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Writing Essay Rubric.

Features 4 3 2 1 Score
Strong Developing Emerging Beginning
Ideas All on topic Mostly on Some really Off topic with
with excellent topic with good parts and fuzzy details
details good details some aren't
there yet
Organization Easy to read, Well organized Some really No beginning
has a snappy with an smooth parts or ending and
hook, smooth interesting are included difficult to
transitions, and hook, good while others read out loud
an awesome transitions and need work
conclusion a clear
Word Choice Excellent use Used some Correct but not Boring word
of energetic strong verbs, a striking, words choices with
verbs, colorful sense of trying aren't specific misused
words out new words words, not
Sentence Sentences are Sentences have Sentences are Sentences are
Fluency clear and vary varying usually choppy
in length. Very lengths and are construction difficult to
easy to read somewhat easy correctly and read aloud
aloud to read aloud some parts are
easy to read
Conventions Correct Only a few Simple things Many errors
spelling, errors with an are done well with no
punctuation, attempt at with paragraphing
and paragraphing paragraphing
capitalization attempt

The student earns ____ out of ____ points. ____ / ____ = ____ %, ____% = ____

Suggested Point Scale:

80-100 = A

70-79 = B

50-69 = C

35-49 = D

20-34 = E

0-19 = F

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