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Pollution refers to the presence of unwanted substances into our natural resources; polluting them and

having an adverse effect on the overall environment. Environmental pollution leads to global warming and
unexpected climatic changes besides depleting natural resources further damaging the environment and the
life on earth.

The major factors causing environmental pollution are human generated – fossil fuels production and
combustion pollutes the air, use of pesticides pollutes the soil, littering of plastic pollutes the oceans and
water bodies, deforestation leads to air pollution etc. Natural resources on the planet are limited but the
factors polluting them are many. There is a global need to take immediate adequate measures towards
restoration and preservation of natural resources, before they get damaged up to the point of no return.

Pollution is the mixing of some harmful or poisonous materials into the natural resources available on the
earth. It affects the ordinary living of the species on this planet by disturbing the natural life cycle.

Types of Pollution
Pollution can be of many types like noise pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution etc. Air
pollution is increasing day by day because of the growing number of automobiles, release of poisonous gases,
smoke from industrial companies, finely dissolved solids, liquid aerosols, etc in the atmosphere. The air we
breathe every moment causes several lungs disorders.

In this way soil and water pollution are also caused by the mixing up of the sewage water (having germs,
viruses, harmful chemicals, etc) in drinking water and also some dangerous agrochemicals such as pesticides,
fungicides, herbicides, organic compounds like ether, benzene and some radioactive materials including
radium and thorium, solid wastes (industrial ashes, rubbish, garbage), etc in soil.

We need to follow all the measures implemented by the government to check harmful effects of pollution.
We should reduce the use of vehicles, save water, follow organic agriculture system etc to stop pollution
Pollution has become a global concern in today’s time. It has changed the face of our beautiful Earth. It is
slowly destroying our environment and making it difficult to survive here. Several species of flora and fauna
have become extinct because of the harmful impact of pollution and many others are on the verge of

Pollution has been divided into various categories based on its nature. Different types of pollutions are
causing harm to our planet in different ways. Here is a look at the types of pollution, their causes, effects and
the measures that can be taken to reduce them.

Types of Pollution
Here is a look at the different types of pollution, their causes and impact on the environment and life on

1. Air Pollution
Air pollution is said to be the most hazardous pollution. The primary cause of this pollution is the industrial
and vehicular smoke. The harmful gases emitted by these sources pollute the air and make it difficult to
breath. The increase in the number of factories and vehicles has led to the rise in air pollution. This has given
rise to numerous health problems. Bronchitis and lung diseases are two common health problems caused
due to air pollution.

Air pollution is not only impacting human health but is also deteriorating the environment by contributing to
global warming.

2. Water Pollution
The industrial and household waste often finds its way into the rivers and other water bodies thereby
polluting them. Our once pure and pious water bodies have now become a breeding ground for several
diseases as these have been filled with large number of waste plastic products, chemical wastes and other
non-biodegradable wastes. These pollutants mixed in water are impacting our health. Water pollution has
especially become a threat to the marine creatures. Several of them die each day as a result of this pollution.

3. Land Pollution
The industrial and household waste that doesn’t get dumped in the water keeps lying on the land. While
attempts are made to destroy or recycle it, a large amount of it does not get disposed off. This causes land
pollution which becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes, flies and other insects that cause various deadly

It also refers to the contamination of soil due to waste products that eventually turn toxic. Soil pollution is
also caused due to regular usage of insecticides, pesticides and other strong chemicals. This type of pollution
is often referred to as soil pollution.

4. Noise Pollution
Noise pollution is caused due to high intensity sound made by machines installed in factories. It is also caused
due to the vehicles on the road, the bursting of fire crackers and music played on loud speakers. Noise
pollution can cause stress and impact the brain adversely. It can also cause hearing impairment.

5. Light Pollution
Light Pollution is an excess, unwanted or inappropriate light over a particular area. Light pollution may be in
the form of Urban Glow- Excessive unwanted glare over an urban area, Trespass- light falling without want,
intent or need, Glare- Excessive light or bright light and Clutter- An unwanted group of lights like in an over lit
urban areas.

6. Radioactive Pollution
Radioactive Pollution refers to the presence of unwanted radioactive substances in the atmosphere.
Radioactive Pollution could be a result of radioactive weapon explosion or testing, mining and handling
radioactive substances or accidents in radioactive power plants. Radioactive substances present in
atmosphere pollute even natural water resources, making them harmful to consumption or even domestic

7. Thermal Pollution
Thermal Pollution refers to a sudden change in the temperature of water bodies; a change that is big enough
to disturb its ecological balance. Use of water as coolants in various industries is the main reason of Thermal
Pollution. When water used as coolant is suddenly released back into the water bodies, it decreases its
overall oxygen content, as gases are less soluble in hotter liquids; as a result aquatic life suffers due to
sudden change in temperature and oxygen scarcity.
8. Visual Pollution
Anything human made, which obstructs your view constitutes visual pollution. It includes bill boards, sign
boards, antennas, trash cans, electric poles, towers, wires, vehicles, buildings etc. Constant exposure to visual
pollution may result in eye fatigue, stress and depression. Unplanned and non regulated construction of
habitation is the major cause of Visual Pollution.

Most Polluted Cities around the World

While some cities around the globe have managed to keep the pollution levels low others are known for their
alarming level of pollution. Most polluted places around the world include Kanpur, Delhi, Varanasi, Patna,
Peshawar, Karachi, Shijiazhuang, Heze, Chernobyl, Bamenda, Beijing and Moscow.

These cities are known for poor air quality and enormous land and water pollution. Life in these cities has
become miserable and this is largely due to the negligence of people and government of these places. It is
time they should take cue from the cities that have low levels of pollution and incorporate similar strategies
to bring down their pollution level.

Ways to Reduce Pollution

Now that we know the causes and effects of different types of pollution, let us understand how we can
contribute towards reducing it. Here are some of the ways by which we can bring down the pollution level:

1. Car Pool
Vehicular smoke is a major cause of air pollution. With the increasing number of vehicles on the road, the
pollution levels are rising at a rapid speed. Car pooling can help in reducing air pollution. Car pooling means
sharing the space in your car or your colleague’s while travelling to work. It can also be brought down if we
use public transport more often instead of travelling via our own cars each time.

2. Say No to Firecrackers
Firecrackers burnt during festivals such as Diwali, Dussehra and New Year create a lot of air and noise
pollution that leads to various health problems. These are especially disturbing for small babies, elderly
people and animals. We must act as responsible human beings and stop bursting crackers to avoid
unnecessary pollution.

3. Recycle/ Reuse
Waste plastic and other non biodegradable stuff adds to pollution on land and water. It must be brought
down by avoiding their use. In case we use them, we must not dispose them off and purchase new ones
immediately, we should reuse them a couple of times before disposing them off. We must also make an
effort to send such used things for recycling.

4. Keep the Surroundings Clean

We must keep our surroundings clean by throwing the waste products in the dustbin rather than throwing
them away on the land or into the water bodies. We can create a big impact if each one of us remains
particular about keeping the environment clean.

5. Restrict Use of Insecticides and Fertilizers

It is essential to restrict the use of insecticides, pesticides, fertilizers and other strong chemicals as they tend
to cause soil pollution. It is suggested to use natural methods to fertilise the soil and keep insects at bay.

6. Plant More Trees

Plants and trees absorb harmful gases such as carbon di-oxide and carbon monoxide and exhale the life
giving oxygen. Thus, they help in reducing the effect of air pollution. We must plant more and more trees to
ensure cleaner air.

7. Start Compost
A compost pile is a good way to decompose waste food, leaves and plants and turn them into fertilizer. It
helps in clearing the waste material and turns it into something useful. It is easy to start and manage.

8. Don’t Misuse or Overuse Light

Avoiding the misuse or overuse of lights in our houses as well as cities will effectively reduce the light
pollution. A particular area should have only that much light sources installed those are needed; avoiding the
installation of excess light sources. Also the use of very bright and unwanted lights should be avoided at
public places.

9. Strict Policies on Radioactive Substances Use

The use of radioactive substances should be avoided in the first place and if it is to be used; extreme caution
must be exercised. Respective governments should avoid the use of radioactive materials for destructive
purposes like nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction etc.
10. Strict Industrial Regulations
Industries using the natural resources should be made accountable for the damages they do to the
environment. Any industry using water as a coolant must be made to cool off the water to natural
temperature, before releasing it back into the water body. This will considerably reduce the Thermal
Pollution and help retain our natural resources.

11. Plan the Construction

Today construction is carried out faster than ever before; moreover, it is unplanned and sporadic. Such
unregulated and unplanned construction results in Visual Pollution. If you are residing in a city, then you
know that it’s difficult to see beyond a couple metres up or straight, even if you are standing on a roof. Cities
must be planned in such a way that emphasis is also put on reducing the visual pollution.

Pollution is ruining our environment day by day. We must take it as our responsibility to reduce pollution by
following the aforementioned methods in order to make our world a better place to live. If we continue to
ignore this problem and keep adding to the pollution rather than looking for ways to reduce it, we shall soon
have to face fatal consequences

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