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Tyler Coffman

Dyan Neary

ENC 1145

26 January 2014

The Reign Of Julius Caesar

60 B.C.: Rome

The Legendary Formation

Three hands shook each other, agreeing on a pact that will forever change the

course of history. Their extravagant togas and polished sandals exemplify their

massive power that has just been amassed to a whole new level never before seen in

history. One man will triumph over them all. One man will amass more wealth than

any other Roman. One man will lose his life to a bloody civil war. This is the First

Triumvirate. (1,2,5)

50 B.C.: Gaul


The place looks like complete desolation. Fire dances around the wreckage of

the village that we lived in for centuries. The orange flames slowly go out like it was

showing we had lost. My soldiers look liked starved, pathetic rats. Even our own

people have betrayed us for the promise of riches in a foreign tyrannical kingdom.

The Roman legions tore through our army as if we were just leaves. These men were

bred to kill and tear their enemies apart. We have lost everything including our own
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land, which we may never get back. We had the upper hand on the Romans

originally but their fierce leader; Julius Caesar had the wits to outsmart us in the

end. I have failed as their general and my death will be most certain. Those filthy

Romans will never stop until they get what they came for. (1,5)

49 B.C.: The Border Of Gaul


Spending his days in roman baths, wine-filled lungs, Caesar awaits a fate he

knows he cannot escape. He would rather have a war then to surrender himself to

the senate that he despises. He disobeyed their orders and continued to desolate

Gaul like it was his life’s dream. But he did it for the power. To grow Rome even

more. He is not going to disband his army. He will begin a war that will seek a

victorious ending. Caesar’s biggest rival, Pompey is now in charge because of the

senate. Caesar will not allow that. Now is the time for war. (5)

49 B.C.: Rome

The Struggle

We wake up every morning to the shouts of our superior screaming, “get up

and run soldiers!” forcing us to run no matter what the circumstances were. My

muscles feel numb from the endless torture of carrying a forty-five pound pack on

my back, walking in absurd formations striving to perfect it for fear that we will be

stricken on the back for messing up. We have waited all of our lives to endure this.

And what’s all of this for? To become a soldier of Rome and to be able to have the
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ability to help defend my home from any intruders who may come. No matter what

happens. (5)

48 B.C.: Egypt

Inevitable Death

Blood splatters through his chest like a fountain rising from the spout. His

face shows complete shock as he falls to the ground slowly. The man he thought he

knew betrayed him. His surroundings turned crimson. Everything was slowly fading

to black. The young Ptolemy stabbed him right in the back. The worst feeling ever is

the betrayal of a friend. Was everything he did worth it? The money, the power was

it worth his death in the end? That answer came in the form of a sword. Pompey was

dead. (5,6)

48 B.C.: Egypt

The Infamous Affair

Seduction is a powerful tool. It will get me everything I want into my life. Not

all of my pursuits are selfish though. I do feel this insatiable pull towards this

powerful. He and I could do great things and I can get Egypt into my hands. The

fruits of my time with this man will help make all of my dreams come true. All it

takes is this one night. I need protection for my people. This man would provide that

for me. I have something he needs too. The resources that my country holds is highly

sought after and I know that he would love to get his hands on it. My desire for him

grows as I enter the room in complete darkness. I could see the silhouette of his
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body. Feeling the warm Egyptian air against me, I slowly approached him.

Seductively swaying my hips as I get closer and closer. One more minute and he is

all mine. (3,5)

46 B.C.: Rome

Cleopatra Returns

The minute Calpurnia saw her walk through the villa she knew exactly who

she was. Caesar has really taken it too far. Calpurnia loved Caesar but she knew the

flaws that he carried with him. This dark skinned woman with the body of a goddess

probably is using him. She had no doubt that Julius is the father of her son. All she

wanted was that boy to be hers, not Cleopatra’s. But alas, Caesar ordered to stay

with Cleopatra and Caesarion. Calpurnia felt nothing but complete bitterness.


45 B.C.: Rome

The True Heir

Cleopatra’s anguish towards Caesar grows with each passing day. Caesarion

is Caesar’s son but he refuses to let him be named his heir. Instead, he names his

nephew Octavian to take control of what isn’t his. Blood never lies and Caesarion is

undoubtedly Caesar’s but he doesn’t even call him his own. Cleopatra’s beautiful

skin is masked by the stress wrinkles in her forehead over her anger. She needs him

to be able to keep power in Egypt and to extend her power to a whole other level.

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44 B.C.: Rome


I woke up drenched in a cold sweat from the horrors of my nightmare. As

soon as my eyes opened up, fear struck me. Something awful was going to happen to

Julius. Something is being planned against him I just wish I knew what it was. I need

to warn him of this. I am plagued by terrible thoughts. I rushed to him, begging him

not to go. I shouted to him “people will try to kill you if you go to the senate today.”

Caesar replied “Calpurnia, everything is fine don’t you worry”. He told me that he

was going to be late. I sat down feeling woozy, dreading to hear the news. Who

would do such a thing to Caesar? He has so many enemies but he also has many

allies. My body shudders at the thought of death. (5,6)

44 B.C.: Rome


My hands sweat profusely as I grip my pugione tightly. The cold, sharpened

steel rests against my hip. My nerves are running high; I look pale from the endless

thoughts about what I was about to do. I have run multiple scenarios in my head but

in reality there is only way this is going to go. When Caesar walks in, we will

surround him entirely then we will plunge our knives into his body and rid Rome of

the problem that is Julius Caesar. I, Brutus will take Rome by the reins and run it the

way it’s supposed to be. (4,5)

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44 B.C.: Rome

The Final Walk

As Julius Caesar steps out of his villa for the last time, he steps into his luxurious

carriage in his flawless white tunic and purple toga covering his body. The carriage

takes him throughout Rome passing the masses of the common denizen who stares

at his cart in complete awe that their famous ruler just graced their presence. Little

do they know, He will be dead within the next hour.

44 B.C.: Rome

Spilled Blood

The first drop of blood spills onto the ground as the sharp pugiones slowly

enter his body. All you could see is the look of shock on his face as the scowling

conspirators slowly murder him to his death. He didn’t have a chance to fight for

himself. Life was slowly drifting away from his eyes from the constant stabbing. The

head of the conspiracy, Marcus Junius Brutus, delivered the final blow. He thrust the

knife into Caesar’s heart; the last of the blood has been spilled. All Caesar could

manage to utter was “you too, my child?”. Just like that Rome’s greatest ruler was

gone from the face of the earth. (1,2,4,5)

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Works Cited

 “Gaius Julius Caesar.” Roman-empire.net. n.d. Web. n.p.

 “Julius Caesar.” Arthur Ferrill. History.com. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Publishing. Web. 1996.

 “Julius Caesar.”Biography.com. n.d. Web. n.p.

 “Marcus Junius Brutus Caepio.” Jona Lendering. Livius.org. n.d. Web. n.p.

 O’Reilly, Bill. Killing Jesus. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2013. Print.

 “Pompey The Great.” HistoryWorld.net. n.d. Web. n.p.

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