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A detailed lesson plan in science iii (composition of soil)

1. 1. A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science III

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to;
 Identify the importance and uses of soil
 Describe the composition of soil particles; sand, clay, silt and loam
 Appreciate the importance of the soil.

II. Subject Matter

A. Unit IV- The Earth and Beyond Lesson: Composition of Soil
B. Materials:
4 Jars filled with Loam
sand, silt and clay
activity sheets
C. References: Science for Active Learning 3, pp. 211-220 D.
Sciences Processes: Observing, Describing, and Identifying E.
Science Concept;
 Soil- the loose materials found on the surface of the
 Sand- made of fine particles of rocks
 Silt- made of fine particles that are usually carried
away by rainwater into a river or sea.
 Clay- made up of very fine particles of rocks.
 Humus- comes from decayed plants and animals.

F. Value: Take good care of our environment. III. Methodology

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity A. Preliminary Activity 1. Prayer
Before we start, ______ kindly lead the prayer. 2. Greetings Good
morning Class!! Before you take your seat please pick all the litters
and pieces of papers under your chair and arrange your chair
properly. You may now take your seats. 3. Checking of Attendance
Class secretary tell the class who are absent today? 4. Review Do
you still remember your lesson yesterday? B. Preparatory
Activity/Guided Inquiry 1. Vocabulary Drill What are the meanings of
the following? Heavenly Father….. Amen. Good Morning Teacher.
Thank you Teacher. (secretary reports) Yes Teacher.
2. 2. Particles Decayed Texture Recedes 2. Motivation Can you
remember what the earth is made up? The earth has landforms and
water forms. The land is where your house and buildings stand. It is
where plants grow. It is where you can find roads, parks and
playgrounds. The land is made of rocks and soils. What you till in the
garden is soil. Beneath the soil are the rocks. The soil is the loose
material found on the surface of the earth. It is made up of clay, sand,
broken pieces of rocks and decayed plants and animals. Soil also
contains water and some gasses. Plants grow in the soil. Some
animals live in the soil. C. Guided Discover 1. Presentation Class I
have here a different kinds of soil. The sand, clay, silt and loam. We
will identify the characteristic of different kinds of soil. We’re going to
have group activity. I’ll divide you into four groups. 2. Setting of
Standard in Group Activity But Before we start, what are the rules to
follow in group activity? Okay! Grade three. Read. The earth has
landforms and water forms. 1. Listen attentively to the instructions. 2.
Be careful in using and handing materials. Kinds of Soil Color (dark
or light) Texture (fine, course, or sticky) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Group 4
3. 3. a. Group Activity b. Group Reporting D. Analysis/Discussion Soil
has different kinds, namely  Sand  Clay  Silt  Loam Who among
you live near the sea? We noticed that the soil on the beach is sandy.
Sometimes you play with the soil on the beach. You make sand
castles or cover your body with the sand. Sand is made up of fine
particles of rocks. What is the sand made up? Very Good! There are
places in the Philippines where the sand is white, like the sand in
Boracay or Rizal beach in Sorsogon. The sand in some Beaches in
Batangas is black or dark. Sandy soil of whatever color is not good
for growing plants because sandy soil cannot hold water well. Water
easily passes through the soil particles. Did you understand Class?
Have you ever watched on television how ceramic articles like plates,
jars, vases, tiles and pots are made? Ceramic articles are made of
clay. Clay is made up of very fine particles of rocks. The
characteristic that makes clay best in ceramic making is its
stickiness, which makes it easy to mold. Dry clay is hard but sticky
when wet. Clay is not a good soil for plants. It tends to pack together,
leaving no room for air or water movement. 3. Follow the time
allotment for the activity. 4. Be cooperative in one’s group work. 5.
Enjoy and doing one’s work. 6. Maintain the cleanliness and
orderliness of the room. 7. Returned the materials used in a properly.
The sand is made up of fine particles of rocks. Yes Teacher. Yes/No
4. 4. What is the characteristic of clay? Have you ever experienced
flood in your placed? When the water recedes after a flood, the soil
that settles or deposits on the ground is silt. Silt is made up of fine
particles that are usually carried away by rainwater into a river or sea.
Silt particles are smaller than sand but bigger than clay. Who among
you have a garden in the house? What have you seen in the flower
pot? We use loam soil. Loam soil is a mixture of silt, clay, sand and
humus. Humus comes from decayed plants and animals. It is the part
of the soil that makes it fertile. Fertile soil makes plants grow healthy.
Humus makes the soil dark. Sometimes the color of loam is brown or
orange brown. Loam can best absorb the minerals and nutrients that
plants need. Loam also holds just the right amount of water that
plants need. Did you understand grade three? E. Generalization/
Abstraction What is soil made up of? What are the different kinds of
soil? What are the characteristic of sand? Silt? Clay? And loam?
What is the best kind of soil for plant? The characteristic of clay is
sticky. Yes/No Teacher. Yes Teacher. The soil is made up of clay,
sand, broken pieces of rocks and decayed plants and animals. The
different kinds of soil are sand, silt, clay and loam. Sand-white, black
or dark, rough Silt-smaller than sand but bigger than clay Clay-sticky
Loam-brown or red Loam is the best soil for plant.
5. 5. Very Good  F. Application IV. Evaluation A. Identify the words or
phrase described by each sentence. _____________1. It consists of
the loose materials found on the outer portion of the earth.
_____________2. Contains humus and is the best kind of soil for
plant to grow. _____________3. Made up of fine particles of rocks
and is usually found near the sea. _____________4. Soils that are
usually carry by rainwater and deposited along the way.
_____________5. Consist of sticky particles smaller than sand.
_____________6. What are the best kind of soil for plants? B.
Enumeration What are the different kinds of soil? 1. 2. 3. 4. V.
Assignment What information about soil was most helpful to you?
Why? Prepared by: Cecille Maye T. Sagmon Beed 4a Contrast loam
soil from sandy soil by completing the chart below. Loam Soil
Characteristic Sandy Soil Particles(Big or small) Humus (present or
absent Color ( dark or light) Water –holding Capacity ( holds or does
not hold) Fertility (good or not good)

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