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9/13/2018 2D Convolution in Hardware

2D Convolution in Hardware
SystemVerilog implementation of Edge Detection

Posted by Nelson Campos (about.html) on December 27, 2016

The Sobel operator is one of the most widely known methods for edge
detection in image processing. The edges in an image are the points where
the pixel intensity have the maximum variation in the spatial distribution. In
the frequency domain, the edges are obtained ltering out the low
frequencies in the spatial distribution [1].

To obtain the edges of an image I, a 2D convolution with two kernels of

dimension 3x3 are calculated to obtain the gradients (Gx: frequency
variations in horizontal direction and Gy: frequency variations in vertical
direction) according to equation (1):

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Equation (1)

The resultant gradient with its direction is de ned in equation (2):

Equation (2)

A practical example
To understand the effect of the Solbel lter, we will use the Figure (1).

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Figure (1): The classic picture of Lena

Using MATLAB (or its open source version Octave with Image Processing
package) we can do the Sobel Operation with the following lines of code:

//Figure (1): the classic picture of Lena

img = imread("lena.bmp");
figure(1), imshow(img);

The rst step for edge detection using Octave is to convert the image to gray
scale. It can be achieved with the following lines of code:

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//Figure (2): Lena's picture in gray scale

pkg load image;
img_gray = rgb2gray(img);
figure(2), imshow(img_gray);

The Lena's picture in gray scale can be seen in Figure (2):

Figure (2): Lena's picture in gray scale

To detect the edges of the image using Octave just use this lines of code:

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//Figure (3): Edges of the classic picture of Lena

edge_img = edge(img_gray, "Sobel");
figure(3), imshow(edge_img)

The edges of the classic picture of Lena can be seen in Figure (3):

Figure (3): Edges of the classic picture of Lena

Hardware implementation

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An image is de ned with a 2D matrix in which its elements represent the

pixel intensity of its content. However, hardware devices such digital
cameras transfer images in 1D stream of bits. So, to perform a kernel
convolution of 3x3 dimension, the minimum amount of bits required is 2 lines
of the the image, as can be seen in Figure (4), where 2 buffers of lenght 9 are
being used for convolve a 3x3 kernel [2][3][4].

Figure (4): Convolution of a 3x3 kernel with a image with WIDTH=9 pixels per line

The pixel's datapath in the convolution can ben seen in Figure (5) and it can
be represented mathematically as a function of the BUFFER_SIZE acccording
to equation (3), where the matrix SLIDING_WINDOW3x3(pixel(t)), represents
the 3x3 kernel that convolves the pixels in function of the time t and as a
function of BUFFER_SIZE.


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Equation (3)


Figure (5): The pixel's datapath in the convolution

The SystemVerilog code of the Sliding Window for the pixel streams can be
seen below:

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parameter WORD_SIZE = 8;
parameter ROW_SIZE = 10;
parameter BUFFER_SIZE = 3;

module sliding_window #(parameter WORD_SIZE=8, BUFFER_SIZE=3)

(input logic clock, reset,
input logic [WORD_SIZE-1:0] inputPixel,
output logic [BUFFER_SIZE-1:0][WORD_SIZE-1:0]sliding[BUFFER_SIZE-1:0]);

logic [(BUFFER_SIZE-1)*WORD_SIZE-1:0] buffer[ROW_SIZE-1:0];

logic [$clog2(ROW_SIZE)-1:0] ptr;

always_ff @(posedge clock)

if(reset) begin
ptr <=0;
sliding[0][0] <= 0;
sliding[0][1] <= 0;
sliding[0][2] <= 0;
sliding[1][0] <= 0;
sliding[1][1] <= 0;
sliding[1][2] <= 0;
sliding[2][0] <= 0;
sliding[2][1] <= 0;
sliding[2][2] <= 0;
else begin
sliding[0][0] <= inputPixel;
sliding[1][0] <= sliding[0][0];
sliding[1][1] <= sliding[0][1];
sliding[1][2] <= sliding[0][2];
sliding[2][0] <= sliding[1][0];
sliding[2][1] <= sliding[1][1];
sliding[2][2] <= sliding[1][2];

buffer[ptr] <= sliding[BUFFER_SIZE-1][BUFFER_SIZE-2:0];

sliding[0][BUFFER_SIZE-1:1] <= buffer[ptr];
if(ptr < ROW_SIZE-BUFFER_SIZE) ptr <= ptr + 1;
else ptr <= 0;
endmodule: sliding_window

SystemVerilog code of the Sliding Window

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The SystemVerilog code of the 3x3 kernel for Sobel Operation and its
testbench can be seen below:

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module sobel #(parameter WORD_SIZE=8)

(input logic clock,reset,
input logic [WORD_SIZE-1:0] inputPixel,
output logic [WORD_SIZE-1:0] outputPixel);

localparam BUFFER_SIZE=3;

logic [BUFFER_SIZE-1:0] [WORD_SIZE-1:0] sliding [BUFFER_SIZE-1:0];

sliding_window #(WORD_SIZE,BUFFER_SIZE) my_window(.*);

logic [WORD_SIZE+1:0] gx1, gx2, gy1, gy2;

always_ff @(posedge clock)

if (reset) begin
gx1 <= 0;
gx2 <= 0;
gy1 <= 0;
gy2 <= 0;
else begin
gx1 <= sliding[0][0] + sliding[2][0] + (sliding[1][0]<<1);
gx2 <= sliding[0][2] + sliding[2][2] + (sliding[1][2]<<1);
gy1 <= sliding[0][0] + sliding[0][2] + (sliding[2][1]<<1);
gy2 <= sliding[2][0] + sliding[2][2] + (sliding[0][1]<<1);

logic [WORD_SIZE+1:0] gx, gy;

always_comb begin
if (gx1 > gx2) gx <= gx1-gx2;
else gx <= gx2 - gx1;
if (gy1 > gy2) gy <= gy1-gy2;
else gy <= gy2-gy1;

logic [WORD_SIZE+2:0] g;

always_comb g <= gy+gx;

always_ff @(posedge clock)
if (reset)
outputPixel <= 0;
if (g[WORD_SIZE+2]) outputPixel <= {WORD_SIZE{1'b1}};

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else outputPixel <= g[WORD_SIZE+1:2];


SystemVerilog code of the 3x3 kernel for Sobel Operation

`include "sobel.sv"
module top();
logic clock, reset;
logic [4:0] i, k;
logic [WORD_SIZE-1:0] inputPixel;
logic [WORD_SIZE-1:0] outputPixel;

initial begin
$display("testing ...");
clock = 0;
$monitor("%d %d %d", i, inputPixel, outputPixel);
for(i=0; i<31; i++)begin
#0 @(posedge clock)
always #5 clock = !clock;

sobel filter(.clock(clock), .reset(1'b0), .inputPixel(inputPixel),

endmodule: top

SystemVerilog code of the Sobel Filter testbench

Also available in GitHub


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[1] http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/sobel.htm
[2] Gradient Filter implementation on FPGA : Part 2 Implementing gradient
Filter (https://www.element14.com/community/groups/fpga-
group/blog/2015/05/27/gradient- lter-implementation-on-fpga-part2-
[3] VIVADO HLS 2D Convolution on hardware - part 1
[4] LAD Projetos (http://lad.dsc.ufcg.edu.br/lad/pmwiki.php?n=Lad.Projetos)

 (mailto:nelsoncscampos@gmail.com)

 (https://twitter.com/ne1_50n)

 (https://br.linkedin.com/in/nelsoncsc)

 (https://github.com/nelsoncsc)

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