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Danielle Saile Stratton

C&T 898

Module 2

Learning Outcome 1C: Standards

Artifact Description and Rationale

Artifact Description

For Learning Outcome 1C: Standards, I thought it would be best to pull my final

project from C&T 741: Comprehension and Study Strategies for Use with Multiple Texts.

According to the final project requirements in the C&T 741 course, my final project was

a portfolio of comprehension strategies.

According to the C&T 741 Final Project guidelines, I needed to include “a

thorough description of [my] school/class (e.g., demographics, standardized

assessments) and a thorough discussion of issues that might influence students’

comprehension of texts” (C&T 741: Portfolio of Comprehension Strategies Rubric).

Another aspect that we needed to add were three learning objectives that lined

up with Common Core Standards and strategies/activities. There needed to be a “clear

explanation of how [I] will apply the strategy/activity and what [I] expect students to do”

(C&T 741: 741: Portfolio of Comprehension Strategies Rubric), as well as include any

texts and materials that I plan to use, with citations.


The learning outcome states: “1C. Standards.​ ​Use and apply standards to

design, implement, and assess learning experiences.​” I understand this outcome as

being able to plan standards-based learning experiences within the classroom. As

educators, we do this by knowing our students’ education background, and knowing

how to scaffold their learning. In this Comprehension Portfolio, the purpose of this

assignment was to create a workable plan for integrating strategies/activities into our

instructional practices to support students’ learning using objectives from Common Core

State Standards.

This artifact pairs well with this learning outcome because the objectives pull

from Common Core State Standards. The three objectives that I singled out for

comprehension strategies, I used those to pair with comprehension activities. These

were activities that I had designed, implemented, and assessed within my classroom.

In addition to the strategies and activities used, I have also included an

Appendix. There is an Anticipation Guide, Mystery Bag Data Sheet, and a Biopoem

template that I’ve included that I have used within my classroom. The anticipation guide

was an item I used to assess prior to and after the vocabulary lesson.

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