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Class #1: The Illuminated Mind

“What is the gift of the meditative mind? It gives you an experience

of yourself”
-Jai Dev Singh

The most precious thing on Earth is the meditative mind.

As humans we are in a key moment where we are breaking free
from the old patterns that controlled the psyche and opening to a
more meditative state of being. This shift comes with its challenges
and requires for us all to apply meditation practices to keep our mind
functioning clearly and optimally.
“It’s difficult to work on your mind with your mind. That’s why I fell in
love with Kundalini Yoga because you’re mostly working on your
mind with your body, and the yogis figured out that’s all the body is
in the first place is a substratum of the mind.”
-Jai Dev Singh

By working the mind through the layer of body we are able to move
beyond our old subconscious operating system and rewire ourselves
to embrace our true identity- something that is beyond our current
comprehension. When the body is relaxed and revitalized and the
mind is calm and clear we can perceive ourselves as we really are.
This perception can then be brought into each moment of our lives,
reorienting our entire existence through the meditative mind.

“The yogic concept is… that what you are, in your essence, is
absolute perfection.
Pure love, pure intelligence, you are the most beautiful and powerful
that’s been created.” -Jai Dev Singh

Class Highlights
 Warmth & Radiance Teachings until 18:30

 Energizing Warm Ups @ 25:30

 Sarabhang Dande Kriya 44:00

 Kriya @ 53:00
 Meditation & Chanting @ 01:06:00

 Relaxation Gong Bath @ 01:26:00

Class #2: The Elevated Identity

One of the most liberating thoughts is this- you are not your
thoughts. You are subjected to thoughts but you are not those
thoughts. Our first step to integrate this is to witness our thoughts
without identifying them as ours.
“We’ve all thought that our thoughts are ours, as opposed to
thoughts are something that you are subjected to, thoughts actually
are flowing through you and you’re witnessing them as they are
flowing through you and then they are turning into thoughts
emotions and desires.” -Jai Dev Singh
To take this even further, you have an ego, but you are not your
ego. Your ego serves a specific purpose to hold you in this world,
but it is not your identity.
“You have to have an identity as long as you’re in a human body.
You can be ultra spiritual and believe you don’t have to have an ego
but you would be fooling yourself because then you become the
person who thinks you don’t have an ego. As long as you have a
mind you’re having an image of yourself, as long as you have a
mind you’ll create some image of yourself.” -Jai Dev Singh
Understanding that it is you who is creating your identity can be a
game changing insight! Just knowing this is not enough though. We
need to actively purify the old thoughts we have subscribed to and
work to build a new idea of who we are.
One of the gift of sadhana is it gives the clarity to understand what
we are and the energy and confidence to create an exalted and
authentic identity. If we do not create a beautiful image to relate to
as ourselves, then we are stuck with the default identity created by
our subconscious or our past experiences. The more we work with
this divine identity the more of a container it becomes, enabling us to
hold more energy, more radiance in our being. This is an alchemical
use of the fire element to illuminate and shape our vision of ourself
in the light of our true self.
When we do this work, we inspire others to illuminate themselves as
well. When we work together as a sanghat, or community, we use
the group energy to keep ourselves glowing with our
true identity and are encouraged in having this reflected back to us
by those also on the path.
Join in this class to create that beautiful, authentic you that you
know you really are!

Class Highlights
 Warmth & Radiance Teachings until 17:00

 Energizing Warm Ups until 45:00

 Sarabhangdande Kriya @ 45:00

 3 Part Kriya @ 58:00

 Relaxation Gong Bath @ 01:15:30

 11 min Yoni Kriya Meditation @ 01:23:00

Class #3: The Transmutation Of Fire

“There’s thousands of needs, but there’s only one consciousness,

so there’s only 2 routes to go in human life… You can either work to
satisfy your thousands of needs, which is an impossibility, or you
can cultivate the one consciousness which will then magnetize the
fulfillment of all the needs.” -Jai Dev Singh

In this third class of the Way of Warmth and Radiance Series, we

take a deeper look at fire and magnetism.
We could run around tending thousand of small fires or burn one
focused fire that gives us great warmth and clarity. The latter is the
path of the yogi.

Fire offers us illumination in the darkness and fuels our passions

and drives. It can draw to us all that we need if we cultivate its
warmth and focus it correctly. If we direct this magnetism towards
high ideals like realization and cultivating love we can attract
what we truly need with ease. If we have a strong fire glowing within,
we will always have what we need.

“The only true way to satisfy the needs is to start to experience love
in the cells of your body, and then everything else flows from that.” -
Jai Dev Singh

When we are in this state of love we are content and contentment is

drawn to us.
When we are feeling a sense of lack and neediness then we will
repel that which we wish to attract. It seems counterintuitive to let go
of our neediness for our needs to be fulfilled, but this wisdom proves
itself time and time again.

Enjoy the class!

Class Highlights
 Warmth & Radiance Teachings until 8:00

 Energizing Warm Ups until 31:00

 Sarabhangdande Kriya @ 32:00

 Wake Up Series @ 42:00

 Sitali Pranayam @ 51:00

 Kriya with fists of anger @ 58:00

 11 min Radiant Body Meditation @ 01:15:00
 Relaxation Gong Bath @ 01:27:00

Class #4: The Royal Caliber

“Our job is to make sure we’re taking care of the vehicle we’ve been
given, and be able to feel and experience that the human vehicle is
extremely precious and therefore take care of it so that the beauty
and the brilliance of what you truly are can come forth. That’s the
journey of the Yogi.” -Jai Dev Singh

There is an extraordinary amount of tension on the planet right now.

That tension can be ignored and pushed to the edge of our
awareness, or we can welcome it as a tool to raise our
consciousness and reshape our identity.

As yogis, we know that we have a crown upon our heads and we

frequently raise our own bar high- for this is the measure of our
expectations of what we will achieve and what the world will set at
our feet. Without a high bar, or high caliber, we can easily fall into
the trenches of old patterns or low quality standards that do not
reflect of our greatness.

The question to reflect upon is ‘What is truly valuable in this world?’

and then orient our live in that direction. Money, Health, Notoriety
call all fade away, but what endures? Combine this question the
ultimate question ‘Who am I?’ The answer may not come in a
thought (as ‘you’ are beyond thought!) but as an experience that will
create a high caliber presence that reflects the heart of your true
self. This class may be just the thing to open you to that experience!
Class Highlights
 Warmth & Radiance Teachings until 18:00

 Energizing Warm Ups until 40:00

 Sarabhangdande Kriya @ 41:00

 Sahibi Kriya @ 48:00

 Relaxation Gong Bath @ 01:12:00

 11 min Meditation @ 01:20:00

Class #5: The Way of Mystery

“We’re trying to create the real emptiness, internally. Create yourself

like a vessel. The path of not knowing, living in the mystery. When
you become more obsessed with not knowing, then you really start
knowing.” -Jai Dev Singh

The mind wants to know what only the intuition can understand.
What a shift it is to draw our energy from the mind and direct it to the
intuition through meditation. Life still remains a mystery but one we
navigate with a deep sense of intuitive knowing and listening.
Walking this path is not easy and most people choose not to since it
can feel like walking with your eyes close, but when we close the
physical eyes and open the third eye we can let the life-force guide
us along.

Can we let ourselves become empty to be filled by the Universe?

Can we walk the path we came here to tread even if it takes
discipline, focus and a great deal of trust? It is the discipline,
focus and trust that will keep us going even with the stresses and
challenges on the path. This is the Way of Warmth and Radiance-
using the pressure of life to shine brightly and illuminate our

Class Highlights
 Energizing Warm Ups until 11:00

 Warmth & Radiance Teachings @ 11:20 - 23:20

 More Warm Ups until 46:00

 Kirya @ 47:30
 Relaxation Gong Bath @ 01:12:00

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