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12 week year challenge ™

Welcome to your 12 Week Year Challenge™!

We have designed the challenge to deliver to
you the very best of what we know about
what it takes to achieve your goals in life. If
you stick with the challenge, and take action
each day, you cannot help but be success-

The 12 Week Year Challenge™ kicks off on

New-Year’s Day 2011, but if you want to
get a jump on your success, if you’re seri-
ous, then decide right now to complete the let it sit. You may find that you get new insights
12 Week Year Vision exercise. It will take when you come back to it later.
you between 15 minutes and an hour, de-
pending on how thorough you are, but it is Purpose is the reason for your existence. A pur-
the first step to your success in the 12 Week pose defines who you are and what you are all
Year Challenge™! about. Clarity of purpose gives your life direc-
tion and meaning. People with purpose have
more passion, more courage, and take bolder ac-
Put first things first. When you are start- tions. Understanding your purpose helps you
ing something new, I have found that it is make decisions, it clarifies values, and provides a
always wise to start at the beginning. Ben “true North” as you go through life.
Stein puts it this way: “The most important
first step in getting what you want out of life
is this: Decide what you want.” Seems obvi-
ous doesn’t it? However, most people skip
this step – and as a result, rarely seem to be
happy with where they are in life.

Below is a diagram that looks like a wheel.

At the center of the wheel is the hub. The
hub contains your purpose. To decide what
your vision is in the spokes of the wheel, it is
helpful to first set out your purpose.

A purpose statement can seem pretty heavy

if you haven’t thought about your purpose
before. The good news is that this isn’t a
test, and there is no time limit. And you
definitely get to do it again if you decide to
change it later. Do your best right now, and

1 Vision Module | 12 Week Year Challenge™

12 week year challenge ™

Some questions to think about that may help you to define your purpose:

Why are you here?

What makes you happy?
What gives you peace?
What talents are you blessed with?
What comes easily for you?
What causes you to lose track of time?
What impact will you have on this world?
What is your intention in life?
What is the reason that you were born?
What legacy do you hope to leave?
What issues in life matter most to you?
If you have children, what is your hope
for them and how do you contribute to

If you haven’t thought much about what your purpose in life is, pull out a blank sheet of paper and
take a few minutes right now and brainstorm all of the possibilities. Look for recurring ideas and
words. The best purposes are those that are bigger than we are.

When you’ve got it, take a few minutes and capture it below:

MY PURPOSE: ________________________________________________________










2 Vision Module | 12 Week Year Challenge™

12 week year challenge ™

“Writing or reviewing a mission statement changes you because it forces

you to think through your priorities deeply, carefully, and to align your
behavior with your beliefs.” - Stephen Covey

To help you set your 12 Week Year Challenge™ goals, we’re going to ask you to rate yourself based
upon where you see yourself today in the critical areas of your life.

In each of the areas of the wheel on the next page, rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10. In this
exercise, 10 is excellent and 1 is poor. Remember that the scale is your scale – you are scoring each
area based upon your criteria for what excellence looks like to you.

In each area of the self assessment wheel below, give yourself a score on a scale from 1 to 10 based
upon how satisfied you are today with that area. Some quick definitions to guide you:

SPiRitUal: Do you have a clear and to be in? Do you have enough energy to
intentional set of beliefs that you can take on the challenges that you face?
articulate? Do you live in alignment
with your beliefs? PERSOnal: Do you take enough
time for yourself to recharge? Do you
SPOUSE: Key Relationship: Assess have time to pursue your interest and
your relationship with your spouse hobbies? Are you able to do the things
or significant other. Is it all that you that you feel are important in life? Are
hoped it would be? Is the relationship your finances under control?
loving? Is your spouse or significant
other fulfilled? BUSinESS: Is your business or career
successful? Are you stressed or is it
FaMilY: Are the members of your fulfilling? Are you using your talents
family happy and healthy? Are your and gifts? Are you challenged?
relationships with them the way that
you would have them be? Do you cOMMUnitY: Are you as active in
spend the time that you want to in your community as you would like to be?
those relationships? Are you giving back to others in a way
that satisfies you? Are you making the
PhYSical: Are you healthy? Are difference that you want to make?
you in the physical shape that you want

3 Vision Module | 12 Week Year Challenge™

12 week year challenge ™

Record your score on a scale

of 1 to 10 in the blanks on the
wheel to the right.

Note: Any category where you gave yourself an 8 or more, is an area that you feel solid in. If you
scored 7 or less in any category, that may be an area for improvement in the “Challenge.”

We’re almost there, but, before you can set your 12 Week Year Challenge™ goal, you will need to
capture your long-term vision for each category on the wheel.

Vision is a mental picture of where you see yourself in the future. To be at your best you need a vi-
sion – and not just any vision. A vision of the future that is bigger than the present. A vision that
is compelling and has emotional resonance. A compelling vision backed by a powerful purpose is
energizing and unstoppable!

For each area on the wheel, take a few minutes and define what greatness looks like for you in that
area. Given your purpose statement, what should each of these categories look like in the future for
you to deliver on your purpose? The next two pages provide space for you to capture your thoughts.

Think about the areas that you scored yourself highly in. Are there any new breakthroughs for you
in those areas that you would like to see. Remember that if you’re not getting better, then you are
getting worse – there is no standing still.

What about the areas that you didn’t score as well as you would have liked. What does your vision
need to look like to be great in those aress?

Take a few minutes right now and complete your visions for each of the areas on the wheel. If you
need more space, use a blank pad of paper.

4 Vision Module | 12 Week Year Challenge™

12 week year challenge ™

SPiRitUal ViSiOn: ____________________________________________________





SPOUSE/KEY RElatiOnShiP ViSiOn: __________________________________





FaMilY ViSiOn: _______________________________________________________





PhYSical ViSiOn: ____________________________________________________





5 Vision Module | 12 Week Year Challenge™

12 week year challenge ™

PERSOnal ViSiOn: ___________________________________________________





BUSinESS/caREER ViSiOn: ___________________________________________





cOMMUnitY ViSiOn: _________________________________________________





nOtES: _______________________________________________________________________





6 Vision Module | 12 Week Year Challenge™

12 week year challenge ™

The final step is for you to create a powerful, compelling vision using the insight from the previous
pages. Here we will have you create a long-term aspirational vision and a three-year vision. These
visions can be entered in our proprietary software Achieve!

lOnG-tERM ViSiOn – Construct a vision of your life 5, 10, 15 years into the future. Be bold,
be courageous; create a life vision that inspires you and fulfills your purpose. There are no right or
wrong answers. This is the life you deeply desire.

REcORd YOUR ViSiOn: _________________________________________________









The next step is to craft your three-year vision in two parts – one part for your personal life, and one
part for your business. Your three-year vision represents a stake in the ground for you. It is time-
bound, and more specific than your longer-term vision. It represents progress toward your long-
term vision, and it also defines what greatness looks like for you three years from today. It may in-
clude elements of your long-term vision, and it may have some things that are not in the long-term.

3-YEaR ViSiOn (PERSOnal) – Now that we have gotten you thinking about the possibilities
in your life, let’s get specific. In the box below, enter what your age will be three years from today.

Then, determine what you want your life to be like in three years.
MY aGE in 3 Consider the following areas and any others that may come to mind:
YEaRS: _____
SPOUSE ~ FaMilY ~ hEalth ~ SPiRitUal ~ intEllEctUal
SOcial/Financial ~ EMOtiOnal ~ liFE StYlE

7 Vision Module | 12 Week Year Challenge™

12 week year challenge ™








3-YEaR ViSiOn (BUSinESS) – Now that you have some clarity on what you want your life to
look like in three years, let’s take a look at your business vision. The business vision should align
and enable your life vision. In other words, your business vision should financially fund your life vi-
sion. In addition, it should provide the desired amount of free time as well. Further, your practice
should be enjoyable and rewarding. The areas you focus on and the clients you choose to work with
should be determined to best support your life vision.

Consider the following:

Who is your ideal customer/client?
What level of service will you provide?
How will you be acquiring new clients?
What staff will you need to support you?
What will your gross income be?
How much time off will you have?








8 Vision Module | 12 Week Year Challenge™

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