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Christin Williams

Education 650

Standard Activity 1.1 C


I chose to compare the vision/mission statements of Kanawha County Schools and

McDowell County Schools. These two counties are very diverse, yet less than 100 miles apart.

Kanawha County holds one of the state’s largest school districts, as well as is home to the state’s

capital. While Kanawha County has certainly been hit by economic decline in recent years,

however, it is not in near as much economic distress as McDowell County. McDowell County is

a rural area, which houses many coal fields and abandoned businesses. It is also outnumbered in

population by tens of thousands compared to Kanawha County.

Even at a first glance, the two counties have drastically different statements in length

comparison. Kanawha County’s mission and vision statement are both lengthy and composed of

words the most popular phrases in education today; yet at the center of it all, it means the same

as McDowell’s statements, which are straight and to the point. Personally, I feel that Kanawha

could stand to take a look at McDowell’s statements and simplify theirs so that they are more

reader friendly, rather than political statements.

Kanawha County Schools

Mission Statement
To afford students the opportunity to earn an individually designed, quality education in an
equitable alternative setting, delivered by appropriate professional and support personnel in an
environment that is safe and encouraging.
The Kanawha County Board of Education has as its vision for the school district to become a
community of caring, in partnership with the community at large, to empower all students to
become productive, ethical citizens and lifelong learners responsive to an ever changing world
through an individualized, rigorous, and personally challenging education. It is our hope that we
will establish opportunities for students who have not had success in a traditional setting which
will enable them to develop the necessary skills for self-sufficiency, interpersonal responsibility
and community contribution.
*The KCS Vision Statement then goes on to have several addendum and clauses.

McDowell County Schools

Mission Statement
The mission of McDowell County Schools is to deliver excellence in education where students are
engaged in collaboration, communication, and innovation so that they graduate ready to achieve
success and positively shape the future.
Vision Statement
Future-Focused, Student-Centered, Mission-Driven

“McDowell County Schools.” Vision & Mission – About Us – McDowell County Schools,



“Policies and Procedures.” Home - Kanawha County Board of Education,


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