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P. Sta. Cruz Village, Borol 1st, Balagtas, Bulacan


SUBJECT: English 1 TIME FRAME: June 23 – 27, 2014

CLASS HANDLED: Grade 1 - Sampaguita TIME: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm


TOPIC: Words with /- an/

Mother and father

BIG IDEAS: Read, write and speak well using the words with –an.
Know your mother and father well.


A. Content to be mastered B. Behavioral Manifestations

The learners will study: The learners will be able to:

1. Words with / - an /  Recognize the short vowel sounds

in words.
 Differentiate short vowel sounds in
a word.
 Read out loud words, phrases and
sentences with /-an/.
 Pronounce words with /-an/.

2. Mother and father  Say the name of his mother and

father correctly.
 Know one’s parents.


The learners will be able to demonstrate understanding through:

1. Explanation of ( Cognitive )
 the words with /-an/.
 the ways of reading words, phrases and sentences.
 what mother and father are.
Assessment Tool: Oral Recitation

2. Interpretation of ( Cognitive )
 the different pictures presented by the teacher.
 the story with words ending in /-an/ that is presented by the teacher.
 the picture of a mother and a father.
Assessment Tool: Oral Recitation

3. Application of ( Psychomotor )
 the words with /-an/ in reading, writing and speaking.
 knowing our mother and father in everyday life.
Assessment Tool: Seat Activity
4. Empathize with others on ( Affective )
 the value of every parents in our daily lives.
 the importance of /-an/ in learning how to read.
 the value of being independent in doing the activities.
Assessment Tool: Group Dynamics and drills

5. Generalize that ( Perspective )

 words with /-an/

ban can man

fan ran tan
van Dan pan

 if a syllable –an comes after a consonant, it is pronounced as /-ân/.

 God gave us our father and mother. We should love them.
Assessment Tool: Note Taking

6. Gain Insight from ( Self Knowledge )

 knowing and understanding the word with /-an/.
 mother and father.
Assessment Tool: Quiz


The learners should be able to actively participate in the following learning

Day 1

Essential Questions:
What are the words with /-an/?
How can you read those words?
Can you read words with /-an/?
Can you say your name correctly?

1. Opening prayer, checking of attendance, checking of preparation

2. Word for the day ( A vocabulary word with meaning and use it in a sentence. )

3. Explore
 Teacher will present a story with words that end in –an. Pupils will listen
then identify the words.
 Teacher will have pictures of a family, mother, and father then the
students will say something about the pictures.

1. Practice reading the words with /-an/.
2. Paste a picture of your mother and father in your English book and sayu
something about them.

Days 2 - 3

4. Firm up
 Discussion
- Words with /-an/
- Mother and father
 Note taking

words with /-an/

ban can man

fan ran tan
van Dan pan

 Seat Activity

Read the following words.

ban can man

fan ran tan
van Dan pan

Day 4

5. Deepening

 Oral Recitation
Pupils will read the phrases and sentences.

 Book Activity
Do the exercises on pages 17 - 18 of your Functional English 1.

 Quiz

A. Spell the words dictated by the teacher.

1. ________
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________

B. Draw the face of your mother and father. Say something about
them orally.

Day 5

6. Transfer of Learning

A. With a partner, write 5 sentences with words ending in –an.

B. Let the pupils read the words with /-an/.

ban can man

fan ran tan
van Dan pan

7. Individualized instructions
One – on – one

 Functional English 1
Elizabeth Sonto – Mendoza

 e – Language
Nieves Raciles

Prepared by:


Submitted to:

TL, Level 1

Noted by:

P. Sta. Cruz Village, Borol 1st, Balagtas, Bulacan


SUBJECT: English 4 TIME FRAME: June 23 – July 4, 2014

CLASS HANDLED: Grade 4 – Rosal TIME: 8:30 am to 9:30 am


TOPICS: Syllable stress

BIG IDEA/S: Demonstrate understanding of the idea and details of a selection using the
most appropriate language forms and functions.


A. Content to be mastered B. Behavioral Manifestations

The learners will study: The learners will be able to:

Syllable stress  Identify the accented syllable.

 Read words with stress on
the first syllable.
 Read words with stress on
the second syllable.
 Read words with stress on
the third syllable.


The learners will be able to demonstrate understanding through:

1. Explanation of ( Cognitive )
 the syllable stress.
 how to read words with stress on the first, second or third syllable.
 the difference of stress on the syllables.
Assessment Tool: Oral Recitation

2. Interpretation of ( Cognitive )
 the words with stress.
 the different syllable stress.
Assessment Tool: Oral Recitation

3. Application of ( Psychomotor )
 the syllable stress in speaking and reading.
 Knowing the difference of the syllable stress in reading.
Assessment Tool: Seat Activity

4. Empathize with others on ( Affective )

 the value of syllable stress in writing, reading and speaking.
 the value of being independent in doing the activities.
Assessment Tool: Group Dynamics and drills
5. Generalize that ( Perspective )
 syllable stress marked by a stress symbol ( ‘ ) indicates the intensity of
utterance given to a syllable.
 the stress may be on the first, second or third syllable.
Assessment Tool: Note Taking

6. Gain Insight from ( Self Knowledge )

 knowing and understanding syllable stress.
 the difference between first, second and third stress.
Assessment Tool: Quiz


The learners should be able to actively participate in the following learning


Day 1 & 2

Essential Questions:
How will you read words with stress?
Can you read the words correctly?

1. Opening prayer, checking of attendance, checking of preparation

2. Word for the day ( A vocabulary word with meaning and use it in a sentence. )

3. Explore

Read the names of local fruits.

mango papaya avocado

guava banana guyabano
jackfruit pomelo watermelon

4. Firm up

 Discussion
- syllable stress

 Note taking

 syllable stress marked by a stress symbol ( ‘ ) indicates the

intensity of utterance given to a syllable.

 the stress may be on the first syllable of a word.

Ex. ‘bo-dy ‘fin-ger ‘fore-head

 the stress may be on the second syllable of a word.

Ex. com-‘put-er re-‘frig-er-a-tor re-‘cord-er

 the stress may be on the third syllable of a word.

Ex. mac-a-‘ro-ni el-e-‘men-ta-ry cel-e-‘bra-tion
 Seat Activity
Listen attentively to your teacher as she reads words. Write F
If the stress is on the first syllable, S on second syllable and T on
the third syllable.

1. _______ 6. _______
2. _______ 7. _______
3. _______ 8. _______
4. _______ 9. _______
5. _______ 10. ______

Day 3 – 4

5. Deepening

 Oral Recitation
Read each word aloud with the correct stress.

 Book Activity
Do the exercises on pages 11 - 14 of your Functional English 4.

 Quiz

. Write the correct stress on the correct syllable using ( ‘ ).

_____1. electricity
_____2. republic
_____3. volcano
_____4. library
_____5. interesting
_____6. computer
_____7. finger
_____8. Information
_____9. committee
_____10. body

Day 5

6. Transfer of Learning

Using the GAISian penmanship, list down 5 words each with first,
second and third syllable stress. Use them in sentence.

7. Individualized instructions
One – on – one


 Functional English 4
Gloria Helen Ilustre - Bayeng

 e – Language
Dolores Rillera
P. Sta. Cruz Village, Borol 1st, Balagtas, Bulacan


SUBJECT: Mathematics 6 TIME FRAME: June 23 - 27, 2014

CLASS HANDLED: Grade 6 - Poinsettia TIME: 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm


TOPICS: Comparing and ordering Numbers

BIG IDEAS: Make the learning of mathematics a truly enriching, enjoyable and
unforgettable experience for the pupils.


A. Content to be mastered B. Behavioral Manifestations

The learners will study: The learners will be able to:

Comparing and ordering Numbers  Compare the numbers using the

symbols > ( is greater than ), < ( is
less than ) or = ( is equal to ).
 Arrange numbers in ascending and
descending order.


The learners will be able to demonstrate understanding through:

1. Explanation of ( Cognitive )
 The Comparing and ordering Numbers.
 how greater than, less than and equal to symbols.
 how to arrange numbers in ascending and descending order.
Assessment Tool: Oral Recitation

2. Interpretation of ( Cognitive )
 the numbers given by the teacher.
 the problems need to be solved.
 the symbols >, <, =.
Assessment Tool: Oral Recitation

3. Application of ( Psychomotor )
 knowing how to Compare and order Numbers.
 the knowledge of Comparing and ordering Numbers in problem solving.
Assessment Tool: Seat Activity

4. Empathize with others on ( Affective )

 the value of numbers in our daily lives.
 the importance of Comparing and ordering Numbers.
 the value of being independent in doing the activities.
Assessment Tool: Group Dynamics and drills
5. Generalize that ( Perspective )
 To compare numbers, begin by writing the digits in column form. Then
compare each digit, beginning at the left.
Assessment Tool: Note Taking

6. Gain Insight from ( Self Knowledge )

 Comparing and ordering Numbers
Assessment Tool: Quiz


The learners should be able to actively participate in the following learning


Day 1

Essential Questions:
What are the steps in comparing and ordering numbers?
Can you compare and order numbers?

1. Opening prayer, checking of attendance, checking of preparation

2. Explore
Teacher will have a envelope. It contains of sets of numbers. Pupils will
compare the numbers. Then they will arrange those numbers in ascending
and descending orders.

Day 2 - 3

3. Firm up
 Discussion
Comparing and ordering Numbers

 Note taking

 To compare numbers, begin by writing the digits in column form. Then

compare each digit, beginning at the left.


Compare the following numbers.

a. 1 000 000 3 787 000

b. 576 000 566 000
c. 580 579
d. 7 610 7610
e. 143 000 000 134 000 000

Day 4

4. Deepening

 Oral Recitation
Pupils will compare numbers then they will explain their answer.

 Book Activity
Do the exercises on pages ______ of your Math book.
 Seat Activity

Write >, < or = on the line to compare.

a. 36 684 _____ 36 715

b. 408 374 _____ 40 937
c. 1 712 849 _____ 1 711 958
d. 5 781 234 _____ 5 791 233
e. 76 533 337 _____ 76 453 337

 Quiz

A. Answer with True or False.

1. 168 939 is greater than the sum of 11 743 and 166 196.
2. The difference between 10 000 000 and 376 132 is less than
9 643 868.
3. 201 319 000 decreased by 92 146 628 is equal to 109 172 372.
4. Ten million is greater than 10 000 000 000.
5. 8 000 000 000 is less than 1010.

B. These are the top ten breeds in the USA according to the American
Kennel Club. Arrange them in descending order in the box below.

Beagle 43 314 Champion _________

Chow Chow 50 150 1st place __________
Cocker Spaniel 111 636 2nd place __________
Dachshund 44 305 3rd place __________
German Shepherd 58 422 4th place __________
Golden Retriever 91 107 5th place __________
Labrador Retriever 64 269 6th place __________
Miniature Schnauzer 42 175 7th place __________
Poodle 78 600 8th place __________
Rottweiler 51 291 9th place __________
10th place _________

Day 5

5. Transfer of Learning

Class will be divided into 3 groups. Each group will have a representative. Each
pupil should be a player. Teacher will give a problem then players will solve it.
The first player who gets the correct answer will have a point. The group who has
a greatest number of points will win the game.

6. Individualized instructions
One – on – one


 Mathematics in Challenging World

Erminda E. De Leon
P. Sta. Cruz Village, Borol 1st, Balagtas, Bulacan


SUBJECT: Mathematics 8 TIME FRAME: June 23 – July 4, 2014

CLASS HANDLED: Grade 8 - Santol TIME: 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Grade 8 – Abokado 11:00 am to 12:00 nn


TOPICS: Sum and Difference of two cubes

BIG IDEA: Raising the awareness on the importance of mathematics in real life


A. Content to be mastered B. Behavioral Manifestations

The learners will study: The learners will be able to:

Sum and Difference of two cubes  Know how to get the product of the
sum and difference of two terms.
 Solve for the product of sum and
difference of two terms.


The learners will be able to demonstrate understanding through:

1. Explanation of ( Cognitive )
 the Distributive Property.
 how to get the product of sum and difference of two cubes.
Assessment Tool: Oral Recitation

2. Interpretation of ( Cognitive )
 the equations given by the teacher.
 the formulas and procedures.
Assessment Tool: Oral Recitation

3. Application of ( Psychomotor )
 Distributive property in getting the product of sum and difference of two
 the formula in understanding how to find the product of sum and difference
of two cubes.
Assessment Tool: Seat Activity

4. Empathize with others on ( Affective )

 the value of knowing how to use the distributive property in solving
 the importance of general forms and procedures in deep understanding of
getting the product of sum and difference of two cubes.
 the value of being independent in doing the activities.
Assessment Tool: Group Dynamics and drills
5. Generalize that ( Perspective )
 The general forms can be stated in the form:

(a+b) (a2-ab+b2) = a3+b3

(a-b) (a2+ab+b2) = a3-b3

Assessment Tool: Note Taking

6. Gain Insight from ( Self Knowledge )

 Distributive property of multiplication.
 the steps in getting the sum and difference of two cubes.
Assessment Tool: Quiz


The learners should be able to actively participate in the following learning


Day 1

Essential Questions:
What do you mean by DPM? How it is used to get the special products?
Can you enumerate the steps in getting the sum and difference
of two cubes?
Can you solve for the sum and difference of two cubes?

1. Opening prayer, checking of attendance, checking of preparation

2. Explore
 Teacher will present marbles and plastic cups in the class. Class will
observe what the teacher is doing with the marbles and cups.
( Distributing marbles to the plastic cups )

Day 2 - 3

3. Firm up
 Discussion
- sum and difference of two cubes

 Note taking

 The general forms can be stated in the form:

(a+b) (a2-ab+b2) = a3+b3

(a-b) (a2+ab+b2) = a3-b3

 Seat Activity

Find the product.

1. (x-7y) (x2+7xy+49y2) =
2. (a-6) (a2+6a+36) =
3. (x+1) (x2-x+1) =
4. (a-10) (a2+10a+100) =
5. (x-1) (x2+x+1) =


Answer exercise 1.1.4 nos. 11 – 21 in your math book.

Day 4

4. Deepening

 Oral Recitation
Teacher will prepare a box that contains different equations.
The class will draw lot for the name of the students who will solve in
the board. The student who will be picked will pick in the box, solve
it and explain his solution to the class.

 Book Activity
Do the exercise 1.1.4 in your Math book.

 Quiz

Find the product.

1. (a+2b) (a2-2ab+4b2) =
2. (k-6) (k2+6k+36) =
3. (x-7) (x2+7x+49) =
4. (2+5m) (4-10m+25) =
5. (3a-4b) (9a2+12ab+16b2) =

Day 5

5. Transfer of Learning

Class will be divided into groups of five. Members will have their number.
Member of each group who has the same number will be the contenders. They
will be given an equation to solve. The first student who answered the equation
correctly will have a point. The group who earns much point will win the game.

6. Individualized instructions
One – on – one


 Skill book in Mathematics 8

Modesto G. Villarin

 Practical Mathematics 8
Evelyn Zara

Prepared by:


Submitted to:

TL, Level 3

Noted by:

P. Sta. Cruz Village, Borol 1st, Balagtas, Bulacan


SUBJECT: MAPEH 3 TIME FRAME: July 4 - 15, 2014

CLASS HANDLED: Grade 3 - Cosmos TIME: 7:30 am to 8:30 am


Music – Tonal Movement
Arts – Colors
P.E - Physical Fitness

BIG IDEA: Provides the pupils with a treasure of challenging but enjoyable activities
that will enable them to express their capabilities through Music, Arts and
Physical Education.



Concept: Tonal Movement


1. Describe the tonal movement  Discussion

 Drill

2. Sustain interest in identifying the  Oral recitation

movements of notes  Seat Activity

3. Answer the exercises correctly  Group Activity

 Quiz


Concept: Primary Colors

1. Name the primary colors  Discussion

 Oral recitation

2. Observe neatness to one’s work  Seat Activity

3. Apply primary colors to various  Group Activity

activities  Art Work
Physical Education:

Concept: Physical Fitness

1. State what physical fitness is  Discussion

2. Sustain interest in executing each  Drill


3. Perform the tests correctly.  Group Activity

 Practical


 Spotlight 3
Orlando Pascual Abon

Prepared by:


Submitted to:

TL, Level 2

Noted by:


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