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- Install these free plugins "download and drop them on the plugins folder"

- Protocolsupport "to support 1.8 - 1.13.2 versions":

- Citizens "to have NPCs around the spawn, etc":

- Run "RUN.bat" file on main folder if you are on windows. If you are on linux, run
"run.sh" file.

- Setup will be opened by default on "25565" port, if you want to change it: Go to
server.properties in main folder.

- Ready to play, enjoy!

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- To change the scoreboard, go to plugins > simplescore > config.yml

- If your RUN.bat isn't working, replace your java directory editing the .bat

- If UTF-8 characters aren't working for you, that's because you didn't use the
.bat that I put in the Skyblock folder.

- If you are teleporting to the nether world when hitting spawn portals, disable
nether on server.properties and then, remove the world_nether world.

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- If you have any error/issue or questions, contact me through MC-MARKET (Rey or


- Support will be only given to customers who bought the setup.

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