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A. Background

Health is a matter that must be considered. To maintain health, a healthy lifestyle is needed.
And a healthy lifestyle certainly starts from yourself. Then if we have implemented a healthy
lifestyle, of course the surrounding environment will automatically be healthy. Therefore,
compilers want to invite readers to adopt a healthy lifestyle. By way of knowing about the ins
and outs of what a healthy lifestyle is. In addition, the making of this paper also aims to fulfill
the task of the health insurance.

B. Purpose

The purpose of making a healthy lifestyle paper includes:

1. To find out about a healthy lifestyle.

2. Inviting readers to adopt a healthy lifestyle in their daily lives

3. Fulfilling the assignment task

C. Problem Formulation

a. What is the meaning of a healthy lifestyle?

b. What is the purpose of a healthy lifestyle?

c. How to maintain a healthy life?

d. What is the positive impact of living a healthy lifestyle?

e. What are the negative effects of not living a healthy lifestyle?

f. How to apply a healthy lifestyle in everyday life?

g. What are the diseases that arise as a result of not adopting a healthy lifestyle?


A. Definition of a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is a simple choice that is very appropriate to run. Live with a
healthy diet, thoughts, habits and environment. Healthy in the sense of a fundamental word is
that everything we do provides good results for the body.

Understanding of a Healthy Lifestyle According to the Expert: According to Kotler, a healthy

lifestyle is a description of activities / activities supported by interests, desires and thoughts
of living it in interacting with the environment. Of course with good things.

From the understanding above, it can be interpreted that a healthy lifestyle is a very
appropriate choice for our survival, while a healthy lifestyle is a way that must be taken to
obtain a healthy physical body and spirit. So a healthy lifestyle is a process to achieve a
healthy lifestyle.

B. The Purpose of a Healthy Lifestyle

Our goal is to adopt a healthy lifestyle of course to maintain a healthy body and get a
better life.

But it turns out that by living a healthy lifestyle we will not only get physical health we also
get a stable spiritual health bonus.

Besides that by implementing a healthy lifestyle not eating meat, the same means we reduce
the effects of global warming.

Here are the benefits that we can from running a healthy lifestyle, both physically and

C. Factors that Affect a Healthy Lifestyle

1. Pattern of Behavior

Behavioral patterns will always be different in different social situations and

environments, and always change, no one is fixed. Individual lifestyles, which are
characterized by individual behavior patterns, will have an impact on individual health and
subsequently on the health of others. In health, a person's lifestyle can be changed by
empowering individuals to change their lifestyle, but changing it not only to individuals, but
also changing the social environment and living conditions that affect their political behavior.
2. Changes in Lifestyle

Walking along with economic growth, socio-cultural technology that has many negative
symptoms nowadays, such as lack of physical movement, smoking, drugs, liquor, over
nutrition, lack of vegetables, lack of rest and others.

a. Smoking habit

In accordance with the 2004 National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS), smoking began
in adolescents aged 10 years, and at the age of 15 to 19 years it was ranked 60% as smokers,
91% of smokers had smoking habits at home. At present there are at least 43 million mothers
and children who are exposed to cigarette smoke as passive stores that can be other non-
infectious risk factors (PTM).

1. Physical Impairment

The behavior of physical activity lacks movement in nasiaonal for residents aged 15 years
and above, only 9% of them exercise for their health. According to WHO 43% of diseases
exist, there is a connection with trace elements.

2. Unbalanced Diet

Unbalanced eating patterns are experienced by many of our people and the worst is the lack
of fiber, lack of vegetables and fruits reaching 99%. The problem of obesity or obesity has
been experienced by children who reached 11%.

D. Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

1. Creating a Healthy Little Family

A small family is a family consisting of a father, mother and two children. In this
small family, each element has its own role. As for things that if needed, they can
synchronize themselves to play together.

This is of course related to the number in the family that is still within the maximum
surveillance range. In togetherness for various kinds of family activities, health problems in
the family are not a complicated problem. Every child can apply the concept of health so that
the pattern of life is very thick with a healthy lifestyle. Of course the child will imitate their
parents' habits in a process especially in terms of maintaining health.

They will not do things that can threaten the health of themselves and their families. They
maintain the health of themselves and their families maximally by playing an active role in
the conditioning of family life. The conditioning steps can be started from maintaining the
health of food, drinks, the environment in the home, the environment outside the home,
personal health and so on. The application of a culture of healthy living will be very effective
if the family is included in a small family group.
This is of course because small families allow us to continue to interact and active
communication for everyone in every situation and condition. This small family will continue
to strive to establish a healthy family every time in an easy and effective way of controlling
every day. Our togetherness and familiarity is what causes small families to have the
opportunity to adopt a healthy lifestyle as well as possible than a large family. Families with
many children are more likely to need more effort than small families.

2. Creating a Healthy Environment

a. Caring for and maintaining the environment around the house is very important. One of the
benefits of a healthy environment is to improve the quality of your body's health. Are you
interested in creating a healthy environment? The following are tips and ways to create
environmental cleanliness.

b. A healthy environment is an environment that is always clean, so you have to maintain the
cleanliness of your house regularly. Removing kitchen waste, sweeping and mopping the
floor of the house regularly will minimize the number of harmful germs that can damage

c. Not only in the house, the environment around the house must also get attention. Clean the
yard or garden of your house from dirt or remnants of leaves. Do minimal devotion once a
week to clean the home environment, such as sweeping the yard, cleaning and smoothing the
flow of gutters near the house.

a. A healthy environment is synonymous with greening around the house. Give enough plants
on your home page.

b. Arrange the house to have good air circulation and lighting. Good air and sufficient supply
of sunlight in the house will greatly affect your health.

c. A healthy environment also depends on clean water around your home. Make sure that
your house has clean water or water facilities. You can also make a private well in your house
as a clean water reserve.

d. Make sure in front of your house there is a trash can to accommodate the garbage inside
the house. Use plastic to wrap your trash so that the trash doesn't mess up and pollutes the
front area of the house.

e. For leaf litter, it's best not to burn as most people do. Dig a hole in your yard, then add the
leaves to the garbage. Apart from being able to clean, the soil in your yard will be more
fertile and beneficial for existing plants.
3. Creating Habits - Healthy Habits

a. Exercise regularly

A healthy body, there is a healthy soul too! That's a saying. Indeed proven, if the body is
healthy, then the mind's ability can be maximized. Maximum mind ability, it reflects the level
of mental or mental health.

One way to nourish the mind is to exercise regularly. In this context, not only getting health
in the body, but mental health.

done in various ways, for example chatting, reading or watching television. Resting can
release fatigue and restore freshness. Conversely, lack of rest can cause difficulty sleeping,
fatigue and even metabolic disorders.

Time and duration of rest within one day, with details as follows:

• Among hours of work or study (mornings are approximately 10-16 minutes)

• Daytime breaks for 15-20 minutes, before lunch and after eating 30-60 minutes

• Afternoon before and after meals 60 minutes each

• Night before 60 minutes tiddur

a. Maintain personal hygiene

Body hygiene is maintained by bathing, brushing teeth, shampooing, washing hands, cutting
nails. Cleanliness of clothing is maintained by being washed and ironed

Dirty clothes should be washed clean, then dried in a place where there is not much dust, and
after drying should be ironed to turn off any germs.

b. Recreation

Recreation is a refreshing body and mind, something that is heartening and refreshing, for
example a picnic. Activities that are recreational include tours to the beach, mountains or
parks. A refreshing sight can restore lost energy.

Therefore, cultivating a healthy life by adopting a healthy lifestyle. can be applied by

exercising regularly. Of course exercise starts with a light but regular exercise.

a. Eat healthy food

Food is often a source of disease! the disease that we suffer is a result of food consumption.
The most important thing to realize is that almost all types of diseases start from the stomach.
If you consume food wrongly, then it can cause disease.
The way to cultivate a healthy lifestyle is by cultivating healthy foods. In this way, the
stomach or stomach does not experience pain and regularly activities like this can prevent the
body from disease.

b. Get enough rest

Rest is needed by the body to give the body organs the chance to regenerate by returning
freshness in each organ. With enough rest, the workload of the members of the body can be
reduced, the body's organs will avoid fatigue and tiredness.

Applying a healthy lifestyle, must provide opportunities for the organs of the body to rest
from daily activities. With adequate and regular rest, body fitness can be maintained.

Get enough rest, the body will return to fresh, delicious and comfortable. With enough rest to
make the limbs beruntuk because the owner guarded his limbs.

Resting means pausing to unwind, while sleeping means resting the body and consciousness.
Get a break

E. The Postive Impact of a Healthy Lifestyle

Speaking of healthy lifestyles, not only focusing on healthy food, but related to
healthy habits living life and no less important is the ownership of a positive mindset.
Humans look at life optimistically, believed to affect psychiatric conditions in the end freeing
the burden of the thoughts they experience so that they are able to avoid diseases that are
usually caused by the emergence of cetacea, the burden of mind, and impurity in life.

Life directed, more comfortable, and always happy, of course, will be felt if someone
is healthy physically and mentally. Physical health makes a person have the opportunity to
reach old age with a healthy body condition. And inner health makes people always think
optimistically in looking at the future. Ha-thing can be realized if humans apply a healthy
lifestyle. The following are benefits obtained by someone if they do and apply a healthy
lifestyle in their lives: 1. Can sleep well 2. Can work with maximum 3. Can learn better 4.
Can think healthily and positively 5. Feel peace, comfort and tranquility 6. Have a healthy
appearance 7. Get social interaction and a good life 8. Self-confidence 9. Save costs in getting
health 10. Avoid various diseases.

Positive Impact of a Healthy Lifestyle for the Body

1. Appetite increases because the digestive system is better

2. The body becomes strong and strong because the muscles are strong and big

3. The body against various diseases

4. His face looks cheerful

5. Having strong desires and discipline

6. Blood circulation becomes faster and smoother

F. Dampak Negatif Bagi Yang Tidak Menerapkan Pola Hidup Sehat

1. Tidak dapat tidur nyenyak

2. Tidak dapat bekerja secara maksimum

3. Tidak dapat belajar dengan baik

4. Menjadi mudah stres

5. Merasa tidak nyaman

6. Tidak percaya diri

7. Kurang konsentrasi

8. Mudah terkena penyakit

G. Cara Menerapkan Pola Hidup Sehat

1. Istirahat yang cukup

2. Olahraga yang teratur

3. Makan makanan yang seimbang

4. Jauhi rokok

5. Tidak makan makanan cepat saji

6. Tidak mengonsumsi minuman beralkohol

7. Minum air putih yang banyak

8. Jauhi seks bebas

9. Hindari obat obatan terlarang

H. Penyakit yang timbul akibat tidak menerapkan pola hidup sehat

1. Diabetes Mellites

2. Serangan jantung

3. Sesak nafas

4. Kelelahan

5. Pusing dan pingsan

6. Stroke

7. TBC

8. Magh


A. Conclusion

How to keep your physical and spiritual condition healthy? The definition of healthy life
includes the rules and patterns of a person to live this life in a proportional and controlled
manner. This pattern will make people healthy. For health, we need rules. If we live without
rules, there will be a haphazard life. Not only will physical health be disrupted, but it is even
more dangerous when it comes to mental health.

Health is very important to achieve life happiness. The main requirement for someone to
enjoy happiness in life is when they have physical and spiritual health. Understanding this
healthy life becomes a way for a person to lead to happiness in life.

B. Suggestions

a. A healthy lifestyle must be applied by teenagers to start early so that in the future they will
not be sentenced to suffer from a disease that is difficult to cure

b. The need for supervision from parents so that teenagers do not consume preservative and
fast-food excessively.

c. Limit the use of the internet for teenagers.

d. Early awareness of adolescents about their own health needs to be grown by parents,
teachers, and the government.








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