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Lecture : Mr. Tri Prabowo

Name’s of group members :

1. Niken Anggraini Sri Saputri P07120216042

2. Kurnia Dewi Saputri P07120216054

3. Riska Wulandari P07120216065





Study Case :

An "B" is 2 years old, being admitted to hospital due to defecation more than
ten times accompanied by five times vomiting experienced since 1 hour ago. At
home the mother gave the medicine but did not stop, eventually bringing her child
to the hospital.

When the study the mother said her child was still defecating (BAB) but the
frequency began to decline. The bowel is still runny and does not stick. When doing
a physical examination it is found that skin turgor is ugly, sunken eyes and mouth
appear dry. The results of increased auscultation of intestinal peristalsis. Children
look fussy and often cry. Mother said she was very confused because she was
worried about her son's condition. When the nurse asks, the mother says she doesn't
know the cause and management of diarrhea. Mother's expressions face tense, the
mother often asks about the condition of her child.

Vital check results:

 N: 132 x / min

 P: 32 x / min
 S: 38.2 C

Treatment given:

 Us Infusion RL 32 drops / min

 Puyer medication 3 X 1 tsp

Pre Interaction phase:

1. Client’s status

The identity of the patient:

a. Name : An. B

b. Date of birth : March, 14th 2011

c. Age : 8 years old

d. Gender : Male

e. Education :-
f. Jobs :-

g. Address : Purbalingga

h. MR number : Q-78****

i. Diagnosis : Diarrhea

The identity of the person in charge:

a. Name : Ny. B

b. Age : 45 years old

c. Gender : Female

d. Relationships with patient : Mother

e. Address : Purbalingga

2. Explore your feeling, fear, and competency

3. Make a plan to interact with client

a. Observations of the State of the patient and family

b. Review the family knowledge about diarrhea in children (in particular

causes and management)

c. Give education on family about diarrhea (especially causes and


d. Collaboration with doctors and pharmacists in dispensing

Orientation phase:

Nurse : Good morning, mom?

Client : Good morning, nurse.

Nurse : I would like to introduce my self, My name is Niken Anggraini Sri

Saputri, I am a practican from Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. I
practice here from 8 o’clock to 2 pm o’clock to take care of your
daughter, I hope you can work together so that you are aware of and
understand what would only explain. In here. You may ask anything
about treatment, particularly about something that you don’t understand.

Client : Thank you, ners.

Nurse : I will discuss with you about condition your daughter. It is important to
do so after treatment in the hospital, you can treat independently at home,
so your child will not suffer from this disease again. This will take
approximately 20-30 minutes.

Client : It’s okay, nurs.

Nurse : I will keep the confidentiality of some parts of this discussion if you fell
un-comfortable, so would you please not hestitate to express your feeling.

Client : Thank you, nurse.

Working phase

Nurse : Is there anything you want to ask or to do before we start, mom?

Client : Yes, nurse. I am confused, cause diarrhea it anything?

Nurse : Oke mom, I will answer these questions. Are there any more questions.
If it does not, could we start right now?

Client : Enough. Just begin please.

Nurse : Oke mom. Causes of Diarrhea are :
1. Virus, parasitic, and bacterial infection: some types of viruses are like
cytomegalo virus, hepatitis, and the virus rota. Parasitic and bacterial
can enter the human body through food and drinks that are less
healthy or cooking utensils are not clean.
2. Antibiotics: antibiotic Usage that does not fit can also trigger diarrhea.
Side effects of antibiotics, would cause interference with bacterial
balance that works for the gut.
3. Milk Allergy: this is caused due to digestive organs can not digest the
lactose or sugars found in milk.
4. The consumption of foods with artificial sweeteners and
preservatives: preservatives and Sweeteners will make the digestive
organs provide specific reaction as mild or severe diarrhea.
How mom, is there any question of my explanation?
Client : I already understand, nurse.

Nurse : Oke. Do you know management of diarrhea in children, mom?

Client : Sorry I don’t know exactly

Nurse : Oke mom. Management of diarrhea in children are :

1. Drink water. Increase the consumption of white water, on average 1
liter every two hours.
2. Avoid the consumption of foods that are spicy, fruit and coffee for 3
days or longer if the symptoms of diarrhea is not better.
3. Consumption of snack foods that are convenient to the stomach and
avoid many kinds of foods that trigger stomach gas production
4. Don't drink milk for a few days until the condition of the stomach have
5. If exposed to diarrhea because antibiotic drugs, then a light yogurt
consumption after taking the medicine
6. Compress the abdomen with warm water.
7. The consumption of foods containing carbohydrates such as rice,
cereals and potatoes.
8. Solution of salt and water or oral rehydration therapy. One of the other
drugs are very popular is a solution of salt and water. Combine 3
tablespoons of salt with one glass of warm water, stir and let stand
until the salt dissolves.
Is there anything that you still don’t understand?

Client : No thank. I’m understand nurs.

Nurse : Mom, I have been providing information about the causes and way of
management of diarrhea. Could you explain what we have already
discussed, please?

Client : Yes. Causes of diarrhea in a child that are :

1. Virus, parasitic, and bacterial infection: some types of viruses are like
cytomegalo virus, hepatitis, and the virus rota. Parasitic and bacterial
can enter the human body through food and drinks that are less healthy
or cooking utensils are not clean.
2. Antibiotics: antibiotic Usage that does not fit can also trigger diarrhea.
Side effects of antibiotics, would cause interference with bacterial
balance that works for the gut.
3. Milk Allergy: this is caused due to digestive organs can not digest the
lactose or sugars found in milk.
4. The consumption of foods with artificial sweeteners and
preservatives: preservatives and Sweeteners will make the digestive
organs provide specific reaction as mild or severe diarrhea.

Then management of diarrhea in children with :

1. Drink water. Increase the consumption of white water, on average 1

liter every two hours.
2. Avoid the consumption of foods that are spicy, fruit and coffee for 3
days or longer if the symptoms of diarrhea is not better.

3. Consumption of snack foods that are convenient to the stomach and

avoid many kinds of foods that trigger stomach gas production

4. Don't drink milk for a few days until the condition of the stomach have

5. If exposed to diarrhea because antibiotic drugs, then a light yogurt

consumption after taking the medicine

6. Compress the abdomen with warm water.

7. The consumption of foods containing carbohydrates such as rice,

cereals and potatoes.

8. Solution of salt and water or oral rehydration therapy. One of the other
drugs are very popular is a solution of salt and water. Combine 3
tablespoons of salt with one glass of warm water, stir and let stand
until the salt dissolves.

Termination phase

Nurse : Mom, from the discussion I can make a conclusion that you have
already known about causes and management of diarrhea in children.

Client : Thanks nurse.

Nurse : You were so active while we were discussing about this disease.

Client : My pleasure.

Nurse : I will write the result of this discussion on your pastien’s record. Thanks
for your attention.

Client : Your welcome.

Nurse :Good by now and see you later.

Client : See you.

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