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NetScaler SSLVPN Counters

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This article contains information about the newnslog SSLVPN counters, SNMP OID of the counters, and its brief description.

Using the Counters

Log on to the NetScaler using an SSH client, change to SHELL, navigate to the /var/nslog directory, and then use the
‘nsconmsg’ command to see comprehensive statistics using the different counters available. For the detailed procedure refer to
Citrix Blog - NetScaler ‘Counters’ Grab-Bag!.

The newnslog SSLVPN counters

The following table lists the newnslog SSLVPN counters with a simple description of the counter and the SNMP OID.

newnslog counter SNMP OID Description

svpn_login_html_hit indexHtmlHit Number of requests for VPN login page

svpn_minihttpd_fail indexHtmlNoServed Number of failures to display VPN login page

Number of client configuration requests received by

svpn_cfg_html_hit cfgHtmlServed
VPN server

svpn_dns_hit dnsReqHit Number of DNS queries resolved by VPN server

svpn_wins_hit winsRequestHit Number of WINS queries resolved by VPN server

Number of SSL VPN tunnels formed between VPN

svpn_cs_hits csRequestHit
server and client

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NetScaler SSLVPN Counters Page 2 of 5

Number of probes from VPN to back-end non-

svpn_cs_nonhttp_probes csNonHttpProbeHit HTTP servers that have been accessed by the
VPN client

Number of probes from VPN to back-end HTTP

svpn_cs_http_probes csHttpProbeHit servers that have been accessed by the VPN

Number of successful probes to all back-end

svpn_cs_con_hits totalCsConnSucc

Number of file system requests received by

svpn_fs_hits totalFsRequest
VPN server

iip_tot_no_iip_config_no_mip iipDisabledMIPdisabled Both IIP and MIP is disabled

Number of times IIP assignment failed and MIP

iip_tot_no_iip_config_no_tfr_no_mip iipFailedMIPdisabled
is disabled

Number of times IIP assignment failed and MIP

iip_tot_no_iip_config_uses_mip iipFailedMIPdisabled
is disabled

Number of times MIP is used as IIP assignment

iip_tot_iip_config_uses_mip iipFailedMIPused

iip_tot_iip_config_spillover_uses_mip iipSpilloverMIPused Number of times MIP is used on IIP Spillover

socks_method_req_recvd socksMethReqRcvd Number of received SOCKS method request

socks_method_req_sent socksMethReqSent Number of sent SOCKS method request

socks_method_resp_recvd socksMethRespRcvd Number of received SOCKS method response

socks_method_resp_sent socksMethRespSent Number of sent SOCKS method response

socks_connect_req_recvd socksConnReqRcvd Number of received SOCKS connect request

socks_connect_req_sent socksConnReqSent Number of sent SOCKS connect request

socks_connect_resp_recvd socksConnRespRcvd Number of received SOCKS connect response

socks_connect_resp_sent socksConnRespSent Number of sent SOCKS connect response

ipv6to4_map_insert_err iPv6toV4MapInsertErr Number of Ipv6 to Ipv4 mapping Insert Errors

ipv6to4_findv6map_err iPv6tov4FindIPv6MapErr Number of IPv6toIPv4 find IPv6 mapping errors

Errors in parsing for Ipv6 address from address

parse_ipv6_addr_err parseIPv6AddressErr

socks_server_err socksServerError Number of SOCKS server error

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socks_client_err socksClientError Number of SOCKS client error

sta_connect_success staConnSuccess Number of STA connection success

sta_connect_failure staConnFailure Number of STA connection failure

cps_connect_success cpsConnSuccess Number of CPS connection success

cps_connect_failure cpsConnFailure Number of CPS connection failure

sta_req_sent staRequestSent Number of STA request sent

sta_resp_recvd staResponseRecvd Number of STA response received

sta_renew_req_sent staRenewSent Number of STA renew requests sent

sta_renew_resp_recvd staRenewRecvd Number of STA renew response received

Number of STA response reassembly

sta_response_reassembly_err staReassErr

Number of STA renew repsonse for

sta_renew_no_client staRnewNoClnt
missing clients

Number of STA renew response missing

sta_renew_missing_refresh staRenewNoRfsh
refresh values

Number of STA validate response for

sta_validate_no_client staValidNoClnt
clients that have already closed

Number of STA validate responses for

sta_validate_not_established staValidNoEst
clients not in TCP ESTABLISHED state

sta_mon_req staMonSent Number of STA monitor requests sent

Number of STA monitor responses

sta_mon_recvd staMonRcvd

Number of STA monitor successful

sta_mon_success staMonSucc

sta_mon_failure staMonFail Number of STA monitor failed responses

ica_license_failure icaLicenseFailure Number of ICA license failure

Number of STA validation requests on

dtls_sta_validate_req dtlsStaValidation

Number of STA validation request errors

dtls_sta_validate_err dtlsStaValidationError

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NetScaler SSLVPN Counters Page 4 of 5

Number of STA Reconnect ticket

dtls_sta_reconnect_tkt_req dtlsStaReconnectTktReq
requests on DTLS

Number of Successful STA Validations

dtls_sta_postrsp_success dtlsStaPostResponseSuccess
done on DTLS

Number of errors during STA

dtls_sta_postrsp_err dtlsStaPostResponseError
Validations on DTLS

turn_active_client_listeners Number of active turn client listeners

stun_active_client_listeners Number of active stun client listeners

turn_active_internal_listeners Number of active turn internal listeners

turn_active_peer_listeners Number of active turn internal listeners

Total number of preamble received on

DTLS channel with STA ticket

Total number of preamble sent on

turn_tot_preamble_sent DTLS channel with STA reconnect

Total number of turn allocate requests


Total number of turn channel bind

requests received

Total number of turn create permission

requests received

Total number of turn refresh requests


Number of active turn super sessions


Number of active turn client sockets


Number of active turn relay sockets


Number of active turn permissions


Number of active turn channels


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Total number of turn

miscellaneous counters

Total number of turn

miscellaneous errors

Total number of turn internal


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