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The Latin scholar H.

Rackham translated the above in 1914:

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was
born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the
great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or
avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue
pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone
who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain,
butoccasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To
take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain
some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a
pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant

On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled
and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot
foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in
their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and
pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of
choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every
pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the
claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be
repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this
principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures
pains to avoid worse pains.

Est quidam invidunt intellegebat ut. Ex mel altera equidem. Idque saepe euripidis id per, ei vix
oratio lucilius. Modo repudiandae eu quo, pro dolores adipisci at, ex est aliquid veritus scripserit.

In inermis pertinax eam, at eum eligendi delectus. Has an ignota laoreet, no est quem quas, viderer
fierent quaerendum mei at. Tantas nonumy usu id, mel eruditi deseruisse neglegentur id. Cu duo
labore commune omnesque, vis te velit summo utinam. Harum causae te vis, prompta cotidieque
nam eu. No essent recteque per. Case doctus assueverit ad his.

Ex vidit tacimates vim, vis an timeam dissentias definitiones, illum explicari in pri. Et stet
concludaturque sed, vim invidunt democritum comprehensam ad. Sea ad nisl placerat conceptam,
pro ut quem affert essent. Cum no movet lobortis necessitatibus, sententiae deterruisset id nam.
Justo aeterno numquam in sit, lorem oblique nonumes cum ei.

Mel voluptatum dissentiet ex. Quem commune iracundia eos in. Est ex perpetua pericula
appellantur. Sint moderatius ut mei.

Lorem Ipsum: variants and technical information

In 1985 Aldus Corporation launched its first desktop publishing program Aldus PageMaker for Apple
Macintosh computers, released in 1987 for PCs running Windows 1.0. Both contained the variant
lorem ipsum most common today. Laura Perry, then art director with Aldus, modified prior versions
of Lorem Ipsum text from typographical specimens; in the 1960s and 1970s it appeared often in
lettering catalogs by Letraset. Anecdotal evidence has it that Letraset used Lorem ipsum already
from 1970 onwards, eg. for grids (page layouts) for ad agencies. Many early desktop publishing
programs, eg. Adobe PageMaker, used it to create template.

Most text editors like MS Word or Lotus Notes generate random lorem text when needed, either as
pre-installed module or plug-in to be added. Word selection or sequence don't necessarily match
the original, which is intended to add variety. Presentation software like Keynote or Pages use it as
a samples for screenplay layout. Content management software as Joomla, Drupal, Mambo, PHP-
Nuke, WordPress, or Movable Type offer Lorem Ipsumplug-ins with the same functionality.

But. A big but: Lorem Ipsum is not t the root of the problem, it just shows what's going wrong.
Chances are there wasn't collaboration, communication, and checkpoints, there wasn't a process
agreed upon or specified with the granularity required. It's content strategy gone awry right from
the start. Forswearing the use of Lorem Ipsum wouldn't have helped, won't help now. It's like
saying you're a bad designer, use less bold text, don't use italics in every other paragraph. True
enough, but that's not all that it takes to get things back on track.

So Lorem Ipsum is bad (not necessarily)

There's lot of hate out there for a text that amounts to little more than garbled words in an old
language. The villagers are out there with a vengeance to get that Frankenstein, wielding torches
and pitchforks, wanting to tar and feather it at the least, running it out of town in shame.

One of the villagers, Kristina Halvorson from Adaptive Path, holds steadfastly to the notion that
design can’t be tested without real content:

I’ve heard the argument that “lorem ipsum” is effective in wireframing or design because it helps
people focus on the actual layout, or color scheme, or whatever. What kills me here is that we’re
talking about creating a user experience that will (whether we like it or not) be DRIVEN by words. The
entire structure of the page or app flow is FOR THE WORDS.






Websites in professional use templating systems. Commercial publishing platforms and content
management systems ensure that you can show different text, different data using the same
template. When it's about controlling hundreds of articles, product pages for web shops, or user
profiles in social networks, all of them potentially with different sizes, formats, rules for differing
elements things can break, designs agreed upon can have unintended consequences and look much
different than expected.

This is quite a problem to solve, but just doing without greeking text won't fix it. Using test items of
real content and data in designs will help, but there's no guarantee that every oddity will be found
and corrected. Do you want to be sure? Then a prototype or beta site with real content published
from the real CMS is needed—but you’re not going that far until you go through an initial design

Lorem Ipsum actually is usefull in the design stage as it focuses our attention on places where the
content is a dynamic block coming from the CMS (unlike static content elements that will always
stay the same.) Blocks of Lorem Ipsum with a character count range provide a obvious reminder to
check and re-check that the design and the content model match up.

Kyle Fiedler from the Design Informer feels that distracting copy is your fault:

If the copy becomes distracting in the design then you are doing something wrong or they are
discussing copy changes. It might be a bit annoying but you could tell them that that discussion would
be best suited for another time. At worst the discussion is at least working towards the final goal of
your site where questions about lorem ipsum don’t.

Summing up, if the copy is diverting attention from the design it’s because it’s not up to

Typographers of yore didn't come up with the concept of dummy copy because people thought that
content is inconsequential window dressing, only there to be used by designers who can’t be
bothered to read. Lorem Ipsum is needed because words matter, a lot. Just fill up a page with draft
copy about the client’s business and they will actually read it and comment on it. They will be
drawn to it, fiercely. Do it the wrong way and draft copy can derail your design review.

Asking the client to pay no attention Lorem Ipsum isn't hard as it doesn’t make sense in the first
place, that will limit any initial interest soon enough. Try telling a client to ignore draft copy
however, and you're up to something you can't win. Whenever draft copy comes up in a meeting
confused questions about it ensue.

Summing up, really:

Lorem Ipsum is a tool that can be useful, used intentionally it may help solve some problems. If
you go about content strategy the wrong way, fix that problem.
Office suites

1. MS Word: From 2007 onwards typing =lorem(i) or =lorem(i, j) in MS Word creates greeking
text--don't forget to hit the enter key; i and j need to be integers, where istands for the
amount of desired paragraphs and j numbers the sentences per paragraph. j has a default
value of 3 and a maximum set to 6665. >> screenshots

2. Open Office: An extension named Magenta Lorem ipsum generator is available

at services.openoffice.org. Once installed, an icon will be shown in a toolbar below the menu
bar, with the option to insert a number of paragraphs, the maximum is set to 25.
>> screenshots

3. Libre Office: Magenta Lorem Ipsum Generator 2.0.2, available for LibreOffice 3.3, LibreOffice
3.4, and LibreOffice 3.5.


1. Drupal

2. Drupal Ipsum: A helper module for generating dummy filler text. Presently it defines
a new ipsum provider plugin manager service that allows for pluggable ipsum
provider classes, making it easy to change existing implementations and also to add
new ones.

3. Lorem ipsum: A simple filler text generator generator. Use your custom sentences
and create some original Lorem ipsum.

5. Adobe Dreamweaver, a web development environment, has a plugin in form of a

Dreamweaver object named Dreamweaver Text. It can be accessed both from the Objects
menu via Common > Lorem Ipsum palette or using the Lorem Ipsum entry in the Insert >
Technocurve Menu.

An alternative, possibly more versatile, is Lorem and More. It inserts dummy copy as
paragraphs, lists, and regular text. Optionally available are extracts from a speech by
Cicero, corporate nonsense, and a randomised sonnet by Shakespeare. Text may be
inserted in code view and design view. The tool can be accessed via the Lorem and More
icon on the Common tab of the Insert bar (MX) or the Common objects panel (DW4). Else,
it's accessible using the menu: Insert > Lorem and More.

6. It's easy to insert dummy copy with the Scribus text editor. Select a text frame, then chose
"Sample Text" from the context menu after right-clicking. Predefined dummy copy in any
languages can be set by configuring an XML file and storing it in a subdirectory "/loremipsum"
of your Scribus installation. >> screenshots

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