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Thesis Proposal

Analyzing of citation consistency referring to APA Style Format at the

background of the study’s Theses on English student of STKIP PGRI
Sidoarjo 2013





1.1. Background of Study

In writing scientific work such as papers, theses, theses, dissertations

and others definitely need a reference. The reference contains theories or the
results of previous research to support scientific research. References can be in the
form of books, journals, newspapers, magazines in printed or electronic forms.
These references are usually arranged and placed at the end of the writing better
known as a bibliography.
Bibliography is a list containing bibliographic descriptions of library
materials which used in written works and arranged systematically. Descriptions
of the library materials are names, titles, published years, and publisher's
information. Bibliography can be arranged alphabetically or can also be arranged
in a sequence of numbers.
Bibliography is one of the important parts in scientific work. One reason
for the importance of writing bibliography is to avoid plagiarism. A scientific
work must provide a complete list of references used. Scientific works which do
not include reference sources used can be classified as plagiarism. Plagiarism is a
serious offense in the academic world. If proven, not only losing credibility in the
academic world but also sanctions, start from written warning, disrespectful
dismissal, and cancellation of certificate (Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional,
In addition, one of the important things of the bibliography is to become
a reference for readers to explore the topics discussed in scientific works. Readers
who are interested in the topics discussed will try finding references through
bibliography. Readers can get complete information through bibliography and
search for references in libraries, bookstores or publishers.
The bibliography makes readers easy to find documents relating to the
writing to get more information ( Harinarayana et al. 2011, p.326). Bibliography
is written using one of the available citation styles, such as Turabian for all fields
of science, Chicago for all fields of science, Modern Language Association
(MLA) for the humanities, American Psychological Association (APA) for social
sciences, education, business and Vancouver in the field of medicine. Scientific
writers are given the freedom to choose which citation style format to use. Each
college usually gives instructions to students about what citation styles format are
The S1 English education program is one of the study programs at
STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo which has been established since the 90s. This English
education study program has hundreds of graduates and has produced hundreds of
scientific papers including thesis. From the beginning of writing thesis S1
English program using APA citation style a reference for writing thesis, up to now.
But unfortunately based on the researcher investigation: the implementation of
theory the reference use APA style is not an urgent matter and only in a few places
not at all. For example on the newest thesis with number 14203065, it uses 6
citations and not all is consistence in APA style rule.
According to (Wikipedia, 2013). WhatsApp Messenger is a proprietary, cross platform instant
messaging application for smart phones. In addition to text messaging, users can send each other
images, video, and audio media messages.
(information wrong part underlined)

In writing direct quotations according to APA Style written by

mentioning the name of the author, year of publication, and the page of the
sentence / text quoted. There are 2 types of direct quotes: short and long direct
quotes. Short direct quotes are the sentences quoted less or equal to 40 words.
Short direct quotes are written in the text by quoting (“….”) the beginning and
end of the quote.
(The following should be)
It states,”whatsapp Messenger is a proprietary, cross platform instant messaging application for
smart phones. In addition to text messaging, users can send each other images, video, and audio
media messages,”(Wikipedia,2013)

Writing the citation inconsistently shows the low quality of scientific work,
therefore each writer is very careful in writing citation.in order ways when the
writer is consistent with the existing rules, the quality of scientific work becomes
high value and easy to find further information. Based on the background of the
problem, the author was interested in raised the research entitled “Analyzing of
citation consistency referring to APA Style Format on English majority student’s
Theses of STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo 2014”

1.2. Problem of the study

The problem of the study of this thesis is how consistency use APA style
format is in the Student’s theses on STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo.

1.3. The purpose of the study

- To find how many citations are using in the theses
- To find how consistency APA style format is using in theses ‘citation
- To find how references are using in the theses
- To find how consistency APA style format is using in theses’ reference

1.4. The significance of the study

The expected benefits from the results of this study are:
1. For students, as input for citation and reference writing on making
scientific papers.
2. For collage, as input regarding the quality of scientific papers
produced in terms of citations and references.
3. As an empirical contribution to the development of library science
and information.

1.5. Scope of limitation

Scope of limitation in this research is consistency of Citation writing
referring APA style format. Citation research only on reference and citation
on the bracket (parenthetical format) in theses of English majority student
academic years 2014 at STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo.

2.1 Citation
Citation is an important thing in writing, especially in the academic
world. Every academic must show the opinions or theories of the experts in his
writing. The theory that was written mentioned who stated and where the source
came from.
Sophia (2002) states that citation quoting the statement of another
person by copying or repeating the writing of the work by including source of the
quote. Citation shows that the statement is another person's statement. In addition,
citations distinguish between the statements themselves and those of others.
Whereas Istiana (2013) argues that citation is "an acknowledgment of
the author, because our ideas, ideas, opinions or even theories have been used to
support or supplement opinions, our ideas in a certain works”.
Based on the above statement it is known that the meaning of citation is
the use of a person's statement in writing a work either by copying or paraphrasing
by mentioning source of statement
2.2 The aim of citation
One of the purposes of using citation styles is the writing of scientific
works or academic work is to avoid plagiarism. To understand of citation, how to
make citation, and writing reference would make researcher avoid from
plagiarism (Istiana, 2013).
According to lipson (2006, p.3) at least there are 3 functions of the
1. To give credit to others work and ideas, whether you agree with them
or not. When you use their words, you must give them credit by using
both quotation marks and citations.
2. To show readers the materials on which you base your analysis, your
narrative, or your conclusions.
3. To guide readers to the materials you have used so they can examine
it for themselves. Their interest might be to confirm your work, to
challenge it, or simply to explore it further
From the point it can be seen that the purposes of citation are: first, to give credit
or appreciation to others for their work and ideas. This can be done by giving
quotes and citation on the words used. Second readers can find out the analysis,
Review and conclusion of the statement quoted. Third show the material used in
writing to reader. Readers who are interested in the topics discussed will look for
these materials adding insight or explore the writing.

2.3. In text citation and reference

Citation in text is one of the rules in writing a work scientific. Citation in
the text is an attempt to give citation at the beginning or end of the sentence
quoted in the text. Citation in the text requires three elements, they are the name
of the author, year of publication, and the page of the statement quoted.
There are two types of citations in the text, direct quote and indirect
quote (paraphrases). Citation in the text cannot be separated by reference. Both
must be in line. Citation contained in the text must be included in the reference,
whereas each entry contained in the reference must be quoted in the text

2.4. Citation style

Citation style is a way of writing citation with agreed by rule. Style of

citation writing differs in each discipline. Style citation writing in scientific
disciplines is different from social science disciplines. This causes the emergence
of various types of citation styles.
Citation style is a guideline that contains guidelines on how to make
citations and bibliography. In addition, a citation style is needed to ensure the
documentation is written consistently and the reference sources used can be
identified. In addition to citations and bibliography guidelines, the style of citation
is also provide guidance on the rules of writing such as punctuation, spelling,
abbreviations, etc. (International Baccalaureate, 2014).
According to Edewor and Omosor (2010) state that the citation style
is a system for providing information about sources of theory, quotes, and
summaries from other works. Library materials used in the writing mentioned in
detail using one of the citation styles. Citation style is useful for readers to see and
access library materials that can be useful for them.
From the understandings above we can conclude that citation style is
guides which are include citation and reference in scientific work.

2.5 Citation style format

In writing scientific papers, one citation style is needed to write citations

and bibliography. The chosen citation style is then used consistently. There are
some style citations format that used in scientific writing.
Surachman (2014) suggests that there are several types of styles citations
based on certain fields of study they are:
1. APA style
Style format that released by American Psychology Association commonly
used in Psychology, education, social etc.
2. AMA Styles
AMA citation style is a citation style commonly used in the fields of
health, biology and Medic. AMA citation style released by the American
Medical Association health organization
3. MLA Styles
MLA citation style is also a citation style developed by Modern Language
Association (MLA) organization. MLA citations are generally used in the
fields of English and humanities.
4. Chicago/Turabian Styles
Chicago's citation style and Turabian citation style were pioneered by Kate
L. Turabian from the University of Chicago. Chicago / citation style
Turabian is widely used in the fields of literature, art, and history.
2.6 American Psychology Association Style ( APA )
The citation of American Psychological Association (APA) style is a
style citation that is often used by branches of social science. APA use name-year
system and the bibliography is known as the reference list.

2.7 History of APA Style

In their website, they states that the American Psychological Association
(APA) was founded in 1892. APA is a professional organization and academician
representing the field of psychology in the United States. in 1929, APA was the
first time publishing seven articles in the psychological bulletin. The article
contains guidelines for authors who want their writing to be contained in the
psychological bulletin. The guide is the forerunner to the emergence of the APA
citation style.
The APA guiding team in 1929 consisted of psychologists,
anthropologists, and business managers sponsored by the National Research
Council. They are believed to form a simple set of rules or rules of citation style,
which will be codified into the components of scientific writing. The goal of this
rule is not only for psychologists, but also for other social sciences that are
expected to increase the spread of knowledge in their respective fields of study
(APA 2010, xiii).
In 1952, the APA guidelines were first published in book format. Then it
was revised in 1967. Since then, APA has published latest edition guide every
decade. So that the second edition of the guide was published in 1974, the third
edition was published in 1983, the fourth edition was published in 1994, the fifth
edition was published in 2001 and finally the sixth edition was published in 2010
(Larry & Onwuegbuzie 2007, ii).
Today, APA has released the sixth edition of the APA citation style guide.
The APA citation style developed from simple rules to fulfilling all aspects of
scientific writing. Now, APA style is not only used by psychologists, but also used
by students and researchers in the fields of education, social sciences, nursing,
business, and social sciences and other behaviors.

3.1 Research Method

Researcher use qualitative descriptive method where Qualitative
descriptive research is one of the types of research included in this type of
qualitative research. The purpose of this study is to reveal events or facts,
circumstances, phenomena, variables and circumstances that occur when the study
takes place by presenting what actually happened. This study interprets and
describes the data concerned with the current situation, attitudes and views that
occur in a society, the conflict between two or more circumstances, the
relationship between variables that arise, differences between existing facts and
their influence on a condition, etc.
According to Nazir (1988), descriptive method is a method of examining
the status of a group of humans, an object, a set of conditions, a system of thought
or a class of events in the present. The purpose of this descriptive study is to make
a description, description, or painting systematically, factually and accurately of
the facts, the characteristics and the relationship between phenomena investigated.
While according to Sugiyono (2005) states that descriptive method is a
method used to describe or analyze a research result but not used to make broader
conclusions. According to Whitney (1960), the descriptive method is the search
for facts with the right interpretation.
The problems that can be investigated and investigated by qualitative
descriptive research refer to quantitative studies, comparative studies
(comparisons), and can also be a correlational study (relationship) between one
element and other elements. This research activity includes collecting data,
analyzing data, interpreting data, and finally formulating a conclusion that refers
to the analysis of the data.
3.2 Research Place
This research was conducted at STKIP PGRI English education S1
Study Program having its address Jalan Raya kemiri, Kemiri, Buduran , Sidoarjo.

3.3 Unit of Analysis

Martono (2014, 88) states that “unit analisis merupakan keseluruhan
satuan atau unit yang akan diteliti ". The unit of analysis used in this study is
the undergraduate English Education Department STKIP PGRI SIdoarjo 2014.

3.4 Population and sampling

In this part need more time to get the source because the limited of the
time so that the researcher would continue more……

3.5 Collecting the Data

Data collection is an important part of research. The data collection
technique in this study is documentation. Documentation is a method for
obtaining data by collecting written sources related to research (Martono, 2014).
To collect the Data the researcher allow some steps there are:
1. Choosing and assign the theses of students’ English program at
STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo academic years 2014 as research sample.
2. Collecting the selected theses to be research sample.
3. Collect and photocopy the data consisting of the authorization page,
the entire page of the literature review and bibliography

3.6 Instrument of research

The instrument used in this study is a check list. The check list
instrument was used in this study to know the consistency in citations and
bibliography entries.
Citation in the bracket
(Parenthetical Consistency Total
no Citation)
Number Not APA APA
Yes No Consistent Inconsistent
Style Style

3.7 Analyzing of the Data

Data that has been collected and entered into the table later processed
using several steps:
1. Investigating some information such as: Name of student, academic
years, the title of the theses, mentors,
2. Collecting the data in references and citation in line text or
Parenthetical citation.
3. Separating the data between Citation in line text and reference and
including to the more column.
4. Analyzing the data. Analysis is carried out using publications APA
sixth edition manual. Each citation and list entry the library is
inserted into the table according to the original. Part the error will be
marked. Then, the correct citations and entries with the APA citation
style will be written in the column next to it.
In data interpretation, the method that used is interpretation from supardi (in
Sukamti, 2006 p.33)
1 - 25% : Small portion
26 - 49% : Almost half
50% : Half
51 - 75% : Mostly
76 - 99% : Commonly
100% : all of them
Based on the Opinion, if the accuracy of citation writing is in the text and the
entries in the bibliography studied are 1 - 25%, so citation writing in the text and
bibliography entries is stated to be a small portion consistent, and so on.

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