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Elle m'aime!

Elle pense à  moi!

Quelle prière de reconnaissance

et d'amour monte de mon coeur à  ma bouche!

Oh! comme à  l'heure du retour un rien

nous émeut et nous touche…

et comme tout possède un charme pénétrant!

Ah! je voudrais qu'en rentrant Charlotte

retrouvât les pensers que je laisse:

Tout mon espoir et toute ma tendresse!

She loves Me! She thinks of me!
What a prayer of gratitude
and love rises from my heart to my mouth!
Oh! as at the time of the return a nothing moves us and touches us ...
and as everything has a penetrating charm!
Ah! I would like to return Charlotte
to rediscover the thoughts I leave:
All my hope and all my tenderness!
Ah, per sempre io te perdei,

fior d'amore, o mia speranza;

Ah! La vita che m'avanza

sarà piena di dolor!

Quando errai per anni ed anni

in poter della ventura,

io sfidai sciagura e affanni

nella speme del tuo amor,

io sfidai, ecc..

Bel sogno beato,

di pace e contento,

o cangia il mio fato,

o cangia il mio cor.

Oh! Come è tormento

nel dì del dolore,

la dolce memoria

d'un tenero amor.

Oh! Forever I have lost you,
flower of Love, oh hope of mine;
what's left of my Life
will be filled with pain!
When I wandered year after year
under the power of blind luck,
I challenged calamities and cares
in the hope of your Love,

Lovely blessed dream,

of peace and contentment,
either change my fate
or change my heart.
Oh! What torment
in that day of sorrow,
the sweet memory
of a tender Love.

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