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Presnell 1

Raven Presnell

Professor Steele

English 101

July 11th, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis: Abortion

“As each year passes, abortion becomes more and more a settled part of our legal

landscape.” Nancy Rhoden states in her article of “A Compromise of Abortion?” which was

published in 1989 with the Hastings Center Report. The Hastings Center Report is a bimonthly

peer-reviewed academic journal of bioethics. It was published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of

the Hastings Center. The editor-in-chief is Gregory Kaebnick. In the article Nancy wrote, she

states how she is not completely against abortions, although she does see where there should be

limits to when and why you get one. Birth control and condoms are one of the best ways to

prevent unwanted pregnancies, as condoms are more recommended to prevent against STD’s.

As stated, “Abortions that are performed as early in pregnancy as possible, and the best

way to do this is not by restrictions that make abortions more costly and difficult to obtain. It is

precisely the opposite. Abortions will be obtained earlier in a society that fosters procreative

choice. But again, should be limited to why it is performed.” Many of kids and young adults fail

to get the right education to know how to prevent an unwanted pregnancy along with preventing

STD’S. She argues that schools should have a better sex education class that tells how birth

control works along with condoms. Although, many people would have to find out the hard way,

this is a step closer to helping others understand. Even if an unwanted pregnancy was to occur,

there are other options, such as adoption.

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Giving Nancy’s statements, she believes all abortions that are done should be performed

before 12 weeks. According to people who are pro-choice, they are very open and careless to

when abortions are done, whether that be first trimester or even later in the pregnancy. Nancy

states, “I don't think pro-choice groups should be too willing to compromise on time limits,

because of the special nature of the situations where late abortions are needed. One of these, of

course, involves severe fetal abnormalities.” There are roughly .9 percent abortions that are

preformed after 20 weeks, and 99 percent of that .9 percent are done by 24 weeks. Many

opinions from advocates see it as being “their body, their choice.”

She later found an article was published by Judith Jarvis Thomson in 1971, advocates of

choice have not felt that the abortion right stood or fell on the "personhood" of the fetus. “Rather,

one can accept fetal personhood yet support abortion on the grounds that continuing a pregnancy

imposes significant physical and psychological burdens on a woman a "Good Samaritan." Thus,

unless a woman has taken on the duty to the fetus, she should not be forced to undertake this

"risky rescue." A strong argument has been made that an additional grounding for the holding in

Roe could be equal protection. That denying a right to abort imposes Samaritan duties on women

that are not imposed on anyone else in any this situation.” I believe Nancy is trying not to be

rude about her opinion but wants everyone to know the facts of abortions. With a very opened

mind, Nancy can see both sides of pro-life and pro-choice decisions, but shows she respectfully

believes it should be done in the first trimester as it is easier on the mother and less traumatic for

the fetus. And does this by telling the facts. Although, she should not say one is not necessarily

good people for having one done, she agrees under certain circumstances it is necessary and can

be compromised with one's decision.

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Abortions are a very difficult topic for many people, as it is not something to take lightly.

With Nancy’s statements and research, I believe she in fact told some good facts about when and

how abortions should be limited. Nancy states that they should be performed no later than 12

weeks and should only be allowed for rape and medical purposes. Although birth control and

condoms are not 100 percent guaranteed, it is always best to take the extra precautions to avoid

an unwanted pregnancy, as most unwanted pregnancy resolve in termination of the fetus. If it

fails, they do have adoptions agencies that will find your child a family. There are women who

can get pregnant but are unable to stay pregnant, or infertile. According to the Doctors

Association of Ob/Gyns all over the world, there is roughly 10 percent of women out of 6.1

billion in the United States from the ages 15-44, have difficulty getting pregnant or staying

pregnant, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sometimes adoption is

the only way they can go to having a family of their own. From all the facts and research,

everyone should could consider their options carefully before making such a big decision.
Presnell 4

Works Cited
Rhoden, Nancy K. "A compromise on abortion?" The Hastings Center Report, July-Aug. 1989,

p. 32+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context,


=6c01cce0. Accessed 22 June 2019.

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