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My Philosophy in Life

Everything in this world happens for a reason. Who am I today because the
interactions to my fellow human beings. As what Sociology teaches us about
socialization and enculturation. Who we are today because of agent of
socialization that greatly influence us. Society molds us to become to become
better and productive member of the society but despite there are still factors
that contribute to the disorderly and chaos in the society. Our family teaches us
the learning foundation in life. How we perceived the world, our culture,
tradition, beliefs, etc. It is honed by our peers in the community and in the school.
The lessons and learnings that we learn in home are being expound through our
interactions of social agent in our everyday lives. What made us now because of
the decisions you made and the people around you. As we socialize we
encounter several challenges and situations like there’s a time that we feel in love
and it is the highest and purest human emotion. And when we love to the wrong
person in a wrong time and place it brings us negative emotions like hatred, envy,
jealousy etc. those feelings that you feel because of distorted love according to St.
Augustine .In life we need to live simple and with self-containment because the
more you crave to the limit of your capacity or what can you achieved that’s the
time that you will encounter negativities in life like disappointment and jealousy.
Do not compare yourself because at the end we unique individuals you have your
own strength that others don’t have at the same time you have weaknesses that
others excel on those aspects. The best feeling in life are those intellectual,
emotional and spiritual growth.in life competition is inevitable but do not allow
yourself to dominate by it you need to manage competition not competition will
manage you. Surrounds yourself to people that will help you to attain your goals
and dreams in life. I believe in the proposition of St. Thomas Aquinas that the
absence of goodness is evil. If you put goodness in all your endeavors then you
will experience happiness and orderliness but because according to one
Philosopher innate to human the evilness aspect despite the goodness that he
possess. Like despite the goodness that you possess you will encounter struggles
and challenges along the way.

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