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2.8 An Equation for de Broglie’s Matter Waves.

In § 2.1 we briefly discussed quantization of energy. But energy is not the only observable of
microscopic systems that is quantized. To the contrary: most observables of quantum systems
exhibit quantization. In this problem we shall illustrate quantization of angular momentum in a
thought experiment (Gedanken-experiment). This experiment also illustrates the subtle, beautiful
interplay of the fundamental ideas of quantum physics: in this case, of duality and quantization.

In Fig. 2.8.1 is shown a “quantum hamster cage.” (Assume that the “quantum hamster” is out
frolicking, so that the cage is empty.) This miracle of rare device consists of two end discs
connected by N equally-spaced pins, where N is very large. The cage is mounted on frictionless
bearings about the indicated rotation axis so that it can turn freely. (The rotation axis is
perpendicular to the paper in this figure.) Let a denote the radius of the cage.^s shown in the side
view in this figure.

Suppose a monochromatic light source projects a beam of photons radially outward from the
rotation axis. The beam falls on a small portion of the circumference that, since N is large,
includes many pins.
a) To a good approximation, the pins in this set-up constitute a plane-wave diffraction

grating, so light from the source will be diffracted through various discrete angles. Let

denote one of the angles of diffraction. Derive an expression for sin in terms of the

photon wavelength , N, , and an integer n. Your answer is an expression, in the

language of mathematics, of the wave-like characteristics of the photons in the beam.

b) Now let’s explore the particle-like characteristics of the photons. After a photon leaves
the source, it moves radially outward. Consider such a photon with linear momentum p
before it encounters the pins. Determine the angular momentum about the drum axis of
the moving photon. Justify your answer.
c) Suppose the photon of part (b) is scattered by the pins through an angle . Determine

the magnitude of the angular momentum of the photon after it is scattered.

d) Using conservation of angular momentum, the de Broglie relations (2.16) and your
results from parts (a)—(c), show that the angular momentum of the drum is an integral

multiple of Nh, where h . (Assume that the drum is initially at rest.)


a. If we connect the hypoteshesis de Broglie and davison and Garmer experiment, that can
show us about the nature of moving wave. Hypotesa de Broglie give interpretation that
electron wave diffraction bytarget like x-ray diffraction by atomic in crystal. From that
experiment, can to show it the aquation of bragg. When the beam move, make wavelight

different. From that picture we can get equation of bragg

b. We can to explain that problem with de Broglie explanation of Bohr’s second postulate of
quantization. The behaviour of particle waves can be viewed analogously to the waves
travelling on a string. Particle waves can lead to standing waves held under resonant
conditions. When a stationary string is plucked, a number of wavelengths are excited. On
the other hand, we know that only those wavelengths survive which form a standing
wave in the string, that is, which have nodes at the ends.
Hence, for any electron moving in kth circular orbit of radius rk, the total distance is equal
to the circumference of the orbit, 2πrk.

Equation of de broglie
c. From the (b), we can determine the magnitude of the angular momentum of the photon
after it is scattered

from that the equation, k = any integer. We can change k with other object. value of k, we
can get from equal in (a).

d. Using conservation of angular momentum, the de Broglie relations (2.16) and your
results from parts (a)—(c), show that the angular momentum of the drum is an integral

multiple of Nh, where h .

From equal Broglie 2.16

And this solution based a Rurtherford type atomic model, electrons can circulate around
the positively charged nucleus only along certain selected orbits. During its circular
movement along the elected orbit electron neither absorbs nor emits any radiation.

The angular momentum of the electron should be an integral multiple of h /2π ( h =

Plank´s constant, 6.626 × 10-34 Js). Let us consider an electron having mass m moving
with a velocity of v along a orbit of radius r . According to Bohr´s theory,

mvr = nh /2π, n = any integer

1st orbit ( n = 1): mvr = 1 h /2π

2nd orbit ( n = 2): mvr = 2 h /2π

3rd orbit ( n = 3): mvr = 4 h /2π…………so on

Thu the angular momentum of an electron is quantized.

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