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urate hitps:trid..orgviow'951887 Home (htp://www.trb,org/) » TRID.()) » View Record Register for the Automated Vehicles Symposium July 9-12, 2018, in San Francisco, CA (http./Awww.automatedvehiclessymposium.org/home) Modelizacion de los asientos de un terraplen construido sobre un suelo blando reforzado con columnas de grava Se presentan dos metodos diferentes para estudiar el comportamiento resistente y deformacional de un suelo blando reforzado con columnas de grava utilizando el metodo de los elementos finitos. En el primer metodo, el suelo blando reforzado con columnas de grava se trata como un material compuesto, caracterizado con un grupo unico de parametros que definen su comportamiento. En el segundo metodo, las columnas de grava se modelizan individualmente en dos dimensiones con sus propios parametros, diferentes de los que corresponden a un suelo blando. Los dos metodos se han desarrollado utilizando las teorias de Priebe (1978) y Van Impe (1983), sobre el refuerzo de suelos blandos. A fin de verificar la validez de los metodos presentados, los resultados numericos obtenidos se comparan con las medidas realizadas en un caso real. (A) Resumen en ingles: MODELITATION OF THE SETTLEMENTS OF AN EMBARTEMENT ON A SOFT SOIL REINFORCED WITH STORE COLUMNS. Two different methods to study the strength and deformational behaviour of a soft soil reinforced with stone columns using the finite element method are presented. In the first one, the soft soil reinforced with stone columns is treated as a composite material, with a unique group of parameters defining its behaviour. In the second method, the stone columns are modelled individually in a 2-D mesh, with its own parameters, different from the ones corresponding to the soft soil. Both methods have been developed using the theories by Priebe (1978) and Van impe (1983), regarding the reinforcement of soft soils. With the aim of checking the validity of methods presented, the numerical results have been comparedcon the data obtained in a real case. (A) Availability: Find a library where document is available. Order URL: http://worldcat.org/issn/02138468 //worldcat.org/issn/02138468) SOPENA MANAS, L ESTAIRE GEPP, J Publication Date: 2001-4 Language Spanish Media Info Pagination: 47-51 Serial: INGENIERIA CIVIL (E) (/Results?q=8serial="NGENIERIAM20CIVIL9620(E)") Issue Number: 122 Publisher: CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS Y EXPERIMENTACION DE OBRAS PUBLICAS (CEDEX) ISSN: 0213-8468 Subject/Index Terms hips: tb orgview951887 12 urate hitps:trid..orgviow'951887 TRT Terms: Behavior (/Results?q=8datein=all&index="Behavior"); Deformation (/Results? g=&datein=all&index="Deformation"); Embankments (/Results? q=&datein=allindex="—Embankments"); Finite element method (/Results? g=8datein=all&index="Finite%20element%20method"); Ground settlement (/Results? g=&datein=all&index="Ground%20settlement"); Grouting (/Results? q=&datein=all&index="Grouting"); Mathematical models (/Results? q=8datein=all8index="Mathematical%20models"); Measurement (/Results? datein=all&inde, Uncontrolled Terms: Jet grouting (/Results?q=8datein=all&index=" ITRD Terms: 5792: Asiento (terreno) (/Results2q Comportamiento (/Results?q=8datein=all&index="Comportamiento"); 5595: Deformacion (/Results? g=8datein=all&index="Deformacion’); 3364: Jet grouting (/Results? g=8datein=all&index="Jet%20grouting"); 6136: Medida (/Result 6490. Metodo de los elementos finitos (/Results? g=8datein=all&index="Metodo%20de%20l0s%20elementos%20finitos"); 6473 Modelo matematico (/Results?2q=8datein=all&index="Modelo%20matematico"); 4145: Suelo blando (/Results? g=8datein=all&index="Suelo%20blando"); 2807: Terraplen (/Results? q=8datein=all&index="Terraplen”) Subject Areas: Geotechnology; Safety and Human Factors; 142: Soil Mechanics; ‘Weak%20rack") jet%20grouting") Filing Info Accession Number: 01190922 Record Type: Publication Source Agency: Centro de Estudios y Experimentacién de Obras Publicas (CEDEX) Files: ITRD Created Date: (/edit/951887)Oct 7 2010 2:22PM The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 500 Fifth Street, NW | Washington, DC 20001 | T: 202.334.2000 (tel://2023342000) Copyright © 2018 National Academy of Sciences. All Rights Reserved ‘Terms of Use and Privacy Statement (http://www.national-academies orgilegal/index htm!) ttp:/Avww.national-academies.org/) hips: tb orgview951887 22

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