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Lesson Idea Name: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Content Area: Social Studies
Grade Level(s): 2nd Grade
Content Standard Addressed:
SS2H1 Describe the lives and contributions of historical figures in Georgia history.
d. Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights)

Technology Standard Addressed:
Standard 6. Creative Communicator. Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a
variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.

Selected Technology Tool:
☒ Movie (list application):
☐ Audio (list application):
☐ Other: (list)

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):
☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☒ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☒ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):
☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☒ Level 4: Integration

☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Students have the chance to listen to and watch the iMovie I created, or they can read the transcript
- Students have the ability to add sound and music and video to their iMoives
- Students have the ability to pick which historical figure they compare and contrast in their iMovie
with MLK.
Lesson idea implementation:
First the teacher will play the video that was created with iMovie about MLK. The teacher will then give the
students a list of resources they can use to learn more about MLK. Some of these resources will be text and
others will be videos and websites. The teacher will explain the assignment and tell the students they will be
comparing and contrasting MLK with another historical figure of their choice. The teacher will give the
students some suggestions of historical figures they can compare and contrast to MLK, but the students will
ultimately be able to pick with historical figure they use. Students will work I groups of two to three students
and create an iMovie comparing and contrasting the two.

This lesson will take about three days for the students to complete. The students will be assessed based on
the iMovie they create and if they include at least 3 things that MLK and the historical figure have in common,
and if they include at least 3 things that MLK and the historical figure have that are different. I will extend this
for students who need higher levels by having them find more than 3 similarities and differences. To
conclude the lesson students will share their videos with the class. I will provide my students feedback on a
written rubric.
Importance of technology:

Spring 2018_SJB
MultiMedia Tools
Using iMovie is critical for this project because students are able to cut and move different clips of videos. If
the students just simply recorded a video off their phones they would have to say it all perfectly in one take.
This assignment could be done without iMovie, but it would not look as professional.
Internet Safety and Student Privacy:
One issue surrounding internet safety and privacy is that teachers may expose the identities of their students
if they post videos and pictures of their students online. To minimize the risk of student’s identities being
exposed, teachers can post videos that show identifying material in a password protected place like a page of
the blog that requires a password. To alleviate any fears that parents and administrators have, I will show
them how the site works with the password protection security so that they see that only people with the
password can access the video. I will follow common internet safety/acceptable use policy by having parents
sign that they are okay with their students using iMovie and online resources, as well as the student’s work
being posted to the blog under a password protected page.
Reflective Practice:
I really like that this lesson gives the students the ability to have a little voice and choice about who they
compare and contrast MLK to. I feel that this could impact student learning because they will be more likely
to feel interested and engaged in their research, and thus learn more. To extend the lesson I could have the
students further research MLK and the other person they are researching, or even compare and contrast MLK
to two people and not just one.

Spring 2018_SJB

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