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7/16/2019 Real Love Spells for Modern Witches!

16 Spells That Work

Real LOVE Spells

for Modern
Love spells can be a really powerful source of self-
empowerment. Being deeply loved by someone gives you
strength, and loving someone deeply gives you courage. These
words were true when Chinese philosopher Lao-Tze coined
them – over two thousand years ago – and still ring true today.

Some of us would do anything to recover a lost love or to attract

someone new, but it can be hard to know where to start [psssst!
Start here!]. Past and present can get in the way, certain
experiences make it hard just to try and move on. But spiritual
healing is easier than you think. Love spells are a free DIY
option that you can use at home to promote love in all aspects
of your life.

On this page, you’ll nd:

Do Love Spells Work?

Free Love Spells

Spells to Attract Love

Spells to Forget an Ex

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Love Spells For Couples

Reconciliation Spells: Bring Back a Lover

Love Spells for a Speci c Person

Tips for Casting Better Love Spells


“The Most Powerful Love Spell”

Do Love Spells Work?

Love spells have existed since the beginning of civilization, when
Witchcraft was used to increase fertility or to favor marriages
and relationships. This type of Magic was usually performed by
shamans and healers. It was an early form of religion and
science. This experimental skill has been passed down for
hundreds of generations.

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If you have never worked with spells of Witchcraft before, here’s

a quick guide that will get you started:

Click here to read: How to Cast Spells When

You’re New and Unsure

The most effective love spells that work usually involve chants,
prayer, mantras, or af rmations that reinforce our con dence.
Before manifesting anything in our reality, we must rst believe
and feel that this is possible, that we deserve it. To cast a love
spell, you have to be ready and open to receive that kind of
love. ❤

The ritual aspects of the spell are less important, but they will
help you to get into the right mindset. So prepare an
atmosphere with dim lights or candles, and a silent place to
work without interruptions. Let the energy ow through you
and concentrate on your desire. If you haven’t already, read this
lesson on the First 5 Steps to Becoming a Real-Life Witch.

Bookmark this site and especially the free love spell recipes.
Come back later and print them out or copy them to your Book
of Shadows. All spells on this page can easily be cast at home,
even if you are a Beginner Witch. You can use Magic for:

Channeling self-love and con dence

Improving a romantic relationship

Recovering a lost love

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Attracting someone closer to you

Free Love Spells

Spells to Attract Love

1. Amber Love Magnet: Bring Love to your Life

Love Spell Charm And Crystal

2. Fire Flowers: A Wiccan Love Spell

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▶ Fire Flowers Wiccan Love Spell with Candle

3. Rose+Lavender Love Bath

Rose+Lavender Bath for Finding a New Love: Cleansing Ritual

4. Renewal Bath Spell for Self-Love

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Renewal Bath Spell: Self-Love & Spiritual Acceptance

Spells to Forget an Ex
5. Emotional Unbinding: A Simple Wiccan Spell

Easy Spell to Forget an Ex – Spells8

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6. ‘I Release You’: Let Go of Your Ex

I Release You: Spell To Forget Someone

Love Spells For Couples

7. Honey Touch: A Sweetening Love Spell

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Honey Touch: An Easy Sweetening Love Spell

8. Endless Desire: Spell to Strengthen a Relationship

Endless Desire Bottle Spell to Strengthen a Relationship

9. ‘Rekindle Me’: Red Candle Spell for Lust & Passion

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Rekindle Me: Red Candle Passion Spell

Reconciliation Spells: Bring Back a Lover

10. Now & Forever: Simple Reconciliation Spell

Reconciliation Spell with Pink Candle and Photo

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11. Magical Reconciliation: Bring Your Ex Back

‘Magical Reconciliation’: A Spell to Bring a Lover Back

Love Spells for a Speci c Person

 Note: Casting spells on other people can be harmful for

your relationships. Read: 8 Rules Every Witch Should Know

12. Mother Moonlight: Wiccan Spell to Attract your Crush

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Mother Moonlight: Full Moon Wiccan Love Spell

13. Sticky Kiss: Love Spell with Honey

Candle Spell to Attract Someone Speci c

14. Sugar Binding: Make a Man Fall in Love

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Sugar Binding: How to Cast a Love Spell on a Man

15. A Fierce Voodoo Love Spell with Hair

Voodoo Love binding Spell with Hair

16. ‘Unholy Bind’: Candle Hoodoo Ritual

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Unholy Bind: Hoodoo Love Binding Spell

Have Questions? Read our FAQs to learn more

about spellcasting or visit the Candle Spells

Total Beginner? Read: 5 Steps to Become a

Real Witch

Tips for Casting Better Love Spells

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Here are some keys to the proper casting of spells, so if you are a
beginner and would like to practice Witchcraft at home, you can
maximize the effectiveness of your rituals without having to pay
for a professional spellcaster.

1. Clearly de ne an intention

One of the basic rules for doing any type of Magic work is to
understand exactly what your desires are. The clearer your goals
and intentions are, the easier it will be for you to materialize
those goals and get good results in your spiritual work.

When casting any spell, your thoughts must be directed

towards your goal like a laser beam, without any
interference. 🎯

2. Choose the right spell

If there are several spells that could t your need, then choose
the one that immediately draws your attention or that you
liked at rst sight.

Don’t overthink, rely on your intuition and keep your con dence
levels high. If you like candles, cast a spell that uses candles. If
you like to work with herbs, crystals, or any ingredient in
particular, use that ingredient as much as you can. Witches tend
have af nities to certain elements because they symbolize a
connection to an aspect of Nature or the Universe. With the help
of these symbols, a true Witch can manifest anything they want.
Find the ingredients and spells that speak to you personally,
experiment and have fun! 🍀

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If you’ve never cast a spell before, start with easy spells, or look
for one that seems simple enough for you. Don’t have big
expectations for your rst rituals. It’s a slow learning progress
and little by little you will get more con dent.

Click here to read the Easiest Magic Spells in

our Book of Shadows

3. Practice through trial and error

If a spell does not work for you, wait for a month and re-cast
it. Use your intuition to try and nd the reason why it didn’t
work. If you felt good while casting the spell but you didn’t get
any results, it’s preferable that you try casting the same spell
again instead of moving to a new one. It takes practice. 💪

Do not combine a love spell with another trying to enhance it.

Unless you are experienced, your attention will be dispersed and
the spellwork will become useless. It is much more effective to
focus all your energy and attention in one goal. Wait until one
full moon cycle has passed (about 28 days) before casting
another spell. You can still perform, for example, baths and
cleanses for unblocking and opening paths. There are plenty of
other daily rituals and meditations you can still perform.

If you are a beginner, it’s best to following a written spell step by

step, without changing anything. More advanced practitioners
should adapt and create their own spells.

4. Give thanks every day

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Give thanks because the people and circumstances that you

have asked for are already on their way. Allow yourself to
daydream and remember what your goal is every morning. Use
the Daily Ritual Page to practice devotionals, positive
af rmations and mantras that will keep you in the right mood.
🙏 Thought creates reality: Watch your thoughts!

5. Work with the Universe

The Full Moon and all other lunar phases have energies that can
enhance your Magic.


Remember: There are 8 lunar phases and we can group them

into 4 stages: New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, and
Waning Moon. If you’re new to Moon Magic, read this post now:

Phases of the Moon: Lunar Magic Explained

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This Free Printable will help you keep track of the Moon
phases! Enter your email to download this 2-page PDF

When you make a petition or a request to any entities or to your

Higher Self, pretend that you already have what you are asking
for and that you are just giving thanks for it. Never say “Help me
because I’m tired and lonely” or anything like that. Focus on
positive thinking, which naturally attracts positive energies. For
example, say: “Thanks for lling my life with love and joy”.

The Universe will always interpret your call as a reaf rmation.

Whatever you have now, you will get more. Try giving thanks
because the man or woman of your dreams is already in your
life. Try to feel like you are already surrounded by love and
happiness, because you deserve it. Visualize yourself being
embraced, loved and let those emotions surface. ❤

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“Faith it till you Make it”

6. Be patient

Don’t let doubts and fears take away your Power. Don’t talk with
others about the spells you are casting or about your petitions to
the Universe. They will see for themselves when it happens. For
now, be patient. Let the energies do their job and trust them.
Work every day towards your goal and do not hurry.

7. Support your desires with action

Besides what’s in your head and in your heart, you should be

doing things that tell the Universe what you want. Use your new
boost of con dence to go out and become more active. Make
friends. Establish contacts and open up to new opportunities.

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The manifestation of what you want comes much more quickly

when your words are supported by your deeds. Do what you say
you will do. Show the Universe that you are a powerful creator
by being what you say you want to be. ☀

Never get carried away by envy, jealousy or negative emotions

when it comes to casting spells. I wish you luck in all of your love
spells, and remember that you deserve the best, right now.


1. Are these spells of Black Magic?

Answer: They can be, depending on your intentions.

If your wishes entail tampering with another person’s freedom,

then that can be considered Black Magic. In other words, spells
or rituals of Magic that aim to change someone’s free will or
that might affect it as a side effect are undoubtedly rituals of
Black Magic.

Click here to learn more about Types of Magic

If your intentions and methods aren’t evil, then you shouldn’t

worry. Spells are not “bad” or “evil” by themselves. Evil can exist

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only in a person’s heart and intentions. When you chant a spell,

invoke a certain deity, or contact any spirits, you and your Higher
Self know exactly what you are doing. If you have the wrong
intentions, or if you are seeking to cause harm or manipulate
something that you should not be ddling with, then it is your
own subconscious that will make your spell back re. Develop
your intuition so you can read your own intentions better.
Practice your Magic safely, click here to learn about Safety when
Casting Spells.

2. How long should I wait to see results?

Answer: Love spells act on people, behaviors, and emotions,

which can be very erratic. This is why there is no exact number
or mathematical formulas you can use to know this. In general,
you can wait to see results within one full moon cycle. If after
28 days ⌛ you haven’t seen any signs of manifestation, you can
cast the spell again. Remember to keep realistic goals, and that
the harder the goal, usually the longer it will take.

3. How do these love spells work?

Answer: The simplest love spells work by the Law of Attraction.

That’s essentially you, your faith and your thoughts. In a more
advanced stage of your path, you will learn how to work with
deities, spirits and other entities.

These love spells work by creating and raising scpeci c

energies that sometimes can’t ourish naturally due to
blockages, fear, sadness or insecurity. Spells of Magic can

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make it easier for a person to open their heart and receive, but
also give, positive and lovesome emotions.

4. I don’t have any experience casting spells, can I

still try them?

Answer: Of course you can. Click here to learn How to Cast Spells
When you’re New

5. I am LGBTQ, can I do these rituals?

Answer: Yes. All of these spells should work whether you are a
man, woman, straight, LGBTQ, or however you identify. You also
don’t need to go searching for “gay love spells”, use them and
know that wherever there can be love, Magic will help. Work
on your rituals until you feel con dent enough and you will be
able to modify the spells to t your needs and all your personal

Still have questions? Read our FAQs to learn


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 Work Out the
Witch in You
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