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The Scarsdale Diet Vegetarian Menu

BREAKFAST Coffee or tea with a sugar substitute & half a grapefruit

Lunch&Dinner Herb tea, tea, or coffee

Day one

LUNCH Watercress (or broccoli) soup

Baked potato with low-fat cottage cheese & chives

DINNER 2 slices cheese of your choice on lettuce

Artichoke hearts with cucumbers and radishes
1 slice protein bread toasted
Cantaloupe or watermelon or sliced orange
Day two

LUNCH Any amount of fruit salad

1 slice of protein bread toasted
1 cup of coffee

DINNER Apple-Nut Acron Squash

Hot or cold Vegetables (sparragus+mushrooms)
4 olives
Day three

LUNCH Stuffed Tomato, broiled mushrooms, zucchini and carrots plus

one slice of protein bread toasted with tea or coffee or herb tea.

DINNER Asparagus (or cauliflower, or broccoli) Au Gratin

Hawaiian Fruit-Nut Squash
Green salad and tomatoes
1 slice protein bread toasted
Day four

LUNCH Low-fat cottage cheese with sliced scallions, radishes, cucumbers

and olives.

One slice of toasted protein bread

Dinner: Scarsdale eggplant Parmesan with a green salad. Fresh fruit cup with
squeeze of lemon or lime, minced mint leaves with tea, coffee, or
herbal tea

Day five

Lunch: Assorted cheese slices (provolone 3 slices Laura Lynn =portion

+ Mozzarella + Swiss) , spinach, one slice of toasted protein bread, a
peach or pear and tea, coffer or herbal tea / dressing: mustard /
lemon + pomegranate vinegar/ tsp low fat yogurt
+lemon+salt+basil+cayenne pepper+very diluted tomato
juice+artichoke water

Dinner: Onion bouillon, with protein croutons, stewed vegetables and

non-sugar applesauce with 6 walnuts or pecans. Finish the meal with
either tea, coffee or herb tea

Day six

Lunch: Fruit salad with low-fat pot cheese or cottage cheese, on

lettuce or other greens and a coffee

Dinner: Vegetable cheese casserole served with half a cup of non-

sugar applesauce, sliced tomato and lettuce with vinegar and lemon
dressing plus tea, coffee or herb tea

Day seven

Lunch: Stuffed tomato, boiled or mashed potato with one tablespoon

of low-fat sour cream and chives. (ajiaco wih ½ baked potato + 2 Tbs
low fat yogurt. Used left over vegetables from yesterday no cheese ¼

Dinner: Chow mein (1 coconut spoon= 1 cup?) on rice (1/4 cup) with a
salad of lettuce, sliced tomatoes, sliced pineapple or pineapple
chunks (3 rings from a can) and tea, coffee or herbal tea.

For days 8-14 repeat as for days 1-7.


Nov 21, 2010 - Lunch Substitute. ½ cup low-fat pot cheese or cottage cheese, mixed
with one tablespoon of low-fat sour cream. Sliced fruit, all you want 6 halves of walnuts
or pecans, whole or chopped, and mixed with above or sprinkled over the fruit.
Coffee/tea/no-sugar diet soda of any flavor. (Tip: puree the ...

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