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Slide 1:

•Recommended Session Length: 2 hours (can be shortened or expanded, as

•Pre-Work: Participants should all bring their manuals to the session.
•Session Purpose: This session is simply intended to refresh participants and
stimulate discussions on the key learnings of Habit 1 (while also
incorporating the foundational principles into it).
•Welcome to group.
•Reminder of most important Ground Rule for all of these sessions:
Confidentiality – respect for others’ personal information – share your own
stories, learning and experiences but not others’.
•Ask Participants: What is Habit 1?? What do you remember about it?

Slide 2:
•Begin with quick review…
•This concept is really the foundation of all of the Habits…we MUST first
begin with ourselves and our own effectiveness if we are to influence change
in our relationships with others and ultimately, within our departments and
within the organization.
•Facilitator Overview, page 6 of participant manual:
•Personal: The personal level of leadership addresses individuals and their
personal thoughts, concerns and actions. Trustworthiness addresses the
combination of two traits: character and competence – both which must be
present to create true trustworthiness.
•Interpersonal: The interpersonal level represents individuals and their
interactions with others. Trust represents the confidence levels individuals
have in others within the organization.
•Managerial: At the managerial level, we look at individuals who are working
together to get a job done. Specifically, we look at their functions and roles
at this level. Empowerment addresses the individuals and groups within the
organization capable and willing to produce desired results.
•Organizational: On this level, leadership can be examined in terms of how
jobs are organized and get done. We also examine systems, structure and
technology. Alignment looks at how the organizational structure and
systems are aligned with mission, guest requirements, etc.
Slide 3:

•Review definition of a habit as the intersection of Knowledge, Skill and

•As necessary, provide or ask group for an example of a habit (besides the 7
Habits). I.e.: Running as exercise: must understand (knowledge) the
importance, must also be willing (desire) to do it and must know how to (skill)

Slide 4:

•Review…Ask the following and flipchart the diagram and answers:

•Can someone explain the move from Dependence to Independence?
•From Independence to Interdependence?
•What are each of the Habits?

Slide 5:

•What is the “Private Victory”? when we learn self mastery and self
•Can anyone offer a recent example of their own Private Victory?

Slide 6:

•Discuss as partners, then larger group.

Slide 7:

Review with group

Slide 8:

Recap stimuls responses concept page 34

Slide 9:

•Being proactive says that we can CHOOSE our response to stimulus!

•Ask: How did Victor Frankl exercise his freedom to choose while the
concentration camp?? (Sample answer: He chose his response to torture by
thinking about how he would lecture to his students about the experience).
•Activity: (Ask participant to get into groups of 2 or 3, then ask the
following question – allow 5 minutes, then share key learnings with larger
group): Since the workshop, how have you exercised proactivity in a
challenging situation? (Facilitator Note: Be prepared to share own example.
As well, the question can be turned around to have participants share an
example when they reacted and share how they could have responded to the
situation proactively.)
•Optional Activity: Small groups can complete page 34. Then discuss
answers as a large group with an emphasis on question #4 – linking it back to
effectiveness and how proactivity can impact one’s effectiveness.

Slide 10:

•Ask: What does this quote mean? How does ‘Accepting Responsibility’ link
to being proactive?
•Review the two circles, note on flipchart as you ask participants to call out
things that are currently within their Circle of Concern, then within their
Circle of Influence.

•Challenge and encourage group to find ways, no matter how small, EACH
DAY to focus on their Circle of Influence.
•Optional Activity: Page 40 in table groups, then briefly discuss as larger
group. Focus on question #3 and flipchart list of actions/behaviors
participants can do RIGHT NOW to focus on their Circle of Influence (aim
for 10-20 actions – then send as a reminder email within the month).
•Activity: In the workshop, you were asked to complete page 42. Reflect on
question #3. Find a new partner (someone you haven’t already worked with
today) and spend 5 minutes discussing the ‘essence’ of the situation (only
what you want to share) and commit to an action this week in support of
being a transition figure in the situation you’ve discussed.
•Design accountability: ask participants to determine with their current
partner(s), how they will hold one another accountable to taking the action
they have just committed to (sample ideas: they will send an email, leave a
voicemail, have a coffee or have lunch at the end of the week to report the
details/results of their actions.)

•Wrap-Up: Thank participants for attending and challenge/encourage them

to focus on Habit 1 this week, month, etc.

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