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Facebook Group emails

Facebook Group Emails

Growth Hacker Talk

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Facebook Group emails

So let's say you are interested in getting in touch with event suppliers because you want to know how
they use their online channels to find customers. You’ve noticed that there are a lot of Facebook groups
full of suppliers but you are not really sure on how to contact them.

You can obviously ask the group admin to share your questionnaire or post a poll, but what if you want to
contact them personally?

This guide explains exactly how you can do this.

Facebook Group emails

In this guide you will be learning how turn Facebook Group members into business emails. You
will be using the following tools:

● Grouply - Chrome plugin ($97 / year)

● FindThatLead ($29,- / month and up)
● Python script (free)

The good thing is that Grouply offers a one week trial per Google Chrome account. During the week trial,
Grouply gives you the first 500 results of the Facebook group. If you want every single group member,
you need to buy premium. FindThatLead gives you the option to search for 300 emails a month ​- for

If you do plan on buying premium for FindThatLead (trust me, it’s worth the money), you’ll get a 10%
discount on any of their plans with the code ​“GHACKTALKS”.
Facebook Group emails

Ok so let’s begin​.

Part 1: List the Facebook groups you want to target

At this stage you want to have a buyer persona or an idea of who your ideal customer is. List a few of
these customers and look if you can find them on Facebook. Find out what groups they are in and list the
relevant ones in a Google Sheet.

Go through the other group members to find more ideal customers

and repeat this process. Send out an invitation to join all of the
closed Facebook groups you come across and make a note in your
Google Sheet.

Continue this way until you will have about 40 or 50 Facebook

groups listed that you want to scrape. You can choose to outsource
this work to a VA (virtual assistant) as it can get pretty time
I’ve created a Facebook Group template in Google Sheets to make your life a bit easier, which
you can ​download here​.

It is important to list a few columns of common group entities (for example city or niche) that you can use
in your cold emails at a later stage.
Facebook Group emails

Part 2: Grouply
You now have your list of Facebook groups - next step is to install Grouply.

Grouply is a Google Chrome plugin which you can use to extract Facebook group members’
first name, last name, company name and profile url into a .csv file. You can download the
plugin in the Google Chrome store or on ​their website​. If installed correctly, a lime green Facebook logo
will pop-up in your Chrome bar.

Before you continue with extracting data, set your Facebook language settings to English. Don’t forget
this step as the failure to do so will mess up your results.

If you are on the group page and you are all set to extract, navigate to the member page under
facebook.com/groups/​*groupname*/​ members/ and set the filter on join date. Open the Grouply plugin in
your Chrome bar and click on ​“Start Extracting”.

Leave the software running and don’t change tabs as you’ll then lose your progress. Download the
results in a .csv and you’ll have a file​ like this one​. ​Rinse and repeat!
Facebook Group emails

Part 3: Enrich the file with website urls (windows)

Next step is to find the websites of the Facebook group members. You will be doing this
by searching Duck Duck Go (search engine) on company name and copy the first
search match back to a spreadsheet document. You do not need any experience with
Python to be able to execute this strategy. If you need help with executing, ​just hit me

To be able to execute this file, you will be using the following software:

● Python 2x and 3x ​https://www.python.org/downloads/

● Windows PowerShell (Windows 10)
● BeautifulSoup4
● lxml
● Selenium + Chromedriver
● Python script ​company_url_scraper_noads.py
Facebook Group emails

Step 1: Install Python

● Python is a high-level programming language for general purpose programming.
● This part of the playbook is about executing a script to scrape the Duck Duck Go
search results by using BeautifulSoup. I will not teach you how to code.
● The script works on both iOS and Windows, but this tutorial is written for
Windows users only. If you need help executing it on a Mac, let me know.

Download both versions of Python ​here​ and install them. Make sure you install them for all users and
customize the install location.

To execute a Python script you will be using Windows PowerShell. PowerShell is a command line
interface that will allow us to run commands directly and do some things that you can’t do through the
normal Windows interface.
1. To make sure you correctly installed Python, use the following command in PowerShell:
PS C:\Users\Gino> ​python -V
When correctly installed, you will receive a message like this:
Python 2.7.13
2. Everything seems good so let’s run Python:
PS C:\Users\Gino>​ python
Python 2.7.13 (v2.7.13:a06454b1afa1, Dec 17 2016, 20:42:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Facebook Group emails

3. Test if Python works by entering command:
>>> ​print('hello')
>>> ​3+8
4. If you get the above answers, Python is working correctly and you are good to go. Exit program by:
>>> ​exit()

Step 2: Install BeautifulSoup4

Beautiful Soup is a Python library designed for quick turnaround projects like screen-scraping. You need
to install BS4 in order to be able to execute a script:

1. Download BS4 ​here ​and extract it on your desktop

2. Navigate to the correct folder and install the library by executing setup.py:
PS C:\Users\Gino> ​cd desktop
PS C:\Users\Gino\desktop> ​cd beautifulsoup4-4.3.2
PS C:\Users\Gino\desktop\beautifulsoup4-4.3.2> ​cd beautifulsoup4-4.3.2
PS C:\Users\Gino\desktop\beautifulsoup4-4.3.2\beautifulsoup4-4.3.2> ​python setup.py install
After the install is complete you will see a BS4 folder under ​C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages ​.
Facebook Group emails

Step 3: Install lxml - XML processing library

lxml is a Pythonic, mature binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries. It provides safe
and convenient access to these libraries using the ElementTree API. What?
You need this library to process and parse XML & HTML documents, that’s all.

● Download lxml ​here ​and execute the installer.

After the install is complete you will see a lxml folder under ​C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages​ .

Edit - I’ve noticed that some people have trouble executing the above lxml.exe file, so here is the
alternative way to install the library through the terminal:
1. Download lxml 3.3.3 ​here​ and extract it on your desktop.
2. Navigate to the correct folder and install the library by executing setup.py:
PS C:\Users\Gino> ​cd desktop
PS C:\Users\Gino\desktop> ​cd lxml-3.3.3
PS C:\Users\Gino\desktop\lxml-3.3.3> ​cd lxml-3.3.3
PS C:\Users\Gino\desktop\lxml-3.3.3\lxml-3.3.3> ​python setup.py install
After the install is complete you will see a lxml folder under ​C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages.
Facebook Group emails

Step 4: Install selenium import webdriver

Selenium automates your browser. Primarily, it is for automating web applications for
testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based
administration tasks can (and should!) also be automated as well.

1. Download Selenium ​here ​and extract it on your desktop.

2. Navigate to the correct folder and install the library by executing setup.py:
PS C:\Users\Gino> ​cd desktop
PS C:\Users\Gino\desktop> ​cd selenium-3.4.2
PS C:\Users\Gino\desktop\selenium-3.4.2> ​python setup.py install
After the install is complete you will see a selenium folder under ​C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages​ .
Next step is now to install Chromedriver. You’ll use Chromedriver to let your Selenium library talk with
Google Chrome and execute our search queries. You can download the latest version ​here​.
Facebook Group emails

Step 5: Python Script

I’ve altered a script (with courtesy to BAMF) that allows you to directly search, copy and
paste via Duck Duck Go. You can download that script ​here​.

Before executing, you need to change a few things in the script to make it work for you:
1. Change ​“driver =
webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='/Users/Gino/Desktop/chromedriver')’​ on line 9 into the path
where your Chromedriver is installed.

2. Change ‘​collection = [ * ]’​ on line 12 to the queries you want to search for and separate that with a
comma. Example:
'Scott Johnson Electrical',
'Skuba Entertainment',

You can use the formula ​=​"'"​&​A1​& ​"'," ​ on the company name column in Google Sheets to make your life

3. Save the file in the folder with the rest of your scripts (for me it is C:\Users\Gino\Desktop\python).
Facebook Group emails

Step 6: Execution
Now that you have all of your necessities in place, let’s execute the script.
1. Open Windows PowerShell and navigate to the folder where your script is located
PS C:\Users\Gino>​ cd desktop
PS C:\Users\Gino\desktop> ​cd python
PS C:\Users\Gino\desktop\python>
2. Execute the python script you edited in part 5:
PS C:\Users\Gino\desktop\python> ​python company_url_scraper_noads.py
If you completed all of the above steps correctly, the script should start to run. The output will look
like this:

LIST --> ['Eventerprise', 'SpaceX', 'Scott Johnson Electrical', 'Skuba Entertainment', 'takealot', 'superbalist']
Scraping Eventerprise
found url https://www.eventerprise.com/
Scraping SpaceX
found url http://www.spacex.com/
Scraping Scott Johnson Electrical
found url https://www.facebook.com/Scott-Johnson-Electrical-127022427638412/timeline/
3. Go to the folder your Python script is located in and look for url-group-results.csv. Open this file in
Google Sheets and you have your urls to work with! Add these websites to the Grouply result sheet,
do some quality control by deleting all bad results and continue to the last part.
Facebook Group emails

Part 4: Find emails with FindThatLead

So here we are... at the last and most fun part of this playbook: gathering the
emails! As FindThatLead needs a first name, last name and website url to find a
person's business email, you hopefully understand why you had to go through all of the trouble in the last
part ​😵​. Ok let’s wrap it up.

Step 1: Upload file

Export the file you’ve created in the steps before as a .csv and navigate to findthatlead.com. Log into
your account, upload your file and identify your columns. You are now ready to start your search.

Step 2: Execute Search

As the software starts to run you will immediately
see the results. FindThatLeads output gives you
the columns ​email,​ ​percent a
​ nd ​status.​

Email: ​In this column you find the results of your

enrichment. The plugin works by trying as many
first name +​ ​ last name​ + ​domain name ​structure
combinations as possible.To check on the quality
of the results the software will ping the server
Facebook Group emails

belonging to the email address and do SMTP checks to see if it’s listed.

Confidence: ​Because not all email servers are allowed to be pinged, the results are not always 100%
verified. Filter out the results that are a < 60% match to keep a higher quality email list.

Status: ​The plugin gives you four status results: Correct, guess, suggestion and not found. I’m normally
only interested in emailing contacts with the status ​‘correct’​ and​ ‘guess’, b
​ ecause results with the status
‘not found’​ are obviously not found and status ​‘suggestion’​ could be literally anyone in the company.

Step 3: Verify the results

You now have your list of emails to work with. I
advise to always verify your results before
emailing to filter out spam traps and such (you
don’t want to find yourself blacklisted). The
verification tool of FindThatLead works the same
as the last step: upload your .csv with emails and
start verification process. You can also choose to
use a secondary tool like emaillistverify.com to
filter out bad results.

Step 4: Import results into campaign.

Facebook Group emails

Hurray! You now have a bunch of leads that you can use for your cold email campaign. I’ve used this
tactic to turn over 40 Facebook groups into 22k rows of contacts and eventually 4,8k emails (50% or
higher) - of which 1,7k 100% match.

Good stuff right?

To ensure your worthiness of this hack: only provide PURE VALUE when cold emailing! Ninja cat will find
you if you break the ethics of cold email, steal your clients and ruin your business ​🐱​👤.

P.S. If you liked this guide and you are interested in more of this stuff, let’s connect on ​LinkedIn​ and join
our community on Slack: ​https://growthhackertalk.signup.team/​ .

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