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A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease. A vaccine
typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or
killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins.

Inactivated-Some vaccines contain inactivated, but previously virulent, micro-organisms that have been destroyed
with chemicals, heat, or radiation.[32] Examples include the polio vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine, rabies vaccine and
some influenza vaccines Rabies

Toxoid- Toxoid vaccines are made from inactivated toxic compounds that cause illness rather than the micro-
organism. Examples of toxoid-based vaccines include tetanus and diphtheria.
Subunit-vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) that is composed of the viral major capsid protein
Conjugate –Conjugate vaccines combine a weak antigen with a strong antigen so that the immune system has a
stronger response to the weak antigen. certain bacteria have polysaccharide outer coats that are poorly immunogenic.
By linking these outer coats to proteins (e.g., toxins), the immune system can be led to recognize the polysaccharide
as if it were a protein antigen
Attenuated-Some vaccines contain live, attenuated microorganisms. Many of these are active viruses that have
been cultivated under conditions that disable their virulent properties, or that use closely related but less dangerous
organisms to produce a broad immune response. Although most attenuated vaccines are viral, some are bacterial in
nature. Examples include the viral diseases yellow fever, measles, mumps, and rubella, and the bacterial
disease typhoid.
Fake Vaccines
Fake vaccines can be identified from the price. Bogus vaccines normally cost US$20 to $40 cheaper than the
genuine products and do not need a doctor’s prescription.

The packaging of fake vaccines is usually rough and unclean, and its batch number is not clearly visible while the
rubber stop color of its vial package is different from that of the genuine product.


kejadian ikutan pasca imunisasi (KIPI). KIPI adalah serangkan reaksi, biasanya berupa peradangan dalam tubuh,
setelah imunisasi. KIPI adalah salah satu reaksi tubuh pasien yang tidak diinginkan yang muncul setelah pemberian

Gejala KIPI yang ringan dapat bersifat lokal atau sistemik. KIPI ringan bersifat lokal dapat berupa rasa nyeri,
kemerahan dan pembengkakan di area tubuh yang mengalami infeksi setelah diberikan imunisasi.

Sedangkan respon sistemik dapat berupa munculnya demam, sakit kepala, lemas, atau rasa tidak enak badan. KIPI
ringan biasanya terjadi sesaat setelah diberikan vaksin dan dapat membaik dengan sangat cepat dengan
pengobatan untuk mengurangi gejala ataupun tidak.

Sedangkan gejala KIPI berat cenderung langka terjadi, tapi bisa menimbulkan dampak yang serius. KIPI berat pada
umumnya disebabkan oleh respon sistem imun terhadap vaksin dan menyebabkan reaksi alergi berat terhadap
bahan vaksin, menurunkan trombosit, menyebabkan kejang, dan hipotonia. Semua gejala KIPI berat dapat diatasi
dan sembuh secara total tanpa adanya dampak jangka panjang.

Menurut Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), beberapa sumber reaksi yang juga berkontribusi dalam munculnya
KIPI adalah:

KIPI akibat reaksi produk – merupakan jenis reaksi imun terhadap salah satu atau beberapa bahan vaksin.
Misalnya pembengkakan otot setelah pemberian vaksin DPT.

KIPI akibat kecacatan produk – munculnya KIPI yang berkaitan dengan kualitas produk yang tidak sesuai
dengan standar pembuatan vaksin oleh perusahaan yang membuatnya. Misanya seperti vaksin polio dengan
kandungan virus yang masih aktif sehingga vaksin tidak memiliki kuman yang dilemahkan secara sempurna, hal
ini dapat menimbulkan polio paralisis.

KIPI akibat kesalahan proses imunisasi – gejala KIPI yang disebabkan kesalahan dalam proses penanganan,
penyimpanan dan penggunaan vaksin. Misalnya infeksi yang disebabkan adanya kuman lain yang ikut
tercampur dan ditularkan saat pemberian vaksian.

KIPI akibat respon kecemasan – terjadi saat seseorang yang akan diimunisasi terlalu cemas. Pada orang
dewasa, kecemasan hanya memberikan efek yang sangat ringan. Namun, ketakutan terhadap imunisasi menjadi
lebih serius pada anak-anak. Kecemasan saat diimunisasi dapat menyebabkan anak merasa
pusing, hiperventilasi, nyeri, merasakan sensasi pada mulut

Active Immunity
Active immunity results when exposure to a disease organism triggers the immune system to produce antibodies to
that disease. Exposure to the disease organism can occur through infection with the actual disease (resulting
in natural immunity), or introduction of a killed or weakened form of the disease organism through vaccination
(vaccine-induced immunity). Either way, if an immune person comes into contact with that disease in the future, their
immune system will recognize it and immediately produce the antibodies needed to fight it.Active immunity is long-
lasting, and sometimes life-long.

Passive Immunity
Passive immunity is provided when a person is given antibodies to a disease rather than producing them through his
or her own immune system.

A newborn baby acquires passive immunity from its mother through the placenta. A person can also get passive
immunity through antibody-containing blood products such as immune globulin, which may be given when
immediate protection from a specific disease is needed. This is the major advantage to passive immunity; protection is
immediate, whereas active immunity takes time (usually several weeks) to develop. However, passive immunity lasts
only for a few weeks or months. Only active immunity is long-lasting.

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