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w .e.f. 06t h February, 2018




[ ) .

r- '




Cost: Rs. 1,000/­

r ­



w.e.f. 06th February; 2018







Cost: Rs . 1,0001­


.Minutes of Meeting
Meeting of BSR approval committee was con vened on 08.12.2017 in the chamber of Chief Engineer

(NH ) to discu ss and ap proval BSR of PWD, NH - Circle Jaipur. During the meeti ng it was brought

out that a certificate regarding rates and items has been propo sed as per MoRTH specification s (Fifth

revision) is to be en closed by SE PWD, NH Circle Jaipur. SE PWD NH- Circle has enclosed the

certific ate that BSR, 20 17 (NH Circle Jaipur) has been proposed and anal yzed as per MoRTH

specifications (Fifth rev ision ).

Committee deci ded to app rove the proposals su bmitted by SE PWD, N H-Ci rcle Jaipur with effect

from the issue of o rder fro m SE PWD, NH-Circle Jaipur perta ining to applicab ility o r BSR -20 17.

This will not a ffec t past contract and agreement. .

~~[T-~? t:'--.sr;3/ / ?-
Executive engineer (NH-Ill)
Superintending En ne
Superinten i g e r:(NIl)
PVIo'D, Chief Engineer office PWD, NH- Circle P\VD, ief Engineer office
Jalpur, Rajasthan Jaipur, Rajasthan Jaipur, Rajasthan,

k /--1
Fin4~r(NH) Chief engineer (NH)
PWD, Rajasthan, Jaipur
PWD, Raj asthan, Jaipur


No.SE (NH)/BSRr 45iD- l73B Dated 29'b Jsinuarv, 2018s

Sup€rinlending Engincer
PwD, NH Circle Jsipur

Sul, :. Appr'oysl of Besic Schedule of Rsles' 2017 of P\YD iiH-Circle J.iPur.

Ref:- your olfrce lelter No. 970 dst€d 20.06.2017 & furtber comparisoll aDd ecriilicrte
submitted oo 08. 12,2017.

S ir.
As per your request submined by you vidc above referr€d lcncr and on consent of BSR
commince meetinS held on 08.12.2017, National Highway BSR PWD, NH- Circle Jaipur is hereby
approved wirh effecr from lhe issue of ordsr from sE pvr'D NH-circle Jaipur pertaining lo
applicability of NH-circte JaipLrr BSR-2017 for NH- cirele Jaipur. This q/ill nor affecr $c pasr
contract snd a8rcemenrs. Alrhoqgh above mentioncd BSR has bcefl approved by rhe undersiglcd, it is
enjoined upon all concemed ro plcase poina our erors. omissiqn and altcrnation ifany to
this oflice.
rr is srso direcred ro sE pwD NH-circre Jaipur rhat hs wiI submit on€ hard
copy and one soft
copy of BS R- 20 t 7 N H- Circlc Jaipur to this office for record.


()l lrl( l:Olr l FlL Stilli:lil\.1 ENDINC l'-NGINLIII{' l)WI). \ll ( l IL(;l-E. JAIPUR-

r,,-,r\. r):it222:i538 .'i,'. -. .1

'i,tr, Ji.!]l!.!,1:!
\,.: t\?o ),'.tc g-2-t8
or.r,'rcli ()Rl)l)ra
l'hc Basic Schcdulc ol'Rates (Year 2017) tbr Nll rtt,tks (Othcr lhcn lluilditrg & Road)
:rf l'\Yl )- NH Circlc. Jaipur has bl'cn approved by thc Chicf Engirrccr (NI I). I' ,!v l). ltajasthan' Jaiprrr

\.idd leticr No. SE(NH)/llSIV.i5/D' l7l8 dated 29.01,2018.

Accordingly, I hc llasic Schcdulc of llrlcJ lbr NLI lvorks ol'PWI). NI-t Circle' Jaipur
is hcrctry enlbrced with cllccl lionr 06'02.2018 lbr all Nll $orks (Oth$ thcrr lluilding & Road)
rrrrdcr -irrrisdiction of PWD. Nl I Circle..loipur.
Although every cate has b€jrr taken in preparation of lhis BStt- it is cnjoined upoa all
i:e coiccmed to poilt out the cl(or:, omissiortJalrcrations & srlggcstions io this I]SR' ifany.
l-hc ncrv ltSl{ 2G:7 rrill llol an-':st Ctmracrr & glt.:r}crlts. cxcculed pdttt lo
.,!:i;:!.r!crrl oilhis ilSll.
r \:r:l !'::::t.ii r

trffi,,'. I r:,:':r;e'.
h rP\r. i1."ri'.:.lr',.
):::a i -.. .t.iitr,l
t79o :r'ri- 9-r4D'
( oi \ !.) li li, rr:rr5' i.': rirltrrrrraliIrr.rrt.l l1..cs:'L:1 .if:i:'i'
:: :( ( i:rr: I !r::.r', c$rr \.:Jl ]icc1-.. l'\\'i). l{aj..i.:iprr,
:: l.r.( Li.il::rgrr:rs:rirl1:, l'\Vil. R..rlastlrrrr. r.rr1-'rrru.t l:::;j::-, \. sl I\jllrllSR'-l: Il-
, s .:,rrtri .rr) ir i.: 1! i
I l. | !rc ( hi(l Lrrsircc-r t lirrilding,ji'M(iSY/SSr(lC). l'\:l). !{-rj.. J.rif'rr'.
:,1. iirc -.\(iJitionui Chrcl Lngxiccr- PWD. Zorrc l/ll' J aiPur i ]lrrcr'' l..lilr!ii)!r

15. I hc I<cBionul Ofliccr. ivloRTll. D(.'iU Alrrrr': lload. Jaiptrr .

10. lhr Sui)(.intcnding Iirgitr.'ct. l'wl). Cit] ( rclc. Jxipulra'it.lt-l)irtrs.r"('irclc. '\ltla/Circle
Srkrrr'l. rr clc. .,\irtr,,'r'/( irulc, iril:ripL:r.
l J. irr.-culir c l:;tgincci trrr: ,\. PW I). i\: lt
('r: rlc. Jrrip'rr.
i3 I:\r.crtile l'.ntiucc'. l'WD. NII )rr.l. .laipLrlNt I Drr. tjda:rritr-
19. l'ioic.l I)irccior. IWI), Ni !{ U'l})l'lt.i. IJitrr:\\ru.V(;!rerrpl!.rir\
:lli : j]: ( ., :1r'.r!ir-:: ;\:\'11r;.ri:rr!--. P\,I) i ;t:iiirt. l:rrl'r:r















CHAPTER-8 26-38









f-r.-* l*.ro,*
(A) Usage Rates of Plant and Machrnery

Output of
Sl. No. Description of Machine Activity Output Unit Rate
Mac h ine
General Furpose 2t5V)
Barhmg 3rd Mning ?L.d ia) 30cL l Co rete Mix,ng 2110 m
Balciriru and Mlxing Planl(b) 15 2C cum
'.j Concrete Mixn! 1725 m
Bitur€n PDssufe Dislricuio: Applyrr{ Utuiigl lacl coal
,: 750 0c

Erlumen Boler orllired B umen Sprayrng 225fi

Corlc ete Paver Finisier wrlh 40 HP ilols Pav,ng of @lc'ele surf&e 2450 00

Coocrele Pump ot 45 & 30 cum capacity PumtilB d cdElele :: i1 570 m

Corr€le 8u.ket For Pourir€ corcrele 115 00

Co.Erele l*rer (a) 0 4,0 28 drm Cafioele Mirin{ 130 00

C6E eE Mrtrer (b) 1 cl]m Co ieb l/[IjrE - 205.m

Craoe{a) 80 hones Liting Purpose hour 1055.m

CGn€s bl 35 toon€s UfftS fry m0m

P&t+013 Cranes c) 3 lonnes u't"E
lry* 305

PEM.O14 Dozer0-m.A12 Sp.ee A' ing / CleairE orm/hou! 300/ 150250 hour 2375 00

PEM.O15 DozerD-50-A15 se.Yru gti.'e / c!18 cuIll,l,|clr ?Joi 1201150 1595.0C

P8l/F016 Emusiq1 Prcssure 06tribulor Apdyim gluhin lza* c@t sqm/lftr ]/xJ horr 710m

P8[+017 Fron! End loader 1 cum bLrckel€pe!t/ &fl loadlng / AgoleqaE loading clrnrhour 60,25 770 m

P&i+018 GerEralo. (a) 125 KVA Gsrain d dect Ersgy wA 1C0 75C m

P&M.019 C€nerabr( b) 63 KVA Geffaltcn ol deatric ElEigy KVA 50 575.00

P&M-CA Gde Flaflr 50 cum erooq',g CSS cuf/llo0r 40 1030 cp

P8M.l21 Hctmrx Pla - lm TPH €Dacry ogliB /SDC/HdIir crmtuir 10 120@.00

P&ILOD Holnr nanl. 100 TPii capaory O8[iSM/SD0 P@nir orm,'hou 30 hoUI 11000.00

P&M{23 Horffi Planl - 60 ro S TPH €paoly DSMAM/SDC/ ftE nX cr.r:r/hou 25 ho(n smo m

PEn024 Hotlrir Pla - 40 to 6C TPH ca9acrly OBir M/Soc/Prelttr cra/ioor '17 no|r 75m.m

PtM-C25 ilyCrallc Cnrp Sgeader Surface o€ssiig sqn ni:!r 1570.0C

Sor Odirary/Sol Mashy / So{

Ptl,1026 HydraJlic Eica\rabr ot 1 arm birckel
arrllEur 60 60 60 horr 915.00

P&[+m7 lnleEalec Slone Ctusn€, 100THP Cn6hing o, Spars TPY lM horr 6'10! 00

P6M M8 liteg6',et Sto.e Crusrer 200 HP Crushi,'g o, SPeb TP8 24. 13552.00

P&r+0-E Kef3 Casli.q Macnt|.€ Knb ll*irE Rr,lro.lr 60 2?56

@acny in (Yln€
P&iAOJ) Mastrc Ccol@f
ryE{''ea .q*r, 12il
1 l'aur


185 00
PEI+031 Mecnanrcal Brmm Hydraulc Surle Cleafirc

PE[+m2 Mo{cr Grade( 3 35 mr uade C,teedrE E{reaerg csB /llBM ornftctf m200 5050 lEur 1680 m

PEM 033 I obie slurry seal equornenl Mixre and laring slury s361 sqn/hcur 27ctr., n5m
P3ve, iinrsh€r Hydcslala lvrh sensor
P&r,r03 Pa$ng oi DBI,V BM/SoCJ Ptdrir c!firfu0r 10 '695 CC
csn d 1m TPH
P&M,035 Paver Finsher iilechancal 100 TPH Paviru ol WMM /Paring ol DLC ornrhcLi 1Cl3i 715 m
0.75 m da h 1.2 m dia BonrE
P8M 036 P tng Rigwfi Bantonite PlmP Rnvhou 21c 3 41m.00

PEr}G}7 Pleumeta Ro6d Rollet Rolling d Asphat Sltle ol'ntour 25 1265.m

P&M-038 Pneumatc Sink rg Planl Pne'matc $nki@oarclb ormrEu. 15lo 2 C0 horr 3000 m
crrnlhou. 4 630m
P$+O39 Pct Hcle Repair Machme
PAl+0{0 Preslressrng Jack lr$ Plmp E access Stess'rE d sEd fiesHrrds 110

P&M{41 Rpper Sc€rting 6lt holr 25.00

P&M{12 Rota!alc( Sca{Fq hdrr 17.00

65 00
Rod mait{E ,radi€
Sm6ti Rd6 8 u'rne 70125 n5@

.Talden Rod Rdlet Rollrri, otAspalt Sude x) nol 93s 00

Transpondoo bi so . GSB
Ilpper 5 cum 55 250.00

55 BrfEkn 200

Transportrtiorl ol sril. GSB

55 hdrr 2s0 m
Trdsporlalion ol CmoEle Mr lc
!5 hqJr 81500
Tldsgtalir ol Caxrete Mu lc
45 200
TEnsrqtalo0 ol Cslc'ele M[ to
Transpo.H'(rl d Caftrek Mir lo

P8M{53 Pulling lEur Lr0

P&M{54 nout

PeM{55 .Tla.h.virrRippe{
Rate of Treld 6* RiB)er hout 225I,
P&l+S6 Tn al 5.5 qxn per 1U lonnes Maled TrJEporl

ti,laEid TrrEport @alytum 45

P&M{58 Tn ct 5 5 c1Jm per l0lonnes capalyb.rm 45 225

P&r!+059 Vib.atory Rolter I tdrE Ealtl or scil i GSB / WBM 1m,6060 119m
P&M-So Wi€r Tra6po.1 c4acjty n XL 6 lu, lLm
PEM-m1 Waler Ta.rker capaity in Kt 6 km 125 m
P&rrm2 25 hoir 00

Sl. No. Oescription of Machine Unit Rate

P&M$3 Arr comp.esso{ w h pnsrsilldirqa{adurefl for orodtard day 300 00

P8[4{81 Ba(J' type cold flin(E dant l t$l A IPH cap4rty Fodlring a aEr4e oJqr d 75 lcllne p€r hqlr r520m
P&l\+065 Be[ cdveyor syslem hoJr 155.m

P&M$6 Boal b carry ad€6s120 pssofls hdJr 1875.m

P&M$7 Cshed aoncrde batdr nlr dal@ 175o]in!E hour lelfet\E 6rtri) hOI 7560.00

P8M$8 C€ment concrole bati mx pldrt @ 75 olm per horr horr r860.m

PEill$g CoU mEtrE nan{E @ m olm per not, 190 00

P&M{70 Crane 5 une c4aity 31500

P&t! 071 Crane 10lonr€ capecity hout 380 00

P&M{72 Crane 15 lonrE crycity 505 00

P8[H73 ' CrarE 20 lonrc capacily 60.m

P&ll+071 Crane 40 T capaoly ho.rr 650 00

PeM.075 Craie wifi grao 0.75 orll cap4it

iqJr 315.m


Emxy lnl€to.r gun 250.m

Generau 33 l(VA ioor

Generalor 1CO (Ve 745 00

GerErabr 250 xvA ss.m

tnorrrin, oi:dlo'rabn am secllcn d flart and equinurl irdrnrrE dl cdrporsnrs ax, @sso.es loi
oreunalc mellEd drell s$krE
kial Gfi,ng lradir€ wilh 2.3 ddes (tu r{ia !6,srEnl) 190.m

3720 m
PS rrr c€a Piling rig lncludirE ddrbb aclng file dnvrrE hamfiEr (Hy{raulic rig) hfs 3750.m

Plate compalor 95m

$o, dore. equiFrpol 140 HP @ 600 ojm per ho, 635 00
Terluing nenne ltc. igd pa€rcnt)

Ttuc( Tralor 30 urie c.9631y tr00r

Trucl Ttailcr S ldlr€ c6Dacl/ tkn

Tu4nel Eoring macline hqr

vBatng Pile diwg nanrErcomd@ wdn porer un{ anc acc€sso4es

WH Mrx Pla lC rPH nq,

Wn l& F|anl 75 rPN nqll

ltiBdrlg macine rLh rcos

(B) La bour

Sl. No. Description oI Labour Unit Rate



i.l3 Clas:er (Stcre arr.si

Calpenbr I Class day


Diler Pln!€rl bt

1,07 l}'Er dzt

.c5 FiIET ddl

! r,5 Mali dE


Mas.. {lsl cl6sl d4

L-12 MaE, Su!€n6or by

L-12-1 Sunelor / ordtrnan l aomputs draflnan/ operalor day

1,13 Mazdd day

L 1,4 UaarodDeaser (&fi i Slded) d.l

flad6./De.serisi*er (Skirbd) dE

i ri) lredcal o{fcef dzr

L 17 oge.eGroriitq) bt
Pdng I dass d4

Paa riedcd penfi]d cal

(C) Materials
Sl. Nc' Description Uoit









t}012 4"1
Description Unit IHMP/ Ratc Bl S(c

u{:3 395 C0

M-011 375mrio!5r.Yn 358 395 C{

tJ.315 26.5 mm t! I5 mm 358 E5 C.i

11016 95nn10475mm 358

M.017 95mmrc2:6mn 33C

M.018 4 Ttnm to 2 36 |lxn 330 355 CC

M-019 4 7:)..!1rn to 75 n.a,'on nm 330 35S 00

r.r020 2 3{ mnr 308 330 J)

,r{21 3i0.,,

trIm 330 J0

M4n :55 0
rtt21 :35 3i

1+@5 395.S

a05 c4


M{A 405 t0

M-0a 40! m

39[ 0J

ir032 6at ilc

640 ac


M.035 64'n
tl0$ cum 514 58C.m


.:8 525 m
: -.-. -:..:a, '1 - :


iv.c5c AggrE{ates 6 rnn ncm.s s,ze 6i5

M.05r ai5

M.C53 Aqgregates 20 mm nominal size 421

,2r- $sm
al! 610.00

Sl. No. Description Unit Rate

M C56 AC ppe 100 llyn dia

386 m




t80 0c

27830 00

55660 00




M-070 Bearing (Supply of slrding plale beadr{ of 80 tofl4e)

M-071 Benlofl te k! m.u)

Slriing ll r€ kg 57.00



i,loi8-l Eitur€, (modified gtaGd) PMB 40

- l!+079 Brick eacl l5c

M{$ C.l.shoes for tle Pile
nrere 1225440

t\I-094 Electric Detonaors @ 1 delmaltr for 12 gelatn slicl of 125 gms eacn lm nos 759 00

M-095 Epory mflpoi d xnlh desssies lor Fepa ng epoxy moftr kg

M-096 Epoxytrbflar kq

M-097 Epoxy trlmer l-rl

M{98 Epory resin'hadfter mix fd p.hre ccat 6:8 CC

M-009 Elaq of red cobl cldh 600 rl 600 mtn 23C0

M-1m Fbxeang Planls

Caiva:,$eo MS flal ian.


M-1m GaNanisedstl]dural

[t104 Gelalin 80-q" {q 128 C{

Geo grids
'rti a,
M-1m G€or"i€nt{ane

l+107 Georels

+i c8 Geclexnle :!-- :l
Ceotextir€ iller iayc :5a : -'

-i r,l
tt1t0 Gl bolt 10 mm Da

illij Gmutr{ PurnP rith agitalor

w112 Crass (lo.bl

':,"3 Crass iF "e)

igl'14 HDPE pipes 75mm dia

M-115 HDPE pipes 90mrn d€

i[116 Hedee plants


i 13! 0a

228 C{


M 12C


ivr 12: M S Clanos


. .', .',:.:.j.

merre 10276 0C

I sqr:



M 137 Pipes 200 mm dia. 2 5 m bnq ld dEinage AC


sQm 77 CC

It+139 Plaslic tubes 50 cm die. 1 2 m hign 41200

M,140 Polymer braids 259CC

sqm 3r2 aN


nrr. - _
213 00

$.144 sqm 7nm

M 145 ,r+oackec cen €d bas€d po ymer ccncree al sterql. ei lrca al 2E days kg {37 00

M-1!6 :rmef (Ce,iert) kg 140 0'l

i,t,147 3!rci setu.g c.r.oouid kg 26 00

qando''-r Rubble Stoie clln 4r0 00

mctrc 5925 0C

r,'150 6Y7 CC

M-15G1 RCC Epe NF ! heaw duly non presltre pipe 900 mm dia 5175.m

M 15G2 RCC Plpe NP 4 heavy duty nofl tresure pipe 600 mm di6 melre 3450 m
[!.151 RCC npe NP 4 h€avy duty no.r tresLre dpe 300 rnm dh 23sE C0

M-152 Relleclc' ,(,ng era:s -1e;as kg 75m

t\,t.153 Reinforce{lelrt sinps a0 mm wide 5 mm mrck as per clause 3102 (Copper Slips) 350 00


M i:5
t\+156 ReinforcenEol slrips 50 mm wide 5 mm thick as per dause 3102 (Slainless steelstips)


. aa .. '.:

M 166 ShIUbc 23A3

M,168 Sodium vatDur Iantp 115!0t

L+169 &ua'e Rubble Collsrd Stofle

M-170 Sleel cirorlar hollor poh of staidad specificalim lcy sireel lghtng to rnounl light a 5 m h€1ght abo€ d( le,,€l 841100
. -i-i
,., -ji

'l .'-
m km I Kn ior CNapler 1 to 5 ard m for olier Chapter

I eaC Irv E/]/v borolri area to site 10 km

Lead for iy ash from s0rrce lo sile ]C km

Summary of Rates calcutaled and used tor analysis of rates of other it Rate
Items No. Un
rell S3 - Pnntrog new leler anc l[ures of any siade 1rr) Enqlrsh Rcria

Pflnting new leller and tgures !!!th bacKgound cf any shaoe over piaslrc sheei (li) Hrnd! /
rl€m 13 i Englisn / Roma.r

l€m3.8 Painting TM/o Coats on New Ccnctete Surfaces

Item I I sqm :

llen 12.6 (B) Cernent mortor 1:2 {Excluding OH A CP)

Cernent morlor 1 3 (t:-xduding OH & CP)

Cement mortor 'l 6 {Exdudinq OH & CP)

Corlse Rubble masonary in cemeit mortor 1:3 (rncluding OH & CP)

Item 127 (Addl) B) Ranclom Rubble masonary in cement mortor 1:6 (induding OH & CP) l 13: -

hem 12.8 (A) PCC Grade M15 indudang OH & CP for Open Foundalion by Mixer olm

PCC Grade M15 for Open Foun<latm Per Cum Ba$c Cost ol Labou, MatenalS
lsn 12.8 (A)
Mechnery by Mixer
PCC Grade M2o to. Open Foundation Per Cum B€sic Cosl of Labour. Materlal &
MechrrEry by Mrxer
RCC Grade M2O lor Open Forndalion Per Cum Bas'c Cost ol Labour. wlaterial &
liiechinery by Mixer

llsn 12I (C) RCC RCC Grade M2o irduding OH & CP for Open Foundation by BachirE Plant qtfi

RCC Grade M2O for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labcur. M€tenal & oJm
llslr 12 8 (C)
Mechinery by Batching Plant
PCC G6de M25 lor Open Forrdation Per Cum Basrc Cost ol Labour' Material &
llem 128{D)
t/Echrnery by Mixer

lrem 128(D) PCC Grade M25 indudng OH & cP for Open Foundalion by gatchrng Plant
PCC Grade M25 lor Open Fanndalon Pe. Cum Basc Cosl of Labour MaterialS c!m
nem 128(D)
Mechrnery by Batchrng Aart
RCC G€de Mz5 for Open Foundaton Per Cum BasG Cosl ot Labour' Malenal &
llefn 12.8(E)
Meciinery by Mixer
RCC Grade M25 for Op€n Forrdation Per Cum Basc Cosl of Labour. iraerial I
Mect r€ry by Batching Plant
PCC Grade M3o for Open Forndat,on Per Cum Ba$c Cost of Labour. Material &
Mechinery by Mixer
PCC Grade M3o for Open Founc,alion Per Cum Basrc Cost of Labour' Material &
3 436 !C
Mechrnery by Balchrng Planl
RCC Grade M3O tor Opefl Foundation Per Cum Basic Cosl of Labour. Maledal E
Medrnery by Mixer
RCC Grade M3O fo. Open Foundaton Per Cu' Basic Cosl of Lab.ur' Material &
Mech'nery by Eatciflg Pianl
RCC Grad€ M35 for Open Fosndalron Per Cum Basic Cosl of L?bcur. Mate.ial 8
Meahrnery by Mixe.

RCC Grade M35 incrudi.g OH & CP for Open Founclalron by Batching Plant

RCC Grade M35 excluding OH & CP fo{ Open Foundatrcn by Batch'ng Plant

RCC Grade M35 lor Oper Foundatro, Per Cur Basrccosl ot Labou( MatenalE
Mechhery by Batchrng Plant
PCC Grade M2O for Open Foundation (Botlom Plug) Per Cum Basic Cost of LaDour
Material & Mechinery by Mixer
PCC Grade M20 lor Open Fcunclatiori (Bottom Plug) Per Cum Basc Cost of Labour'
Material & Med$nery by Batohrng Plant
PCC Grade M25 lor Open Fo$dation (Bo[om Plug) Per Cum Baslc Cost of Labour.
Matenal & Mechinef by M'xer
PCC Grade M25 tor Open Foundatron (Boltom Plug) Per Cum Basic Cosl ot Labour.
Malerial & Mecllinery by Batciing Ptant
PCC Grade M3O for Open Foundation (Botom Plug) Per Cum Basic Cosl o: Labour
Malerial & Mechrnery by M,xeI
PCC Grade M30 for Open Foundation (Botlom Plug) Per Cum Basc Cost of Labour,
ftIateaal & Mecninery by Balchrng Plant
PCC Grade M35 for Open Foundaiion (Bottom Plug) 2er Cum Easic Cost of Labour' oJm 4,,1r34i,
Item 1211 (C)iv
Material & I$echinery bY Mixer
ltem1211(C)iv PCC Grade M35 arrludirE OH & CP for Werl Foundatron (Bondn PIW) by Eatching Planl

PCC Grade M35 for Op€fi Fo]ndaloi (Boncm Plug) Per Cum Easic Cost ol Labour,
'MalerialE l\rechinery by Batcning Plant

lem121](F)rv PCC GradeM35 ancluding oH & CP for well Foundalion (WellCap) by Batching Plant cum 4 437,0

13 bcavation for Sfucbres (Manual l\'leans) qrn

Item N. 3

lEm lrc 3.13 Ercavatron tor Structures (Mechenical Means€)

lte{n 14 1(A) RCC Grade Mz) to. slpeCslnrcture ,.cludmg OH & CP by Batd qg Pla.t

tlem 14](ts) RCC Grade M3O fo. supeFslrlrcture ,ocludtng OH & CP by gatchrng Plant 5 098 C0

Item 1111E) RCC Grade M4O for super'st.ucture Lnc.ludrng OH & CP by Batching Plant cL:r 5 650 74
Rcc Grade M3o lor super structure rncludrng form\ /ork and exdudang OH & CP by
Item 14 lic) Barchrng Prant 4.266 00
RCC Grade M4O lor supe.'slructure excluding formwork and excluding OH & CP by
llem 141(c) Barchrng Plant
ofi 3 555 00
Supplying .fittrc and plaong HYSD bar renforcemenl in super-struclure exrdudang OH & tcllrc 51.546.00

tlem 13.6 Supplying, frttng and placrng HYSD rr:dudrnq OH & CP for suFstruclure

Itern 517 Fog SeJ

Crack Preveritrcn coursea Case l Slress Absorbng Membrane (SAM) cracl width less lhan sqm
Crack Preventon courses Case'll Stress Absorbing Membrane (SAM) with crack wc,lh 6 sqm
lEm i l1 uase
rv Crack Prevenl'on courses Case.lll Slress Absorbrng Mer.brane (SAM) crack widlh above 9
mm and cracked area above 50 %

llerr5.21 Case lV Cracl Prevenlor courses Case-lv Eilurnen lmpregnated Geotextile sqm

ltem 515 Case-l Sluny Seal Case-l 5 mm thjckness sqm

tgn5.lscasen Sluny S€al Case_ll 3 mm thckr€ss sqm

Ite.n 5.15 Caselll SlurrySealCase lll 1 5.nm lhickness sqm

Item 5.9 case! surface Dressrng case_l 19 mm trcmrnal chrpptng srze sq,rr

Item 5.9 Casell Surfa@ Dressng Case'll 13 mm ncmrne slze ctrrpping sqm


NOTE: Part of Km beyond 1Km will be treated as under

1499='1 00 Km: 1 500 Km = 2 00 Knr

1 20
50 irl
Xm lXm Km
ro 5lx)
M) 1Xm 5Xm 11rln 20 Km
up to 20
Xm Xm

400 83 00 300 100 00 300 13?.00 3C0

lcan'age ol Eafi. Sand. Lrme
1.1 300 55 00 66 C0

iMomm. Manure ot Sludge elc.

lrndudng loidng and uf,loading
wih a Dad ol I

12 Car.iaqe o, Eoilding 'Rubbish 62 00 74 00 400 90 00 300 109 @ 300

lstooe Meral. Gnl and Ballast
i€rc rndudinq loaonq and
lunbadrng clmplele wlh a lead

1_3 Stone tor hasonry wort and .1 30 67 00 84 0a 105 m 125 0C 4CX

l I I
CJm 400 75 00 90 00 600 11200 ncc 4Al !82 !C il lr

1 olll 900 131.00 140 00 900 177 00 900 800 600


16 ;00 95 00 102 00 800 132 0A 800 168 0C 7Ct 232 CO aoc

j 2914 2 0a 50 00 59 00 300 i3 00 90 0c 3.00


340 63 00 400 3a 00 11r (Xr 300

19 1C 13@ | 200 30 00 37 00 10c .3 Ca 53 00 10c J00

i 10 6 l€rbs etc weighting

1.101 500 00c 5!C 00c 800 00c

1.10.2 51 ro 70 Kg 7 (r0 000 aaa 000 r0 0c 000 i10c

1 10.3 Eaor 800 1C0 i0 c0 000 12 0C 030 14 00 i

111 l
1.11.r 24 00 100 000 28 00 000 23 t,
1.11.2 56 00 r00 62 00 1C0 6A 0C r00 77qJ i rOO

1 1t.3 133 00 111a1) 300 200 163 00 2.V)

1 11.4 16500 163 00 3.00 197 00 3 ocr 200

Rate (Rs.)
Item No Item Description U nit

1.',12 Carriage of Bitumen mixed material from Hot Mix Plant in I

Tipper to Paver Finisher
1.1?.1 For the ,irst km. (rate is included in the respective item)

1.12.2 Add for each subsequent Km. Lead I

1.12.2.',1 2nd Km. Up to 10 Km Cum/KM 4.70 1 1th Km. Up to 20 Km Cum/KM 4.00
't.12.2.3 Beyond 20 Km Cum/KM 360
1.13 Loading in or unloading cement of the railway wagons at M.T 41 .10
siding and carrying the same from or into god owns
adjacent to the viding including stacking the same properly
in rows up to any height as per direclion of Enganeer in-
charge sweeping the wagons and screening the swept
cement and filling in bags complete

1 .14 Loading in or unloading from the railway wagons and

stackinq as per the direction of Enqineer in-charge
1.14.1 Steel MT 52.20
1.14.2 G.1., C.1., R.C.C. or C.C. Pipes Up to 500 mm Dia and IVI,T 41 .20
similar heavy materials
1.'t4.3 Full bitumen drums Each 7 .20
1.14.4 Heavy malerials where each piece or bundle, crate or MT 62.90
case weight more than 1 tonne and R.C.C., C.l. And
concrete pipes above 500 mm dia.
I .15 Collection of graded broken hard stone aggregates free
from katcha stuff, deleterjous and organic matters as per
IRC/MORTH specifications including stacking as per the
standard specifications of sizes:
1 .15.1 63mm to 45mm hand broken Cum 239.40
1.15.2 53mm to 22.4mm hand broken Cum 256.40
1 .1 5.3 63mm to 45mm crusher broken Cum 598.30
115.4 53mm to 22 4mm crusher broken Cum 701.00
I _15_5 'l 3.2mml'l 1.2mm crusher brcken Cum 701 .00
1 .15.6 6.7mm crusher broken Cum 512.90
'I .16 Collection of graded graveyunscreened kankar forl Cum 341 .90
granular sub base (Pl less than 6) grading as per MORTH I

specifications table 400-'1, 400-2 wrth CBR value nol lessl

than 30 I

1.17 Collection of quarry rubbish (P,1. less than 6) grading as Cum 273.50
per MORTH specifications table 400-1 including stacking
as per the standard specifications
1.18 Collection of Coarse. Clean sharp river sand (Bajri) Curn 598.30
passing lS sieve 2.36mm and retained on 180 micron
sieve (Mashi. Banas ) including stacking as per the
standard specifications :
1 .19 Collection of crusher dust Cum 273.50

Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)
2.1 Cutting of trees, including cutting of trunks, branches and
removal of stumps, roots stacking of serviceable material
with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 m and earth filling in
the depression/ pii as per MoRTH specification clause 20'l

(i) Girth from 300 mm to 600 mm Each 250.00

2.1 .1
Each 41 6.00
212 (ii) Girth from 600 mm to 900 mm
(iii1 cirttr irom 900 mm to 18oo mm Each 857.00
Each '1666 00
2.1.4 (iv) Girth above 1800 mm
clearing grass and re rnoval of rubbish maximum 150mm Hectare 19044.00
uo to a distance of '10 O Meter outside the Periphery of the
atea manual means
Note r where only grass is met wi th . the area clear shall be
measurel & Paid for under this item (MoRTH
clause 201
(an k
2.3 C ea I n9 a n d grub bi ng road and n cl ud rng up rooti n9
veg etati on s ta SS b L] sh ES sh rub S sa pl ngs a n d tre ES I irth
u to 30 0 m m remova of S tum ps of trees cut ea rl er and
disposal of unserviceable materials and stacklng
serviceable material up to a lead of 1000m including
removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding in
150 mm thickness as per MoRTH specification clause 201

2.3.1 By Manual Means

Hectare 57398.00 ln area of light jungle
Hectare 76702.00 ln area of thorny jungle
2.3.2 By mechanical Means
Hectare 30498.00
2321 ln area of liqht iungle
Hectare 37'126 00 B. ln area of thorny jungle
2.4 Dismantling uP to 1.5m in foundation and/or 1.5m above
ground level including T&P and scaffolding wherev
necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of
unserviceable material. and stacking serviceable material
with in a lead of 1000m. IMoRTH Specification clause 202]

2.4.1 Concrete
2.4.'1.1 By Manual Means
Cum 356.00 .1 Lime concrete. cement concrete g rade M-10 and below
Cum 432 00
2411.2 Cement concrete grade M-15 & M- 2A
1225 00 Pre-slressed/ reinforced cement concr ete grade [il-20 &
2.4.',|.2 By mectranical ivleans
Cum 382.00 Cement concrete grade M-'l 5 & M-20
702 00 Pre-stressed/ reinforced cemenl con crete grade M-20 &
2.4.2 Briclc tile work
Cum 203.00 ln lime mortar

Item No Item Oescription Unit Rate (Rs.)

I 2018 ln cement mortar Curir 280.00 ln mud mortar Cum 173 00
2.4.3 Stone masonry Rubble stone masonry in lime mortar Cum 234.00
2.432 Rubble stone masonry in cement mortar Cum 280.00
2.433 Rubble stone masonry in mud mortar Cum 203.00
2.4.3 4 Dry rubble masonry Cum 1 88.00
2.4.4 Stone pitching/ dry stone spells Cum 173.00
2.4.5 Dry brick pitching or brick soling Cum 173.00
2.4.6 Wood work wrought framed and fixed in frames of Trusses Cum 581 .00
up to a heiqht of 5 m above plinth level.
2.4.7 Steel work in all types of sections up to a height of 5 m
above plinth level excludinq cuttinq of rivet. lncluding dismembering r Onne 1563.00 Excluding dismembering Tonne 1 150.00 Extra over item No. 4.7.1 and 4.7.2 for cutting rivets Each 1 1.00
2.4.4 Scraping of bricks dismantled from brick work including
2.4-.&.1 ln lime / cement mortar 1000 Nos 1329.00 ln mud mortar 1000 Nos 473.00
2.4 .9.1
Scraping of stone from dismantled stone masonry
ln lime / cemenl mortar
tt Cum 531.00 ln mud mortar Cum 1 10.00
2.4.1 Scraping plaster in lime or cement mortar from Bricu stone sqm 15.50
2.4.11 Removing all types of Hume pipes and stacking within a
lead of 1000 Meters including earthwork and dismantling of
masonry works.
2.4.11 .1 up to 600 mm Dia Meter 198.00 Above 600 mm to 900 mm Oia I Meter 266.00
2.4.11 .3 Above 900 mm
I Meter 456.00
2.5 Dismantling of ,,exible pavements and disposal of
dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 meters, stacking
serviceable and unserviceable materials separately as per
MoRTH specification clause 202.
2.5.1 By Manual Means
2.5 1.1 Bituminous courses Cum 661.00
2.5.1 .2 Granular courses Cum 4 59.00
2.s.2 By Mechanical Means
2.s.2.1 Bituminous courses Cum 208.00
2.s.2.2 Granular courses Cum 177 .00
l.b Dismanlling of cement concrete pavement by mechanical Cum 1034.00
means using pneumalic tools, breaking to pieces not
exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at
designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials
up to a lead of '1000 meters, stacking serviceable and
unserviceable materials separately as per MoRTH
specifi cation clause 202.

Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

. 2.7 Dismantling guard rails by manual means and disposal of lvleter 69.00
dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000
meters. stacking serviceable materials and unserviceable
materials separately as per MoRTH specification clause
2.8 Dismantling kerb stone by manual means and disposal Meter 1'1 00
dismantled material with all lift and up to a lead of 1000
meter as N4oRTH s fication clause 202
2.9 Dismantling Kerb stone channel by manual means and i,4eter 16 00
disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead
of 10OO meter as per MoRTH specification clause 202.

2.10 Dismantling of Kilometer stone including cutting of earth, l

foundation and disposal of dismantled material with all lifts

and lead up to 1O0o m and back fllling of pit as per MoRTH
specification clause 202
2.10.1 sth Km stone Each 367.00

2.10.2 Ordinary Km Stone Each 214.00

2.10.3 Hectometer stone Each 42.00

2.11 Dismantlinq of barbed wire fencing/ wire mesh fencing lvleter 53 00

including posls, foundation concrete, back filling of pit by
manual means including disposal of dismantled material
with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 meters stacking
serviceable material and unserviceable material sepa
as per MoRTH specification clause 202.

2.12 Dismantling of Cl water pipe line 600 mm Dia incl uding i/eter 1 15.00
disposal with all lift and lead up to 1000 meters and
stacking of serviceable material and unserviceable material
separately under supervision of concerned department but
excluding earth excavation and dismantling of masonry
works as per MoRTH specification clause 202

2.13 Removal of cement concrete PiPe o f sewer gutter 1500 mm Meter 134.00
Dia under the supervision ofconcerned departmenl
including disposat with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000
meters and stacking of serviceable and unserviceable
material separately but excluding earth excavation and
dismantling of masonry works as per MoRTH specification
clause 202
Removal of telephone / electric poles inclu ding excavation P Pole 17 4.00
and dismantling of foundation concrete and lines under the
supervision o{ concerned department, disposal with all lifts
and up to a lead of '1000 meters and stacking the
serviceable and unserviceable material separately.

2.15 Scarifyrng the exrsting granular road su rface to a depth sqm

50 mm by manual means and disposal of scarified material
within all lifts and leads up to 1000 meters as per MoRTH
S ecification Clause No. 305.4.3

216 Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface to a depth sqm 7.00
of 50 mm by mechanical means and disposal ot scarified
material within all lifts and lead up to 1000 meters as per
MoRTH ecification Clause No. 305.4.3

Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2.17 Cleaning the existing h/B6rA/vMM surface including sqm 520
removing of binding material and other foreign matter with
wire brushes. small picks, sweeping with brooms and soft
brushes. finally dusting with old gunny bags and
compressed air to receive bituminous treatment [MoRTH
Specitication . Clause 50'l to 503 &112
2.18 Cleaning of the existing black topped surfaces with sqm 260
brooms/sofl brushes finally dusting with old gunny bags and
compressed air lo receive bituminous treatment IMoRTH
Specification 501 to 503 & 1121

Item Description Rate (Rs.)

Item No. Unit
3.1 Earth work in excavation, including stacking/disposal of
surplus material with all lifts and lead up to 50 meters,
exclusive of compensation of earth {MoRTH specification
Clause 301 to 3051
3.1 .'l ln ordinary Soil
3.1.1 .'1 Kassi work, undressed, involving an average horizontal Cum 53 00
throw up to 2 meters and an average vertical lift up to
0.50 meter including breaking of clods Manually, with lifl up to 0.5m, combined lead up to 50 Cum 69 00
meters including breaking of clods Mechanically by power shovel, including mechanical Cum 67.00
loading and carriage up to 50m.
ln Hard Soil
Pick Axe work Cum 104.00 Vvhen excavation and loading is done mechanically using Cum 72.0C
Bull Dozer. Front-end loader and carriage is done up to 1
Km. by tipper/dumper (6T capacity).
3.1_3 Blasting including Blasting materials Soft Rock with lead up to 50m And lifl up to 0.5m Cum 299 00 Hard rock with lead up to 50m,and lift up to 0.5m Cum 389.00
3.1.4 Chiseling/wedging out rock where blasting is prohibited

3.'t .4.1 Soft Rock with lead up to 50 m. and lift up to 0.5 m Cum 753.00
3.1 .4.2 Hard Rock with lead up to 5om.and lift up to 0.5m Cum 1244.00
3.1.5 ln Soil unsuitable for road construction such as marshy Cum 83.00
soil including pumping out \ rater, removal of the same
and disposal within a lead up to 50m.and lift up to 0.5m.

3.2 Extra for Additional lead

As per carriage chapter R-1
3.3 Dressing of earlh work including cutting and filling up to Cum 34 00
1 5cm IMoRTH Specificatio n Clause 301 to 3051

3.4 Box cutting/Trenching the Sub Grade to proper slope. 100Sqm 83 00

camber and removing inequalities including removing
deleterious stuff and depositing on the road side slopes
(cutting of earth shall be paid separately in the respective
item on the basis of classification of the excavation done
by the Engineer (MoRTH specification clause 30'1 to 305)

Compaction maximum of six

of original ground with '100 Sqm 387 00
passes of 8-10 tonnes power roller including filling
depression occurring during rolling [MoRTH Specification
Clause 305 3.4
3.6 Extra for laying earth as per specification for compaction
in 200 mm thick loose layers and dressing [MoRTH
S cation Clause 305.3

Item Description Rate (Rs.)

Item No Unit
3.6.1 BY MANUAL MEANS : \A/hen Iaying of earth in layers is 'Cuir 10.00
done simultaneously with excavation of earth work with
all lead and tifl but excludinq rollinq and waterinq
3.6.2 BY MANUAL MEANS: When laying of earth in layers is Cum 34.00
done from stockpiles including breaking of clods and
dressing with all lead and lift but excludang rolling and
3.6.3 BY MECHANICAL MEANS, using Motor Gradcr, from Curn 32.CC
earth in stock p:les with all lead and lift but excluding
rollinq and waterinq.
3.7 Extra for watering the earth to bring the earth up to Cum 13.00
required O.M,C excluding rolling
3.8 Extra for rolling lo specification with the use of Vibratory Cum 22.00
roller when earth is at suitable moisture content with
desired field density not less than 957o of maximum dry
density (Modified Heavy Proctor test), excluding watering

3.90 Extra for rolling to specification with the use oi Vibralory Cum 29.00
roller when earth is at suitable moislure content with
desired field density not less than 100% of maximum dry
density (Modified Heavy Proctor test) excluding watering.

3.10 Extra for rolling to specification wilh Power Roller, 8-10 Cum 12 00
tonne when earth is at suitable moisture content with dry
field densily not less than 95 % of maximum dry density
(Ordinary Procter test).excluding watering.
3.1 1 Extra for rolling to specification with Power Roller, 8-'10 Cum 13.00
tonne when earth is at suitable moisture content with dry
field density nol less lhan 100 % of maximum dry density
(Ordinary Procter test).excluding waterinq.
3.12 Earthwork in excavation in foundation trenches etc. not
exceeding 2 meters depth includang dressing of bottom
and sides of trenches, stacking the excavaled soil 3m.
Clear from the edge of excavation and subsequent filling
around Hume pipes/masonry in 1scm. Layers with
compaction including disposal of all surplus soil, as
directed within a lead of 1000 meters.[MoRTH
Specification : Clause 30'1,3041.
3.12.'l Ordinary Soil Cum 144.OO
3.12.2 Pick Axe work (Hard soil) Cum 195.00
Blasting work Soft Rock Cum 442.00 Hard Rock Cum 546.00
3.'12.3 lChisehngMedgrng out rock where blasting is prohibited.
3.12.3.',| Soft Rock Cum 1163.00 Hard Rock Cum 1956.00
Earth filling with surplus soil excavated from foundation
and taken only from outside of building plinth in 15cm
compacted lavers, including ramming watering and
consolidation, lead up to 30 meters IMoRTH Specification
: Clause 301,3041.
3.'r 3.1 Ordinary Soil Cunl 87.00
3.13.2 lHard Soil (pick Axe work) Cum 124.00
Item Description Rate (Rs.)
Item No. Unit
3.14 Earth work in excavation rn fou0dation trenches.etc. .in I

drains and channels etc not exceeding 2m.depth,

including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches,
stacking the excavated sorl 3m Clear from the edge of
excavation including disposal of surplus soil as directed
within a lead of 1000 meters IMoRTH Specification :
Clause 301.3041
3.14.'.| Ordinary Soil Cum 115.00
3.14.2 Hard Soil (pick work) Cum 156 00
3.14.3 Blasting work Soft Rock Cum 354.00 Hard Rock Cum 437 .00
3.14.4 Chiseling/Wedging out of rock (where blasting of
3.',14.4.1 Soft Rock Cum 930 00 Hard Rock Cum 1467.00
3.15 Construction of embankment with approved mate!'ial Cum 234.00
obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads,
transporting to site. spreading. grading to required slope
and compacting by vibratory roller 8-10 Tonne lo meet
requirement of Table 300-2 including cost of
compensation for earth taken from private land with ALL
lead As per MoRTH specification Clause No. 305.

3.16 Construction of
embankment with approved materials Cum 132 00
deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation
from drain and foundalion of other structures graded and
compacted by vibratory roller 8-10 Tonne to meet
requirement of Table 300-2 as per MoRTH specification
Clause No. 305
3.17 Construction of sub grade and earthen shoulders with Cum 254.00
approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts
and leads, transporting to site. spreading, grading to
require slope and compacled by vibratory roller 8-10
Tonne to meet requirement of Table 300-2 as per MoRTH
n Clause No 305
3.1 8 Loosening of the ground up to a level of 500 mm below Cum 55.00
the sub grade level, watered, graded and compacted in
layers by vibratory roller 8-10 Tonne to meet requirement
of Table 300-2 for sub grade construction as per MoRTH
S cification Clause No. 305.3.4
3.19 Loosening. leveling and Compacting origin al . grcund Cum 31 00
supporting embankment to facilitate placement of first
layer of embankment, scarified to a depth of 150 mm,
mixed with water at OMC and then compacted by
vibratory roller 8-10 Tonne to achieve minimum dry
density as given in Table 300-2 for embankment
construction as per MoRTH specification Clause No.
3.20 Stripping, storing of top soil by road side at '15 m internal Cum .00
and reapplication on embankment slopes, cut slopes and
other areas in localities where the available embankment
material is not conducive to plant growlh as per lVloRTH
n S Clause No. 305
Item Description Rate (Rs.)
Item No. Unit
3.21 Silt clearance of drains, c annels and canals with lifl 1.5 Cum 48 00
Meter. And lead u to 50 Meter
3.22 Filling of available excavated earth (excluding rock) an Cum 22.00
trenches, plinth sides of foundalion etc- in layers not
exceeding 20 cm depth consolidating each deposited
layer by ramming and walering including lead up to 50
Meter And lift up to 1 5 Meter
Ea;th work in cutting with lead up to 50 Mleter. And lift up
to 1.50 Meter. including finishing of formaticn to required
camber and grade disposed soil to be leveled and
dressed in
3.23.',| Blown Sand Cum 27 .O0

3.23.2 Ordinary Soil Cum 29.00

3.23.3 Clayey Soil Cum 40.00
3.24 Furnishing and laying of the live sods of perennial turf Cum 28 00
forming grass on embankment slope, verges or other
locations shown on the drawing or as directed by the
engineer including preparation of ground, fetching of sods
and waterinq
3.25 Preparationof seed bed on previously laid top soil, Sqm
fumishing and placing of seeds, fertilizer, mulching
material, applying bituminous emulsion at the rate of 0.23
litres per sqm and laying and fixing jute netting, including
watering for 3 months all as per clause 308
3.26 Construction of unlined surface drains of average cross
sectional area 0.40 sqm in soil to specified lines, grades,
levels and dimensions to the requirement of clause 301
and 309. Excavated material to be used in embankment
within a lead of 50 melres (average lead 25 metres)

3.26.1 Mechanical means RM 46 00

3.26.2 Manual means RN4 75.00
3.27 Construction of unlined surface drain of average cross
sectional area 0.4 sqm in ordinary rock to specified lines.
grades, levels and dimensions as per approved design
and to the requirement of clause 301 to 309. Excavated
material to be used in embankment at site.
3.27 .1 Mechanical means RIVl 93.00
3.27 .2 Manual means RIVI 1

3.28 Construclion of subsurface drain with perforated pipe of RM 541 00

'100 mm internal diameter of metau asbestos cemenu
cement concrete/PVt, closely jointed, perforations
ranging from 3 mm to 6 mm depending upon size of
material surrounding the pipe, with 150 mm bedding
below the pipe and 300 mm cushion above the pipe,
cross seclion of excavation 450 x 550 mm. Excavated
material to be utilised in roadway ai site.

3.29 Construction of aggregate sub surface drain 3C0 mm x RIV 121.OO

450 mm with aggregates conforming to table 300-4.
excavated material to be utilised in roadway.

Item Description Rate (Rs.)

Item No. Unit
3.30 Construction of an undergtound drain 1 m x '1 m {rnside RM 2045.00
dimensions) lined with RCC-20 cin thick and covered with
RCC slab10 cm in thickness on urban roads.

3.31 Preparalion and surface trealment of formation by RM 160

removing mud and slurry, watering to the extent needed
to maintain the desired moisture content, trimming to the
required line, grade, profile and rolling with 8-10 tonne
smooth wheeled roller, complete as per clause 310.

Item No. Item Oescription Rate (Rs.)
4.1 Providing laying. spreading and compacting inverted Cum 530 00
choke of specified graded aggregate in sub base course in
unifcrm layer on a prepared base with motor grader and
compacting with power roller etc.(by mechanical
means).[MoRTH Specification : Clause 404.3.2.]
4.2 Providing and laying granular sub-base material having
P.l. not more than 6 including spreading in layers not
exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness and
consolidation by 8-10 tonne power roller to required
camber and grade including cost of water and hire charges
of machinery including T&P with all lead (Compacted
thickness to be measured).as per MoRTH specification
table 400-1 , 400-2,
4.2.'l For grading-l with CBR value not less than 30. To attain Cum 671.00
'100% proctor density.
4.2.2 For grading-ll with CBR value not less than 25. To attain Cum 659.00
100% oroctor density.
4.2.3 For grading-lll with CBR value not less than 20.to atlain Cum 654.00
'100% proctor density.
4.3 Providing laying spreading and compacting specified
graded sand, gravel (crushed stone) as per Table 400-
1,400-2 or any other course material as per design mix, as
per CBR in sub base course including premixing the
material at OMC in wet mix plant. carriage of mixed
matedal spreading in uniform layers with motor grader F.E
loader on a prepared base and compacting with vibratory
roller to achieve desired density (as per 1S.2720) including
all material, labor, machinery, lighting guarding,
barricading and maintenance of diversion
complete.[MoRTH spe( fication : Clause a01]. By
mechanical means with lead up to 20 km
4.3.1 For Gradinq I lvlaterial Cum 86s.00
4.3.2 For Grading ll Material Cum 856.00
4.3.3 For Gradinq lll Material Cum 852.00
4.3.4 Extra rate for carriage of mixed material additional lead
Beyond 20 Km Cum per Km 2.60
4.4 Construction of granular sub-base by providing coarse
graded material. spreading in uniform layers with motor
grader on prepared surface. mixing by mix in place
method with rotavator al OMC. and compacting with
vibratory roller to achieve the Cesired density, complete as
per clause 401 .

4.4.1 For Grading I Material Cum 652.00

4.4.2 For Gradinq ll Materaal Cum 647 .O0
4.4.3 For Gradinq lll lvlaterial Cum 629.00
4.4.4 Enra rate for carriage of mlxed material additional lead
Beyond 20 Km Cum per Km 2.60

Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)

4.5 Laying and spreading avarlable soil in the sub grade on a
prepared surface, pulverizing (table 400-3), mixing the
spreaded soil in place wrth rotavator with 3% slacked lime
having minimum content ol 70o/o oI CaO, grading with
motor grader and compacting with the vibratory roller 8-'10
tonne at OMC to the desired density to form a layer of
improved sub grade complete as per MoRTH specification
ct 402
4.5.1 By Mechanical Means Cum 393 00
4.5.2 By Manual Means Cum 432.00
4.6 Providing, Laying and spreading soil on a prepared sub
grade, pulverazing (table 400-3), mixing the spreaded soil
in place with rotavator with 3olo slacked lime having
minimum content of TOV| of CaO, grading with motor
grader and compacting with the vibratory roller 8-'10 tonne
at OMC to achieve at least 98% of the maximum dry
density to form a layer of sub base complete as per
MoRTH specifications Cl. 402.
4.6.1 Lime Treated Soil for Sub- Base Cum 482.00
4.6.2 Cement Treated Soil Sub Base with 4% qty of cement by Cum 690.00
wt. of soil
4.7 Construction of sub-base using lime- Fly ash admixture Cum 500.00
wilh granular soil, free from organic matter/ deleterious
malerial or clayey silts and low plasticity clays having Pl
between 5 and 20 and liquid limit less than 25 and
commercial dry lime (slacked)
4.8 Providing, laying. spreading and compacting stone
table 400-7 lo Water
aggregate of specific sizes as per
Bound Macadam specification including spreading in
uniform thickness. hand packing rolling with vibratory roller
in stages to proper grade and camber. applying and
brooming requisite type of screening and binding materials
to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregales walering (with
waler browser) and rolling. making necessary earthen bunc
to protect edges. lighting. guarding, barricading and
maintenance of diversion etc. IMoRTH specification :

Clause 4041 ( By manual means).

4_8.1 Grading ll, 63 mm to 45 mm @ 0.91 cum per 10 Sqm for Cum 1666.00
compacted thickness of 75 mm. (Crusher broken) Stone
screening type 'A'
4.8.2 Grading lll. 53 mm to 22.4 mm, @ 0.91 cum per'10 Sqm Cum 1705.00
for compacted thickness of 75 mm. (Crusher broken)
Stone screeninq type 'B'
4.9 Providing, laying. spreading and compacting stone Cum 1571 00
aggregate for Wet Mix Macadam (as per table 400-10 and
400-'l 1) specification including premixing the material wilh
water to OMC in wet mix plant as per approved design
mix carriage of mixed material by Tipper to site. laying in
uniform layers with motor grader/Front end Loader/paver
fanisher, in sub base/ base course on a well prepared under
base and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the
desired density including lighting guarding, barricading
and maintenance of diversion etc. (MoRTH specification :
Clause 406) by mechanical means with lead up to 20 Km.
Item No Item Oescription Rate (Rs.)
4.9.1 Extra rate for carriage of mixed material additional lead
from :-
Beyond 20 Km Cum per Km 2.60

4.10 Construction oI Median and lsland above road level with Cum 159.00
approved material (deposited at site from roadway cutting
and excavation for drain and foundation of othe
structures), spreaded. graded and compacted as per

MoRTH ification clause 407

4.11 Construction of median and lsland above road level with Cum 239.00
approved material brought from borrow pits, spreaded.
sloped and compacted as per MoRTH specification Clau
4.12 Construction of footpath/ separator by providing a '150 mm sqm 459.00
compacted granular sub- base as per Clause 401 and 25
mm thick cement concrete grade M-15, over laid with
precast concrete tiles 300x300x25 mm in cement monar
1:3 includ ision of all drain e
4.13 Providing crushed stone aggregale, depositing on a
prepared surface by hauling vehicles, spreading and
mixing with a motor grader, watering and compacting with
a vibratory roller 8-10 tonne to form a layer of sub-bas
base as iiloRTH ifacations Clause 410
4.13.1 By Mix in place method (i) For 53 mm maximum size Cum 1236.00

4.13.'t .2 (ii) For 45 mm maximum size Cum 1220 00

4.13.2 By Mixing Plant

4.13.2.',| (i) For 53 mm maximum size Cum 15'14.00 (ii) For 45 mm maximum size Cum 944.00


Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)
5.1 Providing and applying primer coat over prepared surface sqm 17.00
or granular base v.'ith bitumen emulsion SS-1 as per lS:
8887 & manufacturer's specifications @ 6 kg /10 Sqm with
a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer
equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified
rates and temperatures as per MoRTH specification Cl 502
& 1 12 ( lncluding cleaning of road surface )

5.1 .1
Add extra to item No. 5.4 for 1 Kg / 10 Sqm emulsaon
Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface,
with bitumen emulsion RS-1 as per lS:8887
manufaclurer's specifications @ 2 kg /10sqm. With a self
propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for
spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and
temperatures as per MoRTH specification Clause 503 &
112 ( lncluding cleaning of bituminous road surface )

5.5.1 Add extra to item No. 5.5 for'lKg / 10 Sqm emulsion sqm 250
5.3 Providing and laying bituminous macadam on prepared
surface with specified graded crushed aggregate as per
table 500-4. grading-1for base / binder course including
loading of aggregates with Front end loader and heating
and mixing of stone aggregate and bitumen (including cost
of anti-stripping compound wherever required) in hot mix
plant transporting the mixed material in tipper and laytng
mixed material with sensor paver finisher to the required
level and grade rolling by power roller & vibratory
compactorlo achieve the desired density (approved by
the department )excluding cost of primer/tack coat
IMoRTH Specification : Clause 504 & 112] with lead
mix 20 Km.
5.3.1 Grading ll (19 mm nominal size) - Bitumen @ 3 40 % of Cum 4869 00
mix (60n 0 grade) VG 30 & thickness 50 - 75mm
Grading I (40 mm nominal sraE) - Bitumen @ 3.30 o/o of Cum 4886.00
mix (60f0 qrade) VG 30 & thickness 80 - 'l00mm
5.3.3 Extra rate for carriage of mixed material additional lead
from:- Beyond 20 Km Cum per Km 2.64
5.4 Construction of bituminous penetration macadam over
prepared base by providing a layer of compacted crushed
coarse aggregale (Table 500€) using chips spreader with
alternate application of bituminous binder and key
aggregates and rolling with a smooth wheeled steel roller 8
'10 tonne capacity to achieve the desired density (approved
by the department) & including cost of antistripping
compound wherever required excluding cost of primernack
coat complete as per clause 505 of MoRTH specification.

5.4.1 50 mm thick. - Bitumen grade 60r/0 VG 30 @ 5 Kg. Per sqm 277 .00

Item No Item Description Rate (Rs.)

5.4.2 75 mm thick.' - Bitumen grade 60I/0 VG 30. @ 6.8 Kg Sqin 367.00
Per Sqm
5.5 Providing and laying Dense Bituminous Macadam on
prepared surface with specified graded crushed
aggregates as per table 500-10 and design mix for
base/brnder course rncluding loadrng of mateflal with Front
end loader, heating of binder (including cost ol anli-
stripping compound wherever required) aggregate and
filler in hot mix plant 40€0 TPH, transporting the mixed
material by tippers and laying with sensor paver finisher as
per clause 507.3.5 to the required level and grade rolling
by self propelled power rollers and vibratory rollers or
pneumatic tyred roller 150-250KN. TP=o.7MPa lo achieve
the desired density (ap proved by the department)
5.5.1 Grading I (37.50 mm nominal size) - Bitumen @ minimum Cum 6334.00
4% of mix (60f0 grade) VG 30 & thickness 50 - 75 mm
with lead of mix material 20km VG 30
5.5.: Grading ll (26.smm nominal size) - Bitumen @ minimum Cum 6360.00
4.5% of mix (60t70 grade) VG 30 & thickness 50 - 75 mm
with lead of mix material 20km
5.5.3 Extra rate for carriage of mixed material additional lead
5.5.3.'l Beyond 20 Km Cum per Km I 260 Extra labour for pretoating crushed stone chipping in Cum 382.00
H.M.P. 6-10 TPH with bitumen (0.75%to 1%) including
heating and mixing the material and handling the mixed
material within in a lead of 30 meters. By Mechanical
means IMoRTH Specifications: Clause 510 & 112].
5.6 Providing, laying and
consolidation Semi Dense
Bituminous Concrete, as per Design l\,ilix, on prepared
surface with specified graded crushed aggregates(as per
table 500-15) for wearing coarse including loading
aggregates with Front end loader. heating aggregate and
binder in Hot Mix Plant 40-60 TPH (including cost of anti-
stripping compound wherever required) and transporting
the mixed material wlh trpper and laylng with paver
flnisher with Sensor to the required level rolhng with
Vibratory Compactor or '150 to 250 KN pneumatic tyred
lroller with TP=0.7 Mpa and power roller to achteve the
desired density (as per approved job mix), but excluding
primer/tack coat IMoRTH Specification Clause !08 Q !!!l
5.6.1 Grading I (13 mm nominal size) - Bitumen @4.5 % of mix
& thickness 35 - 40 mm with lead of mix material 20 km
5.6.'1.1 60r/0 qrade VG 30 Cum 6356.00 CRiil8-60 grade Cum 6608 00 PMB - 40 qrade Cum 6067.00
5.6.2 Grading ll (10 mm nominal size) - Bitumen @5 % of mix &
thickness 25 - 30 mm with lead of mix material 20 km
5.6.2.'l 60n 0 grade VG 30 Cum 6837.00 CRM8-60 grade Cum 7't 16.00
' PMB - 40 rade Cum 6516.00
5.6.3 Extra rate for carriage of mixed material additional lead I

from :- I Beyond 20 Km Cum per Km 2.60

Item No. Item Oescription Rate (Rs.)
I Un,t
5.7 Providing and laying bituminous conq.rete as per design
mix on prepared surface with specified graded stone as
per table 500-17 for weanng course including loading of
aggregate with Front end loader and hot mixing of binder
(including cost of anti-stripping compound, wherever
required) and 3% cement filler with aggregates in hot mix
plant 40$0 TPH Transporting the mix material wath tipper
and laying with sensor paver finisher (as per clause
507.3.5) to the required level grades and rolling with
vibratory compactor and pneumalic tyred roller 150-250
KN.TP=o.7 Mpa. to achieve the desired density (approved
by the deparlment) exclud;ng cost of primer/tack coat
(MoRTH Specification : Clause -509 & 112)
5.7 .1 Grading I (19 mm nominal size) - Bitumen @ minimum
5.20o/o ol mix & thickness 50 - 65 mm with lead of mix
material 20 km
5.7 .'t .1 60/70 grade VG 30 Cum 6743 00
5.7 .1.2 CRM8-60 grade Cum 7270.00 PMB - 40 qrade i cum 6657.00
5.7 .2 Grading ll (13.20 mm nominal size) - Bitumen @ minimum
5.40olo of mix & thickness 30 - 45 mm with lead of mix
material 20km
5.7 .2.1 60r/0 grade VG 30 Cum 7591.00 CRM8-60 qrade Cum 7677 .00
5.7 .2.3 PMB - 40 grade Cum 7120.00
5.7.3 Extra rate for carriage of mixed material addilional lead
from :-
Beyond 20 Km Cum per Km 2.60

Providing and laying surface dressing as wearing course
consisting of a layer of bituminous binder of 60r/0 grade
as per Table 500-20,500-21 (lncluding cost of anti-stripping
compound. wherever required) laid on the prepared
surface, followed by a cover of crushed stone chipping of
specified size (may be pre-coated also) & rolling with
power roller 8-10 T IMoRTH Specification : Clause 510 &
5.8.1 19 mm nominal chipping size @ 0.015 cum per Sqm & sqm 66.C0
Bitumen @ 1.2 Kg per Sqm
5.8.2 13 mm nominal chipping size @ 0.01 cum per Sqm & sqm 54.00
Bitumen @ '1.0 Kg per Sqm
5.8.3 mm nominal chipping size @ 0.008 cum per Sqm & sqm 49.00
Bitumen @ 0.9 Kq per Sqm
5.9 Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20mm
thick (compacted) on prepared surface in a single course
as wearing course composed of specified graded crushed
aggregates as per Table 500-23, heating bituminous binder
@ 1a.6 Kg/10 Sqm (60/70 grade) and aggregates in Hot
Mix Plant (including cost of anti-stripping compound ,
wherever required). transporting the mixed material with
tipper and laying with paver finisher to the required level
and grade, rolling with power roller, 8-10 tonne but
excluding cost of tack and seal coat with lead for mix of
material 20 Km.[MoRTH Specification : Clause 511 & 112]

Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)

2018 a) ln Hot Mix'Plant 40€0 TPH, includang loading of Sqm 98 00
aggregates with Front end loader bitumen 60r/0 grade VG
I b) ln Hot Mix Plant 40-60 TPH, including loading of sqm 103 00
aggregates with Front end loader bitumen crumb rubber
modified bitumen- CRMB 60 a) ln mini Hot Mix Plant 6-10 TPH bitumen 60r/0 grade sqm 93.00
VG 30 b) ln mini Hot Mix Plant 6-10 TPH crumb rubbcr modified sqm 98.00
bitumen- CRMB 60
5.1 Providing and laying2omm thick Mix Seal Surfacing on a
prepared surface in a single course composed of specified
graded crushed aggregates as per table (500-26) premixed
with bituminous binder (including cost of antistripping
compound , wherever required) wath lead of mixed material
up to 1 Km. IMoRTH Specification: Clause 512 & 112\ ln a
hot mix plant 40-60 TPH with Front end loader, laying with
paver finisher transporting the mixed material up to lead of
20 km by tipper and rolling with power roller 8-10 tonne to
achieve density approved by the department, but
excluding cost of tack coat.

5.10.1 a) Type 'A" (22 Kg. binder per 10 Sqm) bitumen 60r/0 Sqm 129.00
qrade VG 30
5.10.2 b) Type 'A" (22 Kg. Binder per 10 Sqm) crumb rubber sqm 135 00
modified bitumen- CRMB 60
5.10.3 a) Type "8" (19 Kg. Binder per 10 Sqm) bitumen 60r/0 sqm 1 16.00
grade VG 30
5.10.4 b) Type "8" (19 Kg. Binder per 10 Sqm) crumb rubber sqm 121 00
modified bitumen- CRMB 60
5.11 Providing and laying seal coat for sealing the voids in a sqm 51 00
bituminous surface laid to the specified levels, grade and
cross fall, including cleaning and rolling with a smooth
wheeled roller 8 - 10 tonne capacity finished to required
level and grades, complete as per MoRTH specification
clause 513 Type A - comprising of 11.2 mm to 2.36 mm
size aggregate @ 0.09 Cum pe|lo Sqm and bitumen
/ 10 Sqm complete.
binder @ 9.8 Kq
5.1 1.1 Providing and applying premix seal coat type "8" sqm 39 00
comprising of thin applacation of fine aggregate (0.06 cum
per 10 Sqm) premix with 6.8 Kgs. Per 10 Sqm bitumen
binder (Grade 60/70) (including cost of anti-stripping
compound wherever required) ln mini hot mix plant 6-10
TPH and laying with mechanical paver and rolling with
power roller 8-10 tonne including all lead of mix material (
MoRTH Specificataons Clause 5'13)
5.11.3 Providing and laying premix seal coat using hot mix plant
and paver finisher with aggregates of 6.7mm size defined
as 100o/o passing through 1 1.20mm sieve and retained on
2.36mm sieve with 0.09 cum per '10 Sqm and
4.s%bitumen including preparation and transportation of
mix, spreading, laying and rolling etc. complet-- in all
respecl includinq cost of binder.
with lead of mix material 1km
5.1'l .3.1 60t7 0 qrade VG 30
T sqm
55 00
Item No Itern Oescription I Rate (Rs.)
Unit I
sqm -
5.1',t.3.2 CRM8-60 grade
5.12 Providing and laying 25 mm thick mastic asphalt wearing sqm 487 .O0
course with paving grade bitumen (PMB - 40) meetrng the
requiremenls grven rn Table 500-29. prepared by usrng
mastic cooker and laid to required level and slope after
cleaning the surface, including providing anti- skid surface
with bitumen pre-coated fine grained hard stone chapping
of 13.2 mm nominal size at the rate of 0 005 cum per 10
Sqm and at an approximate spacing of 10 Cm center to
center in both directions, pressed into surface when the
temperature of surfaces is nol less than '1000 C. protruding
1 mm to 4 mm over mastic surface, all complete as
MoRTH specification Clause 515.

5.1 3 Providing and laying slurry seal consisting of a mixture

flne aggregates, Portland cement filler, bituminous
emulsion and water (as per Table 500-33) on a road
surface including cleaning of surface, mixing of slurry seal
in a suitable mob,ie plant, laying and compacting to
provide even riding surface as per MoRTH specification
clause 516. complete in all respect as directed by Engi
in Ch
5.13.1 5 mm thickness rolling by Pneumatic tyred roller with sqm 38.00
individual wheel load not exceeding 1.5 tonne
5.13.2 3 mrn thickness sqm 26.00
5-13.3 1.5 mm thickness sqm 16 00
5.14 Recycling pavement by cold milling of existing bituminous Cum 4980 00
layers, planning the surface after cold milling, reclaiming
excavated material lo the extent of 30 percent of the
required quantity, hauling and stock pilling the reclaimed
material near the central recycling plant after carrying out
necessary checks and evaluation, adding fresh matenal
including re.iuvenators as required, mixing in a hot mix
plant. transporting and laying at site and compacting to the
required grade, level and thickness, all as specifled in
MoRTH Specifications Clause 517.

5.15 Providing and applying low viscosity bitumen emulsion for sqm 21 .00
sealing cracks less than 3 mm wide or incipient fretting or
disintggration in an existing batuminous surfacing as per
MoRTH specification clause 518 complete as directed by
Enqineer in Charqe
5.16 Providing , laying and rolling of bituminous cold mix on
prepared base consisting of a mixture of unheated mineral
aggregate ( as per Table - 500 - 36) and binder (as p
Table - 500 - 37). including mixing in a plant of suitable
lype and capacity, transporting, laying by hydrostatic paver
flnisher with sensor control, compacting by Pneumatic
tyred roller 12-15 tonne & Smooth wheeled steel roller 6-8
tonne and finishing to specified grades and ievels as per
MoRTH specification clause 519 complete as directed by
Engineer in Charge.

5.16- 1 bilumen ernulsion 9.5mm to 13.2mm nominal size ate Cum 6850.00

Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)

5.16.',|.2 1gmm to 26.5mm nominal size aqgregate Cum 6844.00
5.16.2 Us in cutback bitumen
5.1 6.2.1 9.5mm to 13.2mm nominal size aggregate Cum 4342.00 1gmm to 2e smm nominal srze aggregate Cum 4321 .00
5.17 Providing, laying and rolling sand-asphalt base course (as Cum 5204.00
per Table 500-42) composed of sand (as per Table 500-
41), mineral filler @ 2o/o and bituminous btnder @ 4o/o
60tl0 bitumen grade on a prepared sub- grade or sub-base
to the lines, levels, grades and cross- sections as per the
drawings including mixing in a plant of suitable type and
capacity, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with
paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment,
rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem roller to
achieve the desired density (approved by the department)
for 'l Km. lead & including cost of anti-stripping compound
wherever required as per MoRTH specification clause 520
complete in all respect.

5.18 Providing and laying of a stress absorbing membrane over

a cracked road surface, after cleaning with a mechanical
broom, using modified binder complying with Clause 521,
spreading aggregate with hydraulic chip spreader,
sweeping lhe surface for uniform spread of aggregates and
surface tinished to conform to Clause 902 compacting by
smooth wheeled roller and as per MoRTH specification
clause 522 complete as directed by Engineer in Charge.

5.18.1 Crack width below 6mm using modifled binder (PMB - 40) sqm 45.00
@ gKg. Per 10 Sqm crushed stone aggregate 0.11 Cum
per'10 Sqm.
5.18.2 Crack width 6mm to gmm using modified binder (PIvlB - sqm 53.00
40) @ 11 Kg. Per 10 Sqm crushed stone aggregate 0.12
Cum per 10 Sqm.
5.1 8.3 Crack width above gmm using modified binder (PMB - 40) sqm 71.OO
@ 15 Kg. Per 10 Sqm crushed stone aggregate 0.12 Cum
per 10 Sqm
s.19 Providing and laying a bitumen impregnated geotextile sqm 552.00
layer after cleaning the road surface, geotextile conforming
to requirements of clause 703.3, laid over a tack coat with
1.05 kg per sqm of paving grade bitumen 80 100 -
penetration and constructed to the requirement of clause
5.2 Providing and laying of premix of crushed stone
aggregates (as per Table 500 - 40) and emulsion binder,
mixed in a batch type cold mixing plant. laid over prepared
surface, by hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control,
rolled with a pneumatic tyred roller initially and finished
with a smooth steelwheel roller . all as per Clause 519.3

5.20.1 75 mm thickness comprising 40mm nominal size Cum 4297 .00

aqqreqate and emulsion @ 45 Liter. Per tcnne
5.20.2 40 mm tlrickness comprising l4 mm nominal size Cum 5881 .00
aqqreqate and emulsion @ 70 Liter. Per tonne
5.20.3 25 mm thickness comprising 6 mm nominal size aggregate Cum 6770.00
and emulsion @ 85 Liter. Per tonne

Item No Item Oescription Rate iRs.)

5.21 Spraying of bilumen over cleaned dry surface of crushed Sqm 16 00
cement concrete base at the rate of 25Kg per 10 Sqm by
a bitumen pressure distributor. spreading of key
iggregates at the rate of 013 cum per 10 Sqm by a
mechanical gritter and rolling the surface as per Clause
5.22 Cost of bitumen to be added / subtracted when it varies
from job mix formula adopted in any of the above ilems. I

5.22.1 80/'100 Penetration grade VG10 tonne 34000 00

5.22.2 60/70 Penetration grade VG 30 tonhe 35000.00
5.22.3 CRMB 60 Modified grade tonne 37000.00
5.22.4 PMB 40 Modified qrade tonne 32700 00
5.22.5 Bitumen Emulsion Rapid RS-'l for tack coat tonne 35907.00
5.22.6 Cationic Emulsion SS-2 for Fog seal, crack seal, slurry tonne 37946.00
seal, premix seal coat
5.22.7 Cutback Bitumen MC800 tonne 65797.00
5.22.8 Bitumen Emulsion Rapid RS-2 for Surface dressing, tonne 42676.00
Grouting and Penelralion macadam
5.22.9 Bitumen Emulsion (medium) MS for Patch work, 20mm tonne 44401 00
5.22.10 Bitumen Emulsion (slow) SS-1 for Prime coat- tonne 62020.00
WIIIMM/BM surface

Deduct the amount of cleaning in item no 4 & 5 if same

is not provided as per item no I & 2
5.23 Providing and laying of Chelmac PR mix for repair of kg 27
roads in adverse climate condations on the prepared
surface, cleaning with hydruling laying in proper camber
and grade with regular size compaction with hand
rammer/road roller and transportation, with all lead and -lift
complele in all respect as per directions of Engineer in
5.24 Labour charges only for laying of Chelmac PR mix kq 3.30
5.25 Providing and laying 25 mm thick mastic asphalt wearing Sq rn 779 00
course with paving grade bitumen meeting the
requirements given in table 500-1, prepared by using
mastic cooker and laid to required level and slope after
cleaning the surface. including providing antiskid surface
wilh bitumen precoated finegrained hard stone chipping of
13.2 mm nominal size at the rate of 0.005cum per 10 sqm
and at an approximate spacing of 10 cm center lo center in
both directions, pressed into surface when lhe temperature
of surfaces is not less than 1000C. protruding 'l mm to 4
mm over mastic surface. all complete as per clause 5'16.
Rate (Rs.)
Item No. Item Description Unit
5.1 Construction of dry lean cement concrete Sub- base over a Cum 2209 00
preparcd sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate
conforming to lS. 383, the size of coarse aggregate not
exceeding 25 mm. aggregate cement ratio not to exceed
15:1. aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table
600-1, cement content not to be less than 150 k9/ cum,
oplimum moisture content to be determined during trial
length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10
Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transporled to site,
laid with a paver with electronic sensor. compacting with 8-
10 tonnes vibratory roller, iinishing and curing.

6.2 Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement

concrele pavement over a prepared sub t ase with 43 grade
cement @ 400 kg per cum, coarse and fine aggregate
conforming to lS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate
not exceeding 25 mm. mixed in a batching and mixing plant
as per approved max design, transported to site, laid with a
fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacled and
finished in a continuous operation including provision of
contraction. expansion, conslruction and longitudinal loints,
joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint
sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as
approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as
per drawing
6.2.1 CC desig n mix qrade M30 Cum 5984.00
6.2.2 CC desiqn mix qrade M40 Cum 6104 00
6.2-3 CC design mrx grade M50 Cum 6226.00
6.3 Conslruction of rolled cement concrete base course with Cum 2562 00
coarse and fine aggregate conforming to lS:383, the size of
coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm- with minimum,
aggregate cement ratio l5:1 and minimum cement content of
200 kg/cum, aggregate gradation to be as per table 600'4
after blending, mixing in batching plant at optimum moislure
content, transporting to site, laying with a paver with
electronic sensor. compacting with 8-10 tonnes smooth
wheeled vabratory roller to achieve, the designed flexural
strength. finrshing and curing
6.4 Construction of Base/sub-base using cement, sand, fly ash Cum 2186 00
and coarse aggregates proportioned as per table 4 of IRC:
7411979 and with water content ratio, slump and
compressive strength as defined in the said table, mix
prepared in a batching and mixing plant and compacted with
a vibratory roller 8-10 tonnes capacity within lhe time limit
laid down vide clause 7.6.3 of IRC: 74-1979. construction
joints property formed at the end of day's work, cured for 14
days, all as specified in IRC: 74-'1979 and as per approved
Rate (Rs.)
Item No. I
Item Description Unit ' 2018
6.5 Construction reinforced-reinforced, dowel jointed. plain
cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with
43 grade cement, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to
lS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25
mm, replacing cement by fly asl, to the extent of 15 per cent
and sand by 10 per cent. mixed in a batchang and mixing
plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid
with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread. compacted and
finished in a continuous operation including provision of
contraction, expansion. construction and longitudinal ioints.
joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer. joint
sealant, debonding slip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as
approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as
per drawinq
6.5.'l CC desiqn mix grade M30 Cum 5608.00
6.5.2 CC desiqn mix qrade M40 Cum 5720 00
6.5.3 CC desiqn mix grade iil50 Cum 5834.00


Rate (Rs.)
Item No. Item Description Un it
7.1 Construction of sub surface drain 200 mm Dia using RIVI 3077.00
geotextiles treated with carbon black with physical
properties as given in clause 702.2.3 formed in to a stable
network and a plana( geocomposate structure. joints
wrapped with geotextile lo prevent ingress of soil, all as
per clause 7O2 a d approved drawings including
excavation and backfillang
7.2 Construction of a narrow fllter sub- surface drain R I\,1 1267 .OO
consisling of porous or perforated pipe laid an narrow
trench sunounded by a geotextile filter fabric, wilh a
minimum of 450 mm overlap of fabric and installed as per
clause 702.3 and 309.3.5 including excavation and
7.3 Providing and laying paving fabric with physical sqm 326.00
requirements as per table 704-2 over a tack coat of paving
grade Bitumen 80-100 penetrataon, laid at the rate of 1 kg
per sqm over thoroughly cleaned and repaired surface to
provide a water resistant membrane and crack retarding
layer. Paving fabric to be free of wnnkling and folding and
to be laid before cooling of tack coat. brooming and rolling
of sur{ace with pneumatic roller to maximise paving fabric
contact with pavement surface

7.4 Providing, preparing and laying ol geogrid crated apron 1 Cum 2 306.00
m x 5 m, 600 mm thick including excavation and
backlilling with baffles at 1 metre interval. made with
geogrids having characteristics as per clause 704.2,
joining sides with connectors/ring staples, top corners to
be tie tensioned, placing of suilable cross interval ties in
layers of 300 mm connecting opposite side with lateral
braces and tied with polymer braids to avoid bulging.
constructed as per clause 704.3. filled with stone with
minrmum srze ot 2OO mm and specrfic gravity not less than
2.65. packed with stone spalls. keyed to the foundation
recess in case of sloping ground and lard over a layer of
qeotextile to prevent migration of fines all as per clause
704 and laid as per clause 2503.3 and approved design.

7.5 Assembling, joining and laying of reinforcing elements

Etc. complete as per MoRTH specification clause 3102 in:

7.5-1 Type A - Wth reinforcing element of steel / Aluminum

strips / polymeric strips. Using

7 .5.1.1 l.Galvanised carbon steel strips RI\,{ 310.00 2.Copper strips RIM 469.00 l3.,Aluminlum strips RM 398.00

I 4.Stainless steel strips RM 425.00

I Rate (Rs.)
Item No. Item Description. Unit
7.5_'l .5 s.Glass reinforced polymerffiber reinforced RM 277 .00
polymer/polymeric strips

7.5.2 Type B - Wth reinforcang elements of synthetic aeogrids sqm 607.00

using Facing elements of RCC sqm 1082 00

: lrr&
Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)
8.1 Supplying and f ixing pre casl R.C.C. stones (M- 15 mix)
using one percent steel reinforcement, including finishjng in
cement sand mortar 1:3. earthwork, cement concrete 1:4:8
engraving letters and numerals, painting r rith enamel paint
etc. complete as per IRC standard design.
8.1.1 Km. Stone for NH, SH & MDR ( size 35 x'| 10x25 cm) Each 1737 .00
8.1 .2 5th Km. Stone ( size 50 x'152x25 cm) Each 2845.00
8.1 .3 200 Meter slone ( size 15 x10x65 cm) Each 500 00
8.1 .4 Boundary stone ( size 15cm Dia at top & 20 cm Dia at Each 467.00
bottom & 90 cm high )
8.1.5 Guide stone ( size 20 x15x120 cm) Each 500.00
8.2 S & F cut stone including earthwork, cement concrete 1:4:8
engraving letters and numerals, as per IRC standard design:

8.2.',| Km, Stone for NH. SH & MDR ( size 35 x110x25 cm Each 1928.00
8.2.2 5th Km. Stone ( size 50 x152.5x25 cm) Each 3158.00
8.2.3 200 Meter stone ( size 15 x15x90 cm) Each 555 00
8.2 4 Boundary stone ( size 15xl5x90cm) Each 518 00
Guide stone ( size 20 x15x120 cm) Each 555 00
83 Construclion of cemenl concrete kerb with top and bottom
width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high in M 20
grade PCC on M-10 grade foundation 150 mm thick,
foundation having 50 mm projection beyond kerb stone,
kerb stone laid with kerb laying machine, foundation
concrete laid manually, all complete as per clause 408

8.3.1 Usi Kerb ln machrne

8.3.1 .1 Usinq concrete mixture RM 236.00
8 3 1.2 Using Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant RM 203.00
8.3.12 Cast in Situ Cement Concrete M 20 Kerb with Channel T Using concrete mixture R[/ 435.00
Using Concrete Batching and lvlixing Plant R[/ 379.00
8.3a S & F cement concrete pre cast Kerb or Dand up to 60 cm
length over 20 mm thick base of cement mortarl:4 including
jointing earth work, pointing & jointing with cement mortar
1:4 of size lncluding cost of M- 20 Mix Dand/Kerb Complete

8 3.1 10 x '15 cm l\ilt r 109.00

8.3 2 15 x 15 cm Mtr 163.00
833 20x20cm Mtr 289.00
8.3.4 20x25cm Mtr 361.00
(20 x 25)/2 x 30 cm liltr 486 00
8.3.6 (20.5 x 25)12 x 30 cm lvltr. 494.0C
8.3b Fixing of cement concrete pre cast Kerb or Dand up to 60
cm length over 20 mm thick base of cement mortarl:4
including iointing earth work, pointing & jointing with cemeni
ff,otla( 1.4 of size Labour for fixing only

8.3.1 10 x 15 cm Mtr 13.00

Item No Item Description Rate (Rs.) I
2018 I

8.3.2 15 x 15 cm [4tr 13.00

20x20cm Mtr '16.00
8.3.4 20x25cm Mtr. 16 00
8 3.5 (20 x 25\D x 30 cm t\4rr 21 00
8.3.6 (20.5 x 25)/2 x 30 cm Mtr 21 00
8.4 Fixing of cut stone/Precast R.C.C. stones with loading
unloading & Transportation to its fixing site including earth
work & cement concrete (1:4:8) letter and numerals,
Painting with enamel paint etc. foundation as per
IRC/MoRTH specifications complete (excluding the cost of
Cut stones/R.C.C. Precast stones)
L4.1 Km Stone for NH, SH & ODR Each T 42300
I sA2 5th Km Stone
200 Meter Stone
626 00
8.4 4 Boundary/Guide Stone Each 167.00
8.5 deleted T--------r------

Supply of mandatory / regrrlatory reflective sign board fixed
r |-
on 3 meter long Angle lron of size 65x65x6 mm complete
as per IRC-67-1977 made of 2 mm thick M.S. sheet stove
enameled paint and reflective symbol. Comp. in all respect
duly post painted in alternate band of Blackwhite synthetic
enamel paint & hold fast at bottom

8.6.1 Stop siqns with definition plate size 30x20 cm

8.6.1 .2 90 cm Octagon each Each 1760 00
8.6.1 .3 60 cm Octagon each Each 1427 00
8.6.2 Give way signs with definition plate size 30x20 cm
8 6.2.1 90 cm equilateral trianqle Each 1467 00
8.6.2 2 60 cm equiiateral triangle Each 1272 00
863 Prohibitory siqns of circular shape
do J I 60 cm Dia Each 1467.00 40 cm Dia Each 1272.00
8.7 Mandatory/ Regulatory retro reflective sign boards 60 cm Each 7146.O0
Dia made out of 2.0 mm lhick aluminum sheet riveled on a
frame of 40X40X3mm angle lron, face to be fully covered
by whitd blue high intensity grade retro reflective sheeting
with Red/while symbol, cut out or screen printed back
ground with epoxy paint. confirming to MoRTH
specifications. (1995) Cl. 801 with angle iron post 65x65xo
mm 3 M long. Comp. in all respect duly post painted in
alternate band of Black/Vvhite synthetic enamel paint & hold
fast at bottom
8.8 Supplying cautionary / Warning Reflectave sign boards
made out of 2 mm thick M.S. sheet as per IRC 47-1977,
stove enameled and reflective symbol fixed on Angle lron of
siz-- 65 x 65 x 6mm of 3 meter long :
8.8.1 90 cm equilateral triangle Eacn 1467.00
8.8.2 Guarded/unguarded Railway Crossing with definition plate

90 cm. equilateral triangle I Each 1858.00

Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)
2018 .

8.9 Supplying cautionary / warning sign board 90 cm equilateral Each 6661 00

triangle made out of 2.0 mm thick aluminum sheet riveted
on a frame of 40X40X3mm angle lron. face to be fully
covered by white / blue high antensity grade retro reflective
sheetin.o wilh Red/white symbol. cut out or screen printed
background with epoxy paint complete confirmi,)g to
MoRTH specifications (1995) Cl. 801 wrth angle iron post 65
x 65 x 6 mm. Comp. rn all respect duly post parnted in
alternate band of Black/White synthetic enamel paint & hold
fast at bottom
8.10 Supplying informatory reflective sign boards make of 2mm
thick M.S.sheet, stove enameled paint as per IRC€7-1977
fixed on Angle lron of size 65 x 65 x 6 mm of 3 meter long.
Comp. in all respect duly post painted in alternate band of
Black/White synthetic enamel paint & hold fast at bottonl

8.10.1 80 x 60 mm wiih size of square 40 cm Each 1565.00

8.10.2 60 x 45 cm with size of square 30 cm Each 1369.00
8.11 Supplying lnformatory sign board size 60x80 cm. made out Each 7822 00
of 2.0 mm thick aluminum sheet riveted on a lrame of
40X40X3mm angle lron, face to be fully covered by white /
blue high intensity grade retro reflective sheeting with
Redhvhite symbol, cut out or screen printed background
with epoxy paant, complete confirming to MoRTH
specifications (1995) cl. 801 with angle iron post 65 x 65 x 6
mm.3 Mtr. Long. Comp. in all respect duly post parnted in
alternate band of Black/White synthetic enamel paint & hold
fast at bottom
8.12 lnslallation of sign board having the post like mandatory Each 343.00
cautionary & informatory board includes excavation, cement
concrele 1:5:'10 (30X30X60) cm and transportation
8.13 Supplying route Marker reflective sign boards consisting of Each 1565.00
shield marked on M.S. flat 14 gauge of size 60 x 45 cm and
definition plate of 30 x 25 cm. 14 gauge. fixed on mild steel
posts of Angle lron of 65X65X6mm - 3mtr.long for NH/SH:
Comp. in all respect duly post painted in alternate band oi
Black/White synthetic enamel paint & hold fast at bottom

8. t4 Supply of flood gauge(water Gauge) as per lR.C. 67 Each 1467 00

standard 200 cm long fixed on angle iron posts 50x50x6
mm, 2.6 M. long.
8.15 Fixing ot flood gauge (water Gauge) in cement concrete M- Each 4 10.00
15 mix size 30x30x60 cm. complete including transportation
excavation etc. complete
8.16 Supplying of Cat's Eye made of aluminum alloy size Each 273.00
75x1oox22 mm having 21 biconvex lenses embedded in
circular disc of ABS plastic on each side.
Item No Item Oescr;ption Rate (Rs.) '
8.17 Solar Rarsed Pavement Markers.'As per ASIM D 4280 & Each 1664.00
ASTM D 788 SrJpply & lnstallatron of
Solar Raised
Pavement Markers maoe of Alumrntum Alloy Body with
Squre shape. solar powered LED self rllumination in active
mode. The solar stud marker shall support a load of 25000,
kg tested in accordance to ASTM D 4280. The marker
should be resistant to dust and water ingress according to
lS: 1 2063:1987 standard and should withstand lemperatures
in e of to 75'C Color of lighting could be provided in
red or yellow (ambeo as per requirement and typical
frequency blinking is zHz. There should be super bright
LEDS (one gach side with over 5000 (Milicandle) luminous
intensity) and its visibilty should not less than looometer
distance in night. The Height. width and length of the
marker shall be less than 20mm,125mm, 125mm and it
should have one cylinder type shank 30mm + / - 2mm and
length of shank should be 60mm +'l-smm. Fixing will be by
drilling holes on the road for the shanks ,to 90 inside,
without nails and using epoxy resin based adhesive

8.18 Raised Payment Marker (Cats Eye): Supplying and Fixing Each
of Molded Shank Raised Pavement Markers made of ABS
Moulded body and Polycarbonate Reflective panels with
Micro Prismatic Lens capable of providing total internal
reflection of the Iight entering the lens face and shall
support a load of 35000 Krlcgram tested rn accordance to
ASIM D 4280 & ASTM D 788. The Heiqht oI Road Stud rs
20mm. Width 1OOmm. Length lOOmm and minimum
refleclive area ol 13 sqcm on each side.The Strength of
detachment of the integrated cylender shank not less than
14+!2mm (Thickness) and height not less than 30+ 2mm
from the body. Fixing will be by drilling holes on the road for
the shanks to go inside, without nails and using epory resin
based adhesive

8.1 9 Traffic Safety Cones: As per IRC: SP 55-2014.- The supply Each 1 152.00
of Plastic Road Safety Cones should me made of Linea
Lcr Density Poly Ethylene (LLDPE) & Ethylene Vinyl
Acetate (EVA) Polymer color Red! Orange The Height,
square base and Weight should be as 950mm, 400mm and
6000 gram or 6kg with two no. (Width l50mm & 100mm)
Fluorescent Reflective Band. One White Reflective Band
wide 150mm should located at 75 to 100mm from the top of
the Safety Cones and an additional 100mm wide white
fluorescent band should be located approximately at
150mm below from the 150 band. The Base of Safety cones
should be rubber molded. There should be an option for
chain connection slot at Top of the Traffic Cone to barricade
rc area
Item No. ftem Description Rate (Rs.)
8.20 Traffic Safety Cones. As per IRC: SP 55-2014.- The supply Each 765.00
of Plastic Road Safety Cones should me made of Linear
Low Density Poly Ethylene (LLDPE) & Ethylene Vinyl
Acetate (EVA) Polymer color Red! Orange. The Height,
squre base and Weight should be as 750mm, 385mm a'rd
4700 gram oi 4.7k9 with 6" Fluorescenl Reflective Band.
One White Reflective Band wide 150mm should located
Safety Cones The tsase of Safety cones shoulo be PVC
molded There should be an option for chain connectiong
slot at Top of the Trafffic Cone to barricade specific area.

8.21 Flexible Spring Post: As per IRC: SP: 55-2014 Supply and Each 1496 00
fixing of Fully Flexible Spring Post! Flexible Delineator
made of Poly Urethane. The color should be orange! red.
The Height. Pole Dia, Base Dia should not less than
900mm,80mm 200mm with weight of 1300 gram (l.3kg).
There should be four (04) High lntensity Prismatic reflective
bands with size of 75mm each and it should be fixed on
50mm from the top of Post then second 75mm band should
be located at 50mm from '1st band and so on. There should
be chain connecting slot available at top of Post. The Fully
Flexible Spring Post! Flexible Delinealor shall be fixed on
the surface of Road by drilling holes and should use
Fastenerl Bolt (size 10mm thickness and 100mm length)

8.22 Flexible Hazard Marker Post: As per IRC:SP 55-2014- The Each 2099 00
supply and fixing of rully flexible spring post made of Poly
urethane (PU) in orange/red colour. The height of flexible
spring post should not be less than 750mm and base should
not be less than 200mm and weight should not be less than
1500 gram Reflective area of flexible post should be width
100mm X Length 400mm with t\/o nos. (2nos) white colour
High lntensity Prismalic Tape both side of the posl. The
fixing/ lnstallation will be by drilling holes on the road and
post should be fixed by the bolts size (1omm thickness and
length 100mm)
Rumble Strips: As per MORTH Circular No. RWNH Each 704.00
33037/01/2016 S&R (R) Dated 29.08.20'16: Supply and
installation of Plastic Rumble Strip made of Poly Ethylene
Material with rectangular shape in HE)(ACORE DESIGN.
The size of rumble strips should be Length 500mm Width
200mm and Height 15mm vrith Loading Capacity/
Compressive Strength 25 Ton. The High lntensity Prismatic
tapes colour red/yellow should fixed on lhe core of Rumble
strip for night vision. Fixing will be by drilling holes on the
road with nails (size 8mm thickness and length 75mm) and
using epoxy resin bas€d adhesive
Item No. Item Oescription Rate (Rs.)
Unit I
8.24 Roadways lndicatord. Dehneators (As per IRC 79-1981) Each 989.30 I
I Supply-and lnstallation of Roadway lndicator! Dehneator
Post not less than 8000mm High above ground level. The
Roadway lndicator! Delineator should be made of 16 Gauge
Metal (M.S.) sheet with Reclangular Shape size 25mm X
68mm and Length should be 1000mm. The Roadway
lndicator! Delinealor should b€ painted allernately in 15 CM
wide strips with Black and white paint both side On the top I

of Roadway lndicator! Delineator shall have a Rectangular

yellow color Reflector made of PE Plastic with HIP Tape.
Plastic Reflector Size should be as: thickness 35mm X
width 100mm X length 125mm and the High lntensity
Prismatic Tape, color whitel red! yellow should be both side
as: length 100mm X Width 75mm. The fixing of the
roadways delineator by drilling holes on the road and
munimum 200mm of Delineator should be fixed inside the
hole by filling concrete cement mixed etc and complete
direction byengineer.

8.25 Supply of Traffic Cone made out of 1.25 mm thick MS. Each 1760.00
Sheet, height 1 meter having upper Dia, I cm, and lower
dia.30 cm. with base plate of size 40x40 cm two hooks are
to be provided for linking M.S. steel chain 12 mm Dia.
whole body is processed in orange stoving enamel paint
and one reflective band of 200 mm on it, complete in all
respect with one chain 3 M long with each cone.
8.26 Supplying of men at work sign board (folding type) made of Each 1643 00
1.25 mm thick M.S. sheet size 900x900x900 mm painted in
white stove enameled paint and reflective machine cut
sheet Men's emblem and letter MEN AT WORK in red
of size '150x900 mm
colours and additional attachment
plate for gang number and name with white stoving
enameled back ground both plates are fixed on a folding
stand of M.S. (heavy) steel lube of size '13.2 mm outer dia
as per lS-1239 (part-l) 1979 duly painted in grey colour and
both the plates are painted on back side in grey enamel
8.27 Supply of 'L'type Bollard made oul of 1.25 mm thick M.S. €ach 1956 00
sheet height 134 cm. welded in circular type ring section
having upper Dia 15 cm. and lower Dia 21 cm wilh another
attachment of 15x15 cm circular section with 15 cm. face
plate and hold fast at bottom, whole body is processed in
white stoving enamel and red reflective 3 hands, each of
7.5 cm end one reflective sheet of 15 cm. dia provided to it
complete in all respect
Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)
8.28 sup-pryor swiss iype Bollard made out of 1.25 mm thick Each 2250.O0
M.S. sheet, total height 135 cm, the lo!,r,er portion is made in
tapered circular section having upper dia 15 cm and lower
dia 20 cm with attachment of one mandatory plate 7 mm
thick & fixed wittr the help of 7 cm long, 30mm dia chrome
plated M.S. tube this part is fixed on the body wath another
attachment of a cap 30x7 cm. whole body is processed in
black stoving enamel and mandatory plate in Azure biue,
with one compulsory keep left arrow with '10mm border
reflective strip each of 7.5 cm on body complete in all
.l800x1200 mm
829 Supply of Retro-reflective sign boards size Each 43026.00
made out of 2 mm thick aluminum sheet duly framed with
40 mm M.S. black tube (Medium Class) as per lS-1239
(Part-l) 1979 wilh lnner support of M.S. flat 12x3 mm lvhole
structure is fixed with two supports each side 75 mm long
and 40 mm M.S. black tube on two posls of 60 mm dia
M.S. brack tube (Medium class) as per 1239 (Part-l ) 1979
2.03 meter long each and also provision of hold fasts of
M.S. bars 12 mm and 25 cm long two on each post. The
sheet has to be stove enameled or epoxy painting one side
and other side Green/ blue retro-reflective high intensity
with White Retro reflective sheet. The letlers and numerals
have to be made as per IRC 30-1968 and the board shall be
conformed to the MoRTH specification (1995 edition clause
801) Post and outer frame of board to be painted with black
and white strips of synthetic enamel paint with black and
white strips.

8.3 Supply of Hazard Marker made out of 2 mm thick M.S. Each 783.00
sheet size 300x300x3 mm framed with angle iron 25x25x3
mm and fixed on channel posts 75x40x6 mm and hold fast
at bottom whole body is painted in while stoving enamel
and 6 Nos.. 5 cm dia reflective sheet on white reflective
background with additional border of 1.25 cm all around it

8.31 Supply of Swiss type of Hazard marker, made out of 2 mm Each 1077 .00
thick M.S. sheet size of box is 15x15 cm with hold fast at
bottom, the body is painted in orange sloving enamel paint
with white/high intensity grade micro-prismatic type
sheeting, on all four side.
8.32 P & F Delineator with 30 cm. outer dia RCC Hume pipe NP- Each 617.00
2 (As per lS-458/'1971 ) pipe 1.0 M. Long 40 cm embedded
in cement concrete (1:2:4) block of size 50x50x40 cm.
including excavation up to 40 cm depth. The inside of pipe
shall be filled with C.C ('l.2:4\ stone grit max size 20 mm or
less up to the top with semi circular humping. The pipes
shall be painted white/black with enamel paint with red dols
two Nos. on each side
-do- 15 cm outer dia Each 321 .00
Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)
I Unit
833'1 Supply or Retro-reflective Name Board size 600x900 made Eacn 1 1735.00
out of 2mm thick aluminum sheet fixed on post and frame
made out or angle iron 50x50x6mm, 3M long using
stainless steel nut bolts of 8 mm dia. aluminum sheet is
covered with high intensity grade Retro-reflective sheeting
and non reflective letters in black. post duly painted in black
and white synthetic enamel. cornplete in all respect.
Confirming to MoRTH specifications (1995) c1. 801.

8.33.2 - Do- size 600x1200 mm Each 14104.00

8.33.3 - Do- size 900x900 mm Each 15671 .00
8.33.4 - Do- size 900x1200 mm Each 20371.00
- Do- size 900x1500 mm Each 25075.00
8.33.6 - Do- size 1200x120C mm Each 26640.00
8.34 Supply of Chevron sign of size 75x60 cm made out of Each 5642.00
aluminum sheet 2 mm thick with fixing provision on M.S.
angle iron irosl 50x50x6 mm 3 M long screwed with
stainless steel nut bolts of 8 M dia. plate is covered by high
intensity grade yellow retro-reflective sheeting and black
screen printed arrow on Retro Reflective Sheet, complete in
all respect. Comp. in all respect duly post painted in
alternate band of Black/White synthetic enamel paint & hold
fast at bottom
8.35 Fixing of sign board having two posts including excavation
cement concrete 1 :511 0(30X30X60 cms.) and transportation
complete of size. :
8.35.1 150x120 cm & 120x75 cm Each 623.00
60x75 cm. 90x60 cm. 75x45 cm & 60x45 cm Each 544.00
8.36 Supplying Direction and place identification sign board
made out of 2 mm thick M.S sheet framed to angle iron
40x40x5 mm and two vertical posts of angle iron of size
65x65x6 mm 3 meter long with hold fasts, stove enameled
paint reflective letter symbol Comp in all respect duly post
painted in alternale band of Black/White synthetic enamel
paint & hold fast at bottom

8.36.1 150 x 120 cm Each 44U.00

8.36.2 12O x 75 cm Each 4077 .00
8.35.3 90x75cm Each 2246.00
8.37 Supply of village Name Board size 600x900 mm made out Each 2934.00
of 1.25 mm thick M S. sheet duly framed with 30mm Outer
Oia Mild Steel tube tightened with M S. flat '12x3 mm fixed
on two posts of size 40 mm ODMS tube 3M long whole
board is processed in blue/white stoving enamel paint and
white/red machine cut reflective sheet complete in all
respect posts duly painted with black/white synthetic
Item No Item Description Rate (Rs.)
8.38 Provid rng and fixing 1.2 meters high Gl barbed wire fencing P Rmt 27600
with 1.8 m angle iron posts 40 mm x 40 mm x 6 mm placed
every 3 meters center to center founded in M-'15 graded
cement concrete 30cm.x30cm.x60c'n, 0.6 meter below I

ground level, every 15th post, last but one end post and
corner post shall be strutted on both sides and end post on
one side only and provided with t horizontal lines and 2
diagonals inteMoven with horizontal wires, fixed with Gl

staples, turn buckles etc. complete as per MoRTH

specification Clause 807
8.39 Providing and fixing 1.8 meter high Gl barbed wire fencing P. Rmt 503.00
with 2.4 m angle iron posts 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm placed
every 3 meter center to center founded in M-15 grade
cement concrete 30cm.x30cm.x60cm, 0.6 meter below
ground level, every 15th post, last but one end post and
comer post shall be strutted on both sides and end posl on
one side only and provided with12 horizontal lines and 2
diagonals interuvoven with horizontal wires, fixed with Gl
slaples, turn buckles etc. complete as per MoRTH
specification Clause 807
8.40 Providing 1.20 meter high fencing with angle iron posts 50 P.Rmt 728.OO
mm x 50 mm x 6 mm at 3 meter center to center with 0 40
meter embedded in M-15 grade cement concrete, corner,
end and every 10th post to be strutted, provided with
welded steel wire fabric of 75 mm x 50 mm mesh and fixed
to iron posts by flat iron 50 x 5 mm and bolts etc. complete
in all respects. Welded steel wire fabric 75x50mm mesh @
4 Kg./Sqm 4x30x1.2+5 percent wastage.

I41 Providing. fixing and erecting 50 mm dia tubular steel pipe P.Rmt 1338.00
raiiing as per lS 1239 in 3 rows duly painted on medium
weight steel channels (ISMC series) 100 mm x 50 mm x l.2
meter high above ground, 2 mm centre to centre, complete
as per approved drawings as per MoRTH specification Cl.
8.42 Providing. fixing and erecting 50 mm dia painted tubular P.Rmt 78 00
steel pipe as per lS 1239 railing in 3 rows on precast M-20
grade RCC vertical posts 1.8 meter high (1.2 m above GL)
with 3 holes 5c mm dia for pipe, fixed 2 meter centre to
centre, complete as per approved drawing as per MoRTH
specification clause 808
843 Provision of reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the P.Rmt 2997 .OO
edges of the road, approaches to bridge structures and
medians, constructed with M-20 grade concrete with HYSD
reinforcement conforming to IRC: 21 and dowel bars 25 mm
dia 450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-
moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the structure on which
it is built and installed as per design given in the enclosure
to MoRTH Circular No. RW/ NH- 330221 1l 94-DO lll dated
24th June 1994 as per dimensions in the approved drawing
and at locations directed by the Engineer , all as specified
as per MoRTH specification CI. 809.
Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)
8.M Providing .and erecting a."W" metal beam crash barrier P.RmL
comprising of 3 mm thick corugated sheet metal beam rail. I

70 cm above road/ ground level, fixed on CRC rolled

channel verlical post. 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 mm centre
lo centre. 1.8 m high. 1.'l m below ground / road level, all
steel parts and filments to be galvanized by hot dip process,
all fittings to conform to lS: 1367 and lS: 1364 , metal beam
rail to be fixed on the vertical post with a spacer of channel
section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 330 mm long complete as per
MoRTH specificalion Clause 810.

8.45 Providing and erecting a "Thrie'' melal beam crash barrier P Rmt 4682.00
comprising of 3 mm thick conugated sheel melal beam rail, I

85 Cm above road/ ground level, fixed on ISMC series

channel vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m centre-
to- cenlre, 2 m high with 1.15 m below ground level , all
steel parts and fitments to be galvanized by hot dip process,
all fittings to conform to lS: 1367 and lS: 1364 , melal beam
rail to be fixed on the vertical post wilh a space of channel
section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 546 mm long complete as per
Clause 810.
8.46 eroriOing and erecting a wire rope safety barrier withi P. Rmt 2209 0A
vertrcal posts of medrum weight RS joist (ISMB senes) '1001
mm x 75 mm (11 50 Kgi m) 1.50 m long 0 85 m above]
ground and 0 65 m below ground level. split at the bottom
for better gnp. embedded rn M-15 grade cement concrete
450 x 450 x 450 mm . 1.50 m centre to centre and wilh 4
horizontal steel wire rope 40 mm dia and anchored at
termrnal posts 15 m aparl. Terminal post to be embedded in
M-15 grade cement concrete foundation 2400 x 450 x 900
mm (depth). strengthened by a strut of RS joist 100 x 75
mm, 2 m long at 450 inclination and a tie 100 x 8 mm. '1.50
m long at the bottom, all embedded in foundation concrete
as per approved design and drawing. rate excluding
excavation and cement concrete.
8.47 Providing and erecting anti- glare screen with rectangular P.Rmt 946.00
vanes of size 750 x 500 mm made from MS sheet . 3 mm
thick and fixed on MS angle 50 x 50 x 6 mm at an angle of
450 to the direction of flo/v of traffic, 'l.5 m center to center ,
top edge of the screen 1.75 m above ground level, vertical
post firmly embedded in M-'15 cement concrete foundation
0 60 m below ground level , applying 2 coats of paint on
exposed faces. all complete as per approved design and
drawin S
Item No Item Description Rate (Rs.)
' 8.48 Providing and laying of a reinforced cement concrete pipe
duct, 300 mm daa. across the road (New construction)
extending from drain to drain in cuts and toe of slope to toe
of slope in fills, constructing head walls at both ends.
providing a minimum fill of granular malerial over top and
sides of RCC pipe as per IRC:98-1997 . bedded on a 0.3 m
thick layer of granular material free of rock pieces, outer to
outer distance of pipe at least half dia of pipe subject to
minimum 450 mm in case of double and triple row ducts,
ioints to be made leak proof, invert level of duct to be above
higher than ground level to prevent entry of water and dirt,
all as per IRC: 98- 1997 and approved dra\,vings.

8.48.1 Sinqle row ior one utility service P.Rmt 1006.00

8.48.2 Double row for tlr/o utility services P.Rmt 1 844.00

8.48.3 Three row for three utility services P.Rmt 2823.00

8.49 lnstallation of a steel portable banicade with horizontal rail Each 3290.00
300 mm wide, 2.5 m in length fitted on a "A" frame made
with 45 x 45 x 5 mm angle iron section, '1.5 m in height,
horizonlal rail painted (2 coats) with yellow and white strips .
150 mm in width at an angle of 450 , 'A'frame painted with
2 coats of yellow paint, complete as per IRC: SP:55-2001 .

8.5 Construction of a permanent type barricade made of steel Each 5453 00

components, 1.5 m high from road level, fitted with 3
horizontal rails 200 mm wide and 4 m long on 50 x 50 x 5
mm angle iron vertical support , painted with yellow and
white strips, 150 mm in width at an angle of 450 , complete
as per IRC:SP:55-2001.
8.51 Construction of a permanent type banicade made of Each 10383.00
wooden components, 1.5 m high from road level, fitted with
3 horizontal planks 200 mm wide and 3.66 m long on 100 x
100 mm lrcoden vertical post, painted with yellow and white
strips, 150 mm in width at an angle of 450, complete as per
IRC :SP:55-200'1.
8.52 Construction of a permanent type barricade made wilh brick Each 8860.00
work in mud mortar, 1.5 m high , 4 m long.600 mm thick,
plastered with cement mortar 1:6, painted with yellow and
whitq strips.
8.53 Provision of metal drum/ empty bitumen drum Delineator, Each 422.00
300 mm in diameter, 800 mm high filled wth earth for
stability, painted in circumferential strips of alternate black
and white'100 mm wide fitted with reflectors 3 Nos of 7.5
cm dia, all as per IRC: SP: 55-2001
8.54 Positioning of a smart flagman with a yellow vest and a Each 216.00
yellow cap and a red flag 600 x 600 mm securely fastened
to a slaff 1 m in length for guiding the traffic.
8.55 Fabrication & assembling of over head gantry & cantilever P.Kg 1 0.1 .00
type structure as per drawing & design including steet y,/ork
in built up tubular trusses , cutting / hoisting, bolting & fixing
in position & applying coat of red oxide paint including
special type of nut, bolts( Bolt up to 750 mm ) and washers
complete & finishing with grey enamel paint .
Itern No Item Description Rate (Rs.)
856 Supply of High lntensity retrc reflecting Type lV sign plate P Sqm
made but of 2.0 mm thick aluminum sheet face t6 be fully
covered with blue / green nigh intensity grade retro
reflective sheet and logo/ matters, boarder made of wilh
similar type of white sheeting after etchang treatment of
aluminum sheet . the back srde rs to be painted with epoxy
grey paint. The plale is to be fixed on 40x40x5 mm angle
iron frame with help of aluminum rivets
8.57 Providing and fixing of Precast concrete interlocking blocks
of 60mm thick manufactured from fully computerized
automatic stationery hydraulic vibro pressed machine & full
computerized automalic batching plant of class as per lS:
15658-2006. The C.C. interlocking paving blocks be laid on
average 50mm thick bed of coarse sand and the joint is to
be filled with fine sand. Laying procedure on compacted sub
base as defined. The work includes earth work in cutting of
B/T road, cutting of WBM road and disposal of
unserviceable material with all leads & lifts and stacking of
serviceable material complete job is to be executed as per
lhe instructions of Engineer-in-charge. The rates to be
inclusive of all lead, lifts & taxes General specification of

1. Shape : As specified by Engineer-in-charge

2. Tensile splitting strength and breaking load as per BS
3. Colour: Grey cement natural colour
4. Variation in Dimension : Less than 1.6mm
5. Varialion in thickness : Less than 3.2mm
8.57 .1 50mm thick, Non traffic category, M30 Grade designation P.sqm 539
8.57.2 60mm thick, Light traffic category, M35 Grade designation P Sqm 579.00
8.57.3 80mm thick. Medium traffic category. M40 Grade P Sqm 753 00
desiqnaflon blocks
8.57.4 100mm thick Heavy traffic calegory. M50 Grade P.Sqm 908.00
desiqnation blocks
8.57.5 100mm thick, Very Heavy traffic category, M55 Grade P Sqm 1222.00
designation blocks
8.58 Fixing of Hazard marker including excavation & cement Each 124.00
concrete (1:3:6) (30x30x30cm size) in foundation, curing
complete as per specifications
8.59 Fixing of Bollard including excavation and laying cement Each 249 00
concrete (1:3:6) (size 45x45x30cm) in foundation & curing
complete as per specificati ons
8.6 Labour charges for fixing of Cat's Eye as per MoRTH Each 9.00
specification excluding cost of Cat's E
8.61 Providing & fixing letters,/ borders from reflective tape of
approved quality of standard width (MORTH Specification
Clause 800
8.61.'l Providing and fixing letters Letter per 4.00
Cm Lt.
8.61.2 P & F Borders (50mm wide) Per Cm 0.90
Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)
862 White washing of parapets. kerbs. railings, boundary stones.
quard etc. complete.
8.62.1 New surface-three coats P.Sqm 5.00
8622 Old surface-two coats P.Sqm 530
8.62.3 Labour charqes for white washing l.sqm 3.20
8.63 Marking Centre Line stop lines etc. on road as per IRC P.Sqm 828 00
pattern with thermoplastac paant of approved quality and
make with 8olo giass beads laid on the roaci surface at
temperalure 160' C with a specaal applicator machine
complete with labour. material and traffic diversion
8.64 (-do-) without glass beads Cdo-) P.sqm 708.00
8.65 White washinq of trees 1 .50 m heiqht completei
8.65.1 (i) Girth from 300 mm to 600 mm Each 3.00
8.65.2 !! Girth f rom 600 mrn to 900 mm Each 5.75
8.65.3 (aii) Girth from 900 mm to 1800 mm Each 11.00
8.65.4 (iv) Girth above 1800 mm -- Each 16 00
8.66 Providing and applying 2 coats of water based cemenl paint P.sqm 54.00
to unplaster concrete surface after cleanang the surface of
dirt, dust, oil, grease. efflorescence and applying paint @ of
1 liter for 2 Sqm.
8.67 Providing and applying 1-2mm thick vanayl or flex sheet P.sqm 551.00
duly printed by computer in shades and colour as required
by engineer in charge etc complele in all respect

8.68 Painting with superior grade enamel paint of approved

quality to give an even shade including writing littering
figuring etc. complete as per IRC standards of:-
8.68.1 5th Km. stone Each 202.00
8.68.2 Km. Stone for ODR & MDR Each 128 00
8.68.3 200 M stone & Boundary stone Each 47 .00
8.68.4 Parapets, Kerbs, railings. guide stones, guard slones, tree Each 64.00
glqrds & posts etc.
8.68.5 Sign Eoards. Traffic Signs (Steel) sqm 120.00
8.68.6 Water Gauges Each 82 00
8.68.7 Nur,rber of Bri & culverts Each 99.00
8.68.8 qqllards (excluding ref lective strips) Each 108.00
8.68.9 Bollards with 3 Nos reflective type 7 cm wide strips Each 672.OO
ancluding cost of ploviding new strips.
8.69.10 Deduct 20% in item no. 8.59.1 to 8.59.9 for old work 20.00%
8.7 Painting with supenor quality road marking paint conforming
to IS 164-1951 of approved quality to e'./en shade as per
IRC standard including traffic diversion arrangement of:-

8.70.1 Center Iine (only painted surface to Be measured) sqm 54 00

8.70 2 Zebra crossing . speed breakers etc sqm 60.00
8.71 Lettering & figuring with enamel paint of approved quality as
pqLlEC standard
8 71.1 Providing and fixing letters Letter per 3.00
Cm Ht.
8.71.2 P & F Borders (50mm wide) Per Cm 1.00

Item No Item Oescription I
Rate (Rs.)
9.'l Providing and layang mechanically mixed and vibrated
Cement Concrele in foundation up to a depth of 1.5 meters I

below ground level and 1.50 meters above Ground/Bed

Ievel.IMoRTH Specification : Clause 1000/1700]

9.1.1 Cement concrete 1:4:8 mix crushed stone aggregates Cum 3065 00
40mm nominal size
9.1.2 Cement concrete 'l:4:8 mix hand broken stone aggregates Cum 3091.00
20mm nominal size.
9.1.3 Cement concrete 1:3:6 mix crushed stone aggregates Cum 3666 00
40mm nominal size.
9.1.4 Cement concrele 1:3:6 mix with stone aggregate 20mm Cum 3694 00
crusher broken.
9.2 Providing and laying Plain cemenl concrete Ml5 mix with Cum 4244 00
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size mechanically mixed
and vibrated. in foundation up to a depth of 1 50 below I

Ground level and or 1.50 melers above ground/bed level.

9.3 Providing and laying Plain cemenl concrete M15 mix with Cum 4456 00
stone aggregate2omm nominal size mechanically mixed
and vibrated, in superstructure up to 4 meter above 1.5
meter level from 8ed/Ground level.[MoRTH Specification:
Clause 1000/1700j
layrng RCC M25 mix wilh stone aggregatel
lProvrding and Cum 4828.00
I20rnm (nominal size) mechanically mrxed and vrbrated forl
IRCC work in slab in superstructure up to 4 meter above 1.51
imeter level from Bed/ Ground level, excluding steell
lreinforcement but including centenng and shuttering lard inl
loosition [MoRTH Specification :Clause IOOO/17ool
tl I

9.5 Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete M20 max Cum 4745 A0
with slone aggregate 20mm nominal size mechanically
mixed and vibrated for bed plates excluding steel
reinforcement but including centering and shuttering, laid in
posilion .[MoRTH Speciiication : Clause 1 000r/00]

9.6 Providing and fabracating sleel reinforcement for R C.C

works including cutting bending, placing in position and
binding complete including cost of binding wire .IMoRTH I

Specification : Clause'1000/16001
9 6.1 Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars Tonne 66380.00
362 HYSD/TMT bars Tonne 60974 00
9.7 Providing and laying First class brick masonry (min.10 5 Cum 4415.00
MPa) in cement mortar.l:3 up to a depth of '1 50 meters I

below ground and above 1.50m from Bed/grcund level.

IMoRTH Specification : Clause 1000/13001
9.8 Extra for brick works in superstructure up to a height 4 Cum 9C 00
meters or part thereof above 1.5 meter level from
Bed/Ground level IMoRTH specification: Clause

Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)

9.9 Providing and laying Brick-on-edge flooring with 1st class sqm
bricks (min.10.5 Mpa) including cement slurry in cement
sand mortar 1:4 at all levels.[MoRTH Specification : Clause
9.10 Providing and laying Coursed / Random Rubble stone
masonry in cement sand mortar 1:3, in foundation up to a
depth of 1.50 meters and also 1.50 meters above Ground
/Bed levei [MoR;H Specification: Clause 1000/1400]

9.10.'l Sq uare Rubble Coursed Rubble Masonry (first sort) Cum 4610.00
9.10.2 Random Rubble Masonry Cum 3907.00
9.11 Extra for coursed/Random rubble slone masonry in Cum 132.00
superstructure up to a height of 4 meters or part thereof
above 1.50 meters from Ground /Bed level [MoRTH
Specification : Ctause 1000/14001
9.12 Providing Cemenbpointing 1:3 deep grooved (cut or sqm 62.00
weather) on brick / stone and tile work at all levels.[MoRTH
Speciflcation : Clause 1000/'13001
9.1 3 Providing Cement pointing 1:3, flush on Brick-on-edge floor sqm 62 00
at all levels.tMoRTH Specification: Clause 1000/13001

9.14 Plaster on new surface with cement mortar (1:3) including sqm 12',1 .00
racking of joint etc. complete fine finished 20mm thick.

9.15 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipes

N.P.4 for culverts including jointing ends and fixing collar
with cement mofl.ar 1:2 [MoRTH Specification : Clause .
9.15.1 300 mm Dia meter 2987.00
9.15.2 600 mm Dia meter 4518.00
9.15 3 900 mm Dia Meter 6636.00
9..1 5.4 '1000 mm Dia Meter 7 544.OO
9.15.5 1200 mm Dia Meter 8414.00
9.16 Providing and laying Rubble stone kharanja in cement sand Cum 1685.00
mortar 1:3 in flooring al all levels IMoRTH Specification :
Clause 14001
9.17 Providing and layang Dry Boulder Pitching in flooring at all
levels IMoRTH Specification Clause: 2500]
9.18 Providing and filling in foundation trenches, and at the back
of abutments wing walls elc. and below pipe bed in layers
not exceeding 150mm thick including watering and
compacting, including all lead and lifts.
9. 18.1 Good local sand free from earth IMoRTH Specification Cum 678 00
Section 21001
9.18.2 Selected granular material in filling IMoRTH Specification Cum 688 00
Clause :15001
9.18.3 Filter media behind abutment, wing and return wall [MoRTH Curn 678.00
Specafication :Clause : 25041
9.19 Making and filling expansion .ioints, with bitumen filler Meter/cm 120
(Bitumen 40 percent, asbestos 5 percent and sand 55 depth
percent ) 12mm wide at any level. [MoRTH Specrfication :

Item No Item Oescription Rate (Rs.)
o') Providing and fixing pre-molded bitumen ,oint frller at any
level. for expansion joints ancluding the cost of sealing
compound and priming coat IMoRTH Specification : Clause
9.20.1 l2mnrwide Meter/cm 4.70
9.20 2 25mm wide Ivleler/cm 8.30
9.21 Reinforced cement concrete M30 mix witir stone aggregate Cum 6006.00
20mm nominal size mechanically mixed and vibrated for
reinforced concrete work in superstructure at any level
excluding steel reinforcement but including centering and
shuttering laid in position IMoRTH Specification : Clause
9.22 Providing and laying cement concreting including curing
compaction etc. complete using stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size mechanically mixed & vibrated in foundation
and plinth including the cost of shuttering if iequired.

L22.1 M-25 grade mix 1:1:2 ( 1 cement : 1 sand 2 graded stone Cum 5412.O0
9.22.2 M-20 grade mix 1:'l .5:3 ( I cement : 1 .5 sand 3 graded Cum 5019.00
stone aqqregate).
9.23 Providing and fixing precast cement concrete coping 1:2:4 sqm 208.00
mix, 50mm thick complete as per specifications
9.23 1 Providing and laying cement concrete coping 1:2:4 mix, sqm 189 00
50mm thick cornplete as per specrficatio ns
9.24 P ointing of stone masonry in cement mortar (1:3) raised & sqm 55.00
cut pointing
9.25 Plaster on new surface with cement mortar (1:3) including sqm 12',t .00
racking ofjoint etc. complete fine finashed 20mm thick.

9.26 Plaster on new surface with cement mortar (1:4) including sqm 103.00
racking of joint etc. complete fine finished 20mm thick.

9.27 Random rubble slone masonry for foundation & plinth in

cement sand mortar above 30 cm thick walls
ln cement sand mortar 1:4 Cum 3516 00
9.27.2 ln cement sand mortar 1 d Cum 3164.00
9.28 Random Rubble slone masonry for superstruclure up to 4.5
Mtr. height above planth/bed level in cement sand mortar for
above 30cm thick walls
9.28.1 ln cement sand mortar 1:4 Cum 3692 00
9.28 2 ln cement sand mortar 1 6 Cum 3322 00
9.29 Add extra in ltem of stone masonry for walls up to 30 cm or Cum 69.00
less thickness
9.30 Providing and fixing of reinforced Ferro-Cement drain
covers designed for 'A' & 'AA' class loading duly marked on
cover with adequate steel reinforcement having thickness
75mm to 15omm anti corrosive bitumen painted M.S. plate,
Rim and M.S. liffing hooks Admixtures like plasticizer, bond
improving compound, shrinkage. resistance compound,
abrasion !'esistant complete as per approved design elc.

9.30.1 For Class - 'A' loadi 300 to 450 mm Standard size 6o0x800mm sqm 1444.00
9.30.1 .2 S an 45'l to 700 mm Standard size 1000x800mm sqm 1625.00

Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)

9.30 1 3 Span 701 to 1200 mm Standard sze 1500x600mm sqm 2076.00
9.30.1 4 Span 1201 to 1500 mm Standard size 2'100x500mm sqm 3'159.00
For Class - 'AA' loadinq Span 300 to 450 mm Standard size 600x800mm sqm 1715.00 Span 451 to 700 mm Standard size 1000x800mm sqm 1986.00 Span 701 to 1200 mm Standard size 1500x600mm sqm 2527 00 Span 120'l to l500 mm Standard saze 2100x500mm sqm 3610.00

9.31 Providing and fixrng cement concrete Precast Kerb or Dand Rnt 494.00
of M-15 grade concrete up to 60 cm length over 20mm thick
base of CM (1.6) including required Earth work, cutting of
WBM and BT surface Pointing & .,ointing with cement
mortar ('l:4) of shape as approved by the Engineer-in-
charge the work includes providing laying and compacting
base concrele (1,5:10) 100mm thack below Dand/Kerb
complete in all respect as per specifications size

L32 Providing and laying Precast reinforced cement concrele

Box culvert section of M-40 grade designed for 'AA' class
loading as per IRC specifications including to effect of
ampact, EQ etc complete on form base of 200mm thick
lean concrete of M-10 grade with aggregate of size 40mm
nominal of following internal size the work includes required
safety measures construction of drain for diversion of
flowing water cost of design of RCC Precast Box and its
proof checking from lIT/MNIT Jaipur complete in all respect
as per speciticataons
I32.1 Size2.00Mx200M Rmt 60607.00
9.32.2 Size 1.75 M x 1.75 M Rmt 46409.00
9.32.3 Size150Mx150M Rmt 34096 00
L32.4 Size 1 50 M x 1.25 M Rmt 31585.00
9.32.5 Size 1.50 M x 1 00 M Rmt 28100.00
9.32.6 Size1.25Mx1.25M Rmt 24527 .00
9.32.7 Size 1.25 M x 1 00 M Rmt 24347 .00
9.32.8 Size 1.00 M x 1.00 M Rmt 19044 00
9.32.9 Size 0.75 M x 0.75 M Rnrt 12590.00
9.32.1 Size 0.60 M x 0.60 M Rmt 9264.00
9.33 P & P Precast dense cement concrete (Vibro-pressed) drain
section block of different size as per approved drawing and
design and strength as per lS code:2185 Part-l of grade 'D'
(5.00mm) proper quality of additive/admixture like
plasticizer etc. added to produce high quality and durable
drain section blocks of "1" shape "U" shape etc. as per
approved design and drawing complete with fixing and
jointing in C.M. 1:4 in proper grade and level complete in all
respect ancluding earth work and disposal of surplus earth
within 0.5 Km lead (Cost of steel/welded mesh etc. shall be
paid extra).
9.33 1 40mm thick sqm 497.00
9.33.2 Up to eomm thick sqm 6'16.00
9.33.3 Up to 80mm thick sqm 755.00
9.33.4 Up to 1 1smm thick Sqm 934.00

Item No Item Description Rate (Rs.)
1 0.1 Restoration of rain cuts with soil, Morrum, gravel or a Cum 132.00
mixture of these including all leads and lifts and cost of
arrangement of land. clearing the loose soil, benching for
300 mm width, laying fresh material in layers not
exceeding 250 mm and compacting with plate compactor
or power rammer to restore the original alignment levels &
slopes complete as per MoRTH specilication Clause 3002.

10.2 Making up loss of material/ irregularities on shoulder to the Cum 41 00

design level by adding fresh approved soil with all leads &
lifts and compacting it with plate compactor complete as
per MoRTH specification Clause 3003.
1 0.3 Stripping excess soil from the shoulder surface including sqm 14.10
disposal of excess earlh side slopes to achieve the
approved level and compacting wilh plate compactor up to
75mm average depth complete as per MoRTH
specification clause 3003.
1 0.3.I Repair of pot holes by Wet Mix Macadam material by Cum 1290 00
removal of all failed material, trimming of completed
excavation to provide firm vertical faces. cleaning of
surface. compacting base of excavation as per clause
503. back filling the pot holes with wet mix macadam
material by manual means as per clause 406, compacting
with rolle!' 8-10T trimming and flnishing the surface to
form a smooth continuous surface, all as per clause 3004.

10.4 Filling pot-holes and patch repairs with open-graded Sqm 102 30
premix surfacing. 20 mm with removal of all failed
material, trimming of completed excavation to provide
firm vertical faces. cleaning of surface, painting of tack
coal on the sides and base of excavation as per Clause
503, back filling the pot holes with hot bituminous material
as per clause 511 using 60r/0 grade bitumen mixed in hot
mix plant 4060 TPH capacity and carriage with all lead,
compacting with 8-10 tonne smooth wheel roller,
trimming & finishing the surface to form a smooth
continuous surface. all as per MoRTH specification Clause
10.4.1 Filling Pot- holes and Patch Repairs with mix seal sqm 120 00
surfacing type "8",20mm. Removal of all failed material,
trimming of completed excavation to provide firm vertical
faces. cleaning of surface, painting of tack coat on the
sides and base of excavation as per clause 503, back
filling the pot holes with hot bituminous material as per
clause 51 1, compacting, trimming and finishing the
surface to form a smooth continuous surface, all as
clause 30M.2

Item No Item Oescription Rate (Rs.)

14.4.2 Filhng ot- holes and Patch Repairs with open - graded sqm 133 00
Premrx surfacing, 20mm followed by seal coat type "8".
Removal of all failed material. trimming of completed
excavation to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning of
surface, paanting of tack coat on the sides and base of
excavation as per clause 503, back filling the pot holes
with hot bituminous material using bitumen 80/100 as
binder as per clause 5 l i, compacting, trimming and
flnishing the surface to fo:m a smooth continuous surface,
all as per clause 3004.2
10.4.3 Filling Pof holes and Patch Repairs wilh open - graded sqm 108.00
Premix surfacing, 20mm followed by seal coat type "8"
using emulsion as binder. Removal of all failed material,
trimming of completed excavation to provade firm vertical
faces, cleaning of surface, painting of tack coat on the
sides and base of excavation as per clause 503. back
filling the pot holes with emulsion rapid setting as binder
as per clause 51 1, compacting, trimming and finishing the
surface to form a smooth continuous surface, all as per
clause 3004.2
10.5 Filling pot-holes and patch repairs with bituminous sqm 372.O0
concrele. 40 mm with removal of all failed material,
trimming of completed excavation to provide firm vertical
faces, cleaning of surface, painting of tack coat on the
sides and base of excavation as per Clause 503 back
fillin9 the pot holes wath hot bituminous material using
60r/0 grade bitumen @ 5.0% of total mix & mixed in hot
mix plant 40€0 TPH capacity and carriage with all leads
as per clause 509, compacting with smooth wheel roller 8-
10 tonne, trimming & finishing the surface to form a
smooth continuous surface, all as per MoRTH
specification Clause 3004.2
10.5.1 Filling pot-holes and palch repairs with semi dence sqm 282.00
bituminous concrete. 25 mm with removal of all failed
material, trimming of completed excavation to provide
firm vertical faces, cleaning of surface, paint rg of tack
coat on the sides and base of excavation as per Clause
503 back filling the pot holes with hot bituminous material
using 60t70 grade bitumen @ 5o/o of total mix & mixed in
hot mix plant 40-60 TPH capacily and carriage with all
leads as per clause 509, compacting with smooth wheel
roller 8-10 tonne, trimming & finishing the surface to form
a smooth continuous surface, all as per MoRTH
specif ication Clause 3004.2
10.6 Filling of crack using slow- curing bitumen emulsaon and R.Mtr 4.00
applying crusher dusl in cracks complete as per MoRTH
specification clause 3004.3.3
10.7 Applying crusher dust to areas of road lvhere bleeding of sqm 0.90
excess bitumen has occurred as per MoRTH specification
Clause 30M.4.

Item No Item Oescription Rate (Rs.)

10.8 Removal of existing sealant and re-sealing ol-contraction, R Mtr 129
longrtudinal or'expansron joints in concrete pavement wth
fresh sealant material hot poured rubberized bitumen or
cold polysulphide type as per Clause 602.2.8 with
appropriate type of primer complete as per MoRTH
specifrcation Clause 3005.2
10.9 Removal of earth from the choked hill side drain and Cum 39.5
disposing it on the valley side manually complete as p
MoRTH ecification Clause 3000
1 0.10 Clearance of landslides in soil and ordinary rock by a bull- Cum 52.00
dozer D 80 A-12 , 180 HP and disposalof the same on the
valley side as per MoRTH specification Clause 3000.

't 0.'t I Clearing of landslide in hard rock requiring blasting for 50 Cum 99
percent of the boulders and disposal of the same on the
valley side as per MoRTH specification Clause 3000.

10.12 Labour charges for patching W.B.M. using crushed Cum 143
broken aggregates including preparation of pot hole
scarifying and reshaping to the required grade and camber
as per the standard specifications, spreading of material
consolidation with 8-10 tonne power roller, spreading and
consolidation of binding material including cost of fuel and
lubricants and hire charges of T & P

10.'l 3 Labour charges for premix patching with stone chipping

mixed with binder as per the detailed specifications
including heating of binder and aggregates, mixing of
aggregated and binder, cleaning the area of patch pot
holes cul to regular shape with vertical side removing all
loose and disintegrated material. appiication of tack coal
as per the detailed specifications laying of patch wth 8-10
power loader including cost of fuel and hire charges of
10.1 3.1 Usin stra ht run bitumen 10 Sqm 227
10.13.2 Usin cationic emulsion 10 Sqm 206
'10.'14 Labor charges for premix patch work using mix material
from the hot mix plant including cleaning of patch pot
holes area, cutting it to regular shape vertical edges,
removing all loose and disintegrated material, application
of tack coat as per specifications laying of patching
material and compacting with power roller including cost of
luel and hire charges of T&P and tack coat

10.14.1 strai ht run bitumen 10 Sqm I

10.14.2 Usi cationic emulsion 10 Sqm I 52
'10 Sqm 416
'10.15 Labour charges for penetration patching up to 5 cm depth
semi ground including healing and spreading of binder,
cleaning the area of patch pot holes cut to regular shape
with vertical side, removing all loose and disintegrated
material, spreading and compacting of aggregate with 8-
10 tonne power roller including cost of fuel and hire
charges ofT&P using bitumen @ 50 kg./ 10 Sqm

Item No Item Description Rate (Rs.)

10.16 Labour charges for digging out of sludge humps on black sqm 18
topped surface rncluding removal & dasposing of the
dismantled material aside up to 50 Mtr. lead.
10.17 Dasmantling/Digging out entire road wearing coat of deleted
bituminous surface including removal of dismantled
material aside up to 50 Mtr. lead.
10.1 8 Cuttang of black topped surface up to 30mm depth for sqm 14
fixing of Kerb/Dand stones/lvledians including cleaning of
surface laying bed mortar &removal of dismantled
material with all lead & traflic diversion arrangements
10.1 9 Digging out entire \NBMMMM surface including sorting Cum 68
out serviceable material its stacking & removal of rubbish
up to 50 Mtr. lead.
10.20 Cufting WBM road and soling up to 1.5 Mtr. depth for sqm 363
laying pipe lane etc. & making good to original condition
10.21 Providing and laying built up spray grout patching 75mm sqm 298.00
thack in two layers (each layer consisting of spreading
aggregate (crusher broken) @0,50 cum per 10 Sqm area
as per MoRTH specifications, laying first layer after
application of tack coal @ 3 75 Kg per 10 Sqm (including
cost of tack coat) rolling with 8-10 tonne power road roller
application of first spray of binder @ 15 K9/10 Sqm
spreading & rolling of second layer of course aggregate
with 8-10 tonne power road roller application spray of
binder @ 15 Kg/10 Sqm and Iaying key aggregate on the
top of second layer & rolling with 8-10 tonne power road
roller including heating & spraying of binder, cleaning of
the area of patch, pot holes, cut to regular shape with
vertical sides, removing all loose & disintegrated material
including cost of coarse aggregate Key aggregate rolling &
hire charges of machinery T&P fuel bitumen etc.

10.22 Cutting bl-ck lopped surface up to L5 Mtr, depth including sqm 386.00
all layers of crust for layjng pipe line etc. & making good to
original condition (excluding cost of Bitumen)

10.23 ---do--- For paver rinished surface sqm 439.00

10.24 Cutting black topped surface up to 0.5 Mtr. depth including sqm 368.00
all layers of crust for laying pipe line etc. for house
connection & making good the with premixed chips
(excluding cost of Bilumen)
10.25 Cutting WBM surface up to 0.5 Mtr. depth including all sqm 316.00
layers of crust for laying pipe line etc. for house
connection & making good to oriqinal condiiion.
10.26 Labour charges for removai of up heaved bitumen surface
on semi-dense carpeted road surface good td original
1 0.26.1 Up to 3 cm height sqm 19.00
10.26.2 Above 3 to 5 cm height sqm 22.00
10.26.3 Above 5 to 8 cm height sqm 29.00
10.26.4 Above 8 cm height Sqm 32.00
Item No !tem Description Rate (Rs.)
Unit I
10,27. Dressing of ber:'ns including, digging of earth up to 1O cm sqm
10.28 Dismantling tile work in floors and roofs laid in cement sqm 8.40
mortar including stacking of serviceable material and
disposal of unserviceable malerial within 50 Mtr. lead.
'10.29 Providing and fixing steel gate grating and grills made of Kg 73.00 I

angles. tees. square bars or other flats black pipe with

hold fast and fittings complete as per design and drawing
including cutting welding and fabrication with priming coat I
of red oxide.
10.30 Providing stone slab covering over drains including filling sqm 406 0c
of joints in cement sand mortar 1:3 with 35mm thick I

cement concrete tlooring 1:2:4 mix complete with good

finish with stone slab 60 to 75mm thick averaqe.
't 0.31 Repair of iron sign board at road side including cutting Nos 439.00
welding and refixing as per directions but excluding
painting and lettering.
10.32 Repair of road side cuts by earthen bags using empty Nos 25.00
gunny bag or cement bag including filling by dry sandy soil
or local dry soil, transporting and fixing properly at site as
per directions by Engineer.
10_33 Supplylng of survey sheets Plan, L section, Cross sections Km 6469.00
and calculation sheets in two hard copies with soft copy
(CD). including carrying out survey at 10m interval with 1
mm staff in 30m width i.e.15 m on either side of center of
road, submission of drawings Plan, L section and cross
section including Cross seclions of CD work up to culverts
plane table survey of populated area and calculation
sheets of Earth work, GSB, WMM, BM layer, SDBC layer
and earthwork for side drain as required by engineer in
charge. Work includes making of Bench marks
0.45x0.45x0.75 m keeping 0.30m outside, plaster thereon
duly painted and marked at suitable interval or every 2Km
and all T&P and labour and material in all respect.
Complete as per MoRTH specifications.

'10.34 Survey and Preparation of drawings for bridge work with Nos 1M24.00
supplying of survey sheets Plan, L section, Cross sections
and calculation sheets in two hard copies with soft copy
(CD), including carrying out survey of existing road in a
length of 1000m on either side of bridge with marking of
proposed road levels, ground level, FL etc. at suitable
interval with 1 mm staff on eather side of center of road.
excavation of test pit and preparing soil log, submission of
drawings of soil log. Plan, L section and cross section.
detail working drawings of proposed bridge including
drawings of Abutment, piers, wings, retaining wall, drains,
RCC deck railings etc. as required by engineer in charge
Work includes making of Bench marks 0.45x0.45x0.75 m
keeping 0.30m outside. plaster thereon duly painted and
marked at both side of road and all T&P and labour and
material in all respeci. Complete as per MoRTH

Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)

10.35 ing and laying Microsurfacing course compnsrng sqm 248 O0
(a) Fine agreegate confirming to typre lll grading
of road surface coverage of Specification
IRC SP-81:2008, polytmer/latest modified caton
setting bitumen emulsion (having 60%
content and 3.6% polymer (bl @ 125% by weight of the
fine agreegate ordinary (c) Cement @ 2% by weight of
agreegate chernical additivies (d) @ i.5?i, by weight of
fine agreegate and water as Per requirment
Item includes proportionate mixing and laying by
specizized microsurfacing paver and plant as per
specification and direction of Engineer in charge.

Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)
11 .'l Supply at sile of work well-decayed farmyard manure, from Cum 271.OO
any available source, approved by the Engineer in charge
includinq carriaqe, screeninq and stackinq.
11 .2 Supplying at site of work,/store Deolied Neem Cake duly Quinta, I
packed in used gunny bags I

11.3 Supplyinq sludqe duly stacked at site/store Cum 109.00

11 .4 Trenching in specified soil up to a depth of 60 cm.
lncluding removal and stacking of serviceable materials
and than disposal by spreading and neatly leveling within a
lead of 50 meters anci making up the trenched area to
proper levels by flling with earth or earth mixed with
sludge orland farm-yard manure before and after flooding
with water (excluding cost of improved earth and sludge or
farm -yard manure)
't1.4.1 ln ordinary soil Cum 14.00
'11.4.2 Extra for work in hard soils
Note : Extra rate shall be payable for work executed in soil Cum
other than ordinary soil at difference of rates of excavation
in ordinary soil and respective soil under item nos. R3 1-
11.5 Rough dressing the trenched ground including breaking of 100 Sqm 26.00
11.6 Uprooting weeds from the trenched area after '10 to 15 100Sqm 290 00
days of its flooding with water including disposal of
uprooted vegetation.
11.7 Fine dressinq the qround 100 Sqm 72.00
11.8 Spreading of sludge farm-yard manure orland good earth Cum 11.00
in required thickness (cost of sludge. farm-yard manure
or/and qood earth to be paid ior separately).
11.9 Mixing earth and sludge or farm-yard manure in proporlion Cum 690
specified or as directed.
11.10 Grassing with 'Doob' grass including watering and
maintenance of the lawn for 30 days or more till the grass
forms a thick Iawn free from weeds and fit for moving
including supplying good earth if needed.
11 101 ln rows 15 cm apart in either directaon 100 Sqm 335.00
11 .10.2 ln rows 7.5 cm apart in either direclion 100 Sqm 451.00
11 .10.3 ln rows 5 cm apart in either direction 100 Sqm 576.00
11.1',l Uprooting rank vegetation anC weeds by digging the area 100 Sqm 1444.O0
to a depth of 60cm.removing all weeds and other groMh
with roots by forking repeatedly. breaking clods, rough
dressing. flooding with water. uprooting fresh groMh after
10 to 15 days and then fine dressing for planting new
grass. including disposal of all rubbish with all leads and
't1.12 Filling mixture of eadh and sludge farm-yard manure in the Cum 5.40
desired proportion in trenches flooding with water and
leveling (cost of supplying earth and sludge or farm yard
manure and labour for mixing not included in this rate).
Item No- Item Description Rate (Rs.)
Unit I
-urfing slopes of old banks with rough, grassing an cluding
'100Sqm 486.00
preparation of ground. supplying and planting doob grass
roots, -15cm apart. supplying and spreading farm yard
manure at rate of O 18 cum per 100 Sqm and loosen,ng
soil with kassi
't1.14 Turflng slopes of new banks with rough, grassing in cluding 100 Sqm 389.00
preparation of ground ,supplying and planting doob grass
roots, 15cin apart supplying and spreading fal'm yard
manure at rate of O 18 cum per 100 Sqm and loosening
soil with kassi
486 00
11 .15 Making lawns. including ploughing and dragging with 100 Sqm
'swagha'(one man with a Pair of bu llocks), breaking of
clods, removal of rubbish. dressing and supplying Doob
grass rools, and planting at 1scm apart, including
supplying and spreading of farm- yard manure at the rate
of 0.18 cum r 100 m
11.16 Maintenance of lawns or turfing of slopes (rough grassing) 100 Sqm 4513.00
for a of one ear includi etc.
Turfrng lawn with fine grassing incl uding ploughing, 100 Sqm 1 156.00
dressing including breaking of clods, removal of rubbish'
dressing and supplying and spreading of farm yard manure
at rate 0.60 cum er 100 m
Maintenance of lawns with fine grasslng for the flrst year 100 Sqm 5778.00
11 .18
includ waterin etc
Planting permanent hedges including digging of trenches 100 Meters 13269 00
6ocm wide and 45cm deep refilling the excavated earth
mixed with farm yard manure supplied at the rate of 4 65
cum per 100 meters and supplying and planting hedge
nts at 30 cm art
'11.20 Maintaining the hedges for the first two years including
wateri etc. com ete
For first al lvlete is 69.00
For second r Meters 58.00
'11 .21 Dgging holes in all kinds of soil and re filling the same with
the excavated earth mixed with well decayed farm yard
manure (cost of well decayed farm yard manure to be paid
Hole 1.2 mm dia and 1 .2m One hole 40.00
Each 18.00
'11.21.2 Hole 0.6 m dia and 0.6 m de
11.22 Planti & maintenance of Iants and shrubs
11.22 1 Plants and shrubs in central verge where verge is 3.0
meters and above (200 plants 800 shrubs in two rows rn
one Km
' Plant lants and shrubs in central ve e lvleter 20.00
11 .22.1 .2 Maintenance of plants and shru bs in Central verge
for one Meter 122.OO

11.22.2 Plants and shrubs rn central verge where verge as less than
3.0 meters with one row of 4OO shrubs and 100 tree plants
in one Km
lants and shrubs Meter 10.00
11.22.21 Plantin
Meter 64.00
11.22.22 Maintenairce of lants and shrubs for one al

Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)

I 2018
11.23 Renovating lawns includjng weeding, chilling the grass. 100 Sqm 791.00
forking the ground. top dressing with forked soil watering
and maintaining the lawns for 30 days or more till the grass
forms a thick lawn free from weeds and fit for moving.
Disposal of rubbish as directed, including supplying good
earth. if needed, but excluding the cost of well decayed
farm-yard rnanure
11.24 I
Half brick circular tree guard in second class bricks, Each

internal dia 1.25 meters, and Ht. 1.2 meter above ground
and 0.2 meters below ground, bottom two course laid dry
and top three courses in cement mortar 1:6 (1 Cement, 6
Sand) and the intermediate courses being in dry honey
comb masonry. as per design, complete.

'11.25 Edging with 2nd class bricks laid dry length wise including Meter 14.00
excavation refilling. consolidating with and packing and
spreading nearby. the surplus earth within lead of 50 I

11 .26 Making tree guard 53 cm dia and 1.3 m high as per design Each 272.00
from empty bitumen drums(supplied by the department al I

stock issue rate) including providing and fixing 2 nos. M.S

sheet rings 50 x 0.5 mm with rivets, complete in all
11.27 Making tree guard 53cm dia and 2 m high as per design Each 486.00
from empty bitumen drums (supplied by the department at
stock issue rate) including providing and fixing four legs 40
cm long of 30 x 3 mm M.S. Flat riveted lo tree guard and
providing and fixing 2 nos. M.S. sheet rings 50 x 0.5 mm
w(h flvets complete in all respects I

11 .28 Providing and fixing Wrought iron and Mild steel welded Quintal 5507.00
work (using flats. square bars. tees and channel grills,
grating) frames, gates and tree guards of any size and
design etc. including cost of screens and welding rods or
bolts and nuts, complele. fixed in position but without the
cost of excavation and concrete for fixing which will be
paid separately
11.29 1.2 meters high fencing with 1.65 meters posts placed at Meter 23.00
every 2.5 to 3 melers apart embedded in cement concrete
blocks and every tenth post to be strutted, provided with 4
horizonlal lines of G.l. barbec wire, weighing 9.34 Kg per
1OO meters (minimum) and fixed wit G.l. staples, ties to
6mm bar with binding wire or by providing cut, including
drilling holes in the post. complete( excluding the cost of
the post, earthwork and concrete which is payable erlra in
the respective item)
11 .3 Procurement of plant from nursury having age not less Plant 155 00
than 2 year and 1.5 m height, loading, unloading,
transportatin and planting in pit icluding Making of cresent
shaped thanvala. having 45cm radious, around planted or
I natural plants in clayey loam soil etc complete of species
as directed by the Engineer ln charge

Item No. Item Description Rate tRs.)

11 .31 Maintenanca of plants inlst year by the contractor Plant 56 00
including of pitsibids watering (twice a month) preparation
of Thavala. Hoeing, weeding etc. & application of
insecticieds with material etc. & securily etc complete in all
respect including cost of material, T&P, labour.
lransportation etc. all. lf the ptant die during maintenance.
contractor has to replace same height plant at his own cost,
Item No Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)
12.9 3 1 P.C.C.M-20 grade Cum 4335.00
12932 P.C.C.M-25 grade Cum 4568.00
12.9 3 3 P.C.C.M-30 qrade Cum 4614 00
12934 P.C.C.M-35 grade Cum 4715 00
12.9.4 lntermediate plug, include extra protective works and
dewaterinq etc. P.C.C.M-20 qrade Cum 4'l 53.00
12.9 4.2 P.C.C.M-25 grade Cum 4374.00
12.9 4 3 P.C.C.M-30 rade Cum 4419 00
'12.9 5 Top plug in Plain Cement Concrete, including extra
orotective works and dewaterinq etc.
12.9.5. 1..- P.C.C.M-15 grade Cum 4081.00
't2.9.5.2 P.C.C.M-20 qrade Cum 4531.00
' P.C.C.M-25 grade Cum 4240.00 P.C.C.M-30 grade Cum 4279.00
12.9.6 well cap
' R.C.C.M-20 grade Cum 3990.00 R.C.C.M-25 grade Cum 4434.00
12.9 6 3 R.C C.M-30 qrade Cum 4447 .00
12.9.6 4 R.C.C.M-35 grade Cum 4537.00
1 R.C.C.M-40 qrade Cum 4791.00
12.10 Sinking of well. true and vertical, through all types of soil
and rock (other than pneumatic method of sinking),
complete as per drawing and technical
specificatron IMoRTH Specification : 1200(N)]
12.10.1 Well of 6m external diameter ln Sandy soil)
12.'10.1 11 Depth from 0-3 meters from cutting edge level Meter 3999 00
12.10.1 .1.2 Beyond 3m up to lom.depth, lvleter 5698.00 Beyond 10m up to 20m depth : Add syo fo( e'rery i,4eter 50k
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter.
12.'t0 1 1.4 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 7.5o/" lor anery Meter 7 50o/o
additional meler depth of sinking over the rate of sinkang
for the previous meter
12.10.1 1.5 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 10% for every lvleter 100a
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12.', Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) I/leter 200/0

12.14 i.7 Add for dewatering if required I

't2. .1 Depth up to 3m Meter 50k

't2. Depth 3 to10m Meter 5%
12.10.1 .1 .7 .3 Depth above 10m Meter 5% ln Clayey soil.(Well of 6m. External dia meter)
12_10.1 2.1 Depth from 0-3 meters from cutting edge level Meter 5713 00 Beyond 3m up to 10m.depth. Meter 12224 00
12.10.'t .2.3 Beyond 10m up to 20m depth : Add 5Y, lor euery l\ilete r
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12 ',to.1.2.4 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 7.5yo lot every Meter 7 .50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter

Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

12.10 1.2.5 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 10% for every Meter 10%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12.10.1 2 6 Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement. labour etc.) Meter 20o/o

1210 1271
Add for dewaterinq if required
Depth up to 3m Meter
I 50k .2 Depth 3 to10m ivleter T5%
12.10.1 2 7 3 Depth above 10m Meter 5"/" ln Soft rock. .(Well of 6m. External diameter)
't2. Depth from 0-3 meters from cutting edge level Meter 16955.00 Beyond 3m up to 1om depth :Add 5.00% for every Meter 5.00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter. Beyond 10m up to 20m depth : Add 7.5o/o tor every Meter 7 50yo
additional meter deplh of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter. Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 10.C0% for every Meter 10.00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12 10.1 3 5 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 12.50o/o lot every lvleter 12 500k
additional meter deplh of sinking over tlte rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12.1013.6 Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) Meter 20vo 7 Add for dewatering if requrred *-D.

12'1O1371 Depth up to 3m Meter
' .2 Depth 3 to10m Meter 5% Depth above 10m Meter 50h ln Hard Rock.(Well of 5m. External diameter)
12.10.1 .4.'l Depth from 0-3 melers from cutting edge level lvleter 18482.00
12 10 142 Beyond 3m up to 10m depth : Add 5.00o/o for every Meter 5 00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter.
12.10.1 4.3 Beyond 10m up to 20m depth : Add 7.5o/o for every lvleter 7 .50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter.
12.'tQ.1 .4.4 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 10.00% for every Meter 10.00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 12.50Yo for every Meter 12.500/0
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12.10.1 .4.6 Kent ledge(supports. loading anangement, labour etc.) Meter

12.lQ 1.4.7 Add for dewatering if required

12.10.1 .4.7 1Depth up to 3m Meter Depth 3 to10m i/eter 5% .3 Depth above 10m
Well of 7m external diameter
ln Sarlqy ryO(trygll oJ 7m. External diameter) I
T- -F%-__l

12.10.2.',1.',| Depth from 0-3 meters from cuttinq edqe ievel lvleter I sssz oo I

' Bevond 3m uD to 1om.deoth. Meter | 8o9s oo

Item No Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)
12.10.2 1..3 B eyond 10m up to 20m depth I Add 5% fcr every Meter s(J/o
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revrous meter
't2. B eyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 7.Sok for every Meter 7 .50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revtous meter
12.',t0.2.1.5 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 10% for every Meter 100/o
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate oi sinking
for the revtous meter K ent ledge(supports, loading arrangement labour etc.) Meter 2oo/"

12.' Add for dewaterin

n uired
12.10.2.'l 7.1 De to 3m Meter 5"/o
12j0.2.1.7 .2 Depth 3 to10m lvleter D h above 10m Meter
't2.'10.2.2 ln Cl soil. ell of 7m. External diameter 1 from 0-3 meters from cuttin ed e level Meter 8095.00 nd3mu to'10m.de th, Meter 1 164'1.00 Bey ond 10m up to 20m depth : Add 5% for every lvleter 5%
addiiional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter B eyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 7.Syo lot every l\4eter 7.50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rale of sinking
for the revious meter
i2.14.2 2 5 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth. Add 10% for every l\/leter 10%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement. labour etc.) Meler 20%
't2. Add for dewaterin if re uired Depth up to 3m lvleter
12j0.2.2.7 2 h 3 to10m Meter 5% 7 3 Depth above 'l0m Meter syo
't2.10.2.3 ln Soft rock. . ell of 7m. External diameter 1 De h from 0-3 meters from cutti ed e level Meter 14340.00 Beyond 3m up to 10m depth : Add 5 00% for every Meter 5.00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the vious meter Beyond 10m up to 20m depth : Add 7.S% for every Meter 7 .50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate cf sinking
for the revious meter 4 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 10 OO% for every lvieter 10.00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate ot sinking
for the revious meter
12.10 2 3 5 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 12.50o/o tor euery i/eter 12 500/0
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revtous meter
12.'10 2.3.6 Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, Iabour etc.) lvleter 20yo Add for dewateri if re uired

12 .10 .2 .3 Depth up to 3m
7 .1 Meter 5% De 3 to10m N4eter
12 .10 .2 .3 .7 .3 Depth above 10m lvleter 5% ln Hard Rock. ell of 7m. External diameter
12 10241 De from 0-3 meters from cuttin ed e level Meter 21678.00

Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2014 Beyond 3m up 10m dePth : Add 5 00% for every
to Meter 5.00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter Beyond 10m up to 20m depth . Add 7.5 % for every Meter 7 .500/0

additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking

for the revious meter
12.10.2 4.4 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 10.00 % for every Meter 10.00%
additional meter depth oi sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter Beyond 3Om up to 40m dePth: Add 12.50 Vo fo( every Meter 12.50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter Kent ledge(supports. loading arrangement, labour etc Meter ?0"/. Add for dewaterin if re uired D hu to 3m Meter 50/a De h 3 to10m Meter syo

12.' De th above 10m l\,4eter 5%
12.'.|O-3 Well of 8m external diameter
12.10.3-1 ln Sa soil .1 D from 0-3 meters from cuttin e level Meter 7396.00 B nd3mu to 10m h lMeter 91 13.00 Beyond 1Om up to 20m depth : Add 5% for every Meter 5%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter Beyond 2Om up to 30m depth: Add tor
7.5o/o Meter 7 .50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter
' Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 10% for every i,4eter 10%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter
13j19 3 L6- Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) Meter 20% .7 Add for dewaterin if re uared .1 D hu to 3m Meter 50/o 7.2 h 3 to10m Meter 5% .3 De h above 10m l\4eter 50k lnC soil. ell of 8m. External diameter De h from 0-3 meters from cuttin ed e level Meter 9904.00 2 B ond 3m u to 10m.de th Meter 12620.OO Beyond 1om up to 20m depth : Add 5% for every lMeter 5'/"
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter Beyond 20m up to 30m depth; Add 7.5ok fo( every Meter 7.50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter
12.',t).3.2.5 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 10% for every Meter 100/o

additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking

for the revious meter Kent ledge(supports. loading arrangement, labour etc.) Meter 200/0

1?. Add for dewaterin if uired D U to 3m Meter 5% h 3 to10m Meter 50/o De above 10m Meter 5%


Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

I 2018
1 2.'10.3.3 ln Soft rock. .(Well of 8m. External diameter)
12 Depth from 0-3 meters from cutting e Meter 16031 00
12.', Beyond 3m up to 10m depth : Add 5.00% for every Meter
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the prevrous meter
1 2. 1 Beyond 10m up to 20m depth : Add 7.5o/o for every Meter 7 50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter
12 10334 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 10.00% for every ileter
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 12.50yo tot every Meter 12.50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter Kent ledge(supports. loading arrangement, labour etc.) Meter
12.10 3 3.7 .1
Add for dewatering if required
Depth up to 3m
r Meter 2 Depth 3 to10m Meter 50/o

12 Depth above 10m Meter 5%

't2.10.3.4 ln Hard Rock.(Well of 8m. External diameter)
12.10 3 41 Depth from 0-3 meters from cutti ng edge level lvleter 22261 00
12.10 3.4 2 Beyond 3m up to 10m depth : Add 5.00% for every lvleter 5.00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter.
12.10.3 4.3 Beyond 10m up to 20m depth . Add 7.5o/o for every Meter 7 .50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the prevrous meter
12.10.3 4.4 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add '10.00% for every Meter
additronal meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meler
12 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 12.50olo for every Meter 12.50% I

additional meter depth of sinking over the rale of sinking

for the prevrous meter
12.10 3 4.6 Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) Meter 20"k Add for dewaterinq if required Depth up to 3m Meter
12.',10_3.4.7.2 Depth 3 to10m Meter 5% 3 Depth above 10m Meter 50k
12.',10.4 Well of 9m external diameter ln Sandy soil)
12.10 4 1 1 Dept h from 0-3 meters from cuttin ed e level lvleter 7491.00
12 10 4.1.2 Beyond 3m up to 1om.depth. lvleter 10002 00
12.10 4.1.3 Beyond 10m up to 20m depth : Add 5% for every Meter 5%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12 10 4.1.4 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 7.5Yo lor every lvleter 7 .50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meler
12.10.4.',1 5 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 10% for every Meter 10,J/;
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) Meter 20%

Item No. Item Description I unir i nate fns.)

I I 2olg
'12 10.4 17' Add for dewaterin rf uired I I .7 .1 Depth up to 3m Meter 5"/a

12.10.4 1 7.2 D h 3 to10m I Meter

't2. D h above'l0m Meter 5% lnC soil. Well of 9m. External diamete I Depth from 0-3 meters from cutting edge level. Meter 10459.00 Be 3m to 10m h Meter 13609.00
'12.10 4.2.3 Beyond 10m up to 20m deplh : Adcj 5% for every Merer 5%
additional meter depth of sinki,lg over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 7.5o/o for every Meter 7 .50yo
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the s meter Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 10% for every Meter 10%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rale of sinking
for the revious meter
12.10.4 2.6 Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) Meter Add for d if uired Depth up to 3m Meter 50k Depth 3 to l0m Meter 50/o Depth above 10m Meter 5% ln Soft rock. .(Well of 9m. External diameterl Depth from 0-3 meters from cutting edge level. Meter 20141 00
12 10.4 3.2 Beyond 3m up to 10m depth : Add 5.00% for every Meter 5 00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rale of sinking
for the previous meter. Beyond 10m up to 20m depth : Add 7.5o/o lor euery Meter 7.50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12.10 4 3 4 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 10 00% for every Meter 10.00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinklng
for lhe previous meter
12.10 4 3.5 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 12.5oo/o lot every Meter 12.50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12.10.4 3.6 Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, Iabour etc.) Meter 20%

12.', Add for dewatering if required

12.10.4 3.7 .',| U to 3m Meter syo
12.104372 D h 3 to10m lvleter 5% Depth above 10m Meter 5% ln Hard Rock. Well of 9m. External diamete De from 0-3 meters from cuttin e level Meter 25533.00 Beyond 3m up 10m depth . Add 5.00% for every
to Meter 5 00%
additional meter depth of sinking over lhe rate of sinking
for the revious meter
12.10 4 4.3 Beyond 10m up to 20m depth ; Add 7.5yo lot every Meter 7 .50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter
12 10 4 4.4 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 10.00% for every l,Ieter 10 00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of stlking
for the previous meter

I Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

12.10.4 4.5 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth. Add 12.50% lor every Meter 12.50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12.1d.4.4.6 Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement. labour etc.) lvleie r

12.10.4 4.7 Add for dewaterinq if requrred

't2 .'to .4 .4 .7 .1 Depth up to 3m Meter 50/a

12.' .2 D 3 to10m Meter 5%

' Depth above'l0m Meter 50/o

12.10.5 Well of 10m external diameter

12.'.10.5.1 ln Sandy soil) .1 Depth from 0-3 meters from cutting edge level Meter 8984.00
't2.'t0.5.1.2 Beyond 3m up to 1om.depth, Meter 10566.00
12.'10.5.1 .3 Beyond lom up to 20m depth : Add 5% for every Meter 50k
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter. Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 7.5yo lot every Meter 7 .50v,
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter .5 Beyond 30m up lo 40m depth: Add 10% for every Meter 10% --
additional meter deplh of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12.10.5.'1.6 Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) Meter

12.10.5_1.7 Add for dewaterinq if required

12 10 5.1 .7 .1 Depth up to 3m Meter 5% Depth 3 to10m Meter Depth above'l0m Meter 5% ln Clayey soil.(Well of 10m. External diameter) Depth from 0-3 meters from cutting edge level Meter 11554.00
12 10.5 2.2 Beyond 3m up to 1om.depth Meter 13431.00
12 Beyond 10m up to 20m depth . Add 5o/o for every Meter 50/o

additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking

for the previous meter.
'12.10.5_2.4 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 7.5yo fotevery Meter 7.50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 10olo for every lvl eter 10%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12 10 526 Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement. labour etc.) Meter 200/o

12.'1O.5.2.7 Add for dewaterinq if requrred Depth up to 3m [,4eter Depth 3 to10m Meter 5% Depth above 10m Meter
1 ln Soft rock. .(well of 10m. External diameter) Depth from 0-3 meters from cuttinq edge level Meter 20539.00 Beyond 3m up to 10m depth : Add 5.00% for every Meter 5.00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter.
1 Beyond 10m up to 20m depth : Add 7.5% for every Meter 7 .50%
additional meter depth of sanking over the rate of sinking
for the previous iTeter.

Item No Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

I 2018 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 1000% for every lvleter 10.00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
1 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 12.50o/o fot every Meter 12.50yo
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12 Kent ledge(supports. loading arrangement, labour etc ) Meter 20% Add for dewatering rf required Depth up to 3m
1 Meter 5% Depth 3 to10m Meter 50h Depth above 10m Meter 5%
12.',1O.5.4 ln Hard Rock.(Well of 10m. External diameter) Depth from 0-3 meters from cutting edge level Meter 28967.00 Beyond 3m up to 10m depth Add 5.00% for every Meter s.00%
additional meler depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter Beyond 10m up to 20m depth : Add 7.5o/o fo( every [,4 ete. 7 .500/0

additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking

for the previous meter
12.'1O.5.4.4 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 10.00% for every lvleter 10.00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the prevrous meter Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add '12.50o/o tot every Meter 12.50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rale of sinking
for the previous meter Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) Meter 20% Add for dewatering if required

I s%-
I Depth up to 3m Meter Depth 3 to10m Meter 5% Depth above 10m Meter 50k
1 2.10.6 Well of 11m external diameter
' ln Sandy soil) .1 Depth from 0-3 meters from cuttino edge level lvleter 20627 00 Beyond 3m uF. to lom.depth. Meter 22022.00 3 Beyond 10m up to 20m depth : Add 5% for every Meter
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter .4 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 7.5o/o for every i/eter 7 .SQo/o

additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking

for the previous meter
12.10 6 1.5 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 10% for every Meter 10%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter Kent ledge(suppo(s, loading arrangement. labour etc.) Meter 20"/"

12.10.6.'t.7Add for dewatering if required .1 Depth up to 3m Meter 5% .2 Depth 3 to10m Meter 50/o .7 .3 Depth above 10m Ileter syo ln Clayey soil.(We ll of 1 1m. External diameter) I Dept h from 0-3 meters from cutting edge level Meter 19233.00 Beyond 3m up to 10m.depth, Meter 27694.00

Item No. Item Description Uriit Rate (Rs.)

I 2018
12 10.6 2 3 Beyond 1Om up to 20m depth : Add 57o for every Meter 5%
additional meter deptli of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 7.5o/o for every Meter 7 .500/a

additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking

for the revious meter
't2.10.6.2 5 Beyond 3Om up to 40m depth: Add 10% for every Meter
additronal meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) Meter 200/a Add for dewaterin if uired D hu to 3m Meter 5o/o De 3 to10m Meter 5%

llztrqzi l De above 10m Meter sa/o ln Soft rock. . ell of 11m. External diameter h from 0-3 meters from cuttin e level lvleter 46053.00 Beyond 3m up to 10m depth : Add 5 00% for every Meter 5.00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter
Beyond 10m up to 20m dePth : Add 7.5 for every
o/o Meter 7 .50%
2. 1 0.6. 3. 3
additional meter depth of sinking over the rale of sinking
for the evious meter Beyond 20m up to 30m depthr Add 10 00% for every Meter 10.00%
adCitional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter Beycnd 30m up to 40m depth: Ad d '12.50o/o {or every l\ileter 12.50%
additronal meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the vious meter
12 Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) Meter 20"/" Add for dewateri if re uired U to 3m Meter 50k
12.', 3 to'l0m Meter 50k Depth above 10m Meter 5% ln Hard Rock.(Well of 11 m. External diameter) De h from 0-3 meters from cutt e level l\.4eter 646/7 .0C Beyond 3m up to 10m dePth : Add 5.00% for every Meter 5 00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the ious meter Beyond 10m up to 20m dePth : Add 7.5 % for every Meter 7 50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meter Beyond 2Om up to 30m depth: Add 10.00% for every Meter 10.00%
addrtional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the revious meler Beyond 3Om up to 40m dePth: Add 12.50% for every Meter 12 50yo
additional meter depth of sinking over lhe rate of sinking
for the revious meter Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) Meter 200/0 Add for dewate n u ired U to 3m Meter 50/o D h 3 tol0m Meter 5%

above 10m l\,4eter 504 D

ltem No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

I 2018
12.10.7 Well bf 1 2m external diameter
12.',t0.7.1 In Sandy soil)
12.10.7 .1 .1 Depth from 0-3 meters from cutting edge level I\,reter 42713.OO
12.10.7 1.2 Beyond 3m up to 1om.depth, Meter 48140.00
12.10 7 1.3 Beyond 10m up to 20m depth : Add 5% for every i,4ete r 5%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the prevaous meter.
't2.10.7 1.4 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 7.5ok lot every l\,Iete r
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of s;;1king
for the previous meter Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 10% for every Meter 10o/o
additional meter deplh of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12.10.7 .1.6 Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) [,4eter 20%

12.10.7 .1 .7 Add for dewatering if required 7 .'l Depth ul to 3m Meter 5Ya .2 Depth 3 to10m Meter 5%
12.',t9.7.1 7 .3 Depth above 10m Meter ln Clayey soil.(Well of 12m. External diameter) Depth from 0-3 meters from cuftinq edqe level lvleter 47099.00
12.10.7 2.2 Beyond 3m up to 1om.depth, lvleter 69689 00
1210723 Beyond 10m up lo 20m depth : Add 5% for every lvleter 5o/o
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 7.5% for every lvleter 7 500h
additional meter deplh of sinking over the rale of sinking
for lhe previous meter
12.',t0.7 2.5 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 10% for every Meter 10%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate oi sinking
for the previous meter
't2. Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) lvleter 20% .1
Add for dewatering if required
Depth up to 3m
fI Meter 5%
12 .10 .7 .2 .7 .2 Depth 3 to10m Meter 5%
12.',to.7.2.7 .3 Depth above '10m Meter 5o/o
't2.10.7.3 ln Soft rock. Depth from 0-3 meters from cutting edge level Meter 10821 5.00 Beyond 3m up to 10m depth : Add 5.00% for every Meter 5.00%
addilional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter. Beyond 10m up to 20m depth : Add 7.5yo tot every Meter 7 .50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter. Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add 10.00% for every Meter 10 00%
addational meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
1210 7 35 Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 12.50Yo for every Meter 12.500/0
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter
12 .'tO .7 .3 .6 Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) lV!eter Add for dewaterina if required Depth up to 3m
I Meter 5o/o

Item No. I Itenr Oescription I Unit Rate (Rs.)

12.10 7 3.7..2 Depth 3 to10m i/eter Depth above 10m lvleter
't2.10.7 .4 ln Hard Rock.(Well ol 12m. External diameter)
12.10 7 .4.',1 Depth from 0-3 melers from cutting edge level Meter | 145514 00 Beyond 3m up to 10m depth : Add 5.00% for every Meter 5.00%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for lhe previous meter.
12.10.7 .4.3 Beyond 10m up to 20m depth : Add 7.5yo lot every lvleter 7 .50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
ior the previous meter.
12 10.7 4 4 Beyond 20m up to 30m depth: Add '10.00% for every Meler lO.OOo/o
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking
for the previous meter Beyond 30m up to 40m depth: Add 12.50o/o for every Meter 't2.50%
additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sanking
for the previous meter Kent ledge(supports, loading arrangement, labour etc.) l\4eter 200/0

' Add for dewatering if required Depth up to 3m l\,Ieter 50/o .2 Depth 3 to10m Meter Depth above 10m Meter
12.11 Sand filling with compaction in wells complete as per Cum 1348.00
level on drawing and technical specification. IMoRTH
Specification : Clause 1207(N)l
12.12 Providing and laying Steel reinforcement at any level in
foundation complete as per drawing and technical
Specification.IMoRTH Specificalion : Section: 1 600(N)]

12 12.1 HYSD bar reinforcement I Tonnes 60974 00

12.12.2 Mild Steel reinforcement I Ionnes 66380.00
12.13 Pneumalic sinking of wells complete as per drawing and Lump Sum 41441.00
technical specification.IMoRTH Specification : Section
12.14 Providing slructural steel liner for curbs and seining for Tonnes 9'1308.00
wells including fabricating and setting out as per detailed
drawing .IMoRTH Specificarion : Sectton
12.15 Board/caslin-situ R.C.C piles complete as per drawing
and technical specification. IMoRTH Specification :

Section 1100.1600&1700(N)l Using Batching Plant.

Transit MiXure. and Concrete Pump.
12.15.1 750 mm Dia piles (excluding reinforcement)
12.15.',1.1 Concrete M25 in R.C.C (Design mix) lvlete r 4518.00 Concrete M30 in R.C C (Oesign mix) lvleter 46'10.00
12.15.1 .3 Concrete M35 in R.C.C (Design mix) Meter 4704 00
12 15.2 1000mm Dia pile (excludrng reinforcement)
12.15 2.1 Concrete M25 in R.C.C (Design mix) l\4eter I
7480.00 concrete M30 in R.c.c (Design mix) iv'leter 7633.00 Concrete M35 in R.C.C (Design mix) Meter 7789.00
12.'t5.3 1200mm Dia piles (excluding reinforcement) Concrete M25 in R.C.C (Design mix) Meter 9603.00 Concrete M30 in R.C]j (Design mix) lvleter 9799.00 concrete M35 in R.C.C (Design mix) Meter 9999 00
Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)
I 20r 8
12.16 Reinforced cement concrdte in pile cap complete at a
levels with steel formwork etc. as per drawing an d
technicat specifrcation. Using Batching Plant, Trans it
Mixlure, and Concrete Pump
12.16.1 Design mix concrete. IMoRTH Specification
1 I 00(N), 1 soo(N), 1700(N)l
12.16.1 1 M20 rade Cum 4032.00 M25 rade Cum 4456 00
'12.'t6.1.1 M30 rade Cum 4509.CC
't2.16.1 .2 M35 qrade Cum 4621 .00 M40 rade Cum 6737 .00
12.16.3 lf the bottom level of pile cap is below the water table, 20%
add20% extra lor under water concreting/ dewatering
shoring, [MoRTH Specification: 1100(N),1500(N),
17 N
12.16.4 lf the pile cap rests on ground add for leveling course Cum 4038.00
IMoRTH Speciflcation 100(N) ,1500(N),1700(N)l
'12.17 Driven caslin-place true and vertical R.C.C piles
complete as per drawing and technical
specification.[MoRTH Specification Section :

1100,1600,1700 (N)l

Concrete M35 in R.C C (Design mix) l-I Meter 3319.00
.1 750 mm Dia iles 1-
12.17 1 '1000mm Oia iles I Meter 5370.00
12.17.1 1200 mm Dia piles Meter 7834.00
12.18 Driven precast true and vertical R.C.C piles complete as
per drawing and technical specification.[MoRTH
Specificalion : Section : 1100.1600, 1700 (N)l
12.18.1 550mm Dia piles (excluding reinforcement)
12.18.1 .1 Concrele M25 in R.C.C (Design mix) Meter 2055 00 I

' Concrete M30 in R.C.C (Desig n mix) Meter 2125.00 Concrete M35 in R C.C Des n mrx Meter 2206.00
12.18.2 500mm Dia iles excludin reinforcement
12Q2.1 Concrete M25 in R.C C (Design m Meter 't717 .00
Q.1A.2.2 Concrete M30 in R.C.C (Design mix) Meter 1798.00 Concrete M35 in R C C (Design mix) Meter 1876.00
12.18.3 450mm Dia piles (excluding reinforcement) T
12.'18.3.1 concrete M25 in R.C.C (Design mix) Meter 1364.00 Concrete M30 in R.C.C (Design mix) l\,4ete r 1429.00
12.1 8.3.3 Concrete fvl35 an R C.C (Desagn mix) Meter 1508.00
12.18.4 750mm Dia iles excludin reinforcement
Concrete M35 in R.C.C ( Design mix) Meter 2482.OO
12.',tB.5 1200mm Dia piles (excluding reinforcement)
Concrete M35 in R C C Des i n mlx Meter 4199 00
12.19 Steel Reinforcement for Board/Cast-in situ piles as per
design (Rate may taken from the relevant item of
reinforcement in foundation work
12.19.1 HYSDsteel Tonne 60974 00
12.19.1 lVild Steel Tonne 66380 C0
12.20 Load testin of iles
12.20.1 lnitial and routine lest for vertical load testin Tonne load 795.00
12.20.2 For lateral load testan of ile Each pile 28104.00
Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)
131 Brick Masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 for substructure
complete. with scaffolding, excluding pointing and
plastering, as per drawing and technical specification.
[MoRTH Specification: Section 13001.
'13.1.1 Up to 5 meter heiqht Cum 4314 00
13.1.2 For heiqht above 5 meters Cum 4357.00
13.2 Stone masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 for substructure
complele, with scaffolding excluding pointing and plastering
as per drawing and technical specification IMoRTH
Specification: Section 14001
1 Coursed Rubble Masonry (lst sort)
Up to 5 meter heiqht
I cum 4093.00
tJ z I I For heiqht above 5 meter Cum 4134.00
Random Rubble masonry (coursed/un-coursed) Up to 5 meter heiqht Cum 4102.00 For height above 5 meter Cum 4143.00
3 Structural Cement concrete for plain concrete/ reinforced
concrete for substructure at any level, complete as per
drawing and technical specification. Using Batching Plant,
Transit Mixture. and Concrete Pump.
Design mix concrete- [MoRTH Specification: Clause
1500(N), & r700(N)l P.c-c
1 3.3. P.C.C.M15 orade
1 .1 Up to 5 meter height

1 I cum 4489.00
13.3.1 .1 .2 For 5m to 10m height Cum 4534 00
13 Above 10m heiqht Cum 4579 00
13.3.1 2 P.C.C.M.20 qrade
1 3.3.1 .2. 1 Up to 5 meter height Cum 4269 00
'13 3.1.2 2l For 5m to 10m heiqht Cum 4312.00 3 Above 10m heiqht Cum 4355.00
13.3 1 3 P.C.C.M25 grade
3.3.1 .3.1 LJp to 5 meter height Cum 4664 00 For 5m to 10m heiqht Cum 471 1.00
13 3.1.3 3 Above 10m height Cum 4758.00 P.C.C.M.30 qrade I Up to 5 meter heiqht Cum 4706.00

13.3.1 4.2 For 5m to 10m heiqht Cum 4753.00
13.3.1 .4 3 Above 10m height Cum 4801 00
13.3.2 Oesign mix concrete - IMoRTH Specification : Clause
1500&17001 R.c.c
13321 R.C.C.M20 qrade , includinq formwork. Up to 5 meter height Cum 4269.00 2 For 5m to 10m height Cum 4312.00 3 Above 10m height Cum 4355.00 R.C.C.M25 qrade, includinq Iormwork Up to 5 meter heiqht Cum 4861.00
'13 3.2.2 2 For 5m to 1Cm heiqht Cum 4910.00 Above 10m heiqht Cum 4959.00 R.C.C.M30 grade, including formwork
1 Up to 5 meter heiqht
tt Cum 4728.00 Fcr 5m to 10m height Cum 4775.00

Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

433233 Above 10m heiqht Cum 482 3.00
' R.C.C.M35 qrade U to 5 meter h ht Cum 5014.00 For 5m to 10m he h, Cum 5064.00 Above'l0m hei ht Cum 51 15.00

13.3.2 5 R.C.C.M40 rade U to 5 meter hei ht Cum 5265.00 For 5m to i 0m height Cum 53'18.00
Above 10m he ht Cum 5371 00
13.4 Pointing of any design with cement mortar ('l 3)on Brick / sqm 62.00
Stone work in substructure at any height [MoRTH
Specification: Clause 1 3091
1 3.5 Plaster on new surface with cement mortar ('l:3) in clud ing sqm 121 .00
racking of .ioint etc. complete fine finished 20mm thick.

13.6 Steel reinforcement in substructure complete.IMoRTH

fication : Section 1 N
tJ o. I HYSD bar reinforcement Ton ne 61 129.00
13 6.2 MS reinforcemenl Tonne 60608 00
13.7 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position lrue to line an d level Tonne 270.OO
Cast Steel Rocker Bearing conlirming to IRC:83 (Part-l - Capacity
Section lX) complete including all accessories as
drawing and technical specilication. [MoRTH Specification
Section :2000 N
1 3.8 Supplying fitting and fixing in position true to line and level Tonne 4'1 5.00
Forged Steel Roller Bearing confirming to IRC:83 (Part-l- Capacity
Section lX) complete including all accessories as
drawing and technical specification. [MoRTH Specification
Sectaon 2 N
1 3.9 Supplying fitting and fixing in position true to line and level Tonne 539 00
Slidrng Plate Bearing with PTFE surface sliding on staanless Capacity
steel complete including all accessories as per drawing and
technical specification and BS: 00, Section 91 &9.2 (for
PTFE) [MoRTH Specification Section 2000 (N)

'13.10 Supplying fitting and fixing in position true to line and level. m3 100
Elastomeric Bearing confirming to IRC: 83 (Pa( ll-Section
lX) complete including all accessories as per drawing and
technical specification.[MoRTH Specification Section
2000 N
13.'11 Supplying ,itting and fixing in position true to line and level. Tonne 696.00
POT-PTFE Bearing suitable for biaxaal movement as Capacity
drawing and BS:5400 Sections 9.1 & 9.2 IMoRTH
ecification Section 2000 N
12.12 Supplying fitting and fixing in position true to line and level Tonne 547 .OO
Sliding Plate Bearing with stainless steel plate sliding on Capacity
stainless steel plate with mild steel matrix IMoRTH
fication : Section 2 N
1313 Providing A.C oipe WeeP holes 00mm dia 1 in Meter 100 00
Masonry/Plain Concrete/.Reinforced Concrete abutment.
wing wall/return wall complete as per drawing and technicai
specification.[MoRTH Specification Clause 2205]

Item No. Item Oescription Unit Rate (Rs.)
12.1 Earth work in excavation for foundation of structure
complete wrth all lift, dewatering shoring and shuttering
etc. .including refilling of trenches in 25.mm layers,
ramming, watering and disposal of surplus soil within a
lead of 1000 meters. as oer drawing and technical
specification.IMoRTH Specification Clause : 304]

'12.1.'.| ln ordinary Soil [MoRTH Specification: Clause : 301]

12.'t .1.',| Depth up to 3m Cum 132.00
12 11i
Above 3m to 6m depth Cum t 1?too
Above 6m depth Cum 228.00
12.1.2 ln hard Soil IMoRTH Specification : Clause : 3011 Depth up to 3m Cum I 12Loo
12 1 .2.2 Above 3m to 6m depth Cum | 150.00
12.1 .2.3 Above 6m depth Cum 171.00
12.1.3 ln Ordinary/Soft rock IMoRTH Specification: Clause
3011 lf blasting is resorted to [MoRTH Specification : Clause Cum 317 00
3021 lf blastina is not resorted to Curn 788.00
12.1.4 ln hard rock (requiring blasting) IMoRTH Cum 466.00
Specification : Clause :301,302I
12.1.5 ln Hard rock (blasting prohibited) [MoRTH Cum 1544.O0
Specification : Clause :3031
12.1.6 ln Marshy soil up to 3m.depth. IMoRTH Specification Cum 312.00
: Clause : 3011
12.1.7 Add Extra for dewaterinq if required : Depth up to 3m Cum 10% Depth 3 to 6m Cum 20%
12.1.7 .3 Depth above 6m Cum 30%
12.2 Sand filling and compaction by mechanical means in Cum 1348.00
foundation trenches, in 150mm layers. with all lead and
lift, as per drawing and technical specification. to achieve
field density. IMoRTH Specification : Clause : 3041

12.3 Back filling behind abutment. wing wall and return wall, in
150mm layers, with mechanical compaction complete
with all lead and lifl. as per drawing and technical
specification. [MoRTH Specification Clause : 3041

12.3.1 Gravelly material Cum 746.00

12.3.2 Sandy material Cum 885.00
12.4 Filter medium behind abutment. wing wall and return Cum 729 00
wall, complete as per drawing and technical specification.
[MoRTH Specifacation : Clause: Clause:2504]

Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

12.5 Brick masonry work in cement mortar 1:3. with Cum 4415.O0
mechanical mixer. in foundation (at any level) complete.
including all scaffolding etc., excluding pointing and
plastering. as per drawing and technical specification.
IMoRTH Specification i Section 1000,1300]

12.6 Stone masonry work in cement morta-l 3 with

mechanical mixer for foundation (any level) complete,
including all scaffolding etc., excluding pointing and
plastering as per drawing and technical specification
IMoRTH Specification: Seclion 1000,14001
12.6.1 Coursed Rubble Masonry (first sort) Cum 4610.00
12.6.2 Random Rubble Masonry (coursed/un-coursed) Cum 3907.00
12.7 Structural cement concrete (Design Mix) in open
foundations, wilh form work. at any level.
Cement concrete for plain/reinforced concrete in open
foundation as per drawing and technical specification.
IMoRTH Specification : Section 1700(N)&1500(N)1. Using
Batching Plant. Transit Mixture, and Concrete Pump.

12.7 .1 P.C.C.M-15 grade Cum 4244.00

12.7.2 P.C.C M-20 grade Cum 4035.00
12.7.3 P.C.C.M-25 qrade Cum 4399.00
127 4 P.C.C.M-30 qrade Cum 4427 .00
tz I a R.C C.M-20 grade Cum 4035.00
12.7 .6 R.C.C.M-25 srade Cum 4828.00
12.7.7 R.C.C.M-30 qrade Cum 5'1 54.00
12.7.8 R.C.C.M-35 grade Cum 5239.00
12.7 I R.C.C.M-40 qrade Cum 5344.00
12.8 Providing and laying cutting edge of mild steel for well Tonne 99872.00
foundation at designed level complete as per drawang
lechnical specification :IMoRTH Specif]cation i Section :
1200(N) & 1900(N)1
12.9 Plain/reinforced Cement concrete for well foundations at
designed level, complete with form work, as per drawing
and techr cal specification. Using Batching Plant, Transit
Mixture, and Concrete Pump.
Structural Concrete (Design mix) in well foundations
IMoRTH Specification.'1200(N), 1500(N),1700(N)l
12.9.1 Well Curb , includinq formwork etc.
12.9.1 .1 R.C.C M-20 qrade Cum 4657.00
12.9.1 .2 RCCM-25grade Cum 5303.00
12.9.1 .3 R.C.C.M-35 grade Cum 5470.00
12.9.2 Well steininq, includinq tormwork etc P.C.C.M-15 Grade Cum 4489.00 P C.C M-20 Grade Cum 4985.00 R.C.C.M-20 Grade Cum 5019 00 P C.C.M-25 Grade Cunt 4664.00 R.C.C.M-25 Grade Cum 4861.00 P.C.C.M-30 Grade Cum 4706.00 R.C.C M-30 Grade Cum 4728.OO
12 9.2.8 R.C.C M-35 Grade Cum 5014.00 R.C.C N4-40 Grade Cum 5078.00
12.9.3 Boftom plug, including forming sump, protective
bounds. chiselinq etc.

Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

'l 2018
13.14 - Providing. A.C pipe Weep holes
dia rn Meier 1 10.00
[4asonry/Plain Concrete/.Reihforced Concrete abutment.
wing wall/return wall complete as per drawing and technical
specification.IMoRTH Speciflcation Clause 2205]

1315 Providing and laying Expansion Joint complete as per

drawing and technical specifi cation
1315.1 With 20mm thick Galvanized mild steel plate.[MoRTH Mete. 2165.00
Specification : Section 2100(N), 2600(N)l
13 152 Providing & fixing 2 mm thick conugated copper plate in lvleter 3s39 00
expansion ioint complete as per drawing & Technical
13 '15.4 Providing & fixing 20 mm thick compressible fibre board in Meter 179.00
expansion .ioint complete as per drawing & Technical
13.15.5 Providing & Fixing in position 20mm thick moulded joint 12200
filler in expansion ioint complete. lueter |
1 3.15.6 Providing and filling joint sealing compound -Coarse sand lvleter per 24.00
with bitumen (6% by weight) Cms depth

13.16 Providing and laying ot an elaslomeric slab steel expansion Meter 1 5619 00
ioint, catering to right or skew (less than 20 deg., moderately
curved with maximum horizontal movement upto 50 mm.
complete as per approved drawings and standard
specifications to be installed b
13 16 1 Providing and laying of compression seal joint consisting of Meter 3267 00
steel armoured nosing at two edges of the joint gap suitably
anchored to the deck concrete and a preformed chloroprene
elastomer or closed cell foam joint sealer compressed and
fixed into the io
13.'16.2 IProviding and laying of a strip seal expansion joint catering Meter 13099 00
to maximum horizontal movement upto 70 mm, complete as
per approved drawings and standard specincations to be
installed by the manufaclurer/supplier or their authorised
representative ensuring

13 16 3 Modular Strip / Box Seal Joint

Providing and laying of a modular strip Box seal expansion Meter 12480.00
joint including anchorage catering to a horazontal movement
beyond 70 mm and upto 140mm, complete as per approved
drawings and standard specifications to be installed by the
manufactu rerlsupplier

13.16.4 Modular Strip / Box Seal Joint

Providing and laying of a modular strip box seal expansion Meter 14397.00
joint catering to a horizontal movement beyond 140mm and
upto 210mm, complete as per approved drawings and
standard specifications to be installed by the
manufacturer/s ier or their authorised

Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)
14.1 Structural Cement concrete for reinforced
concrete/PSC in superstructure conlplete including
steel formwork. scaffolding elc. as per drawing and
technical specifrcatron. Using Batching Plant. Transit
Mixture, and Concrete Pump
Design mix concrete [MoRTH Specification
14.1.1 M 20 q rade
14.1 .1 .1 Solid slab superstructure I Heiqht up to 5m Cum 4603.00

14 1.1.1 .2 Height from 5m to 10m Cum 4795.00
14.1.1 1 .3 Heiqht above 10m Cum 4987 00 T-beam and slab Superstructure
14.1 .1 .2.1 Height up to 5m Cum 4795.00
14.1 .1.2.2 Heiqht from 5m to 10m Cum 4987.00
't4.1 .1.2.3 Height above 1Cm Cum 5179 00
14.1.2 M 25 qrade Solid slab superstructure Height up to 5m Cum 5098.00 Heiqht from 5m to 10m Cum 5310.00 .3 Heighl above 10m Cum 5522.O0
14.1 2.2 T-beam and slab Superstructure Heiqht up to 5m Cum 5310.00
.10m 2 Heiqht from 5m to I Cum 5522.00
14 1 .2.2.3 Height above 10m Cum 5735.00
14.1.3 M 30 qrade Solid slab superstructure Heiqht up to 5m Cum 5162.00
14.1.3.',!.2 Heiqht from 5m to 10m Cum 5377 .00
14.1.3.',1 .3 Height above 10m Cum 5592.00 T-beam and slab Superstructure I

14.1 .3.2.1 Heiqht up to 5m Cum 5377 .OO Height from 5m to '10m Cum 5592.00
' Heiqht above 10m Cum 5807.00
14.1.4 M 35 qrade Solid slab superstructure
14.1 .4.1 1 Heiqht up to 5m I Cum 5201.00 .2 Heiqht from 5m to 10m Cum 5422.00
14.1 4.1 .3 Height above 10m Cum 5642 00 T-beam and slab Superstructure
14 1.4.2 1 Heiqht up to 5m Cum 5422.00
't4.1 4 2 2 Height from 5m to l0m Cum 5642.00 Height above '10m Cum 5862.00 Box qirder and balanced cantilever superstructure
14 1 .4.3.1 Heiqht up to 5m Cum 6083.00 Heiqht from 5m to '10m Cum 6524.00 Height above 10m I Cum 6964.00
14.1.5 M 40 qrade
' Solid slab^/oided slab superstructure Heiqht up to 5m Cum 5458.00
't4.1.5.1 .2 Heiqht from 5m to 10m Cum 5689.C0

Item No. Item Oescription I Unit Rate (Rs.)

.5 1 3
14.'1 Heiqht above.lCrn Cum T-beam, stab precast 'girders and slab for
Superstructure including transporlation and launching
up to 40m span
14 1.5 21 Heiqht up to 5m Cum 5689 00
14.1 .5.2.2 Height from 5m to 10m I
Cum 5921 00
14.',t.5.2.3 Heraht above 10m Cum 6152 00
14.1.5 3 Box qirder and balanced cantilever superstructure
' Height up to 5m Cum 6383 00
't4.1.5 3.2 Height from 5m to '10m Cum 6846 00
14.' Heiqht above 10m Cum 7308.00
14.1.6 M 45 qrade
Solid slab^/oided slab superstructure
Heiqht up to 5m
T- Cum 5655.00 Heiqht from 5m to l0m Cum 5909.00 Height above '10m Cum 6'154.00
't4.1 .6.2 T-beam, slab precast girders and slab for
Superstructure including transportation and launching
up to 40m span Heiqht up to 5m Cum s909.00
14 .6.2.2
.1 Height from 5m to 10m Cum 61 54.00
14.1 .6 2 3 Heiqht above 10m Cum 6398 00
14 1 6 3 Box girder and balanced cantilever superstructure
14.1.6 3 1 Height up to 5m Cum 6642.0C
14.1.6 3.2 Heiqht from 5m to 10m Cum 7130.0C
14. 1 .6.3.3 Height above 10m Cum 7619 00
14.1.7 .1
M 50 qrade { PSC )
Box qirder and balanced cantilever superstruclure
't4.1.7 .1 .1 Herght up to 5m Cum 6842 00
14.',1 .7 .1 .2 Heiqht from 5m to 10m Cum 7349 00
14.1.7.".3 Herqht above 10m Cum 7856.00
t i4rs M 55 qrade (PSc ) Box qirder and balanced cantilever superstructure
't4.1.8.1 .1 Height up to 5m Cum 7232 00
14.1.8.',t.2 Height from 5m to 10m Cum 7768.OC
14 1 8.1.3 Heiqht above 10m Cum 8304.00
14.2 Providing and laying HYSD bar reinforcement at any Tonne 6237i.00
level in superstructure complete as per drawing and
technical specification .IMoRTH Specification 1600(N)] I

't 4.3 Providing and laying High tensite steel wires/strands at Tonne 141759.00
any level including all accessories for slressing,
stressing operations and grouting complete as per
drawing and technical specification [MoRTH
Specification 1 800(N)l
14.4 Reinforced cement concrete wearing coal at any level
including formwork and reinforcement compleled as
per drawing and technical specification. IMoRTH I

Specification 2202(N), 1 500(N)&1 700(N)l I

14.4 1 M 30 grade Cum 7939.00

14.4.1 M 35 orade Cum 8018.00
I M.c.t lvl 40 grade Cum 8098 00

Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

14.5 Frovrdna-nd laying 12mm thick bitumen mastic sqm 252 00
wearing coat with bitumen of grade S35 as per Table
5oo-27. 14-17o/o by weight on prepared base including
the coarse aggregate as per table 500-29, and Iime
stone powder as filler, complete includ;ng tack coat.
[MoRTH specification clause 5'15]
14.6 Providing and laying reinforced Cement Concrete
grade M30 design mix railing cor,rplete as per drawing I

and technical specification. [MoRTH Specification.

'r4.6.1 Pre-cast R C.C railing Meter 1584.00
14.6.2 Cast in situ lvleter 1535.00
14.7 Providing and fixing Mild steel railing, galvanazed or Ivleter 3602 00
painted, complete as per drawing and technical
specification. IMoRTH Specification: 1900(N) &
14.8 PCC M-15 grade leveling course below approach slab Cum 4081.00
complete as per drawing and MoRTH specifications
clause 14 10
14.9 Reinforced cement concrete approach slab including
reinforcement and formwork complete as per drawing
and MoRTH specifications section 1500, 1600, 1700,
14 9.'l M 30 qrade Cum 7 502 00
14.9.2 M 35 grade Cum 7577.00
14 9.3 M 40 arade Cum 7653 00
14.10 P&F on culverts/ bridges deck rain water spouts made Each 1608 00
of cast iron as per MoRTH speciflcation complete

14 11 PSL item epoxy

a Providing anticorrosive treatmenl to heeds Tonne 13733
reanforcement with fusion bonded epoxy coating the
rate includes cost of anticorrosive coating including
cost of powder. sand blasting, cleaning. induction,
heating ,depreciation of machinery etc. wastage in cut
length of bars, provision of wooden battens between
rows of coated bars, cover to work bush pains/bar
bending machines etc.-for bars of 20mm to 32 mm
diameter-confirming to lS 1 3620-'1993
b Providing anticorosive treatment to heeds Tonne 19344
reinforcemenl with fusion bonded epory coating the
rate includes cost of anticorrosive coating including
cost of powder, sand blasting, cleaning, induction,
heating ,depreciation of machinery etc. wastage in cut
length of bars,provision of pic coating on binding wire
,provision of wooden battens between rows of coated
bars, cover to work bush pins/bar bending machines
etc for bars of 1omm to .l6mm diameter-confirming to
rs 136-1993.

Item No. Item Description Unit Rate (Rs.)
15.'l Providing and laying specifled Apron complete as per
drawing and techni.al specificataon. IMoRTH Specilication ]
Clause: 25031
151 1 Boulder/Quarry stone not less than 40 kg (Specific gravaty Cum 17 4.00
not less than 2.65)
15 12 Boulder/Quarry stone not less than 40 kg , in wire crates, Cum 2476.00
3x1 .5x1.25 meter with wire diameter not less than 4mm
mesh not more than 150mm,
15.1 .3 Cement concrete blocks (in lvl-15 grade) Size Cum 3640.00
0.50x0.50x0.50m each complete with form wo rk etc.
IMoRTH Specification: Clause:2504]
15.2 Providing and laying graded stone aggregate Filter Material Cum 550.00
underneath pitching on slopes complete as per drawing and
technical Specification [MoRTH Specification : Clause 2504]

15.3 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes complete as per

drawing and technical specification [MoRTH Specification
Clause 25041
15 3 1 With R.R Stone, weighing not less than 40 Kg, thickness not Cum 77 4.00
less than 150mm (Specific gravity not less than 2.65)
i 5.3 2 With Cement Concrete block M15 grade, complete with Cum 3706.00
form work etc. IMoRTH Specification Clause: 2504.17001
15.4 Providing and laying Flooring Rubble stone/ C C M15 block
over bedding complete as per drawing and technical
specilication. IMoRTH Specification Clause 2505.1700]
15.4.1 Rubble stone laid in cement morta|l:3 Cum 4284 00
Cement concrete block in M15 grade including form work Cum 4423 00

15.4.3 lf cement concrete (M15) bedding is provided Cum 6123.00

1 5.5 Supply of wire crates in required size made of hot dipped G I sqm 386.00
wire 4 mm dia having mesh of 10 cm X10 cm surface area
15.6 Labour Charqes -
5.6 1 For dumping of boulders / stones including hand packing Cum 349.00
where necessary
a ird2 For stone pitchinq for slopes Cum 349.00
1 5.6.3 For dry stone masonry for toe walls Cum 349 00
15.6.4 For laying boulders in bed Cum 180.00
1 5.6.5 For filling wire crates made of smm dia G lwire by stone in Cum 456.00
specified position at site includrng 5 mm dia G I wire for
binding complete in all respect
'l.5.7 Providing and construction of a Gambian structure fcr Cum 2693.00
retaining earth with segments of wire crates of size 7 m x 3
m x 0.6 m each divided into '1.5 m compartments by cross
netting, made from 4 mm galvanized stesl wire @ 32 Kg per
'10 Sqm having minimum tensile strength of 300 Mpa
conforming to lS: 280 and galvanizing coating conforming to
lS : 4826 , woven into mesh with double twist, mesh size not
exceeding 100 x 100 mm , filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm , all loose ends to be tied with 4 mm
galvanized steel wire complete as per MoRTH specification
clause 2503.3

Item No. Item Oescription U nit Rate (Rs.)

1 5.8 Providing and constructi ng O'amUia'n structures for erosion Com 4740.00
control, river training works and protection works with wire
crates of size 2 m x'1 m x 0.3 m each divided into 1 m
compartments by cross netting, made from mm 4
galvanized steel wire @ 32 Kg per 10 Sqm having minimum
tensile strength of 300 Mpa conforming to lS . 280 and
galvanizing coating conforming to lS: 4826 woven rnlo
mesh with double t-v!-ist. mesh size not exceedinE 100 mm x
100 mm filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm.
all loose ends to be securely tied with 4 mm galvanized steel
wire complete as per MoRTH specitication clause 2503.3

Item No Item Description Rate (Rs.)
I 6.1 Removal of existing cement concrete wearing coat manually or sqm 360.00
with the help of jack hammers including its disposal within a
lead of 1000 meters. complete as per technical specification
without causing any detrimental effect to any part of the bridge
structure (MoRTH specifications clause 2809, 1 00)

16.1.1 Removal of existing asphaltic wearing coat comprising of 50 sqm 270.04

mm thick asphaltic concert laid over 12 mm thick mastic
asphalt including disposal with all lift and lead up to 1000 m.
complete as per technical specification without causing any
delrimental effect to any part of the bridge structure (MoRTH
specifications clause 2809,100)
16.2 Grunting (Minimum density 2Tlcum) on concrete/ masonry Sqm 1904 00
surface with wire mesh and cement mortar 1:3, applied with
compressor after cleaning surface and applying with epoxy
complete as per technical specification. [MoRTH Specification ;

't6.3 Providing and inserting nipples with approved fixing compound
after drilling holes for grouting as per technical specification
including subsequent cutting/ removal and sealing of the holes
as necessary of nipples afler completion of grouting with:

16.3.1 Cement grout [MoRTH Specification . Clause: 2806] Each 12 8.00

16.3.2 Epryjrout IMoRTH Specification: Clause: 2803] Each 202.00
16.4 Sealing of cracks by injection process through nipples complete
with material and labour as per drawing and technical
specification IMoRTH Specification: Clause:2803]
16.4.1 Cement grout Kq 165.00
16-4.2 Cement mortar (1 grout Kg 159.00
16.4.3 Epoxy grout Kq 4212.00
I 6.5 Repair /
Replacement of damaged concrete railing including Mtr 2C2 00
dismanlling old railing & disposal of dismantled material using
M-30 CC mix to bring it to the original shape complete in all
16.6 Repair/ Replacement of Replacement of damaged mild sleel Mtr 359.00
railing including dismantling old railing & disposal of dismantled
material to bring it to the original shape complete in all respecl

16.7 Repair of concrete crash barrier with cement concrete of M-30 Mtr 183.00
grade by cutting and trimming the damaged portion to a regular
shape, cleaning the area to be repaired thoroughly, applying
cement concrete after erection of proper form work
't 6.8.'t Replacement of steel rocker bearing complete as per Technical tonne 297 .00
Specification including Lifting of superstructure span by jacking capacity
up from below i.e by placing the jacks on pier/abutment caps I

for all span length, Supplying. fitting and fixing in position true
to line and level cast steel rocker bearing conforming to IRC:
83(Pt.-'l) section lX and clause 2003 of MoRTH speclfications
complete including all accessories as per drawing and
Technical Specifications.
Item No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)
16.8.2 Replacement.of forged steCl roller bearing complete as per tonne 439.00
Technical Specification including Lifting of superstructure span capacity I
by jacking up from below i.e. by placing the jacks on
pier/abutment caps for all span length. Supplying. lifting and
fixing in position true to line and level forged stee! roller bearing
conforming to IRC: 83(Pt.-1) seclion lX and clause 2003 of
MoRTH specifications complete including all accessories as per
drawing 3nC Technical Specif cations
16.8.3 Replacement of sliding plate bearing with PTFE complete as tonne 611 00
per Technical Specification including Lifting of superstructure capacity
span by jacking up from below i.e. by placing the jacks on
pier/abutment caps for all span length, Supplying, fitting and
fixing in position true to line and level sliding plate bearing with
PTFE surface sliding on stainless steel complete including all
accessories as per drawing and Technical Specifications and
BS: 5400, section 9.1 & 9.2 (for PTFE) and clause 2004 of
MoRTH Speciflcations
'16.8.4 Replacement of elaslomeric bearing complete as per Technical cubic 1 .40
Specification including Lifting of superstructure span by jacking centimeter
up from below i.e. by placing the jacks on pier/abutment caps
for all span length, Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true
to line and level elastomeric bearing conforming to IRC: 83
(Part-ll) section lX and clause 2005 of MoRTH specifications
complete including all accessories as per drawing and
Technical Specificataons
16.8. s Replacement of sliding plate bearing with mild steel matrix tonne 61 1.00
complete as per Technical Specrfication tncludtng Lrflrng of capacity
superstructure span by jacking up from below i.e. by placing the
jacks on pier/abutment caps for all span length, Supplying,
fitting and fixang in position true to line and level sliding plate
bearing with stainless steel plate sliding on stainless steel plate
with mild steel matrix complete including all accessories as per
drawing and Technical Specifications.

16.8.6 Replacement of POT-PTFE complete as per Technical tonne 713 00

Specification including Lifting of superstructure span by jacking ca racity
up from below i.e. by placing the.iacks on pier/abutment caps
for all span length, Supplying, fitting and fixing an position true
lo lane and level POT-PTFE bearing consisting of a metal
piston supported by a disc or unreinforced elastomer confined
within a metal cylinder, sealing rangs, dust seals, PTFE surface
sliding against stainless steel mating surface, complete
assembly to be of cast steelifabricated structural steel, metal
and elasiomer elements to be as per IRC: 83 part-l & ll
respectively and other parts conforming to BS: 5400 section
9.1 & 9.2 and clause 2006 of MoRTH Speciflcalions complete
as per drawing and approved Technical Specifications.

1 6.9 Providing and laying strip seal expansion joint catering to Mtr 17419.00
maximum horizontal movement up to 70mm complete as per
approved drawing and IRC specifications including acceptance
testing as specified to be installed under suoervision of a
specialist manufacturer (MoRTH Sp." 2600) including
arrangement of traffic during replacement ofjoint

I ltem No. Item Description Rate (Rs.)

U nit I
I 20r 8
16.10 Repairs of Hair-line (Non structural) cracks by chiseling the -Kg 658.00
surface making a groove of 25mni x25mm or 12mm x 12mm
as per requirement and priming tne surface with Nitroprimer-2s
(Epoxy primeo or equivalent followed by sealing the cracks
with Nitro mortars (High strength reinstalement pre packed
Epoxy mortar) or equivalent and finishing off epoxy product
havinq following properties
(i) Compres sive strenqth 60 N/Sq mm ( 28 days)
(ii) Flexural strenq th 20 N/Sqmm (28 davs)
(iii) Tensile strength 10 N/Sqmm (28 days)
16.11 Providing protection coatings on the well caps and piers coating sqm 978.00
of surface with lnto Cote ET-550 (Epory Tar based high
performance resin coating or equivalent) and having specific
gravity mixed ('1.40) approximately) and volume solids mixed
66% and recommended thickness of 350 microns (DFT)
applied in lwo coats (approx. 175 microns per coat) after
cleaninq the surface thoroughly
16.',|2 Providing and filling joint flller compound confirming to lS: 1834 Rmt 22 00
for each 25mm width & 25mm depth
16_13 Replacement of Expansion Joints complete as per standard Rml 3145.00
drawings of MoRTH complete as per specification including
removal of old da ed ansion etc
16.14 Providing external prestressing with high tensile steel
wires/strands including drilling for passage of prestessing steel.
all accessories for stressing and stressing operation and
grouting complete as per drawing and Technical Specification

16.',|4.1 Span up to 25 m *-Ma_l

MT 342150 00
16.14.2 Span excedding 25 m and up to50m 331039.00l
16.14.3 S an exceedin 50mandu to 100 m MT I zggsga oo J

16.15 Remova! of defective concrete, cleaning the surface sqm 2 33.00

thoroughly, applying the shotcrete mixture mechanically with
compressed air under pressure, comprising of cement. sand.
coarse aggregates, water and quick setting compound in the
proportion as per clause 2807.1., sand and coarse aggregates
conforming to lS: 383 and table 1 of lS: 90'12 respectively,
water cement ratio ranging from 0.35 to 0.50, density of gunite
not less than 2000 kg/cum, strength not less than 25 Mpa and
workmanship conforming to clause 2807.6.

16.'t 6 Applying epoxy mortar over leached, honey combed and sqm s05 00
spalled concrete surface and exposed sleel reinforcement
complete as per Technical Specification
'16.17 Applying pre-packed cement based polymer morlar of strength sqm 761.00
45 Mpa at 28 days for replacement of spalled concrete
including removal of old damaged concrete and all
arrangement for applying it complete as per MoRTH
'16.18 Applying Epory bonding of new concrele to old concrete sqm 677 .OO
including removal of ld damaged concrete and all arrangement
for applying it complete as per MoRTH specifications.

S.No. Description U nit Item Rate Labour
2018 Rate
1 Providing and lnserting indigenously manufactured
Prefabricated Vertical Drain with Polypropylene core
and wrapped with Non-woven geotextile in the very
sofl clay for quick consolidation.
(a) Type-A (TFl - Tech Drain TD3520F) with RPM 123.00 34 00
polypropylene core and wrapped with non-woven
geotextile, minimum 100mm width & 4mm core
thickness. As per the approved Comparative
(b) Type-B (TFl - Tech Drain TD5020F) with RP|\il 145.00 34.00
polypropylene core and wrapped with non-woven
geotextile, minimum 100mm width & 5mm core
thickness. As per the approved Comparative
2 Providing and Laying CE Marked Needle punched and
mechanically bonded Non-woven Geote:itile
indigenously manufactured from high quality
Polypropylene stable fibers (conlinuous filament will
not be accepted) on the prepared subgrade for
separator cum fillration cum drainage application with
necessary overlaps as per drawinq.
(a) Type l(TFl-Tech Geo PR15), minimum width 5.0 P Sqmt '145.00 34.00
Meter. As per the approved Comparative Statement.
ib) Type ll (TFl - Tech Geo PR20) . minimum width 5.0 P.Sqmt 164.00 34.00
Meter. As per the approved Comparative Statement
(c) Type-lll (TFl- Techceo PR25). minimum width 5.0 P Sqmt 182.00 34.00
Meter. As per the approved Comparative Statement.
(d) Type-lv (TFl - Techceo PR30). minimum width 5.0 P.Sqmt 212.00 34.00
Meter. As per the approved Comparative Statement.
(e) Type-V (TFl - Techceo l-R40), minimum width 5.0 P.Sqmt 269.00 34.00
Meter. As per the approved Comparatave Statement
(f) Type-Vl (TFl - Techceo PR50), minimum width 5.0 P.Sqmt 326.00 34.00
Meler. As per the approved Comparative Statement
(g) Type-Vll - (TFl - Techceo PR60), minimum width P.Sqmt 384.00 34 00
5.0 Meter. As per the approved Comparative
Providing and Laying Needle punched and
mechanically bonded Non-woven Paving Fabric
indigenously manufactured from high quality
Polypropylene stable fibers (continuous filament will
not be accepted) over a tack coat of paving grade
bitumen 80-100 preparation. laid at the rate of 1 kg per
Sqm over thoroughly cleaned and repaired surface to
provide a water resistant membrane and crack
retarding layer. Paving fabric to be laid before cooling
of tack coat. brooming and rolling of surface with
pneumatic roller to rnaxii'nize paving fabric contact with
pavement surface as per drawing and product approval
certificate from M/s CRRI. New Delhi.

s.Ho. Descnption Unit Item Rate Labour
2018 Rate
(a) Tech Pave (TFl- Tech Pave C040), rdinimum width P.Sqmt 200 00 34 00
5.0 Meter. As per the approved Comparative I

3 Providing and Laying Fiberglass Geogrid of
indigenously manufactured from high qualily glass fiber
strands and coated with a polymer modified bitumen as
reinforcement to asphalt overlay flexible pavements
and asphalt over distressed ngid PCC pavements.

(a) Type 50 (TFl - Tec glass 50 ken X 50 ken) P.Sqmt 212.00 34 00

minimum width of 2.5 lvleter/ 5.0 Meter. As per the
approved Comparative Statement
(b) Type 100 (TFl - Tec glass 100kN X 100 ken), P.Sqmt 326.00 34 00
minimum width of 2.5 Meter/ 5.0 Meter. As per the
approved Comparative Statement
(c) Type 200 (TFl - Tec glass 100 kN X 200 kN, P.Sqmt 4'10.00 34.00
minimum width of 2.5 Meter/ 5.0 Meter. As per the
approved Comparative Statement
4 Providing and Laying CE marked woven multifilament
Polyester Geotextile indigenously manufactured from
high quality polyester filament yams for soil
reinforcement and stabilization on the prepared
subgrade with necessary overlaps and as per drawing

(a) Type A (TFl 3100: 100 kN/m X 50 kN/m). minimum P.Sqmt 190.00 34 00
width of 5.0 Meter. As per the approved Comparative
(b) Type B (TFl 3200: 200 kN/m X 50 kN/m), minimum P.Sqmt 228.00 34 00
width of 5 0 Meter. As per the approved Comparative
5 Providing and Laying Copper & polypropylene rope
Gabions indigenously manufactured from high
strength rope for slope protection and erosion control
for river bank and sea-shore protection
(a) Type-A (TFl x1x1 ). size 'l mx1mxl m with
P.No 2063.00 68 00
100mmx100mm aperture size, As per the approved
Comparative Stalement.
(b) Type-B (TFl - 1x1x2). size 1mx1mx2m with PNo 3640.00 68.00
100mmx100mm aperlure size. As per the approved
Comparative Stalement
(c) Type-C (TFl - 1x1x3) size lmxlmx3m with PNc 5381 00 68.00
100mmx100mm aperture size As per the approved
Comparative Statement
Providing and Fixing Gabions of only TFI made of
mechanically woven hexagonal shaped wire mesh of
type, 10x12cm with edges selvedge made of heavily
(Zinc + PVC) coated Gl wires as per 85.443, mesh
wire 2.7omm 6 edge wrre 3 4mm 6 of only TFU
TechBox type filled with 20 kg to 50 kg weight trap
stonps including conveying with all the leads & lifts and
placing at required places in required line, level, slope,
seclion as directed etc to complete Reinforced Earth
Walls & Slopes as Der Drawinq

S.No Description Unit Item Rate Labour

2018 Rate
(a) TechBox (TFl- Steel \Mre gabion of size 1.00M X Cum 3665 00 68 00
1.00M X 1.00M). As per the approved Comparative
5 Providing and Laying CE Marked Knitted and PVC
coat"d Polyester Biaxial Geogrid for Basal
Reinforcement indigenously manufactured from
selected high tenacity polyester yanr with high I
molecular weight (> 25000 g/mol), and low carboxyl
end group (<3ommol/kg) for soil reinforcement
application for stabilization, requirement of geogrid
strength in both direction with granular fill (extruded PP
geogrids & Polyester strips & Geostrips & Steel Strips
not allowed). Coating of Geogrid/ Reinforcing
geosynthetic material with LDPE, Latex. Bitumen and
a other coati is not acce
(a) Type I = TFI - TechGrid TGB 30(30 k N/mx30 KN/m P.Sqmt. 186.00 34.00
Ultimate tensile strength), minimum widlh of 5.0 Meter,
as per the approved Comparative Statement.

(b) Type ll = TFI - Techcrid TGB 40(40 kN/mx4o Kn/m P.Sqmt 220 00 34 00
Ultimate tensile strength), minimum width of 5.0 Meter,
as per the approved Comparative Statement.

1-1 iype lll = TFI - Techcrid TGB 60(60 kN/m x 60 P.Sqmt 269 00 34 00
KN/m Ultimate tensile strength), minimum width of 5.0
Meter, as per the approved Comparative Statement.

(d) Type lV = TFI - TechGrid TGB 90(90 k N/mx90 P.Sqmt. 326.00 34.00
KN/m Ultimate tensile strength), minimum width of 5 0
Meter. as per the approved Comparative Statemenl.

(e) Type V = TFI - Techcrid TGB 11( 30 kN/m x 60 P. Sqmt 234.OO 34.00
KN/m Ultimate tensile strength). minamum width of 5.0
Meter. as per the approved Comparative Stalement.

(f) Type Vl = TFI - Techcrid TGB 12 ( 40 kN/m x 80 P.Sqmt. 269.00 34.00

KN/m Ultimate tensile strength), minimum width of 5.0
lreter, as per the approved Comparative Statement.

7 Providing and Laying Reinforced Non-woven

Composite indigenously manufactured from Needle
punched Polypropylene Non-woven Geotextile
(Continuous Filament non woven geotextile will not be
accepted) Reinforced with high tenacity Polyester yarn
on the prepared subgrade for separator cum filtralion
cum reinforcement application.

(a) Type-A (TFl - TGC 60kN/m X 60kN/m), minimum P.Sqmt 269 00 34.00
width of 5.0 Meter. As per the approved Comparative
(b) Type-B (TFl - TGC 90 kN/m X 90 kN/m) , minimum P.Sqmt. 335 00 34.00
width of 5.0 Meter. As per the approved Comparative

S.No. Oescription Unit Item Rate Labour

2018 Rate
I 2018
B Providing and Laying CE Marked Knitted and PVC
coated Polyester Uniaxial Geogrid indigenously
manufactured from selected high tenacity polyester
yarn with high molecular weight (> 25000 g/mole). and
low carboxyl end grouD (<3ommoukg) for reinforced
soil wall and reinforced slope application with granutar
frll as per design prepared by technology provider of
rernforced earth wall and slope (Reinforcing
geosynthetrc product of extruded PP geogrids &
Polyester strips & Geostrips & Steel Strips nol allowed
and not accepted). The reinforced earth wall and slope
should have 100% coverage of Knitted and PVC
coated Polyester Uniaxial Geogrid. (Coating of Geogrid
and Geosynthetic reinforcing malerial with LDPE,
Latex, Bitumen and any other coating will not be
(a) Type-1(TFl - Techcrid TGU 40) (40 Kn/m Ultimate P.Sqmt 176.00 34.00
tensile skength), minimum width of 5.0 M, as per the
approved Comparative statement.

(b) Typeil (TFl - Techcrid TGU 60) (60 KN/m Ultimate P.Sqmt 200 00 34.00
tensile strength), minimum with of 5.0 Meter. as per the
approved Comparative Statement

(c) Type-lll (TFl - Techcrid TGU80) (80 KN/m Utrimate P Sqmt 228 00 34.00
tensile strength). minimum with of 5.0 Meter. as per the
approved Comparative Statement

(d) Type-lV(TFl - Techcrid TGU 100X100 KN/m P.Sqmt 269 00 34.00

Ultimate tensile strength), minimum wilh of 5.0 Meter,
as per the approved Comparative Statement

(e) Type-V(TFl - Techcrid TGU 120X120 KN/m P.Sqmt. 309 00 34.00

Ultimate tensile strength), minimum with of 5.0 Meter,
as per the approved Comparative Statement.

(0 Type-Vl (TFl - Techcrid TGU 150X150 KNim P.Sqmt 343.00 34.00

Ultimate tensile strength). minimum with of 5.0 Meter,
as per the approved Comparative Statement.

(g) Type-Vll (TFl - Techcrid TGU 200) (200 KN/m P Sqmt 418.00 34 00
Ultimate tensile strength), minimum with of 5.0 Meter,
as per the approved Comparative Statement.

(h) Type-Vlll (TFl - Techcrid TGU 250) (250 KN/m P.Sqmt. 493.00 34 0C
Ultimate tensile strength), minimum with of 5.0 lvleter,
as per the approved Comparative Statement.
S.No Description Unit Item Rate Labour
20',t8 Rate
Providing and Laying only CE Marked Knilted and PVC
coated Polyester Uniaxial Geogrid-Techgrad
indigenously manufactured from selected high tenacity
polyester yarn with high molecular weight (> 25000
g/mole), and low carboxyl end group (<3ommoukg) for
Reinforced soil wall (Reinforcing Geosynthetic product
,naterial of extrijded PP geogrids & Polyester strips &
Geostrips & Steel strips not allowed) with granular fill
of PHi-32 degree (design as to be carried out in
accordance with BS-8006 / FHWA) with concrete block
(M35) as facia, casting & erection of blocks with
Techgrid, providing & laying of leveling pad of Ml5,
providing and laying coping beam (M35), providing and
laying 300mm thick filter media etc. completed as per
the necessary drawing and instruction of Engineer ln
Charge. Excluding providing, laying and compacting
selected backfill and retained fill behind the wall.
excavalion and ground improvement, if any The
reinforced earth wall and slope should have 100%
coverage of 5m width Knitted and PVC coated
Polyester Geogrid.

(Coating of Geogrid/ Reinforcing geosynthetic materia

with LDPE, Lalex, Bitumen and any other coating will
not be allowed and will not be accepted).

(a) PVC coated polyester geogrid-Techgrid 1 Meter to P.Sqmt 6922 00 1926.00

4 meter
(b) PVC coated polyester geogrid-Techgrid 4 Meter to P.Sqmt 7554 00 1926 00
6 meler
(c) PVC coated polyester geogrid-Techgrid 6 Meter to P.Sqmt 8172.00 1926 00
8 meter
(d) PVC coated polyester geogrid-Techgrid I Meter to P.Sqmt 9160.00 1926 00
10 meter
(e) PVC coated polyester geogrid-Techgrid 10 Meter to P.Sqmt '10340.00 1926.00
12 meter
(0 PVC coated polyester geogrid-Techgrid 14 Meter to P.Sqmt 11059 00 1926.00
16 meter

I Providing and Laying a Woven Polypropylene

multifilament Geotextile of indigenously manufactured
from multifilament polypropylene yarn on lhe prepared
subgrade (CBR less than 3olo) as a separator cum
drainage cum reinforcement with necessary overlaps
as per drawings
(a) Type I (TFl 1100), minimum width of 5.0 Meter As P.Sqmt 145.00 34.00
per the approved Comparative Statement.

(b) Type ll (TFl 1200), minimun: width of 5.0 Meter. As P.Sqmt 161 .00 34 00
per the approved Comparative Statement.

(c) Type lll (TFl - 1300), minimum width of 5.0 Meter P.Sqmt. 186.00 34.00
As per the approved Comparative Statement.

S. No. Oescription Un it Item Rate Labour

2018 Rate
20't 8
10 Providing and Laying CE Marked Woven
Polypropylene Geotextile indigenously manufactured
from black UV stabrlized polypropylene flat tape/
fibrillated tape yarns on the prepared subgrade (CBR
less than 3%) as a separator cum Reinforcement with
necessary ovedaps having minimum 5 years
Performance certificate from any State P\A/D and as
per drawinqs
(a) Type I (TFl ' 5100), minimum width of 5.3 l\ileter P. Sqmt 97.00 34.00
As per the approved Comparative Statement.
(b) Type ll (TFl - 5200), minimum width of 5.3 Meter P. Sqmt. 112.00 34.00
As per the approved Comparative Statement.
(c) Type lll (TFl - 5300), minimum width of 5.3 Meter P. Sqm. 133.00 34.00
As per the approved Comparalive Statement.
11 Providing and Laying Needle punched and
mechanically bonded Non-woven Paving Fabric
indigenously manufactured from high quality
Polypropylene stable fibers (continuous filament will
not be accepled) over a tack coat of paving grade
bitumen 80-100 preparation, laid at the rate of 1 kg per
Sqm over thoroughly cleaned and repaired surface to
provide a water resistant membrane and crack
retarding layer. Paving fabric to be laid before cooling
of tack coat. brooming and rolling of surface with
pneumatic roller to maximize paving fabric contact with
pavement surface as per drawing and product approval
certificate from Mls CRRI, New Delhi.

(a) TechPave (TFl . TechPave C040), minimum width P.Sqmt 200 00 34.00
5.0 Meter. As per the approved ComParative
12 Providing and Fixing Gabions of only TFI made of
mechanically woven hexagonal shaped wire mesh of
type, 10X12:m with edges selvedge made of heavily
(Zinc + PVC) coated Gl wires as per BS:443, mesh
wire 2.7omm (i edge wire 3.4mm 6 of only TFI/
TechBox type filled with 20 kg to 50 kg weight trap
stones including conveying with all the leads & lifts and
placing at required places in required line, le\€|, slope,
section as directed etc. to complete Reinforced Earth
Walls & Slopes as per Drawing
(a) TechBox (TFl- Steel Wire gabion of size'1.00M X Cum 366s.00 68.00
1.00M X 1.00M). As per the approved Comparative
S.No. Description unit I
Item Rate Labour
2018 Rate
13 Providing and Laying only CE Marked Knitted and PVC
coated Polyester Uniaxial Geogrid-Techgrid
indigenously manufactured from selected high tenacity
polyester yarn with high molecular weight (> 25000
g/mole). and low carboxyl end group (<30mmoukg) for
Reinforced soil wall (Reinforong Geosynthetic product
materiai of extruded PP geogrids & Polyester strips &
Geostrips & Steel strips not allowed) with granular fill
of PHi-32 degree (design rs to be carried out in
accordance with 85-8006 / FHWA) with concrete block
(M35) as facaa, casting & erection of blocks with
Techgrid, providing & laying of levelling pad of M15,
providing and laying coping beam (M35), providing and
laying 300mm thick filter media etc. completed as per
the necessary drawing and instruclion of Engineer ln
Ciarge. Excludang providing. laying and compacting
selected backfill and retained fill behind the wall,
excavation and ground improvement, if any. The
reinforced earth wall and slope should have 100%
coverage of 5m width Knrtted and PVC coated
Polyester Geogrid. (Coating of Geogrid/ Reinforcing
qeosynthelic material with LDPE, Latex. Bitumen and
(a) PVC coated polyester geogrid-Techgrad 1 Meter to P.Sqmt 6922.00 1926 00
4 meter
(b) PVC coated polyester geogrid-Techgrid 4 Meter to P.Sqmt 7554.00 1926 00
6 meter
(c) PVC coated polyester geogrid-Techgrid 6 Meler to P.Sqmt 8172.00 1926.00
8 meter
(d) PVC coated polyester geogrid-Techgrid I Meter to P Sqmt 9160.00 1926.00
10 meter
(e) PVC coated polyester geogrid-Techgrid 10 Meier to P.Sqmt 10340.00 1926 00
12 meter
(f) PVC coated polyester geogrid-Techgrid 14 Meter to P.Sqmt 'l 1059.00 1926.00
16 meter
14 Providing & mixing admixture in Cemenl Concrete P.Ks 386 00
flooring/Cement Plaster/Plaan or RCC work, Synthetic
Polyester Triangular Construction Fiber of length
6mm/12mml18mm with specilic gravity 1.34 to 1.40
and diameler 10-40 microns and melting point>220
degrees centigrade by using 125 gm fiber for 50 kgs
cement used as per direction oI Engineer - in - charge.

15 Providing & mixing admixture in Cement Mass P.Kg 493.00

Concrete flooring, CC Road. RCC work, Canal Lining
and Shotcrete Non Circular wilh ribbed surface
Structural Synthetic Macro Fiber 42-50mm length,
specific gravity of >1.30 and diameter 0.8-1 .20mm and
melting poinp220 degree centigrade@0.75% - 1.00yo
by cement weight in desagn mix as per direction of
S.No. Description Unit Item Rate Labour
2018 Rate
16 Valuation of permanent or pucca strUcture including P.Sqm 4008 00 000
I measurement at site, preparation of valuation,
photographs. preparatron of plan including
transportation and submitting in 4 sets etc. complete as
per Standing order including approval by the CALA

17 Superimposing of revenue map over road alignment P Village 20340.00 0.00

using satelite coordinating system and calculation of
area for land acquisition and area of structure including
government end private structures etc complete in two

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