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1 Design Of Intake
Turbine Discharge
Q40% = 6.38 m3/s
(40 percentile discharge)
Design Discharge Qd = 1.6xQ40% = 10.21
River Bed Level 1267.00
Weir Crest Level
Canal Bed Level
Canal Water Level
Approach Velocity (Assumed), Va 1 m/s
Area of Orifice Required A = Qd/Va = 10.21 m2
Number of Orifice 2
Height (Assumed) h = 2 m
Breadth b = 2.6 m
2 Weir Including Spill Way
I Dam Height
C = 0.6
Head loss at orifice He = 0.142 m
Clearance = 3*He = 0.426 m
Dam Height P = 3.5 m
Length Of Weir L = = 30 m
II Energy Dissipator

Flood Discharge Q100 = 344.9

Flood Over Crest = 0.8*Q100 = 275.92
q = 11.5
Weir Coefficient (Rounded) Cw = 2.2
Head Over Crest Hd = 2.6 m IRRIGATION
P/Hd=1.35>1.33 so velocity head can be neglected AND
V1 = S.K. GARG
Y1 = 1.239 m
Yc = 2.38 m
Yc>Y1 Hence Ok
Velocity V1 = 9.28 m/s
Froude Number F = 2.662
Tail water depth(subcritical) Y2 = 4.086 m
n = 0.06
R = 3.094 m
S = 0.01
D/S water depth Yd = 3.249 m
Y2>Yd, Hence elongated Jump will occur
As 2.5<(F=2.6)<4.5, Hence Type-IV (USBR) Stilling Basin can be used
Length of stilling basin Lw = 6.1*Y2 = 24.93 m
Pondage depth Hd = Y1*(9+F)/9 = 1.606 m
Changed Eo = 7.706 m

Iteration due to change in Eo

Eo Y1 V1 F Y2 Hd
7.706 1.06 10.85 3.365 4.543 1.457
7.557 1.073 10.72 3.305 4.508 1.468
7.568 1.072 10.73 3.309 4.51 1.467
7.567 1.072 10.73 3.309 4.51 1.467
7.567 1.072 10.73 3.309 4.51 1.467
Pondage depth Hd = 1.467 m
Y2 4.51 m
Length of stilling basin Lw = 6.1*Y2 = 27.6 m
Height of Dam from its crest to bed
= P + Hd = 4.967 m
of Stilling Basin
III Chute Design
Y1 = 1.072 m
Width of Chute W = Y1 = 1.072 m
Height of Chute H = 2 * Y1 = 2.144 m
Distance between the Chute = 2.5 * W = 2.68 m HYDROPOWER
IV Design of Weir R.S.
i Weir Porfie VARSHNEY
a D/S profile
Y = (X^1.85)/(K*(Hd^0.85))
K = 2
0 0
0.25 -0.0278
0.5 -0.1002
0.75 -0.2121
1 -0.361
1.25 -0.5455
1.5 -0.7644 m
1.75 -1.0166
2 -1.3014
2.25 -1.6183
2.5 -1.9665
2.75 -2.3457
3 -2.7554
3.25 -3.1952
b U/S profile
0 -0.0115
0.2 -0.0401

ii Weir Length and Thickness

Total Heal loss HL = 2.851 m
Bligh Creep Coefficient C = 12
Total Creep Length LT = C * HL = 35 m
a Length of D/S
C = 12
L2 = 13 m
Length of stilling basin = 27.6
Assume L2 L2 = 28 m
D/S length L3 = 12 m
U/S length L4 = 6 m
b Thickness HYDROPOWER
Depth of scour R = 3.458 m STRUCTURES
d/s depth = 1.5R = 5.187 m R.S.
u/s depth = 1.25R-1.5R = 4.33-5.19 m VARSHNEY
assume u/s depth=d/s depth = 6.1 m PLUS
u/s depth of pile from bed = 0 IRRIGATION
d/s depth of pile from bed = 1.384 ENGINEERING
Assume, AND
u/s depth of pile from bed = 3 m HYDRAULIC
d/s depth of pile from bed = 10 m STRUCTURES
From figure, S.K. GARG
Total creep length = 51 m
Total creep length = 44 m > 35 m Hence ok
d/s floor thickness
For t1, h1 h1 = (HL/LT)*L = 2.86 m
t1 = (h1/(s-1)) = 2.05 m
Increase thickness by 33% t1 3 m
t2 = 2.5 m
t3 = 2 m
Exit Gradient Check
Maximum Seepage Head H = 6.1 m
Depth of d/s cut off d = 10 m
Total floor length b = 34 m
a = b/d = 3.4
l = 1.55
Exit gradient GE = 0.156
GE = 1/6.5
As exit gradient is 1/6.5, Hence safe
IV Design of Under Sluice
Head over crest = 2.6 m
Discharge through orifice = 10.21 m3/s
Discharge through undersluice =20%ofQ100-1.6Q40% = 58.77 m3/s
Provide number of bays = 2 Nos
Length of one span = 3 m
Total clear width = 6 m FUNDAMENTAL
Number of Pier = 1 Nos OF
Width of Pier = 1 m HYDROPOWER
width of undersluice portion = 7 m SANJEEB BARAL
Height of gate (opening) = 2 m
Sill elevation of gate
Water depth = 6.1 m
Coefficient of discharge = 0.6
Discharge through undersluice = 78.77 m3/s
As discharge through undersluice 78.77m3/s > 58.77m3/2, the design is ok
Stability Analysis Of Weir

A. Weight Of Weir
S.N. Description Value Unit
1 Total Area 122.899 m2
2 CG from Toe End 20.038 m
3 Moment Of Area 2462.66 m3
4 Unit Weight 24 KN/m3
5 Total Weight 2949.58 KN/m
B. Calculation Of Forces
Description Forces(KN/m) Lever Arm Moment About Toe
and Vertical Horizontal From Toe Anti-Clockwise Clockwise
S.N. Dimensions ( Positive) ( Positive) (m) (Positive) (Negative)
1 Weight Of Wier 2949.58 20.038 59103.69
2 Water Pressure
PH1 60.09 1.17 70.31
PH2 -5.64 0.36 2.04
PV1 240.35 37.5 9013.13
PV2 304.98 15 4574.7
Silt Pressure 1.24 0.25 0.31
3 Uplifting Pressure
U1 -425.92 20.25 8624.88
U2 -482.33 27 13022.91
4 Total 2586.66 54.45 72693.56 21718.41
SV 2586.66
SH 54.45
SMr 72693.56
SMo 21718.41
SM 50975.15
S.N. Check for Value Recommended Remarks
1 Sliding Fs=mSV/SH 30.88 > 1 Safe
2 Overturning Fo=SMr/SMo 3.35 > 1.5 Safe
3 Tension at Heel x'=SM/SV 19.71
e = B/2 - x' -12.96 < B/6 = 6.75 Safe
4 Principle Stress smax -58.76 < 980 Safe
smin 186.5 < 980 Safe
5 Exit Gradient GE 1/6.5 < 1/6 Safe
As this weir is safe against all possible failure, it can be impemented without any problem
3 Design Of Intake
Turbine Discharge
Q40% = 6.38 m3/s
(40 percentile discharge)
Design Discharge Qd = 1.6xQ40% = 10.21 m3/s
River Bed Level 1267.00 m
Weir Crest Level 1270.50 m
Canal Bed Level 1267.75 m
Canal Water Level 1269.75 m
Place intake Sill below the normal water level 0.75 m
Approach Velocity
Va 1 m/s
Area of Orifice Required A Qd/Va 10.21 m2
Number of Orifice 2 Nos
Height (Assumed) h 2 m
Breadth b 2.6 m
Hence, adopt two nos of gate with
Gate height 2.1 m
Gate Width 2.8 m
Provided Area 10.4 m2
Provided area = 10.4m2>10.21m2, Hence Ok
Discharge Carrying Capacity, Qc 23.94 m3/s
Qc=23.94m > Qd=10.21m, Hence Ok
4 Design of trash rack for intake
Shape factor for
k 2.42
rectangular bars
Trash Rack Opening a 100 mm
Thickness of bar t 20 mm
Turbine Discharge Q40% 6.38 m3/s
Design Discharge Qd 10.21 m3/s
Angle of inclination
a 70 degrees
with horizontal
Submerged depth of
2 m
trash rack
width of intake 5.2 m
width of pier at the
0.6 m
edge of intakes
width of pier between
0.5 m
the intakes
Total submerged width
6.3 m
of trash rack
Gross submerged area
13.41 m2
of trash rack
Precentage of opening
83.34 %
of trash rack
Effective opening area
11.18 m2
of trash rack
Approach velocity 0.92 m/s
Approach velocity =0.92m/s lies with in the range of 0.6-1.5m/s, Hence Ok
Head loss
hr 0.02 m
through trash rack
Vertical height
2.5 m
of trash rack
Spacing between outer
S 140 mm
ends of bar
Number of bars 45 Nos
5 Design Of Conveyance System
Weir Height Hw = 3.5 m
Assume silt deposit from river bed level = 0.5 m
hr =Weir ht. - Silt deposit = 3
Design discharge Qd = 10.21
we have, Qd=A*C*{(2g(hr-hh))}
hh = 2.87 m
we have, Qflood = Cd*L*(hd^3/2)
Qflood =0.8*Q100 = 275.92 m3/s
Cd = 2.2
L = 30 m
Head over Crest hd = 2.6 m
Now, Hw+hd = 6.1
Normal river level in flood from bed of the orifice, hr = 5.6 m
Discharge through orifice, Qd=A*C*{Ö(2g(hr-hh))} = 45.67 m3/s
Dimension of chanel assuming width to be = 5 m
Q = AV = B*H*(1/n)*((BH/(B+2H))^2/3)*(1/S)^1/2 = 45.67
n = 0.03
S =1/200 = 0.005
H = 3.12 m
H  hh, hence iteration is required

hh Q H
2.87 45.67 3.12
3.12 43.53 3
3.04 44.23 3.04

Hence, H=hh=3.04m
hh = 3.04 m
Adopt Free Board = 0.46 m
Thus, Height of canal = 3.5 m
6 Design of Gravel Trap
Turbine Discharge Q = 6.38
Design Discharge Qd = 1.6*Q40% = 10.21 m3/s
Particle Size (assumed) d  2 mm
Flushing = Periodic = 6 hr
Specific gravity of particles S = 2.65
Temperature T = 10
Coefficient of
m = 1.31
kinematic viscosity
i Settling velocity w = [(4/3)(g/Cd)(s-1)d]^0.5
Fall velocity Vf= (1/18)(g/m)(S-1)d^2 = 2.746 m/s
Temperature correction Vf= 416(s-1)d^2*(3T+70)/100 = 2745.6 mm/s
Reynold's no. Re= (Vf*d)/m = 4191.76
For Re=1000 to 10000, Cd Cd = 0.4
Vf = 0.3285 m/s
Iterating between Re and Cd, Vf Vf = 0.2828 m/s
ii Transit velocity Vt= ad^0.5,(a=36) = 51 cm/s
Remarks 51cm/s < 60 cm/s Hence ok
iii Dimensions = ITDG
Assumed Height h = 3.85 m GUIDELINES
Width B Q/(Vt*h) = 5.2
Length L h/(Vt/Vf) = 2.5
Considering Turbulence
a 0.312/(h^0.5) = 0.068
Vf' a*Vt = 0.035 m/s
Settling Velocity w' Vf-Vf' = 0.2478 m/s
Length L (Vt/Vf')*h = 8
iv Transition
Inlet Transition
Entrance angle = 15 degree
width of canal = 5 m
width of gravel trap = 5.2 m
Transition length = 0.4 m
Outlet Transition
Outlet Angle = 30 degree
width of canal = 5 m
width of gravel trap = 5.2 m
Transition length = 0.2 m
v Design of Flushing Canal
Flushing Discharge = 30% of Qd = 3.07 m3/s
Assumed Size, Heght H = 0.5 m
Assumed Size, Width B = 0.5 m
Assumed Bed Slope = 1 in 25 = 0.04
Mannings Coefficient 0.015
Velocity = (1/n)(R^2/3)(S^1/2) = 4.04 m/s
Tractive Shear Stress To = gRS = 130.8 N/m2
Critical Tractive Stress Tc = 0.056*g*d*(S-1) = 1.82 N/m2
Remarks As To>Tc, Hence ok
7 Design of Trash Rack (behind Gravel Trap)
Discharge of headrace channel = 1.3*Q40% = 8.3 m3/s
Equivalent Dimension = 5m * 1.5m 5 1.5
Take, Spacing of bars = 150 mm
Take, dia. Of bar = 10 mm
Let nb be number of bars = 10nb+150(nb-1)=5*1000 =
Then number of bars nb = 33 Nos
Net width w' = 4.67 m
Net velocity v = 1.19 m/s
Head Loss in Trash Rack, LT =( kv^2)/(2g), where k = 1.45-0.45R-R^2 and R = Anet/Agross
R = Anet/Agross = 0.934
k = 1.45-0.45R-R^2 = 0.158
LT = ( kv^2)/(2g) = 0.012 m
Design of Pre-Headrace Canal from
Gravel Trap to Settling Basin (Rectangular)
Discharge Q = 1.3Qd = 8.3 m3/s
Assume, Bottom width
B = 5 m
of Canal
Assume, Bedslope S = 1:500 = 0.002
Manning's coefficient n = 0.02
we have, Q = (BH/n)*((BH)/(B+2H))^2/3*(S)^1/2
Height H = 0.95 m
Adopt Height H = 1.7 m
Take, Free board = 0.5 m
Top Width T = B = 5 m
Area A = BH = 8.5 m2
Wetted Perieter P = B+2H = 8.4 m ITDG
Hydraulic Radius R = A/P = 1.02 m GUIDELINES
Check for
d = 11RS = 22.44 mm
Transported Materials
22.44mm>0.2mm, Hence Ok
Canal Width = 5 m
Height = 2.2 m
Provide, Length = 10 m
9 Design Of Spillway
Assume length L = 15 m
Coefficient of Discharge C = 1.6
Discharge During Flood Qd = 37.37 m3/s
we have, Qd=C*L*H^3/2
H = 1.34 m
10 Design of Settling Basin
Turbine Discharge Q40% = 6.38 m3/s
Design Discharge of Settling Basin be increased by 30% for flushing
Design discharge Qd = 1.3*Q40% = 8.29 m3/s
Limiting diameter of silt dlimit = 0.2 mm
Temperature 10
Sp. Gravity of particle = 2.65
Coefficient of
m = 1.31
kinematic viscosity
Fall velocity Wf = 0.0275 m/s
Reynold's no. Re = (Vf*d)/m = 4.2
Cd = 7.52
New fall velocity Wf = 0.024 m/s
By Iterating between Re, Cd and Wf we get:

Vf Re Cd Vf
0.0275 4.2 7.518136 0.024
0.024 3.67 8.445497 0.0227
0.0227 3.47 8.866911 0.0221
0.0221 3.38 9.072377 0.0219
0.0219 3.35 9.143254 0.0218
0.0218 3.33 9.191197 0.0217
0.0217 3.32 9.21538 0.0217

Fall Velocity Wf = 0.0217 m/s

For actual shape of sediment considering only 65% of theoritical velocity
Wf = 0.0142
Considering two bay settling basin
Discharge for one bay = 4.15 m3/2
I Design of Plan Area
Plan area of basin As = 1.5*Q/Wf = 438.4 m2
Take L/B ratio 6
L = 51.29 m
B = 8.55 m
Check for basin width B = 4.75(Q) = 9.68
We adopt smaller dimension for ease of flushing
So, adopt L = 51.3 m
B = 8.6 m
II Calculation of Depth
Max. horizontal velocity Vflow = 0.44*(d) = 0.196773982 m/s
Depth D = Q/(B*V flow ) = 2.46 m
III Transition Design
a Inlet Transition
Entrance angle = 15 degree
width of canal = 5 m
width of settling basin = 17.5 m
Transition length = 23.4 m
b Outlet Transition
Outlet Angle = 30 degree
Width of Tunned = 2.5 m
width of settling basin = 17.5 m
Transition length = 13 m

IV Storage Volume
Sediment Concentration c = 5000 ppm = 5 kg/m3
Sediment density Sd = 2650 kg/m3
Flusing interval t = 6 hrs
Sediment load = Q*t*C = 895752 kg ITDG
Packing factor(For Nepal) Pf = 2 GUIDELINES
Volume of storage V = 676.04 m3
Depth of storage Y = V/area = 1.54
Hence adopt,
Total Depth D = 4 m
Total Length L = 51.3 m
Total width B = 17.5 m
V Flushing Channel
Flushing Discharge Qflush = 1.92 m3/s
Assume, Size of flushing canal
H = 1 m
B = 1 m
Assume, bed slooe S = 1 in 25 = 0.04
Manning's coefficinet n = 0.015
Velocity V = (1/n)*(R^2/3)*S = 6.41 m/s
Tractive shear stress To = gRS = 0.14 KN/m
Critical Tractive stress Tc = 0.056*g*d*(S-1) = 0.00019 KN/m
As To>Tc , Hence it is safe
Tunnel Optimization
Length of tunnel 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Design Discharge 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38
Tunnel Diameter 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2
Cross Sectional Area 1.509 1.75 2.009 2.286 2.58 2.893 3.223 3.571
Wetted Perimeter P = 3.57D 4.643 5 5.357 5.714 6.071 6.428 6.785 7.142
Hydraulic Radius R = A/P 0.3251 0.35 0.3751 0.4001 0.425 0.4501 0.4751 0.5
Flow Velocity V = Q/A 4.23 3.65 3.18 2.8 2.48 2.21 1.98 1.79
Efficiency (h) 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85
Constant 58.98 39.74 27.5 19.49 14.12 10.4 7.8 5.94
Maximum Capacity Loss in KW(Pmax) 15316.76 10320.25 7141.59 5061.44 3666.89 2700.82 2025.62 1542.59
Month Design Flow Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy
JAN 1.69 201216 135577 93819 66492 48172 35481 26610.4 20264.84
FEB 1.41 105549 71118 49213 34879 25269 18612 13958.7 10630.09
MAR 1.28 87424 58905 40762 28889 20930 15416 11561.69 8804.67
APR 1.34 91959 61961 42877 30388 22015 16215 12161.42 9261.39
MAY 1.91 275182 185414 128306 90934 65880 48523 36392.36 27714.18
JUN 6.1 8674996 5845106 4044801 2866661 2076822 1529670 1147252.77 873677.11
JUL 6.8 12417866 8367005 5789951 4103496 2972877 2189654 1642240.61 1250629.39
AUG 6.8 12417866 8367005 5789951 4103496 2972877 2189654 1642240.61 1250629.39
SEP 6.8 12017289 8097102 5603178 3971125 2876977 2119020 1589265.11 1210286.5
OCT 6.8 12417866 8367005 5789951 4103496 2972877 2189654 1642240.61 1250629.39
NOV 3.6 1882211 1268211 877599 621979 450607 331892 248919.1 189561.47
DEC 2.24 468539 315696 218461 154829 112170 82618 61963.4 47187.51
Wet season energy loss 58313023 39290599 27189015 19269597 13960324 10282391 7711793.49 5872827.35
Dry season energy loss 2744939 1849506 1279854 907068 657147 484018 363013.29 276448.58
Total energy loss 61057961 41140105 28468870 20176665 14617471 10766409 8074806.78 6149275.93
Total annual energy loss cost (NRs) 302959994 204130726 141258051 100113434 72529589 53421227 40065920.39 30511739.36
Total annual energy loss cost
302.96 204.14 141.26 100.12 72.53 53.43 40.07 30.52
in Million(NRs)
Cost Recovery Factor 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806
Energy lost cost at starting (NRs) 3758808865 2532639275 1752581279 1242102154 899870829.5 662794377.5 497095786.5 378557560.3
Energy lost cost at starting
3758.81 2532.64 1752.59 1242.11 899.88 662.8 497.1 378.56
(Million NRs)
Tunnel Optimization
Length of tunnel 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Design Discharge 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38
Tunnel Diameter 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8
Cross Sectional Area 3.937 4.321 4.723 5.142 5.58 6.035 6.508 6.999
Wetted Perimeter P = 3.57D 7.499 7.856 8.213 8.57 8.927 9.285 9.642 9.999
Hydraulic Radius R = A/P 0.5251 0.5501 0.5751 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Flow Velocity V = Q/A 1.63 1.48 1.36 1.25 1.15 1.06 0.99 0.92
Efficiency (h) 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85
Constant 4.58 3.57 2.82 2.25 1.56 1.33 1.15 0.99
Maximum Capacity Loss in KW(Pmax) 1189.4 927.11 732.34 584.32 405.13 345.4 298.65 257.1
Month Design Flow Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy
JAN 1.69 15625.08 12179.38 9621 7676 5322 4537 3923 3377
FEB 1.41 8196.26 6388.79 5047 4027 2792 2380 2058 1772
MAR 1.28 6788.79 5291.7 4180 3335 2312 1971 1705 1467
APR 1.34 7140.94 5566.19 4397 3508 2432 2074 1793 1544
MAY 1.91 21368.85 16656.51 13157 10498 7278 6205 5366 4619
JUN 6.1 673643.3 525088.77 414776 330938 229451 195621 169146 145613
JUL 6.8 964290 751640.9 593733 473723 328448 280023 242125 208438
AUG 6.8 964290 751640.9 593733 473723 328448 280023 242125 208438
SEP 6.8 933183.87 727394.42 574580 458442 317853 270990 234315 201714
OCT 6.8 964290 751640.9 593733 473723 328448 280023 242125 208438
NOV 3.6 146160.19 113928.36 89994 71804 49784 42444 36700 31594
DEC 2.24 36383.64 28360.17 22402 17874 12393 10566 9136 7865
Wet season energy loss 4528207 3529628.59 2788110 2224556 1542359 1314960 1136995 978805
Dry season energy loss 213153.96 166148.4 131243 104715 72603 61898 53521 46075
Total energy loss 4741360.9 3695776.99 2919353 2329271 1614961 1376858 1190516 1024879
Total annual energy loss cost (NRs) 23525887 18337863.8 14485371 11557477 8013184 6831753 5907155 5085290
Total annual energy loss cost
23.53 18.34 14.49 11.56 8.02 6.84 5.91 5.09
in Million(NRs)
Cost Recovery Factor 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806
Energy lost cost at starting (NRs) 291884450 227516920.6 179719249 143393019 99419160.67 84761207.9 73289765.38 63092932
Energy lost cost at starting
291.89 227.52 179.72 143.4 99.42 84.77 73.29 63.1
(Million NRs)
Tunnel Optimization
Length of tunnel 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Design Discharge 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38
Tunnel Diameter 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
Cross Sectional Area 7.508 8.035 8.579 9.142 9.722 10.32 10.936 11.57 12.222
Wetted Perimeter P = 3.57D 10.356 10.713 11.07 11.427 11.784 12.141 12.498 12.855 13.212
Hydraulic Radius R = A/P 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 1
Flow Velocity V = Q/A 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.66 0.62 0.59 0.56 0.53
Efficiency (h) 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85
Constant 0.72 0.63 0.55 0.42 0.37 0.33 0.29 0.23 0.21
Maximum Capacity Loss in KW(Pmax) 186.98 163.61 142.84 109.08 96.09 85.7 75.32 59.73 54.54
Month Design Flow Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy
JAN 1.69 2456 2149 1876 1432.87 1262.29 1125.83 989.37 784.67 716.44
FEB 1.41 1289 1127 984 751.63 662.15 590.57 518.98 411.61 375.82
MAR 1.28 1067 934 815 622.56 548.44 489.15 429.86 340.93 311.28
APR 1.34 1123 982 858 654.85 576.89 514.53 452.16 358.61 327.43
MAY 1.91 3359 2939 2566 1959.59 1726.31 1539.68 1353.05 1073.11 979.8
JUN 6.1 105900 92663 80896 61775.15 54420.97 48537.62 42654.27 33829.25 30887.58
JUL 6.8 151591 132643 115799 88428.35 77901.16 69479.42 61057.67 48425.05 44214.18
AUG 6.8 151591 132643 115799 88428.35 77901.16 69479.42 61057.67 48425.05 44214.18
SEP 6.8 146701 128364 112064 85575.82 75388.22 67238.14 59088.07 46862.95 42787.91
OCT 6.8 151591 132643 115799 88428.35 77901.16 69479.42 61057.67 48425.05 44214.18
NOV 3.6 22977 20105 17552 13403.34 11807.71 10531.2 9254.69 7339.93 6701.67
DEC 2.24 5720 5005 4369 3336.5 2939.29 2621.53 2303.77 1827.13 1668.25
Wet season energy loss 711858 622876 543780 415250.46 365815.87 326268.23 286720.56 227399.07 207625.26
Dry season energy loss 33509 29320 25597 19546.9 17219.88 15358.28 13496.67 10704.27 9773.46
Total energy loss 745367 652196 569377 434797.36 383035.75 341626.51 300217.23 238103.34 217398.72
Total annual energy loss cost (NRs) 3698393 3236094 2825161 2157396.17 1900563.2 1695097.1 1489630.7 1181431.4 1078698.3
Total annual energy loss cost
3.7 3.24 2.83 2.16 1.91 1.7 1.49 1.19 1.08
in Million(NRs)
Cost Recovery Factor 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806
Energy lost cost at starting (NRs) 45885770.1 40150049.5 35051629.16 26766701.9 23580188 21030981 18481771 14657958 13383354
Energy lost cost at starting
45.89 40.16 35.06 26.77 23.59 21.04 18.49 14.66 13.39
(Million NRs)
Tunnel Optimization
Length of tunnel 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Design Discharge 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38
Tunnel Diameter 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7
Cross Sectional Area 12.891 13.578 14.284 15.007 15.748 16.507 17.283 18.078 18.89 19.72
Wetted Perimeter P = 3.57D 13.57 13.927 14.284 14.641 14.998 15.355 15.712 16.069 16.426 16.783
Hydraulic Radius R = A/P 1 1 1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2
Flow Velocity V = Q/A 0.5 0.47 0.45 0.43 0.41 0.39 0.37 0.36 0.34 0.33
Efficiency (h) 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85
Constant 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07
Maximum Capacity Loss in KW(Pmax) 49.35 44.15 38.96 31.17 28.57 25.97 23.38 20.78 18.18 18.18
Month Design Flow Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy
JAN 1.69 648.21 579.98 511.74 409.4 375.28 341.16 307.05 272.93 238.82 238.82
FEB 1.41 340.02 304.23 268.44 214.75 196.86 178.96 161.07 143.17 125.28 125.28
MAR 1.28 281.64 251.99 222.35 177.88 163.05 148.23 133.41 118.59 103.76 103.76
APR 1.34 296.24 265.06 233.88 187.1 171.51 155.92 140.33 124.74 109.15 109.15
MAY 1.91 886.49 793.17 699.86 559.89 513.23 466.57 419.92 373.26 326.6 326.6
JUN 6.1 27945.91 25004.23 22062.56 17650.05 16179.21 14708.37 13237.54 11766.7 10295.86 10295.86
JUL 6.8 40003.3 35792.43 31581.56 25265.25 23159.81 21054.37 18948.94 16843.5 14738.06 14738.06
AUG 6.8 40003.3 35792.43 31581.56 25265.25 23159.81 21054.37 18948.94 16843.5 14738.06 14738.06
SEP 6.8 38712.87 34637.83 30562.8 24450.24 22412.72 20375.2 18337.68 16300.16 14262.64 14262.64
OCT 6.8 40003.3 35792.43 31581.56 25265.25 23159.81 21054.37 18948.94 16843.5 14738.06 14738.06
NOV 3.6 6063.42 5425.16 4786.91 3829.53 3510.4 3191.28 2872.15 2553.02 2233.89 2233.89
DEC 2.24 1509.37 1350.49 1191.61 953.29 873.85 794.41 714.97 635.53 556.09 556.09
Wet season energy loss 187851.41 168077.58 148303.78 118643.03 108756.1 98869.17 88982.29 79095.36 69208.43 69208.43
Dry season energy loss 8842.66 7911.85 6981.05 5584.85 5119.44 4654.04 4188.65 3723.24 3257.84 3257.84
Total energy loss 196694.07 175989.43 155284.83 124227.88 113875.54 103523.21 93170.94 82818.6 72466.27 72466.27
Total annual energy loss cost (NRs) 975965.12 873231.93 770498.97 616399.29 565032.58 513665.96 462299.66 410932.95 359566.32 359566.32
Total annual energy loss cost
0.98 0.88 0.78 0.62 0.57 0.52 0.47 0.42 0.36 0.36
in Million(NRs)
Cost Recovery Factor 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806
Energy lost cost at starting (NRs) 12108748 10834143 9559540.6 7647633.9 7010329.8 6373026.8 5735727.8 5098423.7 4461120.6 4461120.6
Energy lost cost at starting
12.11 10.84 9.56 7.65 7.02 6.38 5.74 5.1 4.47 4.47
(Million NRs)
Tunnel Optimization
Cost Of Total Total
Tunnel Inside Wetted Hydraulic Total Tunel Bolting and Cost at Annual
D-Shaped Area Perimeter Radius Area Shortcrete Starting Cost
(Million Nrs)
(Million Nrs) (Million Nrs) (Million Nrs)
Per Unit Cost(in Nrs per unit of work) 4000 3500
1.3 1.6 4.7 0.4 2.09 33.5 65.8 99.3 8.01 4000 0 0
1.4 1.8 5 0.4 2.37 38 70 108 8.71 4000 0 0
1.5 2.1 5.4 0.4 2.67 42.8 75.6 118.4 9.55 4000 0 0
1.6 2.3 5.8 0.4 2.99 47.9 81.2 129.1 10.41 4000 0 0
1.7 2.6 6.1 0.5 3.32 53.2 85.4 138.6 11.18 4000 0 0
1.8 2.9 6.5 0.5 3.68 58.9 91 149.9 12.09 4000 0 0
1.9 3.3 6.8 0.5 4.05 64.8 95.2 160 12.9 4000 0 0
2 3.6 7.2 0.5 4.44 71.1 100.8 171.9 13.86 4000 0 0
2.1 4 7.5 0.6 4.84 77.5 105 182.5 14.71 4000 0 0
2.2 4.4 7.9 0.6 5.27 84.4 110.6 195 15.72 4000 0 0
2.3 4.8 8.3 0.6 5.71 91.4 116.2 207.6 16.74 4000 0 0
2.4 5.2 8.6 0.7 6.17 98.8 120.4 219.2 17.67 4000 0 0
2.5 5.6 9 0.7 6.65 106.4 126 232.4 18.74 4000 0 0
2.6 6.1 9.3 0.7 7.14 114.3 130.2 244.5 19.71 4000 0 0
2.7 6.6 9.7 0.7 7.66 122.6 135.8 258.4 20.83 4000 0 0
2.8 7 10 0.7 8.19 131.1 140 271.1 21.86 4000 0 0
2.9 7.6 10.4 0.8 8.74 139.9 145.6 285.5 23.02 4000 0 0
3 8.1 10.8 0.8 9.31 149 151.2 300.2 24.2 4000 0 0
3.1 8.6 11.1 0.8 9.89 158.3 155.4 313.7 25.29 4000 0 0
3.2 9.2 11.5 0.8 10.49 167.9 161 328.9 26.51 4000 0 0
3.3 9.8 11.8 0.9 11.12 178 165.2 343.2 27.67 4000 0 0
3.4 10.4 12.2 0.9 11.75 188 170.8 358.8 28.92 4000 0 0
3.5 11 12.5 0.9 12.41 198.6 175 373.6 30.12 4000 0 0
3.6 11.6 12.9 0.9 13.09 209.5 180.6 390.1 31.45 4000 0 0
3.7 12.3 13.3 1 13.78 220.5 186.2 406.7 32.79 4000 0 0
3.8 12.9 13.6 1 14.49 231.9 190.4 422.3 34.04 4000 0 0
3.9 13.6 14 1 15.22 243.6 196 439.6 35.44 4000 0 0
4 14.3 14.3 1 15.96 255.4 200.2 455.6 36.73 4000 0 0
4.1 15.1 14.7 1.1 16.73 267.7 205.8 473.5 38.17 4000 0 0
4.2 15.8 15 1.1 17.51 280.2 210 490.2 39.52 4000 0 0
Total Total Cost Total Cost
Total Energy Total Energy Total Energy
Tunnel Cost in Tunnel in Tunnel in
Annual Lost Annual Lost Annual Lost
D-Shaped Million D-Shaped Million D-Shaped Million
Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost
NRs. NRs. NRs.
1.3 8.01 302.96 310.97 2.3 16.74 14.49 31.23 3.3 27.67 1.91 29.58
1.4 8.71 204.14 212.85 2.4 17.67 11.56 29.23 3.4 28.92 1.7 30.62
1.5 9.55 141.26 150.81 2.5 18.74 8.02 26.76 3.5 30.12 1.49 31.61
1.6 10.41 100.12 110.53 2.6 19.71 7.24 26.95 3.6 31.45 1.19 32.64
1.7 11.18 72.53 83.71 2.7 20.83 6.21 27.04 3.7 32.79 1.08 33.87
1.8 12.09 53.43 65.52 2.8 21.86 5.39 27.25 3.8 34.04 0.98 35.02
1.9 12.9 40.07 52.97 2.9 23.02 4.3 27.32 3.9 35.44 0.88 36.32
2 13.86 30.52 44.38 3 24.2 3.54 27.74 4 36.73 0.78 37.51
2.1 14.71 23.53 38.24 3.1 25.29 2.83 28.12 4.1 38.17 0.62 38.79
2.2 15.72 18.34 34.06 3.2 26.51 2.16 28.67 4.2 39.52 0.57 40.09

Here the minimum cost of 26.76 Million NRs. occurs at 2.5m dia.
Hence, the diameter of tunnel is selected as 2.5m

30 minimum cost TOTAL COST

selected diameter

1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4

Tunnel Optimization Chart

1 Design Of Surge Tank
Discharge Q = 6.38 m3/s
Length of head race tunnel L = 4000 m
Net head Ho = 230 m
Head loss Hloss = 1.62 m
Area of head race tunnel At = 5.58 m2
velocity at tunnel Vo = 1.15 m/s
Priiminary area of Ast = 5.2 m2
Surge Tankof surge tank
I Diameter Dst = 2.6 m
Factor of saftey for Ast for diameter = 2
Ast = 21.3 m2
Diameter of surge tank Dst = 5.2 m
At the start of oscillation, Zmax = 11.82 m
Po hf/Zmax = 0.1371
Zmax,up = 10.77 m
Zmax,down = -8.58 m
II Take Diameter of Surge tank from iteration in next page = 6.5 m
Upsurge head from static level = 8.43 m
Down surge head from static level = 6.23 m
Normal level at intake = 1270.50 m
Due to head loss static level at surge tank = 1268.88 m
But crown level of tunnel = 1250 m FUNDAMENTAL
Calculation of submergance head OF
Minimum submergence head, greater of hsub or Hsub is calculated below : HYDROPOWER
Ap 3.47 m2
Vp 1.84 m/m
hsub 0.26 m
Hsub 1.5*Dp 3.15 m
Take greater one i.e Hsub 3.15 m
III Considering the required submergence head
down surge level should be > crown level of head race tunel + submergence
Crown level of headrace tunnel+ submergence = 1253.15 m
Taking surge tank dia. Ds 6.5 m
Down surge head from static level 6.23 m
Max down surge level 1262.65
Submergence head avialable =max downsurge - crown level at surge tank
Submergence avialable 12.66 m
Submergence avialable = 12.66m>3.15m, Hence Ok
Upsurge level 1277.31 m
considering free board 1.69 m
Top level of surge tank 1279 m
RL of top of hill is 1280m > RL of top of surge tank, Hence ok
Hence take
Height of surge tank 29 m
Dia. Of surge tank 6.5 m
Iteration For Suitable Diameter Of Surge Tank
Diameter Ast Zmax Po Zup Zdown Remarks
2 3.2 30.49 0.0532 29.42 -27.25
2.5 5 24.4 0.0664 23.34 -21.16
3 7.1 20.47 0.0792 19.41 -17.23
3.5 9.7 17.52 0.0925 16.46 -14.28
4 12.6 15.37 0.1055 14.31 -12.13
4.5 16 13.64 0.1188 12.59 -10.4
5 19.7 12.29 0.1319 11.24 -9.05
5.5 23.8 11.18 0.145 10.13 -7.94
6 28.3 10.26 0.1579 9.21 -7.02
6.5 33.2 9.47 0.1711 8.43 -6.23
7 38.5 8.79 0.1844 7.75 -5.55
7.5 44.2 8.21 0.1974 7.17 -4.97
8 50.3 7.69 0.2107 6.65 -4.45
8.5 56.8 7.24 0.2238 6.21 -4
9 63.7 6.84 0.2369 5.81 -3.6
9.5 70.9 6.48 0.25 5.45 -3.24
10 78.6 6.16 0.263 5.13 -2.92
10.5 86.6 5.87 0.276 4.84 -2.63
11 95.1 5.6 0.2893 4.58 -2.36
11.5 103.9 5.36 0.3023 4.34 -2.12
12 113.1 5.13 0.3158 4.11 -1.89
12.5 122.8 4.93 0.3287 3.91 -1.69
13 132.8 4.74 0.3418 3.73 -1.5
13.5 143.2 4.56 0.3553 3.55 -1.32
14 154 4.4 0.3682 3.39 -1.16
14.5 165.2 4.25 0.3812 3.24 -1.01
15 176.8 4.11 0.3942 3.11 -0.87
15.5 188.7 3.98 0.4071 2.98 -0.74
16 201.1 3.85 0.4208 2.85 -0.61
16.5 213.9 3.73 0.4344 2.73 -0.49
17 227 3.62 0.4476 2.63 -0.38
17.5 240.6 3.52 0.4603 2.53 -0.28
18 254.5 3.42 0.4737 2.43 -0.18
18.5 268.9 3.33 0.4865 2.34 -0.09
19 283.6 3.24 0.5 2.25 0
19.5 298.7 3.16 0.5127 2.18 0.09
20 314.2 3.08 0.526 2.1 0.17
Allowable design stress
130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179
of pipe material
230 Pressure Head 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300
Length of Penstock 810 810 810 810 810 810 810 810
Design Discharge 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38
Penstock Diameter (m) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
Cross Sectional Area 0.29 0.39 0.51 0.64 0.79 0.96 1.14 1.33
Thickness (m) 0.0053 0.0061 0.007 0.0079 0.0087 0.0096 0.0105 0.0113
Volume/m 0.01 0.0135 0.0176 0.0224 0.0274 0.0332 0.0396 0.0462
Head Loss(m) 525.52 243.14 124.71 69.21 40.87 25.38 16.43 11.01
Density Of Steel 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800
Kg/m of steel 78 105.3 137.28 174.72 213.72 258.96 308.88 360.36
180 Cost of steel per kg 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180
Cost of Penstock(NRs) 11372400 15352740 20015424 25474176 31160376 37756368 45034704 52540488
Cost in Million 11.38 15.36 20.02 25.48 31.17 37.76 45.04 52.55
Annual Cost of Material
0.92 1.24 1.62 2.06 2.52 3.05 3.64 4.24
(Million NRs)
Constant 430.62 199.24 102.19 56.71 33.49 20.8 13.46 9.02
Month Design Flow Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy
31 JAN 1.69 1469098.29 679724.92 348630.24 193471.19 114254.11 70961.05 45919.99 30772.53
28 FEB 1.41 770627.35 356555.18 182876.81 101486.88 59932.91 37223.19 24087.7 16141.98
31 MAR 1.28 638293.84 295326.89 151472.87 84059.37 49641.13 30831.16 19951.32 13370.05
30 APR 1.34 671403.5 310646.13 159330.09 88419.71 52216.12 32430.44 20986.24 14063.59
31 MAY 1.91 2009137.89 929591.37 476786.5 264591.08 156253.84 97046.28 62800.14 42084.5
30 JUN 6.1 63337177.73 29304954 15030482.08 8341115.95 4925832.72 3059340.72 1979746.45 1326694.87
31 JUL 6.8 90664313.97 41948720.26 21515457.36 11939931.37 7051107.42 4379308.28 2833917.77 1899103.88
31 AUG 6.8 90664313.97 41948720.26 21515457.36 11939931.37 7051107.42 4379308.28 2833917.77 1899103.88
30 SEP 6.8 87739658.69 40595535.73 20821410.34 11554772.3 6823652.34 4238040.27 2742501.06 1837842.47
31 OCT 6.8 90664313.97 41948720.26 21515457.36 11939931.37 7051107.42 4379308.28 2833917.77 1899103.88
30 NOV 3.6 13742248.6 6358287.15 3261159.23 1809769.45 1068756.46 663784.25 429545 287852.6
31 DEC 2.24 3420856 1582767.52 811799.91 450505.66 266045.4 165235.72 106926.58 71655.11
Wet season energy loss 425750319.7 196986888 101034381.1 56068693.15 33111277.28 20564782.55 13307787.2 8917997.07
Dry season energy loss 20041124.08 9272661.66 4755939.06 2639292.55 1558630.01 968035.37 626430.59 419792.27
Total energy loss 445791443.8 206259549.7 105790320.2 58707985.7 34669907.29 21532817.92 13934217.79 9337789.34
Total annual energy loss
2211946977 1023427420 524914917.3 291299784.5 172026623 106842453.4 69139395.52 46332641.01
cost (NRs)
Total annual energy loss
2211.95 1023.43 524.92 291.3 172.03 106.85 69.14 46.34
cost in Million (NRs)
Cost Recovery Factor 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806
Energy lost cost at starting
27443.52 12697.62 6512.6 3614.15 2134.33 1325.59 857.81 574.85
(Million NRs)
Allowable design stress
130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179
of pipe material
Pressure Head 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300
Length of Penstock 810 810 810 810 810 810 810 810
Design Discharge 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38
Penstock Diameter (m) 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1
Cross Sectional Area 1.54 1.77 2.02 2.27 2.55 2.84 3.15 3.47
Thickness (m) 0.0122 0.0131 0.0139 0.0148 0.0157 0.0165 0.0174 0.0183
Volume/m 0.0537 0.0618 0.0699 0.0791 0.0888 0.0985 0.1094 0.1208
Head Loss(m) 7.6 5.39 3.9 2.88 2.17 1.66 1.28 1.01
Density Of Steel 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800
Kg/m of steel 418.86 482.04 545.22 616.98 692.64 768.3 853.32 942.24
Cost of steel per kg 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180
Cost of Penstock(NRs) 61069788 70281432 79493076 89955684 100986912 112018140 124414056 137378592
Cost in Million 61.07 70.29 79.5 89.96 100.99 112.02 124.42 137.38
Annual Cost of Material
4.93 5.67 6.41 7.26 8.14 9.03 10.03 11.08
(Million NRs)
Constant 6.23 4.41 3.2 2.36 1.78 1.36 1.05 0.82
Month Design Flow Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy
JAN 1.69 21254.2 15045.11 10917.09 8051.35 6072.63 4639.77 3582.17 2797.51
FEB 1.41 11149.07 7892.04 5726.65 4223.41 3185.45 2433.83 1879.06 1467.46
MAR 1.28 9234.53 6536.8 4743.26 3498.16 2638.44 2015.89 1556.39 1215.46
APR 1.34 9713.54 6875.88 4989.3 3679.61 2775.3 2120.46 1637.12 1278.51
MAY 1.91 29067.23 20575.68 14930.2 11011.02 8304.93 6345.34 4898.98 3825.87
JUN 6.1 916331.38 648639.07 470667.81 347117.51 261808.97 200033.82 154437.88 120608.63
JUL 6.8 1311687.05 928497.58 673739.74 496883.06 374767.73 286339.39 221070.86 172645.81
AUG 6.8 1311687.05 928497.58 673739.74 496883.06 374767.73 286339.39 221070.86 172645.81
SEP 6.8 1269374.57 898546.04 652006.2 480854.57 362678.45 277102.64 213939.54 167076.59
OCT 6.8 1311687.05 928497.58 673739.74 496883.06 374767.73 286339.39 221070.86 172645.81
NOV 3.6 198816.15 140735.03 102120.66 75313.99 56804.62 43401.28 33508.34 26168.42
DEC 2.24 49491.28 35033.15 25420.88 18747.9 14140.37 10803.88 8341.23 6514.11
Wet season energy loss 6159547.87 4360129.41 3163812.73 2333311.89 1759870.84 1344620.43 1038126.1 810727.03
Dry season energy loss 289945.23 205242.13 148928.54 109834.81 82841.51 63294.65 48867.19 38162.96
Total energy loss 6449493.1 4565371.54 3312741.27 2443146.7 1842712.35 1407915.08 1086993.29 848889.99
Total annual energy loss
32001369.71 22652655.06 16437300.84 12122509.48 9143248.72 6985853.13 5393489.68 4212058.61
cost (NRs)
Total annual energy loss
32.01 22.66 16.44 12.13 9.15 6.99 5.4 4.22
cost in Million (NRs)
Cost Recovery Factor 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806
Energy lost cost at starting
397.04 281.06 203.94 150.41 113.44 86.68 66.92 52.26
(Million NRs)
Allowable design stress
130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179
of pipe material
Pressure Head 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300
Length of Penstock 810 810 810 810 810 810 810 810
Design Discharge 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38
Penstock Diameter (m) 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9
Cross Sectional Area 3.81 4.16 4.53 4.91 5.31 5.73 6.16 6.61
Thickness (m) 0.0191 0.02 0.0209 0.0217 0.0226 0.0235 0.0243 0.0252
Volume/m 0.1321 0.1446 0.1576 0.1705 0.1846 0.1994 0.2138 0.2296
Head Loss(m) 0.8 0.64 0.52 0.42 0.35 0.29 0.24 0.2
Density Of Steel 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800
Kg/m of steel 1030.38 1127.88 1229.28 1329.9 1439.88 1555.32 1667.64 1790.88
Cost of steel per kg 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180
Cost of Penstock(NRs) 150229404 164444904 179229024 193899420 209934504 226765656 243141912 261110304
Cost in Million 150.23 164.45 179.23 193.9 209.94 226.77 243.15 261.12
Annual Cost of Material
12.11 13.26 14.45 15.63 16.93 18.28 19.6 21.05
(Million NRs)
Constant 0.65 0.53 0.43 0.35 0.29 0.24 0.2 0.17
Month Design Flow Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy
JAN 1.69 2217.54 1808.15 1466.99 1194.06 989.37 818.79 682.32 579.98
FEB 1.41 1163.23 948.48 769.52 626.36 518.98 429.5 357.92 304.23
MAR 1.28 963.48 785.61 637.38 518.8 429.86 355.75 296.46 251.99
APR 1.34 1013.46 826.36 670.44 545.71 452.16 374.2 311.84 265.06
MAY 1.91 3032.7 2472.82 2006.25 1633 1353.05 1119.77 933.14 793.17
JUN 6.1 95604.4 77954.36 63245.99 51479.3 42654.27 35300.09 29416.74 25004.23
JUL 6.8 136853.39 111588.15 90533.78 73690.29 61057.67 50530.49 42108.74 35792.43
AUG 6.8 136853.39 111588.15 90533.78 73690.29 61057.67 50530.49 42108.74 35792.43
SEP 6.8 132438.76 107988.53 87613.34 71313.18 59088.07 48900.47 40750.39 34637.83
OCT 6.8 136853.39 111588.15 90533.78 73690.29 61057.67 50530.49 42108.74 35792.43
NOV 3.6 20743.26 16913.74 13722.47 11169.45 9254.69 7659.05 6382.55 5425.16
DEC 2.24 5163.62 4210.34 3415.94 2780.41 2303.77 1906.57 1588.81 1350.49
Wet season energy loss 642649.49 524006.52 425137.36 346042.06 286720.56 237286 197738.33 168077.58
Dry season energy loss 30251.13 24666.32 20012.3 16289.08 13496.67 11169.66 9308.06 7911.85
Total energy loss 672900.62 548672.84 445149.66 362331.14 300217.23 248455.66 207046.39 175989.43
Total annual energy loss
3338827.05 2722428.39 2208762.65 1797830.16 1489630.72 1232797.95 1027331.69 873231.93
cost (NRs)
Total annual energy loss
3.34 2.73 2.21 1.8 1.49 1.24 1.03 0.88
cost in Million (NRs)
Cost Recovery Factor 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806
Energy lost cost at starting
41.43 33.78 27.41 22.31 18.49 15.3 12.75 10.84
(Million NRs)
Allowable design stress
130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179 130036179
of pipe material
Pressure Head 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300 2256300
Length of Penstock 810 810 810 810 810 810 810 810
Design Discharge 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.38
Penstock Diameter (m) 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
Cross Sectional Area 7.07 7.55 8.05 8.56 9.08 9.63 10.18 10.76
Thickness (m) 0.0261 0.0269 0.0278 0.0287 0.0295 0.0304 0.0313 0.0321
Volume/m 0.246 0.262 0.2795 0.2976 0.3152 0.3343 0.354 0.3732
Head Loss(m) 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06
Density Of Steel 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800 7800
Kg/m of steel 1918.8 2043.6 2180.1 2321.28 2458.56 2607.54 2761.2 2910.96
Cost of steel per kg 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180
Cost of Penstock(NRs) 279761040 297956880 317858580 338442624 358458048 380179332 402582960 424417968
Cost in Million 279.77 297.96 317.86 338.45 358.46 380.18 402.59 424.42
Annual Cost of Material
22.55 24.02 25.62 27.28 28.9 30.65 32.45 34.21
(Million NRs)
Constant 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05
Month Design Flow Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy
JAN 1.69 477.63 409.4 341.16 307.05 272.93 238.82 204.7 170.58
FEB 1.41 250.55 214.75 178.96 161.07 143.17 125.28 107.38 89.48
MAR 1.28 207.52 177.88 148.23 133.41 118.59 103.76 88.94 74.12
APR 1.34 218.29 187.1 155.92 140.33 124.74 109.15 93.55 77.96
MAY 1.91 653.2 559.89 466.57 419.92 373.26 326.6 279.95 233.29
JUN 6.1 20591.72 17650.05 14708.37 13237.54 11766.7 10295.86 8825.03 7354.19
JUL 6.8 29476.12 25265.25 21054.37 18948.94 16843.5 14738.06 12632.63 10527.19
AUG 6.8 29476.12 25265.25 21054.37 18948.94 16843.5 14738.06 12632.63 10527.19
SEP 6.8 28525.28 24450.24 20375.2 18337.68 16300.16 14262.64 12225.12 10187.6
OCT 6.8 29476.12 25265.25 21054.37 18948.94 16843.5 14738.06 12632.63 10527.19
NOV 3.6 4467.78 3829.53 3191.28 2872.15 2553.02 2233.89 1914.77 1595.64
DEC 2.24 1112.17 953.29 794.41 714.97 635.53 556.09 476.65 397.21
Wet season energy loss 138416.85 118643.03 98869.17 88982.29 79095.36 69208.43 59321.54 49434.61
Dry season energy loss 6515.65 5584.85 4654.04 4188.65 3723.24 3257.84 2792.44 2327.03
Total energy loss 144932.5 124227.88 103523.21 93170.94 82818.6 72466.27 62113.98 51761.64
Total annual energy loss
719132.34 616399.29 513665.96 462299.66 410932.95 359566.32 308199.89 256833.18
cost (NRs)
Total annual energy loss
0.72 0.62 0.52 0.47 0.42 0.36 0.31 0.26
cost in Million (NRs)
Cost Recovery Factor 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806 0.0806
Energy lost cost at starting
8.93 7.65 6.38 5.74 5.1 4.47 3.83 3.19
(Million NRs)
Summary Of Annual Cost For Different Diameter
Penstock Diameter 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1
Cost Of Material 0.92 1.24 1.62 2.06 2.52 3.05 3.64 4.24 4.93 5.67 6.41 7.26 8.14 9.03 10.03 11.08
EnergyLostCost 2211.95 1023.43 524.92 291.3 172.03 106.85 69.14 46.34 32.01 22.66 16.44 12.13 9.15 6.99 5.4 4.22
Total Cost inMillionNRs. 2212.87 1024.67 526.54 293.36 174.55 109.9 72.78 50.58 36.94 28.33 22.85 19.39 17.29 16.02 15.43 15.3

Penstock Diameter 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
Cost Of Material 12.11 13.26 14.45 15.63 16.93 18.28 19.6 21.05 22.55 24.02 25.62 27.28 28.9 30.65 32.45 34.21
EnergyLostCost 3.34 2.73 2.21 1.8 1.49 1.24 1.03 0.88 0.72 0.62 0.52 0.47 0.42 0.36 0.31 0.26
Total Cost inMillionNRs. 15.45 15.99 16.66 17.43 18.42 19.52 20.63 21.93 23.27 24.64 26.14 27.75 29.32 31.01 32.76 34.47
Design of Bifurcation
i Design Discharge Q40% 6.38 m3/s
Discharge in each pipe
3.19 m3/s GUIDELINES
after bifurcation
Take velocity V 2 m/s
ii Area A Q/V 1.60 m2
iii Calculation for thickness
S 1020 kgf/cm2
Efficiency h 85 %
Head H 236
Total pressure in pipe P gH 23.16 kgf/cm2
Internal radius of pipe R 72 cm
Thickness of pipe t 20 mm
1 Selection of Turbine
Gross Head = 236.5 m
Design Discharge = 6.38 m3/s


From chart above, we select two units of Pelton turbine, high head turbine
For each unit,
Design discharge = 3.19 m3/s
Assume effificeny = 85 %
2 Design of turbine
For each unit,
Discharge Q = 3.19 m3/s
Cv = 0.98
Jet velocity v1 = 66.76 m/s
Area A = Q/v1 = 0.0478 m2
Diameter of jet d = 0.25 m
take D/d ratio = 15
Diameter of runner D = 3.75 m
Number of bucket of runner, Z = 15+D/(2d) = 23 Nos
Bucket spacing = p*D/Z = 52 cm
Take speed ratio f = 0.46
Tangential speed v' = f(2gH) = 31.34 m/s
Speed of runner N = 60*v'/(pD) = 160 Rpm
Take frequency f = 50 Hz
Number of poles Np = 120f/N = 38 Nos
Corrected Speed N = 120f/Np = 158 Rpm
Power P = 6290.86 Kw
Power in hp = 8432.79 Hp
Corrected Specific Speed Ns = 16 Rpm
Design of working portion of turbine
Axial width of bucket B = 3d = 75 cm
Radial length L = 3d = 75 cm
Depth T = 1d = 25 cm
Design of power house
Diameter of wheeel D = 3.75 m
Inlet diameter D1 = 0.75 m
Outlet diameter D2 = D1/2 = 0.38 m
Provide casing = D1+D2 = 1.13 m
Total width W = 4.88 m
Length of shaft and
= 3 m
Provide clear spacing between two units = 3 m
Provide clearance = 3 m
Length of loading bay = 5 m
Total length = 26.75 m
Width of machine hall = 9 m
Provide passage of 1.5m at one side and 4m at other side
Passage at one side = 1.5 m
Passage at other side = 4 m
Height of super structure = 7 m
Height of sub structure = 4 m
Size of equipment room = 4*4 = 16 m2
Size of control room = 4.5*4 = 18 m2
3 Design of Tail Race Canal
Turbine Discharge Q40% = 6.38 m3/s
Discharge before combination of two canal
Q = 3.19 m3/s
Take R.C.C canal (1:1.5:3)
n = 0.02
Vc = 3 m/s
V = 2.5 m/s
A = 1.28 m2
Provide Breadth B = 1.5 m
Height H = A/B = 0.86 m
Velocity V = Q/A = 2.5 m
V=2.5m<3m Hence ok
After the combination of two canal
Design discharge Q40% = 6.38 m3/s
Area A = Q/V = 2.56 m2
Assuming rectangular canal
Width B = 2 m
Height H = 1.2 m
Provide free board FB = 0.3 m
Total height H' = 1.5 m
Area A = 2.4 m2
Velocity V = 2.66 m/s
Wetted Perimeter P = 4.4 m
Hydraulic Radius R = 0.55 m
Bed Slope S = 1:249

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