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Internship Weekly Journals

Abigail Hasty
KINS 4306 – Internship, Summer 2019
Week #1
Weekly Hours (*Note: The first day of my internship was Wednesday, May 15th due to a delay
in paperwork signatures between Atlanta Public Schools and Georgia College. Also, on my
second day of working I became very ill on the job which cut my week short.)
5/15/2019 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM (10 hours)
5/16/2019 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM (3 hours)
Total Weekly Hours: 13 hours
Total Hours to Date: 13 hours
Going into my first day of my internship I did not know what to expect. I had little
inclination about what my role as an intern at Atlanta Public Schools would include. A couple of
weeks before my internship started I learned I would also be working with the Health and PE
Curriculum Department. On the first day, I was introduced to the Nutrition Department
Executive Director, District Dietitian and many others who work in the office. After the
introduction and orientation to the office I will be working in for the next couple of months, my
first task on hand was to do some research about the benefits of dairy and beef. My internship
director is the Wellness Coordinator of the district. She explained to me that I would be attending
a Wellness District Council Meeting that afternoon regarding a parent who has brought the issue
of taking beef off all the menus in the district. Ms. Stone, my director, informed me this parent
would like to take beef off the menu for environmental reasons. She has gotten a team of 4
students together and they brought their case to the APS Nutrition Department. The point of the
meeting tonight was to show her the Nutrition Departments side of the reason beef will benefit
the children in the district. The children in APS come from low socioeconomic backgrounds,
many times the meals they eat at school are the only meals they will eat for the week and even
over the weekend. The school district wants to provide the choice to these children on their food
options. It is important to APS that the children get the nutrients and calories they need to sustain
themselves in and outside of school. Through my own research, I found information about the
vitamins and minerals that come from consuming beef and dairy and how they will benefit the
My next task was to input data into an excel word document from all 75 schools in the
district. APS, every year, applies for The Golden Radish Award. This award highlights the
schools use of farm to school food income. This considers the amount of “local” food the school
uses in their meals. APS defines their local food as any food coming from the state of Georgia
and all the states that touch the border of Georgia. A survey was sent out to 75 schools to assess
their use of farm to school. It was my job to input this information into excel to make it easier to
compile data to see if they met the “platinum” category for The Golden Radish Award. I ate my
packed lunch on site while working on inputting data. This was a very time consuming project,
but I was able to get the job done. By the time I finished it was about time for us to start setting
up for the District Wellness Council Meeting. I sat at a greeting table to direct people to sign in
and hand them a pack of information about the topics of the meeting. This meeting had great
representation by community organizations: GA Beef Association, Georgia Organics, The Food
Bank of Atlanta, Rowdy Elephants, the cafeteria food supplier Aramark, Dietitians, a research
student from Emory who is studying to be a dietitian, etc. This meeting ensued with great
presentations and discussion with the organizations, APS Nutrition, and the parent. There was
not a conclusion that followed the meeting but the discussion will continue. This was a very
interesting and exciting first day at my internship and I look forward to what is to come!
On my second day, I was picked up by Ms. Daryl Rice, the Health and PE Curriculum
Director to observe 4 different school’s field day event. The point of doing this is observed how
the schools are doing with physical activity, take pictures, and interact with the different schools
on a personal level in order to better the future curriculum. Unfortunately, 3 hours into my day at
the first school I became very ill and was taken to the hospital. My directors have been very kind
throughout this process and I hope to be back and working better than ever soon!

Internship Weekly Journals

KINS 4306 – Internship, Summer 2019
Week #2
Weekly Hours (*Note: After being in the hospital from Thursday till Saturday I wasn't able to
start back with my internship until Wednesday due to recovery.)
5/22/2019 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM (8 hours)
5/23/2019 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM (7.5 hours)
5/24/2019 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM (6.5 hours)
Total Weekly Hours: 22 hours
Total Hours to Date: 35 hours
After my time in the hospital, I was able to start back to work on Wednesday. My
internship supervisor was very flexible and kind about my illness. I was excited to go back and
continue to help the Atlanta Public Schools with the tallying of surveys for The Golden Radish
Award. The first part of my day consisted of continued work on the excel sheet to present to the
Nutrition Department Director to how to meet the requirements for the platinum category. I
completed and edited the excel sheet and printed off multiple copies for the meeting at 1:30. My
excel sheet was extremely helpful for the staff to get their head around what schools contributed
to the helping number and which did not. Through the excel sheet, we discovered the only
category APS was lacking to received the platinum category was “75% of the schools have
edible gardens;” at the time of the meeting we were only at 49.5%. There was still a handful of
school that needed to submit their survey at that time, but even with those schools answering yes
to having an edible garden they would still not meet 75%. In the meeting, we determined that the
staff over each of their particular clusters would go back and double school, in person, to see if
they had answered correctly or missed counting an in-class garden. After seeing how close the
district was to earning the highest award I was very invested to make sure we were able to hit
The next day before I visited 4 schools in the district to assess if they had a garden and
their thoughts about having one if they didn't already. I loved being able to get out of the office
and see what the community was doing in regards to farm to school practices. From the schools,
I visited only 1 had an edible garden and 1 school was extremely interested in getting one started.
Through this experience, I came up with the idea of a possible final project for my internship. I
would love to focus on bringing edible gardens to more schools in the district. There is clearly a
deficit in gardens compared to the other aspects of farm to school practices. When I brought this
idea up to Ms. Stone she seemed to be really on board. She said that she needed to check with
her boss to make sure that was okay. The rest of the day was spent doing things around the office
and updating Wellness Summary Plans.
On Friday before work, I was instructed to visit one more school about a garden before
coming in. Unfortunately, they too did not have an edible garden. When I am into work I was
introduced to Mrs. Issa, she is the Special Nutrition Services Manager. I learned that I will be
helped her with summer feeding and menu compliances at different school sites. I am excited to
see different aspects of the APS Nutrition Department. Starting Tuesday I will be at my first site
at 7:30 to help serve breakfast, and at another site to help with lunch.
Final Project Proposal: I noticed the lack of edible gardens in the district. I would like to dedicate
my time to help better implement gardens in schools. The department director mentioned starting
on this project not until the fall. I think it would be beneficial to the department if created a
strategic way to implement sustainable gardens in more of the schools throughout the district.
Ms. Stone thought this was a great idea, but she wanted to confirm this with her boss, Dr.
Hughes, to work out the details. I would love to move forward on this project because I feel very
dedicated to this topic!

Internship Weekly Journals

KINS 4306 – Internship, Summer 2019
Week #3
Weekly Hours (*Note: Ms. Stone, my internship supervisor, will be on vacation for the months
of June and July. I have picked up some responsibilities with Mrs. Issa, the Special Nutrition
Services Manager, to complete Menu Compliance Audits for four schools. Also during this time,
I will be doing more work with Ms. Rice in reviewing PE/Health curriculum for the upcoming
school year.)
5/28/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
5/29/2019 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM (7.5 hours)
5/30/2019 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM (8 hours)
5/31/2019 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (8.5 hours)
Total Weekly Hours: 33 hours
Total Hours to Date: 68 hours
On Tuesday morning I met Mrs. Issa at Whitefoord Academy in time to do a menu
compliance of their summer program “Power Up” breakfast. Before this I did not know what a
menu compliance entailed; I was nervous because I felt I was going into my morning very
unprepared. I was introduced to the cafeteria manager and then our protocol started. The first
step is to wash your hands and put on gloves in order to start the assessment. Then we assessed
each component of the meal to make sure there was 1 serving of fruit, 2 different options of 1
serving of grains, and 1 serving of milk. Next we made sure that each of these breakfast
components fit under approved menu items for the summer meal schedule. We checked the
walk-in cooler and freezer temperatures. We also made sure the children have access to water.
Through this process I learned that one of the school district's goals is to provide “offer vs.
serve.” This means children will have options being offered instead of serving one menu option.
This provides the children to become open to different foods and healthy choices. Lastly we
received the cafeteria managers signature. Then we moved on to Burgess-Peterson to do another
summer camp breakfast menu compliance. The reason behind doing a through and complete
menu compliance is because we are assessing whether the school district can be reimbursed for
the food they are serving. If a school does not follow the strict compliances then they could risk
losing money. By the time we complete both menu compliances it was time to go to 2 more
schools to assess the lunch menu for the summer camp. I have been assigned 4 schools of my
own to carry out menu compliances multiple times a week and report back to Mrs. Issa with my
results. After completing 4 assessments I returned to the office for lunch and continued research
for my final project.
Throughout Wednesday and Thursday I attended a “Healthy LifeSkills Training.” This is
a new program APS is beginning to implement in Fall 2019 to 3 of their middle schools. The
goal of this program is to promote health and personal development in middle schoolers, starting
in 6th grade. This program is being paid for by a grant from the University of Colorado Boulder.
The curriculum is composed of 15 consecutive lessons ranging from drug and alcohol abuse to
self image. After going through the full training I believe this is a very effective curriculum that
has positive research to back it up. Throughout the 2 days I participated in activities with the goal
of teaching the teachers the correct and most effective way to implement the curriculum. I
learned so much in this training and now I am officially certified to teach the curriculum and
have the resources to do so.
On Friday Ms. Stone was out of the office. I was given a list of things to complete. I
worked on completing the Wellness Plan Data Excel sheet to help with the Local School
Wellness Evaluation Report Summary SY19. I also compiled a complete list of schools with
edible gardens. At 11 a.m. I attended a meeting with Ms. Issa and her team to talk about the
upcoming tasks of conducting weekly menu compliances in 20+ school’s summer programs. For
the rest of the day I was tasked with complete 5 separate excel sheets. Each excel was for a
different “cluster” of schools in APS. There are 5 different people who have about 17 schools per
cluster. This excel sheet listed each school wellness coordinator, SWA coordinator, FFVP (fresh
fruit and vegetable program), school garden SY19, if yes: the type of garden, # of garden lessons
per school, 3 of farm field trips per school, 3 of taste tests per school, and 3 of cooking demos. I
believe these excel sheets will be useful for next year when trying to stay in contact with each
school in an individual cluster.

Internship Weekly Journals

KINS 4306 – Internship, Summer 2019
Week #4
Weekly Hours (*Note: I have now started doing work at another APS location with Ms. Rice. I
will be switching back and forth on certain days of the week between APS Nutrition Department
and working with the PE/Health curriculum.)
6/3/2019 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM (8 hours)
6/4/2019 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM (8 hours)
6/5/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
6/6/2019 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM (9 hours)
6/7/2019 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM (9 hours)
Total Weekly Hours: 43 hours
Total Hours to Date: 111 hours
On Monday I started with the Atlanta Public School’s PE/Health curriculum writing
team. It is made up of 5 physical education teachers from different schools. They will be working
all summer in order to edit, perfect, and write the curriculum for the upcoming school year. My
first day, I was introduced to the team by Ms. Rice who is there boss for the summer and will
oversee their work. My role in this department is to review and edit 6th, 7th, and 8th grade
curriculum. The topics I will cover are human growth and development, resolving conflicts and
preventing violence, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. I was given about 25 large packets of different
curriculum to read through. This is a very time consuming project, but I am learning how their
lessons are set up and I am improving my editing skills. I worked on this project all day Monday
and Tuesday. I will be back with the Nutrition Department on Wednesday.
On Wednesday at 7:30 am I went to Garden Hills Elementary to conduct a menu
compliance audit for their summer Power Up program. This was the first audit I did by myself
without my supervisor, Mrs. Issa. The audit went very well and the school was in compliance
with the requirements. After this I went into the office and did an audit synopsis and summary.
At 10:45 I left again to go back to Garden Hills and do a lunch menu compliance audit. This too
went well and met every requirement. After completing this on my own I felt relieved and more
confident for the many other audits I will be required to do. Once completed, I went back to the
office. The team who is working on the Golden Radish Award application had a meeting that I
attended. We went over each piece of criteria and discussed the wording and additions needed to
be made on the application. I was assigned to go over each menu for the school from August to
May. I tallied up each meal that used locally grown produce. I filled out a chart with the
categories for each month: number of service days, number of lunch meals served, total and local
food items offered, dates of local food offered, and local food. I learned that the school system
gets locally grown onions, green peppers, sweet potatoes, and collard greens.
On Thursday I went to two new schools, Burgess-Peterson and Whitefoord Elementary. I
reported to Burgess-Peterson at 7:30 to conduct a breakfast menu compliance audit. This audit
turned out differently than the one I did on Wednesday. At this particular school I found that they
did not have the proper food in order to complete what the menu for the month said was
supposed to be served. Therefore, the cafeteria manager had to use what she had to meet the
nutritional requirements. I reported this back to my supervisor and she informed me this is an
issue that involves the food vendor. The rest of the day I completed an excel sheet with data from
the wellness survey from each school to give to the Atlanta Track Club. They are wanting to
implement a program for kids that involves running throughout the school year. I think this is a
great idea and I hope it works out!
On Friday, I went back to Whitefoord Elementary, but this time, for breakfast. The
cafeteria manager was very vocal about not having the food for the menu and about me coming
back to do another audit. In this case, I tried to stay out of the way and keep the peace. That
afternoon I complete another audit at Burgess-Peterson for lunch. Once I was finished I went
back to the office and finished the spreadsheet for Atlanta Track Club. Then I had a meeting at 2
pm with the Menu Compliance Specialists from each of the 5 school clusters. The meeting went
very well and I found a lot of clarity from it about my schedule and role in the meal compliance
jobs. After the meeting I put all of my information together and submitted my menu compliance
audit synopsis for the day. Next week we have planned for me to cover four different schools for
audits. I look forward to visiting new schools!

Internship Weekly Journals

KINS 4306 – Internship, Summer 2019
Week #5
Weekly Hours
6/10/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
6/11/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
6/12/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
6/13/2019 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM (9 hours)
6/14/2019 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM (9 hours)
Total Weekly Hours: 45 hours
Total Hours to Date: 156 hours
Monday morning at 7:30 I went to a new school, Parkside Elementary, to complete a
breakfast menu audit. They did well. They met each requirement of, 2 servings of grains, 1 fruit,
and milk. They had the choice of packaged waffles or pancakes, cereal, and a package of graham
crackers. Therefore, this was considered a reimbursable meal and in compliance with school
nutrition standards. Then I went to the office. I was asked to submit 3 more applications for the
Wellness Evaluation Surveys on behalf of the 3 schools. I entered this data on to my master excel
sheet and adjusted the totals in relation to how the schools answered the survey. With these new
additions to the overall total of response, I adjusted the percentages calculated for the SY 19
Local School Wellness Evaluation Report.
At 11 I went to Burgess-Peterson to conduct a lunch audit. They also met requirements.
One of the requirements is a student can either choose a fruit juice or a fruit. At Burgess-Peterson
the children did not have the option of a fruit, so their fruit juice counted as a fruit. I do not agree
with this requirement. I believe a fruit juice and a fruit cannot be interchangeable. After this I
edited and retyped the Locally Grown Annual Report SY19. This reported summarized and
showed the data on locally grown produce used in the school district. At 1:30 I went to a
meeting at Drew Charter School with my supervisor. The point of this meeting was to meet with
an administrative staff member who wanted to implement student wellness ambassadors into her
school. They came up with a lot of creative and useful ideas for the upcoming school year to
encourage the kids to eat health and exercise on a regular basis. The last part of my day consisted
of submitting my daily audit synopsis and proofreading SY 20 Local School Wellness Plans.
On Tuesday I spent the first half of the day doing breakfast and lunch menu compliances
at 3 different schools. Each one went well and was in compliance. I am starting to get the hang of
how they are done and what my responsibilities are in reporting my findings. I still enjoy going
to visit the different schools. Once I got back to the office I was asked to research nutritional and
healthy eating websites for employees and provide a summary for each. These websites will be
shared with the teachers and employees of all APS to help encourage healthy eating.
On Wednesday I attended an APS Administrative Leadership Retreat. This retreat has
been going on since Monday, but this was my Friday day attending and the last day of the retreat.
There we many different speakers, the superintendent, and administrative worker from Chick-fil-
A to teach their SERVE model. APS’s vision is, a high performing school district where students
love to learn, educators inspire, families engage and the community trusts the system. APS’s
superintendent on how APS is improving in all aspects through graduation rates, teacher and
school attendance. Mrs. Hall from Chick-fil-A shared Great leader qualities: SERVE 1. See and
shape the future-have and sharing a vision; make vision a team sport. Communicant vision by
saying it often, with pictures and satay, and with writing. 2. Engage and develop others: engage
the head, heart, hands and understanding human needs. 3. Reinvent continuously. 4. Value
results and relationships. 5. Embody the values. The rest of the afternoon there were about 3
other speakers talking about leadership qualities. At the end of the conference we packed enough
bags of school supplies to fill about 2,500 backpacks to give to the children in APS. This was a
very rewarding thing I was honored to participate in.
Thursday, Ms. Rice picked me up very early to attend a Summer Institute Conference at
Kennesaw State University campus. This conference was with other PE and Health teachers from
all over the United States. First we were shown evidence of the positive impact exercise has on
your brain and how important it is to bring action into the classroom inorder to help get a child's
brain “going” to learn. After this we met a man and woman from Kansas with the company
OPEN (Online, Physical, Education, Network). They taught us many skills and games to play to
help get all the kids interacting and staying focused on the activities. Most of the games also
included a nutrition aspect. For example, when playing tag we you got “out” you had to go over
to the side and do a plank until another person who was still in the game came over and asked
you to name a vegetable. Once a vegetable was named the student can be allowed to return to the
game. They also incorporated using MyPlate into activities. This was very helpful to see how
important not only nutrition is to students, but physical activity time during school.
On Friday I had a very busy day. I was working with Mrs. Issa and she gave me the task
of contacting 15 schools to get the numbers of students fed for breakfast, lunch and snack, for the
entire week. I was able to get into contact with some of the schools over the phone. If I could not
reach the school it was my responsibility to go to each school to speak with the cafeteria
managers to get their numbers. The managers are usually not supposed to leave until 2 PM, but I
found some tend to split out early. I was able to fill in the spreadsheet for all but 4 of the schools
numbers. Today is the last day my supervisor will be here until July 16th because of vacation. I
am sad and apprehensive to see her go, but I am glad she is able to go on vacation.

Internship Weekly Journals

KINS 4306 – Internship, Summer 2019
Week #6
Weekly Hours
6/17/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
6/18/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
6/19/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
6/20/2019 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM (9 hours)
6/21/2019 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM (9 hours)
Total Weekly Hours: 45 hours
Total Hours to Date: 201 hours
Monday was my first day while my supervisor was on vacation. I am now working under
Mrs. Issa, doing a lot of work with summer feeding a menu compliances. Monday morning at
7:30 I conducted a menu compliance audit at Burgess-Peterson Elementary. Afterwards I went
into the office to report my findings in an audit synopsis. Next it was my job to contact an
administrative worker for DIVE. DIVE is a summer feeding program that is going to step and
feed 6 summer school programs on June 28th. I contacted her to get her schedule for June 18 and
19. This was necessary to do because she needs to conduct a pre-op visit and training over June
18th and 19th inorder for her company to serve to those schools. At 10:30 I went to Parkside
Elementary to conduct a lunch audit. Once I got DIVE’s administrative worker’s schedule, I
called each school to give them a date and time for their pre-op visit and training.
On Tuesday morning at 7:30 I visited Whitefoord Elementary to conduct another
breakfast audit, everything was in compliance. At 8:15 I went to Dunbar Elementary, for the first
time. I was asked by Mrs. Issa to visit that school because she was going to visit other schools
for a pre-op visit and training. This audit also was in compliance. When I got back to the office I
reported my findings in a synopsis and prepared for my next audit at 10:30 at Coan. After going
to Coan, I had another audit at Garden Hills Elementary at 11:15. My day was very busy and on
the go. After going to Garden Hills, I drove to Coretta Scott King Girls Academy to drop of three
posters that are required to be in the classroom if a meal is being brought to the classroom. After
this it was time for me to go back to the office and report my lunch audits for the day.
On Wednesday and Thursday most of my time was spent reviewing curriculum for
elementary school. These topics included locomotor and nonlocomotor skills, building a
foundation, etc. I also spent time observing and learning more about the curriculum writing
process from Ms. Rice and many of the physical education teachers from multiple schools across
the district. From what I understand, there is a new boss over Ms. Rice. This week she had a
meeting with her to go over a couple lessons plans completed this summer. The new boss was
very strict and does not fully understand what the PE/Health curriculum writers are doing. She
made many changes to what they have previously worked so hard on. The writers are now going
back in to make the changes.
Friday I came into the office early to complete a task Ms. Stone had emailed me to help
her with. I was able to complete this task on time and emailed it back to her that morning. Next I
checked my email because cafeteria managers are emailing me their daily numbers of children
who ate breakfast, lunch and snack. I started to compile those numbers to add to the master excel
sheet. Once I added in the numbers in my email I started to reach out to the cafeteria managers
whose numbers I did not have. Most of them, upon calling, answered and gave me their numbers
over the phone. There were about 3 schools who did not pick up the phone. It was my job to go
to these schools to collect their numbers for the week. I was able to get all the numbers needed
from each of the schools. After, I headed back to the office to organize and record all the weekly
numbers on the spreadsheet.

Internship Weekly Journals

KINS 4306 – Internship, Summer 2019
Week #7
Weekly Hours
6/24/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
6/25/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
6/26/2019 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM (10 hours)
6/27/2019 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM (9 hours)
6/28/2019 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM (10 hours)
Total Weekly Hours: 47
Total Hours to Date: 248
Monday started off by going to Garden Hills Elementary at 7:30 AM to complete a
breakfast audit. They served packaged pancakes, cereal, graham crackers, fruit, juice and milk.
This meal met the compliance of 2 servings of grains, 1 serving of fruit, and 1 serving of milk. I
do want to see more fresh food options and less packaged and processed foods served to the
children. Unfortunately, I have learned is this a lot easier said than done. Once completed, I
went back to the office to report my data onto the master excel sheet. Then it was time to do two
more lunch audits at Coan Middle School and Burgess-Peterson Elementary. Both were also in
compliance. Next I went back to the office to do an audit synopsis for each of the schools. I also
scanned in my written audits to email to Mrs. Issa. It is also my job to go through Field
Trip/Sack Lunch Request Forms and log that information. Mrs. Issa left me know that she has
another project I will be working on soon, but has not had time to go over it with me yet. I am
looking forward to seeing what this new project will be.
Once again I had two audits to do in the first half of the day. One breakfast at Parkside
Elementary and one lunch at Whitefoord Elementary. Both audits went well and met the
requirements. At Whitefoord I noticed an actual fruit was not offered with the meal, instead they
had juice as a replacement. This does meet the requirements of the audits I am doing, but I would
rather see the children eating a fruit option. At most schools the children are offered white milk
and chocolate milk, but in preschool they do not have the option of chocolate. I think this is a
good thing to implement. Chocolate milk has more sugar and less nutritional benefits. At the
office I completed my audit reports, scanned and submitted my findings. The department head,
Dr. Hughes, came by my desk to ask me to do some research on other urban school menus
around the country and compare them to APS’s menus. This will be a very interesting task to
learn more about how other schools are operating their food services.
On Wednesday I went into the office early to do more research on the different public
school district nutrition programs around the country. This consisted of most of my morning and
into my lunch. I also collected weekly numbers of children who have eaten. Wednesday was a
very slow day with not too many exciting things going on. I learned that the school district is
closed from July 1st- 7th. During this time off I will be working full days, to keep up with my
hours, on assigned tasks and research for my final project. On Thursday I made phone calls to all
the schools in cluster 3 and the schools I have been working with to get their numbers for the
week. I usually do this on Friday, but today was the last day for many of them camps in APS.
Mrs. Issa has been very busy going to multiple schools a day to go through the close out
procedures. I also finished up my research on the menus for other public schools districts. I
found out some interesting information about other schools around the nation doing Harvest of
the Month, like APS. This is where a school will feature a local harvest item on the menu for the
children to eat.
On Friday I sat at the front desk to take calls and let people into the building. My project
that Mrs. Issa has me working on is to input end of the year data into excel sheets. She said we
will regroup and go over this to start after the holiday. I am looking forward to help her out with
a new project. My job at the front was to let people in on the monitor, answer phone calls, direct
visitors where they need to go, and I made copies for 34 different schools of inventory reports.
These inventory report needed to be copied because they are turned into Aramark, the food
supplier for the schools. It was a very different task than what I usually do. I also had the chance
to complete the weekly counts of children who ate this week and the menu similarities excel. The
office is excited for the holiday week! Over the break I will work on my project and data

Internship Weekly Journals

KINS 4306 – Internship, Summer 2019
Week #8
Weekly Hours
7/1/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
7/2/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
7/3/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
7/4/2019 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM (7 hours)
7/5/2019 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM (9 hours)
Total Weekly Hours: 43
Total Hours to Date: 291
During my week out of the office I worked from home. Each day during the week I worked my
normal hours as I would at the office in order to keep up with my weekly hours. On Monday, Tuesday,
and Wednesday I continued to gather information on my research topics for my final project. I have found
it more difficult than I thought to find information on sustainable lunch trays and food waste. Especially,
sustainable lunch trays this is because it is a new topic and there are many components and companies
that supply these trays. I have found that some trays advertise not using a chemical called PFAS. This
chemical coats a tray inorder for it to be “nonstick.” It is said that this chemical is harmful to have on
trays where food is served, but the downside is that these trays are not biodegradable. On the other hand,
there are companies who have trays that are biodegradable, but still have the chemicals on them. I will
continue to do more research on this topic. Regarding the topic of the benefits of consumption of beef, I
have found a lot of information. It is very important for these growing, impoverished children in the
Atlanta Public School District to have access to as much food choices as possible. Some nutritional
benefits of consuming beef are “Protein- builds bones, muscles, cartilage, and skin; zinc- boosts the
immune system and promotes wound healing; vitamin B12- promotes normal blood functions and helps
keep the nervous system healthy; selenium- protects the body against damage by acting as an antioxidant;
and phosphorus- helps build and maintain strong bones and teeth; supports tissue growth. During this
time I also compiled data a food waste study done at one of the schools in the district. This taught me a lot
about how a cafeteria operates when disposing of food.
On Thursday and Friday, I added a lot to my final presentation powerpoint to get the format and
add information. This helped me visualize how much more I needed to add on to my presentation in order
to meet the requirements. Over the course of these two days I received multiple emails from a lot of
cafeteria managers with their meal count numbers for the three days of camps they at the schools from
Monday to Wednesday. I updated the master spreadsheet for each of the schools. Lastly, I reached out to
the three other cluster managers in the Nutrition Department to get their school cluster’s numbers also to
add them as well to the master sheet.

Internship Weekly Journals

KINS 4306 – Internship, Summer 2019
Week #9
Weekly Hours
7/8/2019 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM (9 hours)
7/9/2019 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM (9 hours)
7/10/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
7/11/2019 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM (9 hours)
7/12/2019 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM (9 hours)
Total Weekly Hours: 45
Total Hours to Date: 336
Starting on Monday, I was supposed to report to Mrs. Pam Jones who is another Cluster Manager
like Mrs. Issa. This is because Mrs. Issa is on vacation until the end of next week. Over Monday and
Tuesday I was in the office for most of the day doing research and organizational tasks for Mrs. Jones.
One of these tasks included making more copies of the June Final inventory count for all the schools in
the district. Many different parts of the Nutrition Department need these copies, like financial, food
supplier, ect. I also had to alphabetize all of these copies by school name. This took a lot of time and I
also found it more difficult than would be expected because it is hard to keep up with so many sheets of
paper and keep the schools in order. Each inventory packet for a school was at least 15 pages and I made
three copies of each, for about 80 schools. That is a lot of paper to keep up with. On Tuesday, I visited
two schools to get copies of their June Final because they had submitted incorrect documents.
On Wednesday, I visited 4 schools for audits. This time was a little different because express
lunches were being delivered to the schools. It was my job to conduct an audit like normal, but also check
to see if all the components where in the lunch or breakfast and check the temperature of each food after
being transported. It ended up that 2 of the schools I was told to visited were not serving breakfast or
lunch because the kids were on a field trip and they would get lunch elsewhere. After I was finished
visiting the schools I reported my findings. After eating my lunch at the office, a coworker told me that
there was a taste test going on for the food that will be served at the Back to School Bash. She showed me
where it was and I was able to try many different foods! They were serving a gumbo and rice, carne asada
taco, chicken fajita slider, yogurt and granola parfait, smoothie and a turkey and cheese patty. All of the
food was very good and I was happy to be able to see what would be served at this event because it will
be happening once I have finished my internship.
Thursday I came into the office early to get some work done on my final project. I am really
struggling with my topic and the information around it. Lately, I have been rethinking some things. I need
to come to a conclusion as soon as possible because my presentation is coming up. Afterwards, I went to
a new school, King Middle School, do to a lunch audit. I went to this school because Mrs. Issa is out of
town so I offered to pick up some of her schools that are hosting summer programs. Also, for the rest of
the summer the meals provided are transported from one school. This means I need to take the
temperature of the food delivered to make sure it meets safety precautions. For the rest of the day I
organized the audits I had done and scheduled what schools I needed to visit on Friday. I also contacted
schools to get their weekly counts of children who ate.
Friday morning I went to another new school, Inman Samuel Middle School, to do a breakfast
audit. When I got there I was informed that there summer programs are finished. Once I got back to the
office I reported this to Mrs. Jones. There have been a couple of times where the summer power up
schedule has been different that what a school is doing. Next, I went to Parkside and completed a lunch
audit. They served a club sandwich with potato salad and fruit and carrots. After this I went to Whitefoord
and did another lunch audit. At both schools I also had to make sure they were only serving the children
white milk because they are both Pre-K programs. Children under Kindergarten only have regular milk
because of the sugar content in chocolate milk. The rest of the day I worked on some research and
collecting data, completed my audit synopsis for the week and finalized the counts of children who ate for
the week for each school.
Internship Weekly Journals
KINS 4306 – Internship, Summer 2019
Week #10
Weekly Hours
7/15/2019 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM (9 hours)
7/16/2019 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM (9 hours)
7/17/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
7/18/2019 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM (9 hours)
7/19/2019 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM (9 hours)
Total Weekly Hours: 45
Total Hours to Date: 381
Monday morning I came into the office and did some research until about lunch time. For lunch, I
went to do two audits at Parkside Elementary and King Middle. The schools are still doing express
lunches. They served sandwiches, sliced apples, and carrots. Both of the schools were in compliance with
the menu requirements. After lunch I helped Mrs. Jones for the rest of the day. She had me make copies
of about 50 schools close out inventory packets. After this I was to staple and alphabetize them. Then I
organized these packets to be put in individual binders. Then I stored all of the binders in filing cabinets.
This was a very time consuming task.
On Tuesday, my supervisor got back from her long vacation. I was very excited to see her and
have her back in the office. She first asked me to correct a Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP)
cluster list. Next I worked on an educational sheet put out by APS Nutrition about the lychee fruit. I did
research and wrote an article about the fruit. Towards the end of the day Mrs. Issa asked me to work on
the claims for reimbursement summary for the year. I recreated an excel document and went through
records of the total meals served and the total site reimbursement. This was a large task to work on that
involved many numbers. I continued to work on this assignment for the rest of the day. Dr. Hughes asked
me to organize and relocate a lot of binders and boxes to a storage closet. I would be working on this
Wednesday with two other temps. Wednesday was a quiet day in the office because most of the office
was attending a retreat all day. I spent the morning finishing the assignment for Mrs. Issa on the
reimbursement claims. That afternoon I worked with two other girls to organize this large room. The
room had a plethora of supplies, binders, holiday decorations, and much more. We were able to complete
the task and make large improvements in the storage room.
This Thursday was at the downtown corporate office of APS working with Ms. Rice with the
Health/PE Department. This was my first time going to this office building. It is a lot different than the
Nutrition Department that is attached onto a highschool. This office is near midtown Atlanta very close to
the capitol building. While I was there I was helping out Ms. Rice. I was excited to see her because we get
along very well. I worked on small organizational projects around the office. I organized and labeled
athletic shoes that were donated to the school system, I cleared out curriculum binders, organized a
storage locker, and packaged up height measuring charts to be given to the PE teachers in each school. It
was a different day than normal, but I did enjoy it. She told me that within the next week she will have
other things she will be busy with when planning a back to school conference with the teachers. I look
forward to spending more time with Ms. Rice! On Friday, all of APS was closed because of an adjusted
summer schedule. Therefore, to keep up with my hours I completed my presentation and worked on an
FFVP invoice assignment Ms. Stone had given me.
Internship Weekly Journals
KINS 4306 – Internship, Summer 2019
Week #11
Weekly Hours
7/22/2019 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM (9 hours)
7/23/2019 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM (9 hours)
7/24/2019 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM (9 hours)
7/25/2019 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM (9 hours)
7/26/2019 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM (9 hours)
Total Weekly Hours: 45
Total Hours to Date: 426
I cannot believe how quick this summer at APS has gone by. I have had such great learning and
work experiences through this hands on internship. Monday was the day of my presentation. I was very
nervous but felt prepared after researching the assigned topics throughout the whole summer. I presented
in the morning to a couple of people who work in the office, including my supervisor. It was not a large
group because this is a busy time of year for the Nutrition Department. I was happy to present to the
group because I know this information will be valuable to them when making decisions about steps to
take with reducing food waste, combating complaints about serving beef in the cafeteria, and picking a
sustainable lunch tray for the district. My presentation went smoothly. I had to upload my presentation
through YouTube because the large file could not be saved on my laptop. For the rest of the day I finished
the invoice assignment given to me last week. I organized each invoice by month, date, and school name.
Once completed, I punched holes in the documents and added them to binders, by dividing the invoices
with tabs according to month.
Tuesday morning I edited the assignment given to me a couple of weeks ago by Dr. Hughes. She
wanted me to highlight beef of urban school menus specifically in comparison to APS. This assignment
was time consuming, but I learned a lot about what other urban public schools are serving. Through this I
realized APS does not serve beef very often. Some of the other schools I came across would serve a beef
item 16 out or 21 days serving in the cafeteria. I believe this is too often to serve beef. Beef has many
nutritional benefits, but everything needs to be eaten in moderation. Next I reviewed and highlighted
important questions on the Local School Wellness Plan SY19. Ms. Susan asked me to do this because
tomorrow she will be teaching managers through a webinar and wanted to share the types of questions
asked on the Wellness Plan Survey.
On Wednesday, I came into the office early to help Ms. Susan get ready for her presentation
today to the cafeteria managers. I need to print off 34 copies each of her presentation, inventory sheets,
pre and post test, and procedural guidelines. After I created packets of each to be hole punched. Then
each packet was placed a binder and labeled with the school's name on it. Afterwards, I created 4 nutrition
education sheets on the opal apple, date, orange cauliflower, and d’Anjou pear. 2 out of the 4 produce
items I was familiar with beforehand, but I still learned more about them. I found nutritional benefits, the
history, the taste, when and where they were discovered, and much more. This was an interesting taste for
me to complete and I learned a lot. After this task I read through the powerpoint Ms. Stone was going to
present to make sure there were no errors. Ms. Stone was going to give a presentation to the cafeteria
managers about the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. Unfortunately, I was not able to sit in on the
presentation because she wanted me to work on completing the binders, which and just been shipped in.
For the rest of the day I worked on filling in the binders with the necessary information about FFVP.
On Thursday, I went to the corporate APS office, near the capitol, to work with Ms. Rice. While I
was working with Ms. Rice. I cleaned out some old binders for them to be reused this upcoming year. She
also had me make room in the storage cabinets for the filled binders. For the rest of the day I proofread
final copies of PE curriculum. I read through Units 1,2, and 3 for grades K-5. The documents only had a
couple mistakes per unit. They were common mistypes like “each” instead of “reach,” “the” instead of
“of,” and “squad” instead of “squat.” I have continued to work 9 hours a day to make up for my lost hours
from the beginning of the summer, from being sick. This had worked out nicely because when visiting
schools their breakfast usually started at 7:30. I enjoyed getting into the office early to make sure I had all
my things together before my day started with my supervisor.
As my internship comes to a close I am thinking of small thank you gifts to give to my
supervisor, the department head, Ms. Issa, the ladies I sat in a large cubicle with and Ms. Rice. This is
because I want to show my appreciation for them and allowing me to be and intern for them. I have
greatly enjoyed the Nutrition Department and my summer in Atlanta. Friday I was back at the Nutrition
Department.The first thing I worked on was making budget spreadsheet for all 34 of FFVP Elementary
Schools. After this I did reimbursable meal budget averages for each school in the district. Both of these
tasks were tricky and time consuming because I was handling a very large amount of numbers that could
be easily confused. I think composed a list of the FFVP coordinators and wellness coordinators on an
excel sheet. I sad this summer has gone by so quickly, but I am so excited for what is to come with
continuing my education and starting a career!

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