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Starting DOCKER
- install using the following script:
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh
systemctl enable docker
systemctl start docker

To enable none root use:

-must be able to connect to docker.sock in /run/
-usermod -a -G docker <user>

pull docker images

docker pull <image name>
docker pull <image name>:<tag>
docker search <keyword>

start image/restart
docker run <image>:<tag> <application> <values>
docker run -d <image:tag> <function such as bin/bash> (run a function in detached
docker run -d --name=<name for container> <image:tage> (names must be unique)
docker restart <name or id> (restarts a container)
docker start <id or name> (starts a stopped container)

detail on image
docker inspect <image>

docker containers running

docker ps (shows running containers)
docker ps -a (shows all containers run including containers no longer running)

information on containers running/stopped

docker inspect <name or ID>

connect to a container
docker run -it centos:latest /bin/bash (logs into interactive mode on current
terminal in bash)

Stop a container
docker stop <id or name> (stops a docker container)

Attach to a container
docker attach <conatiner name> (attach joins the container process so exitting can
kill the container)
docker exec <command> (executes something in a container without affecting process
started during container instantiation)
e.g. docker exec -it LifeCycle1 /bin/bash

remove image
docker rmi <repositor:tag or imageid> (will error if stopped or running containers
with this image exist)
docker rmi -f <repositor:tag or imageid> (forces a remove but runnign containers
will continue to run as they have the base image)
docker rm <container id or name> (removes container completely)
docker rm `docker ps -a -q` (removes all non running containers)

redirect port
docker run -d --name=<name> -P <image:tag>
docker run -d --name=<name> -p 8080:80 <image:tag>

docker volume
docker run -d --name=<name> -p <port external>:<port internal> -v <mount a host
directory>:<container directory>

docker container with DNS settings

docker run -it --dns= --dns-search="mydomain.local" --name="mycontainer3" -v
/local_vol -v /home/tcox/docker/mydata:/remote_vol docker.io/ubuntu:latest

based off docker image
usually named Dockerfile


FROM debian:stable
MAINTAINER test123 <test123@test.com>

RUN apt-get update

RUN apt-get upgrade


EXPOSE 80 (exposes port for this image)

CMD ["/usr/sbin.apache2ctl", "-D","FOREGROUND] (runs a comand with given

flags and variables)
(preference should be to group commands with && or || where possible)

docker build -t <owner>/<name> . (the . says to pull from local director)

docker build -t <owner>/<name> < <location of file>

docker logs
docker logs <uuid or name>


FROM needs to go first
RUN command (i.e. useradd -ms /bin/bash user)
USER user (creates a user)
docker exec -u 0 -it sad_jones /bin/bash (allows you to connect as root without
setting a password)
Changing USER will change all RUN commands after this point to run as if that user
executed the commands
ENV <VARIABLE> <VALUE> (system wide variable)
CMD "function" "variable" (runs on instantiation of container i.e on first run)
ENTRYPOINT <function> <variables> (runs at start even if something else is
specified at run command)
-P can't be used without exposed ports. -p is allowed as they require specific
knowledge of the container service
EXPOSE <port number> (exposes ports allowing for -P auto assignment)
you can mount an image using -v /mydata (creates a volume on the container)
connect to a host dfirectory using -v <hostdirectory>:<container directory> (you
can't do this in a dockerfile)

Docker Network
docker network ls (shows host networks)
docker network inspect <network id> (show information about the network)
docker network create --subnet --gateway mybridge01
docker network rm mybridge01
docker network create --subnet --gateway --ip-
range= --driver=bridge --label=host4network bridge04
docker run -it --name nettest1 --net bridge04 centos:latest /bin/bash
docker run -it --name nettest2 --net bridge04 --ip centos:latest

Docker Inspect Container processes

docker top <container id or name> (shows top for the instant it is run)
docker exec -i -t frosty_wescoff /bin/bash (allows you to attach without closign
container on exit)
docker stats <container id/name> (shows live stats of a container)

Docker Container Management

systemctl stop docker.service
rm -rf *
systemctl start docker.service

Docker Ports Exposure

docker run -itd -p nginx:latest

Docker Env VARIABLEs

docker run -itd -p -e JAVA_HOME=/opt/java nginx:latest

docker rename
docker rename <old name or id> <new name>
Docker events
docker events --since '<time such as 1h>'
docker events (shows events as they happen)
docker events --filter <opttions include
eg docker events --filter event=attach

Docker Images Saving and Loading

docker commit practical_northcutt centos:mine (creates a new image with
docker save -o centos.latest.tar centos:latest
docker save --output centos.latest.tar centos:latest
docker load --input centos.latest.tar

Docker history
docker history <image name>:<id>
docker history --quiet --no-trunc <image name>:<id> (shows the sha key for the

docker tag
docker tag <image id or name and tag> <image name>:<new tag>

docker hub
docker login
docker logout
docker push <name + tag or id>

create a bridge for docker

ip link br10 type bridge
ip addr add
ip link set br10 up

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