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Coyote A B C’s of Kindergarten

Regular school attendance is essential. Please make every effort to have
your child at school on time each day. If your child will be absent from
school, please call the school office 810-299-4454. Students should arrive
no earlier than ten minutes before the start of school. Upon arrival,
children are to report directly to the multipurpose room. Allergies to food
or other things, please inform the school in writing. I will alert the parents
of allergies so we can avoid those foods in snacks.
A backpack should be big enough to hold a pocket folder and library
book. Please have your child bring it to school each day. Bus Tags should be
worn for the first 4 weeks. It helps all of us to get your child on the correct
bus as well as other teachers to learn your child’s name. Pin it to the
backpack inside so we can refer to it. Birthdays will be recognized at school
in an appropriate manner. The new district policy in the elementary
handbook is as follows:
“We will continue to recognize each child’s birthday within our school. Children with
summer birthdays will receive birthday recognition on his/her half birthday. We ask that no
treats or gifts be sent to school for your child’s birthday. We want to preserve instructional
time, avoid allergic reactions, assure equitable recognition for each child, and adhere to
federal/state/local health and nutrition guidelines. Realizing that not all families celebrate
birthdays, if you prefer that your child not receive birthday recognition from school, please
inform your child’s homeroom teacher. To avoid hurt feelings when children are excluded, we
ask that you not send birthday invitations to school. Please find an alternative means of
distributing invitations to a birthday held outside of school.”

Scholastic Book Club orders are sent home the first Friday of each
month. If you wish to place an order, payment may be made by check or my
preference is online directly to Scholastic. Online instructions will come
home with first order. Checks should be made payable to the book club.

Even at the young age of five and six, children need to learn the importance
of accepting responsibility for their choices. I use Conscious
Discipline procedures based on positive reinforcement and calming
techniques. I do not use negative words to describe behaviors. Children are
not “bad” or “naughty” instead they make mistakes or poor choices. They are
Coyote A B C’s of Kindergarten

learning! I want them to feel the classroom is a “safe” place to make

mistakes and learn from them. The calendar for the school year is available
on the school district’s website. Formal conferences are held starting in
October. Communication is a priority of mine. Please feel free to contact me
regarding any concern.
Kindergarten is a busy place that sometimes can get messy! Dress your child
in comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear. Tennis shoes should be
worn to physical education class. In the winter months you child will require
snow pants and boots for recess. PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING WITH
YOUR CHILD’S NAME! Parents who are picking their child up at dismissal
time are asked to go to the front office area. If you are late picking up your
child, they will be waiting for you in the school office.
Any money sent to school should be in an envelope clearly marked with your
child’s name, the amount, and what it is for. My e-mail is:
strachm@brightonK12.com. Emergency forms are kept on file in the
school office. Please inform the office of any changes in address or
telephone number.
A Friday Folder will be sent home with your child at the end of each
week. This folder will contain completed work as well as district
Your child will have gym class one or two times a week. Please have your
child wear tennis shoes on gym days. I will let you know the rotation so
children can be aware.
Homework - Please read to/with your child for 20 minutes each night.
Occasionally, I may ask you to complete a family project intended for fun,
not stress.
Coyote A B C’s of Kindergarten

Deciding when to keep your child home from school is often difficult,
especially when a decision must be made first thing in the morning. It is
important, however, to keep your child home if s/he is ill. Children should be
fever free or not be vomiting for 24 hours before returning to school.
Junk Food is not the best choice for our class snacks. Please look over the
ideas for healthy snacks when choosing a snack for your child. Children are
generally more likely to try new foods when their peers eat them.
Students at Hornung Elementary School are expected to treat all members
of our learning community with kindness and respect. Unkind behavior,
bullying, and interrupting learning are not permitted.

Kindergarteners visit the library (STEAM CENTER) each week. After
listening to a story, they are able to check out one book. Books need to be
returned in order for another one to be checked out. Label items such as
coats, backpacks, hats and mittens with your child’s name. Children have a
choice of bringing lunch from home or purchasing one from school. Even if
you plan to have your child bring his lunch each day, it is a good idea to
deposit enough money for two-three lunches in your child’s lunch
account. That way a forgotten lunch isn’t an issue!

Kindergarten children participate in music class one-two times a week.

Notes to school should be pinned to your child’s shirt or coat. That way
there’s no missing it! District policy is that we put a child on the bus if
we do not have a written note.
All visitors to the school must sign in at the office upon entering the building.
Coyote A B C’s of Kindergarten

Parent involvement is crucial to your child’s success. Watch for
opportunities in the newsletter.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Do not post them
on Facebook. Remember, quick goodbyes tend to leave drier eyes on days
your child is having difficulty separating.

Report cards come home three times a year. Please sign the report card
envelope and send it back to school; paperwork inside is yours to keep. Your
child will have three recesses each day: One in the morning, one at lunchtime
and another in the afternoon. I would like to utilize the outdoor learning
classrooms. Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for
outside play. Rest time will occur once a day in the afternoon. Your child is
able to bring a small (towel size) blanket as long as it is able to be stored in a
small baggy. Storage is limited so please refrain from bringing in large
items. Also, these items will be sent home at the end of each week for
washing. This will be phased out when developmentally appropriate.

The children have snack time each afternoon. Suggested items include
pretzels, baked snack crackers, low fat graham crackers, fresh fruit,
vegetables, and dairy items that do not require a spoon. Please refrain from
items high in sugar or fat. Sweets and treats are meant to be saved for
special occasions. Safety is a priority. Please send a note or call the school
if s/he is to go home a different way than usual. Verbal changes from your
child or a sibling cannot be accepted; in this case, your child will be sent
home in the usual manner. If you are telephoning a change, please call
before 2:45. Getting the children ready to leave for the day is a busy time;
I may not hear the telephone ring if you call during the last fifteen minutes
of class.
Coyote A B C’s of Kindergarten

Toys need to be left at home. They distract learning and if it becomes lost
or broken, feelings become hurt. Toy weapons should always be kept at home.
Your child’s education takes teamwork. All of us at Hornung Elementary
School look forward to working with you and your child this year!
Each child brings to school unique qualities and strengths. We will build on
them during the school year.

We enjoy having our parents volunteer in our classroom! Volunteer
opportunities will begin in October, after students have been given an ample
time to adjust. Please consider Velcro shoes if your child is not yet able to

The school district’s website is http://www.brightonk12.com/. My weebly is:
coyoteroom.weebly.com. Your child is welcome to bring a labeled water
bottle. Bottles will be sent home each day for washing.

Kindergarten is an Extra special year! In order for a child to be successful
s/he must feel physically and emotionally safe! Keeping your child safe is my
most important job. Your child’s most important job is to help me keep
him/her safe.
You are your child’s most important teacher and role model. Please work with
me to provide your child the best education they deserve.

ZZZ-ZZZ! Based on current research, your child needs 10-12 hours of rest
each night. Children who are well rested are alert and ready to learn each

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