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Department of PU Education Question Paper June 2019

Scheme of Evaluation
NOTE: 1) Unlabelled, incorrect and wrongly labelled diagrams do not attract any marks.
2) Answers written in Kannada language should also be evaluated.
Q.No Answer / Value points Marks
Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each: 10x1=10
1. Name the finger like projections on Trophoblast that appear during implantation.
Chorionic villi
2. On which bacteria Griffith conducted transformation experiment?
Streptococcus pneumoniae
3. Name the microbe which is used to produce citric acid.
Aspergillus niger
4. In which site of fallopian tube does fertilisation take place?
Ampullary-Isthmic junction 1M
5. Mention the role of Alpha interferon in treatment of cancer.
Activates the immune system of cancer patient and helps in destroying the tumor. 1M

6. Which tissue is used as an explants to obtain virus free plants in tissue culture?
7. Name the stain used to visualize DNA fragments in gel electrophoresis.
Ethidium Bromide 1M
8. What is natality?
Number of birth rate during a given period in the population.
9. Which programme was introduced by the Government of India in 1980s to protect forest
with the participation of local community? 1M
Joint Forest Management
10. Define BOD.
BOD refers to the amount of oxygen required to oxidize total organic matter by bacteria, 1M
present in one liter of water.
Answer any five of the following questions in 3 to 5 sentences each, wherever 5x2=10
11. Differentiate between seasonal breeders and continuous breeders.
Seasonal Breeders Continuous Breeders 2M
1. It occurs in non-primates 1. It occurs in primates
2. They reproduce in a particular season 2. They reproduce throughout the year
3. They exhibit oestrous cycle 3. They exhibit menstrual cycle
… Any two
12. Mention the reasons for population explosion.
 A rapid decline in death rate (MMR and IMR) 2M
 Increase in number of people in reproducible age
13. Write the karyotype and mention any two symptoms of Klinefelter’s syndrome.
 47, XXY 1M
 Such an individual has overall masculine development, however, the feminine 2M
development (development of breast, i.e., Gynecomastia) is also expressed.
 Such individuals are sterile.
14. Give any two examples for sacred grooves in India.
 Khasi and Jaintia Hills in Meghalaya
 Aravali Hills of Rajasthan
 Western Ghats of Karnataka
 Sarguja
 Chanda and Bastar areas of Madhya Pradesh
….. Any two
15. Name two species, which became extinct due to over exploitation.
 Steller’s sea cow 2M
 Passenger pigeon
16. Distinguish between benign and malignant tumor.
Benign Tumor Malignant Tumor
1) Normally remain confined to their 1) These cells grow very rapidly.
original location. 2) Invade and damage surrounding
2) Do not spread to other location. tissues. 2M
3) Cause little damage. 3) These cells actively divide and grow
they also starve the normal cells.

…. Any two
17. Mention any two methods of introducing alien DNA into the host.

 Recombinant DNA and the bacterial cells are incubated in ice, followed by placing
them briefly at 42oC (heat shock) and then putting them back in ice.
 By microinjection the recombinant DNA directly injected into the nucleus of the 2M
animal cell.
 Plant cells are bombarded with high velocity micro-particles of gold or tungsten coated
with DNA in a method known as biolistics or gene gun.
 Disarmed pathogen vectors, which when allowed infecting the cell, transfer the
recombinant DNA into the host. …… any two

18. Write any four tools used in recombinant DNA technology.

 Restriction Enzymes
 Polymerase enzymes 2M
 Ligases
 Vectors
 Host Organism ….. Any four
Answer any five of the following questions in about 40 to 80 words each, 5 x 3= 15
wherever applicable:
19. List the measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
 Avoid sex with unknown partners/multiple partners.
 Always use condoms during coitus. 3M
 In case of doubt, contact immediately the qualified medical practitioner for early
detection and cure.
20. Draw and label a typical biogas plant.


….. Any six relevant labeling

21. Explain the mechanism of XO – type of sex determination in insects.
In this type, the females are homogametic and have ‘XX’ chromosomes and produce only one
type of egg carrying ‘X’ chromosomes, while the males are heterogametic and have only one
‘X’ chromosomes without the partner. Hence they produce two types of sperms where 50% of
the sperms carry ‘X’ chromosome with autosomes (A+X) and other 50% of the sperms carry
only autosomes but no allosomes (A+O).

Parents Female Male

Gametes A+X A+X A+O 3M
Offspring AA + XX AA + XO
Female Male
22. a) Write the function of filiform apparatus.
filiform apparatus play an important role in guiding the pollen tubes to penetrate into the 1M
b) Write any four characteristics of flowers pollinated by wind.
 Wind pollination requires that the pollen grains are light in weight.
 They should by non sticky and powdery so that they can be transported easily by the
wind currents.
 They often possess well exposed stamens so that the pollens are easily dispersed into 2M
wind currents.
 The flower must have feathery stigma to easily trap air borne pollen grains.
 Wind pollinated flowers often have a single ovule in each ovary and numerous flowers
packed into inflorescence. ….. Any four characters 2 M
23. Mention the main three events in sexual reproduction.
 Pre-fertilisation Events
 Fertilisation Events 3M
 Post-fertilisation Events
24. a) What are pioneer species in ecological succession?
The species that invades bare area are called pioneer species. 1M
b) Distinguish between hydrarch and xerarch succession?
Hydrarch succession: Takes place in water areas and the successional series progress 1M
from hydric to the mesic conditions.
Xerarch succession: Takes place in dry areas and the series progress from xeric to mesic 1M
25. Schematically represent the phosphorous cycle.


26. Write a note on MOET.

 It is used to improve chances of successful production of hybrids.

 Cow is administered hormones with FSH-like activity induce follicular maturation
and super ovulation. 3M
 Production of 6-8 eggs instead of one egg per cycle.
 The female is either mated with an elite bull or artificially inseminated.
 Non-surgical recovery of fertilized eggs at 8-32 cells stages. Each one transferred
to surrogate mother.
 This technology is used to increase herd size in a short time.
….. ½ Mark each
Answer any four of the following questions in about 200 to 250 words each, 4x5=20
wherever applicable:
27. Describe the structure of dicot embryo with the help of a labelled diagram.


….. Diagram 2 M
 It consists of an embryonal axis and two cotyledons.
 The portion of embryonal axis above the level of cotyledons is the Epicotyl which
terminates with the plumule or stem tip.
 The cylindrical portion below the level of cotyledons is hypocotyls that terminates at its
lower end is the radical or root tip. The root tip is covered by root cap.
….. Explanation 3 M
28. a) Mention the four barriers of innate immunity with an example for each.
 Physical barrier
Ex: Mucus coating of epithelium
 Physiological barrier
Ex: Acid in stomach/saliva in the mouth/tears from eyes 4M
 Cellular barrier
Ex: WBC/Natural killer cells/Macrophages
 Cytokinin barrier
Ex: Interferons
….. Mentioning only four types without example 2 M
b) What is allergy?
The exaggerated response of the immune system to certain antigens present in the
environment is called allergy. 1M
29. a) What is commensalism? Explain with any two examples.
This is the interaction in which one species benefits and the other is neither benefited nor
harmed. 1M
 Orchids growing as an epiphyte on a mango branch.
 Clown fish living among tentacles of sea anemone.
 Barnacles on back of whales.
 Cattle Egret and grazing cattle. ….. Any two examples 2 M

b) How does our body overcome altitude sickness?

 The body compensates low oxygen availability by increasing red blood cell production.
 The body compensates decreasing binding capacity of hemoglobin with oxygen, by 2M
increasing rate of breathing.

30. Draw a neat labeled diagram of sectional view of mammary gland.


….. Neat diagram 1 M

….. Eight labeling 4 M
31. List the goals of human genome project.
 Identify all the approximately 20.000 – 25000 genes in human DNA.
 Determine the sequence of all 3 billion chemical base pairs.
 Store this information in data bases.
 Improve tools for data analysis. 5M
 Transfer related technologies to other sectors, such as industries.
 Address the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) that may arise from the project.

….. Five points 5 M

32. a) State Hardy-Weinberg principle. Mention any four factors which affecting Hardy
Weinberg equilibrium.
Gene frequency remains constant from generation to generation unless it is altered by
the external agencies.
 Gene flow
 Genetic drift
 Mutation
 Genetic recombination
 Natural selection ….. Any four 2 M
b) What are analogous organs? Give an example in plants.
The organs whose structure and origin are different but performing similar functions. 1M
Ex: In plants sweet potato (root modification) and potato (stem modification) 1M

Answer any three of the following questions in about 200 to 250 words each, 3x5=15
wherever applicable:
33. Explain one gene inheritance with reference to stem height in pea plants.


34. a) Mention the criteria for a molecule that acts as the genetic material.
 It should be able to generate its replica (replication).
 It should be chemically and structurally stable.
 It should provide the scope for slow changes (mutation) that required for evolution. 3M
 It should be able to express itself in the form of ‘Mendelian Character’.
….. Any three 3 M
b) Write the schematic structure of transcription unit.


35. If you are a successful beekeeper suggest the points you would like to follow.
 Knowledge of the nature and habits of honey bees.
 Selection of suitable location for keeping the beehives. 5M
 Catching and hiving of swarms (group of bees)
 Management of beehives during different seasons.
 Handling and collection of honey and of beeswax.

36. Briefly explain the uses of transgenic animals.

 Normal physiology and development: Transgenic animals are specifically designed to
allow studying about.
 How the genes are regulated.
 How the gene affects normal functioning of body
 How it affects growth and development. E.g. insulin like growth factor. The animals
are made transgenic to know the biological effect and result.
 Study of disease: Transgenic animals are designed to understand how genes contribute
to the development of disease like cancers, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis and
 Biological products: Transgenic animals are used to produce biological product of human
 α- 1 -antitrypsin used to treat emphysema.
 Proteins for treatment for PKU and cystic fibrosis.
 Transgenic cow Rosie, produce human protein enriched milk (2.4 gm/lit. human α-
 Vaccine safety
o Transgenic mice are being developed and use in testing the safety of vaccines
before they are used for humans.
o Polio vaccine is tested in mice.
 Chemical safety testing
o This is also known as toxicity/safety testing.
o Transgenic animals are used to know the effects of toxic chemicals.
37. Explain a case study of remedy for plastic waste.

 Polyblend, a fine powder of recycled modified plastic, was developed in the factory.
 Polyblend is mixed with bitumen that is used to lay roads.
 It increases the water repelling property of bitumen, and helped to increase road life by 5M
a factor of three.
 The raw material used for polyblend is plastic film waste.
 It is economical also

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