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Assingment • Types of

Topic Research

Submitted • Dr.Mushtaq
To Gohar

Submitted • M.Faizan
By Karim
Definition of Research

Research is a scientific way of answering

questions and testing hypothesis.

Research is a systematic, scientific and careful

enquiry or examination to discover new information about something or
to establish new relationship between things, or to expand or verify
existing knowledge for some specified purpose.

Introduction of Research
Re --- Search, Re means (once more, afresh, anew) OR (back; with
return to a previous state) Search means (look thorough or go over
thoroughly to look something) OR (examine to find anything
Research is an ORGANIZED and SYSTEMATIC way of FINDING
SYSTEMATIC because there is a definite set of procedures and steps
which you will follow. There are certain things in the research process
which are always done in order to get the most accurate results.
ORGANIZED in that there is a structure or method in going about doing
research it is a planned procedure, not a spontaneous one. It is
focused and limited to a specific scope
FINDING ANSWERS is the end of all research. Whether it is the
answer to a hypothesis or even a simple question, research is
successful when we find answers. Sometimes the answer is no, but it is
still an answer.
Types of Research


Survey Experimental
Research Research

Casual- Quasi-
Compative Experimental
Research Research
Quantitative Research Method:
Quantitative research refers to the systematic empirical investigation of
any phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational
techniques. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and
employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to

Quantitative research is generally made using scientific.

• The generation of models, theories and hypotheses
• The development of instruments and methods for measurement
• Experimental control and manipulation of variables
• Collection of empirical data
• Modeling and analysis of data
• Evaluation of results

1.Survey Research
Survey Research involves collection data to test hypotheses or to
answer questions about people’s opinions on some topics or issues.

2. Correlational research
Correlation research refers to the systematic investigation or statistical
study of relationships among two or more variables, without necessarily
determining cause and effect. It seeks to establish a
relation/association/correlation between two or more variables that do
not readily lend themselves to experimental manipulation.
3. Causal Research
In Casual Comparative research the researcher attempts to determine
the cause, or reason, for existing differences in the behavior os status
of groups/Individuals. It aims at establishing cause and effect
relationship among variables.
4. Experimental Research
In experimental research the researcher manipulates at lest one
independent variable, controls other relevant variables and observes
the effect on one or more dependent variables.
5. Quasi-Experimental Research
A quasi-experiment is an empirical study used to estimate the causal
impact of an intervention on its target population without random


Ethnograpich Case Study

Research Research
Qualitative Research Method:
Qualitative research is the collection analysis and interpretation of
comprehensive narrative and visual data to gain insights into a
particular phenomenon of interest.
Qualitative research is research dealing with phenomena that are
difficult or impossible to quantify mathematically, such as beliefs
meanings, attributes, and symbols
Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding of
human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior. The
qualitative method investigates the why and how of decision making,
not just what, where, when.
1. Narrative Research
Narrative research is the study of how different humans experiences
the world around them, and it involves a methodology that allows
people to tell the stories of their “Storied Life”

2. Ethnographic research
Ethnographic research refers to the investigation of a culture through
an in-depth study of the members of the culture; it involves the
systematic collection, description, and analysis of data for development
of theories of cultural behavior.
3. Case Study Research
Case Study research in which researchers focus on a unit of study
known as a bounded system (e.g. Individual teachers, a classroom, or
a school)
4. Grounded theory
Grounded theory research is a research approach designed to discover
what problems exist in a given social environment and how the persons
involved handle them; it involves formulation, testing, and reformulation
of propositions until a theory is developed.
5. Phenomenology Research
Literary the study of phenomena describing situation or something that
exists as part our world
Phenomenological research an inductive, descriptive
research approach developed from phenomenological philosophy; its
aim is to describe an experience as it is actually lived by the person.
Phenomenology is concerned with the study of experience from the
perspective of the individual, ‘bracketing’ taken-for- granted
assumptions and usual ways of perceiving.
Mixed Method

Action Research


Mixed Method
Mixed methods research combines quantitative and qualitative
approaches by including the data of both in a single study. The purpose
of mixed methods research is to build on the synergy and strength that
exist between quantitative and qualitative research methods to
understand a phenomenon.
1. Action Research
It is application of fact findings to practical problem solving in a social
situation with a view to improve quality of action within it, involving
collaboration and cooperation of researchers, practitioners and laymen.
It can be situational (diagnose a problem and attempts to solve it),
collaborative, participatory (researcher take part in implementation of
findings) and self-evaluation (it involves constant evaluation and
adjustment of research and practice)

Longitudinal Research
It involves study of sample at more than one point in time or occasion
e.g. Trend studies, Panel studies
Descriptive Research
Usually it forms preliminary study of a research project. It aims at
describe social events, relations and events. It provides background
information about an event in question.
Exploratory Research
It aims at gaining information about an issue in hand.
Explanatory Research
It aims at explaining social relations and events. To build, test or revise
a theory.
Exploratory research
Exploratory research is a type of research conducted for a problem that
has not been clearly defined. Exploratory research helps determine the
best research design, data collection method and selection of subjects.
Historical research
Historical research is research involving analysis of events that
occurred in the remote or recent past • Historical research can show
patterns that occurred in the past and over time which can help us to
see where we came from and what kinds of solutions we have used in
the past.

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