive Adjective Responding to The patient was responsive to sound and

something touch after waking from a coma.

Revenue Noun Money that a The company generated enough revenue to

business makes start research and development on a second
line of product.

Revise Verb Verb: Reconsider in Verb: He refused to revise his statement to

light of further the police officer regarding the car accident
evidence after it became apparent he had been
inebriated when the accident occurred.

Revitalize Verb Imbue with new Gentrification revitalized the neighborhood,

life but also increased the price of rent.
Revival Noun Improvement in The city is showing signs of revival.
the condition of

Rhombus Noun Equal-sided Across the tiled floor, they saw nothing but
parallelogram rhombuses filled with hearts.

Rival Noun; Verb Noun: Person or Noun: The rival for the throne lost his head
thing competing in a battle, and the rebellion was over.
for the same object
or goal as another Verb: Their many restaurants served dishes
rivalling the best to be found in Europe.
Verb: To engage in

Sanitary Adjective Hygienic and clean Sanitary hand wipes are found in most
hospitals today.

Scale Noun; Verb Noun: Set of Noun: She weighed herself on the scale
numbers used to every day while on her diet.
measure or
compare the level Verb: They scaled the side of the mountain
of something as a personal challenge.

Verb: To climb up a
steep surface

Scatter Verb; Noun Verb: To cause to The marbles were scattered on the ground
go in different while the children were playing.
A scattering of leaves lay over the grass after
Noun: Small, the heavy wind.
dispersed amount
of something

Scenario Noun Imagined sequence There were only a few scenarios in which the
of possible events hero came out alive.

Secular Adjective; adjective: not Adjective: American politics are supposed to

Noun concerned with be secular, but the religious right has
religious or changed the conversation.
spiritual matters
Noun: Most priests were seculars, living in
noun: not subject the world and working amongst ordinary
to or bound by people.
religious rule
Secure Adjective; Adjective: Free Adjective: Please check to ensure that all
Verb from danger or nuts and bolts are secure.
Verb: The button was easily secured onto
Verb: Fix or attach the dress with a piece of thread.
something firmly

Segment Noun; Verb Noun: Part of a Noun: A large segment of the local
figure, in population believes in the Divine.
geometry, cut off
by a line Verb: People of different ethnicities are
intersecting it segmented into groups when participating in
Verb: Divide
something into
separate parts or

Seminar Noun Meeting or Employees were required to attend a

conference for seminar to enhance their project
discussion or management skills.

Sequence Noun; Verb Noun: The Noun: The content of the program should
following of one follow a logical sequence.
thing after another
Verb: The librarians decided how misfiled
Verb: Arrange in a books could be sequenced on the shelves.
particular order

Session Noun Meeting or series After the court was in session, no one could
of meetings of an enter.
official body

Shortfall Noun Amount that is There is a shortfall in milk production this

lacking season.

Siege Noun; Verb noun: military Noun: Troy withstood a siege for ten years.
operations that
surround a place to Verb: In an effort to capture the city, the
force surrender armed forces lay siege to it for several
Verb: Any
prolonged effort to
Skeptic Noun Someone who People are taught to be skeptics around the
doubts something supernatural.
is true

Sketch Noun; Verb Noun: An Noun: The sketch fetched twice as much at
unfinished drawing the auction than originally estimated.
or painting
Verb: The police hired an artist to sketch the
Verb: To make a murderer.
rough drawing

Slope Noun; Verb Noun: Measure of Noun: A slope of 30 degrees is less steep
the steepness of a than a slope of 60 degrees.
Verb: The garden sloped down to a stream
Verb: Be inclined
from a horizontal
or vertical line

Solicit Verb To approach with a Restaurants do not like it when their patrons
request or plea are unwelcomely solicited while they are
trying to enjoy their meal.

Solution Noun Noun: 1. There are no easy solutions to

marital problems.
1. The act of 2. She made a solution of baking soda
solving a and water.
2. Liquid
mixture in
which the
solute) is
within the
Sophisticated Adjective Having or showing The wife of the television mogul was highly
much worldly sophisticated and did a lot of his networking
knowledge or at events.
cultural refinement
Specific Adjective; Adjective: Clearly Adjective: The doctor gave the patient
Noun defined or specific instructions on how to care for the
identified wound.

Noun: A precise Noun: I wish I’d put more thought into the
detail specifics.

Spectator Noun Person who The spectators annoyed the rival team by
watches, but does making too much noise while the team was
not participate calling its plays.

Sphere Noun Noun: Round, solid Noun: All points on a sphere are the same
figure with every distance from the center.
point on its surface
equidistant from
its center

Spiteful Adjective Showing The older brother was particularly spiteful

maliciousness towards his youngest sibling for receiving so
much of his parents’ affection.

Sponsor Noun; Verb Noun: One who Noun: The Congressman was the leading
assumes sponsor of the bill.
responsibility for
another person or Verb: She wished to thank all the people
who sponsored her.
group over a
period of time

Verb: To act as a

Square Noun; Noun: Figure with Noun: She tore a bit of cloth into a four-inch
Adjective; four equal straight square.
Verb sides and four right
Adjective: The couple bought a square dining
table for their living room.
Adjective: Having
the shape of a Verb: Seven squared equals forty-nine.

Verb: Multiply a
number by itself

Stench Noun Strong and The stench from the bog was terrible.
unpleasant smell
Stimulus Noun Something causing The pay raise was a stimulus for production.
a response or

strain verb; noun verb: to work Verb: On cold days, you are more likely to
exceptionally hard strain a muscle.

noun: force Noun: The strain of working too hard on the

tending to stretch pending project put the employee in the
something to a hospital.
damaging degree

Stride Verb; Noun Verb: Walk with Verb: The models strode down the catwalk
long steps as the fashion critics furiously scribbled
Noun: A long,
decisive step Noun: The man’s stride was significantly
longer than the woman’s.

Stringent Adjective Rigorous and strict There were stringent rules against
unauthorized persons being in the building

Strive Verb Make great efforts After failing miserably, he strove to make
towards things right with his boss.

Sturdy Adjective Strongly built The sturdy bookshelves were built with extra
care to hold the weight of the hardback

Subscriber Verb person who The magazine subscriber cancelled his

regularly receives a subscription after the prices were raised.

Substantial Adjective of considerable A substantial number of people commute to

importance work each day.

Substantiate Verb Establish by proof The prosecutor wanted to substantiate the

or competent evidence in the case before going to trial.

Suffice Verb Be enough or Suffice it to say, the students lost their case
adequate and could not leave school early on Fridays.

Superb Adjective Excellent The cake had a superb flavor that had people
asking for seconds.
Superficial Adjective Existing on the Magazines are focused on selling superficial
surface items to consumers.

supplement noun; verb noun: something Noun: The handout is a supplement to the
that enhances official manual.
something else
Verb: She took the job to supplement her
when added to it
husband’s income.
verb: to complete
or add to

surface noun; noun: the outer Noun: Whales come up to the surface of the
adjective; part water to breathe.
adjective: relating Adjective: Some animals cling to the surface
to the outer part of film on water, seemingly able to “walk” on
something water.

verb: rise up Verb: The children did not surface from their
game until late in the day.

surpass verb exceed; be greater Great leaders do their best to surpass their
than predecessors.

surplus noun; noun: excess of Noun: The small country managed to have a
adjective production or trade surplus of $2.5 million.
supply over
demand Adjective: She picked up her boots in an
army surplus store.
adjective: more
than what is
needed or used

sustain verb to support The organizers could not sustain the influx of
something or keep people coming into the event.
it going

symptom noun subjective He knew he was coming down with

indication of a something when he starting showing flu-like
disorder or disease symptoms.

tactic noun a method used to The guy changed his tactics when he realized
achieve a short- his pickup lines weren’t working.
term goal

tactile adjective relating to the The thick brushstrokes give the painting a
sense of touch tactile quality.
tangent noun; noun: straight line Noun: He noticed that he could draw three
adjective that touches a straight lines, or tangents, that each touched
curve at a point, all three circles.
but if extended,
does not cross it at Adjective: Her mind went off on a tangent.
that point

adjective: touching,
but not
intersecting, a

tedious adjective tiresome by reason The movie was so tedious that after an hour,
of length, the audience was asleep.
slowness, or

tentative adjective not certain or fixed The interview was tentative because the
hiring managers were not sure whether the
candidate would be a good fit for the

terminate verb bring to an end The company decided to terminate the

relationship with the consultant.

terrestrial adjective; adjective: relating Adjective: Increased ultraviolet radiation

noun to the Earth may disrupt terrestrial ecosystems.

noun: an Noun: An alien meeting an earthling would

inhabitant of the be meeting a terrestrial.

territory noun any tract of land Fences are put up to mark boundaries
around territories.

terrorism noun violence They have been arrested for acts of

committed terrorism.
because of a
political view or

testimony noun evidence given by a The witness recanted his testimony after his
witness in court alibi fell apart.
during a trial
threshold noun any point of The groom carried his bride across the
entering or threshold of their new home.

thrive verb grow or develop Plants thrive on sunlight, water, and good
well soil.

times preposition multiplied by Five times five can also be said as squaring
the number five.

titanic adjective very strong or large He blew the problem up to titanic


torture noun; verb noun: the practice Noun: The torture of political prisoners is
of inflicting severe forbidden under the Geneva Convention.
Verb: The military regime was notorious
verb: to inflict because it tortured suspected drug dealers.
severe pain

total noun; verb noun: the sum of Noun: The total cost of everything I bought
everything was $2000.

verb: to determine Verb: They were left with debts totaling

the total of $10,000.

toxic noun; noun: poisonous Noun: Toxics should not be kept under the
adjective substances kitchen sink, but rather out of the reach of
poisonous Adjective: Toxic waste pollutes the
environment if not disposed properly.

trait noun an individual Blue eyes are a definitive trait that can be
characteristic or traced back to a single ancestor.

transmit verb to send from one Satellites transmit signals from space to
person, place, or Earth.
thing to another

trauma noun a deeply The woman experienced a trauma as a child

distressing or and now relives it in her nightmares.
treasury noun the storage of The fees are deposited into the state's
funds or money treasury.

triangle noun three-sided A triangle has three angles that add up to

polygon 180 degrees.

triple adjective; adjective: Adjective: The gymnast performed a triple

verb; noun consisting of three somersault in her routine.
parts, things, or
people Verb: The new gum triples the flavors and
lasts longer.
verb: a thing that is
three times as Noun: The batter hit the ball down the third
large as usual base line for a triple.

noun: become
three times as

trivial adjective of little value or The issue was trivial compared to the other
importance problems the company was facing.

ultimate adjective; adjective: Adjective: Their ultimate aim was to receive

noun happening at the year-end bonuses.
end of the process
Noun: We bought the ultimate in fashion
noun: the best of design.
its kind

underlying adjective something Management could not determine what the

positioned beneath underlying crisis at the factory was that
something else made the workers want to strike.

undermine verb to weaken The co-worker tried to undermine her

something colleague’s work because she was jealous.

unison noun notes played or The choir sang in perfect unison so it was
sung in the same impossible to distinguish any one voice.
pitch; harmonious

unparalleled adjective unequaled or The singer’s voice was unparalleled to those

unmatched of her peers in the industry.

unwarranted adjective not justified or The force the police used to enter the
authorized building was unwarranted.
utilize verb to put to use The nursing staff felt joy in their work
because they were being utilized to their
fullest extent.

vacancy noun unoccupied The unemployed worker applied for the

position or job vacancy of dishwasher at the restaurant.

validity noun having legal force; The validity of her statement could not be
effective or binding confirmed by anyone else and was therefore

variable adjective; adjective: able to Adjective: The quality of hospital food is

noun be changed or highly variable.
Noun: There are too many variables involved
noun: element, to make any meaningful predictions.
feature, or factor
that is liable to

vector noun; verb noun: any quantity Noun: A vector quantity has magnitude and
with both a direction.
magnitude and a
direction Verb: The hurricane was vectoring towards
the Florida Keys.
verb: direct to a
desired point

venture noun; verb noun: a risky Noun: The man went into a business venture
journey or with his best friend because they trusted
undertaking each other.

verb: go Verb: She ventured out into the blizzard.

somewhere that
may be dangerous

vessel noun container or The vessel returned to port with a hole in

receptacle the side.

viable adjective practicable or There was no viable alternative to the

reasonable solution the director proposed.

vicinity noun the surrounding For safety reasons, the children were not
area allowed to play around the vicinity of the
victim noun person who suffers Victims facing their attackers in court often
from an injurious feel they are brutalized a second time.

victor noun winner in a contest The loser challenged the victor to a rematch.
or battle

virgin noun; noun: person who Noun: She was a virgin in the ways of the
adjective is naïve, innocent, world before leaving home for college.
or inexperienced
Adjective: The airplane was to embark on its
adjective: not yet virgin flight.
touched, used, or

volume noun amount of space The volume of a cube can be calculated by

occupied by an multiplying length times height times width.
object measured in
three dimensions

width noun measurement of A tree grows in width as it ages.

something from
side to side

witty adjective being clever and Everyone laughed at her witty comment.

yield verb; noun verb: to produce Verb: The experiment yielded strange results
something that the scientist used to make his amazing
noun: the full
amount of an Noun: The corn yield was poor because of a
agricultural or locust infestation.
industrial product

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