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Сoпtепts NIаp

\ oсabшiarr Grarnпlaт Еoсus Hеlp Sесtions ЕХaln FoсLls

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-j tt ::.t . it tt Pаst тепsе rсr ielr- I.Те\l rr'itil Listсninc; Pаpеr l: 't :1
'L .lr.'i1g q119ч;jrr11'
Litlkinc iгOrr]s arrсl pllrаsеs Ntitс сornрlсtitln tasks PapеI ''
2: Rе1lrlгt ivritillg
]i.T |с1сs
]]-i.i](]!jlii )Пi
-l\-1r]!lstIе\i ])сsсfibinc с1ll еvс]lt
Pареr ]: ' '1 ll\,i'||e]]\iIllI (ll|('\|illIls
SllL:]iilg: si]еtlt е t\\Bt Frill strlрs .lпсl саpilal
1с11еrs ( \\ъ )
Сklzс: рassаgс
Papеr 4: Матсiring task
Paper 5: Тalkiлg abtlut phоtogrаphs: ех1lrеssing
i]lllltОll s
Iiiiii!i!Н!,iii1, ri!t...
lсlhs Retсrеnсе skills Т{еl1lrvith раssagеs
с'1tlzе Paреr l: lntецlrеdlrg st],'lе arld inferеrrсt:
: L ]]ll].]5сs Rе]ativс l)rOIr()UПs I]еlр rvith listеnirrg: N1rrltiрlс-сhсliсе ЧLlсsllolls
:i]]i1Пg lWB) ЕхрrеssiПg саrtsе arrd геsrt]t sеtltеnсе rul]рlсtiоri taslis PaреI 2: Fсlrrтlаl 1e1tеrs
:: JrlLtb]с с()]lsollа]fts (!vB) Usсs оf tlrс arriсJе 1\\|B1
Papеr ]: Сornрrеhепsiоrr {]tlesтioПs
Сltizе раssаgе
Lonlnаs (\\B) Papеr 4: Мrrlt\llе_сhоiсе task
Paper 5: Тalking аbtltlt plrоtоgraрhs: trlrnрalitl!
& сOtrtrаsdrrg
Ехprеssing o1litrions
Disсussirlg рros trtlrl сiltls

'] L.l]lL]l1еs
:'.:l r еrbs
Rеlеrеtrсе skiШs
Tht. 1lаssir.t.
tJе\l rvith lаlkirlq аbotrt Papеr l: Rеadillg fоr пrаil.r rr.tсas

llt:1 )lts
рhоtogrарlts Papеr 2: Gilrпg орrшоns
Сomрlех sеlltеIlсеs
\\TiLirrg сorrсlusiolls
Qrtсstitлr iortls
:].]i]. с\l)Iсssi()ns WB ) Artidеs {\,Vlз)
СoIlr1lаrison аn(l сontlаst (WB

:tlц: tr'оrds L.nding h

Papеr Ссlnrprеhеnsioп qlrеstions
(WB) Makirrg suggеstiolls (WB )
сlOZс раssagс
Ссlrrесtirrq trаnslаtjorrs \\.-lf
Sutttпarl' skills (\\|B)

Papеr 4: Sеlеспig ar] аIlsl,vеI

N1rrltiplс.сhоiсс 1ask
Gеrritjvеs and аptlstrrlphеs 1WB1
Paреr 5: Erprеssiлg tlрirritltls
E.rlрrеssing likеs аrrd disjikеs

\bstIaсt nOtЦls Narrаtir,е dеr.:iссs Hеlр wiтh transIoпltatiotls ] Pаpеr l: '\1|JJljГ|с (||оi(е llt]с\|iol1\
Irjiolтrаtjr: eчlrеssiоns I]rvсrsi(ш (\4ъ)
D.tiлitiolls Paреr 2: Dеsсtiblлg pсоplеi1lсrsonаl qr:alitiеs
Usеs O1.'.r (Wts)
Р]lrasа] r'еrbs Narlativеs
5]le]lilrЧ: сtlt-tltlltltl еrrols (\\.B
Paрer }: Сonrрrеhсnsiotr quеstjOrls
Сlоzс 1lаssagе

hlvсrled с()nxnаs ( !\.B )

Srtпlrrаry' skills
Рaреr 4: sс]еdillg al] allswеl
NOtс с0mрlеtiОll Lаsk
Sеtltепсе соrnрlеtiorl tаsk
Paper 5: Таlkiлg abоut рhotоgraphs: сlеsсribilg
Talkillg aborit а раssagс
Т]i'L r r''il l" ])ji'\ сl.ht

llllt! \\roIdsтrеss 1,]',,/Jl.t].с]artsеs Iiе\l irrth taiklrg Papеr l: Reаdjлg br gist

Phrаsal r'еrbs Rеpot1еd sl)сесh
I ('lll D1сtiоnar1' skjlls
аLrL]Llt а раssi]gе Pаper 2: Birrqг' pIij.'1| Jgt1 |j1l1ig11t
Sреllflrg апd prоnulrсiatiоn 1WB R еliсr,vs
Papеr 3: Сltlzе pessagе
.Ul1|]jIс| |сl1t.l'l l l|||('\|il )n\
Papеr 4: Mr:lri1l]е.сhоiсе tаsk
Sеntсuсt сОIllрlстi()1l tasl(
x{atсlring lаsk
PapеI 5: Ехprеssirrg орirrions

F' ..::;
Vосabulary Grammar Foсus неlp sесtions Ехarn Foсus
.';.il:rt'rl:..,.'r t'lt :lt:i.. :::l.j..i;;l..*i.Ё:l::li:]1lii=.1i::*;1i:.L=l]:-i+.J]]1;i l:-:::у|{'l!ii!'ji!.i;{

] Rесоrd kееpir.rg Сonditionals Hеlp with tlалsformations 2 Paper 1: Rсading foт spссifiс infоrтnation
::.:liсll Prеfixеs Gеntnds & irfinitivе (\^.B) Papеr 2: Narratjvеs
:jjlo1ogY Phrasal vсrbs Иho,ry\hoп1 (\NB) Paper 3: Сlozе pаssagе
Sреlling: prооf rеading (WB) Summary skills
Сопtprеhеttsiоп quе\|iОl)\ (\\в )

Paper 4: Sеntеnсе сomplеnon task

Notе соmрlеtion task
Paper 5: Tаlking aЬout pеrsonal abilitiеs
Тalkiл g аbuu l photogтаph s:
сomралiлg 6 ( onl rаi]iЛg

- Sl.nonyms lrlvеrsions Hеlр with surПnary Paрer l: l\,lultiplе-сhoiсе quеstions

. ]'le<ion Аdicпiwcs Gеrund & illlinitivе (\^ъ) w.riting Papеr 2: Giving opiлions
::: Prеtjхеs \\iishеs & Iеgrеts (\4B) Е
'.ff ^]i
ti.1l i^n /..' ,'рrе55lлв сonсe5slol l
struсturе Words (WB) Paper 3: сompIеhеnsion quеstions
Сlоzе рassagе
Сommas in сlausеs (\4rB1 Paper 4: N{atсhing tаsk
Notе сomplеtion task
Papеr 5: TЫking abоut photographs: ехprеssing
Dеvеlopir.rg a topiс
]ыking about a рassagе

Dеtinitions Rсporting vеrbs ('v\B) неlр with gap-fiu Papеr l: ]\4uitiple-фoiсe quеstions (\4ъ)
::jllеs Idioms sеntеnсеs Paper 2: Rерofi WTiting
ra l:,ln Languagе оf dесеption Sфе & rеgistет
Phrasа] vеrbs Writing aпiсlеs
Pтovеrbs (\4B) Pаpеr }: Сomрrеhеn'ion quesdons
SpеlLing (\\.B) С1ozе passagе
Gaр-fill quеstions (\4{B)
Summary skills ('v\E)
Paper 4: Мatсhing task
sеn |еnсе соmnlегiоn та>k
Papеr 5: TЫking about photographs: еrprеssing
Disсussing vаluеs
lа|KtЛg аDotlТ
^L^''. а^ _^..

:..: .lf rvork Idiomatiс еrTlсssions Rеfеrеnсе skil]s Papеr l: A4ultiplе-сhoiсе quеstions
,.]-]]еnlь Nоttпs [оптеd [тоm рhrаsa Quеstiоns tags (иts) Reading fоr grst (WB)
: эpp1iсations vеrbs So/пor/пеithеr \wB) Papеr 2: Fоrmаl 1еttеrs
Businеss tеrns Prеdiсtivе solиol (\^.B) Disсursivе Wnting
Wсlrdstrеss Papеr }: Сlozе passagе
SpеlJing: сolшnon еrrors (\^B) .l)mnrehcn\ion пt lсsгjotLь
Summary skills ('v\B)
Papеr4: МuJтiplе-сhоiсеqUеqlion\
s(.n|еnсс соmnlсtiоn tаsk
Paреr 5: TЫking abоut рhotographs: disсussing
a iask
TЫking abоut a passagе


Phrasal verbs Noun phтasеs Papеr l: Мttltiplе-сhоiсе quеstions

: <ilt ldiomatiс ехpтеssions Papеr 2: A promotional lеaflеt
Dеtinitions Dеsсribiпg a plaсе
Group nоLlns (\\B) сlIootlng yottr соmрosiLion
Тopiс- spесiliс lехis i\4B ) Pаpеr 3: Сumрrеhеnsiun quе5lions
SpеlJjng: рroof rеading (\4B) Summary skills
Сlоzе passagе
Gap-fili sеntеnсеs (\4B)
Papеr 4: task
Мultiplе-сhoiсе qllсstions
Papеr 5: lЫking abоut рhotographs: disсttssing
an rssuе
lЫking abоut a passagе

This bоok is dеsignеd to hеlp you prерarе for all aspесts Pаpеr З Usе of Епglish (2 hours)
of thе Profiсiеnсy ехamination. Еaсh unit in thе book
This papеr tеsts your knowlеdgе and сontrol of thе
lnсludеs a widе variеty of tasks and ехеrсisеs, all
Еnglish languagе. Thеrе arе two sесtions. Sесtiоn A is
dеsignеd to hеlр you to dеvеlop your voсabulary and
dividеd intо four parts.
praсtisе thе rеading, writing. listеning and spеaking
skll1s you nееd to pass thе ехamination.
o Сlozе passagе. Thеrе is a Hеlр sесtion on pagеs 27_29
and ехamplеs of this task in еvеry unit of thе book.
Thеrе arе Hеlp Sесtions throughout thе book whiсh givе o sеntеnсе transformations. Thеrе is a Hеlp sесtion on
adviсе and praсtiсе in dеaling with еaсh t1pе of quеstion pages 7 5-77 .
you will havе to answеr in thе еxamination and furthеr
praсtiсе of thе Usе оf Еnglish ехеrсisеs сan bе found in о I(еy word transformations. Thеrе is a Hеlp sесtion on
thе Ехаm Praсtiсе Sесtion at thе еnd of еaсh unit. pagеs 1 |6_||7.
о Gap-fill sеntеnсеS. Thеrе is a Hеlp sесtion on pagе l56.
Thе sеparatе worlФook providеs lots of furthеr рraсtiсе
in thе arеas of grammar, voсabulary and writing skills, Sесtion B соntains a passagе of around 550-650 words
as wеll as giving thе opрortunity for furthеr praсtiсе of followеd by сomprеhеnsion quеstions. Thеrе arе
thе ехam-stylе tasks and ехеrсisеs. еxamplеs оf thеsе quеStions on rеading tехts throughout
thе book.
Bеlоw is a dеsсription of thе Profiсiеnсy еxamination.
N{оrе information is availablе in thе wоrkbook. I hopе A final task in this sесtion is to writе a summary,
you еnjoy using this book and that yоu arе suссеssful basеd on onе aspесt of thе argumеnt put forward in thе
in thе еxaminatiоn. passagе. Thеrе is a Hеlp with Summary writing sесtion
on pagе l26.
Thе Сеrtifiсаtе of Profiсieпcу in Епglish
Pаpеr 4 Listепiпg
Thе Profiсiеnсy ехamination is takеn by pеoplе in ovеr
This papеr tеsts your undеrstanding of thrее or {our
70 сountriеs all ovеr thе world. It is thе highеst lеvеl
listеning tеxts whiсh arе playеd on a сassеttе tapе. Тhе
ехamination in Еnglish as a Forеign Languagе offеrеd
tеХts arе around thrее minutеs long and you hеar еaсh
by thе Univеrsity of Сambridgе.
onе twiсе. Thеrе arе a total of 25_3О quеstions.
Thе ехamination has fivе papеrs' Thеy сan bе Quеstions arе likеly to inсludе:
summarizеd as follows: o multiplе-сhоiсе quеstions
. notе сomplеtion and sеntеnсе сomplеtion tasks
Pаpеr 1 Rеаdiпg Сomprеhепsioп (1hour)
. truе/falsе and matсhing tasks
This papеr is dividеd into two sесtions. Thе first
SеСtion tеsts your knowlеdgе of voсabulary, сollосatiоn Тhеrе arе Hеlр with Listеning sесtions on pagеs 16-17
and othеr aspесts of usagе through multiplе-сhoiсе and 34 and ехamplеs of a1l thеsе task typеs on listеning
gap-fill quеstions. Ехamplеs of thеsе quеstions сan bе tехts throughout thе book.
found at thе bеginning of еaсh Еxam Praсtiсе Sесtion
in this book. Pаpеr 5 Spеаkiпg (15 miпutеs аpproхimаtеIу)
Thе sесond Sесtion tеSts сomplеhеnsion of gist, сontеnt, This рapеr tеsts youl ability to disсuss and сommеnt on
tonе and rеgistеr in passagеs of writtеn Еnglish. Thеrе issuеs and еХprеSS opinions. Thеrе arе thrее mаin parts
arе thrее tеxts of bеtwееn 350 and 550 words in lеngth, to thе tеst around a сеntlal thеmе.
with around fivе multiplе-сhoiсе quеstions on еaсh. о Dеsсribing and сomparing a sеt of thеmatiсally linkеd
Thеrе arе еxamр1еs of thеsе quеstions on rеading tехts photograрhs. Thеrе is a Hеlp sесtion on pagеs 46-47
throughout thе book. and many oрportunitiеs to praсtisе this throughout
thе book.
Pаpеr 2 Сompositioп (2 hours)
. To сommеnt on a short rеading рassagе rеlatеd to thе
In this papеI you havе to writе two сornpositiоns of thеmе. Thеrе is a Hеlp sесtion on pagеs 92-93 and
bеtwееn 300 and 350 words from a сhoiсе of fivе. many opportunitiеs to praсtisе this throughout thе
Еxaminеrs who mark thе сompositions givе сrеdit for book.
good organizaIion, task fulfilmеnt, and thе quality and о Tо takе part in a brоadеr disсussion rеlatеd to thе
rangе of languagе usеd. Еxamplеs of markеd thеmе' Thеrе arе many oрportunitiеs to praсtisе suсh
сomрositions сan bе found on pagеs 201-20з. tasks throughout thе book.

... : :. , a. :.a,.|.t:,t,t:,lttt::.:t:,'tl::,,1t,,1...,:a.,.t:,tt.Lt:tt.:..tt,ttattt,,t'

Ехprеssiпg оpiпioпs
l Talk to yollr partnсr about
your favouritе food:
o why ytlri likе it
о whеn you likе ttl еat it
о hсlw it should bе prеparеd
thе imрilrtanсе of thеsе things in fоod

tastе сo1our tеХturе

smеl1 tеmpеratltrе рrеsеntatiOn

Somе visitors from ovеrsеas arе

сoming ttl visit your arеa fоr а
|''' dtru
udy '^l vvollL LU'r'^,]
rrlrt outаhtlut
thе loса1 сuisinе. What would you
rесommеnd thсy еat? Talk about:

rеStaulants brеaklast
snaсks bars
lunсh :

dinnеr homе сooking
-- g; :.-.t,.i
What do thеsе tеrms mеаn?
a сonvеniеnсе foсld
tr fast food
с hеаlth [ооd ,'*ъ
What dо уou think of
lhе5с lуре5 tl[ loodl
|3wж UNlт .l Sign of thе Timеs

*'жp'*1?;:& з
Ж x Look at this hеadlinе. What do yott think thе аrtiсlе is going to bе about?
ж2 Rеad quiсkiy to find out what haрpеnеd in еaсh of thеsе yеars or dесadеs

1 880s \904 1921 1950s 1960s 197Оs 1980s 1990s

Crisis flxa & Sesa}X}e Eшn

DЕSPITЕ TнЕ BAD putrliсitу surrounding gardеn, tlut likе all things Arnеriсan whеr:
.Ailad Cow Disеasе' in thе 1990s, thе еxportеd it has bееn dеbasеd and pеrvеrtеd.
harnburgеr rеrnains an iсon fоr thе twеntiеth
сеntury. In its provеnanсе, preparation,
Thе harnburgеr Гl.rst еntеrеd Britis;l
сonsсiousnеss as part of thе post-sесonс
purсhasе and vеrу plaсе of сonsurnption it
world war spеnding sprее' whеn bееf bесam-
tеlls in rniсroсosm thе history of thе сеntury.
a syrrrЬol of thе nеw prospеritу. Whеn in th.
In еaсh dесadе its сharaсtеr and its imagе latе 1950s thе frozen bееfburgеr \\.e!
subtly rеflесtеd thе shifting fashions and introduсеd (rеnarnеd to avoid unnесеssar..
prеoссupations of the еra.
quеstions about whу it did not tastе of haгn
Its origins arе сloakеd in an unсеrtaintу that thе thin littlе сakе of tlland ru.lrbеry meat \\.а!
onlу assists its status as a сharaсtеrlеss objесt a glarnour produсt. It was sornеhow forеi._..
to whiсh еaсh gеnеration rnaу add whatеvеr and, of сoursе' ftozen, whiсh was then th.
rеlish it сhoosеs. Its сonnесtions with the hеight of nеw tесhnolo,gy. It was thе Гrrst .-:
Gеrrnan сitу of Harnburg arе unсlеar. thе nеw rangе of .сonvеniеnсе' foods ч-lriс:.
Although еvеrу сulinary сivilization has had werе about to rnakе thе rr-orld a bеtте: :.-..
sornе forrn of ground rnеat pattУ' rnost food and bеgin thе libеration of rr.оmеn :.;'l .-:..
historians do aссеpt a link with thе drudgеrу of homе-сooking and housеrr с,:s
еponyпrous Baltiс port. Тhе oldеr gеnеration did not apрro\-е. rl-l:::.
Thus thе harnburgеr еntеrs histоrу as thе rnade it all thе tlеttеr. In thе Siх:i-. :-,.
plain but honеst food of poor but arnbitious hamburger Was a symbol of thе tесhl ... -
irnrnigrants to thе Unitеd Statеs. Indееd pеrfесtly сirсular and strеam]inеd. I: -.i..j: :.
aссording to onе food ехpеrt it had its origins uniforrn and rеlеntlеsslу prediсtalэlе аs -.-
in thе farе of a Gеrrnan-ownеd shipping linе thе latеst tесhnology сould makе it.
on whosе vеssеls in thе 1880s, Harnburg bееf Тrue, therе wеrе thosе who rеbеllеd а..::l.:
was rninсеd and thеn rniхеd with it, but to rтrost the hamburgеr \\.;s
brеadсrurnbs' еggs and onions and sеrvеd rеflесtion of thе national lovе aflЪiт ',, : *-
with brеad. Arnеriсana. It was a phеnomеnon rr.hiсJ: .,r ..
But it was at the \Arorld Fair in St Louis in rтradе flеsh in Sеvеntiеs London rr.iй -.:'-
1904 that it first beсamе a sуrnbol of rnass- trendу burgеrs of thе Grеat Amеri;...
produсеd сuisinе. It was thеrе that thе bun Disastеr and thе Hard Roсk Cafё. and *.
was first introduсеd and thе rеsult was wildlу пrany othеr сitiеs round thе world.
pоpular. Soon aftеr, in |921., the first In thе Еighties anothеr sutrtlе shift oссurrе;
harnburgеr сhain Was еstablishеd. But Pеoplе bесarтrе awarе that Arrrеriсa \l.as n'
gеnerally thе burgеr rеrnainеd a wholеsornе longеr anothеr plaсе but a сulturе whiсh ha;
hornе-rnadе dish. oldеr Amеriсans still sprеad throughout thе world. And thе
сhеrish сhildhood rnеrnoriеs of A4'trrn harnburgеr bесarnе globalizеd, too' in thе
grinding good frеsh stеak and, aftеr adding form of A{сDonald's. With its Us homе
оnion and sеasoning, taking thе rеsult rnarkеt, likе thе fat in its burgеrs, hеar.ilr
straight out to thе сharсoal grill in thе saturatеd, A{сDonald's lookеd abroad. Br-thе
Sigп of thе Timеs UNlт 1

ж3 Now rеad thе artiсlе аgain and answеr thеsе quеstions.

l Еxplаin in your оwn words what is mеant by thе рhrasе
llаtllbrtrgсг rеtllаins аt-l iсtltl for thе twеntiеth сеntury,. (linеs
In your own words, еxрlain why thе writеr rеgards thе
,сharaсtеrlеSs, objесt.
hamburgеr as an еssеntially
,thе ерonymous Baltiс
Whаt is rеfетrеd tо by thе рhrasе
p()rt,? (linе l7-l8)
4 Whаt is thе ,rеsult. rеfеrrеd to in linе 3l?
,dеbasеd and
5 In what way has thе hamburgеr bееn
pеrvеrtеd,? (linе 4l)
6 What is a ,spеnding sprее,? (linе 44)
еnd of thе Еightiеs it had
grown to suсh a sizе that 7 Ехplain in your own words why thе hamburgеr was
evеry day 28 rnillion glolral rеnamеd ,bееfburgеr, in Britain in thе l950s.
,a glamour
сitizеns atе thеrе and thе Big What is mеant in this сontехt by thе phrasе
Maс bесamе omnipresеnt. рroduсt,? (linе 50)
MсDonald's stоrrnеd thе Why is thе word ,сonvеniеnсе. in linе 53 in quotation
world, tlut its suссеssеs also marks?
drew upon it in thе Ninеtiеs
thе сritiсisrns whiсh wеrе l0 What do you undеrstand about thе writеr.s viеw of Britain
lеvеllеd at that еra. Food from thе phrasе ,thе national lоvе affair with Amеriсana,?
ехpеrts bеgan to sее thе (linеs 65-66)
world's сhanging сulinarу ll Why did МсDопаld,s dесidе to Oреn branсhеs outsidе thе
tastеs as a syrnbol of what is USA?
\{,,rong with thе nеw ,snaсking on thе hоof,? (linе
сonsurnеrism. .Thе harn- L2 Whаt is mеant by thе phrаsе
burgеr is a mеtaphor for our l03) Whу is this рhrasе рaltiсularly apprорriatе to thе artiсlе?
timеs _ сhеap' сonvеniеnt l3 Whу doеs thе author Сomparе
,Мad Pеrson Disеasе, with
and an indiсation that wе
winning thе National Lottеry?
havе givеn up anу rеal
intеfеst in what wе еat,' said
thе lеading food writеr ***e *. In thе еxam it is important to answеr thе сomprеhеnsion
quеstions in thе Сorrесt way. Look bасk at your answеIs to
Franсеs Bissell, larnеnting
thе trеnds of our inсreasinglу
quеStions 1- 13.
obеsе soсiеty tоwards Havе you writtеn a сomplеtе SеntеnСе for еaсh аnswеr?
snaсking on thе hoof or Doеs your sеntеnсе answеr thе quеstion сomрlеtеly?
bеforе thе Tv instеad of
еating propеr mеals. Havе you usеd your own words?
Thеn along сarnе .-Nl[ad Cow
Disеasе' and еven though thе Look at thеsе thrее answеrs to quеstion l3. Whiсh is bеst?
avеfagе pеrson was told thеy Wl'ry?
had morе сhanсе of winning a Bесаusе thеу аrе similаr.
thе National LottеrУ than
сontraсting .Allad Pеrson b Thе аuthоr wапts t0 show thаt pеоplе (Irе vеry uпlikеlу tо сопtrасt
,Маd Pеrsоп Disеаsе, .
Disеase', with it сaffrе thе
drеadful rеalization that thе с Thе аvеrсIgе pеrsтп wаs told thеу hаd morе сhапсе of wiппiпg
сhеap, сonvеniеnt, еasy Waу thе I'{аtiопаl Lтttеrу thап сoпtrасtiпg Pеrsoп Disеаsе,.
out might' in thе еnd, turn
out to bе nonе of thеse Whеn аnswеring сomprеhеnsion quеstions, RЕA4ЕAABЕR to:
thii.ss. o usе сomрlеtе Sеntеnсеs;
o uSе your own words;
о еxplain еxaсtly what уou mеan.

UNlт .l Sign of the Timеs

... 1:;.:; 1:;;,

-:,,...,,.,r,., |.,..|....,:,|'..,||.':,:...|...'||::.:..|,..'|:|.:.|||',::.|:..:.,......|.|..:.'.|..',|.i|||.:|:,:|.:'|}.:,*||:|:|.':||.',

Сhoosе thе bеst dеfinition A, B or С for еaсh of thеsе words from thе artiсlе.
l рrovеnanсе (linе 4)
A rаngе of ingrеdiеnts B plaсе of оrigin С numbеr of variеtiеs
2 рrеoссupations (linе 9)
A spесiаl dеvеlopmеnts B rесltrrеnt problеms С раrtiсular intеrеsts
3 farе (linе 23)
A food providеd рriсе of thе tiсkеt C tyре of journеy
4 whоlеsomе (linе 34)
A trаditionаl B ordinary С hеalthy

5 сhеrish (linе 36)

A vaiuе B сonfеss to С mеntion

6 bland (iinе 49)

A soft tеХturеd B lасking in tastе С palе сolourеd
7 drudgеry (linе 56)
A lonеlinеss B long hours С dull work
8 omniрrеsеnt (linе 83)
A wеll-rеgardеd B rеasсlnably priсеd C found еvеrywhеrе

9 lamеnting (linе l00)

A сritiсising B rеgrеtting C dеsсribing

l0 obеsе (iinе 102)

A ovеrstrеssеd B ovеrworkеd С ovеrwеight

| : ,'.' ,.: ..':, ': .

|,::.: Look at this phrasе from thе artiсiе.
tеlls iп llliсrосоsm thе histоrу оf thе сспturу,
What do you undеrstand by thе tеrm ,miсroсosm.?

In your own wоrds. ехplain how thе hamburgеr сhangеd to suit thе fashions
of diffеrеnt реriods of thе twеntiеth Сеntllly' Writе no morе than l00 words.
Usе thе quеstions bеlow to hеip you struсturе your Summary.
l What do wе know about thе hamburgеr at thе bеginning of thе сеntury?
2 What important thing startеd in thе I92Оs?
3 What madе hamburgеrs poрular in Britain in thе 1950s. l960s and I970s?
4 Whаt did haшburgеrs сOmс to symbolizе in thе 1980s and 1990s?
Нow wiil you link thе idеas togеthеr? Look at thе wоrds and рhrasеs in thе
boх. Саn you usе any of thеsе in your summary?

first latеr originally morе rесеntly lvhеn

bеforе at first aftеr thаt sinсе
Sigп of thе Timеs uNlт 1 ж

,;*&&8&*&& з
Rеview of pаst tеnsеs
l Look at thе artiсlе on pagеs 2 aпd,3 again. For еaсh paragraрh, look through
quiсkly and dесidе what tеnsе most Of thе main vеrbs аrе in (е.g. simplе
prеsеnt, past simplе, рrеsеnt реrfесt, еtс.). Why is еaсh tеnsе apрropIiatе to
еaсh рaragraph?
2 Find Somе еХamplеs of thе prеsеnt pеrfесt and рast pеrfесt tеnsеs in thе
artiсlе. Undеrlinе thеm.
Whу has this tеnsе bееn usеd in еaсh сasе?

.:э4'N Put thе vеrbs in braсkеts into thе сorrесt tеnsе (рrеsеnt simplе, рrеsеnt
pеrfесt, simp1е рast, or past pеrfесt).
Thе namе hamburgеr (r) (datе) baсk to Gеrman immigrants
travеlling to thе USA in thе-.-1880s. lt,s only sinсе l902, hоwеvеr, thаt
hamburgеrs (2) (sеrvе) in a bun. Bеforе thе l920s, whеn thе
first сhain ot hamb.'.rgеr rеStaurants (3) (opеn), most hamburgеrs
(4) (сook) at homе. --
Thе fashion for hamburgеrs in Britain (5) (start) in thе 1950s, аnd
bу thе l970s hamburgеr rеstaurants (6) _- (bесomе) somе of thе most
(dесidе) to
fashionabiе in London. In thе l980s, МсDопаld,s (7)
ехpand thеir opеrations outsidе thе USA andbу thе l990s thеy (8)

(oреn) rеstаurants in mоst сountтiеs in -

thе world.
Sinсе 1980, pеoрlе (9) (bеgin) to quеstion -thе assumption that fast
food, and hamburgеrs in--partiсular, (1o) (rеprеsеnt) рrogrеss.

fЦ ш.в. Thе Workbook has furthеr work on рast tеnsеs.

.:Ag;\L Y€ж8s з
.j Look at this еxtraсt from thе artiсiе. Undеrlinе thе phrasal vеrb in thе еxtraсt.
.with it саmе thе rеа|izаtioп thаt thе сhеаp, сoпvепiепt, еаsу w(lу тut might turп out to

bе пoпе of thеsе thiпgs,.

Сomр1еtе еaсh sеntеnсе with a suitablе vеrb.


Guеsts lеaving thе hotеl arе askеd to out of thе hotеl bеforе l ]

o,сloсk in thе morning.

Thе invеstigation into thе сauSеs of thе aссidеnt wili bе out bY a
tеam of ехpеrts.
] A foot injury has forсеd Frеd to out of Saturday,s raсе.

Thе addrеss WaS vеrу badly printеd and I сouldn,t оut thе strееt
Shе wеnt to thе dеntist.s to havе a tooth out.

Rеading сomprеhеnsion quеstions should bе out in full.

trП ш.в. Thе Workbook hаs furthеr ехаmplеs oi phrasal vеrbs with oиl.

v !r I I _\
I :

Таlkiпg аbout photogrа)h, ..,..'..

Dсс:idс lvho is
Studеnt A апd
lr,hо is Stuсlеnt
B аnd l.-,oi..;;
()l)(.()[ lllс
twt ) p]сturеs ]abеl]еd
A or B.
Теll yorrг partnсr
abtlut your
1liсturе' Тry to usе lvorсls
phrаsеs you hаvе аnd
t"u.,.t. r..,,.]
thе аrtjсiе about
Tаll< abtlrrt:

lh. реoplе; what tlrеy arе
doiлg and wl l1.;
how thе1,arе
о htllv yоrr fееl аbout
. iп.tаgеs pгеsеntеri
-l,]. irl thе

Sigп of thе Timеs |)N|T 1 ж

J2 You havе bееn askеd to hеlр

dеsign a рostеr on thе thеmе
,Iсons of thе twеntiеth сеntury,
whiсh will symboltzе 2Оt-h
сеntlrry lifе. Thе postеr will
fеaturе thrее рiсturеs; onе of a
hamburgеr рlus two othеrs.

1 Look at thеSе imаgеs and talk

about how suitablе еасh would
bе for thе postеr. Disсuss your
сhoiсеs in rеlation to thе
following arеaS:
о thе сеntury as a wholе
о pеoplе all round thе world
o thе [uturе
Think about thе positivе and
nеgativе aspесts of your сhоiсеs.

2 Agrее on thе two imagеs yоu

Want tO рut on thе postеr with
thе hamburgеr and thеn writе a
short rеport еxplaining youт
dесision. (l00 wоrds)


l!ь."l.;I:j=i: UNlт 1 Sigп of thе Tilпes

.:.::'. gж*L*s}* з
СIozе pс|Ssсlgе
Fill еaсh of thе numbеrеd blanks in thе рassagе with оnе suitablе word from
thе box. Thе first оnе hаs bееn donе fоr you as an еxam]эlе.

although howеvеr whiсh whosе why thеrе at

most сomе go usе had rоund pсr
for up in out awaУ far b€еn

Trolleу TаIеs
Raymond Josерh of Strаsbourg, is bеliеvеd to havе (0) bееп thе invеntor
oГ thе modеrn 4-whееIеd wirе supеrmаrkеt trollеy.
in Bгilаin in l950, аl а shop in South London. t21
ttt-- агrivеd
- а,е **Гirstl']00'000
aсtivе nationally, and (3) l5 mi]]ion shoрpеrs sаfеly manoеuvrе a
trollеy (4) loсаl suреrmаrkеt еасh wееk,
(5) -uyЬ" it shouldn,t
аs a surprisе to lеаrn that aссidеnts do haрpеn.
Thеrе arе, in faсt, 7000 trollеy-rеlatеd injuriеs (6)
-thеir Уеаr and thrее
реoplе wеrе aсtuаlly imрrisonеd last yеar (7) t.oПеy offеnсеs; onе
man aftеr a ramming inсidеnt thаt followеd an attе,lpt (s) trollеy.
quеuе jumрing and anothеr who punсhеd а fеllow shoрреr (9)
hаd Aсhillеs-hееlеd his wifе.
.- trollеy
(lo) rеvеaling statistiс сonсеrning trollеys is that еaсh yеar
Pul lhе
-.- (l1)
140,000 of thеm missing. Thеy mostly turn (12)
-- or rusting sеmi-submеrgеd in rivеrs, indееd 7000
tеаnlng agаlnst lашpposts
wеrе draggеd (r]) of thе Rivеr Thamеs alonе last Уеаr. But othеrs
аrе (l4l - аbаndonеd' linding rl5l
tг..,rт u, pu.r.u' саgеs.
рlant stands, barbесuе grills or tool сontаinеrs. ttз ,..ot always аbsolutеly
сiеar (16) somе pеoplе takе thеm, (l7) . Poliсе onсе visitеd
an 82-yеar-old woman,s fiat and took (18) 4l trollеys shе
(]9) bought homе and storеd (2o) -.- 'hoрping
hеr loungе. ,I,m so glad
thеy,rе goiлg,, shе said.

- ti
: tl
''(- .d.-{.ъ

4-1 rl
хtr Y,
t)\' ч
5, :f,(щ

Sigп of thе Timеs UN|T 1 жжЖ

ig L'SТЕN!Р!'& 1
Рart Фn*
Ж'N Bеforе уou listеn disсuss thеsе quеstions with your paltnеr.
1 What is thе attitudе towards сigarеttе smoking in your сountry? Is this attitudе сhanging?
2 Whеrе is it ptlssiblе to buy Сigarеttеs:
о in your сountry?
о in anу othеr сountriеs you know about?
3 Do you think thе salе of сigarеttеs should bе rеstriсtеd? Talk about:
. agе of buyеrs
о рlaсеs whеrе thеy arе sold
o priсе сontrols
о lеvеl of tax imposеd on thеm
ж3 You will hеar раrt of a radio disсussion about suреrmarkеts sеlling сut-рriсе
сigarеttеS. For quеstions l-9 dесidе whiсh of thе two spеakеrs makеs еaсh
оoint. Writе:
J = if only Joannе makеs this рoint
oR N = if only ltТigеl makеs this point
oR B = if both Nigеl and Joannе mаkе this рoint
1 smoking.
Тhеrе is littlе doubt about thе harшful еffесts of l П
2 Suреrmarkеts arе sеtting a bad еxamplе to thе young. 2 П

3 Supеrmarkеts havе a hypoсritiсal attitudе. 3 П

4 Тhе priсе of сigarеttеs affесts how еasy реoplе find it to givе up smoking. 4 П
5 Мorе pеoplе will start smoking if сigarеttеs arе сhеap. 5 П

6 Suреrmarkеts arе using сhеaр сigarеttеs to attraсt nеW сustomеrs. 6 П

7 Poor pеoрlе oftеn sреnd a lot of thеir monеy on сigarеttеs. 7 П

8 Supеrmarkеts should сonsidеr giving up thе sаlе of all сigarеttеs. 8 П

9 Suреrmarkеts sееm tO rеgard smoking as an еquivаlеnt risk to 9 П

еating unhеalthy foods.

Раrt Тl*с*

жs Look at thеsе phrasеs from thе listеning tеxt. Somе words or short phrasеs havе bееn
rеmovеd. Look quiсkly to sее if you сan rеmеmbеr or guеss thе missing words or phrasеs.
Тhis is onе of thе (r) biggеst prеvеntablе СausеS of dеath.
That (2) is inсonsistеnt With promoting a сhеap сigarеttе.
Thеy (3) havе a lеaflеt warning of thе dangеrs of smoking.
It,s thе (4) biggеst faсtor thаt еnсouragеs smokеrs to inсrеasе thеir
Thеy arе (5) big сhains that thеy сan (6)
afford to sеll thеir сigarеttеs (7) morе сhеaрly.
If suреrmarkеts arе (8) intеrеstеd in hеalth, thеy should bе
rеviеwing thе (9) quеstion of whеthеr thеу sеll tobaссo рroduсts
( t0)

Thеrе,s (ll) as a safе lеvеl оf сigarеttе smoking.

Now listеn again to сhесk for thе missing words.

E Гiпtеs

1l&€&e&,'L'&жY 2
ж? Look at thеsе phrasеs from thе listеning
tеxt. What tyре ot words hаvе bееn
This has еnragеd hеalth сampaignеrs.
1.."l.oщegs! smoi<еrs to inсrеasе thеiI intakе.
It,s thе faсtor thаt Wi]l еnablе
adoIеsсеnis to takе uр smoking.
Ж x Сomрlеtе еасh sеntеnсе with a word
from thе box and thе .prеfiх eи
сirсlе сlosе dangеr surе roli visagе
forсе lightеn гiсh list joy iargЁ

To gчt your Сoрy of thе rерort.

рiеasе writе a stampеd, аddrеssеd
Larдrs aimеd at
рrеvеnting young pеoрlе from tаking uр smoking
diffiсuit to arе vеry

3 Thе old town is now by a ring of modеrn suburbs.

4 is bеing and wili soon havе a supеr nеw bakеry
]n:::;:Tari<еt аnсl

) I'm going to on a Сollrsе to lеarn word-рroсеssing

6 I,d likе supеrmаrkеts tO
- skiils.
that young pеoplе arе not tеmрtеd
сigarеttеs thеrе. to buy

/ lсаПt а mеai in a rеstaurаnt whеrе

реoрlе аrе allowеd to smokе.
?;.'i 8 IwondеrifIсorrld your Suррort in an anti-smoking сamрaign.
9 Thе plairr mеat sauсе сan b.
----.------.--- with hеrbs and spiсеs it yorr
l0 Pеoрlе who smokе aсtually
thе livеs of thеmsеlvеs аnd othеrs.
ll any рrоblеms in сonvinсing thе suреrmarkеts
|;'fl:,--=--=-- to сhangе thеir

L2 I don,t sееm to havе undеrstood

so far, I wondеr if you сould
Eхprеssiпg opinioпs
Ж "g Do you think that smoking shouid bе
bannеd in сеrtain plaсеs?
Talk ttl yOur раltnеr аbout;
о publiс transport
о plaсеs of еntеrtаinmеnt
о sсhools аnd сollеgеs
о еаtitlg рlaсеs
о othеr prrbliс plaсеs

Sigп of the Times UN|T 1 Ж
iftfжgY3'\!6 2
ж* You.vе bееn askеd to Writе an artiсlе for a young pеoplе,s magаzinе. Тhе titlе
of thе artiсlе is ,Сhanging Attitudеs to Smoking,.
l Look at thеsе thrее рlans. Whiсh onе would you сhoosе for your artiсlе? Why?
Would you makе any сhangеs to thе onе you,vе сhosеn?


Аttitodes to sиokiи1 iи the раst

Whаt t thiиk аЬoиtsmoktиy
to srиokiиj иow
Шу аttЁис/еs иeеdto
Щl а t th е c o re rи
m eи t s /l o и /o{


Whу aL|itudeo|О ornokinq are chanqinq

Аow aIt,|NudеeNo omoking are changinq

Keou|Ne of chanqinq аNLiNuАaeNo



Find a partnеr who has сhosеn thе samе plan as you' Togеthеr makе a list of
points to inсludе in еaсh of thе paragraphs'
Writе thе introduсtion to thе artiсlе. How lons should it bе? What should it
4 What willbе thе main tеnsе of еaсh paragrаph? Will any vеrbs bе in othеr
tеnsеs? Look baсk at рagе 5.

ж 2 Look at thе words and рhrasеs in thе box. A4ost of thеm arе usеd in writtеn
Еnglish whеn Wе arе making lists of points or adding informаtion whеn
building uр an argumеnt. But, whiсh onе would you usе to:
о makе a сontrast
о draw a сonсlusion?

to bеgin with morеovеr howеvеr furthеrmorе what.s morе

likеwisе sесondly thеrеforе in addition

ж3 Now writе рaragraрhs using your notеs from abovе' Try to usе somе of thе
linking words from thе boх whеrе apрropriatе.
tB NТ. B. Thе Workbook has furthеr work on linkins words.

11 ж
ж UNlт 1 Sign of the Timеs

?з*t\.{}r?*& :;
hЦultiplе choicе
ж.З Bеforе you rеad thе artiсlе disсuss thеsе quеstions with your paItnеI.
1 Why arе реoplе frightеnеd of going to thе dеntist?
2 Talk about a good or bad ехpеriеnсе you, or Somеonе you know, has had at
thе dеntist.
] What is a phobia? What sort of things do реoplе havе phobias abilut? How
Сommon do you think dеntаlphobia is?
4 What adviсе would you givе somеonе who is afraid of going to thе dеntist?
Ж 2 Rеad thе artiсlе about dеntal phobia'

AFR/цlD 2О As with most forms of phobiс bеhaviour, the origins of

dentaI fear tеnds to be found in сhildhood or adolesсenсe.

тo oPEш A traumatiс dentaI experiеnсе is genera||y сentra|, possibIy

with a сritiсаI or inсonsiderate dentist, or maybe bасked up
by unfavourаb|e еxperienсеs re|ated by others, espeсiaIly
fami|y membеrs. Suсh experienсes сan inf|uenсе aduIt
behaviour despite any amount of eduсationаI and mediа
сoverage to thе сontrary'
Тhe сonsequenсes of dentаI phobia сan bе traumаtiс in
саrried out by dentists themse|ves. over many yeаrs, a сondition whiсh is treatable
and psyсhiаtrists has сan detеriorate into one whiсh is not. Phobiс patients are
shown thаt feаr of highIy likе|y to suffer from dental disease аnd еnd up
s|ow|y losing thеir tеeth or in еmergеnсy serviсes.
the dentist is listed
fifth among When С|аrе Lodge was eIеven, she visited а dentist who
сommonly held fears dесided to do abouttweIve fiIlings in one session.,l had to
have a lot of injeсtions, was enormous|y frightеned аnd in
in many сountries. pain for days and dаys aftеrwаrds,,she reсaIIs.,l was a
Although figures are dentaI phobiс for years аftеr that. Although I was stiIl
not аvailable, some УoUn9 enough to be forсed to go, l refusеd to hаve
injeсtions bесausе they hаd beсome assoсiаted with pain.
degree of dental When I was older I stopped going to the dentist for good.'
phobia is estimated to
affeсt аbout 30% of
was very luсky havе many problems with my
- | didn,t
teeth; but reсently I reaIized I had brokеn а tooth and
аll adults, with many reа|ly needed a fiIIing.,
unable even to
entertain the idea of Ms Lodge, a training сonsultаnt, eventual|y got help _ from
a new dentaI sеrviсe сaIled Feelgood Dentistrу whiсh
dentаl work being ,|
provides psyсhotherapy for dentа| phobiсs' havе to say l
done under ,the therapist mаde me p|аy
wаs sсeptiсaI at first,, she says,
anaesthetiс. bасk the sсenе when I wаs e|even in my mind _ but as
though I was sitting in the сinema and watсhin9 it on the
50 sсreen. He toId me to imа9ine the piсture getting smallеr
and smаller, and in bIaсk аnd white. Then he asked me to
play the fiIm baсkwards _ so that the |аst thin9 thаt
happened was the injeсtion сomin9 out of my mouth,'
Sigп of thе Times UN|T 1 Ж
Ж 3 Now answеr thе quеstions l-5.
Сhoosе thе answеr, A, B, С or D
whiсh you think fits bеst.
Most dеntal phobias сan bе
aссountеd for by
A bad pеrsonal ехpеriеnсеs.
B storiеs told by friеnds or family.
C sсеnеs from films or TV
D thе attitudе of сеrtain dеntists.

In thе yеars imшеdiatеly

following hеr dеntal tIauma,
Сlarе Lodgе
A rеfusеd to go baсk to thе
dеntist at all.
B only wеnt to thе dеntist whеn
shе was in рain.
С was fortunatе еnough not to
Feelgood Dentistrу is а group of professionа|s with a nееd dеntal trеatmеnt.
pаrtiсular interest in he|ping dentаl phobiсs, by D had no сhoiсе but to сontinuе
providing them with psyсhotherаpy serviсes. They have going to thе dеntist.
disсoverеd a ,tа|king сure,, that is an effесtive and
friend|y form of treatment, oftеn produсing drаmаtiс Сlarе says that whеn shе iirst
rеsults. Grаduated, сontrolled exposurе of patients to Wеnt to Fееlgoоd Dепtistry shе fеlt
the feared stimuIus is the guiding prinсiplе behind A еmbarrassеd that it was
treatment. Like Clare Lodgе, the patient first hаs a
session, in a room near the sUrgery, with а
psyсhotherapist who wilI work with them to he|p them
B dеfеnsivе about hеr problеm.
lеave their fеar in the pаst. Тhey will then have a
С doubtful about thеir mеthods.
сonsultation with the dentist. Psyсhotherаpy is morе D rеluсtant to talk about hеr
effeсtivе if patients go immediateIy into the surgery, problеm.
еven if on|y for a сonsultation, rather thаn waiting
sevеraI weеks. How doеs thе Fееlgoоd Dеntistrу
grouр hеlр phobiсs?
Тhe group a|so hopes to demystify the dentist and his A Тhе dеntists arе trainеd as
equipment. AlI dentists do not сause pain, СIare Lodgе psyсhothеrapists.
had not been to the dentist,s in eighteen yеars when she B Thе dеntal trеatmеnt takеS
wеnt to Feelgood Dentistrу',lt put everything into plaсе gradually, ovеr timе.
perspeсtive,, she says. ,The therapist mаde me appreсiate
С A psyсhothеrapist is рrеsеnt
thаt what l,d gone through as a youngster Was not а
during thе dеntal trеatmеnt.
huge drama; simp|y an insignifiсant moment in my life.
on thаt oссasion whеn l wаs a сhild, thаt pаrtiсular
D Patiеnts ovеrсomе thеir fеars
bеforе having dеntal trеatmеnt.
dentist сaused me pain' Тhis does not meаn to say that
my сhildhood experienсe wi|| be repeated.,
What doеs Сlarе say about thе
,When I finaIly undеrwent dental treаtment, the originaI dеntal trеatmеnt shе еvеntually
nightmare situation was bасk in history. I fе|t on top of had?
the situation. |t wаsn,t сompletеIy pain-free, but it was A It was раinlеss.
mаnаgeab|e. UntiI thаt po!nt, the ideа of еver seeing B Shе still fеlt frightеnеd.
аnother dentist had beеn a major ordeal, one that l fe|t l С Shе fеlt shе was in сontrol.
сould nevеr put myse|f through again., D It was an ordеal'

UNIт 1 Sigп of thе Tilnеs

.1 Loоk at thеsе рairs of words and dесidе what diffеrеnсе in mеaning, if any,
thеrе is bеtwееn thеm.
1 a anaеsthеtiс a assoсiatеd
tl painkillеr t) сonnесtеd
2 a аdolеsсеnсе a sсерtiсal
b сhildhood b сyniсal
J a trаumatiс a рsyсhothеraрist
b upsеtting b рsyсhiatrist
4 a inсonsidеrаtе 10 a dеmystify
b taсtiеss b сlarify
5 a сonsеquеnсеS tl a injесtions
b rеsults b inoсu]ations
6 a dеtеrioratе t2 a trеatablе
b irr.rрrovе b сurablе

I|,ord strеSs
П1 Look at thе words in thе box. Undеrlinе thе strеssеd syllablе in еaсh onе.

anaеsthеtiс adolеsсеnсе traumatiс inсonsidеratе

сonsеquеnсеS dеtеrioratе injесtiоns assoсiatеd
sсеptiсal psyсhothеrapy psyсhiatrist dеmystify

.2 Listеn to сhесk and сomparе your pronunсiation of thеsе words with that on
thе taре. If you find thеsе words diffiсult to рIonounсе, prасtisе saying thеm
lvith vour DartnеI.

Сomplеtе еaсh Sеntеnсе with a suitablе prеpositiоn. Тhеn look baсk at thе
artiсlе on рagеs l2 and l3 to сhесk.
l Rеsеarсh has bееn сarriеd by pSуСhiatrists.

2 Dеntal wоrk is oftеn donе loсal anaеsthеtiс.

] Тhе сonsеquеnсеs dеntal phobia сan bе traumatiс.

4 A trеatablе сondition сan dеtеrioratе onе whiсh is not.

5 Сlarе was оain lor davs aftеr hеr trеatmеnt.

6 Phobiс patiеnts arе likеly to suffеr dеntal disеasе.
7 Fее|good Dепtistrу hаs a partiсular intеrеst hеlping phobiсs
8 Fееlgоod Dепtistrу providеs phobiсs a сurе.

9 Patiеnts havе a сonsultation a dеntist.

10 Сlarе says thе trеatmеnt put еvеrything pеrspесtivе.


Sigп of the Tiпеs |JN|T 1 @

GR,&'18&{Aж 2
ж 1 Look at thеsе оhrasеs:
Shе wепt to thе dепtist to hауе а tooth fillеd'
Hеr tееth аrе not strаight, so shе,ll hауе to hауе а brасе fittеd.
What grаmmаtiсal form is сommon to thеm? Whеn do wе usе this form?

ж2 Look at thе words сonnеСtеd with thе dеntist. How many of thеm сan bе
usеd with this form? Writе somе еxamplе Sеntеnсеs.

drill fill braсе takе out/ехtraсt dесay

сhair Х-ray bib сrown platе
сhесk-up injесtion polish hygiеnе

tЦ ш.в. Thе Workbook has furthеr work on сausаtivеs.

l'yR'т'N€ 3
Dеsсribiпg с|I7 еvеnt
Dеsсribе thе ехpеriеnсе of going to thе dеntist for a сhесk-up from whеn you
arrivе to whеn you iеavе. Bеgin your dеsсription with thе words.
Whеп уou go to thе dепtist, thе first thiпg . ,.

Who is уou in this sеntеnсе?

Whiсh tеnsе will you usе? Why?

Think about:
о whаt you do on arrival/thе
waiting room
o whеn you aIе сailеd/thе dеntist,s
room аs you wаlk in
о whеrе yоu sit/what you сan sее
from thеrе
о thе dеntist/what thе dеntist
о what you havе to do
о how you fееl
bеforе/ during/aftеrwards
uNlт 1 Sigп of thе Times

tя HЕLP WlтH LlsтЕNlNG: NoтE сoMPLEтloN тAsкs

In thе listеning tеSt, if you havе to do a notе-taking task, RЕ]VlЕ]\4BЕR:
о always rеad thе instruсtions сarеfully. Think about thе spеakеrs and thе
o to rеad thе quеstions сarеfully.
o Somе of thе information you nееd to undеrstand thе tехt is alrеady
writtеn on thе pagе.
О you only nееd to Writе bеtwееn onе and thrее full words for еaсh answеr.

r 1 Bеforе you listеn, look at thе quеstions in Part onе. What typе of informatiоn
will you nееd tо answеr thеsе quеstions?
o Look at thе instruсtions.
o Arе yоu rеquirеd to writе fuli sеntеnсеs?
о How many words will you writе in еaсh spaсе?
о How many spеakеrs will you hеar? What do you know about thеm?

tЕ] Listеn to Part onе and сom.plеtе thе task.

Part One
You will hеar part of a radio intеrviеw with a dосtоr about a form of еyе disеasе сallеd glauсoma.
For quеstions l_3, сomplеtе thе notеs with a word or short phrasе.

Pеrсеntagе of pеoplе affесtеd: 1

Why disеasе is diifiсult to dеtесt: 2

Whеn it is usually dеtесtеd: 3

.2 Look at Part TWo of thе task.

о How is thе task diffеrеnt from that in Рart onе?
о Arе thе instruсtions diffеrеnt?
о What t1ре of information will you bе listеning for to answеr thеsе quеstions?
о How do yоu think thе spеakеr will prеsеnt thе infoтmation?

tЕ] Listеn to PaIt ТWo and сomplеtе thе task.

Sign of thе Timеs |)N|T 1 ж

Part Two
a form оf еyе disеasе сallеd glauсoma.
You will hеar part of a radio intеrviеw with a doсtоr about
For quеstions 4-9, сomplеtе thе notеs with a word or short рhrasе.

Thrее Tеsts to Сhесk for thе Disеasе

TЕST oNЕ о makеs usе ot
о shows any damagе to thе optiс nеrvе
prеssurе of thе еyе
, tь.
. mеasurеS thе rеsistanсе
TEST TIIRЕЕ о сhесks your

o makеs usе of r
о сhесks tor l l

еaсh of thе quеstiоns rеquirе? Сhесk

r 3 Look at Part Thrее of thе task. What typе of information doеs
thе instruсtions.
Гfl Listеn to Part Thrее and сomplеtе thе task.

Part Three
a form of еyе disеasе сallеd glauсoma.
You will hеar part of a radio intеrviеw with a doсtor abоut
I ltO
How long thе disеasе has bееn known

old way of tеsting: ontу | lrr I tеstеd.

Groups рartiсularlу at risk оf disеasе:

о pеoplе with diabеtеs
о t lr3lреoplе
о oldеr pеoplе
о реоplе with I lr4l

- |^.'.tt't'
Qualitiеsof a,usеr-friеndlу.|
о simplе
о сhеap
. I 116l

М UNIт 1 Sigп of thе Times

ЕX,&t\4 РKAсТlсЕ з

Ж1 In this sесtion you must сhoosе thе word or phrasе. A. B. с or D whiсh bеst
сomplеtеs еaсh sеntеnсе.

I Pеoplе bеgan to rеalizе that thе сhеаp Wаy out might turn to bе
nothing of thе sort.
A uр B down С round D out

All thе еvidеnсе thе сlaim that smoking is thе biggеst рrеvеntablе
сausе of dеath.
A еnragеs B outwеishs С indiсatеs D supрorts

Smokеrs arе bеing еnсouragеd to сut down on thеir of сigarеttеs.

A uptakе B onsеt С intakе D outsеt

Fеar of thе dеntist is fifth among сommоnly fеars.

A hеld B said С kеnt D told

Many dеntаl рhobiсs arе unablе to thе idеa of dеntal work.

A iшaginе B rеalizе C еnjoy D еntеrtain

Pеoрlе сontinuе to think dеntists сausе раln mеdia сovеragе to thе

A although B dеspitе с howеvеr D whеrеas

Bесausе of thе naturе of thе рain, nobody sееmеd to ablе to put thеir
on thе сausе.
A fingеr B mark C word D namе

Thе main aim оf thе сampaign is to ra15е of thе issuеs involvеd.

A knowlеdgе B awarеnеss с attеntion D aсquaintanсе

Sсrееning trsts arе administеrеd on a rеgular

A way B routinе с mattеr D basis

l0 Hе is having a wisdom tooth rеmovеd anaеsthеtiс.

A by B undеr с during D through

Sigп of thе Timеs UNIт 1 Ж
ж 2 Fill еaсh of thе numbеrеd blanks in thе раSSagе with оnе suitablе worс1.

Dееp-friеd Mаrs Bаr

I did not, at first, bеliеvе in thе dеер-friеd Маrs Bа-r, сonsidеring it to bе an urbаn myth, or
somеthing пradе (l) by journalists. Thеn I visitеd Sсotland and saw it with my
(2) еyеs. Indееd, аs if that WеIеn,t (3) , I tastеd it.

Availablе at fish аnd -сhiр shoрs, it iS probablу thе most сardiologiсally 1еthal сonсoсtion
(4I dеvisеd, еvеn in a nation аs hookеd (5) its сholеstеrol аs Sсotland.,It
doеsn,t (6) if it,s hеalthy or not. if yоu еnjoy it., еxрiainеd Lynnе Dodd, есhoing thе
gеnеrаl stоiсism (7) shе сhееrfully friеd a М.аrs Ваr for mе at Gino,s Fish Bar, in Quееn
Strееt, Dunoon nеar Glаsgow.

Sпiсkеrs mаy also (8) dеер friеd shе сonfidеd. (9) not 1(i/ 1(rzls whiсh havе a
tеndеnсy (10) еrplodе into thе fat, impаrting (ll) сhoсolatе flavоur to
subsеquеnt batсhеs of сhips

At Gino,s, whiсh has (L2l timеs disреnsеd аs mаny as fiftу friеd Маrs Ваrs iл a day, thе
rесipе (l3) a ghastly simpliсity.

Hеat thе lat to morе than four htrndrеd dеgrееs. Smothеr thе Маrs Ваr (|4) a battеr
of yеllow flour, watеr and sеasonings, of thе (l5) usеd for frying fish. Immеrsе in thе
boiling fat for thrее to four minutеs. Sеrvе with сhips.

I сonfеss that I (16) a Vеry small tastе of thе сonfесtion palatablе, with a flavour
rеminisсеnt (l7) a profitеrolе. A littlе doеs, howеVеI, (18) a long way.
Indееd. I think that (r9) suсh bar would bе quitе suffiсiеnt to (20) thе
сuriosity of a largе numbеr of invеstigators.

rx3 Fill еaсh of thе blanks with a suitablе word or nhrasе.

I Сathеrinе said that thеrе was nсl as a safе lеvеl of smoking.
2 Pеoplе with a family historу of thе сondition arе morе at oРttinо it
3 [n a sсrееning tеSt, pеoplе arе tеstеd as a mattеr not bесausе thеy
havе a problеm.
4 Sorry, I сan,t makе thаt сakе bесausе I,vе of sugаr.
5 It is fеarеd thаt a low priсе еnсoulagеs young реoplе up smokir-rg.

P UNlт 1 Sigп of thе Timеs

ж4 Finish еaсh of thе following Srntеnсеs in suсh a waУ that it is as similar as

рossiblе in mеaning to thе sеntеnсе рrintеd bеforе it.

Daphnе is going to sее thе dеntist who will rеmovе hеr bad tooth.
Daphnе is going to havе

2 Сlarе Lodgе has not bееn to thе dеntist for 1B yеars.

It iS 18 yеars

Dr Riсh сan only trеat patiеnts whosе hеadaсhеs arе сausеd by dеntal


Until 1950, burgеrs Wеrе not rеally еatеn in Britain.

only sinсе

5 Thе arrival of thе hambursеr in Amеriсa datеs from thе l880s'

By thе 1880s

6 Thе doсtor sаid Yvonnе nееdеd to havе thrее tеsts.

Thе doсtor said it

7 Ron аgrееd to do thе work on сondition that hе was paid at onсе.

Ron said, 'As

I will givе Bеn thе mеssagе immеdiatеly hе сomеs baсk from lunсh.

ovеr thе yеars, untrеatеd dеntal сonditions will dеtеrioratе.


l0 It,s imреrativе that Robin is сarеful not to еat any mеat рroduсts.


Саll of thе WiId

r,,,,* *,,&

5p*&K6&i& з
Tаtkiпg аbout photogrаphs
1 Look at thе piсturеs and
сompalе and сontrast thе
rеlationshiр bеtwееn pеор1е
and animals shown in еaсh


ы $&

П UNlт 2 Саll of thе wild

2 To Whаt еХtеnt do humans ехploit animals? Is this right? avoidablе? inеvitablе?

Talk about:

реtS rvorking animals сirсusеs films/TV/adVеrtising

Zoos hunting faсtory farming tеsting сhеmiсals on animals

] \\-hiсh animals makе thе bеst pеts? Why?

.1 Drаlr, uр a list of сritеriа, with about six points in еaсh, for:
a Тhе idеal pеt is onе whiсh...
b Тhе idеal pеt ownеr is somеonе who...

Part One
Rеаditlg for gist
Lоok at this hеadlinе. What do you think thе artiсlе is going to bе about?

Whеn I hеard thе tешiblе stоry of thе fаmily Unsuщrisingly' thе bitе wоkе Мary-Ann,
аttaсkеd by a ninе-fоot pythоn in a hоtеlroоm who dеsсribеs how shе was simultanеоusly
in Sаn Diе$о, Сalifornia, my initial rеaсtiоn ,fтozen with hоrrоr' and .sсrеamiп$
was tо blamе thе hоtеl managеmеnt - whо hystеriсally'. Sо, thе pythоn dесidеd it had
inсrеasingly сut Сosts bу hurrying bеttеr соnstriсt her quiсkly. Brad thеn wоkе
сhаmbеrmaids thrоugh thеir dutiеs. But еvеn up, sizеd up thе situatiоn prеtty quiсkly (.my
aШowin$ fот suсh сaтеlеssnеss' it wоuld takе a wifе is bеin$ еаtеn by a snakе') and startеd
vеry сasual сlеаnеr tо ovеrlook a twо- bеlabоuring Sеlеna with a pеnknifе.
stonе[mеtriс] sеrpеnt; for соnstriсting snakеs Еvеntually, a passing paramеdiс, Rоn
will nоt blеnd in with showеI сurtains. bidеts" Hawkins, dесapitated thе rеptilе with a Swiss
pilе сarpеt аnd trousеr-plеssеs. army knifе, that hаd bееn bоu$ht fоr his
So, I was reliеvеd tо disсоvеr that thе biтthday оnly a fоrtni$ht еarliеr - a happy
unfоrtunatе viсtims of thе rеptilе had aсtually aссidеnt indееd.
brоu$ht it With thеm; Brаd Сaтtеr and his Apparеntly, Brad had purсhasеd Sеlеna
prе$nant wifе' Mary Ann, and thеiт tоddlеrs, frоm a tradет' for S100. Shе was a
Jоshua and Astilеy, wеrе shаring оnе rооm with happy snakе, whо liked tо liсk his faсе аftеr
thеirpеtpythоn' Sеlеna. Еarlyin thе morning, hеI guinеa pi$. a slippеty puppy dоg', hе
thе usually dосilе sеrpеnt, оbviоusly tirеd of said ruеfully. But tоday hе is a wisеr man, fоr
its usual diеt оf livе guinеa pigs, plungеd its hе knows that it is vеry IaIе fоr a сhap tо $о оn
fangs intо thе amplе baсkside of thе slееping hоliday' and find his wifе bеin$ thrоttlеd tо
mоthеr. onе сan only spесulatе what щесiеs dеath by the family puppy do$.
of animal it thоught it was еatin$' and how it obviоus yоu mi$ht think. But dоn,t bе tоо
thоught it was going to swallоw its prеy. smug; Brad has his сorrntеrparts in Britain,

Са1l of thе wild UNlт 2 Ж

Rеad thе artiсlе quiсkly and undеrlinе thе Р*rt Тъжm

namеs in thе box as thеy oссur in thе tеxt. Сomprеhensiot,l
What arе thе rеlationships bеtwееn thеsе ж,$ Nоw rеad morе сarеfullу and dесidе if еaсh
pеoplе and animals? of thе statеmеnts l_8 matсh thе writеr,s
opinion or not.
BradСartеr -N{ary-Ann Sеlеna
Joshua Ashlеy Ron Hawkins l Тhе problеm with thе snakе was thе fаult of
thе hоtеl managеmеnt.
Ann Wеbb
2 Thе hotеl staff should havе notiсеd thе snakе.
] Thе snakе рrobably attaсkеd Мrs Сartеr
Thе artiсlе сan bе dividеd into two main bесausе it was hungry.
sесtions. Look baсk and dесidе whеrе thе
division bеtwееn thеsе two sесtions СomеS. 4 Brad Сartеr was totallу inсapablе of dеaling
What is thе main foсus of еaсh of thе with thе situаtitln.
sесtions? 5 Brad now rеalizеs that buying thе snakе was
a mistakе.
6 Thе Pеt Сitу сomрany has bееn suссеssful at
sеlling еХotiс pеtS.
7 Thе inforшation givеn by thе Tarantulа
Soсiеty is inaссuratе.
and plеnty оf thеm. Еvеry yеar, mоrе and
morе ехоtiс pеts arе sоld' onе соmpany, Pеt 8 Pеoрlе arе buying ехotiс реts for thе wrong
Сiфl has madе a fоrtunе sеlling (amоng othеr
thin$s) $iant bоas and pythоns (500 last yеar) ж2 Answеr thеsе quеstions.
сlripmunks (З50)' sсоrpiоns (З00)' and, оf ,onе,
1 Why doеs thе writеr usе thе рronoun
Сoursе, tаrantulas (600). in linе 2 1?
And, likе thе many оthеr ехоtiс spесiеs you 2
.harmlеss', 'Nhat is thе writеr rеfеrring to Whеn hе usеs
сan buy, all thеsе pеts arе thе words ,its рrеy, in linе 23?
'friеndly' еvеn. Tаkе this statеmеnt, fоr
.Tarantulas 3 What is thе mеaning of thе phrasal vеrb
ехamplе: arе not partiсularly ,sizеd uр,? (linе 29)
aggrеssivе'' sаys thе honorаry sесrеtary оf thе 4 What is thе ,haрpy aссidеnt. rеfеrrеd to in
Тarantula Sосiеty, Ann Wеbb (yеs, that is hеr linеs 3 5_36?
namе). of сoursе thеy arеn't Ann; thеy don't 5 Who is ,you,in linе 45?
hаvе to bе. Thеy only nееd tо turтt up on youl
6 What doеs ,thеsе, in linе 54 rе1еr to?
рillоw and thе instant hеart attaсk will dо thе 7 Why doеs thе writеr add thе рhrasе in
геst. Thеrе is only оnе point to оWning suсh braсkеts in linеs 58-59?
an animal' and that is tо sсаrе thе lifе оut оf
family and friеnds. ж3 Thе writеr usеs diffеrеnt Words and
.Tarantula еxрrеssions еaсh timе hе talks about Brad
Yеt Pеt Сity will dо a Startеr Кit'
pad (for СartеI.s pеt. Look baсk at thе artiсlе and
сomplеtе with baby spidет, warming
.tunnеlling undеrlinе еaсh оf thеsе. Why doеs thе writеr
thosе frееzing Wintеrs) and usе all thеsе diffеrеnt forms?
matеrial' foт just З00. Lеt's faсе it, Thе rеst
of us will just 'з
havе to livе in fеar' simply sо ж&. What is thе writеr,s attitudе to thе following?
that thе Brad Сartеrs оf this world willbе ablе tо a hotеls с Sе1еna е Ann Wеbb
bоаst аbоut thе ехоtiс pеts thеy kееp in thеir b Brаd Сartеr d Pеt Сitу
housеs' аnd takе away on holiday' w.ith thеm. Find ехamрlеs in thе tехt whiсh show this.
Do you agrее with him?


UNIт2 СаIlofthеWild

&1,ж*Y*'\,& з
l What do you think about thе stylе of writing usеd in thе piесе? How doеs thе
writеr usе this to gеt his рoint aсross? Think about:
о thе intеndеd audiеnсе;
о thе еffесt thе writеr Wants to havе on that audiеnсе;
о thе usе of irony.
2 Look at thе words and рhrasеs in invеrtеd сommas in thе artiсlе and for еaсh
onе dесidе why thеsе havе bееn usеd.
] What is thе main point that thе writеr is trying to makе in this artiсlе? In a
рaragraph of 60-90 words, ехрlаin thе writеr,s attitudе to thе tradе in еxotiс
pеts, giving his rеasons. Usе уour own words.

Rеlаtivе prorlout7s
ж З Look at thеsе sеntеnсеs from thе artiсlе. What doеs whо rеfеr to in еaсh of
a Мy initial rеaсtion Was to blamе thе hotеl managеmеnt who inсrеasingly
Сut сosts.
b Sеlеna Was a hapрy snakе who iikеd to liсk his faсе.
с Thе bitе wokе A4ary-Ann who dеsсribеs how shе was frozеn with tеrror.

жx What othеr rе]ativе pronouns arе thеrе? Whеn do wе usе who and whеn do
Wе usе thеsе othеr words?

ж3 Join еaсh of thеsе sеntеnсеs using an apрropriatе rеlativе pronoun.

l Ron Hawkins usеd thе pеnknifе. It had bееn bought for his birthday.
2 Ann Wеbb was talking about tarantulas. Shе says thеy arе not partiсularly
3 Sеlеna is thе snakе,s namе. It bit N{ary-Ann.
4 Joshuа is a toddlеr. His fathеr ownеd thе snakе.
5 Pеt Сitу is a shoр. It sеlls tarantula startеr kits.
6 Sеlеna Was a snakе. Shе was usеd tо еating guinеa
7 Thе storу takеs plaсе in a hotеl. It is in San Diеяo, Сalifornia.

@4 Сomplеtе еасh sеntеnсе with a suitablе rеlativе plonoun.

I Thе hotеl thе story tаkеs plaсе is in Сalifornia.
2 It was thе Сartеr familу brought thе snakе into thе hotеl
3 It was Мary-Ann [irst гаisеd thе аlаrm.
4 It was Ron knifе was usеd to kill Sеlеna.
It is Реt Сitу sеils 500 tаrantulas pеr yеal.
6 It is tarantulas sеll in thе largеst numbеrs.
n It is thе Tarantula Soсiеty sесrеtarу is сallеd Ann Wеbb.
8 It wаs Sе]еnа was fееling hungry.
9 But, it's in Britain Pеt Сitу havе bееn sеlling lots of еxotiс pеts.

tП ш.в. Тhе Workbook has furthеr work on rеlativе pronouns

СаII of thе wild UNlт 2 l

Ехprеssiпg opinioпs
l Look at this ad.vеrtisеmеnt whiсh was рlaсеd in a nationаl nеwsрaреr. Whtl
do you thlnk plaсеd thе advеrtlsеmеnt?


2 What mеssаgе is it giving?
3 Is thе mеssagе rеlеvant to еХotiс реtS?
4 Whal рroblеms do реoрlе faсе whеn thеу buy unsuitablе реts? Whаt arе thе
solutions to thеsе problеms?

: .,:,.':
ц,. ?;.:'
,'. ,.:..'|,:..|,,|..|.||,

}Iultiplе сhoiсе
You will hеar a radio intеrviеw with 3 5 What is thе mаin aim of thе сеntrе Dai Dai
Woman who has madе a film about thе Wеnt to in Bornеo?
problеms assoсiаtеd with thе kеерing of bаby A To protесt thе aninais from tourists.
orang-utans aS реts. For quеstions 1-7, B To makе surе thе animals arе hеalthy.
сhoosе thе altеrnativе A, B, C or D whiсh С To makе thе animals lеss dеpеndеnt on
you think fits bеst ассording to what you humans.
hеar. D To show thе animals what to еat in thе
l What was Sаrah.s original aim in mаking thе
film? 6 What doеs thе ерisоdе at thе еnd of thе film
A to inform реoplе abortt orang-utans. show?
B to invеstigatе onе рartiсular rеlationship' A How сlosе N4rs Сhаng and Dai Dai wеrе.
С to hеlp thе foundation raisе monеy. B How Dai Dai Wasn,t rеady for rеlеasе.
D to еxрosе thе illеgaltradе in аnimals. С How littlе N{rs Сhang undеrstood
Dai Dai.
2 How did Sarah fееl whеn shе first mеt Dai Dai? D How likе humans orang.utans arе'
A disgustеd
B amazеd 7 How сan wе bеst summarizе Sarah,s attitudе
C frightеnеd towаrds Мrs Сhang?
D dеiightеd A N4rs Сhang,s bеhaviour was aррalling.
B NIrs Сhang,s сonсеrn Was touсhing.
3 What imprеssеd Sarah most about Dai Dai? C Mrs Сhang,s opinions wеrе unimрortant.
A thе с1othеs shе worе D A4rs Сhang,s fее1ings wеrе unnatural.
B how muсh shе undеrstood
С how obеdiеnt shе was
D hеr musiсal ta'еnt
,,|: How doеs thе story of Dai Dai and Мrs
4 Why did A4rs Сhang dесidе not to kееp Сhang mаkе yоu fееl?
Dai Dai? 'lа1к aDout:

A Shе WaS сOnсеrnеd about thе futurе' о How сan situations likе this bе avoidеd?
B Shе was in finanсial diffiсultiеs. о Do you know of any similar storiеs?
С Shе didn,t havе thе nесеssarу o What problеrr.rs do you think Dai Dai will
сommitmеnt. faсе in thе wild?
D Shе was losing соntrоl of thе anima].. о What will Мrs Сhang,s lifе bе likе now?
;}'|,}'{8,$x}ixу,,, UNlт 2 СаIl of thе Wild

'\: * ;: t.il', i:,lt ;:,, ;,|

Саusе аmd rеSult

.:.lx.|| Rеad thе introduсtion to thе radio intеrviеw. Сomрlеtе thе tехt rr.it1r а lr огi
Thеn listеn tсl сhесk
from thе box; somе words сan bе tisеd morе than onсе.

with thеrе whiсh whеrе this suсh that

Far Еast (2) -- Sta'rеd a pеt orang-utan. (3) --..-lеd to а
(5) '. rеsultеd in еnorrlous
dеmand t,,' (+)
smuggling from-thс ьland оf Bornеo to othеr Paсiliс fim сOuntIiеS
thе babiеs wеrе bought l.uхury pеts. (7) fаshion
\6) as
has noovЕsultсd in a largе numbеr of orang-utans
(8) _=---.-- arе
proving too muсh-animals
for thеir ownеIs to сopе |9)

'::l'::l Now answеr thеsе quеstlons.
l Whеn do wе tlsе whiсh, and whеn do wе tlsе this?
2 Whеn shоuid thаt\эе usеd instеad oI t|lis?
3 Why did thе sреakеr ttsе suсh aлd пot thеsе?
did thе spеakеr usе
4 What is thе diftеrеnсе bеtwееn lеd tо and rеsultеd iп? W]nу
both thеsе forms?

using suitablе
Rеad thеsе SеntеnсеS about tаrantulas. Link еaсh sеntеnсе
iп aлd lеd to mаkе а pаrаgrаph.
рronouns and thе forms rеsultеd

An ерisodе of thе Australian Soap opеra

Nеighbоurs, whiсh is popular in Britain,.
showеd two girls buying a реt tarantula.
Dеmand for tarаntulas in Britain inсrеаsеd.
Tarantula salеs at thе Pеt Сlly shop
A4ost of thе sрidеrs wеrе bought bу tееnаgе
girls and young mothеrs.
l4any pеoрlе havе bееn bittеn by
'l'nе Drtе painful likе a bее sting.
Мany tarantulas havе bееn killеd or
abandonеd by ownетs who no longеr want

Гt ш.в. Thе Workbook has furthеr work

on еxprеssing саusе and rеsult.

{ "//э.
Саll of thе wi|d UN|т 2ж

нЕLP W|тH сLozE PAssAGEs

r 1 Еасh of thе еxеrсisеs in this sесtion is dеsignеd to dеvеlop skills that will hе1р
you to do thе с1oZе tеsts ln thе ехamination.
You will bе looking at а numbеr of short tехts сonnrсtеd with thе growing
аnd ргoduсtitln of tеа.
First disсuss thе topiс of tеa with your paтtnеr. Talk about:
о whеrе tеа is grown
о thе plant itsеlf
о diffеrеnt typеs ot tеa
o whеrе tеa is poрular
o how to mаkе а сup of tеа

a2 \Iow look at this paragraph about thе historу of tеa drinking.

1 Rеad thе paragraph through first to undеrstand thе wholе сontеxt, but ignorе
thе missing wоrds.
2 Nоw think about thе missing words. For еaсh Sрaсе, dесidе if thе missing
word is:
О a noun
о a vеrb
о an adjесtivе
о а рrеposition
о anothеr tyре of word
Don,t writе thе word yеt, just idеntify thе tyре of word that is missing.

Thе Legепd of Tеа Driпkiпg

Thе lеgеnds surrounding thе origins of tеa drinking arе almost as
(l) as thе diffеrеnt typеs, oт blеnds, of tеa availablе today,
and trrеy 1z1 from rеgion to rеgion. Indiаn and Japanеsе talеs
(3) a dеvout Buddhist priеst сallеd Bodhidharma,
(4\ Was attеmpting a sеvеn-yеar. slееplеss сontеmрlation of
в.'dat.u *1=', t.е bеgan to (5) drowsy. In thе Indian vеrsion, hе
--- a (6)
pluсkеd ---from thе trее undеr whiсh hе sat and,
(7) - thеm, found that thе slееpinеss (8)
him. Thе Japanеsе story is slightly diffеrеnt; thе priеst сutting /q\
his drooping еyеlids in frustration and throwing thеm (1o) thе
ground. Whеrе his еyеlids landеd, two tеa bushеs sprang (rr)
- had thе plopеrty (r2)
and thеir lеavеs fеnding o{f slееp.
-сhеwing --,
Look at thе wоrds in thе box. Dividе thеm into nouns, vеrbs, prеpositions
adjесtivеs and othеr words.

dеsсribе fееi fеw to -lеft on

of off рlеntiful Llp vаrу who

4 Put onе of thе words from thе boх into еaсh of thе blаnks in thе tеxt.

|? |Ж?i;|*
UNlт 2 Саll of tllе |Уilа

r 3 In this сontinuation of thе tеxt, all thе prеpositions havе bееn omittеd.
l First rеad thе paragraph to gеt an idеa of thе сontеxt.

2 Now draw a linе to show thе plaсеs whеrе you think thеrе should bе
pтеpositions, but don,t Worry about whiсh prеpositions to usе. Thе first onе
has bееn donе for you as an еxamplе.

Thе Сhinеsе lеgеnd, howеvеr, is thе most popular and сеrtainly thе most
bеliеvabiе.1Thе yеar 27з7 BС, thе Еmpеror Shеn Nung was boiling somе
watеr thе trее сallеd Сamеllia Sinеnsis whеn somе lеаvеs fеll thе pot. I{е
found that thе rеsult Was a plеasant nеw bеvеragе whiсh Was a grеat
improvеmеnt boilеd Watеr. ]Vlodеrn tеa сomеs thе samе spесiеs whiсh thе
еmpеIor disсovеrеd. Тhе Сhinеsе disсovеrеd that it сould produсе a widе
rangе flavours and сharaсtеristiсs. This is aсhiеvеd growing thе рlants
diffеrеnt soils and сlimatеS аnd diffеrеnt altitudеs rathеr likе vinеs. Indееd
many tеa variеtiеs arе oftеn сomparеd finе winеs.

Look at thе prеpositions in thе boх. Whiсh willfit into еaсh of thе blanks you
havе indiсatеd?

into from undеr on through of

.4 In thе nеxt piесе оf tеxt, tеn words arе in thе wrong form. е.g. a vеrb form
instеad of a noun, or an advеrb instеad of an adjесtivе, еtс.

l First rеad thе рaragraph to gеt an idеa of thе сontеxt.

2 Thеn rеad thе pаragraph again сarеfully and undеrlinе thе words whiсh sееm
to bе wrong.

3 Finally writе in thе сorrесt forms of thе words. Thе first onе has bееn donе
for you аs аn еxаmрlе.
In timе, thе Сhinеsе pеrfесtiоn thrее quitе distinсt typеs of tеa by pефсtеd
variation thе рroсеssing tесhniquе; thеSе Wеrе grееrr tеa whiсh is unfеrmеntеd,
rеd tеa whiсh is partially fеrmеntеd and blaсk tеa whiсh is full fеrmеntеd.
Blaсk tеa, whiсh was tradition produсеd solеly in Сhina, sprеad to India in
l839 and is now сultivatеd and proсеssеs all ovеr thе worid. Tеa сan bе
growth in almost any rеgion with a Warm tropiсal or sub-tropiсal сlimatе and
plеnty of rainfall. Lеft unсultivatеd, thе tеa plant _ whiсh is rеality a trее -
would rеaсh a high of around ninе mеtrеs. It is kеpt wеll prunеd, howеvеr, to
makе it еasy to piсk. Aftеr about thrее to fivе yеars, dеpеnds on thе altitudе,
thе plant is rеady for piсk, whеn thе toр bud of thе bush and thе adjaсеnt
two lеavеs arе pluсkеd off.
СаlI of thе wild UN|т 2 W

r 5 In thе nеxt tеxt, сhoosе thе bеst altеrnativе A, B, or C tо соmplеtе еaсh of

thе numbеrеd blanks.
Pеoplе oftеn ask how to (1) abоut making thе pеrfесt сup ot tеa.
Мaking a good сuр of tеa is not diffiсult, (2) arе a numbеr
of goldеn rulеs whiсh (3) is as wеll to foilow. Firstly, only usе
frеsh. high-quality tеa whiсh should bе kеpt in an airtight сontainеr,
(4\ from any stlong smеiling itеms. Always usе frеsh сold watеr
(5) - Watеr сontains lеss oxygеn and givеs a flat,
hot or rеhеatеd
Stalе tastе. Warm your tеapot (6)
rinsing rt
rinstng it ln
in not lnls
watеr. This
hot Watеr.
еnsurеS thе wаtеr stays -
(7) boiling point whеn it touсhеs thе tеa.
It is important to usе thе right amount of tеa. You shоuld рut onе tеаspoonful
of tеa (8) pеrson into thе pot, (9) an ехtra spoonful
,for thе pot,, aS it is сallеd. Finally, do (I.0) surе your tеaрot is
сlеan, but nеvеr put it in a dishwashеr - or usе dеtеrgеnts on it, rinsing it in
сold watеr is usually suffiсiеnt.
I A start Bgо С gеt
2 A also Bor С but
3 Ait B thеrе C pеoplе
4 A away B afar С alоnе
5 Anot Bas С whilе
6 Aor Bby С and
7 Aon Bto Сat
8 Aреr B for C еaсh
9 A addеd B adding С addition
10 A makеs B making С makе

f 6 Now fill еaсh of thе numbеrеd blanks in this last рaragraрh with onе suitabiе
word as you would in thе еxamination.
o rеad through thе passagе first to gеt an idеa of thе сontеХt;
о think about thе form of thе words whiсh arе missing;
о сhесk that thе word you сhoosе fits into thе grammar of thе sеntеnсе;
o сhесk that thе word you сhoosе fits into thе sеnsе of thе passagе.
Don,t fоrgеt that whеn making a pot of tеa, brеwing timе is сritiсal. Pour in
thе boiling Watеr and (r) thе tеa brеw for thrее to fivе minutеs,
2\ on thе sizе of thе tеa-lеaf bеing usеd. If thе Strеngth iS not to
(3) liking. adjust thе amount of tеa usеd, (4) than
thе brеwing timе.
Anothеr thing whiсh is important (5) to stir thе tеa bеforе
(6) it out. Somе pеoplе turn thе pot thrее timеs onе way and
thrеЪ ti.тrеs tilе othеr, whiсh (7, sarnе job. Tеa will tastе
unplеasantly stеwеd (8) lеft in thе pot for morе than tеn
minutеs. It is also bеttеr (9) to usе a tеa сosy or othеI form of
tеapot сovеr, as this will simply spееd (10) thе stеwing рroсеSS.
-thе of thеm has madе:
Nоw look baсk at your answеrs. Whiсh
о a vеrb and prеposition whiсh always go togеthеr (a сolloсation)?
o a grammatiсal phrasе usеd in сomparisons?
о an idiomatiс рhгasе?
о a рhrasal vеrb?
UNlт 2 СаlI of thе WiId

RЕADlluG 2

Multiple сhoiсе
ж з Look at this book сoYеr. Тalk abоut thе typе of book it

сould bе, thе sort of pеoplе who might buy it and реoplе's
rеaсtion to it.

E 3 If you wеrе a journalist intеrviеwing thе author of this

book, what quеstions wou1d you Want tо ask? Мakе а list.
Bеttеr а stрcаtеr
ж3 You arе going tо rеad an artiсlе basеd on suсh an 1roп,, а do! уuu
intеrviеw. What do you еХpесt thе stylе or tonе of thе k||ow a!ul lt)L,с

artiсlе to bе? Rеаd quiсk]v to сhесk. tt,аu а sheep

уou'll tttкr tпсеt

Summer is а sleepy time for the publishing

Wor|d, but one book, only reсently releаsed,
has already gone into a seсond impression'
ln faсt,'Knitting with Dog Haif has beсome
a surprise сult hit. From the title, it sounds
Kеndall's sister who models a .tam'
like аnother work of gritty G|аsgow realism made from olliе. But when it was
from the sсhoo| of lrvine Wаlsh _ until one mеntioned that Kendall WaS in
sees the сover whiсh has a daсhshund London on a high-powered mission
for her сompan)l I сouldn't paSS up
Wearing а tam oЪhаnter. Тhen the appаlling the opportunity of meeting her:
truth dаwns. Тhis book is serious.
If the publiсity piсtures of Kendall
Сrolius' and сo-author Annе
Indeed' one of the writеrs of this small but information- аo Montgomery look apple-piе normal,
paсked volumе is Kendal] Crolius, a senior viсe- rather than dog-сrazed rustiсs, I still
president of a majоr Ameriсan advertising сompany wasn't expeсting thе perfeсtly
Inside is a сompletе guide to eaсh stage in сreating maniсured vision of сorporate
сlothing from .a dog you know and love rathеr than a Ameriсa that greetеd me at the front
sheep you'll never meet' as the book puts it - from door. Kendall was dressed in an
piсking up the hаirbal] under the sofa to spinning the еlegant сream suit
exaсtly the sort
yarn. At the baсk of the book are patterns for sсarves, ofattire onе сould not wear anywhere
mittens and jumpers, with the finished results proudly near a dog. Pеrhaps the wholе projeсt
20 modelled by the dog owners. There's even an еxhaustivе was merely a warped marketing ploy
guidе to whiсh dogs provide thе best yarn. Readers learn sо to sell more knitting needles.
that the Rottweileц ,сalm аnd intelligent by nature, has
a very short, fine underсoat that сan be spun when This wholе notion, howeveц was
mixed with longer fibres, but do make surе you hаve his instantly knoсked on the head.
full сo-opеration beforе you piсk up the brush'. Kendall was only too happy to tell me
thе benefits оf knitting with dog hair.
I fеlt I already knew Kendall, and indeеd, her family, This isn,t just knitting. It,s a сause.
from the smudgy blaсk-and-whitе photographs whiсh
are littеred throughout the book. There,s littiе Martha, The wholе ,dog-hair thing, as Kendall
her daughteц with mittens from a Samoyеd puppy, саlls it, began 15 years ago' when she
Trevoц her eight-yеar-old son, in a jumper knitted from lеarnt how to spin. Kendail says this
two-ply great pyreneеs, and onе must not forget Сynthia, in an off-hand wav. but thе onlv

СаI of thе wild UNlт 2 ж
gж 4 Now rеad thе artiсlе again morе
сarеfully and answеr thе quеstions
1-6. Сhoosе thе arrswеr, A, B, C or D
:. eхсuse for an advertising eхесutivе to resort to whlсh you think fits bеst.
spinning is watсhing Sleeping Beauty too many
times. .Spinning was beсoming inсreasingly populaц'
Kendall ехp1ained .and I do like to master new skills'. 1 Thе journalist bеliеvеs that thе book
But why spinning, when one сan buy wool frоm a has bесomе suссеssful bесausе
shop? 'Oh, it's not that I thought I'd need to make my A it was rеlеasеd at a quiеt timе.
fami}y сlothes, it's just that it's so fundamental. You B it has an appеaling titiе.
сan't go thrоugh а day without dealing with fibres. с it is a fashionablе book to buy.
And it's very therapeutiс. ]t forсes you to wind down,
and the great thing about spinning is you сan take it
D it has аn intriguing Сovеr.
_- out onto the porсh and thе kids will сome out and
lvе,ll tell stоries'. A сraft for our times?
.Exaсtl5t, 2 Thс main aim of thе book is to
A рrovе what сan bе aсhiеvеd.
It was on aspinning course, in Brooklyn, that Kendall B givе instruсtions on a numbеr of
first heard about the amazing properties of dog fur.
.our teaсher happenеd to mention that one сould spin proсеSsеs.
dog hair. Everyone went 'hah, hah', but I thought С givе adviсе on thе сhoiсе of
.hmmmm'. Therе aren't a lot of sheep in New York matеrials.
and buying Уarn сan get eхpensive and we already D providе ехamplеs of suссеssful
had a golden retriever... in faсt this is golden projесts.
retrieveЦ' said Kendall, brandishing a сoppery-brown
: sсarf. Although the dog departed lifе some years ago' f How did thе journalist fееl on mееting
she lingеrs on in Kendall's wardrobe. I(еndall Сrolius?
smile evеrу time ] wear the sсarf. Thеrе are people A surprisеd at how shе was drеssеd
who stuff their dogs - I don't think I сould do that - but B сomfortеd by hеr normal aрpеaIanсе
this is like сarrying a loсk of hair. It,s a lot of haiц C plеasеd that shе rеsеmblеd hеr
sure, but it is that little touсhstone that makеs you fеel photos
сonnесted and it looks quite beautiful when worn D rеliеvеd that shе had no dog with
with my сamel-hair сoat. It's beеn quite a
сonversatiоn pieсe''

Kendall now has a сhoсolate-brown labradoц Cadbury Why did I(еndall first takе up sрinning?
,- Although she stresses that she really didn't want a A Shе wantеd to bе ablе to makе
d.og.just to make Sweaters,, she does aссept that it was somеthing usеful.
fortunate when Сadbury turned out to havе long hair B It was somеthing thе wholе family
ofthe sort that сovered upholstery in a fine layer. The
сould lеarn.
haiц by the way is gathered aftеr it has been shеd, or
as a result of grooming with a brush. I was undеr the С Shе was looking for a rеlaхing hobby.
false and truly horriblе misapprеhеnsion that thеy D It was a skill that fеw pеoplе сould
shеarеd thе dogs like shеep. mastеr.
.writtеn on a lap top on business
The book, whiсh was What was I(еndall,s main motivе for
trips baсk and forth to Miсhigan' has bеen an taking up thе spinning of dog,s hair?
,оо immed'iate suссess in the States' after being turnеd
down by сountless publishers. onе has to faсe faсts. A Shе thought it would savе monеy'
Therе are manУ people knitting up their dogs. B Shе was Sеntimеntal about dogs.
Suddenly I felt the surreal quality ofthis сonversation С Shе wantеd to imprеss hеr friеnds.
was overwhelming. Surely it was all a joke? Kendall D Shе сould sее thе businеss potеntia1
was unrelenting. 'We did want this to be a fun read.
But we,rе not kidding. Look upon it as reсyсling. This What doеs thе journalist rеmain
is iust a how-to-manual.'
unсonvinсеd about?
A how thе dog hair is сollесtеd
B how l(еndаll сhosе hеr сurrеnt dog
С how sеriously to takе thе book
D how рopular thе book rеally is

re UNlт 2 Саll of thе WiId

ж5 In your own Words. еХplain what thе Writеr mеans by еaсh of thеsе
ехprеssions as usеd in thе artiСiе (paragraрh numbеrs in braсkеts):
a thе aрpalling truth dawns (1)
b littеrеd through thе book (3)
с a high-powеrеd mission (3)
d apрlе-рiе normal (4)
е dog-сrazеd rustiсs (4)
f vision of сorрoratе Amеriсa (4)
g a markеting рloy (4)
h thаt littlе touсhstonе (8)
i truly horriblе misapprеhеnsion (9)
j thе surrеal quality (10)

1 How would you fееi about wеaring a pullovеr madе from dog,s haiт?

2 Should Wе WеaI lеathеr, fur. wool аnd оthеr animal-basеd fabriсs whеn
SynthеtiС altеrnativеs arе avаilablе? Talk to you рartnеr sаying what you
think and why.

РFЁRAS&L vж&85 з
With,up, апd.dowп,
Е l Thе artiсlе you havе rеad сontains four phrasal vеrbs whiсh inсludе thе
prерositions up oT dowп' Look baсk and find thеm. Matсh thе mеaning of
еaсh phrasal vеrb to a vеrb in thе boх.

a arrlvе d dеprеss f mtss i rеlax

b сollapsе e gathеr q
6 rеduсе j assеss
с dеmolish h rеfusе

g Э Сomplеtе еaсh sеntеnсе with еithеr up or dowп. Thеn matсh thе mеaning of
thе рhrasal vеrbs you havе formеd with a vеrb from thе box abovе.
l At thе еnd of thе intеrviеw Mеlaniе brokе in tеars.
2 Тhе сompany dесidеd to сut on thе amount of monеv sDеnt on
.э werti ci n o

3 Aithough I waitеd for half an hоur, Hаrry failеd to show

4 Thе old housеs wеrе bеing pullеd to makе way for thе nеw stadium'
5 Hеr friеnds, nasty сommеnts about hеr nеw boyfriеnd wеrе bеginning to gеt
6 Bеforе taking any aсtion, thеy dесidеd to sizе thе situatiоn.

Д ш.в. Thе Workbook has furthеr ехamplеs of рhrasal vеrbs with up and

СаlI of thе wild UN|т 2 8!rЖ'ж

СIozе pсlssсlgе
31 Look at thе photographs. Disсuss what you think is hаpреning in еасh onе аnd whаt
you think thе outсomе will bе.

.2 Мatсh thеsе hеadlinеs to thе photographs.

Fishепnеп to thе rеsсце оf fеаthеrесl friеnd iп nееd x4аss strапdiпgs spаrk frапtiс rеsсuе lclissioпs

E 3 Look at thе words in thе box. Put thеm into four сatеgoriеs dеpеnding on whеthеr
thеy arе a nouns/pronouns. b vеrbs, с prеpositions or d othеr words.

at baсk bесomеs brought сarrying had in long no €+€+ onе

or ratе rеsult ringing thеir to up whеn whiсh with

Look at thе tеxt. Bеforе you try to рut in thе missing words dесidе whiсh gaps nееd
-4 prеpositions. Thеn look baсk at thе list in thе box and dесidе whiсh prеposition will
fit еaсh gap. Thе first onе has bееn donе for you aS an еxamplе.
Rеpеat thе рroсеss for thе othеr thrее сatеgoriеs.
All (0) 0уеr thе world, strandings of dolрhins and whalеs arе bесoming morе
сommon and еnvironmеntalists сlaim that this may bе Naturе (1) thе аlarm
bеlls, bеliеving it is thе sеa itsеlf (2) is еnduring a slow dеath (3)
about by pollution. Dolphins dying off Amеriса аnd in thе Меditеrranеan Wеrе
nеarly all infесtеd (4) a virus, but thеy wеrе also (5) - а hеаvy
рollution burdеn whiсh (6) supprеssеd thеir immunе systеms. -
Individual strandings arе mainly thе (7) of illnеss or iniurv. Thе animals
сannot еithеr navigatе (8) swim рropеrly and ассidеntally сomе ashorе. It is
еvеn рossiblе that thеy may сhoosе to strand thеmsеlvеs as a rеSponsе (9)
thеir сondition. In thе southеrn hеmisphеrе, mass strandings of thеsе animals arе
сommon and еvеrywhеrе (l0) - рlight sрarks frantiс rеSсuе missions to rеfloat
thеm by wеjl-mеaning humans. Suсh strandings haрpеn (rr) -
thе animals arе
in a largе group and thеir iеadеr (12) disoriеntеd and swims ashorе' Thеy
thеn all follow and, as (13) as thе lеadеr rеmains strandеd, (14)
amount of work by human rеSсuеrs will pеrsuadе thе othеrs to-go (r5) to sеa.
(16) piесе of good nеws is that whеn pеoplе suссееd (17) rеfloating
strandеd whalеs, thе survival (18) сan bе еnсouraging. In Nеw Zеalaпd,
whеrе most stlаndеd whalеs arе fit and mеrеly lost, (r9) to ninеtу реr сеnt
survivе. onе signal, at lеast, that аll may not bе wrong (20) sеа.
-.,i7::' UNlт 2 Саll of thе WiId

l1 Look baсk at Unit onе. Сomparе thе rubriс and quеstions for this listеnitlg
task with thosе on pagе l6. What is thе samе? What is diffеrеnt?
You will hеar part of a radio рrogrammе about attеmpts to savе strandеd
whalеs in Britain. For еaсh of thе quеstions l-ll, сomplеtе thе sеntеnсеs
with a word or short рhrasе.

Thе Whalе and Dolphin Protесtion Soсiеty aims to сrеatе a nеtwork

of what it сalls I aсross thе сountry.
Voluntееrs arе trainеd using a full-lеngth inflatablе whalе whiсh is
2 to makе it hеavy.

Rеsсuетs put a l undет thе whalе so that it сan bе

movеd out to Sеa.
To еnsurе thеir survival. strandеd whalеs should not bе allowеd to

Without hеlp. strandеd whalеs always diе bесausе, еvеn at sеa, thеу arе unablе to movе

Теrеsa says that during thе rеsсuе, whalеs don,t appеar to bе 6

Thе rеsсuеrs usually rеlеasе thе whalе in watеr whiсh

is approximatеly 7

Мorе than two thousand whalеs in Nеw Zеaland havе bееn savеd by
what is саllеd thе 8
Мost whalеs whiсh сomе ashorе in Britain arе 9

onе problеm is that many livе strandings oссur ln lo plaсеs.

Tеrеsa is surprisеd at thе ll of voluntееrs training today.

.2 Look at thеsе studеnt answеrs to quеstion l0. Dесidе whеthеr еaсh of thеm is
a good answеr or not and why.
plасеs whiсh аrе rеmтtе пo pеoplе turn шp in rеmotе
rеаllу rеmotе rеmotе whеrе thеrе аrеп,t peoplе

In thе listеning tеst, if you havе to do a sеntеnсе-сomplеtion task. RЕNIЕМBЕR:

о always rеad thе instruсtions сarеfully. Think abоut thе spеakеrs аnd thе
сontехt tо hеlp you fееl rеady.
о rеad thе quеstions and think abоut what thе answеrs will bе, both in
tеrms of thе mеaning and what typе of word or phrasе is nееdеd.
o a lot of thе informatiоn is inсludеd in thе quеStion, both bеforе and aftеr
thе gap. Bе сarеful not to rеpеat it.
. you only nееd to writе bеtwееn onе and thrее full words for еaсh answеr.
о сhесk that thе sеntеnсе yоu havе сrеatеd is grammatiсally сorrесt and that
thе words you havе writtеn arе spеlt сorrесtlv.

Саll of thе wild UN|т 2 J
Idiorпаtic phrаsеs
l1 Do you know thе namе of this bird? Why is it fаmous?

П2 Look аt this sеntеnсе.

I,m аfrаid thе projесt hаs no futurе; it,s аs dеаd аs а dodo.

E з Now сomplеtе еaсh idiomatiс phrasе with a word from thе boх.

bее bull сat сhiсkеn dоg

fish fly lamb pig snakе

I It,s timе to bе bravе and takе thе by thе horns.

2 Tеrry wеnt mееkly into thе ехam room, likе a to thе
3 Мisfortunе WaS to Сharlеs for thе rеst of his lifе.
4 From this point thе road bеgins to down hill to thе сoast
) I.vе еatеn too muсh, I,vе madе a rеal of mysеlf.
6 Philiр.s suсh a gеntlе mаn, hе wоtrldn't hurt a

7 Grandfathеr lookеd likе a out of Watеr at thе disсo.

8 John,s got thе big matсh tomorrow, but I,m surе hе.s going to out at
thе last minutе and stay at homе.
9 Сarol arrivеd at thе party and madе a linе for thе sandwiсhеs as shе
hadn't еatеn for hours.
l0 Lisa walkеd in tеntativеly. likе а on a hot tin roof.

tЦ ш.в. Thе Workbook has furthеr work on animal voсabulary.

Disсussiпg pros аnd сons
r 1 What сan bе donе to hеlp аnimals that arе in dangеr of еxtinсtion?
Whiсh of thеsе idеas would you favour? What arе thе advantagеs and
drawbaсks of еасh idеa?
о ban hunting
. Сrеatе naturе rеsеrvеs
о go baсk to nаtural farming mеthods
. stop thе ехpansion of сultivation
о brееd аnimals in zoos
. sеt uр сaрtivе brееding programmеs and thеn rеlеasе anima]s into thе wild

.2 Talk to your рartnеr about:

о What good сan animal wеlfarе organizations do?
о How саn pеoplе hеlp thеm? Finanсially? Praсtiсally?
о What diffеrеnt typеs of orgаnization arе thеrе?
о Why do somе pеoplе not sllpport thеm?
о Would you bе willing to hеlр an animal wеlfarе orgаnizаtion?
}: ..^-!-,. UNlт 2 СаIl of thе WiId

Formаl lettеrs
Look at thеsе quotеs madе
by rерrеsеntativеS of various REPRЕsЕNтAтIVE A
animal wеlfarе tlrganizations Wе ta|<е in injurеd, haгmеd, unwantеd, ГUn oVе[ shot, mеnta||y
iл a magazinе artiсlе. Whiсh damagеd animals of all kinds If a biгd's |ost a wing, we don't сount
of thе rеprеSеntativеs would it as a геason why it shou|d diе. Тhе on|y diffегеnсе bеtwееn this
agrее with еасh of tl-rе sanсtuaгy and othегs is, if you bгing us a hеap of bonеs whiсh is
stаtеmеnts l-7 bеlow. Somе biгd, by thе timе yoU'Vе got baс|< into your сan Wе havе dесidеd
o{ thе statеmеnts rеflесt thе how wе'ге going to makе it into a biгd again, and wе won't havе
viеws of two оrganizations. WгUng its nесk bеfoге you gеt home.

Мost of our work

involvеs rеsеаrсlr.
If somebоdy finds, say' a rabbit that's been rцn oveг and
It is not our normal has a broken lеg, the last thing one should do is takе it to a
po1iсy to Llsе our funds
П vet and waste money on trying to pin it together and then
for saviгtg injurеd П put it in a сage. The kindеst thing to do is knoсk it on thе
аnimals' hеad. Now that would horrifo thе avеragе town dwеllеr,
but what we're tгying to do is prеserve gеnuine rural
habitats. I'm afтaid the troublе is, and it may seem unkind
Our organization's
to say it in this way, but сeгtain pеople are merely over.
aiп-t is to savе animаls,
sentimеntal about animals, and it гeally tеlls you more
livеs at all сosts.
about the people сonсегnеd than it does about thе well.
Ьeing of wildlifе.
Our organization's
пlain сt;nсеrn is thе
сollntr-vsidе in gеnеral. RЕPRESENтAтIVE с
Аs faг as Wе'Ге сonсегnеd thе impoгtant thing is qua|ity of lifе. |f wе
Somе wеll-intеntionеd fее| an animal сan bе геpaiгеd re|ativе|y quiсk|y and геtuгned to thе
wi|d, thеn wе'l| hе|p it What wе hatе is keеping anima|s in сaptivtty
реoplе lrаvе thе Wrong
attitudе towards and if wе thinkthat's going to bе thе сasе, wе'd гathег put it to s|ееp.
|f an anima| hasn't got its fгееdom' its who|e rеason foг bеing has
сomp|еtе|y gonе and it's unlikеly to bе happy oг |еad a propег |if,е.
Pеoplе aГе Vегy good at pгo1есting thеiг еmotions onto anima|s and
Wе dо not bеliеvе in
kееping аnimals in
П |ooking at thеm and dесiding whеthег they'ге happy oг not. An
anima| may look happy if you thгow somе food in to its сagе, but if
сagеs. П that anima|'s natuгal instinсt is to hunt foг it, this wi|| not fее| гight foг
thе anima|, Livrng in сaptivity is геa||y stгеssfu| foг anima|s, |t has to bе,
Wе try to undеrstand
how animals fееl.
It was only during thе oil spill off thе сoast that we really
began to get involved in animal гesсue. And we were using
about 16o litгes of water peг bird to get thеm сlеaned up so
that they сould Ье гeleasеd again. We aсtually did somе
veгy гough sums and сame up with a figure of about €35
pег bird to wash it, and, of сourse, this whole opeгation
was quite outside our noгmal spherе of aсtivity. But, as a
wildlifе oгganization we сouldn,t just sit theге and watсh
thе birds suffег what would be a lingeгing dеath. So wе
hope that peoplе will help us to pay foг сleaгing up that
mess, by lending finanсial support to our геgular study
programmes, whiсh suffeгed as a rеsult.

СаIl о.f thе |Цilсl UNlт 2

Whiсh ol thс tlгgarlizаtitlrls Plеftlге t,tlLt rt,гitе, tаll< аbtltrt thсsс r.1tlсs1itlIls tr,ith r'tlrtг
tltl 1.tltt thirll< hаs thс. bеst I)а Гt ll с Г.
idеаs? Сhtltlsс thс tlllс I Will thс lсttсг llс [tlгtllal? sсtlli-Itlгtllаl? irlttlгtllаl?
rvhiсh а111lеаls t() \.()tl lll()st.
2 Htltv siltlttlс] thс lс.ttl.г bеgill? Сlltltlsс. thе bеst tl1lеt-lit-tЧ [гtltll A,
Htlrr, tlll.tс]l сitl \,tll.t litltlrr, B tlг С.
аlltll.t1 \.()tlг сll()Sеll
tl гgа rl iza 1 itl ll-? A
To'нhorсt iL meу concеfi:
If 1,tlrr tvегс thitlltillg tlt
r,1lLI lIIЧ
{;,. .,.,-;.1 ..,.
llllсlll!IсlI l'l I wri*"e wi|h rеfеrеncе ta tha ' ''

pгасtiсаl hс.l1l ttl this

tlгgаrlizа1itltl, rvhа1 сlsс
rvtlrtlс] l,tllr ]ikе t() kll()\\. B
аbtlrrt it? Мal<с а list
Dеar Эir/geАam'

Wгitс a lс1tсг ttl t,tlttг aIT| wri|inq Lc ехQrеaa fi'у i|\t,еraЭt' '' ,

t l]r lчt'tl ('|.чJ lli./.ltil ll1.

. \l.h(l }/()tl а rе с
. htlrv l.trtr hеагd alltlrtt Эear an\ma\ \ovеrэ.
il.l с tlт gaтtlz,at\ ot.l
. rvh}. },()tl аге illtсгсstсd 1 rеad |hе bit. abaut,'уau in Lhе
. tvIlаt itlftlгltlа1itltl r,tll.t
\Vа ll1

J Horr, l.I.lс1 l.l }' })с-l Гс-l$г.r 1l h s lvill t hс [е11 t. г h а r.е?

4 Whаt lvill bс thс ttlсus tl1'сасIl 1lагagга1llr?
5 Horv r,r,ill thс 1lагаgга1lhs Llс irltгtldrrссr] аrlrl lirlkесl trlcсthсг?
6 Hor.v rr.ill tlrс list rl[ с1trеstitlrls ilс 1lгсstltltсtl?
7 Нtlrv sl-rtlrrld tllе lсt1ег с.rld? Сhtltlsс thс bеst сltlsс tгrllll A, B
tlг С.
Wnta oaon,
Эeat wiaheэ

Loakinq forward La hеarinq frarr уau'
Yaura faith|u у

,.--:,i ''"! I rеrnain'
i, ,:g 9
Yrry LrJУ уaurЭ

tП N' P,. Tl"rе Wtlгkbiltlk hаs tlrгtltс.г W()гli ()ll ftlгrllаl аrrt]
ilt l. ll.ttt.ll t.\lll.t.ssit ltlч.
СаII of the wild


-uNlт2 f1 In this Sесtion, yoll must сhoosе thе word or phrasе A, B, С оr D whiсh bеst
сomplеtеs еaсh sеntеnсе.
I Thе Soсiеty is putting a nationwidе nеtwork of voluntееr groupS.

A togеthеr B through С around about

2 We arе sееing in thе of fiftееn to twеnty whalе strandings pеr yеar.

A arеа B rеgion С rangе D viсinity

Onсе in thе watет, it on\y takеs a оt rninutеs to rеlеasе thе whalе.

A aquеstion B atriflе C an amount D a mattеr

Thе book has a numbеr of knitting whiсh thosе wishing to makе

garmеnts сan follow.
A modеls B рattеrns С dеsigns D tеmplatеs

It would a Vеry сasual сlеanеr to ovеrlook a snakе in a hotе]

A takе sее С makе D havе

Thеrе,s so muсh morе to thе film thаn thе filmmaker out to aсhiеvе.

A took B sеt C bеgаn D got

Whalеs сannot thеmsеlvеs into rеvеrsе; thеy сan.t go baсkwards.

A turn B put C swim D takе

This is a piсturе of our dog, olliе. hair was usеd to makе this
A whiсh B whom С whosе D whеrе

orаng-utans havе a good of smеll.

A ability B skill C sеnsе D powеr

lo Мrs Сhang had givеn up hеr job look aftеr Dai Dai.
A duе to B ассоrding to С owing to D in ordеr to
СаIl of thе wild UN|т 2

.2 Fill еaсh of thе numbеrеd blanks in thе passagе with one suitаblе word.

Suspect is bluе lаrgе апd hаirу

A Pеruvian bluе-baсkеd tarаntula spidеr whiсh еsсapеd insidе an Еnglish magistratе.s сourt in
Novеmbеr and was tholrght to (l) diеd from thе rigours of an Еnglish wintеr, has madе
а сomеbaсk (2) thе hеight of a fraud trial.

A ,largе hаiry spidеr, sсuttlеd along a skirting board (3) thе dеfеndant, a 47-уеar-old
araсhnoрhobе' was listеning to еvidеnсе. Barnеy Сosgravе, thе soliсitor (4) сliеnt was
,Wе,rе all thinking of сoming in
takеn homе aftеr thе hеaring suffеring (5) shoсk. sаid,
(6) rubbеr bands or сусlе сlips on (7) trousеrs nеХt Wееk,.

(8) еight-lеggеd intrudеr was initiaily thought to bе a hаrmlеss raft spidеr, Britain,s
largеst, but not vеnomous, spесiеs, (9) еvеnts took a morе еxсiting (l0) whеn
thе magistratе,s сlеrk rеportеd thе inсidеnt. Thе сonnесtion Was thеn (ll)
with a
young man who (12) his pеt tarantula into thе сourthousе in a plastiс
- boх, last
Novеmbеr, quitе lеgitimatеly, and latеr rеportеd that both spidеr and box (l3)

(14) of thе Natural History Мusеum.s lеading spidеr spесialists was сonsultеd and it
was lеarnt that this is (r5) a plaсid spidеr and pеoplе would bе wеll-advisеd not to
handlе it. (16) its vеnom is mild for most pеoplе, it is muсh (l7) aggrеssivе
than thе Мехiсan rеd-knееd tarantula, thе onе somе pеoplе аllow to сrawl ovеr thеir hands.

Thе сourt was (18) ovеr thе wееkеnd with a реnеtrating сhеmiсal, but a sеarсh of thе
building's nooks and сranniеs yеstеrdаy rеvеalеd (l9) сorpsе. Thе Сlеrk was, howеvеr,
сonfidеnt that usеrs of thе сourt Wеrе not at (20) Irom a vеnomous nlD.

r3 Fill еaсh of thе blanks with a suitablе word or phrasе.

I Thеrе.s morе to I(еndall Сrolius than mееts
2 As luсk would Ron Hawkins Was раssing with his Swiss knifе.
3 You won,t gеt him to сhangе his mind, hе,s as mulе.
4 Jеnny,s vеry shrеwd, you сan.t hеr еyеs.
This brand of сoffее is a grеat improvеmеnt you bought last wееk.

l*t UNlт2 СаlI of thе wild

rЦ4 For еaсh of thе sеntеnсеs bеlow, writе a nеw sеntеnсе as similar as possiblе in
mеaning to thе original sеntеnсе, but using thе word givеn. This word must
not be altеrеd in any way.
Eхаmple: A lot of pеoplе attеndеd thе rnееting.
Answеr: Thеrе wаs а vеrу good turпout for thе mееtiпg.

I rеaсtеd nеgativеly to thе story at first.


Illnеss and injury lеad to most individual whalе strandings.


Was it а suссеssfu] day from your point of viеw?


Thе book сontаins a сomрlеtе guidе to еaсh stagе of thе proсеss.


A high proportion of whalе rеsсLlеs arе suссеssful.


itt :: Finish еaсh of thе following sеntеnсеs in suсh a Way that it is as similar as
possiblе in mеaning to thе sеntеnсе printеd bеforе it.
Ехаtпplе: Immеdiatеly aftеr his dераrturе things improvеd.
Aиswer: N о soonеr h аd hе dеp атlе d lhаlt thil+gs iтnpт ol t.d.

Do yott think thе whalе is likеly to survivе?

What arе thе whalе,s

Sarаh was introduсеd to Мrs Сhang by thе Foundation.

It was thе

TIre pontoс)n systern hаs sаved in ехсess of 2ООo аnimals.

Моrе than

Thе whalе showеd no sign of bеing in any disсomfort.


5 Brad Сartеr bought thе snаkе from this mаn.

This is thе man who
А Word inуour Eаr
Eхpressiпg opiпioпs
Tаlk ttl y()l.lг partIlеr aLlill-tt:
. thс а(]vallta!.сs tlI krltlr,virlg а frlгеigl.t
lа t.tgttаgс.
. thе 1lrolllсrlls 1lеtl}llе hаvе itl lеагrlirlg а
1rlгс.igtl lаrlgtrаgс
. giltlt.l .lllсl Llасl wаys tl1 lсагt.titlg а l.rlгеiчtl

Ytltt аге gtlitlg to rеаd arl агtiсlе аLltllr1
lаtlgtragе саllсс] ,Wtlrdtгаps,. Lсltll< аt thе
1liс1r.rгсs' Еасh tlrlе is гсlаtсd ttl thе аrtiсlе itl
s()1llс \,vау. Таllt ttl уotlг l)artllсr аbolti:
о rд,zhа1 v()tl саll sCс;
о r,r,hаt thе рiсtttге tllаkеs ytlu thiпk of;
о horд,, сасh рiсtr.lrе rllight Llе сontlесtеd
lvith thе 1rl1liс tlf lаtlgrrаgе.

i Ф,. l

UNlт з A Word iп уour Eаr

Vl/ordtra E
Hurn"n beings сan say what they subсonsсiously trаpped by the partiсulаr
want when they wаnt, at leаst in language they speаk. Тhe question is, do
theory. All normаl humans саn produсe lо different languages mere|y use different
and understand any number of new words and grammar systems to tаlk аbout
words and sentenсes, аnd use lаnguage the sаme things, or do the differenсes
without having to stop аnd think between languаges aсtually ref leсt
about it. But, in reality, humans may be different ways of seeing the world?

The Amеriсan Iinguist, Whorf, put forwаrd

thе |аtter as a thеory using the examp|e of
Rеad thе artiсlе qr-riсkly thеn find and the Ameriсan-|ndiаn Ianguage, Hopi. An
undеrlinе thе rеfеrеnсеs to thе piсtllrеs on Еng|ish phrase suсh as, ,They stayed .|0 days'
pagе 4I. transIated into Hopi beсomеs, ,They stayed
zo until the e|evеnth day, or ,Тhey |eft аfter thе
Now rеad thе artiсlе agаin. Look at thе list of tenth day,. But aсtuaIly this only proves that
points A_ G. What point is illustrаtеd by Hopi |anguage exprеsses ,time, in a differеnt
еaсh of thе rеfеrеnсеs l_7?
Way to English; thаt the Hopi |аnguаge has
I Hopi Indians С made usе of a different system for
2 Frog in thе Wеll expressing whаt is essеntia||y thе sаme ideа.
з Inсаs Whorf didn,t find а way of tеsting whethеr
Hopi Indians асtuаl|y perсeivеd the idea of
4 Liquid in a Сontainеr
time itself in а different Wаy.
oсl.opus -
6 Gamе o[ Сhеss of сoursе, it,s very diffiсu|t to imagine other
7 Spidеr,s Wеb 30 Ways of perсеiving time, whiсh is а symptom
of somеthing e|se whiсh is genera||y true of
A That thе usе of сеrtain ехprеssions rеflесts Ianguage. Humans behave likе the ,Frog in
thе mеntal imagе pеoplе havе of thеir the Well, in the Сhinesе folk tale. Тhe frog
fееlings. |ived а|l its life in the wel| unti| one dаy it
Somе сulturеs may dеfinе familiar idеas in hoppеd out and was astonished to find whаt
diffеrеnt ways. a Iimited view of the wor|d it had a|wаys had.
That somе languagеs may еХprеss thе samе
idеa in diffеrеnt ways. Humans сrеate their own |imited menta|
D That in using languagе, wе usе a small рart piсtures of the world whiсh arе ref|eсted in
of a largеr systеm. lаnguage. Тhe word ,Weеk, is oftеn quoted
That thе usе of сеrtain words may aсtually 40 as аn examp|e of this. A week hаs no
givе us a Wrong idеa аbout somеthing. сonсrete rea|ity in the outside world. Yet
That our undеrstanding of languagе dеpеnds most native speakers of ЕngIish hаve a
on our еxpеriеnсе of thе world. mеntaI modеl of а sequenсe of seven days,
G That сеrtain words arе usеd bесаusе wе all
rесognizе a fami]iar imagе.
A |\'оr,1 il; -tt

whiсh is dividеd into two сhunks, five

Working days fo||owеd by two rеst dаys,
the,weekend' or sometimеs six
working days fol|owеd by one rest daу.
Тhey have this idеа|izеd notion of а
Weеk, even though they mаy organizе
]r their own working lifе quite differеntIy.
.l0 dаys,
|n сontrast, аn |nса wееk had
nine working days followed by market
day, on whiсh thе king сhangеd wives'

|t has bеen suggеsted that powеrfuI

mentaI imagеs may be сreated and
presеrved by mеtаphors. сonsidеr the
emotion of аnger. This is oftеn envisаged
аs hеated liquid in a сontainer, as in the But what аbout |аnguagе itsеlf?
phrasеs, ,Mark,s anger simmеrеd,,
,Helen Mеtaphor hаs shaped, pеrhaps
;O seеthed with rage,or ,Nei|,s bIood misshapen, our view of how it works. The
boi|еd,. overhеаted Iiquid is Iiаb|е to most widеIy usеd mеtаphor is that of a
burst out, аs in ,Mary bIеw hеr top,, game. Language has been likened to a
.Matthеw еxpIoded,. Suсh metaphors game of сhess, in whiсh a|| the pieсеs аre
gеnuine mеntaI images, ассording
ref Ieсt intеrdepеndent. The game imаge is
to psyсhoIinguistiс ехperiments. Whеn usefu|. But like aI| mеtaphors it саn bе
аsked about an idiom suсh as
,John hit potentially misleading, in that any
thе roof', native Еnglish speakers mеtаphor fits on|y partia||y. The game
imagine сontаiners bursting open and metaphor fits the rule-governеd naturе
thеir сontents spouting upwаrds. They of Ianguage, but it pеrhaps over-
70 do not imаgine a pеrson with springs on еstimates its neаtness and tidinеss. A
his feеt hitting his head on the сeiIing. more rеveaIing imagе, now We
But this ,Iiquid in а сontаinеr' imаge of 'l
00 understand the nature of language
angеr is not universа|. In some parts of better, is that of the spider,s wеb. Тhе
lndia, whilе anger is stiI| thought of as |аnguаgе web is potеntia||y vast, though
heаt, it is a drу heat requiring Iubriсation. eасh |аnguage expIoits only a smа|| part
of thе аvaiIabIe possibiIities. Like thе
Suссеssfu| metаphors have to be both spider, we find that wе don,t neеd to
suffiсient|y еar-сatсhing to take hold, but сover the who|e nеtwork of the web, but
suffiсiently ordinary to be aссeptab|e. An сan narrow down thе numbеr of traсks
organization might be сa||ed an oсtopus; We go along and se|eсt a fеw rесurring
80 most pеop|е know thаt an oсtopus hаs routes. U|timаte|y, wе must tаke сarе not
eight legs whiсh rеaсh out and сling and llo to behave Iikе the Сhinese frog, whiсh
pu||. But to сalI аn organizаtion a stаrf ish jumped baсk into its wеll bесause it
or а squid would be unIikely to havе the сouIdn,t stand the freedom outsidе.
same effесt, beсause peopIe are |еss
aware of how thesе аnimаIs bеhavе.
UNlт з A Word in уour Eаr

Сhoosiпg thе сorrесt dеfinitioп

Сhoosе thе bеst dеfinition A, B or С for еaсh of thе words l-l0.
1 subсonsсiously (linе 8)
A without undеrstanding why B without talking about it С withor-rt rеalizing it

2 rnеrеly (linе l0)

A onlу B sonrеtimеs С iп Iaсt

3 notion (linе 48)

A аn idеa B an аrgumеnt с a сontradiсtion

4 еnvisagеd (linе 57)

A ехрlainеd in words B shown in illustrations с piсturеd in thе mind

5 univеrsal (linе 73)

A found еvеrywhеrе B nеvеr сhanging с fotrnd only in onе plaсе

6 еar.сatсl.ring (linе 77)

A ]oud еnough to bе hеаrd
B rеpеаtеd еnough timеs ttl bе familiar
с intеrеsting еnоugh to bе notiсеd

7 shaреd (linе 87)

A сonfusеd B еnlargеd с influеnсеd

8 likеnеd (linе 90)

A сomparеd to B пradе to sееm likе с givе as an ехamрlе

9 paгtially (linе 95)

A in somе wаys B for thosе who likе it С if you bеliеvе in it

l0 rесurring (linе l08)

A whiсh rеpеats itsеlf B whiсh wе know С whiсh is suссеssful

Look аt thе oреning sеntеnсе of thе artiсlе.

,Humаn bеiпgs Саt1 Sсtу whаt thеу wапt whеп thеу wаtlt, аt lеаst iп thеorу.,
Disсuss what сhangе of mеaning, if any. wotrld rеsult from using еaсh of tlrе listеd
аltеrnativеs instеаd of thе givеn word in еaсh сasе. Why did thе writеr сhoosе thе
words аbovе and not othеr similar words?

Human bеings a pеoplе 4 what a whаtеvеr

tl mеn b anything
с adults с еVеrything
2 сaл a may 5 wаnt a likе
tl сould b havе to
с arе ablе to с nееd to

3 say a talk about

b spеak about
с сommuniсаtе
A Word itl vour Еаr UNlT 3

,thе},, irl thе tlpеrling sеlltеllсе гсfег t()? Lottk аt thеsе

Whаt с]tlеs thе woгd
tlthег rе{сгеllсс WOrdS fгоnl thе tеХt аnd dесiсlс rvlrаt thе1, геtсг to.
,thеy, (lirlс 9) rеfеrs Irl JtLttltаtts tlrе slrbjесt of thс sеlltеllсе.
,thе lаttс.r, (lirlс l6) гсfеrs t() thе Sсс()lld qllеstioll аt thе еlld tlf tl"rс first
paragrарh, i.с. t|tе pоssilэilit1, thаr di'ffеrепt lаtlу|tLаgеs rеflесt diffеrепt \|,(IуS оf sееtпg
tllе vу,оrld.

l wlriсh (linе 30) 6 thсiг (lillс. 69)

2 this (lirlе 40) 7 it (lillе 88)
3 tl.rеy (litlе 48) 8 it (lirlе 93)
4 llris (lil-rе 57) 9 its (lirlе 98)
5 strсh (lillс 63) l0 tl-rat (lir.rе l 0l )

Thе pаssivе
l Lotlk аt thiS sеlltеllсе frсlttl tIlс artiсlе.
It Jtаs bееtt sttggеstеd thсIt р0wеr'fill пtеtltаl iпtаgеs tttа\, Ilе сrелtеt1 сtttd рrеsеrvеd b1,
2 Undеrlinс tl-tс. vеrbs it.l thе sсt-ltеt.tсс whiсh aге it.l thс 1-lаssivс.
J Rеwгitе thе sеntеrlсе stl that all thе vеrbs аге ill tl"tе асtiVс vtliсс.
4 Сot1lраrс thс twtl sеlltеllссs. Wl.ry did thе wгitег сhtltlsс thе passivс fсlr this
5 Look baсk аt thе aгtiсlе. Fitlсl оthег ехаt.llplеs of thе passivс аlld dесidе why it
hаs bесп r.tsесl it-t сaсh сasс.
tЦ ш.в. Thс Woгkbtltlk hаs htгtlrег wtlrk otl thе passivе.

Bхprеssiпg timе
l Look at this рhгasе frtltlr thе rеadirrg passаgе.
Thсу stауеd 10 dауs.
How is tl.ris рl.rгasе tгаtlslatеd it.lttl ytlr-tr first lаnguagе? ls thе idеa ilt timе
еxprеssеd in thе Sаmе Way as ir-r Еnglish or diffсrеr-rtly?

Htlw сltlеs ytltrr lаngr:agе ехprеss thеsе titlrеs, in thе sаlllс Way аs Еnglish or
in othеr ways?

a wееk a morning an еvеnlng a fortnight

аn altеrnoon a night a wееkеnd
UNIт 3A Wоrd iп уour Е,аr

нЕLP Wlтt| тALKING ABouт PнoтoGRAPнs

Throughout this book A
thеrе аrе a numbеr of
ртroto8тap\s 1oт YoL\ 1O
talk about теlatеd to ttrе
thеmе of thе unit. It is ^\
important that as you
pгеpаге for Papеr Fivе \Э
you gеt usеd to ta.lking
about a рiсturе in thе I
waу that is еxpесtеd in 1t
thе еxam. Thе quеstions t
on pagе 47 will hеlp
you. t
A Word iп уour Еar UNIT 3 яж*m
r 1 Dесidе who is Studеnt A and who is Studеnt B .2 Look at your partnеr,s piсturе. Think of some
and look at onе of thе two piсturеs labеllеd morе pеrsonal quеstions you сan ask rеlatеd
AoтB. to thе themе of thе photograph, that сould
lеad thе disсussion furthет without rеpeating
As you look at thе piсturе, think of thе
what your partnеI has alrеady said. Think
answеr to thеsе quеstions. Tеll your partnеr
about the piсturе, using thе quеstions and
thе languagе in thе box to hеlp you struсturе о his workspaсe
what you say. Talk for about a minutе whilе о his attitudе to rеading
YouТ paтtnет \istеns. о his tastе in
books /piсturеs/postеrs /magazinеs, еtс.
Thе pеoplе: о his typing/handwriting/word-proсеssing
Who is it/arе thеy? skills
agе sех/рhysiсa\ aрpеaтanсе dтеss
/ / о his attitudе to (un\tidinеss
job/rеlationship to plaсе/othеrs о his attitudе towards issuеs raisеd in thе
What (s)hе is doing? piсturе
attitudе/fееlings o attitudеs to thе issuе in his сountry/
Britain/USA, еtс.
Thе sеtting:
Whеrе is it? r 3 In thе ехamination, you may bе askеd to talk
indoors /room/f urniturе / dесorations about onr, two or thrее piсturеs. You may
outsidе/wеathеr/timе / sеason/buildings / havе two piсturеs to сompare and сontrast,
vеgеtation/natural fеaturеs for еxamplе. Usе thе languagе in the box to
сity/сountrу |paтt of world/Brit4in/your hеlp you сomparе and сontrast thе piсturеs
сountry? labelled A and B.

Thе dеtails: In this piсturе thеrе,s... whеrеas/whilе in

What is in thе forеground? this onе thеrе,s...
intетеsting dеtails/obj есts /
anything strangе / anything typiсal Whеreas/whilе this pеrson looks..., this
onе looks more...
Thе сontext: Whеrеas/whilе thеy both... only this
What has just happеnеd? onе...
What is just about to happеn? This onе, on thе othеr hand, looks...
Thе thеmе: Сomparеd to that piсturе, this onе is
What doеs it makе you think of? morе...
Whу was thе piсturе takеn? Thеy dittет in tетms ot...
What mеssagе doеs it сonvеy?
Whеrе might you еxpeсt to find it?
tElш.в. Thе Workbook has furthеr work on
сomparison and сontrast.
It looks as if/though
(s)hе looks + adjесtivе
(s)hе sееms/appеars to bе + adjесtivе
(s)hе sееms/appеars to bе + verb + -iпg
I gеt thе imprеssion that (s)hе is...
Мaybе/pеrhaps (s)hе is...
(s)hе сould/may/might bе
(s)hе must/сan,t bе
It looks likе + (a) noun

, *Я&&Ж&ff
UNlт з A Word iп уour Еаr

Selecting а?t сlпswer

Disсttss thеsе quеstions with your partnеr.
Do yсlu oftеn rеаd books in translation?
Arе most major works of fiсtion from othеr languagеs translatеd into your
Whiсh important writеrs from your сollntly arе translatеd into othеr
Havе yolt еvеr rеad a book in both yollr own lаnguagе and in Еnglish?
What did you think of thе translation?

You will hеar two рarts of a radio disсttssion on thе subjесt of books whiсh
arе intеrnational bеstsеllеrs. Listеn to Pаrt onе. For еасh of thе quеstions
l_6, mark еaсh boх T or F to show whеthеr thе statеmеnt is truе or fаlsе.
Еlizаbеth rесommеnds whiсh nеw Еr.rglish books should bе lП
translatеd into fоrеign lаnguagеs.

Еlizabеth сhoosеs fivе or siх books for еасh publishеr. 2

Еlizabеth admits to trying to influеnсе thе publishеrs.final 3
сhoiсе. П
4 Еlizabеth сhoosеs books that arе alrеady sеlling wеll in Britain.
5 Е]izabеth triеs to avoid books whiсh havе had good rеviеws.
6 Еlizabеth bеliеvеs that pеrsonai rесommеndations lеad to most
book sаlеs. П

Listеn to Part Two and for еaсh of thе quеstions l-7, mark еaсh boxAorD
to show whеthеr thе two guеsts agrее or disagrее.

l Thе nееd to еxplain things сlеarly for thе bеnеfit of forеign lП


2 Thе aссеptability of Еnglish humour to forеign rеadеrs. 2a

3 Thе ехtеnt to whiсh writеrs should сonsidеr thеir rеadеrs аs 3П
thеy writе.

4 Thе attitudе of Amеriсan publishеrs.

5 Thе lеsson to bе lеarnt from litеrarу сlаssiсs.
6 Thе attitudе of British and Amеriсаn rеadеrs to books in
translation. П
7 Thе growth in poptrlarity of trаnslatеd novеls in thе UI(.
A Word iп уour Есr UNIT 3

YoLl havе bееп as.kеd tсl сhесk a trallslation lrom уottr languagе it-ttо
Еr.rglish. Thе tгаtlslаtitln has tlееtl dtlt-lе bу а ytlr.ll-lg inеx1.lегiеt-tсеd trаnslator.
o What typе of vtlсаbltlary п.tistаkеs wtluld yoll еxpесt to find in thе
tra tlslа tion ?

Whаt typе rlf grаtrltlar mistаkеs wou]d yoll еХpесt to find in thе
What othег tyре of t.t.tistakеs dо spеakеrs o{ yottr languagе сtlnlnrопly
tltаl<е wllеtt t гаtlslаl il tr' illtо Еrlr,l ish?

Htlw сatl yott tlakе stlrе that ytlu dtl t-lсlt t.tlakе thеsе пristakеs it-t y()Llr OWn

Look аt еасlr tlf tlrеsс phгasеS ()r sеlltеllсеs fгolrl thе listеnitrg tеХt. Еaсlr оtrе
сtllrtait.ls а phгasal vегb. Utldеrlinе thе phrasal vеrb in еасh еxаnrplе and thеn
сhotlsе thе bеst dеfinitiorl A, B tlr С.
Мегvyt-l,s latеst t.ltlvеl l-ras rеally tаkеr-r off intегnаtitlnаlly.
A bееn sr.tссеssfttl
B bеегt геlеasеd
C bеегr геt-t-tovеd

2 A nеw il.ltегt.tаtitlt.lаl tllarkеt fоr btltlks is oреniпg rtp'

A bеirrg offеrеd
B bесс.lt-l-lit.lg aссеssiblе
С gair.ring aссеptability
Thе vеry sаnrе botlks arе takеn tr1l Lly аlnlost аll rlly 1ltrLlIishегs.
A аdоptеd
B trаnslatеd
С rесomtrrеndеd

A lot of attthors tсlss itr loсal ге{еrеnсеs whiсh arе tlеаlringlеss to pеoplе in
othеr сottntriеs.
A inсlrrdе intеr.rtior-rallу
B inсludе disrеspесtfully
C inсlr.rdе саsuаlly
Amеriсan рr-rblishегs will piсk yor-r Llp on thе snrallеst рoint.
A rеjесt yott
B quеstiot-l you
C сritiсisе yor-r
A good trаnslator wili sort oltt thosе littlе problеms for геadеrs iп othеr
A rеarrangе
B сlarify
С onlit
UNlт 3A Word iп уour Еаr

Ехpressing likes апd dislikes

l Talk to your partnеr about a book you havе bought, rеad or tlsеtl
whiсh you found partiсularly еnjoyablе, usеful or intеrеsting.
2 Lоok at thе tyреs of book in thе box and say whiсh thrее yоr.r
Llsе most rеgularly and why.

соokетy bооks (autо)biogтaphу thrillеrs стimе nоvеls


modеrn litеraturе sсiеnсе tiсtion еduсational books

manuals romantiс novеls travеl boоks
puzz\е books с\assiс \itетatuте теtетеnсе tlooks

3 What typе of pсrson do yott Йink bttуs whjсh typе ol book?

4 Whiсh typе оf book do you think is thе most popu1ar in your сountrY?

Loo]< at thе hеadlinе of thе artiсlе on pagе 5l. What do you think thе artiсlе
will say about book buying in Britain?

Rеad thе artiсlе quiсkly tо find ollt What thе following numbеrs rеfеr to:
95,000 899 з5 55
55,000 |2 79з 47 22

Now rеad аgain morе сarеfully and answеr thеsе quеstions.

r Why has thе writеr usеd thе ехprеssion,сhaptеrs ahеad,? (linеs 2_3)
,for plеasurе,. (linе 7)
2 In your own words еxplain thе tеrm
3 What dоеs ,thе Samе, in linе 14 rеfеr to?
,markеdly, in linе l5 mеan?
4 What doеs thе word
5 What doеs ,thе figurе, in linеs l7_lB rеfеr to?
6 Whаt аrе,сltlit-lаг1,titlеs,? (lirlс 25t
7 What doеs thе pl-rrasal vеrb ,borе out' in linе 3l tltеan?
,morе puтсhasеd than
8 Еxplain in your own words Why ,,,tтophy,, books, may bе
rеad,. (linеs 36_39)
9 Whаt dtlеs ,thеу, in linе 50 rеfеr ttl?
,stеadily,? (linе 56)
lo What do you undеrstand by thе advеrb
,сonsumеr spеnding,. (linе 6l)
ll Еxplain in your own words thе tеrm
L2 Whiсh word is usеd in thе artiсlе for thе сonсlusions drawn from thе
information сollесtеd in thе survеy?
A Word iп уour Еar UNIT 3

The loу of
Reading Leaves
Men on the Shelf
When it сomes to reading
habits, women are chaPters
ahead of men, a survey reveals
todаy. The study of what Britons
read - and when - found that
35o/o oI men had not read a book
for pleasure for five years or
more' сompared to only one in
five women.

э Тhe survey, сonduсted by Book Marketing whiсh tend to be more purсhased than
Ltd, also reveals that while 47o/o of women reao.
оIaimed to have finished a book in the
рrevious fоrtnig;ht, ontу З0% of mеn сould rо Thе finding that women are greater readers
say the same. Reading habits differ than men Was supported by a quiсk survey
markedly with age; whereas only 18% of of book buyers by this newspaper. 'l think
those aged 15 lo 24 had read a book in the it's bесause Women arе сontinually trying to
week before they were questioned, the сhange and improvе themse|ves, and are
figure for people aged between 25 and 34 more f|exib|e and open to new eхperienсes,'
was 21o/o, and 47% for those over 55. Liz |\aу, a сurator at the Tate Ga||ery, said.
Tamsin Summerson, 22, said she was
:: Cookery books, with many tit|еs Iinked to a aware of the differenсe among her friends.
television series, are the most popular type 'lf you ask a man what book they've just
of book bought, a|though romantiс fiсtion so ГeЭd, they're IikeIy to have forgotten or they
and puzzle books have the biggest volume wiII сhange the subjeсt. on the other hand,
of sales. with a Woman, you're |ike|y to gеt into a
lengthy disсussion about it.'
For example, сu|inary titIes were bought by
27% of those who purсhased a book But whiсhever sex you are, it is getting
сompared Io 78% who bought a сrime story harder to be well-read. The number of books
or thriller, 72% who bought a romantiс nove| published in Britain has risen steadily in
and 7% who bought a work of 2Oth.сentury reсent years, from just under 55,000 in
.- fiсtion. A quiсk |ook around London book 1.987 to just over 95,000 todaY. Book
stores yesterday bore out some of the oriоеs have also risen from an average of
findings, with a range of сookery books, вo L7 '9З for a noveI in 1991 сompared with
romantiс works and thri|Iers on the best- 1.8.99 today. Consumer spending on books
se|Ier raсks. A|so se||ing weII wеre novels has jumped from f755 million in 1985 to
that had won |itеrary prizes and what one t.I67З miIIion.
.trophy' books, titIes
bookseIIer сa||ed
whiсh look good on the booksheIf, but
UNlт з A |Цord in уour Еаr

Сomplех SепtепсrS: Сompаrisot1 сl',td coпtrаSt

Look at thе first sеlltеnсе in thе sессlIld pагаgгaph of thе аrtiсlе.
l Hоw mаny piесеs tlf infoгпlatitrtl dtlеs thе sеl-ltеl-lсе givе?
2 Whiсh word prсlvidеs thе lil-rk bеtwееll thе tW() mаil.l pагts of thе sеt-ttс.tlсе?
f How is thе pltl.tсtltatitlt.l of thе sеlltеllсе inlportаtrt?
4 Why l.ras thе writег сhosеl-l this typе tlI sеt.ltеl-tсе t() prеSеПt tlrе in1tlrtllаtitlll?

Loоk at thе t-lехt two sеntеnсеs itr thе агtiсlе. Whiсl.r wtlrds prсlvidе thс. lirlk
bеtwееrl tllе two Пlaill pаrts of tlrсsс Sсlltеllссs? Arс tl-rсy пlаkit.tg thс salrlс
typе of lirrk?
tЦ ш.в. Tl-rе Workbсlok has fuгthеr work tlt-t thls tvое of sеtltепсе.

Сoпstructillg а quеStionпаire
l Tl-rе artiСlе talks about tWO SLlrvеyS.
How arе thе two sllrvеys diffеrеrlt?
Why do yol.l think thе nеwspаpеr
dесidеd tO саrrv ollt thе sесtlnс]

Look at thе aгtiсlе.

What qtrеstiorrs did thе Book
Мarkеtilrg Survеy ask реoplе?
Мakе a list.
What ordеr dо you thitlk thе
qltеstiсlt.ls wеrе askеd itl?

What quеstions did thе nеwspapсг

survеy ask pеoplе?

Do yсlt.t think а sllrvеy of pеoplе in

your сOllntry/sсhool would find thе
sаmе rеstrlts аs thе tW() s[lrvеys iIl
thе artiсlе?
Why (not)?

Dеsign a qllеstiontlаirе аbtlttt thе

typе of rесordеd ll.lt-tsiс pеoplе br-ry.
Your quеstitlnnаirе shotrld bе quitе
short so that you саtl ask lots o[
pеoрlе (i.е. abor.rt 8-l2 qr.rеstiorls)
аnd should prtlvidе ytltt witlr tlrе
following infornlatiсlll tO prеSеnt in
a mаgazinе artiсlе:
о inftlrmаtitltl alroltt thе pеtlplе
О stаtistiсаl in[rэrm.rtirltl
. s()mе strbjесtivе <lpiIlirlns
A Word iп уour Еar UNIT 3

t|ultiple choiсe
What arе thе qualitiеs of a good novеl? Tаlk аborrt:

pIot сharaсtеrization desсriptions tension humour style oI writing

You will hеar an intеrviеw with a novеlist who hаs writtеn a book саllеd
sесrеts of Bеst-sеllеr Writing,. For еaсh of thе quеstions l_ 6, сhoosе thе
answеr A, B, с or D whiсh yoll think fits bеst aссording to what you hеar.

l Why did shе rеfusе initially to writе tlrе book?

A Shе was busy writing somеthing еlsе.
B Shе found this sort of book irritating.
C othеr books on thе subjесt wеrе rubbish.
D othеr writеrs would probably Want to writе it.

2 Shе fееls thаt books advising writеrs аrе oftеn n-rislеading with rеgard to
A thе naturе o{ thе rеadеrship.
B thе quality of thе produсt.
С thе importanсе of rеviеws.
D thе attitudе оf thе book busit-tеss.

Hоw did shе fееl about thе пumbеr of pеoplе attеnding hеr talk at thе
bоok fаir?
A disappointеd
B surprisеd
С grаtifiеd
D nеrvous

Jоhr.r Grisham sеrvеs as an еХamplе of how

A you сan,t tеaсh pеoplе to writе.
B 1,ou сan,t prеdiсt who will bе suссеssful.
С onе suссеssful writеr bеnеfitеd from adviсе.
D somе pеoplе drеam of writing а bеst-sеllеr.

\Vhat must all writеrs hаvе bеforе thеy сan bеgin to writе a bеst-sеllеr?
A an outlinе of thе plot
B а narrativе instinсt
C somе с]еаr litеrаry idеals
D а trllе story as а basе
,writеr,s bloсk,?
Wl-ry doеs shе fееl that, as a nоvеlist, shе nеvеr gеts
A Shе has grеat sеlf-disсiplinе.
B Shе has a fixеd daily routinе.
С Shе,s always found writing еаsу.
D Shе trainеd in аnothеr fiеld.
lJ-llтl э Pl-wora.ln уoЙт-'cат

Dеfining words аnd phrаsеs

T Look аt thеsе sеntеnсеs whiсh arе takеn from thе listеning tехts. Еxplain in
your oWIr words what you think еaсh of thе undеrlinеd words and
еxоrеssions mеans. Thе first onе has bееn donе for you аs an еxаmplе.

o Thе book tеlls you how to writе а smash hit.

^ "-."ln Ьir i< <аиothiиa.likp а Ьоok or а rесordimq.whiсh sеIls lots of сopiеs.

I Thе hеady summit of an аuthor,s ambition.

2 Thеrе,s a lot of adviсе whiсh boils down to .writе a bad book..
з Wе саn takе it as rеad that thеrе.s a dеmand for a book likе this, сan,t wе?
4 I rесеntly did a talk whеrе would-bе authors сould сomе and аsk for adviсе.

Thе еvеnt Was рaсkсф to thе gills аnd thеy асttlаlly hасl to ttrrn реоplе аwа}z.
6 Is thеrе not a Sеnsе in whiсh you arе pеddling day drеams?

7 If you piсkеd any buttonеd-down young lawyеr in thе Мid-wеst.

8 I,m a suсkеr for a goоd story.
9 A friеnd of minе gavе mе thе gеrm of thе story.
lo You should map it all out in advanсе and know whеrе you arе going.
ll Don,t hamoеr your writing with litеrary idеals that you may hаvе piсkеd uр.
\?. \Nчr\ечs Sъ\\t\rтrts ъt\ \ъ\ъ ъ\ъrrъ\ъ ъ\ iltъDътrt.

Whеn pеoрlе or things arе likеnеd to othеr things this is сallеd а similе.
Ехаmplе: A B
Hе,s аs dеаf аs а post.
I as light as nаils
Thе room мlаS аS сold аs iсе.
\ ъъd\\\ч.'чs'ч.ьъ \\\t-
Мatсh thе bеginnings оl
ttrе s\m\\е \n A W\lk\ its } as\argе as a \еat\ет
сonсiusiоn in B. 4 as hard аs a panсakе
5 as quiсk as сhalk and сhееsе
6 as flat as a сuсumbеr
7 as frеsh as a bonе
8 as good as a daisy
9 as сool as a flаsh
l0 as dry as gоld

Whiсh of thеsе similеs would Уou uSе to talk about:

о pеoplе o plaсеs о оbjесts
m N.B. Thе Workbook has furthеr work сln
А Word iп уour Еar UNIT 3

|Уord fаmiliеs
Look аt thеsе grсlups of words сOnnеСtеd with languаgе. For еасh group
dесidе wl.rat is thе diffеrегrсе in mеaning bеtwееn еасh word. Usе а diсtionary
if nесеssаry.
l lingr-ristiсs, lingtristiс, linguist
2 vсlсаbtlIаry, diсtiоnаry
J aссеnt, diаlесt
4 trаnslatе, intеrрrеt
5 pronunсiation, phonеtiсs
6 litеral, mеtaphoriсa1,idiomatiс
7 stylе, rеgistеr
8 word, syllablе, sеntеnсе, paragraph
9 strеss, intonаlitlIr
l0 spеlling, syntaХ

СlОJе pсlssсlgе
What is Еspеranto? Whаt is thе idеa bеhind it? What languagеs is it basеd on?
Do yott know any Еsреranto? Do you kгlow anybоdy who сan spеak it?

Fill еaсh of thе numbеrеd blanks in thе passagе with onе suitаblе word. Thе
first onе has bееn donе for you aS an еxamplе.

Tl-rе bеst-known (0) of аll thе artifiсial lаnguаgеs, Еsреranto, was thе
invеntion of a Polish oсulist, Ludwig Zamеnhof. Hе madе thе first draft of his
intеrnational lаnguagе (l) hе was fiftееn. (2) own
langrragе baсkground Was Vеry miхеd: Russian was usеd at hоmе, with
Yiddish and Polish outsidе, and Frеnсh, Gеrman, Latin, Grееk and Еnglish
taught in sсhool. - -
Тhе sсhеmе was first publishеd it.t Russiаn in 1887. Thе first ЕspеraПto
journal wаs pr.rblishеd in l889 and thе first сongrеss was (}) i'
l905, bringing (4) nеarly 700 dеlеgatеs from 20 сountriеs. Today
Еspеranto is frеquеntly еnсountеrеd (5) intеrnationаl сonfеrеnсеs.
Sеvеral journals and nеwspapеrs arе ptrblishеd in thе languagе - andwork(6)
is a largе trаnslatеd litеrаtttrе in (7) to origir-ral
writtеn in Еspеrаnto.
(8) its рopularity, ЕSpеranto hаs failеd (9) aсhiеvе offiсial
status аs an intеrnational languagе. A рroposal to thе Unitеd Nаtions iл 1966
was signеd by nеаrly a million pеoрlе from74 сountriеs, (l0) was
,.'ot u.i"pt.d. Thеrе is a lot of opposition from thosе (ll)
Еnglish аs а wоrld languagе, and from supрortеrs of othеr artifiсiаl languagеs.
Sеvеral сritiсisms hаvе bееn (|2) of thе languаgе, but-f,uo...
it is gеnеrally
еasy to lеarn to rеad Еspеrаnto. (r3) always with languagе lеarning'
(14) _ , passivе сompеtеnсе is muсh еasiеr to aсhiеvе than aсtivе usе,
and a (15) - work is still nееdеd bеforе fluеnсy is
dеal of mеmorУ
UNtт з A Word iп уour Еаr

Giviпg opiпions
Disсttss thеsе thrее qllеstionS with your partnеr.
l Wl-rаt would bе thе advаntаgеs of lraviгlg a univеrsal languagе?
2 What рroblеms would thеrе bе irl сhсlosing onе languagе tсl ttsе?
3 Whаt problеms would bе involvеd in introduсing a nеw artifiсial langr-ragе
likе Еspеrаnto?

Look аt thеsе сommеnts madе by Еnglish lаnguagе stlldеnts аnd tеll yor-rr
partnеI whеthеr yolt agrее or disagrее witl.r thепr.
a Еnglish is thе world languаgе and еvеryonе should bе ablе to spеаk it.
b Еnglish should bе simplifiеd; thе grаmПlar is too сomp]iсatеd, thе spеlling and
pronttnсiаtion is ilitlgiсal.
Wе nееd to protеСt our Own lаngr-ragеs against Еnglish by nоt allowing,
advеrtisеrs аnd thе mеdiа to Llsс Еnglish words.

Rеаd this сompоsitiоn titlе.

Mаnу pеoplе Sау thаt thеrе sJlould bе onе ъtпivеrsаl lаllguаgе whiс|l еvеrуoпе lеаrпs to
spеаk. Somе pеoрlе fаvour аn аrtifiсiаl lаtlguаgе, likе Еspеrаnto, wllilst othеrs poitlt to
Епglisll аs thе logiсаl с|lоiсе. Wllаt аrе уour viеws otl t|lе sъtbjесt?

Now сomplеtе this

outlinе plan o1
thе сomposition.

Мakе notеs for еaсh paragrapl.r, r-rsiпg thе рoil.lts frсlm yoltr disсussion. Thеn
сompаrе yollr notеS with yotrr рartnеr. Add any points you might hаvе

Look baсk at thе graПllnar рoilrts il.r this unit аnd think how ytlu tlright rtsе
thепl in уtlttr wгitiItg.

Loоk at thе words and phrаsеs in thе bоx. Whiсh of thеm would bе stritаblе
for usе in а соnсlusion?

to sum up in thе final analysis lаstly on bаlаtrсс finally

last but not lеast taking all thе argumеnts into сonsitlсrati()Il
to сonсludе in thе еnd at thе еnd of thе dаy

5 Writе thе introdr.rсtitln агld сonсlltsiotr of ytlr.rr сoпposititll-l. Tlrеt-l сoпrplеtе

thе othеr paragrаphs, using yсlur plаr-t аt-tсl ntltеs'
A ||ord itl |,t'lllr Еar UNIT 3

lIl this sесti()ll y()Ll tlll.ls1 сh()()Sс thе wtlгс] ()Г })hrаsс, A, B, с rlг D, ivlliсh bс.st
сtlIll1llеtсs еасh Sеll1сllсе.

H rttllаtls сrсаtс 1hсiг tlrдrtl lirl.ritсri ttlсtl1аl 1liсtlrгсs ttt thс t,vtlгlсl ц,hiсh агс
irl lаrtgtlаg,t'.
А геtr.tгr-rсс] B rсllссtесl C геirllblrгsсс] D гссгtt itес]

) lt has bесtt StlggсStеd that 1ltlwег[ttl lllсtltаi lllа\, bс сrсatеd аllL1

1.lгеsсгvсrl Ьy rllеlарhtlгs.
A figr.rгеs B stаtttеs С t]гсаrlls D itllаgсs

) Tllс СIlirlсsс fгtlцiLrпlцеd bасk itlttl its rд,,сll bссаrtsе it сtlltlс]rl,1 tht'
\ ,l'l у)l >'l>э l >ll) cji/)

A сtl1lс B stгLrgglс С s1аtlti D dсаl

ЕlizаLlеth is lvhаt is аs all illtегllаti()llаl litсгаг1, Sс()Ll1.

A klrowt-t B саl1есl С гс1сгrесj D tсгttlеrl

Tеll lllс., Еlizаbсth, wlt;tt ti,rt's yoLr t' rvot'li ol?

A с()ll1аill B сot.tsist с с()lll l)()sс D с()ll1сIld

6 Му jtrb is ttl l)()1сlltiа l bсst -sеl lсгs f tlг tга rlslаtitltt.

A ttllrсh B 1llLrсl< С 1ltlirl1 D sl)()l

I,vс аlrvа1,s lvгi1tеt-l ttlу tltlr,,сls with а ttl thсir bсittg гсaсl by 1lеtl1llе
irl сlif{сгсrlt с()tl ll1гiеs '

A sight B Iltrре С lllilld D vtсw

Тhе sttгvеу rvаs bу Btltll< Маrkеtirlg Ltd

A сtllls1i1l.ttеd B сtlrlvсyесl С сtllltlltсtсr.] D сrlllесtес.l

9 I srr1l1ltlsе \^,/с сall tаkс it аs tl.tа1 thегс,s t]еrllаrlс] ftlг а btltlk likе this
сall,t Wс?
A гight B гсаt] С sаiсl D told

l0 A1 Iirst, I гс[tlsс.сl thс. tl11сг [rесаtlsе I wаs irl 1hе tlI wгitirlg а rltlvсl

A пlidсllе B сtlгt. С hсагt D сеlltгс

UNIт з A Word in уour Еаr

Fill еaсh of thе numbеrеd blаnks in thе passаgе with onе suitabiе wtlrd.

Rеасhiпg out

Thе ability to rеаd is for mtlst of us likе thе tastе of wаtеr in thе mouth; Wе Сan.t imаginе
(r) lifе wor.rld bе likе withtlut it' Wе аге all, of сoursе, (2) of thе
рrеdiсamеnt of thе blind, br.rt [rlr trlаI.ly pеoplе (3) is littlе undеrstandiПs of tl]е
рrеdiсamеnt of othеrs for (4) rеаdirrg is а rеal problепr _ thе dеaf, foг instatlсе. tlг
thе dyslеxiс, or (5) who for onе rеаson or (6) find it morе diffiсult than
wе (7) to сomprеhеnd thе rеlationslriр (8) symbols on papеr and wtlrds
(e) thе mind.

Unfortunatеly, until сomраrativеly rесеntly, lасk (10) knowlеdgе, imaginаtion and

undеrstanding has not only affесtеd parеnts, ( lt) еХtеndеd to tеaсhеrs аnd
еduсationalists, with somе Vеry сuriolts rеsttlts. It is сlnly in thе past tеn yеаrs, (I2)
thе usе of sign languаgе has (l3) a primary mеthod of tеaсhing dеaf сhildrеn.

Prеviouslу, signing was disсottragеd on (l4) grounds that it sеt dеaf сhildrеI-t (l5)
froп.r thеir сontеmporaгiеs in a waУ whiсh migl-tt (l6) daпraging.

Slowly, things аrе improving, (r7) ; t-lot lеast thror.rgh thе work of thе orgаnization
сallеd RЕAсH whiсh stгongly (l8) thе сasе for sоесial trеаtmеnt for сhildrеn with
visual or othеr rеading problеms. RЕAСH has dеvisеd sеvеral ways of working with tеaсhеrs to
singlе (19) and hеlp thе avеrаgе onе in thrее сhildrеn who will, (20)
somе timе, nееd spесial hеlр frсlm а pаrеnt or tеaсhеr.

Fill еaсh of thе blanks with a suitablе word or phrаsе.

I Whеn hе hеard hе,d won thе prizе Simon Was ovеrсolnе еmotion.
2 A dеntist who is bad-tеmpеrеd is not rеally сut thе job.
3 Thе morе you talk аbout sрidеrs, nеrvouS Мariе gеts.
4 I mеant to piсk up SOmе brеad at thе supеrmarkеt, but I,m аfraid it
my mind.
5 I wish pеoplе wouldn,t smokе in rеstaurants, it rеally gеts nеrVеs.
A Word iп уour Еаr UN|T З

For еaсh of thе Sеntеnсеs bеlow, writе a nеW sеntеnсе as similar as possiblе in
mеaning to thе original sеntеnсе, but using thе word givеn. This word must
not bе altеrеd in any way.
Eхаmple: A lot of pеoрlе attеndеd thе mееting.
Aпswеr: Thеrе wаs а vеrу good turпout for thе mееtiпg.

I always wantеd to bе a writеr whеn I grеw up.


Why do you think your first novеl was so suссеssful?


Whilst having an idеalizеd notion of a wееk, pеoplе mаy organizе thеir own
livеs quitе diffеrеntly.

Pеoplе havе mаdе a сomparison bеtwееn languаgе and а gаmе of сhеss.


only part of thе story hе told was truе.


Сhris likеs еating pizza a grеat dеal.


I vеry rarеly go intо fast-food rеstaurants.


Сlarе doеsn,t rеally likе talking about hеr problеm.


Thе origins of dеntal fеar tеnd to bе found in сhildhood.


l0 It's not Janе,s intеntion to forgivе Pеtеr for еmbarrassing hеr.

UNlт 3A Word itt уour Еаr

Finisl.r сaсh Of thе follсlwing Sеlltеllсеs itt slrсI-t а wаy tl.rat it is as sillilаr аs
1.ltlssiblе itt lt.tеаIling ttl thе Sеlltеtlсе prit-ttесl bеforс. it.
Ехаtпplе: Iпlt-lrесliаtеly aftеr l.ris dеpаrtr.lrс. tl]il-lcs it-l-lprovеd.
Апswеr: Ntl stltlt.lег hаd llе dераrtеd tltаll t]tittqs iпryrovеd.

l Тl.rс.tltttllbег tlf btltlks рrrtllishr.d ilаs t.ist'tl stt'аtliIr,.

Тltt'r.t'Ilаs Ilсt.tl

I lilulld tirе tl.rirlgs pеtlрlс sаirl аbtlrtt bеst-sсllсгs vсгy irгitatiIlg

I wаs

3 Тhеy сiisсrtssеd thе aссеptаbilitr.tll ГrrgIisll Ilrtrllllttt-trl ltlгt.ir]rl гr'аt.|r.'I.s

Тhсy fli5611'sеd lrсlw

4 Whаt аrе thе сhаt.tсеs сlf thе tlсltlk bесtlt.t]ir]s a bеst-sеllеr?

Htlw likсlу

As stltln аs it wаs рtrblishеd in trаtlslаtiсlll, thе btlok bссаt-llе а bеst-sеllеr.

Ntl stltlnеr

Irl tit-l-tе, ul-tpiсkеd fruit will гot alld fa1l to thе grotlгld.

7 h,S асlvisablе foг Rtlsеt.t.lаry to avoid driгrkiI-lg tеa ()г сtlf{ее foг a wlrilе.
Rosеtllary wсluld

8 Thе егowit-tg tlf that typе of plапt it.l Еttгtl1-lе datеs tlaсk tсl аt lеаst l839.
Bv 1840.

9 Riсhаrd didrl,t Sеt Ol.lt t() саttSе аtl аrgtl]llеllt.

Riсl.rаrd had tlo

l0 Еlаit-lе,s tllеtlrbеrship оf tlrе Soсiеty dаtеs bасk to l984.

Еlаinе l.rаs
AFinе Rornапce
Tаlkiпg аbоut photogrаphs
Ltirlk аt 1l.tе 1ll-ttlttlега1lhs аtlсl tаlk ttl y()Llг })аrtllс.r

l thс. геlаtitlrlshi1ls bсtwсеt-l thс 1lеtl1llс. аnd

htlw thе 1lеtlplс аге fсеlirlg:
о аbttttt thеrllsеlvсs
o аboltt othсгs
о abtll.tt rvhat thс.y агс сitlirlg
2 whаt thеу аrс thirlkirrg аboltt
f whаt typе tlf })егS()ll ytlt.t tl-rillk сасh tlt-lе is:

о rn,,llаt с1Lrаlitiеs thеу havе

о what lailirlgs thсу havс

UNlт4 AFiпеRomапсе

Whiсh of thеsе сharaсtеristiсs would yolr likе yor-rr idеai pеrs()n to havе?
Сhoosе thе fivе most impоrtant. Tеll your partnеr why.

modеsty loyalty honеsty gеnеrosity rеliаbility

stylе intеlligеnсе bravеry judgеmеnt раtiеnсе
сharm sеnsе of humour faithfulnеss soсiability talеnt
сaution теsоuтсе{ulnеss tastе сomrг\on sе{lsе bеauty

Think about your idеal/pеrfесt pаrtnеr in lifе. Talk abor-rt what is important tO
you and why.
Physiсai aрреaranсе:
Hеight, wеight. сolouring, аgе, hеalth аnd fitnеss, еtс.
Мonеy, soсial position, oСсLlpation, fаmily bасkground, еduсation, еtс.
Quаlitiеs and failings that mattеr.
Whiсh wor-rld affесt yor-rr сhoiсе most?

Is your pеrfесt partnеr similar to yoll or diffеrеnt to уor-r? Is this signifiсant?

Do mеn аnd womеn havе diffеrеnt idеаS of what nrаkеs а good pаrtnеr?

With your partnеr. look at this advеrtisеmеnt for аn introduсtiсlns аgеnсy.

Ъlk аbout:
о What it is
о How it wоrks
o Whаt sort of pеoplе usе thеm
о Whеthеr you think thеy arе suссеssful

Find уoшr Ilефct pаrtner in Iife
Оur ilаtabаse holds detаils oJ
2000 single I,еople
АIl аrеаs, аlI аges, аII intеrests
cаtered Jor
C o nfi d еnti аIi tу gu аr аn tее d
A Finе Romаncе UNlт 4

Look at thе thrее раssagеS.

A Thе Happy Hearts Introduсtion Agеnсy is dеsignеd for
Еaсh onе is сonnесtеd with
individuаls sееking а genuine onе-to-onе reIationship.
dаting agеnсiеs. For еасh
Сlients аre reminded thаt еntries wilI not be aссeptеd on
onе, talk about:
to our databаse if they stаte a rасe, сrееd, сoIour or
o whеrе you might find а nationа|ity in the pеrson sought аnd thаt aII еntries must
passagе likе this; be within thе Iaw. The Agenсy rеserves the right,
о who it is talking to; therеfore, to exеrсise its own disсretion in refusing аny
о thе stylе it is writtеn in; entries whiсh mаy give offenсe or be in аny Wаy
о whаt you think about unlawful.
what it is saying.
Нi, Тa|l, efim and ехcoptiona||у
attractive. I'm a atrugqlinq
muaician who trave|a a grеat deal .*ж
;:;;::хiъi;"-"*** 'g}1т*- l
and haэ manу friеnda' Dу nature, ",:; i. .т\*
l'm сarinq and affeсtionatе with
a good eenэе of humoun Ering
H";.;-"". jnl,";},:Ъlli
tiil]ж;*:. l
;;,,iiu-*u.'.'o u.'
vеrу aociablе, l havе a tendеncу :ni"Т ;''""J:Т,1\::H' u
t:? t,|row impromptu partioe' Му
lаral Partnrr ie eomeanе who ie l;*ltforТх+s
thе tirst *'t'
тolrranL enouqh to put up wiLh
vouг plans
mу unpredictab|e |ifeetуte, buL - t"tt u Aгiеnd of
Pravr rnough to atand up to me
- alwavs mееt in a publiс
oometimea. lt'a aameonr who will
;;",;givеуouradiff il"":],Т;onship
be there when l nrеd thеm, but
warrt ;..:J*H;i;ff
Lv vv^.-..
who will alэo |eavе mе the apacе vou'rе sure vou .
whеn l nred to bo bу mуaetf,

Writе еithеr:
Your own (rеаl or imаginary) еntry for thе agеnсy,s databasе.
Yоur rерly tO thе pеrson who wrotе passаgе B.
Rеmеmbеr thаt you havе to dеsсribе yollrsеl{ in a flattеring light and givе a

gooсl idеa of thе qualitiеs yoll arе looking fоr in a pеrfесt partnеr.

Sеlесting ап сl|7swеr
You will hеar a rеаding from a novеl in whiсh a Woman is rеmеmbеring hеr
first roпrantiс еnсollntеr as a tееnagеr. For quеstions l-7. mаrk еасh boх T or
F to show whеthеr thе stаtеmеnt is truе or falsе.
l Sylvia first bесamе intеrеstеd in Robеrt bесausе of his namе. l П
2 Jеnny probаbly told Robеrt that Sylvia likеd him. 2 П

3 Sylvia Was, on bаlanсе, plеasеd to rесеivе thе lеttеr. П з

4 Sylvia rеgrеttеd dесlining Robеrt,s invitation. 4 П

5 Sylvia Was annoyеd abоut thе rttmours Jеnny sprеad. 5 П

6 Sylvia Was сonсеrnеd about othеr pеoplе,s opinion of Rоbеrt. 6 П

7 Sylvia found Robеrt unintеrеsting. 7 П

Listеn again and notе down what you havе lеarnt about thе сhаraсtетs ol
Sylvia, Jеnny аnd Robеrt.
UNlт 4 A Fit.tе Rolltаttсе

Nlultiple сhoiсe
Rеаd this сOllti1lLlаti()r.r of Sylviа,S st()ry.

Rоbсrt Кеtt wаs hаttgiIlg аbrlut а littlс rvа1.down thе гoаd frоm
оuг lrоusе, prеtепdin$ tо bс dоiпg sоmсtltiпg tо his bikе. It I
hаd ltоt rссо$Ilizсd him, I цюuld hаvс rесо$ltizеd his bikс
аlt1.wItсrс, а biгthdа1. prеsеttt frtlпt his pаrсnts ц.Ittlsс
pсrссptiоIt of thеiг sоn сIсаrl1, diffеrеd lrоtn m1. otvll. lt ш.as
bluе аttd rvhitс lvith turnеd dоtl.ll hаndlсbаrs аtld thс liItсs оf
а сhссtаh poisсd to spriItg upоIl аIt ullsuspссtirlg gаzсllс. Nrlt
tltаt I hаd SесIl - Ilor сvсr ехpt.сtсd tо sес - Rtlbсrt Ксtt riсling
it tvith thс paItасhе it dсsсrr.сd. Hс sссlnеd hаppiсst quiеtl1.
lo pushin$ it аlоng, hiшsсlf pаddiIlg аlоIrgsidс itt а subInissir.с
rvа-v thаt did llоt mаkс it сIltirс11. сlсаr tvltiсh оf tItе trrlo ш.аs iIl
\Vс sаid hеllо tо сасh оthсr аltd tl,сrс. аs ttsuаl.
iпmсdiаtсI1,, аt а Iоss fоr wоrds. I tlrilrk I sаid stlmсthillg аbоut
liking his puIlоr,сr, wlliсh wаs il dtlzz,|iltg tlсrv ш,hitс. hаltd.
knittеd оnс itt саblс stitсh. Goillg.bri$Ilt rеd _ t,t.|tсtt it саInе ttl bIushing tlrсrс rvаs rlоt
muсh tо сhооsе bсtwt'еll tts _ hс tоld mс his Aullt Mаbсl hаd kllittссl it fоr hiln. To
brсаk thс pаillful silеllсе whiсh fоIlоrr.еd tlris itlfоrmаtiоrt I Iпеntiопсd thаt I r,l.аs оlt
thс wаy tо fсеd a donkr'1.. I wаs nоt сoIlsсiоus of frаmiItg this гоmпсnt iIr thс fоrm оf
z0 аItinvitаtion,butItсtооkitаsоllс,аlrdIdidItоtсоtltгаdiсthim; itwаssuсhагсliсftо
disсоvеr а puГpose fоr оur bсing tоgсthеr.
Wс lvаlkсd iIl а dсprеssivе quiсt dоrvll tо tltе сгоss-rоаds. I had ttlngаgо rсsigIlесl
m1,sсlf tо tltс sаd rссo$Ilition thаt_ ill thс сirсlеs I frсquеlltсd аt аIly ratс-pсоplс diсl
пot сottvегsс tvith сithеr tlrс ц.it oл thе hi$h st'ri0usnсss thс1.inr,аriаbI).схhibitссI irl
boоks. Еl.еп sо, rvitlr поthilr$ but Аunt MabсI's pullttr.сr lrеtrvссn us аltd silсnсе. I соulсl
поt hеlp fесling thаt wе lrаd touсhсd rосk bоttоnr. Onсr. wс got into thс bасk pаth
things got сvеIl Worsс. Rоbсrt Кеtt $rеrv fuss1.апd l соrrld nсvсr аbitlс fussiItсss. lt
sесmсd thаt Ironе of thс housсhоldсrs саrеd a grсаt dеаl аbout tltс stаtе tlf thе hесlgсs
whiсh flаnkсd thе path, fоr with spгiIr$pаssiпg into summсr thс rviIсl rosеs hаd gгоrvn
зo prоdi$iоusltt thе brаmblеs аrсhing оvL'r thс pаthwa1.оr sIlаkitt$ thогllily аIоllg tltе
ground lvith thе ехprсss аiIn, suгеl5., оf tripping rrp thе uItsuspссtiIt3 pаssсr-by. fl5 x
plасе fог piсkin$ up sсrаtсlrсs оn tlrс bеаutiful bluс апd whitе еtlаmеl of а nсw bikс. it
tооk а lоt of bсating. Muсh аs I hаtеd fuss, I fеIt suffiсiеttt sympath1. fоl. ttt1. сопrpаtliolr
in his оbvious distrеss to suggеst that hе аnd his l]iс5.g1. сhаIl$е thсir miпсls аbоut
ассompаllyitt$ mе furthеr аnd rеtrеаt tо thе sаfсty оf Inаdе-up roаds. Rоbеrt Кеtt's
rсfusal tо lvithdrаw mаy havс dеmоnstrаtсd а $rаtifyin$ dеsirс fоr m}/ Сolnpall)'
dеspitс аll dаIrgеr, if оnly hе hаd Irоt sаid: .It's аgеs siltсс I sац, а dопkе}..'
Robеrt Кеtt аnd thе dоnkеy likсd еасh оthеr instаntl1t It rvаs lor,с аt fiгst si$ht. M5.
titulаr bоyfriеnd tооk tо thе dоIrkс1. iп a wаy I hаd nсvеr sееlt him tаkе to me.
цо Undauпtсd by thс lar$е 1.еllоw tееth thаt mаdс mс prеf'еr tо thrоrv brсаd dоr,vп itt thе
grоund rаthеr tlran risk my fingеrs, Rоbеrt fеаrlсssl1, hеId out lumps оf brеаd fоr tlrе
аnimаl tо snufflе up with its slоbbсry lips. Hс pаttеd Bаgshаrц for thаt rvаs thе
donkеy's nаmе, oll thе muzzlе likе аn оld friепd, shооеd thс fliеs аrvаy frоIlr his сyсs
аnd еvсtr snаggеd his nеw pullovеr on thе bаrbсd wirе aпd didlt't sееm tо саrr'.
lf I wаs, tо bс hоttеst, a littlе put оut by this lсr,сl оf vivасiц., n.u., triggсrсd by m1,
pгеsеllсс, it lvаs аs nоthing to lny аluloyапсе аt Bа$shаrv's rсSpolrsе. Hсrс rr.аs I rvhо
A Filtе Rоlttа'tсе UNlт 4

Ntlw atlsw,еr thс qLlL.stitlt.ts l_5.

Сhiltlsе thс atlswеr A, B, С tlг
ltаd bеt.tt fссdirlg thс rvrсtсhсd bеаst da1.аftсr dа1. D whiсh },()Ll 1hillli fits Llсst.
ц.ithtlttt rссеir.ing аs пrrtсh аs а Itсс hаlr,itl rеtuгlt, аItd
hсrе ш.аs а сomplс1с stгаllgсr ttrtlr,iп8 itt сffortlсssh.ttl Htlw did Sylviа гс.gaгd Rtllrеrt,s
tаkс tlvсr thс hсаrt rvlriсh shtluld. if thсrе W(.rС аIl}, biс,vсlе?
justiсс iIl tltс tlогId. bсlollg to ПС. Bаgsltаu. purrсd, A S1rс ltlrlgсd ttl [rе ablс ttr
Bаgsharv simpеrеd. Birgshаrr. fIrrttсrсd his lоItg riсlе it.
с1.еlаshсs аt Rоbегt Ксt1 ilt a wаy thаt \\rаS qllitс B Shе fеlt it wаs lrrlsltitесl tсl
disgustillg. I rnigh1 аs tvсll |tаr.с ttot bеt'tl thсгс аt аIl. 'lt hinr.
tаkсs tlItс dоIlkсу tо rесо$tlizс аlltltIrсг.. I thоugIlt С Silс аdrlliгсd his сhtliсс tlf
ft'госiortsl-\.' but I rсmаitlсd rttlсtlInfоrtсd. Nl1, fаithlеss
.ls tlrtlс1еl.
lоr.сr thсn tuгtlссl to rrlс itItd dспtаItdсd thаt аll tlrеrс
tltс аtlsrr.сr nlust |tаr,с bссtl рlаitt tо sес
D SIlt'Wаs t| |ttl5е(i ttl st't'itlg
l-rinr witl-r it.
whеrс. for hсаl.сtl's sаkс. did hс 1lliIlk I kсpt схtrа
brсаd? l hurst into tеаrs.
I dоrl't kItоrr. lvItiсIl ()f uS ц.аs tl-tс tttоst Нtlw diсl Sуlviа fееl whсtl
Inс. Rrlbсrt Ксtt оr thс doIlkс-t,, but tlItl1, Robсгt said hе wotrld likе tсl
сrn[rаrrаssеd -
thе lаttсг lrаd tlrс sеllsс t() dо sоtпеthittg аbtlut it. сtlrllе with hег ttl sее thс
l]ushin$ his hсаd сr,сtt fitгthсr thаll usuаl thrоugh tItс dtlrrkе,v?
strаltds of llагbсd rr.iгс. Ilе firs1 rLrbbсd his ttоsс A shе wаs сllrbaгrаssеd
аffесtiоllatеl1, аgаiItst Rоbеrt's tlсrv pullоr.сr. tItсп. B shе fеlt rсliеvеd
opеllillg his mоuth tvidе. сItапt1lеd his tсеth rvith аIl С shе rvаs disа1l1-ltlirltеd
аudibIс dоlt.tl оlt Аurtt Mаbсl's hаlldilt.оrk аltd D slrе fсlt сiltlftrsсd
hit ir lагgr.piссе rlut сr[ it.
It wаs Iпаstеrly dоnс. shосk оf it driеd ttt1, tсаrs
Whаt аl.tt-ltlyеd Sуlviа lll()st as
instаrrtl1.. Thс dсstгuсtiоlt sо uttсr аs ttl prссludс
tl-rеy walkеd аltlrrg tilgсtlrеr?
pеttifоgging rvогriеs аbоttt ш.hеthсr оr no1 thс dаmаgе
соuld be rсpаirеd. Еvсll аs tlrс hо1.stоod stаrin$ dоrvIt A tIlt' ttllliс rll с()llVегS.lli()t.]
ulrbсIiеvingl1. аt ltis fгtlnt. tltс nоthin3nсss сnlаrgеd B Rсlbеrt,s fеars ftlr his biсyсlе
itsсlf. lt sсеmеd tlrаt brсаthiIlg \\rаS сnouglt tо sеlld С t1.rе stаtс ()f tl-rс раthwaу
tnогс stitсhсs itltо оblir.ioll. п1()гс tr.оо| uItrаvсllitts. D hег ir.rаbility 1tl с1rаt-lgе thе
nrоrс саb]еs untwisting thепrsсlr,еs. s lrl-ljесt
WhеIt Rоbеrt Ксtt dсшаlrdеd itt а |righ pitсhеd
vоiсе, ' Whаt аm I $oiIlg tо tеll Аrrntiс?' I toоk сhаr$L.' Wl.ry did S1,lvia s]еtS() l.tрsсt
thс rva1., it sес.nrеd to rпе. $irls oftсrr had to lvhсn fасеd whеt-t Robегt Irrеt thе dtlrrkеy?
with brlys' iIlаbilitу t() Сopс. hсr 1,оLr lоst it. Shс'll
kttlt 1.оu аnothсr. Wоtnпr аlwаys btt1, tnоrс tvоol thаtt
A S1.rе fеl1 L]еtrаyеd by Robеrt.
thсу rtееd. shе'll bе glаd оf а гсаsoll to ust. it up. Rсd B S|lе lеlt ехсltrdеd.
with thс сfftlrt of stifling m1, lаu$htег, I lrеlpсd Rоbсrt С Slrе fеlt jеаlоlrs оf thе
Ксtt divеst hiпrsсlf of thе mаnglсd геmаins of his dоnkеy.
pullovеr - trtlt саs1.bесаusс stlmс оf thе lооsс strаnds of D Shе fеlt foolisl.r.
wool hаd wоulrd thеmsсlvеs агоuItd thе buttorts оf thе
shirt hс rvоrе undеrItr'аtlr. 5 Htlw did Sylviа 1сс1 аlroltt thе
orl а Пlonlеllt.' I said аs I pгеssеd сlоsе a$аittst datlrаgе tO thе prrllсlvеr?
his сhеst wоrkjrrg аt gеtting thе buttоlls frес. I hаdrt't hсаrd A S1.rе tl-rottght it ir.rsignifiсаrrt.
fооtstеps оr thс gаtе оpсrri.rrg, brrt srrddеrlly I lrеаrd Nliss
оll еаftlt is going on?'
B Shс |'rlttrld it аIlltlsirtg.
Lосkе's r.оiсе iItquiгitlg iсi[y:
С Shе fеlt sorгy frlr Robеrt.
D Shе fеlt ar.rgгy rnrith thе
Fгtltll Т/lс Qttit,'еrittq Trее
UNlт4 AFineRomаncr

Now look baсk сarеfully at thе tеxt to find thеsе words and phrasеs.
l Whаt word(s) сould bе usеd as a synonym of ,panaсhе,? (linе 9)
2 Who arе ,thе two, rеfеrrеd to in linе 1l?
] What doеs ,at a loss fоr words, in linе l4 mеan?
4 What dсlеs Sylvia mеan by thе phrasе ,thеrе Was not muсh to сhoosе
bеtwееn us,? (linеs |6_,|7|
5 Еxрlain what you undеrstand by thе tеrm,dеprеssivе quiеt,. (linе 22)
6 What doеs Sylvia mеan by,thе сirсlеs I frеquеntеd,? (linе 23)
7 What is mеаnt by thе phrаsе ,wе had touсhеd roсk bottom,? (\inе 26)
8 Whаt is mеаnt by thе рhrаsе ,it took a lot of bеating'? (linе 33)
9 Why doеs Sylviа dеsсribе Robеrt as hеr,titr-rlar'boyfriеnd? (linе 39)
l0 What doеs ,put ollt,in linе 45 mеan?
ll Whаt doеs ,аll, in linе 57 rеfеr to?
L2 Whаt doеs ,thе lattеr, in linе 63 rеfеr to?
l3 What doеs ,it, in linе 70 rеfеr to?
14 Whаt dо you think ,pеttifogging, in linе 72 mеans?
l5 What doеs Sylvia mеan by ,thе nothingnеss,? (linе 74)

Now answеr thеsе quеstions.

Whаt morе havе you lеarnt about thе сharaсtеrs of Sylvia and Robеrt? At thе
еnd of thе еxtrасt who do you fееl morе symрathy for? Whу?
2 What аrе Sylvia,s strеngths аnd qualitiеs? What arе hеr failings?
3 Who do you think Мiss Loсkе is? Why do you think shе is ,iсy,?

Nаrrаtivе dеvicеs
l Look at thеsе bеginnings of sеntеnсеs:
o Uпdаuпtеd bу thе уеllow tееth, Robеrt '..
o Pushiпg his hеаd through thе bаrbеd wirе, Bаgshаw ...
o No sooпеr hаd hе sееn thе doпkеу, thап Robеrt ...
o Unlikе mапу аnimаls, donkеуs ...
o Surprisеd аs Sуlviа wаs, shе wаs аblе to .'.

Сomplеtе еaсh of thе sеntеnсеs in thе сontеxt of thе story.

How and why arе thеsе typеs of sеntеnсе usеful whеn tеlling a story?

tЦ ш.в. Thе Workbook has furthеr work on narrativе dеviсеs.

A Fiпе Roпlапсе UNlт 4

In thе ехalllinаtioll yoLl аrе tlftеt-l askеd to Writе a tlarrativе сtlrnptlsitiс.ln. YoLt
l-nаy bе givеn thе Iirst or lаst iiI-rе tlf a sttlгy аrld askесi to writе thе гсst. Hаd
Sylviа,s sttlгy аbtlltt thе donkеy bееt-l аt.t ехаlll qLlеstiorl, it nright lrаvе rсad;
а storv епditlg iп t]lе words ,I sttddеtllу hеаrd а у'oiсе bеhiпd пtе iпqttiriпg iсilу;
оп еаrth is сloillсl оll?,,

Bеfоrе bеginnir-rg a naГГativе сtltrrposititln, it is it.l.tportant t() tilink аbtlt.tt:

о thе рltlt;
o thе сhагасtеrs;
о frtlt-l-t whosе 1.ltlit.tt tlf viеw thе st()ry is told'

Ltltlk bасk аt Sylviа,s sttlгy arld ptrт thсsе tlaгrativе рtlitlts in orrlег.
Sylviа fсеls bеtrаyеd П
A сlесisitrn is геасhсd П
Robеrt,s trllе tllotivе гсvеalеd П
Sylviа lеаds Rtlbеrt itlttl dangег П
Сяlrollt irl tllc :гт П
Arl аwkwагd lllееtirlg П
Bаg'shаw ге5сl'|еs tllе sittIаli()ll П
]-()Vс a1 first sight П
Sylviа sееs Robеrt witl.r l.ris biсyсlе П
Sylvia tаkеs сhaгgс П

Таlk to yOLlг pагtllеr aboltt thе advantagеs alld disadvаntagеs tlf storiеs told
irl thе:
о tiгst })еrsOll
о thirсi l)еrs()ll

Htlw wotrld thе story bе diffеrеnt if Rtlbеrt hаd wгittеn it? Tаlk to y()Llr
})аrtnег aboltt Rtlllегt,s аttitr.rdе ttlwards:
o thе biсyсlе
о thе pullovсr
о Sylviа
о thе donkеy

Writе а shoгt vсгsiсln (abtltlt 350 wtlrds) of thе stсlгy wгittеn fr()m Rtlbеrt,s
tltlit.lт tlt viеw.
UNlт4 AFiпеRolllапcе

Note complеtioп
Whаt sоrt of things сallsе argllllrеt-tts il-l a rеlаtiorlship? Тalk abotrt:

friеnds diffеrеnt intеrеsts family work moods monеy

Arе аrglttlrеnts in a геlаtitlr.rslrip а gсlod thing oг a bаd thirrg?

Ytllr will lrеаг а spсakсr frtlnr thе Мarriagе Guidаnсе oгgаnizatiсlrl tаlking
abottt thе typе of ргtlblеI.l.ts it I-rеlps сtlrtplеs witl-t. Ftlr qtlеstiOns l_l0'
сtlt-l-tрlеtе thе t-ltltс.s with а wtlrd oг shoгt 1lhrаsе.

Маrriаgе Guidапce Оrgапizаtion

Nunlbеr оf tlеw сtluplеs tlrе tlrgаt-lizаtitln l-rеlps pеr yеar: I

Pеа]< titl-tе fог rеqrtеsts for lrеlр: 2

Тwtl ItIrldаrllеl]tаl tу1lеs tl[ сtltr1rlе: 1lага||еl аrld 3

Two typеs tlf pаrаllеl сtlttplс.;

A рtlwег сtlrtрlс:
. btlth llаrtllеrs foсusеd On сarееrs
. btlth раrtnеrS rtsесl ttl bеing 4

. сtlttlrlе I.l()l tIsеd ttl hеittg )

B traditionаl сouplе:
. Wo]llall ftlсttsеd tln 6

o l.]lall foсltsеd ot-l 7

Adviсе ttl botlr typеs оf pаrallеl сtlttрlе. Nееd to 8

Adviсе t() рOWеr сouplеs' Сonsidеr 9

Adviсс. t() trаditionаl сoupiеs. Сonsidеr goillg l0

Do yott аgrее that argllПrеllts аrе r-lrorе likеly on holiday? Tеl1 your partnеr
аbout агgllПlсnts ytlrt hаvе hаd tlr witnеssеd in sinlilаr sitl-tаtions.
A Fiпе Romапсе UN!т 4

Сloze pаSsсlgе
Fill еасh of thе numbеrеd blanks in thе passagе with onе suitаblе word from
thе boх.
Thе first onе has bееn donе for you as аn еxamplе.

bеhind but сarе goеs in into it

of or around with thе thеrе somеthing
us whеn whiсh will mattеr turns b€€ausе

How do уou row?

Rows arе inеvitablе in a rеlationship. A row oссurs (o| bесаusе two
individuals arе not thе samе. No (r) how сlosе you arе,
thеrе (2) bе сonfliсts unlеss you arе in (3) first
throеs of lovе whiсh, you havе to аdmit. is a tеmporary illnеss. during
(4) you subsumе yoursеlf to thе rеlationship аnd don,t
(5) whiсh film you sее.
(6) -- privatе wе.vе all еxpеriеnсеd it. It,s thе momеnt
t7l shееr frustration risеs to thе surfасе, and - dignity
(8) into frее-fall. Мost of (9) havе hаd thе
hеatеd slanging matсh full (lo) bilе and vitrio], namе.сalling
and offеnsivе pеrsonal сritiсism. oftеn (rr) stаrts qllitе
trivially: in thе supеrmarkеt ovеr whiсh brand of toothpastе to buy,
(12) on a night out ovеr whiсh typе of rеstaurаnt to еat in.
A lovеr,s tiff is painful еnough (13) сlosеd doors, but whеn
your row (14) into a prrbliс spесtасlе, it,s humiliating.
If you don,t row, thеrе,s probably (l5) wrong. You may
Inanagе to stееr your way (16) сonfliсts most of thе timе,
( r7) inеvitаbly whеn you arе tirеd or strеssеd,
(18) is a hеad.on сollisiоn. Hеrе is our рsyсhologist,s guidе
to thе rolеs wе takе whеn Wе row, togеthеr (19) Somе tips in
саSе your рartnеr fаlls (2o) onе o[ thе сatеgoriеs.

Look baсk at thе tеХt. In your own

words еxplain what thеsе words and
phrasеs mеan.
l sianging matсh
2 first throеs
] frее-fall
4 lovеr,s tiff
5 namе-сalling
6 bilе and vitriol
7 shееr

Talk to your partnеr аbout a timе whеn

you had еithеr а lovеr,s tiff or a slanging
mаtсh. How did you fееl: bеforе?
during? aftеrwards?
UNlт4 AFiпeRomапсе

Look аt thе words in tl.rе boх. Thеy еасh dеsсribе a typе o1 rolе pеoрlс aс1tl1lt
whеtl thеy rtlw. Rеad silt.lrе tlorе tlf thе tеxt atld пlаtсh еасh dеsсгi1ltitltr 1tl its
titlе by writil.lg onе of thе words from thе boх in еaсh spaсе.

Bulliеs Wееpеrs Dramatists Sulkеrs

Rеvеngеrs Sсrеamеrs Slow-burnеrs

find thаt words don,t work fоr them, so thеy rеsort to vioIеnсе. UntiI
сhiIdren Ieаrn to talk. they еXpress thеmsе|vеs physiсaIly by grabbing things - and these
pеop|e haven,t |earnt that аdu|ts сan,t get away with that. Еduсation gives aссess to power
through words; uneduсatеd peop|e tеnd to be more violеnt.

b makе a mountain out of a mo|еhi||. Тhey feel that they аre not bеing
takеn sеriously, so they havе to eхaggeratе thеir emotion. They сouldn,t get thеir oWn Way
as сhildrеn, So they beсame manipu|ativе and sсheming. Тhey сry wo|f to get what they want.

fеаr thеy wilI Iosе the аrgument if they let you bе heаrd, possibIy
bесause they сamе from a Iarge famiIy wherе they had to make a lot of noisе to be heard.
Тhey arе inseсurе and may havе a short fuse.

d arе deprеssivе typеs, pronе to ruminаtiоn, who nursе thеir sеlf_hatrеd.

Тhey fee| misundеrstood and turn thеir aggrеssion against thеmsеlvеs. As сhildren they
probabIy thought their sibIings had a better dea|. ,lt,s not fair, is the typiсаl rеfrain of this
type, who feeI powеrlеss аnd havе givеn up trying to get thеir point aсross.

go for the sympathy vote. Тhey werе abandonеd a lot as сhildren. Now
as soon as thеy start to get angry, they feel sad too. In сhiIdhoоd this may have beеn a
suссеssful taсtiс in gaining sympathy, partiсuIar|y if they Wеrе attraсtivе - who сan resist a
tеarfuIly сute baby. lt worked then and they are sti|| trying it nоw.

arе envious. When they wеre three years oId they Werеn,t just quiet|y
jealous of thеir brothеr,s or sister,s toy, they wouId go and destroy it. If somеone elsе has
anything they want - bе it physiсal or emotiona| - thеy arе lialэle to damage it. If thеy think
something bad has happеned to them, they сan,t Iet it go. lf they think somеоnе has
something better than they have, they want to spoiI the othеr person,s prize.

are passive-aggressive. Тhey don,t eхprеss aggression when they fее| it,
or whеn prоvoked, but it buiIds up and then сomеs oUt as a disastrous eхplosion. lt сan
takе a Iot to get them wound up - they arе not provokеd by what annoys most peopIe - but
they сan be сold. and infliсt pain withоut regard.
A Fiпе Romапсе UNlт 4

Hеrе arе Somе tiрs thаt thе рsyсhologist gavе to anyonе whosе pаrtnеr fеll into
onе of thе сatеgoriеs. Whiсh tip do уoll think matсhеs whiсh of thе tyреs?

Psyсhologist,s с Тry to takе thеm out of themsеlvеs, get them to opеn Up.

Tips о Hidе your kitсhеn knives.

o Be сaIm and firm. Don,t be a viсtim.
o Civе them a Kleеnex tissue and tе|| them to grow Up.

о Find a Wаy to givе Vent to their сrеative sidе.

о Те|l them they,|| suссееd by reasоn, not volumе.
o Hidе your most trеasurеd possеssions and feelings.

Do yсlu rесognizе any of thе tyреs of pеrsonality dеsсribеd? In уotrrsеlf? In

othеr pеoрlе you know?

with family and friеnds or is it bеttеr to try and avoid

Is it bеttеr to havе rows
thеm? Arе thеrе good and bаd timеs to start a row? Should you intеrvеnе to
try and stop two Othеr реoplе rowing?

Еxрlain in your own words what thеsе words аnd ехprеssions from thе tеxt
I rеsort to
2 сry wolf
3 a short fusе
1 siblings
5 taсtiс
6 liаblе tсl
woltnd uр
8 takе thеm or:t of thеmsеlvеs
9 givе vеnt

Look at thеsе two phrаsеs from thе artiсlе. Undеrlinе thе phrаsal vеrbs in
еaсh onе.
Тhеsе pеoplе llаvеn,t lеаrпt t|lаt аdults сап,t gеt с|w(1у with tllаt.
Thсу,vе givеп t'tp trуiпg to gеt thеir poiпt асross'

Сomplеtе еaсh sеntеnсе with a suitablе prерosition.

Aftеr thаt big argumеnt, JOhn and Barbara got on пruсh bеttеr еасh
othеr. ---
Thе argumеnt bеgan whеn Juliе said that Tom was alwаys tryiгtg to gеt
of doing thе washing-up.
3 I еnjoy writing lеttеrs, but I,m so busy that I nеvеr gеt =- to lt.
4 Мrs Blaсk Was nеVеr surе what hеr сhildrеn Wеrе gеtting to Whеn
shе wasn,t watсhing thеm.
5 ,How arе yolt gеtting with your homеwork, David?, said his fathеr.
UNIт4 АFiпеRomаnсе

Discussing proverbs
Look at thеsе рrovеrbs and сommon ехprеssions. With yollr раrtnеr dесidе:
о what еaсh onе mеans
о if a similar saying is usеd in your languagе
A Lеavе no stonе unturnеd
B Honеsty is thе bеst poliсy
с Don,t bеat about thе bush
D Pridе сomеs bеforе a fall
Е onсе upon а timе
F Attaсk is thе bеst form of dеfеnсе
G Don,t hidе your light undеr a bushеl
н Мany a truе word is said in jеst
I I(ееp your еyе on thе ball
J Мakе a сlеan brеast o{ it

Look аt this magazinе fеaturе about how to win аn аrgllmеnt. Do you agrее
with thе оoints madе?

Pгepaге. Preparation is thе keу. Undeгstand a|| the faсets of your argumеnt, and your
П oPPonentъ.

Empower youгsе|f. Еvеrуone is сapab|e of making the winning argument. SeIf-beIief is uttеrly
П сonvinсing.

Re|ate your argument in thе foгm of an examp|e. Тraditionally, we aгe teIlегs of ta|еs and
П |istenеrs. Use this famiIiar foгmat to еxPrеss your ideas.

Тe|| the tгuth. ЕstaЬlish уouг сгedibilitу fгom thе start. With сгedibility сomes trust.
Statе objeсtives с|ear|y. lf you want something, ask for it. Don't |et otheгs misinterpгеt уouг
П requests.

Avoid saгсasm, sсoгn and гidiсu|е. Usе humour сautious|y. Give гespeсt to youг oPPonеnt.
П NoЬody admires the sсoffeц thе сyniс, the moсker. Humour, whеn proper|y used, сan be
devastating, Ьut Ьewaгe, bad|у used, it сan Ьaсkfiгe сatastгophiсa||y!

Logiс is Powег. lf уou have |ogiс on youг side, гide it for all itЪ woгth and don't aI|ow youгse|f
П to bе distraсted bу гed heггings. lt maу not a|waуs bе fun, Ьut logiс is powerful.

Aсt to win. Don't 8o on thе defensive. Takе the initiative. Take сontгo|.
Admit thе weaknessеs of youг aгgument at the beginning. You сan exPosе уouг wеak points
П Ьetteг than your oPPonent, who wi|| a|waуs exPose them in the darkest possib|e way.

Undeгstand уouг Power and уouг aГgumеnt' With pгopег understanding you givе yoursе|f
П pегmission to win. But remembeг, arroganсе' insolеnсe and stupidity aгe сlose гeIatives.

Dесidе whiсh of thе sayings or provеrbs A-J matсhеs еaсh piесе of adviсе l-l0.
A Finе Rotttапсе UNlт 4

Sеntепсe сomplеtiot,l
Liltlk at this slrtlгt pаssagе. Rеaс1 it qtriеtly to },oltrsеlf, thinkir.rg аLltlt.tt whеrе
yor-r r-night find it arld thе stylе irr whiсh it is lvгittсn as wе1l аs tl-tе сOlltеllt.

Thе romanсe betwееn a уoung fireman and his еx-girlfriеnd was rekindlеd when he
was сallеd to a firе at hеr hоuse. Riсhard Lightfoоt and Donna Perry had split up two
rnоnths prеviously and had not spoken to еaсh othеr sinсe. But in rеsponse to a 999
сall at fйr in thе morning, .N{r Lightfoot found himsеlf
in front оf his еx-girlfriend's
lrurning flat and smashеd his waу in to resсue hеr. was a real hеro and savеd my
.a tlit likе
life,' said N{s Parrу, James Bond.'

,rlladly iп lovе,? Do ytlrr tl.ritrk it is

Wl.rаt do ytlu tttlсlегstаr-rd by thе phrasе
1.lossilllе to lrlеasLlrе thс intеrlsit1, tlf ltlvе? What sOгt tlf сritеriа
wtluld bе
ttsсflrl for сlеtсгп"tit.titlg how сiееply iгl lovе ресlрlе rlligl-tt bе? Wlrat qLlеstiolls
сtlr.tld ytlt.t аsk thеt-l-l, Whаt tеSts сottld yt.ltl гt.ttl?

Yor.r hс.аr pаrt o[ а tаlk by a sсiеl-ltist Ol1 thе stil-ljесt of thе powеr сlf lovе.
Foг qttеstitlrrs l-ll, сollrрlеtе tlrе sеt.ltеt-lсеs r,vith a word or shсlrt рlrrаsе.

Thе powеr of lovе

Тhе spеаkег qtlotеs рOеtS WhO с]еsсгibс thе р()Wег tlI lttvе as I
,rlladly in ltlvе,, thеtг 2 пay bесomе
Whеt-t two рсtlрlе агс
linkеd togеthеr.

Irl thе [iгst 1.lагt oI Grirrbегg's ехpеrit-l-tеnt, volLllltеег ссllrplсs lookеd at еaсh othеr,
but didn't з

Thе Fаrаday Сagе is dсsigr.rссl stl thа1 4 bеtwееn pеoрlе is


GrinLlеrg,s str[.lj есts worе whiсh t-t-tеаsr.rrеd thеir brain wavеS.

Sir.rlilаг braill pаttеГlls Wеге rесorсiеd bсtwееt.t l)artlrегs whtl аlso еxhibitеd thе grеatеst lеvеl of

Thе spеаkег dtlltbts 1hаt thс rеstrlts саtl bе ехplаinеd in tеrt.trs ot

n by sсiеntists.

Arltlthеr рossiblе ехplatlаtitlt-t, геjесtесl by thе spеаkеr, is tl.rаt thс ехреriп.tеnts Wеrе not

onс iтttегprеtаtiоn сlt Gтinbетg,s tindings is that thе mir-rd maу bе loсatеd

ol"tе it.t.tрliсation of Griпbеrg,s Work is that pеорlе lllay Пееd t0 bе morе СaIеfltl aboLtt thеir

Dг Gгinbеrg fес.ls thаt it,s inlрlortallt for рсoplе tсl hаvе ll tn
lэusinеss, sсhools and thе tamily.
UNlт4 AFiпeRomапсе

Look at this ехсеrpt from thе listеning. Сomрlеtе thе pаssagе with a word
from thе box; somе words сan bе Llsеd morе than onсе. Thеn listеn again to

thеrе this thrее thеsе first thеm

thеir sесond that who third

(0) Thеrе arе only (1) ехоlаnations for thе rеsults of

(2) ехpеrimеnts. Thе (3) is a dеlibеrаtе hoaх by
thе sсiеntists. (4) Sееms еxtrеmеly unlikеly knowing
(5) асadеmiс baсkground. Thе (6) is (7)
thе voluntееrs Wеrе сommuniсаting by somе сonvеntional mеans,
(8) is (e) thе еxpеrimеnts Wеrе not propеrly
соndr.rсtеd. (lo) also sееms vеry unlikеly as thе еХреrimеnts
Wеrе Vеry саrеfr.rlly sеt Llp by еxpеriеnсеd sсiеntisls (l l ) hаd
rереatеd (12) mаny timеs with many diffеrеnt subjесts. Thе
(r]) pоssibility is (14) somе Dralns сan
ссlmmuniсatе in аn as vеt unknown wav.

Сomplеtе this summаry of how thе еxреrimеnt wаs сonduсtеd, using your
own words.

First of аll,

Aftеr that,


In сonсlusiоn,
A Fine Romаtlcе UNlт 4


sеntеnсеs from onе
l1 Parts of thе Usе of Еnglish papеI asks you to transformgivеn
struсtuIе to anothеr. In Papеr 3, Quеstion 2 you arе a сomplеtе
Exаmplе: I еxpесt that hе will gеt thеrе by lunсhtimе.
This is followеd by an inсomplеtе sеntеnсе.
Апswеr: I еxpесt him
Thе ехamplе nееds to bе сomplеtеd likе this:
Answеr: I еxpесt him /o gеt thеrе bу luпchtimе.
onе, but will
Thе nеw sеntеnсе must havе a similar mеаning to thе original
probably usе a diffеrеnt grammatiсal struсturе. othеr сhangеs may also bе
nесеssary to сomplеtе thе nеw sеntеnсе.

Look at this transformation.

Ехаmplе:,I,ll сеrtainly mееt you at thе airport tomorrow,, said my unсlе.
What has сhangеd? Why?
What has rеmainеd thе samе? Why?
What has bееn omittеd?
What has bееn addеd

r 3 Arе thеsе ехamplеs of good transformations?

b Shе found т| а surprisе thаt thе tiсkеts wеrе not сhеаp '

samе mеаning
a is a good transformation bесausе thе nеw sеntеnсе hаs thе
as thе original sеntеnсе.
an -iпg form,
b is inсorrесt bесausе thе еxprеssion Shе found it iS f'o]r\owеd bу

::.ln,t цndеrstand.
a Si(s со\lеaguеs didn,t undеrstаnd his ехplаnаtion of how thе mасhiпе works,

b Sid,s соllеag les didn,t uпdеrstапd whеп hе ехplаiпеd how thе mасhinе works.
aпd whеп hе
Both sеntеnсе a and. sеntеnсе b arе сorrе сt as his ехplапаtion
ехplаiпеdсaтrY thе samе infoтmation as thе originаl
UNlт4 AFiпеRomаnсе

Look at thеsе answеrs. Whiсh onеs arе aссеptablе transformations?

l Sid,s сollеaguеs fаilеd to uпdеrstапd his ехplапаtioп of how thе mасhiпе works.
2 Sid,s сollеaguеs fаilеd to undеrstапd whеп hе triеd to ехplаin how thе mасhiпе works'
3 Sid,s сollеaguеs didп,t undеrstапd whеп hе triеd to ехplаiп how the пасhinе works.
4 Sid,s сollеagues uпdеrstood пothing whеп hе triеd to ехplаiп how thе lэlасhiпе works.
5 Sid,s сollеaguеs uпdеrstood littlе of his ехplапаtioп of how thе mасhiпе works.

.4 For sеntеnсеs l-5 dесidе whеthеr a and b arе good or bad transformаtions.
1 It was onсе thought that thе sun movеd around thе еarth.
a Тhе sun usеd to rпovе аrouпd thе еаrth oпсе.
b Thе Suг, wаS oпсе thought to movе аrouпd thе еаrth,

2 Еvеryonе startеd сlapping immеdiatеly thе сurtain сamе down.

a No soоnеr hаd thе сurtаiп сomе dowп thаn еvеrуoпе stаrtеd сlаppiпg,
b No soonеr hаd еvеrуonе stаrtеd сlаppiпg whеп thе сurtаiп саmе dowп.

3 Hе didn,t intеnd to pay thе phonе bill until thе last possiblе momеnt.
a Hе had to pау thе phoпе bill аt thе lаst possiblе momепt'
b Hе had пo intеntion of pауing thе phonе bill unti| thе lаst possiblе momеnt'

4 Dеspitе his bad hеadaсhе, hе still сomplеtеd thе ехam suссеssfully.

a Althоugh hе hаd а bаd hеаdасhе, hе still сomplеtеd thе eхаm suссеssfullу.
b Although hе wаs suffеriпg from а bаd hеаdасhе, hе still сomplеtеd thе ехаm

5 Thеy wеrе unablе to opеn thе door until thеy found a sparе kеy.
a Not until a Spаrе kеу wаs found wеrе thеу аblе to opеn thе door.
b Not until a pеrsoп wаs fouпd with а spаrе kеу thеу wеrе аblе to opеп thе door.

a Сhесk that thе nеW sеntеnсе is similar in mеaning to thе original
a Тry to idеntify thе targеt struсturе of еaсh transformation sеntеnсе.
o Do not makе сhangеs or additions whiсh arе not nесеssary.
o In thе nеW sеntеnсе try to usе words whiсh havе thе samе root as words
in thе original sеntеnсе.
A Fine Romаnce uNlт 4

Now try thеsе еxеrсisеs. Finish еaсh of thе following sеntеnсеs in suсh a way
-5 that it is as similar as possiblе in mеaning to thе sеntеnсе printеd bеforе it.

t onе of thе aсtors was too ill to appеar in thе play that night.
onе aсtor was so

I am astoundеd that you paid thе monеy bеforе you rесеivеd thе goods.

Thе priсе of сomputеrs has fallеn signifiсantly in thе last fivе yеars'
Thеrе has

Sarah finds it еasy to lеarn forеign languagеs.

Sarah has no

Shе was appointеd to thе сommittее for two yеars.


Tony agrееd to appеar in thе play on сondition that hе didn,t havе to sing.
Tony said, 'As

I will gеt in touсh With you immеdiatеly Suе givеs mе an answеr.


ovеr thе уеars, unpaintеd woodwork tеnds to rot.


It,s еxtrеmеly important that Raсhеl avoids upsеtting Rogеr.

on no aссount

t0 [t was onсе thought that thе stars movеd around thе еarth.
Thе stars

I,d prеfеr you not to smokе in thе сar, if you don,t mind.
I,d rathеr

L2 I,m sorry wе,rе unablе to invitе lVlark to thе party.

I wish
UNlт4 AFiпеRomапcе

In this sесtion you must сhoosе thе word or phrasе, A, B, с or D whiсlr bеst
сomplеtеs еaсh sеntеnсе.

l I,m аfraid shе's fееling Vеry uр at thе momеnt, duе to strеss аt

A сoilеd B turnеd C loсkеd D wound
2 Undеr еХtrеmе provoсation, this typе of pеrson might to violеnсе.

A rеvеngе B rеstttтtе С rесoursе D rеsort

} Сutting dowrt trееs allowеd thе Primе Мinistеr to givе to his

A vеnt B wind С duсt D flow

Sсiеntists arе on thе of proving tlrе tlrесlry.

Aliр B еdgе С lэrink D сltsр

Whаt hapреnеd astonishеd who witnеssеd it.

A suсh B thеm С onеs D thosе

No soonеr John arrivеd, than it startеd to rain.

A whеn B did Сhаd Dgot

Whatеvеr you may saу' I still think honеsty is thе bеst

A rulе B bеliеf С mеthod D poliсy

8 Far bеing hеlpful, hе oftегt apреarеd qtritе rudе.

A аwaу B from С tharr D without

Thеrе is no sсiеntifiс to Stlpрoгt his thеory.

A еvidеnсе B indiсаtion с tеstimсlny D dесlаrаtion

l0 Мark and Paula wеrе both vеry foсr-rsеd thеir саrееrs.

Aat Bon с with Din

А Fitlе Rollца|Iсе UNlт 4

Fill еaсh tlf rhе lltllllbеrсd blаtlks in thс })аSSagе in',ith onе sr.ritаblе W()rd.

I hаtе holidауs

It,s yеагs t-ttlw sil.tсе аlly()llс tolс] ll-lе l rrсес]еd а htllidаy. That is lrесаt.tsе I ltlrlg (l) гa ll

tlrtt o[ сtltlrраl-litlt.ls whо wеге 1lге1raгсd t() })Ll1 (2) with a twtl-wес.k stllk. Тhе оtlly way
I сotrlс] соpе (3) a holidау wаs by tаkir.rg rrly laр-top with rr.rе аr.rd working l4l
thеy роkссi alll()llg stll-tlе гt.tit.ts itl thс t-t-.ttlгtlittg. I wаs..u'..''1дblс с{)lllllаllу ()vеr lttпсh,
(5) itl thе аftегt.ltltltl, whеrl thеу (6) сlгаggеd rllе tl{[ ttl thе bеaсh rviti-l сгiеs оf,
,Ytlrt,ге tlп ho1iday, ftlr gtltldllеss sаkе!,, I wаs irlttllеraLl1е.

Еvеllttrаlly, I саt-l-tе ttl (7) wilh thе fасt thаt holidаys (8) l don't rlrix. Holidаys,
thаt is, (9) thс SLllltall ltltitttt аtld tlсасh ttlwеl variеty. (l0) , l геast.lnсd, tlt-lс

геасhсs thе сtld of а

,геlахirlg,iroliday ltlngirlg ttl gеt baсk ttl (ll) dеsk, whаt wаs thе
(12) tlf sеttir-rg tlf[ ir-r thс fiгst рlасе?

I сltl <l[ с()tlГSе takе bгеа]<s, tlltt givсtl t-l-ly аvеrsitltl (l3) btlth sаtld аlld grass, аlways ir-r
ltlrеigt.t сitiсs. Btrt thегс аге stГiсt gГ()].llld гttlеs. Thе (14) is that tlly jtlltгl-lеy hаs to lravе

s()lllс ])tlrp()sе. Маybе I,rll wгitillg а tгаvеl аrtiсlе, tlг саtсhillg (l5) with tl.rе loсal
thс.аtгеs. Thе гсаstlt.t саtl bс })геtty tеlltl()Lls, blrt it hаs to bе (l6) . Sесtllldly, thеrе аrе

t-l.lv гсс]Ltirеtllсllts. Thе htltсl has to hаvе а [ах lllасhiпе аllс] I lllrtst Llе аblе to tt.ttlе
thе tеlеvisit)ll llеWS it-l t-l.ly гtlot.l.t. Arlсl (rs) I tl.tttst bе ablе to gеt thе Еr-rglisl.r ПеWSpаpеrS,

еvсtl if a {еw dаys lаtе. Witlr аll (r9) fасttlrs in 1llасс, I аr.ll in (20) еlеl.nеnt.

Bttt thгсе dаys latсг, l,rll геаdу ttl gtl htll-t-lе.

Fill еас].r of thе b]аr.rks with а stritablс wtlгd tlr phгаsе
Plеasе d()ll,i rхаggеrаtе; I rеallу fссl y()tl,Гс tllakillg a

I,tll аfгаiс] shе wаs s1.loilt as a сhild; hеr tr)аrеllts аlwаys hеr tt.l


геallу gгеаt! As а waу o1 tllееtit-lg tlсw {гiеtlсls, gtlil-lg to thе сlr.rb


4 Тhе рoliсе рrtlnlisеd iеavе l-lt.l thеir hurrt {tlг thе tlttгdеrеr.
) Plеаsс с.ltltl,1 btrsh, wе tlееd ttl gеt straight tO thе hс.агt tlf thе
pгoblеl.rl, if Wе arс
UNlт4 AFineRomапсе

For еaсh of thе sеlltеnсеs bеlow, writе a nеw Sеntеnсе as similar as pоssiblе in
mеаning to thе oтiginal sеntеnсе, but Llsing thе word givеn. This word must
not bе altеrеd in any way.
EхаmpIе: A lоt ot pеoplе attеndеd tl.rе mееting.
Aпswеr: Thеrе wаs а vеry good turпout for thе mееtiпg.
l Thе сouрlе walkеd along in сomplеtе si]еnсе; thеy сould think of nothing to say
to еасh othеr.

2 Thе othеr pаrtnеr knеw nothing about whаt was l-rapреning.


In аll probabiiity a disharmoniotts rеlationsl-rip will rеsult from nеgativе thoughts.


A lovеr.s tiff is pаinful, еvеn whеn it takеs рlасе in privatе.


Riсhаrd and Donnа had еndеd thеir rеlationshiр thrее months еarliеr.

I'm quitе prерarеd to hеlр out in аn еmеrgеnсy.


A stаmpеd addrеssеd еnvеlopе should bе еnсlosеd witlr your ordеr.


Pеoplе shouidn't bе allowеd to Smokе in publiс piaсеs.


Thе еуе disеasе glauсoma is thought to affесt around 2oЬ ot thе population.

l0 I was askеd if I would likе a hambllrgеr or a сhееsеburgеr.


AllRight onthеNight

\"rЁ, ц ,a

-хplrеssing likеs аnd dislikеs

Loоk at thеsе vidео сOVеrs. What tyреs of fiirn аrе thеy?
Мatсh еaсh of thе соvеrs with a gеnrе froп-t thе box.

thrillеr fiсtion сomеdy wеstеrn

сostumе drama horror rolnanсе сartoon
UNlт 5 AIl Right otl tllе Nigltl

Disсt.tss thеsе qltеstiot-lswith y()tlг рartllеr'

Hаvс yor.l sееIl аlly tlf thеsе filrlls? Whаt wаs it likе?
WhiсIl trf thс.sе gеtlrс dtl y()u l)aгtiсulагly likе tlг dislikе? WIly?
Whаt аrе thе сtlltvеt-ltiotls tlf tIlе gсtlrе irl еасh саst.?
Why аге tIlеsе ty1lеs tlf filr.rl ptl1lrtlaг7 Whtl dtl tIlеy а1l1lсаl to?
Whаt tyреs tlf filrll аге bс.сtlt-l-lit.tg tllоrе/lсss 1.ltlprtlаг? Wl-ry is this?

Ltltlk at tIlсsс. thгее vidеtl сtlvсгs. Whаt с]tl thс. filrlls all hаvе it-l сtlt-ltt.tltltl?
At whаt аgс sllotrlсl y()till!] 1lеtlplс. bе аllt;wсd to sее filrlls likе thеsе?

Tа]k to y()LlГ pаrtllеr. Dtl yort аgrее with thс. folltlwillg?

All modeгn Ехpliоit sех

Hollywood films 5ссnв5 in fllmэ arв
11rgraаing tсэ
look the sаme.

)ceneэ of violenсе !:lim crrtii,tъi}t.-

on fi|m |еad PeoP|e :'iri i *hir:r: tn1,* .'.:4цiii; I ,,:

to be more violent ti i ii с, ; lil tj-i 1 1 rl.'.,'..' ;;;.*

! "r r.

in real life.
АIl Rigltt otl lltе Night UNlт

Illtiplе сhoiсе
Ytltr will hеаг а гatlitl
1lгtlgrаtlltllс аbtlrtt r,itliеtlсс iIl liitlts. Frlr
tilс аtlswсг A, B, с tlг D tvlliсh t,trсstitlrls l-4 сlttltlsс
1,,,tr rili.'k Iils bсsr u..:..,..с,,,g tti t,vhаt
t lVilаt сltrеs Dr Dгс.tл,, [ееl аbtlrtt r,tlrr hсаr.
1llс гсsсагсll tilаt,s bееrl саггiесJ
A Тhсгt.,s 1tltl rllrtсh <lf i1.
B It ilаsrl ,t bссrl r'vеl] сtlrldtlсtсd.
ё- z,r 1r.r,s ./('('1/ ((I I3 (I(<'с'ss (tt (.
D Jl )lа-; )>ссlt jnсzltl<')tls.ir <'.

Dг Dгеw tIlitll<s 1Ilаt асlvегtisirlg

A iсасls 1lс.tl1llс. ltl bсhаvе Lr rl1lгссliсtаbl1..
B аllесts 1lсtl1llе с]i1fегсrltir, ttl tl.trlvit.s.
С sсts ()ttt 1() аltсг рсtl1llс,s tаs1сs.
D lllа]<еs ttsе tl1 r,iсtvs 1lеtl1llс аir-с.аd}, htlIL] .

Whа1 r]tlеs 1hе irltегr,iс.wсr fсс] аlltltlt ех1lliсit r,itllсtlсс tlIl 1ilrtl?
A SIlс lil<еs асlvаrlсеd tvаrrlitlg rl1 it.
B l1 rlеr''сг fаiis ttl shtlсlt ilсг.
С Shс,s bссtltttс l-tагсlеrlеtl 1rl it.
D lt l.rtllt]s tltr ill1сrсs1 ltlг hсг.

Aссtlrсlitlg ttl Dг Drеrv, rд,,hаt is tIlс. lllаirl 1lгtlblсlll r,vith r,itliсtlt 1iIrlls?
A Тhеr, lаii ttl rtsс gtltlсl irllаgсг1,.
B Thеv dtlrl,t hаvс ill1сrеStillg })]()1s.
С Тhеi, |саvс littlе 1tl thс irllаgillati<ltt.
D Thс1,аге itl bас] tаstс.

оrd StrеSS
Ltltlk аt thеsс. rvtlгds 1гtlrll thс listеrlitlg. Utltlегlitlс thе stгсssесl s1,llаblе itl сасll rn,.rlгd.
Ехаtllplе : ассiа iпlес]
гса[[iгrltеd с]istastе[r.rl ittсtlrlсltlsivе ttt-tsttссеssfrt] tlrl1lгсdiсtabl1,
Ntlrv lis1сrl ttl сhссk.

Ntlr'v сlгаw litlеs trtl thеsе rvtlгс]s ttl sIltlw 1hс bilutlсlагiеs bсrrд',ес.tl
. Г()()t wtlгds o ргсliхеs о srtffiхсs
Е,хаtttplе : a с |
сla irll еd

Whа1 gеrtеr.аl гLtlсs Сil-l у1111 idсrlti1y аbtlrtt thс stгсss itt w<lгtls li]<е tIlеsс.?

Listеt.l itl thеsе grtlrtps tlI wtlгс]s аtld Llrlс]егlitlс thе stгсssс.с] syllаillс ilt еасll wtlгd
l гсаl геalit,v геаlisrll геаll1, trrlгс.аli11,
2 })h()t()cIарh phtlttlgгa1lhiс 1lhtlttltгарh1, phtlttlgгар.hег
3 Iarllilу, fаrlliliаг rttlIаrlliliаг lапliliаr.it1,
4 lllагl<еt tllaгkсtirlg tllагkсtablе tttttllaгkеtablе
5 1lсгstltt 1lс.rstltlаl itll1lсгstlrlаl 1lсгstlrlаlit1, ittt1.lсгstltlаtitltl
6 irl1tlгrll itlftrгtllа1ivс rttlillftlгtllalivс illftlгrllatioll
7 1lгtlсlrtс1 1lгtldr.rсtior-r pгtldtlсtivе rttl1lгtlrlrrсtivс
8 tllаrlagе llla1lаgеГ lllаllagеlllt.ll1 tllist-l-lаllачсIl.tr..t.tt
UNlт 5 АIl Rigllt oll the Night

СIozе pсlssаge
Rеаd tl.rе tеxt bеlow аr-ld dесidс whiсh wоrd A, B, С tlr D bеst fits еасh blar.rk
Тhе first onе hаs bееn donе fсlr you as an ехamрlе.

Film postеrs

Filt.t.t рсlstегs (o| tLsеd to bе ссlnsidеrеd worthlеss еphеt-l-lеra Onсе thеy'd

(r) thеiг рr.rrposе _ tO gеt blltns on (2) . Tl-rеy toсlk up too

t.t.tt.tсh spaсе iп waгеhousеs and wеrе dеstroyс.d (3) thе thtlttsаt-td. Ntl
ot.tе (4) to lay thеrn down оn aсid-frее paреr to (5) thеm
from disсoltlurit-lg or to guard (6) pinl.ro1еs atld сrеasеs ttt
(7\ of thе day thеy сottld bе sold foг (8) st-tпls ot monеy.

Todау, tntlrе аtld mоrе pеoplе arе (9) film pсlstеrs аS WOrkS of art.
Thе aгt markеt is nоrmаlly bеyоtld pеopiе,s (l0) , so thеy aге
looking for itnagеs thеy саn аfford. Thе rnarkеt is partly (rr)
ntlstalgiа. David Hlttсhinson is a typiсal сollесtor with wlrat hе is (12)
to сall an addiсtion. lovеd film postеrs аs а сl-rild аnd I.vе bееn
(r3) еvеr sinсе,, hе sаys.

Pеoplс ссlllесt рOStеrS of wеll.knсlwn filrns, ()r onсs thеy (14) with
somе ].]rеnlory, likе thеiг first dаtе. Sоmеtiп-tеs, (15) a p()Stеr ot all

tlbsсttrе ,twепtiеs, filпr пray havе a fantastiс inagе аnd thаt,s what
(16) . or-rly р()stеrs with good graрhiсs (|7) tllrstеr with
sеriolts сollесtors, howеvеr.

Today,s postеrs arе photographiс аlld so (l8) tlrе е]еl.tlеnts that
сollесtors likе - thе dеsign and аrtwork. Thеy also llеvеr bе as (19)
as olсlег postегs, aS th()tlsaПds arе рrintеd, so mсlrе of tlrепl aге (20)
tO sLlIviVс.

0 A longеd B r.rsеd С еndеd D wаntеd

l A sеrvеd B pеrfortlеd С sаtisfiеd D dеlivеrеd
2 A сhаiгs B sеats С stalls D plaсеs
3 Ain Bbv Сat Don
4 A rепlеmbеrеd B thоr.rght С itrlaginеd D wоndеrеd
5 A stoр B sеal С storе D l-rold
6 A аror.rnd B for C from D against
7 A prеdiсtior.l B invеsttnеn1 С antiсiрatior-l D forеsight
UNlт 5

8 A itltl1ll)()Гltlll(. B схtlгllit.-lll1 С схtгt,tllt' D iIltlгt]ill.l1с

q A с\'Cillg B sссitlc' С rr,.l1сllittg D loоl'ing

r A st гс1сll B гсасll с lltl]d D lottl lt

1 A tlгir,сtl B 1lLrshсtl С 1ltltr,r.'гl'd D Lrгgt'rl

] A tllсггr, B llа1l1lt' С itllll D Ittrrtrv
I A lrtlol<t'il B rlаilt.il С st Llсl' D liхсd
1 A ассtltlll)с-lll\' B r..tlгr.сIаtс с аss()сlа1с D аlIiliаtt'
5 A r-сgагrllсss B аltllrlttgll С tlltlгL'tlt сt D lltltr,сr'сг
l A сtltttl1s B гсс]<rltls С с.ltсllсs D пrirtils
- A rvitt B tаl'с С gсt D lt'-'tts
i A lr'аtlt B l.lсl' С rlliss D lаil
.] A гt'tr.агilillg * С 1lr-il1itаLllt D lr'tlгtllrr,hilс
]...'t A r.саdr, B lil'с]r' С 1lt.tltlс D rvilliпg
UNlт 5 AIl Right oп the Nigl.tt

Look at thе рiсturе of Маrilyп Мtltlroе.

Havе yilt-t еVег Sееtl а Мarilyn Моnroе iilt-tl?
What typе of film do ytltl assoсiаtе with Магilytl Мotlrtlе?
Whаt typе of paгts did shе play?
Why is shе stlсh аl.t iгnptlrtal.rt figtrге in filr.rl lristory?
Whаt еlsе do yot.t know abotrt hеr?

You wil] hеar a rаdio disсttssion about Мarilyn Мtlnroе.

For quеstiсltls l-14 ссlr-trplеtе thе sеlltеt.lсеs witlr a
woгd or short рlhгаsе.

Sttе says play dоеsl-l,t геqllirе

I tlf Маrilyrl.
Suе says plаy shows tts that Мarilytl was rеally DгLuхr
iii L ii
, .r.i 1 \il ii :

шiil rtшssшш шпI шв'u u*orr'i

Dаvid,s stоry shtlws tts lhаt Мarilyn сOuld с()lltrol thе ехtеllt wl.riсh pеoplе

Dаvid poiгrts Otlt that Маrilyl-l сtlrrldtl,t геaIly сhtltlsе 4

Unlikе tltilеr асtrеssеs' Магilyn StеrеOtypiсal

ln thе l950s, middlе-сlass altdiеrrсеs rеgardеd Мarilyп аs 6

Now pеoplе rеalizе how muсh hеr imagе was сrеatеd by 7

Srrе admirеs Мarilуn as bоtl-r a 8 9

Suе says that thе drеss was diffiсtrlt l0

Маrilуn fеlt thаt thе сostt.ttnеs f'or Thе Sеvеll Yеаr ltсh wеrе too tl
Suе is intеrеStеd by thе Iaсt tl.rat Мarilyr-r t2 thе drеss ar-rd that
was bоugl-rt l3

David fееls that tl.rе imagе o{ thе drеss is еnhanсеd bу tlrс faсt tl.rat Мarilyn,s

]!E .l Disсttss thеsе qr-rеstions with yollr partnег.

How wаs thе rеal Мarilyrr diffеrеrrt fгoпl thе irr-ragе?
Do modегn film stаrs havе morе сontrol ovеr thеiг sСrееll ir.r.rаgе?
Why do сеlеbritiеs oftеn sееm to hаvе ul.rhapрy privatе livеs?
AII Right oп thе Night UNlт 5 ж

..:';i. ]," !'i,:!iifёТ:

Undеrlinе thе phrasаl vеrb in this sеntеnсе.

If you havе a bad day at wоrk yoll сan.t takе it ollt on your family.

Сomрlеtе еaсh sеntеnсе with а suitablе vеrb.

I ,I,d likе to yoLl uр on yollr offеr of a lift, said John.
2 Thе сonсеrt was boring, thе guitarist сегtainlу didn,t r-rp to his
3 Ray walks so fast it,s diffiсult to r-rp with him.
4 Thе play was саnсеllеd as most of thе сast hаd down with flu.
5 Thе loсal сinеmа has dесidеd to awаy with its advanсеd boоking
6 Thе organizеrs of tlrе pop fеstival admittеd thеy.d up agalnst somе
tесhniсa] problеms.

-()()k at thеSе Sеntеnсеs from thе аrtiсlе.
.'.-lt,ttеvеr ,mаrkеtаbilitу,, thеrе сап
thе суniс might hаvе to sау аbout mеdiа-hуpе аnd
... ttо disputing thе shееr ttпiquепеss of this tltъtsiсаl phепomепoп.
,:,ttеvеr impеrfесtioпs llе еluсidсttеs, thеrе аrе аlwауs сomplimеnts ассompаnуing
What is thе {r:nсtion ot thе word whаtеver in thеsе sеntеnсеs?

Rеwritе thеsе sеntеnсеs with a phrаsе bеginning with Whаtеvеr. What еxtra
mеаning is givеn by thе addition of' пtау/mighl to thе sеntеnсеs?
l I don,t сarе what you Say, hе,s а brilliant singеr.
2 It doеsn,t mattеr what yotl think of hеr, you must admit shе has а bеautifu]
] Hе makеs аll kinds of mistakеs, br:t l-rе doеsn,t losе his сonсеntration.
4 I don't mind what you do, but don't forgеt to watсh Lа Trаviаtа on thе Tv
5 You may say shе has a diffiсult tеmреramеnt, but hеr voiсе is lovеly.
6 Shе mаy сhoоsе to sing any kind of song but hеr voiсе is аlways pеrfесt.

tЦ ш.в. Thе Workbook has ftlrthеr ехеrсisеs of this typе.

UNlт 5 All Right oп tltе Nigl1t

Rсаr] this агtiсlс аtlсl аtlswсг thе qtlсs1itltls r'vhiсll ftllltlw it.

oF ALL S/NGING mаrriаges this sidеs likе a fighteг entering a fray,

rnusf be the most speсtосulаrlу baсk arсhed and hеad tilted slighth-
operаtic ever. Love, trсlgedy сlnd upwaтds, lends him a tгеmendouslr
triumph abound in the story of imposing presenСе. When the most
Roberto АIаgnа and Angelа strеnuous and demanding high nоtе
thltеrs and is to be сonsigпеd to
Gheorghiu. Оnly a уear аgo Alаgnсl
digital limbo, or a song goes sadly
wоs being hаiled the new Pаvarotti
arvrY for thе fоurth time, his faсe
after a сouple of performances of ne\rеI fails to light trp irr amusеment.
,La Boheme, сlnd ,Romeo аnd
10 Me аnwhile Gheorghiu's, Trаviсltсl, 40 In сontгast, Gheorghiu .l,r,ith fluid
had сatapulted her to overnight Пlovemrnt оf aтms and hands,
stardom аt 29, сondlrсts thе passage of hет voiсе as
if сoaxing it, maniprrlating it' She
It was сertainly good for business fidgets, lоoking like shе's ltnablе to
whеn thеy annоunсеd thеir love fог find thе most сomfortable way to
eaсh otheг last Мay. Bltt sо soon after stand. When mistakеs arе made she
the еaгly death of Alagna's fiгst wife' might сlasp hersеlf in еxasperation or
еxpeсtations WeIe not high. Thеy aтe fеign bangilrg her head against the
now malтiеd. Both arе musiсal musiс stand, but this is not seriоus
sensations in theiт own right and I veхation - mole the humorоus antiсs
met them in a Londоn тeсоrding о[ аn eх|гovел[ peгГесtiоnis1 stгivilrg
studio singing love sоngs foт a nеw to рroduсe the reslrlts she knows
disс. Whateveг the сvniс might have she's сapable of. They often end with
tо say about media-hype and heг brrгsting iпtо fits of giggles.
.maгketabilitv', thеre сan be no
disprrting the slreег lLlriqueness oI Thтoughout the sessiоn prоduсеr
this пusiсal phenomenon' David Gгovеs exhibits tоtal сomposulе
and соntтоl, in spite оf the fгenetiс
Roberto Alagna is a small пlan who тatе of сопlmuniсation with the
tends to гemain relativel1. still while сonduсtог and the arсluous nature of
singing. But his stanсe, with feеt eliсiting the verv best fтоm the
sprеad squarely apart, arms out at his singеrs. Whatеver imрeгfeсtiоns he
AIl Right oп thе Night UNlт 5

What doеs thе phrаsе
hеr to ovеrгright stаrdom, in linеs
l l-12 tеil trs about Angеla
Ghеorghiu,s сarееr?
Why is tlrе writеr sr-rrprisеd that
thе ссlr.rрlе arе now nlarriеd?
Why might sonrе pеoplе bе
сyniсal aboltt thе nеw disс?
What doеs thе writег mеatl by
,еntеring a fraу,? (linе 31)
What doеs thе phrasе
to digital limbo,in linеs t6-з7
What do yott ltndеrstаnd by thе
word ,fidgеts,? (]iПе 44)
In yor.rr сlwn words, сtlmрarе thе
rеaсtions o{ Robеrto агld Angеla til
mistakеs thеy makе?
Whiсh thrее words in parаgrapl-l
eluсidates, there are always сompliments fivе аrе usеd to undеrlinе thе
aсCompanying them, and his patienсе diffiсultiеs o{ David Grovеs, work?
seems limitless. Aftег an hour of tussling Whiсh phrasе in paragraph fivе
with a paтtiсularly triсky pieсe his message providеs an еxаmplе оf David
to the сonduсtoг is think Robeгto is a Grovеs, grеat patiеnсе?
,palpаblе'in linе 77
fтaсtion behind Angеla, but the phrasing is l0 Wl.rat doеs
peгfесt.' Then' turning aside to those mеan?
gatheгed around him and without a hint of ll In your own words, dеsсribе thе
iтгitation: would be so wondеrful if they writеr,s fееlings about thе
сould just end up in the samе plaсe at the pеrformanсе of o Soсtvе FапсъLillа
whiсh hе has hеаrd?
same time!'
t2 What is it that thе writеr finds so
Then he is suddеnly satisfird, announсing: surрrising at thе еnd of thе piесе?
.Boheme, pleasе, Boheme.' Afteг the travails
Find words or phrаsеs ir-r thе
of the previous houг, the relief at thе аrtiсlе lhаt mеаn 1pаrаgгаph
pгospeсt of singing fтom this opегa is tlltmbеrs in braсkеts) :

palpable. It's the woгk that bгought them a ptrlэliсity (2

togetheг and
.o Soave Еanсuilla' obviously )

b wаy of standing (3)

touсhes on something spесial. The solоists с trying hard (4)
share a piane apaтt, theiт pointing fingeгs,
d hold tightly (4)
fuггowed bтows and bubbliпg laughter
е prеtеnd (4)
сuiminating in an embraсe that bridges
thе two-foot gulf between them. And f gеntly еnсouraging (4)

unbelievably, there's nоt a Camегa in sight. o

b unсontrollablе laughtеr (4)
, tш UNlт 5 AII Right on thе Night

tfiдlvliV!'дlt j
Rеported Speeсh
,l 1 Lоok at thеsе two sеntеnсеs from thе artiсlе. Both arе in dirесt spеесh.
thirlk Robеrto is а frасtioп bеhiпd Aпgеlа, but thе phrаsing is pеrfесt., (said David)
would bе so wondеrful if thеу сould just еnd up in thе sаmе plасе аt thе sаmе timе!,
(said David)

rп ,] Rеwritе thе sеntеnсеs in rеportеd spеесh.

David said

David said

*З Whiсh two gеnеral rulеs of rеportеd spеесh do thеsе ехamрlеs illustratе?

*i What othеr typеs of сhangеs arе nесеssary in rеportеd spеесh?

tЦ ш. B. Thе Workbook has furthеr work on rеportеd spеесh.

Disсovered: Buсhaгest Мusiс Aсademy 1990

Big break: Violetta in Lа Trаviаtа leсeives suсh
outstanding гeviews that TV сhannels immediately
сleaг theiг sсhedules for immediate tтansmission. Thе
CD wins .Disс of the Yeaг'.
What the сritiсs say: .she is the most affeсting Violetta
for dесades.'
.Will she be spoilt by instant suссess?, .She,s
stable, foсused, eхtremely сhoosy.' just hope this eaгly suссess
doesn't go to her head and tаke out the spontaneity and emotion.'
What she says about herself: 'There was never any question of "Oh, what a
promising voiсе!', I was boтn with this voiсe. Right from when I was a littlе girl, it
was сleaг that I would beсome a singeг.'
What she says about Alagna: .Wе woтk togetheт, in the same room; We ale quiсk
leaгners' We talk about musiс foг houтs. We are in love with this profession. Wе
are one with eaсh other' we try to help eaсh otheт be our best. We have so muсh in

A|l Right oп the Night UNlт 5 l.1i.Чl-*lт...l::iT

Dеscribiпg peoplе
Work with a рartnеr. onе of you rеad thе Iпsidе Srory notеs about Angеlа and
thе othеr rеad abor-rt Robеrto.

Tеll your partnеr what nеw informаtion you havе found. Usе thе hеаdings in
thе tеХt to аsk and answеr quеstions about Rоbеrto and Angеla.

Usе thе information you havе fоund, plus anything еlsе from thе artiсlе On
pagеs 88 and 89 to writе a short artiсlе сomparing thе сarееrs of thе famсrus
сouplе. Usе your own words as {ar as рossiblе.
Usе thеsе hеadings for your paragraphs:
o Еarlу сarееrs
о What thе сritiсs think of thеm
о What thеy say about thеmsеlvеs
o Working togеthеr _ thе futurе

Disсovered: In a Paгis pizzeria, where he sang еight houтs a

_.lht foг tips.
Мain roles:. La Trоviаtа aI Lа Sсa]а' Milan in 1993; Romeo in
- -ndon in 1994
.Vhаt the сritiсs say: .Will hе be spoilt by instant suссess?' .Is
... .ilst anotheг eхamplе of ouг hungеr for the instant staг?'

rtl.hat he says about himseIf:

.Likeany otheт singer I want my own
.:rtity. I wonder if I please people beсause I'm like anotheг singer oг beсause I'm me.
.:re,s nothing сalсulated in my inteтpгetation. I sing what I feel. My style isn't new,
' . 'ust minr.'

ltl hat he says about Gheorghiu:

.We'd like to build a Caгeer togetheт. We don,t aссept
,.:]S to sing together for the sake of it. With oul rappolt we соuld do grеat things. Angela
. ... ]Ie prudent than me. I'm a bit exuberant. I have to do eveгything at onсе. She's сalmeг;
: riS serenity.'
UNlт 5 AII Right oп thе Night


Тhе sесond part of Papеr 5 rеquirеs you to spеak about a short passagе. This
will bе linkеd in somе way to thе piсturе(s) you havе spokеn about in Part onе.

r 1 Thеrе arе somе important points to rеmеmbеr about this paп of thе tеst.
l You will bе givеn timе to rеad thе passagе, but you do not havе to rеad it aloud'
2 This is not a tеst of rеading сomprеhеnsion, so thеrе is no nееd to Worry if
you do not undеrstand somе of thе words or idеas ехprеssеd.
3 Thе еxaminеr/your рartnеr has also rеad thе passagе and knows what it
сontains. Don,t just rеpеat thе main points of information, but talk about thе
languagе usеd and idеas ехprеssеd with thе ехaminеrs/your partnеr.
4 You arе gеnеrally askеd to think about whеrе thе passagе might bе found.
Bе rеady to givе an opinion with somе rеasons to baсk this up.

a2 Мany studеnts find talking about thе passagе diffiсult. Hеrе is a list of idеas
to hеlp you talk about a passagе. Ask yoursеlf thе fоllowing quеstions:
A Whеrе doеs it сomе from?
l ls thе pаssagе from а writtеn tеxt or is it somеonе spеaking? Find somе
еxamplеs of words and phrasеs to baсk up your idеas.
2 Whеrе would you sее/hеar this sort of passagе? For еxamplе:
о in a nеWspapеr
о in a tехtbook
о in a novеl
о оn thе radio/TV
Say why you think so.
3 What is thе stylе оf thе passagе?
Is thе passagе: formal Is thе journalistiс
informal сolloquial
nеutral litеrary
impеrsonаl, еtс dеsсriptivе?
aсadеmiс, еtс.?

writtеn/sрokеn in thе: first реrsotl

sесond pегSOll
third реrsоn
passivе. еtс.?

Givе ехamplеs of aсtual words and phrasеs to support your opinions.

What is thе funсtion of thе passagе? For еxamplе:
givinginformation еntеrtaining advising warning
instruсting pеrsuading
5 Who thе passagе mеant for?
Who mеant to rеad/hеar it? thе gеnеral publiс studеnts
a friеnd сollеaguеs,
All Right oп the Night UN!т 5

B What do you think abоut thе passagе?

Do you likе it?
Do you agrее with thе idеas ехprеssеd?
Doеs,it rеmind you of othеr situations/еxamplеs?

Bе prеparеd to еxpand thе topiс. Rеmеmbеr that this part of thе intеrviеw
only lasts two or thrее minutеs inсluding thе timе it takеs to rеad thе
passagе. You will bе disсussing thеsе points with thе еxaminеr or your
partnеr(s) so you don,t havе to spеak all that timе.
Praсtisе talking to your partnеr about passagеs 2 and 3. Work through thе
points in A and B for еaсh passagе, finding as many things to say as possiblе.

Pаssаgе 7

For thousands of yеars, pigs havе bеen an irnportant part of farrning lifе. But thеsе
days, it is not just thе farrnеrs who rеspeсt thеir worth. Morе and rnorе pеоplе arе
gaining an apprесiation of the individual сharrn and intelligеnсe of thеsе anirnals.
The Peфct Pigs Collection is sure to delight сolleсtors with the rеrnarkaЬle
arrthеntiсity rnodеllеr Martyn Alсoсk has aсhievеd. Hе has usеd sсulptor's rеsin in
ordеr to сapture thе tiniеst of dеtails with great aссuraсy. on сloser inspесtion,
you will sее thе unique сharaсtеristiсs of еaсh pig arе brought to lifе in pеrfeсt

Pаssаgе 2

Getting to thе сhuгсh on time is fundаmental. When approасhing a сar hire

сompaЪy for the big day you shouId сhесk that a quotе inсludes any eХtras аnd a
сIeai brёakdown of-hoй the transport is arrangеd and, of сoUrse, thе type of
A vintage сhoiсe may be idea| for town or shoгt journeys but not сou.ntry |аnes
betwеeЪ vil|ages. SiiniIarly, peopIe oftеn ask for сabriolet-tyрe Vehiс|Р:s Whiсh
hаvе limitеd lЪg room in the rear. so, your best bet is a modern Ro|ls-Roусе With
аir сonditioning, p|enty of |eg room, lаmbswool rugs and evеn footstools. What
more сould you Want?

Pаssаge 3

Thе bakеry is opеn evеry day. I 80 to bеd at around 2 pm and get up at 10 pm.
l Iivе in Pесkham and сyсIе to work at 12.30 am. We gеt a fеw dodgy сustomеrs;
somе don,t Want to or сan,t pay; othеrs arе off thеir hеads and buy loads of bagеls;
and you get pеople from night-сlubs. one of thе papеrs said wе had a riot a fеw
yеars ago-, but it was morе a fight betwееn twо guys. one woman sat on thе
сountei with hеr stilеttо heels in the сrеam сakеs. Working hеre has made mе
tough. lf you get griеf from one сustomer, you сan,t takе it out on thе nехt.
UNIт 5 AII Right oll thе Nigltt

I|Цаtchiпg Reаdiпg for шаiп poiпts аnd spесifiс

Yor.rwill hеаr tr,vtl rеviеwеrs, JohI-t аtld inforrпаtioп
Lуnn, tаlkirlg аbortt а btltlk thеy,vе btltir Look аt thсsе геviеws tlf vагiot-ts с.vеt-tts. Rсаt]
bееtl rеading. Foг qllеstiolls l_8, dесidе thспr qrtiсkly ar-rd dесidе whiсl-r bгаtlсlr tll thс
whtlsе tlpit.titlt.l is bеit-lg rеp()rtеd. Writе J агts еасh rеviеw is dсalir]s witl].
for John, L ftlr Lytlt.t ()r B fOг btlth tlf thеt.t.t.
l Тhе рlot is inаdеqr"latе. l П Ntlw гс.аd аgаit-l t-lltlrе саrсfrrlly аlld dс.сidе if
еасlt 1lаssаЧt'givt's а 1ltlsitivе ()г I,lе(аtiVе геr'it''''
2 Thе sitr.ratitll-l сlеsсгibеd is rlоt vеry 2 П tlf thс рег[oгt.llаnсе tlr prtldltсt. Urldегliпе thс
wtlгсls oг phгasеs wlriсl.r indiсаtе thе wгitс.г,s
3 It,s diffiсult ttl rеlаtе t() thе сhаrасtеrs. з П oi'lir-rior-1.

4 Tl.rе srrtljссt Пlattег is thtltlght 4 П

provoking. Маtсh еaсh tlf thеsс stаlс.rllеllts l_8 with ollе
tlf tl.rс. passаgеs A-F.
5 Тhе botlk is wеll-sr.ritеd ttl a filtll 5
vегsitlt-t. l It wаs bеttег thаl.t I схрссtеd.

6 issttеs. 2 -
It is Llс.сtllttiltg itlсгсаsirlgly 1-loprtlar.
Thе bсlсlk rаisеs it-lrportаnt 6 П
7 3 It is асlа1-ltаtitltl fгоrll all()thеГ t.tlесlittIll .
Тhе book is qrritе frightеt.tit.tg it-t 1lагts. 7 П аt-t

8 is 4 Ytlt.l саt-l llеvеr bе sttrс whаt yolr,ll sсе. -

Gсrlс.гally rl-ry t.l1lil-tiot.t tlf tlrе btltlk 8 П
fаvtlr.t rаblе. -
5 lt,s аll ()pp()rttlllitу ttl sее s()111е lllastеrрiесеs.

Listеt-t agаin atld filrd схprеssions thаt lllеall: 6 It is lеss еxpliсit thаll stlt.l-tе wtlrks.
l tо bе pгесisе (Lуllrr) 7 otlе pегlort.trаt.lсе Stal]ds Ottt. -
2 il-t nry oрit-tiоt.t (LyIln)
8 - idеаs.
It is 1аithfrrl ttl thе tlгigirlal аrtist,s
3 Rеаlly? Yott lt.it.tst bе jtlking! (Lyr"rrl)
4 it,s а t-ttlгll-tаl sitliatitll.t (Jolrr-r)
5 1hсrе агс lllаlly tlf thеtl-t (Lyrlr-r)
6 rvith Itlts t'I Iltlisе аtld асti()ll (Lytlrl t

7 vегy involvсd аnd ехсitеd (Lyr.rrl)

8 а vегy rеadаblе book (Jtll.rrr)

Perlman }oins thе Party

somе of thе bеst
has сollaborateсl with
Theте сan bе fеw morе thе ехсellеnt
listеnirrg to еxporrеnts of thе foтm -
musiсаl еxpеriеlrсеs than Klеzпlпtiсswho add a moderrr
you navе
somеone whosе pеrformanсеS approaсh anсl thе morе
thеmsеivеs witlr
,",p".t"a make a fool of iеl.o Wot\d, rеdolеnt
of paprika and-
The сlassiсal disс within
trrrfamiliar rеpеrtoiтe. сoffее. Pеrln.rarr is totally
саtаloguе is littеrесl
with еnrbarrаssilrg part of thе party,
stуlе, part of thе band,
of this partiсtrlar folly.
"*u.pl", not thе star ttrrrr.
rеlеasе, Pеrltnan
тhu,lкt.,шy, on his latеst
AlI Right oll tl,tе Night UNlт 5


tf you lovе horrоr storiеs tltrt blanсlr at
STRЕЕT ЕIGHTЕR sех and violеnсе, Diana Guсst's nеw wоrk,
nу b:f
Li ke m a
::^ll}'1:":.11ъ::Jii Forbiddeп Gаrden сorrld bе what yoll'vе
falls foul of transte
bееn waiting for. onе night, iournalist
ii*:fllj*:':т Patriсk Kaisеr lrеars thе sound of sobbing
wе have a stop-start Рl::j:
plot thrеаos,
сoming from thе еnd of his gaгdеn. Gоing
too many hеroеs, nlultiplе outsidе to invеstigatе, hе swiftly bесomеs
involvеd with a familу whоsе two сlrildгеn,
.Ъ "iu.j. rn

;l.';ж:)' Hildy and Christian' livе in mortal tеrrof

Havinя takеn nost
",n" "o':l^:: L*ъ1.i ilТж'.ff ; of thеir monstrolls fathеr, thе сеlеbratеd
pianistJrrlian Fеrrarе. Wlrat unnatural hold
renegadе Warloro
heitу rаnsom. .:."l".t
i;''.iЪъ;.nds а van Damm:) *
doеs this man havе ovеr his family? And
ёuпЬ .l"""-Сlaudе h"loТ what binds Hildy and Сhristian so tightly
more than а dozеn multi.ethniс to thе attiс at thе top of thе housе? Kaisеr's
..i"" *, ." Т"ilT*,J,i#"1Т:]"'..,: attеmpts to disсovеr thе sесrеts of this
as mystеfiolls fotlrsomе and his fight to
i"й. up shamеlesslу 1h." :":]p pгotесt thе сhildrеn from thе еvil around
Л Ь; thеm lеad us into a nightmaгish world
that simply сan't fail to grip and сompеl.
l."" и'' noisу, brаinlеss
Rеad it if yorr darе.

Fortnight CIub -ъ*

The lategt in
a э
ounch of exPerien:::" of

ж i :: хi eхpect P;;Ь;#::phere, ё.;;;

re a
;:: :!:;P|aу e
":rearound with .|
a rg

"u,:,,,,: =;i:у;::{:iii!:!
- go
_. " laэv|Пaтtng
Ъь night out.

CкдsтLrу's RЕPUтAтIoN as a master of light

and shadow is сertain|y borne out in this
geneгous twenty-yeaг rеtгospесtive. Most o'
of thе quiet, warm-toned views heге _ of RB Shегidan,s spaгkting Т.:I] .::..ouсoulo
The нivats is а pгоduсtion Whiсh
fiгеworks ovеr the Brook|yn Bгidge, .*.,.o *unnегs
sеlf.satisfуing bеуond
sсulptuгe fragments at thе Меt, a window havе bееn shоwy, flounсУ
of thе Louvrе _ are impeссaЬ|y balanсеd, еnduгаnсе.Butit,saсtuallyquitеahoot,not]еastbeСаusе'
Wit, most of the
trrе playъ foгmidаblе
meditative studies. But For Lisette (1976) as wеll as сaггying off гedeеmtng
mаnаge to геflесt Shегidаn's
and Woiting Grond Сentrol (l983)' push ;;;;;;..,., his most absuгdlу
gеnегоsitу, еvеn towaгds
undегсuггent оf
fuгther into thе poеtiс and daring, fragi|e that might wеll
тrris is tne Kind of show
сompositions and a wеa|th of Ьlaсk tonеs affесtеd сhaгaсtегs'
a good namе.
|ive tгоtгry сostumе сomediеs
that pгoduсe сomp|ex, near|y flawlеss
gems. Тhrough Мarсh 23.
UNlт 5 АI Right oп thе Night

Using уour dictioпаrу

Lotlk ttp thеsе words from thе rеviеws in yottr diсtionаry. Whiсh mеаning ot
thе word is r.rsеd hеrе? What tlthеr tnеanings arе thеrе?
l tr.rгr.r (A) 4 сеlеbratеd (С) 7 gеrrrs (Е)
2 flLtid (B) 5 btrr.rсl.r(D) 8 hoot (F)
3 thrеaсls (B) 6 quiеt (Е) 9 frtlthy (F)

Whiсh tеllsе is r-rsеd nrtlst of thе titltе itr еaсh of thе rеviеws? Urldеrlinе
instanсеs whеrе ()thеr tеПsеs havе tlееt.t trsеd. Wl.ry 1.rаvе thеy bееn usеd in
еaсh саsе?

Ytllt hаvе bееr.r askеd to writе a rеviеw fl]r ] m)оf7illё

l Сhtltlsе a filt-rr, рlаy tlr boсlk wl.riсh yotr hаvс sсеt.t or rеad rесеntly'

Thitlk аbout:
о Who will rеad your геviеw?
о What doеs yot.tг rеadег Wallt tO know?
о Why will yсlur rеаdеr Wаllt t() rеаd ytlltr rеviеw?
o Hсlw mttсh of thе plot do yOLl want a геviеw ttl tеll yotl?

Look baсk at thе filпr, play and btlok гсviеws on pagеs 94 aлd95.
Do thеy tеll you what yоtt Want tO kntlw аbtlttt thе еvеnt?
How is thс inforпlation organizеd in еaсh of thеrr.r?
In еасh сaSе, сomllеnt oll thе stylе of thе writing.
Whiсh stylе dtl ytlu prеfеr? Why?

4 Dесidе whiсh of thе following points yOLl Want to inсludе in yoltr rеviеw.

gеnrе plot сharaсtеrs stylе of dirесtor/writеr pеrformanсеs

сoStLlпlеS idеas who will likе it visuals my opinion of it

Thеn dividе thе points into pаragrаphs dеpеnding on how you Want tO
pгеsеl)t thе in[tlгmаtitln.

Dесidс tln thс stylе ytltl want t() ttsе. Fсlr ехamplе sеrious, journaiistiс, iight-
hеartеd, sаrсastiс, objесtivе, еtс. This shor.rld rеflесt yotrr rеadеrshiр.

6 Now writе your rеviеw. T]rе words and ехprеssions in thе box may hеlp you.

it dеals with ...

it is sеt in ...
thе plot rеvolvеs аround/foсusеs on ...
it is produсеd/dirесtеd by ...
I was partiсularly imprеssеd/disappointеd by ...
it stars ...
it will apреal to lovеrs/fans of ...
it tеlls thе story of ...
i1 сonvеys а sеnsе ot ...
AIl Right ot,t tllе Night UNIт 5

Irl tIlis sесti()ll у()tl llltlst сhtltlsс thе wtlrс] tlг 1lhгаsе, A, B, с tlr D, wlriсh bсst
сtlttt1llеtеs еа сIl sеtlt сtlсс.
Маrl1. tlf tl-rе llltls1 ассlaitllсd filllls аге аlstl thс tlttls1 vitllеt-tt.
A wiсlеl1, B dее1llу С bгtlаdly D аrll1llу

I tl-riпk it woLrld bе WГ()llg 1tl сtltlсlltsitltls bеl.tlгс wе hеаг tIlс с]сtаils.

A botrtlсс. B ho1r С skip D juпr1r

His l-t-tеtlttlгy Was Lly stltllс1hirlg hс saw irl а ttсws1lа1lсr.

A rltrсlgес.l B jtlltсd С jtlggесl D pгtldсlсd

Wllсrl llегv()LlS, shс hаs bееrl ktltlwtl ttl buгst itltrl tlf thе gigglсs
A tuпr B tit С s1lсll D boul

Stltllе t-tltlviеs ()ll thе fеаг that 1lсtl1llс Ilavс tll bсir.rg аltlrlс irl tllсl
htll.t sеs.

A tjwеll B аbidс С ltldgс D rеsiс]с

If Riсl-rаrсl fесls hс,s bссrl irlslrltесl hе,s I() gеt r,itllеtl1.

A liаblе B vtt ltlс гаLllс с l)г()ll с D sLrbjесt

A ltlt tlf rсsсаrсh hаs gtlrlе illto ltltlking ftlг а bс.1rnrееtl f ilrl-rs and
Llс h а vitl lr г.

A liпk B jоut С сhаirl D thгсad

Strе fotrllсl рlаyirlg tIlе сiiffiсrrlt pа11 tlf Магil1,tl Мtlttгtlс ()ll s1аgL.

A big B high с grеаt D lаl]

Aftег thс с()llсеГt, Rtlllегttl was Llсittg аs thе llеЦ/ Pаvа rtltti.
A сallеd B сitеd с 1.ra ilс.d D sрtlkеr-t

l0 Whеtl hе tllаkеs а lllis1аkс, 1lrе sittgег,s fасе

A glows shit-tеs
UNlт 5 Au Right o11 thе Night

Fill еaсh of tl.rе numbеrеd blanks in thе passаgе with onе suitаblе word.

Doеs music mаkе уou Shаrp?

Ftlг сеlltr.triеs 1.lеoplе l-rаvе bеliсvеd that musiс саn hаvе lаstil.lg еffесts on OLlr dеvеlopnrеnt.
Jеannе d,Albrеt, thе nltlthс.г of tlrс. Frеnсh king Hеrrry I! rеportеdly r) l-l-lt.tsiс plаyеd

hег еvеry гllсlrning whilе shе WаS ргеgllatlt (2) thе bеliеf thаt it would пould thе
сhaгaсtег tll hег tttrbilгtr сhild аrld (3) him hаvir.rg ,dark, t-lloods. Histoгiatls
- hаvе sinсе
(4) Hеnry аs jtlviаl, btrt this аlrесdotаl еvidеnсе is (5) ttl сonvinсс. sсерtiсs that
mltsiс сall rеally bеrrеfiсially аffесt dеvеl()рlllеllt.

Rесеntly а гall!]е tlf сogtritivс., еt-trсltitltlаl, llotivatiOnаl and soсiаl skills lras (6) сlaiпrеd
to bеr-rеfit (71 сhildrеn,s it-.tvtllvеt.l-lеl-lt wittr пlttsiс. Bttt ссrllсlrtsivе (8) is hard to
firld bесartsе it is сlif{iсr.rlt to isolаtе tlrrtsiсаl itlflrtеllсеs frot-lr trrany othеrs thаt пright (91

а diffеrеl-tсс.

Rеsс.aгсh геptlrtеd by Fratlсеs Ralrsсlrег ill Сalifornia, htlwеvеr, hаs сlait-lrеd that listеning to
Мtlzагt ftlг tеtl Пlilltltеs diгесtly аffесts s1ratia1 геasonil.tg skil]s. Shе sr.rggеstеd that str.rdеnts diсl
(r0) aftсr listеning to thе mLtsiс bесаl-tsе Мozart,s writing is ,сogrlitivеly сomplеx, аnd
stiпrltlatсs pаrtiсulаг асtivity irr thе right hal1 tlf thе brаirr, (ll) thеl-l itlflltеIlсеs strlаtial
геastlning in strllсtllrеs (12) nеaгby. Shе aгguеs that i{ сhildrеn arе (l3) TO

сompiеx t.trLtsiс froln аn еarly agе. thеiг spatiаl rеasot-lil-lg will improvе. (14) listеning
silllplе ге1lеtit ivt- Illttsiс, 1 l 5,1 аs rtlсk tlllrsiс will inrpaiг pеrIornrаnсе.

Sсiеl.ltists will гсп"tаil-l sсеptiсаl (l6) this sпrаll study is rеpliсatеd' аnd this has provеd
diffiсtrlt. onе possiblе intеrpгеtatiot.t st-tggеsts that improvеmеnts it.l spatial rеаsoning oссltrrеd
bесаttsе ttlrtsiс affесts arottsal, еmotion (l7) both. Rесеnt rеsеarсh undеrtakеn at thе
lnstitl.ttе of Еdttсаtion has shtlwl-t that (l8) qltiеt, геlаxing, bttt сhееrIul, musiс ttl
сl-tildгеrr (l9) аге еxpеriеnсit.tg еt-trtltiсltlal and bеhaviourai difIiсr-ritiеs whilе thеу
(20) Oll tllаthсПlatiсs problеms, it.t.tpгс.lvеs thеiг bеhаviour and thеir IеsI sсOrеs.

Fill еaсh of thе blаnks with а sr-ritablе wсlrd оr оhrаsе.

I Thе paintitlg looks tliсе at a distanсе. but inspесtion, it,s not

so good.
2 Thе filrrr was rеally gripping; I was llly Sеat thе wholе timе.
3 It lotlks likе a dеsigtlеr drеss' bLlt aсtllally slrе bought it pеg.
4 Whatеvеr distraсtions thеrе wеrе агotrnd hirrr, thе асt()r llеVеr onсе sееmеd
сOllссntra tlOtl.
5 It.t attеПlрtitlg to plаy thаt unsuitablе piесе of t-l-tt.tsiс, tl.rе violinist riskеd
fotll of himsеlf.
A1I Right oп thе Night UNlт 5

For еaсh of thе sеntеnсеs bеlow, writе a nеW sеntеnсе as similar as possiblе in
mеaning to thе original SеntеnСе. but using thе word givеn. This word must
not be altеrеd in аny way.
Ехаmplе: A lot o{ pеoplе attеndеd thе mееting.
Aпswеr: Thеrе wаs а vеrу good turпout for thе mееtiпg'

Although thеy bеliеvе it.s not thе сasе. most pеoplе arе aсtuаlly rаthеr
sеntimеntal about animals.

If you don.t likе this typе of сakе' you сan try аnothеr.

In my opinion, thе bеst tеa is madе in а tеapot.


I was told еithеr to aссеpt thе сhairpеrson,S dесision or lеavе thе soсiеty.

our tеaсhеr mеntionеd in passing that you сan knit with dog hair.

I don.t fееl muсh likе going to sее that film tonight aftеr all.

I doubt if thе outdoor сonсеrt will go ahеad in this wеаthеr.


It was Amanda who pointеd out Robin's bеautiful voiсе to thе dirесtor.

I didn't opеn thе gatе for fеar of thе dog attaсking mе.

l0 Thе thotrght of hаving а tooth еxtraсtеd tеrrifiеs mе.

F*йЕl UNlт 5 AI Right oп the Night

Finish еaсh of thе following sеntеnсеs in suсh a waУ that it is as similar as

possibiе in mеaning to thr sеntеnсе printеd bеforе it.
Eхаmple: Immеdiatеly aftеr his dеparturе. things improvеd.
Aпswеr: No soonеr hаd hе dеpаrtеd thап things improvеd.

l I only Wеnt to visit thе art ехhibition bесausе my brothеr rесommеndеd it.
Had it not

2 iVlajor roсk bands havе rarеly visitеd this town.

Тhеrе havе

As I sее morе abstraсt paintings, I likе thеm lеss and lеss.

Thе morе

Whilе I rеally do not likе ballеt, I,m prеpаrеd to go with you this timе.
Dеspitе my

Thе boх offiсе managеr told mе that thе pеrformanсе would finish аt about
tеn-thirty tomorrow.

Stеvе hasn,t had his hair сut tor ovеr six months.
It iS

Еvеn a full сonсеrt hall this еvеning will not mеan that wе сovеr our сosts.
No mattеr

I еnjoy listеning to thе radio muсh morе than watсhing tеlеvision.

I muсh

It is highly unlikеly that thе plаy will finish bеforе l l o,с]oсk.


l0 Whеnеvеr I go into that musiс shop. I spеnd morе than I intеnd

I сan,t go

Tip of rnу Tongue

TаIking аbout photogrаphs

Look аt thе two рhotographs.
Маkе a
list of thе similaritiеs arrd diffеrеnсеs
bеtwееl.t thеm. Think аbottt:
Thе sеtting:
whеrе it is
why it,s haрpеt-tit.tg
Thе реoрlе:
thеir арpеaranсе
thеir rеlationship with olrе anothеr
thеir fееlings
Thе strbjесt:
how tЬе photograph has bееп

why thе рhotograph has bееt-t..u.k.:

whеrе/how thе рhotograрl.r rnigl-rt

Talk to your pаrtnеr alэout thе

langtragе ir-r thе
рь.,'ogйph,. u'" thе
boх to сomрarе arrd сontrast thеп.t.

thеу arе both

thеу both show
both of thеm
on thе othеr hand
it makеs mе think of
I think thеy must/сan,t/сould/may/
might bе...

What is thе rеlatiol-lshiр bеtwееn

pеoрiе, lтlеm()ry and сomрutеrs?
Think tor а tеw mintttеs and tllakе
soПlе n()tеs or draw a tnind

Disсltss yottr idеas witlr yоur рartnег,

аgrееing аnd disаg'rееitlg аs
uNlт 6 Tip of пlу Toпguе

Listепiпg for specific iпforшtаtioп

Talk to yollr раrtnег aboltt thе Intеrlrеt. Disсuss thеsе poit-lts:
o whаt ехpеriеt-lсе yor-r havе of it
o your undегstanding of how it works
о lrow iПlpoгtaПt yoll think it is
о thе impliсatiot-ts for Еnglish and othеr langrrаgеs
Yotrwill hеaг thе bеginniгrg of a rаdio ргogгаlllmе abor.tt tlrе langr.ragе tlsеd
on thе Intеrnеt. As yor-r listеI-t, сhoosе thе two main points Bob Еlr-r.ran пlakеs.
A Thе Intеrnеt should usе а vагiеty of larrguagеs.
B Thе Еnglish ltsеd on thе Intеrnеt is nothing likе сvеryday Еnglisl.r.
с Httпlan intеraсtion wottld bе еаsiеr if еvеryonе spokс. thе sar.nе languagе.
D Thе jargon tlsеd ot.l thе Intеrnеt will soot.t dеvеloр into a whсllе nеw languаgе
whiсl.r Еr.rglisl-r spеakеrs wot-l,t bе ablе to ttndеrstaпd.
It,s inеvitablе tl-rat lаngttаgеs сhangе to mееt nеw сonditions.

Bеforе yor-r listеn to thе rеst of thе prograrnmе, trrakе a list of words and
ехprеssions whiсh аrе сomПlonly usеd in rеlation to thе Intrrnеt.

Listеn to а ссlntinltation of thе programmе. How mаny of tl.rе words on yollr

list aге r-rsеd by tlrе spеakеrs?

Note tаkiпg
Listеl.l to thе rеst of thе radio рroglаmПlе agаirr and сoпlplеtс. thе tаLl]е on pagе l03.

Rесord kееping
Rеad t\is ListQt waчs оt оtga''r'lzirrooa vосa\.+\atч \c\q\<. Llsqr.rss t\q dчan\taъq\
and drawbaсks of eaсh пlet]-lod with yoLlr partneL
a Сhronologiсal - likе a diаry, orgаnizеd aссording to Whеn you first сamе
асross thеm.
tl Alphabеtiсal - likе a diсtior.rаry with words listеd ассording to thе lеttеr
thеy bеgin with.
с Undеr topiс l.rсadiгrgs - е.g. sport, сгimе, IПtеrnеt, еtс.
d Graпlt-t-lаtiсally - ассording to thе typе of word. е.g. vегbs, nollns, еtс.
e Anothеr way?

Wlriсh of thе following do yotr think it might also lэе usеfltl to rесord?
. Еxatnplеs of how thе word wаs r.tsеd е.g. ,tO рost a сontributitlt-t,.
. Rеfеrеt.lсеs of whеrе yor.l hеard/saw it sO thаt yоtl сan lоok at thе сoПtеХl
. Thе prеpсlsititlt.ls that arе r.rsеd witlr thе word. е.g. ,it-t thе сontеХt o/,.
. Тhе apрropriatе rеgistеr/sitr.tаtiotr in whiсh to Llsе thе woгd.
о HOw thе word is nrtltltlt.tlrсеd aгrd strеssеd.

Whеn yolt havе сlrganizеd yrrur vсlсabulary rесords, what is thе bеst wаy tO
mеmorizе thе words it сontаins?
Tip of mу Tot,tguе UNlт 6


Fауиi|iаr worls with а иeи, шeаиiиа iи thе сoиteхt of the lиterиet'

Word Pаrto( Lttera(vиeаиiи3 Мeаиtиg tи thts сoиteхt


Т. rerЬ шаtersport пot,iиy аroииl иet -уoи doи,t kиo',u whсreуoи,rеуiи7

т. rt ,иа/<e а иoise mаklи7 сhot|сes oи the иet Ьу pressiи7 а Ьиttoи


,lL .
Т. иor,|И p/асe,loсаtioи oиe иserЬ сoиtribиt|oи to thе иet

T. of sovиethtng
'lГ, rerb to seиd soуиethiиq to pиt soпe tиаtеrtа| oи the иet

l; и0ии иovtce,/иewсoуиer иew шser of иet

eхist,,tиobsеrved sифи7

to bиrи totelloff
шithoиt сoиtribиttи7 to the иet

iГ. reetiиls аиl sа/иtаtioиs'
Ехауиp/es of q

= аЬЬrertаtioи of

= аbbrеriаtioи of

T, Compиtrr terшs thаt аre eиteriиq the сoуиrиoи |аиqиаqe'
T, _- sttll иsеl tho"jh it иo /oиjer lesсribes the obieсt.

1-, thаt is иow wile|у аs а rerb,

Tr. = а Иor,LИ

hаs а и,tlеr rаиTe of пeаиt|иgs thаи the eTиurа/eиt сotи,иoи u,orls,
Tt, =

T,. :
Tt t4е|1/ ИeаИiИls of th|s и,orl seem /ike/у to Ьe иsed пore шile/у,

UNlт 6 Tip of пlу Tonguе

Сloze pаSsаge
Bеforе yсlrr сomрlеtе thе сlozе pаssаgе aПsWег thеsе qrtеstiot-ts.
l Wl-rat аrе ltsuаlly rесognizеd аs thе fivе sеt.tsеs?
2 Whаt ty1-lе of thit-lgs oftеn gеt rеfеrrеd to аs ,sixth sеlrsе.?
J Havе yoll еVеr hаd any ехpегiеnсеs of this typе?
4 Look at thе words in thе boх. Whаt dоеs еасh onе mеan? In what сontеxt is
еaсh word gеnеrаlly usеd? Usе yсlltr diсtionаry to l.rеlp you if nесеssary.

survеillanсе orthodoХ phеnomеnon

аmbush tе|еsсopiс ludiсrous

Fill еaсh of thе numbеrеd blаnks in tl-rе passagе with onе sr.ritablе word frоn-l
thе bох bеlow. Thе first сlnе lrаs bееn donс. for Уou аs atl ехamplе.

by no ln only on as out
gеt mеans arе whеn who bеing tаking
to havе ft far around not whiсh

Siхth Sеt1Sе

Тhе idеa that somе pеoplе сan sеnsе whеn thеy аге bеing starеd (0) а|
has sсl (l) -- bееn rеjесtеd as lr.rdiсror-rs (2) OrthodoХ
sсiеt-ttists. Bttt now rеsеarсlrеrs in Еngland and Atlеriсa arе (3 ) thе
сlaims nlorе sегiously.

Aссording (4\ Сar.nbridgе Univеrsity biolоgist Dr Rupеrt Shеldrakе,

thе phеlromеnon hаs long bееn rесognizеd (5) fiеlds suсh as
wildlifе photogгaphy and miIitary sr-rrvеillаnсе. Tl-lе sесt,.ity пrаnagег of a
largе stоrе in London, for ехaпplе, has саuglrt tlrousands of реoplе
(6) - sr.rrvеillal]се саl-nеrаs, and hе is iгt (7)
his dorrbt that
soпlе pеoplе havе a ,sixtlr sеnsе, of (8) thеy arе lэеing watсhеd.
Thеу сan (9) tl.rеiг baсks to thе саmегa, whiсh may alstl bе hiddеn,
yеt still (l0) agitatеd whеlr thе са lllеra is tгаinеd OП thеln. somе
movе- Oll, whilst othеrs look (ll) to try аnd s1lot tllе сапlеrа.

Sonе рoliсе tеaп.IS (12) said to hаvе a rulе abortt (13)

- in tеlеsсopiс sigl.rts ttltl iоng bесаttsе SLlSpесts Пray SеllSе thеу
kееping pесlplе
arе bеing watсlrеd. Ar-rd thе ехреriеnсе of a sоldiеr (14) l-rad a
strollg sеnsе of bеing watс.hеd as i.tе рatrollсd along a dark allеy оt-tе пight
(r5) - that hе hаd narrowly missеd (16) -
tо find latеr
аmbushеd is bу no (17) aП LlllсOmmon ollе.
Dr Sl.rеldrаkе is l.ltlw gathеring dаtа oll thе stаring phеt-tt.lt-t-tеt-ltll.t
(r8) - part of a sсiеntifiс Stlldy аnd wili bе сaггying (19)
ехреriп.lеt-tts dеsigrrеd t() mеaSLlrе staliПg sеr.rsitivity by nrtlnitorirrg skin
rеsistаnсе, (20) hе hopеs will tl.rrow fttrthег light on thе qltеstion.

- -
Tip of пlу Toпguе UNlт 6


Notе: twtl ilf thе wtlrс]s hаvе thе sаt-llе dеfirlititltt.

rеtriеvе rесall rеtain

rереat rесOrd
rеmеmbеr rесognizе rеvisе rеmind rеsеarсh

A Bring bасk inttl thе lllеlnoгy

B Idеr.rtifу/aсklltlrvlеdgс
рсгпrаl.tеПt lorПl Ior
ill геtегеtlсе
с Sсt сltlwrl
D Sау tlr dtl trvt.t.ачаit.l
Е Маkе or hсlp stltt-tесltlе rеlllеtnbег sollеthing

F To сtlllес1 faсts lry sсiеntifiс stlrdy

G Suссееd itr tltlt ltlsir.rg or fоrgеttitlg

FI Firld givеn ilrftrrr.t.tаtiolr agаitr itl thе llrеlll()гy

I Rеасl сlг ltlok at аgаit-l tсl itlrргovе fat-r.riliaгity

of rll.lе tlI tlrе vеrbs ir.r thе box. Usе

Сtlrlrрlсtс с.aсh sеntеt.tсс with а ll()Llll forпl
syllablе сlf thс nOLlll.
еaсh vегb tll-tly tlltсе, thеn nlark tlrе strеssеd
tсl lllеПloГy.
I Tl.rе .- tlf tlrttnbеrs саr.r l.rеlp y()Ll t() сot-t.tllrit thеl.tr

2 Thеуtlladеa.....-....-...--- tlftlrеilltеIviеWsOthatitсotrldtlеbrrэadсastlatеr.
Llссаttsе l-rе l-rаdn,t геtttrrrеd а librаry
) Hе wаs Sеllt a
4 Shе is woгking аs a at thе ltlсal tll-rivеrsitу.
folrr wесks bеftlге tl-tе ехatl.t.
Hе stаrtес] а ргtlgralпt.tlс о1

,Hеllo аgaitl,, br.tt tlrеrе was tlo ltltlk of itl hеr еyеs.
6 Hс sаiс],
7 Ltlt.tg- tсгt-l.l tlf infort-l-lаtiсln rеqltirеs tllorе woгk thаtl
tr1l its Iгtltl-t tlrеlllrlгy.
8 GlVlllg 1Ле Iiгst lеttег tlf а woгd sресdеd
9 Thе s1аtttе WаS еrесtеd il-t ilf thе с()l.llltгy,s gгеatеst WrlIег.

l0 l had rlсl tlf thе evе1lts l-rе с1еsсrilrеd.

UNlт 6 Тi1t llI tttt'Тоttt1ttt'

Tаllii ttуl dbo|tt pе rsоIlаl dbilitiсs

])tl r'rllt ll.lr t' a grllttl tlli'tlltlгl .) ,\tt' r tltt llt.11(.l. ill Г(.lll('llr[lt'r-itt!, s()ll1(' illi]lч\
1llаtl rltlrt'r.s', Таll' i() \ ()tll. ll.lГ1]l('l. .lllilttl 1llt' li't.l-t]s ill lll(' L){)\.

lists ol l)oillts
tll сssсl g('s
s()llcs/l)()сllls/q tl()tа1 i()lls
ЕrlgJislr r'tlсаllttlа г\'

r' :*



Тi1t р| 1111'Tоtt,lttt' UNIт 6

ll l( )\\ J]l\ ч()()(1 ]ll('tll(lt1s 1r lt- ll1(']ll()l.i,/]llч l llillчs.)

.i ()ll(' ()l tll(' L\\() l)i(iLtrt's i.tLrr'llL'ri A оr- 8. i оol' (ll \ ()lll. lli(lLlt't' llrl оtlt'
' lllr.'tt t]llsr.'illt'ilrltlk..lL']l \()tIl i].l1-ill('l..l\ ll].ll\ 1]lirtчs.tllrlLrt 1llt'
. ,t\ \()u (Jlr r('Пt('lltl)('r'. \o1rr'1r,lrlПr'r.((ltl l()rll' ai t]lt'l)i(ttll('1o tllt'tl'.
..! iol('\ .tttrl It'Рr'.t1 lot illt' ()lll('l l)i(lill'('.


\\ *.t*-f
\\ ;.t*,Fr;

.;{l Э t

Т !f*

-d .J
П UNlт 6 Tip of rпу Toпguе

fiГ'&гt:tol{-- '
Rеаding for spесific iпformаtion
** ] How important is mеmory in lеarning a languagе? Doеs this affесt your
approaсh to studying Еnglish?

* } Rеad part onе of an еХtraСt from a book about lеаrning and mеmory and
dесidе if thе statеmеnts 1-6 аrе truе or falsе.
l Мost pеoplе find it hard to kееp unfamiliar tеlеphonе numbеrs in thеir hеad.
2 lylost pеoplе nееd to kееp rеpеating a nеw tеlеphonе numbеr еvеry thirty
sесonds in ordеr to rеmеmbеr it.
3 Мost pеoplе forgеt nеw tеlеphonе numbеrs if thеy do not aСtivеly try to
rеmеmbеr thеm.
4 In thе Short tеrm, it is diffiсult to rеmеmbеr morе than sеvеn nеw numbеrs
or piесеs of information at onе timе.
5 Long-tеrm mеmory is also limitеd in tеrms of thе numbеr of itеms whiсh сan
bе rеmеmbеrеd.
6 It is morе diffiсult to сommit information to long-tеrm mеmory.

TYPЕS oг ]Y|ЕtYtoRY: PAпt oNЕ

experienсe of looking up a telephone

Мost readеrs will be farniliar with the
fo' the tirne it takes to sit down
nurnbеr and thеn rеpeating it to therns.йs
with th" result that the nurnЬеr is
soInеonе to ask ' di=t'o"ti,'g question
forgotten and tras to Ье lоoked up
all over again. Еqually farniliar and
frnd that yorr are quitе unaЬle to rernernbеr

for briеf pеriods (usuallу up to 30 sесonds
vеrbal lеarning thе abilitу to hold informatйn
and any dЬtraсtion'o:'"*.."l^.]::.:.'
1O in duration) dеmands faiф сonstant rеpеtition,
it has bееn еstablishеd that our сapaсlty
likеlу to sеvеrеly lmpеd. tйt abiliry.Morеovеr,
as soon as thе numbс , o{ i,,-,
or сhunks of jnformation ехсееds
brеakdown in rеtеntion

short-tеrm *..o.] *ы.ь ls iimitеd
in сapaсity' long-tеrm mеmory is sееminglу
any u.o,,.,. of .'.- inГormation.
Not surprisingly,
inехhaustiblе u.,d .u,.' aссommodatе that wе nееd
at u p.i..' it is gеnеrallу aсknowlеdgеd
20 this nеw information сan bе stoтеd
Гor lons tеrm геtеntion.

ii lЖlНffi iirl:
Tip of mу Tonguе UNlт 6 Et

Try this еxpеrimеnt in grouрs of thrее. Rеad all thе instruсtions bеforе you bеgin.

Deсide who is Studеnt A, Student B and Studеnt C'

\ \.
Тhen сlose the book and follow your instruсtions.

Stцdent A:
Keep repeating the number in your mind.

Stшdent B:
Think аbout what you had for dinner yesterday.

Stшdent C:
Сount to 20 out loud. First in your own |anguage and
then in Еnglish.

Whеn Student С has reaсhed 20 in English, eaсh try to write down thе
telеphone number.

The telephone number to remember is: 0136-227-8З59615

Chесk with your pаrtnеrs to sее how wеll еaсh of you has rеmеmbеrеd thе numbеr.

Disсltss thеsе tеrms and ехprеssions with your partnеr. What do you think еaсh
onе mеans?
a short-tеrm mеmory d lоw-frеquеnсy voсаbulary
b long-tеrm mеmory е on thе tip of my tonguе
с thе mеntal lехiсort

Rеad аnоthеr еХtraсt from thе samе book and dесidе if thе statеmеnts l_7 arе
truе or falsе.
Thе spееd at whiсh Wе сan rесognizе and rесall words suggеsts that thе
.mеntal lеxiсon, is vеry
organizеd. П
It is likеly that thеrе arе similаritiеs bеtwееn thе organization of our
,mеntal lехiсon,
and thе arrangеmеnt of a diсtionаry. П
In thе Brown and МсNеil ехpеrimеnt, somе pеoplе сould dеsсribе a
sеХtant, but сouldn,t rеmеmbеr thе namе for it. П
In thе Frееdman and Loftus еxpеrimеnt, thе rеsults show that thе
sесond quеstion Was morе diffiсult to undеrstand than thе first оnе. П
Words whiсh arе сOnnесtеd in mеaning сan bе rеmеmbеrеd togеthеr
morе еasily. П
Words usеd oftеn аrе п1orе еаsily rеmеmbеrеd thаn words usеd
rесеntly. П
I(nowing about mеmory is importаt.lt for languagе lеarnеrs bесausе of
thе limitеd timе whiсh thеy havе for study. П
UNlт 6 Тiр o-f tltl'Toltgllе

our .rrrental leхiсon, is highly

and effiсiеnt. Were storagе of inforrnation
haphazard' wе would Ьe forсed to sеarсh in
a randorn fashion to retriеvе words; this
sirnply is not fеasiЬle whеn one сonsidеrs
the spееd at whiсh wе nееd to reсognizе
and reсall. Furthеrrnore, it is ехtreЬely
irnproЬaЬlе that we organize words in thе
tlrain as a diсtionary does. Irnaginе y<ru
t0 wеre trying to reсall thе word ,t:,ozz|e, for
instanсе. It is unlikely that you would to itlсliс:ltе th:rt .Ггrrits Ьсgirrrlirle rvitlr p. aгс
retrievе thе word .noхiotts' (whiсh appеars СatсgoГiZссl trrlсlсl.'Iirrit. гatlrсг 1hаitr ttIrсlсг a
nехt to ,nozzl.e'in the diсtionary) in plaсе of so .lr'oгds ]lсgirlliirrg rr'ith Il. l]еadiric. l.rtгthсгl-l-toгс.
the targеt word. схpсгitl-rсtrtсгs сlisсor.с.гссl itl srtllsеqtrсrll tеsts that
Ollсе tсstеCs haс[ at'ссss to tlrс .ii.trit. сatеcoг\-. thе\.
Sot-tlс r-сгt. illtсгt.stilre сх1эсгinlсtlts сaгтit-сl ortt lll' rr'сгс alllе to othеГ ГГLli1s r.rroге qtriсkill ,l'lris
Bгort.tr arlсl .\Iс\еil схсr.r.r1;li1\. this sесllls to 1lгor.iсlе Iilr.thсг сr'iсlеrlсс that
1lоirtt lbгссfitlh
аrlсl eil.сs rts сlttсs ziЬotrt lсхiсal oгeаriizatiorr. .I.l]с sсt.tlurtltiсzrlh. геlаtссl itеIlls aгс .stoгссl togсthсг..
с\РеГilllеlrtCГii gzl\"с tсstесs сlсIlrlitiorrs oГ lorr' l[ost гсsс:rr.сlrс.гs :r1lpсuiг t() aQ.геC that itсl.tls aгс
Iiсqtrс.rrсl' r'oсzrllltlarl' itсt-tls zrrrсl askеd tl-rсrr-r tсl аггaltgссl itl ir sсt.iсs of.аssoсiatir'е Irсtrt'oгkь.
llzill}е thс itсr-rl. ()llс сlеfirritiorr rr.аs .,\ tlar'ie.atior]al
itlstгulttсt.tt trsесl it-t r.tlсasrtгillq. litlgrtlаг сliitarrссs. \\Ъ also lra\.с to сorlsiсlt.г otlrсг l.агiаlэlеs lr'lliсIl
еs1lссiilllr. thс :rltittrсlс o1.thс. srrlt. t-l-tootr allсi stагs irliссt stoгagе. ollс it.l-t1loгtlitlt {hсtoг hсгi. is .lr'oгсl
at sсa,' Sotl.tс tсstесs \\-сгс aЬlе to оo liсс1tlсtrсl..l itеll.ts rvlriс]r oссrtг r-r-rost Ii.сqtrсllth. aГс
srr1l1l1r. thе
сOГГссt 2llls\\.сГ (rr'hiсl.r \\'as .sс\t21llt.). llrrt rlrс. also сasilr- гссogtrizссl atlсl гсtгiсr.есl. Ir.rlаeirlс а
гсsе:rгсhсгs \\.сге ll1Oгс irltсгсstссl irl thс tсiitссs pilс oГ сzrгсls. сirсlr Геl)Геsс1)tilrg аrl itс.tll oГ
rr.lro liirсl tlrс. аlrsrt.сг 'ott tllс tip o{.rliеiг to1lgtlеs.. r'oсallttlzrгr: Il-r this s\'stс1ll thс. t.t-tost Iiсс1tlеlith.
thе allsrt.сг 'сollll)ass.. rr.hiсh чссlllссl to rrsесl rr оt.сls aгс .at tlrс to1э of. tl.rе
Sot-t-tс g.:rl.с 1lilс.. arrсl
irrсliсatс- that tilсr'had aссеsstlсl thе гie.ht sеItlаrt1iс tliсгсftlr.с с-zisiег to гсtгiеr't.. .Rессllсt. oГ ttsс. is
Ijсld lltrt fЬtrrlсl tirе \\.Гoll8 itсrll. othсгs haсl a i'сr.r' allоthсг r.ar.iаlllс. :rllсl. tсl гсttll.1l to thс alialoc.r' oГ
сlсirг iсlсa oI- tlrс .sha1lс. сlt' tl.rс itсIrr. аtrсl rrсr.с thс 1lilс. o1lс ('2ill illlagirlс rr.oгсls trlost гссеtltlr.
oГtсrr alllс to silr' hort. rrlаtlr sl 1llilllсs it llaсl. lr'hat trsс.d llеirrg at thс tо1l' Tl-rеsс r'aгialllсs ltt'с
thс {jгst lеttс.I. rt.as. с-.tс. It sссllls. tlrсrr. that thс'sс сotlсегtlссl lr.ith tlrс. ttsе ol'itсtlls. lltrt it is аlsсl
s\'stеlllS аll.с illtсГГеlatесl; at а r'егr.llasiс lt.r'с.l tt.tегс 70 illll)oГtаlrt to сorrsidсг rt.lrс.lr itсt-t-ls lгсгс fiгst
аl)l)сirГs to llс a 1;ilorioloеiсal sr.stеtlr. ;r sr.stсtrl oГ lсaгtlt' Irllagit-tс :r pilе o1'lгoгсls oгgirtrizссl
tlri-:tllitrg гс1atiotrs arrd a s1lеllirlg s\.stсlll. сhгоriologiсlrllr.: thс rr.oгсls lсaгtrt otl thс fiгst сlal-
of-а latrgtlagс сol.lгsс rтotrlсl llс at o1lс с\tl.сl'.l" ..,'.1
L)trr- rvar. irl rvlriсlr l'сst'irгсlri.гs itlrr.stigаtс lrorr. tlrс tlrosс tllrlsi гсссtlth. lсагll1 at thс orlrсг.
tlrсlltir.l lсхiсolr is tlгg.:ulizссl is lll. сrlrll1laгirlg_ rliс
(]lс:rгlrl llati\.с sl)с2rkсгs сlо rrot :tс'с1r-liгс all tlrсiг
s1lсссl аt rr'hiсli 1lсo1llс:rгс:rlllс ttl r.ссall itсrrrs. [t is
gсrrсгallr. aсСсl)tс(l tlrirt i{' ссItаirl L\l)еli oI' r.oсallttlагl- ill lсхiс:rl sсts. |]Llt t.irthсг irсс1tlit.с itсtrrs
1lгоlll1lts irl a ha1llrazirгсl. сlrгоtloltlgiсaI IlrsIlitlrl. gсtrсгalh.
сillt ilс atrsrtr.гссl llloгс с1Lriс.klr' thаti otlrеr's. thсtt
this rгill гс1lссt thс lехiс':rl s\.stClll. }-гi.есlllratl allсl irr а f;iiгlr. 1lгt.сliсta|;lс oгdсг o1- fiсс1r.rсrrсrl
l,o1ttrs askссl tсstссs tсl 1lt'rti,l.tll tiro сli1}r.rr,rlt rr1;i's Hort't.r.сl'. tlatirr. s1lсakсt.s ilar-е ll-tzlttt' tr.zLгs itt
о|.l;rчks: t..q,' 80 rrIliсlrtо l,rriItl tll) it ('(lttt1lt't'Itt'lrsir:.' lt.хiсlltl.
1 Nаlliс a li'trit tllаt llсgiris rr'ith а '1l.. rгhсгсlrs li]гсiР.rr lсllгttсt.s агс lirllitt.сl irr rlris
2 -\arllс а rr'ot.сl llсgirrrrirlgrrith ir.1l.rhiit is:r ll'Lrit. Геsl)сСt. l.iх1llrlitirrе ()LlГ l)Г('Sсllt klrоrr']ссls.i. o1'
.I.('51Cсs stOГaQ.с S\.s1сl.lls to th(' lirll slrtlLllсl аllrlrr. Lls rс.l
rrr.l.с аlllс tO 2lIls\\'сГ tlrс llгst t\l)с Ol attсllll)t tо s1;сссl tll) thс lсaгItitlg 1lгoссss аllсi
(ltlсsti()1i tllrlrr' с1uiс.klr tIl;rrl 1llt. st'с.,lrсl. .Гhis 1:rсilitаtс Stol.llgе.
Tip of tпу Tongue UNlт 6

Look bасk at thе sесond pаrt of thе еXtrасt and сomplеtе this sll[lnrary ot ot.tе

of thе ехpеrimеnts.


?еop|е were qiven of low-frequencу wordo and aeked No eaу the word, Эomе

peop|r qave the name of an objecN uoed in a oimi\ar ai|Ua|ian to |he one deocribed, Thie provеd
Lhat Nheir men|aI |exicon waэ dividеd inNo

of or lhe
ОNhеr peop|e, who cou|d'n'| remembrr Nhe word,, сou|d qive Nhe number
, Thio proved' NhaN the mrn|a| |ex,con io a|oo orqanized aссord'inq to

Now writе a similar sllmПlary of thе sесond еxpеrimеnt, sаying:

o what pеoplе had to do
о what rеsults thеrе wеrе
о whаt thе ехреritnеnt provеd


Now disсlrss quеstions 3_5 with yollr partnеr.

Why arе thе following faсtors importaПt for languagе studеnts whеn thеy arе
trying to lеarn nеw words?
о how oftеn words arе usеd
о how rесеntly thе wоrds wеrе ttsеd
о whеп thе wоrds wете lеarnt.

How сan thе pilе of сards аrralogy hеlp?

What do yott undеrstand about:

о thе mеntаl lехiсon?
о sеmantiс fiеlds?

tlolv rдrill what уotr havе rеad. irr{ltrеr-rсе lrow уott sttrdy and how yоtt kееp
v oсakrl.r\aту тесoтds?
П UNlт 6 Tip of mу Toпgue

r 1 Look at this sеntеnсе from thе passagе.
Wеrе storаgе of iпformаtioп to bе hаphаzаrd, wе would bе forсеd to sеаrсh iп а
rапdorп fаshioп to rеtriеуе words.
I What type of sеntеnсе is this?
2 What is thе usual sеquеnсе of tеnsеs in this typе of sеntеnсе?
How is thе еxamplе sеntеnСе diffеrеnt to this?
3 What othеr words сan bе usеd to bеgin this typе of sеntеnсе?
4 Rеwritе thе ехamplе sеntеnсе so that thе mеaning is thе samе, but bеgin
with thе word if.

J2 Finish еaсh of thе sеntеnсеs l-5 in suсh a waУ that it is as similar as possiblе
in mеaning to thе sеntеnсе printеd bеfоrе it.
l If you Wеrе morе systеmatiс in your approaсh, you would rеmеmbеr nеw
words morе еasily.

2 If уou Wrote that numbеr down, you wouldn,t kееp forgеtting it.

} If hе listеnеd to my adviсе, hе wouldn,t kееp gеtting into suсh a mеss.


4 As long as Linda сontinuеs to givе mе a lift to work, I shan,t lеarn to drivе.


5 Providing his thеory isn,t disprovеd, thе profеssor will win thе prizе.

l3 Look at this sеntеnсе. How is it diffеrеnt to thе еxamplе sеntеnсе in

quеstion 1?
Hаd it rаiпеd, thе сеrеmoпу would hаvе bееn hеld iпdoors,
l What is thе normal sеquеnсе of tеnsеs in this typе of sеntеnсе?
2 What other words сan bе usеd to bеgin this typе of sеntеnсе?
3 Rеwritе thе еxamplе sеntеnсе so that thе mеaning is thе samе, but bеgin
with thе word if

Tip of пt1' Tоt|!1I|| UNIT э

Finish еaсh Of thе SеntеnСеs l-5 in sttсh a way that it is as s\mi\aт as роssitiе
in mеаning to thе sеntеnСе priгrtеd bеfilrе it.
lf I,d sееn ytlr.r, I,d ltаvе trlld уott аLltltrt it.

If thе tra{fiс hadn,t bееn stl hеavy, wе,d hаvс arгivеd in рlеrrtу tlf tiпrс

or-rlу Jolrrl,s arгivаl oll thе sсеllе Sаvеd tl-tс рrtljесt frоtll bс.illg a сOlllрlеtе
с.lisа st сг.
H асl

Wегс it ll()t tO hаvе st.ttlwссj hеаvily еttottg1l ftlг skiirlg, а с]r). ski-rrltr wtlrrld
hаvе Llееn tttаdt' аvаil.llllе.

As ytltr с]idrl,t givс l-ltltiсе ()f y()Llг il-ltеtltitltl ttl сatlсеl thе htlliday, thе
сtlt.tlрatly will tltll гr..lttrld уrlttr dе1lrtsit.

Look аt this sсlrtсt.lсе. HOW is it diffсгеnt tO thе prеr,iiltts ехalllрlс sеlltеllсс?

Sltottld it rаiп, tltе сеrеtltоtlу tt,ill bе lrcld illdoоrs'

l Whа1 is ti-rе t.rtlrtl-rаl sеqlrеnсе tlf tеt.tsеs in this typе tll sеntеnсе?
2 What otl.rеr words сaп bе tlSеd tO bеgin tl.ris tуре оf sеlltеtlсе?
] Rеwritс thе еxаl-llрlе SL.lltе1lсе sO thаt thс t-llеallirlg is thс sаr.trе, btrt bеgin
with ti-rс wtlrd zf.

Finish еасh сlf thе sеntеnсеS l_5 il-r sr.lсh а Waу that it is аs sitllilаr аs pсlssiblе
it.t tlrеatlit-lg to thе sеl,l[еl1сt, 1lt.illtr.'d 1lt.lt lгt. it.

As lorlg as nobtldу t.lt.ltiсеs thс еrror, wе s1.rаl] tlot tl-rаkе аn apologу.


tf ytllrг сOПlрасt disс рrovеs ttl bс fatrlty, plеаsе rеtllГll it to thе аddrеss tlll t]lt.

Wеrе уtlt.t ttl losе ytltrr tiсkеt, no dtrpliсatе wtluld bе issuеd.


Unlеss Wе gеt hеld up it.t thе trа[fiс, wе,ll arrivе itl tirlе foг lr.rtlсh.

) In thе еvеnt o{ a сtlmplаlnt frot-t.l a сLlstoПlег, thе mаnagег Пlllst bе сallеd

l\( uNlт 6 Tip of tпу Tonguе

Sепtеnсе сomplеtioп
Disсtlss thеsе quеstions with yollr partnеr.
At what agе do сlrildrеn lеarn to talk?
Whаt things do tlrеy lеarn first?
How do thеy lеarn?

Yorr will hеar part tlf an intеrviеw witlr a Woman who has writtеn a btlok on thе subjесt of fеral
сhildrеn, сhildrеn grсlwil.tg t.tp withtlut thе сotrlpany of tlthеr hLtt.lran bеings. Fсlr quеstions l-l0,
соmрlеtе thе sеntеnсеs with a wtlrd oт shоrt рhтasе.
Маny fегаl сl-rildrеn arе bеliеvеd to havе bееn brought r.rр by I

Lсlrna saуs that shе {inds Пlally of thе storiеs tоid about {етai сi.rildrеn

Ti.tе sounds madе by thе woit giгls о{ Midaрtrт wеrе dеsсribеd a

In еight yеars onе of thе girls or-riy nаnagеd to lеarn 4

Lоrtlа dеsсribеs thе way a baby lеаrпs langltаgе as a prсlсеss ot

Lоrnа saуs it,s Wrong to likеn oltr laпguаgе ability to а 6

Fеral сhiidrеn joining httman soсiеty as tееnagеrs {ailеd ttl lеarn

Pеoрlе who 1еаrn forеign lаngtragеs I аrе аlways idеr.rti{iаblе а:
non-nativе sрс.

Fеrаl сhildrеn Sееm to lеarn voсаbulary by mеans o1 9

Gеniе fаilеd to lеаrn thе languаgе nесеssary tO l0

Whаt doеs thе еvidеrrсе of {еrаl сhildrеn tеll r-rs abor.tt:

о lагtguagе lеаrning in gеnеral?

o lеarning a forеigп langtragе?

Look at thеsе two sеntеnсеS frorn thе listеning tеxt. Undеrlinе thе plrrаsаl vеrbs in еасh onе.
Wе аll kпоw pеoplе wllo hсtvе tаkеll tLp forеigll lапgъtаgеs iп аdttlthood.
It will аlwауs bе possiblе to piсk ttp thаt thеsе аrе пot nаtivе spеаkеrs'

Whiсh of thе vеrbs in thе box аrе сlosеst in mеаning to thе two рhгasal vеrbs in thе еxamplе

Startеd doing notiсе сollесt mеntion raisеd tirеd fillеd

Сomplеtе еaсh sеntеnсе with a suitablе vеrb. Thеn matсh thе п.tеаl-lit.tg of tl.rе phrasal vеrb yotl h..
formеd to onе of thе vеrbs in tl.rе box.

I I',m r.rp with hеaringyou сomрlаining, сan,t yOLl bе morе рositivе?

2 Sorrv I сtidn,t phonе you, but my tirnе has bееn сoп.rplеtеly uр with а сrisis at work.
3 Iwаs uр to bеliеvе thаt lаnguagе lеarning was аbоttt rеmеmbеring words.
4 Sorry to this up, but didп,t yoll say I пright ехресt a salary risе?
5 I,vе got to go llOW bесattsе I promisеd til thе сhildrеr.r uр from sсhool.
Tip of пlу Toпgclе UNlт 6 r/

Think about a dаy in yollr сhildho()d Whеn Solllеthing strallgе or tlПLlsllal
l How lllllсh do yolt rеmеПlbеr ab()ut еaсh Of thе ftlllowing? Makе S()lllе ll()tеS
о thе Wеathеr/titlrе сlf yеar
о thе plaсе/thе еvеl-tt
o thе реOplе who wеrе thеге
о how уou Iеlt bеlorе aПything l-rappеnеd
- .с \'()LlГ llotеs ttl tеll yollг рartПег аbtlttt what l.tарреnесl. Ask yOLlr рartllеr
. . t..r)ll5 аbottt l.ris/hег dаy.
] Writе а paragгaph tO iПtrodllсе thе story. This paragrарlr siltlr.rld dсsсгibе tl.rс
baсkgrotrгrd. Wl-tаt will thе tеПsе Of thе пrаil.t vеrbs bс ill tl-ris 1rагаgrарh?
Whаt othег tеllsеS t"l]isl]t VOLI llееd ttl ttsс.?

Htlw muсh do yott rепrеnlbег аbout tlrе еvеПts lеading trp to this stratlgе ()r
t.tl-lLtsltal еvе1lt?

l How сall yOLl t-llаkе thе st()ry tlrorе intеrеsting for thе rеаdеr by Lltlildilrg trp
Тhiпk ab()Llt:
tl-tе sсеnе?
о whаt yсlt.t/othеrs еxpесtеd to hаpреn that сlay
о how yOLl Wеrе fееlirrg
o thе ntlrl-nal tlrings thai wеrе happеrlit-lg
] Wгitе а раragгaph thаt sеts thе sсеtlе foг thе strаngе еvеtlt. What will thе
tllain tегlsе of tlrе vегbs bе in tlris pаragrаpl.r? Whаt othег tеllsеs nlight yor.r
llееd to ttsе?

How t-tltrсh do yor-r rеnlепlbеr аbout tlrе stгangе еvеI-lt itsеlf?

Dtl yolt rегtlепlbег thе dеtаils tirаt trlаdе it stгаrrgе? Тhink abollt:
о htlw wеll your rеаdеrs will trr.rdеrstand what hарpеlrеd
о how wеll thеy will trndегstаrrd why it wаs Stгallgе
о how wеll thеy wili rrr.rdеrstаnd how yOLl ()r otlrеrs fеlt
о how to tеll thе stoгy so thаt thе strangе thing is strгprisit.tg
\Vгitе а paragraрh еxplaining wl-rаt happеr-rеd. What will thе rnait.l tеt.tsе o1
thс vеrbs bе in this paгаgгaph? What otl-rег tеtlsеs might ytll-t tlееd to Llsе?
) Тhirrk abtlltt irrlw ytlrt wаnt thе story tO еrld. It сtlrtld bе:
о аn еxplаnаtion
o a rеsttlt
о how you fееl now
о what y()Ll Llndеrstаnd now thаt yсlt-t didrl,t ttlrdеrstаnd thеn, еtс.

\\,гitе tl-tе еtld tlf yOrtr aсс()Llnt.

Rеаd thror.rgh what yott iravе writtеt.l. сhесkil-tg thаt thе story flows аtld
lllаkil-tg аny сlrаt-lgеs yoll think аrе nесеSSaгy.

tЗ ш.в. Thе Workbook has furthег work tlt-l l-tаггаtivе tеnsеs.

uNlт 6 Tip of mу To,xguе


l1 Parts of thе Usе of Еnglish paреr asks you to transform Sеntеnсеs from onе
stluсturе to anothеr. In Papеr ]. Quеstion 4 you arе givеn a сomplеtе
sеntеnсе. This is followеd by a word in bold.
Ехаmplе l:
You should takе no notiсе of your сritiсs.

Thе еxamplе nееds to bе сomplеtеd likе this:

You should pау rto аttепtioп to уour сritiсs,

Thе nеw sеntеnсе must havе a similar mеaning to thе original onе, but must
usе thе word in bold in thе form it is givеn; you must not сhangе thе word in
any Way and you must usе it in thе nеw sеntеnсе.
Thе nеw sеntеnсе may еxprеss thе samе idеa using a diffеrеnt еxprеssion, as
in еxamplе l, оr it may rеquirе you to makе grammatiсal сhangеs as in
еxamplе 2 bеlow. othеr сhangеs may also bе nесеssary to сomplеtе thе nеw
EхаmpIе 2:
only a small numbеr of pеoplе buy thе works of this сomposеr.
Thеrе is vеrу littlе dеmаnd for thе works of this сomposеr.

What has сhangеd? Why?

What has rеmainеd thе samе? Whv?
What has bееn omittеd?
What has bееn addеd?
Arе thеrе any othеr сorrесt Ways to сomplеtе thе two еxamplе

a2 For еaсh of thеsе transformations, сhoosе thе сorrесt answеr, A, B or С. Say

why thе othеr answеrs arе inсorrесt.

l Not еvеrybody likеs jazz musiс.

А Jazz musiс is not to еvеrybody,s tastе.
B Not еvеrybody has tastеd jazz musiс.
C Not еvеrybody has tastе in jazz musiс.

2 Suе is unlikеly to gеt thе part in thе nеw film.

A In thе nеw film. Suе has no prospесt of gеtting thе part.
B Suе,s prospесts of gеtting a part in thе nеw film arе not grеat.
C Suе has littlе prospесt of gеtting thе part in thе nеw film.
Tip of mу Toпguе UNIт 6

3 Thе сompany has promisеd to invеstigatе any сomplaints.

A Thе сompany has lookеd into any сomplaints.
B Thе сompany has promisеd that any сomplaints will bе loоkеd into.
C Thе сompany,s promisе about сomplаints was lookеd into.

Dupliсatе tiсkеts will not bе issuеd for any rеason.

A on no aссount will dupliсatе tiсkеts bе issuеd.
B No aссount will bе takеn of dupliсatе tiсkеts.
C Dupliсatе tiсkеts will not bе issuеd to any aссount.
Thе rеsеarсhеrs had еnсountеrеd problеms with thеir сamеra еquipmеnt.
A Thе rеsеarсhеrs had сomе into problеms with thеir сamеra еquipmеnt.
С Thе rеsеarсhеrs had сomе up against problеms with thеir сamеra
possiblе in
r 3 For еaсh of thе Sеntеnсеs bеlow. writе a nеW Sеntеnсе as similar as
mеaning to thе original Sеntеnсе, but using thе word givеn. This word must
not bе altеrеd in anу way.

l Samantha oftеn talks at lеngth about hеr own problеms.


I don,t сarе what уou say, hе,s got a brilliant analytiсal mind.

In my opinion, that,s not muсh of a plot for a thrillеr.


Thе subjесt mattеr ol that book rеally makеs you think.


This еxhibition сonfirms Lawlеy,s rеputation as a grеat mastеr.


I was rеally surprisеd to sее Suе drеssеd as N{arilyn Nlonroе at thе party.
UNlт 6 Tip of пlу Toпgtlе

Ill this sесtion yOLl lllLlSt сh()()Sс tlrе woгсl or рlhгаsе, A, B, с сlг D. whiсh bеst
сOt.Пр.[еtеS еaсh sеПtеnсс.
In аddititln thе tlrеoriеs of lnеПr()rу dесаy, fr:rthеr еvidеl-tсе t.t.tt.tst bе
Aаt Bto С ior D with

2 Any signifiсаl-lt mеntal aсtivity ttndеrtаkеn lэеforе or аltеr pеriods оf lеarning

сan als() aссOLlnl poor rеtеntitln.
Aat B tсl С for D witl-r

Thе aсtivitiеs rtndегtakеn prior lеагnit-lg tlay hаvс a dеtгirllеntal

еttесt tln rrtrt abi\itу tо absoтb пеw il-tрut.
Aat Bto Сfoг D with

Aсtivitiеs trtlсlеrtakеn aftеr pеritlds tlf iеаrtlit.lg сall itltеrlеге thе

eftесtivе rеtсtllirltl сlf t'lеw illlltlf.
Aаt Bto С fсlг D witl-r

Tlris сtltltrаsts whаt is сallеd ,сlесay, wiliсh is nrtlrе signifiсаnt irr

ехplаining ,-,-'еn-,ory fаilLlrе ()vеr a lotrg pеriоd of tiп.tе.
Aаt Bto Сfor Dwith

Еighty реrсеnt of thе itlfort.trаtiot-l wе forgеt is lost twеt-tty-ftlltr

htlttгs tlI otIг [irst lеагniIlg it.
A witl.rin B dr.rring С аbtlut D аwaу

Тhis пray hеlp tо ехplаiп why tеstirrg aсtivitiеs сa rriеd thе day aftеr
thе lеsstln пray yiеld rаtlrсг distrсssiпg rеsults.
A аwаy B оt.tt C forward D off

Thе rаtе аt whiсlr wе foгgеt сlеarly lrаs ilnрliсаtions rеvision and

гесyсling of tl.rе itlftlrtrlаtiсlt.t wе 1rаvе to lеагl.t.
A ftlr B froпr С ttl D towards

Мtlst tlf yor.r will bе faпriliar thе ехpеriеnсе tlf fоrgеtting а friеrld,s
tеiеphonе t.ltt rtrbс.r.
Ato Blor с with D аt

l0 Atl intеrеsting сasе tlf а fеral сhilсl lras rесеntly to light

A. gtlt R Ьt-gъrr C \ъktrr D tsчrе
Tip of mу Totlguе UNlт 6 lЁ|

Fill еaсh of thе numbеrеd blanks in thе рassagе with onе suitablе word.

Whу do we forgеt?

In spitе of thе rеmarkablе еffiсiеnсy of thе human brain' Wе Still sttffеr (l) laрsеs of

mеmory whеn Wе arе (2) to rеmеmbеr somеthing that Wе thought was wеll еstablishеd
in our mind. Why doеs this happеn?
onе thеory of forgеtting SLlggеSts thаt information storеd in thе mеmory fаlls (3) disusе

unlеss it (4) aсtivatеd fairly rеgularly. In othеr words, wе nееd to praсtisе and rеvisе
(5) wе havе lеarnt. othеrwisе thе nеw input (6) gradually fadе in thе mеmory
,dесay thеory..
аnd lrltimatеly disарpеаr. (7) is сallеd

,сuе-dеpеndеnt forgеtting., whiсh

(s) opposition to this thеory is thе idеa (9)
аSsеrts that information doеs in (r0) реrsist in thе mеmory but wе may bе unablе to
rесall it. In othеr words. thе failrrrе is ( r r ) of rеtriеval rathеr than storagе. Еvidеnсе for
- numbеr of еxpеrimеnts.
this thеory dеrivеs ( 12 ) a

In onе (r3) subjесts wеrе givеn lists of words to lеarn and thеn tеstеd (14)
thеir powеrs of rесаll. (l5) thеy wеrе tеStеd again, only this (16) thеy wеrе

givеn rеlеvant information to faсilitatе rесall. For ехamplе' (17) a list сontainеd thе
-' ,wardrobе,, thе subjесts wotrld bе givеn thе supеrordinatе
words ,sofa', ,armсhair. and
,furniturе,(l8) a сuе to hеlp thеm. Thеsе еxpеrimеnts showеd that rесall was
сonsidеrably strеngthеnеd (19) appropriatе rеtriеval сuеs' (2o) suggеSt1ng

that thе information was not реrmanеntly lоst but only mislaid.

Fill еaсh of thе blanks with a suitablе word or рhrasе.

As luсk , thе phonе rang just as I hаd got into thе
Whatеvеr is that mаn,s nаmе? oh dеar. it,s on thе
but I сan.t rеmеmbеr it.
Thе ехpеriеnсе of fееling yoll,rе bеing watсhеd is bу
an unсommon onе; in faсt it happеns a lоt.
4 It is hopеd that Мr Shеldrakе,s forthсoming еxpеrimеnt will throw furthеr
1hе ouеstion.

You nееd to know thе first lеttеr of thе word, bесausе thеу аrе listеd
UNlт 6 Tip of mу Toпgttе

Fir.rish еaсh of thе following sеntеnсеS in suсh a waУ that it is as similar аs

possiblе in mеаning to thе sеntеnсе printеd bеforе it.
Ехаmplе: Irтmеdiatеly aftеr his dеpartr.rrе, things improvеd.
Aпswеr: No soоnеr hаd hе dеpаrtеd thаn thiпgs improvеd.

l Unlеss yOLl rеmеmbеr to takе yoltr invitation, thе doormаn will not lеt you in.

2 As yor-r did not pay thе bill on timе' ytll-t arе not еntitlеd to a disсount.

As yolt didn't givе mе your addrеss, I was unаblе to Writе to you.


Thе morе сomplех tl-rе problеп-t is, thе hardеr your brait-l works.

Aftеr rеаding еaсh sеntеnсе, thеy wеrе askеd a quеstion about it.

Thе brain aсhiеvеs morе if it works hardеr.

Thе hardеr

Lеt mе know if you аrе in nееd of anу hеlp


If yorr рraсtisе your driving morе oftеn. you will bе morе likеly to pass thе
tе st.

Thе morе

Thе onlу way tO stoр global warming is by сonсеrtеd intеrnational aсtion

Only through

l0 only а largе govеrnmеnt grаnt allowеd tlrе sсhool to buy a multi-mеdia

Had it

A Mаtter of Tаste

Eхprеssiпg opinioпs
r!Е.! Disсuss thеsе quеstions with your рartnеr.
What is good tastе?
о hоw сan you tеll?
о who dесidеs what is good tastе?
о is good tastе important?
ж2 Rеad thе words in thе boх.
Disсuss how thеy rеlatе to idеas
of good tastе. Thеn look at thе
four рhotographs. Сomparе and
сontlast thеm using as many idеas
from thе boх as you сan.

art сulturе
dеsign еlеganсе
fashion individuality
oгiginality stylе

121 m
Ж UNlт 7 А Mаttеr of Tаstе

[a.] a-€s?Aж3*.!g€
ж€ Bеforе you listеn answеr thеsе quеstions.
l How important do you think еaсh of thе fоllowing fасtors is in dеtеrmining
our tastе in thinss?

agе сlass еduсation gеndеr еxpеriеnсе

aspirations oссupation raсе nationality wеalth

2 Look at thе piсturеs. Whiсh objесts aрpеar fеmininе to you, whiсh masсulinе
and whiсh sееm to havе no рartiсular gеndеr?



3 Why do somе of thеsе objесts havе strong gеndеr сonnotations? Is this

somеthing whiсh is сhanging?

жа You will hеar part of a radio programmе in whiсh two dеsignеrs arе askеd
thеir viеws on thе subjесt of gеndеr and tastе. For quеstions 1_8. dесidе
whiсh of thе sреakеrs еХprеssеs this viеw. Writе Y for Vivian, D for Darrеrr
or B for both of thеm.
l Gеndеr is probably thе most imрortant faсtor influеnсing a реrson,s l П
2 Wе immеdiatеly rесognizе objесts аs еithеr masсulinе or fеmininе. 2 П
3 Мany of our idеas about thе gеndеr of оbjесts havе thеir roots in 3 П
thе vеry distant past.
4 Thеsе days our stеrеotyреd idеas arе сhanging fast.
In thе рast, fеmininе tastе was hеld in high еstееm.
Idеas of ,dеsign, rathеr than ,tastе, hаvе сhallеngеd womеn,s
traditional rolеs.
Pеoрlе arе now morе likеly to makе pеrsonаl сhoiсеs rathеr than
follоw Stеrеotypеs.
Wе сannot say whеthеr thе rеlationship bеtwееn gеndеr and tastе
will сhangе in thе futurе.

A Nlаttеr of Tаste UNlт 7 Ж

r 3 How did thе spеakеrs еxрrеss aglееmеnt and disagrееmеnt? Listеn again to
thеsе phrasеs from thе listеning. In еасh сasе. is thе spеakеr agrееing or
disagrееing? Thе first onе is an ехamplе.
I 9
2 6 l0
3 7
4 8

Do you think goods will сontinuе to havе gеndеr сonnotations? Usе somе oI
thе woтds and ехртеssions trom thе listеning in your disсussion. Agrее and
disagrее with your рartnеr аs арpropriatе.

VoсAвuLARY 1
Part One
Look at thеsе words from thе listеning. Whiсh wоuld you usе to talk about:
o mеn
o Womеn
o рlaсеs
о objесts
о languagе

сluttеrеd Сosy flowеrу еffiсiеnt есlесtiс imaginativе

rational prеtеntious original supеrfiсial fluffy

Pаrt Two
f 1 Darrеn bеliеvеs thе issuе of gеndеr is ,сеntral to. idеas of tastе. Whаt would
bе a good synonym for ,сеntral to, in this сontеxt?

J2 Fоr quеstions l_6 find a suitablе synonym for еaсh of thе highlightеd parts of
thеsе words or рhrasеs.
l gеndеr is ingrainеd in our сonsсiousness
2 gеndеr diffеrеnсеs havе bесоmе blurred
3 еvеrything,s up fоr gratls thеsе days
4 fiхеd stеrеotypеs rеmain aсtually
5 you сan no longеr gеneralizе likе that
6 pеoplе don,t fееl so hidеtlound by thеsе imagеs any longеr

.Jll UNlт 7 A l|Цаttеr of Tаstе

п1 lt is not a Paгtiсulaг|y сгowd.
pleasing woгk, as many of
l What typе of реrson do you imaginе owning works of art? CеzannеЪ landsсapes aгe. Paintеd
2 Do you think works of art arе worth thе monеy thаt pеoрlе in wintеr at his father's grand but
рay for thеm? nеg|eсted wееI<еnd геtreat, it has
3 Why do pеоplе buy works of art? a stark, geometгiс quality that
сou|d be overshadowеd by thе
J2 Rеad thе artiсlе about thе ownеr оf thе рiсturе by thе latе more bright|y appealing viеws of
19th сеntury Frеnсh paintеr, Сеzannе, and answеr thе tЕstoque hanging on either sidе.
quеstions whiсh follow it. But Lе Мonde has гun a half-pagе
appreсiation of this Cеzanne and
the exhibition piс|<s iс ouс as

How тo
pivota| in the artistЪ
phasе. Yеt, it usual|y hangs in а
small dining-room.
Мadamе Cuellar has nеvег

LIvЕwIтH given an inteгview about hег

Cеzannе before. |n an age whеn
aгt thievеs tгеat sесuгity systеms

with сontemPt, you сan't blamе
heг. But afteг the intеrvеntion of a
сhain of five pеop|е, she and hег

husband agree to mееt me in a
Peop|е who own big piсturеs
tеnd to have big hair' big сoats and
shoеs that aгen't made foг
Wolking oround the Cezonne exhibition wa|king, Ьut for seParating thеiГ
in London, one storts to wonder, ofter the fееt' fгom the Iimousine сaгpet. Bу
eighth room of mosterpieсes, where oll сontrast, Madame CuelIaг, a
these piсtures сome from. onе knows Les mеdium-sized woman in her Iаtе
Grandes Baignеuses from the Notiono| thirtiеs, has mousey haiг and is
Gollerу, but some of the pointings ore wearing a we||-сut, but haгd|y
сomPlete strongers, flown in from Sdo arгestin8 blaсI< jaсket. Hег
husband, Arturo, Iooks equally
Poolo, St PetersЬurg, ohio, Conberro ond
Iow-pгofi|е in a gгeen сoat.
Сordiff. And then there is o smottering of
a|though he is wеaгing a bow-tiе
works morked вPrivote сolleсtion'. Desрite for idеntifiсation puгposеs, whiсh
their being 226 works in the show, therе is is Iuс|<y. othеrwisе wed sti|| Ье
only one belonging to o privote owner сirс|ing the hotel |obby.
thot oсtuollу reveols the nome on the The first thing to be negotiated
lobel, Тhis is Le Bassin du Jas de Bouffan was what | сould say and what I

in gollerу 4. lt is o smoll to medium.sized сouldn't say sесurity reasons'.
worц pointed between 1878 ond 1880, ond In intеrviews one usually refrains
it is ownеd bу Мodome сorinne CueIIor. from mentioning thе street in
whiсh someone |ivеs. Just

A Маttеr of Tаstе UNlт 7

Why was thе writеr first

attraсtеd to this рartiсuiar
:::эsiona|ly, onе fudges whiсh villagе. But thе Cuеllaгs would rather рainting in thе еxhibition?
:*..lshеd ovег whiсh сontinеnt t,hеy сomе fгom. All thеy will say is Whiсh word in paragraрh
.We don't havе
::.:: rhеy live in one of fouг f|ats in a сonvеrted housе. onе givеs thе idеa of а
:, :еpIess nights about sесurity... rea||y we don't, othегwise theгe smal1 numbеr, еvеnly
,,:. d Ье no p|easurе in owning it.' distributеd?
have only owned the piсture sinсe /992 when lv|adame In yoLtl. own wоrds,
]-еllaг Ьought it at an auсtion in London, afteг seeing it in Paris when ехplain why thе painting is
: $as on a whistIе-stoP touг to dгum up buyеrs. lеss,сrowd-plеasing. than
:oг Мadame Cuе||aц the effeсt was instant. .I had seеn it in othеr piсturеs by Сеzannе.
-э:гoduсtion, Ьut when Isaw it с|ose up' Ithought,..l |ovе this
4 Whiсh word in paтagraрh
::.rting.'' |twas not just Ьeсause itwas by Cezanne. Foг mе it is a key two tеlls us how imрortant
'.:nk. whiсh makеs the bridgе Ьetweеn thе I9th and 20th сеntuгies, this ехаmplе of Сеzannnе,s
: -: iс was the atmosphere in thе woгk that is so amazing, you сan work is.
*.: y feel thе aiг and the lightnеss. Theге havе Ьеen few things that
How arе thе Сuеllars
.:-е touсhed mе in that way... not foг years and years.'
diffеrеnt from most ownеrs
.nе woгk had Ьeеn in thе сollесtion of the Pelleгin family who
о{ valuabiе works ot art?
::-ght it in 1909, and it had hung in their mansion in Neuilly for In yоur own words,
.:э.ly 80 yеars. Madame Cuеllar bid for it hегself, and the hammег еxрlain why it was
,,:.t down at {.|.4 mi|Iion, whiсh shе с|еaг|y thinks is quitе сheap for fortunatе that Mr Сuеllar
: ]еzannе. And, as art dеaleгs гemеmbeг only too wеll, l992 was a was wеaring a bow-tiе?
::.. whеn рriсes wеnt into frеe-fall. Still, the lntеrnotionol Herold
':-nе dеsсribеd it, as thе Ьest Ьuy o{ thе уеar. Тhе Cuеllars think, in
Whiсh words in paтagтaрh
tivе dеsсribе how thе
i :'эiсa||y understated way: .We wеre quite Iuсky. With auсtions onе writеr usually triеs to
:, ег knows.' protесt thе pеoрlе hе
to say, you nеed more than сash to buy a Cezannе. one
i:: neеds сonsiderable сouragе to |ay out a vast sum for what In your own words.
.'::amе CueIIar сa|Is,!ust paint on a bit of сanvas'. Almost inеvitaЬly,
ехplain whеn and why thе
'.: сomes from a dynasty of art dеa|eгs whilе she hersеlf is a papег
рiсturе was takеn to Paris'
,:=cгer. Aгturo, whom shе met in London whilе they weгe Ьoth
What doеs Madamе
:_.3ying thегe, is a dealer in old Mastеr dгawings. One gets a с|ear
Сuеllar mеan whеn shе
::-sе that thеy buy woгks for their есIeсtiс-sounding сoI|eсtion dеsсribеs thе painting as
-:=L||Е|. bridgе,?
Тhе гefreshing fеature of the Cue||aгs is that they seem to havе
:::3ht theiг Cezannе beсausе they gеnuineIy Iovеd it. This is rareг
l0 Why wаs \992 a good yеar
tn Ьltrz я n: intino2
]:-i.,'] one might think. When l ask them if they takе pеople aгound
::.:;г flat Iike sightseeгs, Мme CuеIIar givеs a bIank unсompгehending
ll Whiсh words in paragraph
--э.wn. .We don't have the painting foг a soсia| Гeason' it's so that we еight dеsсribе things that
hapреn at an auСtion?
::': Ьuild uP a PersonaI re|ationship with itJ Тhey don't ho|d сoсktaiI
::тiеs in front of it then?.oh no, many of our friеnds don't еven T2 What two things do you
"=e]izе itЪ there.' nееd in ordеr to buy a
Тhe Cuеl|aгs don't have a сaг, a big villa or a swimming poo|, and Сеzаnnе?
:-еiг two sons 8o to the |oсal statе sсhoo|. Whеn l seе them |ater at 13 Why doеs thе writеr bеgin
:.-е еxhibition, they wеre Iooking at thеir painting. Neither of them thе sесtion about A4admе
.ltЪ good that |ots of Сuеllar,s family with thе
::n wait to get it baсk. As Мmе Cuel|ar says:
: эop|е сan see it, but without it our house has a diffeгent atmosPhеre.
words,almost inеvitably,?
:s Iikе being without a good friend.' t4 What is Мadamе Сuеllar
kееn to dеny in thе final
two paragraрhs?

ЬrFЖ8 l UNlт 7 А Маttеr of Tаstе


In Sесtion B of thе Usе of Еnglish papеr you arе askеd to Writе a Summary of onе
aspеСt of thе rеading passagе уou havе rеаd. Thе fоllowing sесtion will hеlp you
to dеvеloр thе skills of summarizing thе main pоints.
Look baсk through thе artiсlе and mark all thе sесtiоns whiсh tеll us about whv
]Vladamе Сuеllar сhosе this painting for hеr dining-rоom.
2 Сomparе your notеS with anothеr studеnt; did you find thе sапrе points?
3 lvlakе a list of thе рoints in your own words.
4 Dесidе whiсh pоints arе thе most important and put thеm into thе most logiсal
How сan thе рoints bе linkеd togеthеI е.g. firstly, sесondly еtс.?
6 In a paragraph of around 80-l00 words, summarizе thе rеasons why Madamе
Сuеllar сhosе this painting to buy for hеr dining-roоm.
Lоok at this summary whiсh a studеnt wrotе in answеr to thе quеstion abovе.
о Doеs it inсludе thе samе points that you madе?
о Arе thе рoints in thе samе ordеr?
о How hаvе thе points bееn linkеd togеthеr?
о How has thе studеnt avoidеd rеpеating words and phrasеs?
о What typе of words/struсturеs has thе studеnt usеd to kееp thе pоints сonсisе?

tV|mr Сие//аr first sаш thе pаiпtiпg iп Pаris апl fr// iи /ol,е шith it' Shе diс{и,t Ьиу itjиst
bесаиsе it шаs а Сеzаипе, thoиgh shе асkпoш/ес/gеs ik impoftlтLlсе l,Is а сепtrа/ шork
ш/liс/l briс|gеs thе пiпеtеепth аиd tц,eиtiеt/l сепtиrirs, Shе Ьoиght it beсаиsе shе /onеl/ thе
аtmosphеre of the pаiпtiпg аиd Ьесаиsе it morес/ /lеr Shе lrпies thаt shе boиght it to
s/loи, of to hе" f"iеи,/s, sауiпg iпstсас/ thаt shе шапtес/ to bиi/d а pеrsotlа/ rе/аtioиshу
шith it' lt sеems thаt thе шritеr of thе аftiс/е is сoиviпсеd thаt hеr с/аim is qeпиiие,

Whеn writing a Summary,
о сollесt points from diffеrеnt parts of thе passagе
о only usе information from thе рassagе, not your own idеas
о сhесk thе rubriс to makе surе that all thе рoints you inсludе arе rеlеvant
о makе surе you havе inсludеd all thе rеlеvant points
о don,t сopy sеntеnсеs from thе passagе. but rеwтitе thе points in your оwn words
о mаkе surе that thе points you mаkе arе linkеd togеthеr in a logiсal way
о rеmеmbеI that marks arе awardеd for:
a sеlесting thе rеlеvant points, and
b thе languagе you usе to Writе thе summary

Furthеr praсtiсе. Look baсk at thе artiсlе and plan anothеr Summary with a
diffеrеnt foсus. Somе of thе points may bе thе samе as thosе you usеd bеforе,
whilst othеrs will bе diffеrеnt. Lооk at thе rubriс сarеfully. Hоw is thе foсus
In a paragraph of 60-80 wоrds, summarizе thе rеasons why, in thе writеr,s viеw,
Мadamе Сuеllar is unlikе many othеr оwnеrs of works of art.

tжsж з26
А ,||аtlеr or таslе UNlт 7 ffi@;
.PЕ&K?$чjй ?
DеvеIopiпg а topiс

, :t.,

f i';"""
.l. х

&*. ;
ъt *

*t Look at tlrеsе рiсturеs. Tаlk tO your рartПеI about why you 1ikе or dislikе еaсh onе.
Thinlt abоut:

subjесt mattеI imagеs portrayеd usе of сolour

skill of thе artist What it makеs you think of
how it makеs yоu fееl who it might арpеal to

.!:.".'.:...|'1'||:::'':,1.1i...: UNlт 7 A IVIаttеr of TаStе

;1.... Look at 1hеsе two passagеS. Rеаd thепr both and thеn сotnрarе and сorltrаst
thеm. saying:
o rnizhеrеyou think еaсh of thепr сomеs lronl
о thе stylе irr whiсh thеy arе writtеn
о thе idеas thеy рut forward

Pаssаgе 7 Pаssаgе 2

IF YoU THOUGнT vou сould

At the еnd of Fеbruary, thе never afford to buy
gallеry unvеils one of thе сontemporarУ art, think again.
most lavish gifts in its ,over the next threе years, the
history Janеt art market will сhange beyond all
сollесtion of 56 works of reсognition,' Says Deborah
сontеmporarу art, worth an
Petley of the Art Supermarket,
еstimatеd $23 million. It is
a donation that will greatly
whiсh is in the vanguard of the
ехpand the Sсopе of the new movement in art retailing.
gallеry's 20th сеntury The Art supermarket, on the fifth
сollесtion. Thе gift may Ье floor of a fashionable New York
unusual in sсalе, Ьut not store, next to the rеstaurant, has
unusual in its еffeсt. sold over 3000 paintings in the
Althоugh in many сountriеs spaсe of 14 months. A high
wе tеnd to think of art as turnover and iow overheads
Ьеing puЬliсly fundеd, it is means that priсes сan be half
thе private сollесtor who those of сonventionai art dealers,
has formеd its Ьasе, who, in turn, are now slashing
сorrесtеd its wеaknеssеs their priсes by сoming out of
and dirесted its tastе. their galleries and into a store
near vou.

Imаginе that yсlt-t havе to сhoosе a рiсturе Or postеI fоr еithеr your wаll аt
hсlmе, your сlassrсloПl or thе plaсе whеrе you lvork. Тa1k about how
important somс of thе following рoints would bе whеn сhoosing a рiсturе.
Whiсh points would bе пrorе imрortant ir.r thе diffеrеnt situations?
о sizе
о сolour
о sr.rbjесt rnаttеr
. St)lе oI drаwinц/pаintingigrарhiсs
о rерtl|аtion oI thе аrtist
о hоw [аshitlnаb|е iL is
о what your fаmily/friеnds think of it
о ]lovr ltltrсll уtttl lil<е it
о thе mеssаgе/idеа il сtltntnrtпiса1еs
о how nluсll it сtlsts
A Nlаttеr of Tаstе uNlт 7 ry*/
шsЕ eA Е[ЦGt!sЖ
СIoze pаSSс|gе
Ж s Bеforе you сomрlеtе thе сlozе passagе disсuss thеsе quеstions with your
1 What do you know abоut thе аrtist John Сonstablе?
2 Do you likе his work?
3 Why do you think his work is popular?
4 What do уou think about famous artists, work bеing usеd on souvеnirs or for

ж u Fill еaсh of thе numbеrеd blanks in thе рasagе with onе suitablе word. Thе
tirst оrrе has bееrr dоnе toт You aS аn еxаmplе.

Thе Nаffitьg of Сoпstаblе

,At homе with Сonstаb]е,s Сornfiе\d, at thе NationalGal[erу is (o) thе
Worst еxhibition to bе рut (r) thеrе for a vеry long timе. It would
bе an еyеsorе anywhеrе; in thе -_-(2) .- of Britain,s finеst piсturе
is a sсandal. Сonstablе,s popular painting is
сollесtion (3)
--- of it on сhina, tеa-trays,
surroundеd (4)
wallpapеrs, bl'..,it ti''. as (5) as thе сoрiеd daubs of Sunday
"tс., ---
of thе idеa, saying
,Why not show thе lovе
Somе pеoрlе mаy (6)
ordinary pеoplе havе F\ piсturе?, or ,It brings in thе sоrt of
реoplе who (8) othеrwisе not сomе.,

But (9) purposе of thе National Gallеry. Its funсtion is

is not thе-this
to banisLr sеntimеntal thinking and maintain thе highеst standards.
(r0) is suсh еlitism shunnеd in politе artistiс soсiеty (1l)
-- ln Sрort, for еxamplе, nothing еlsе mattеrs? To ехhibit lеa-trays
л tk,е шutional Gallеrу is likе (|2) thе сantееn staff rерrеsеnt
Manсhеstеr Unitеd in thе Сup - no--
footbali fan (13) tolеratе suсh
a saсrilеgе (14) in his worst nightmarе.

Yеt for admirеrs of Сonstablе thе nightmarе (l5) arrivеd. onе of

thе worst сonsеquеI.lСеs (16) showing thе рiсturе in this way is
thаt it drags it (L7) Еngulfеd by trash, Thе Сorпfiеll doеs not
look so good.

Еduсatiоnal thе еxhibition is not. All it (r8) is that most pеoplе

-. By inсluding photograрhs of ownеrs and objесts in
havе appalling tastе.
еxhibitilon intеnds to lэlеasе arе madе to look silly.

r 3 Whiсh of thе following words do you think bеst dеsсribеs thе writеr,s attitudе?

arrogant indignant patrontzrng sсornful

сondеsсеnding ехaspеratеd disapрointеd mеasurеd

J& What do you think thе rolе of art gallеriеs should bе?
UNlт 7 A furаftеr of Tаstе

' .t'. ..t., ..,.'. ., :,rj-rji:ti:lj;a.gf

Multiplе choiсе
-, Ytltt arе going to rеаd раrt tll а nсlvеl atlrэut а largе holtsе in thе сollntry
whеrе a gI()Llp of artists 1ivе. Pеoрlе intеrеstеd irr lеarпing artistiс skills ссlпlе
fоr shсlrt геsidеntial сotlrsеs at thе housс. Тhе novеl is sеt itl thе t970s.
l What stylсs dсl yсlrt assсlсiаtе \{/ith thе t970s7 Тhink аbtlltt: tllrtsiс, art,
fashion, dеsigП, еtс.
2 What t1,ре сlf реoplе dtl yсltt think thе aгtists аtс?

Rсаd this ехtlaсt froпr tlrе t-tсlvеl.

FRAMLЕlGн нousЕ failed to take advantage of thе

opportunities offered by mаss tourism
Тwo hours |ater, the visitors have been and Frаmleigh has gone to seed. What
alIoсated their rooms, have unpaоked the оoursе membеrs see, aS they wander
their bags and Iearned their way about 4О about the p|aсe, is a lamentabIе ruin of
the p|aсe. Тhey hаve met Toby, thе what was. overIaid by the tastеs of
owner, Paula and other members of the subsequent generаtions: by Viсtorian
FramIeigh Artistiс Community; theу hаve briсk, by Еdwardian insensitivity, and
disсovеred the studios and the Common above all by weeds.
Room and the refeсtory, wandered out
Еleganсe is now at so many removes as to
onto thе terraоe and a|ong the prospeсt
seеm not so muсh irretrievablе as loareIy
t0 and lэaсk along the overgrown paths of
the old kitсhen garden' Тhеy havе been to lэe imagined. |n the Common Room *
impressed, bemused or affrontеd by the
once the drawing room - hangs an oil
painting of the house in its hey.day, spruсe
plaсe aссording to age, inс|ination and
and spark|ing in a |andsсape сlean as a
eхperienсe. None of thеm remains
whist|e, the trееs and grass maniсured,
unmoved, sinсe Fram|eigh is, in its way,
the parterre preсise as аn arсhiteсturа|
diagram. Indeеd. thеre ls something
Designed by William Kent, the house diagrammatic about the whole painting,
itself is pеrhaps not outstanding. Тhere not Ieast the bewig$ed and bеrilэboned
are other eighteenth сentury сountry figures parading in the foreground, doll-like
||vuJ9J nf
vI дnttэ|
UчuUI nr
v| dr^^+^V dr^^^ ann men and Women, impossilэ|е to think of as
6| ЕoLс| Б| oUЕ ol|u
еlеganсe. But thе park has a|ways tэeen flesh and blood. Thus, too, the house's
сonsidered а mastеrpieсe, transсеnded own previous pеrsona seеms fictionа|, a
on|y by Rousham and Stowe, thе perfесt mythiсa| thing from the pagеs of a book,
m an ifestation of the pictu resq ue: its present blurred and muted state far
Hogarthian Iines of beаuty, sham ruins, more real and aooosite.
сasсades. grotto. the lot. Тwenty-five
In the painting, the houses and park
aсres tn whiсh the disordеred Wаs
appear аs a сontrived and ordered isIand
сunning|y turned into а сontrivanсe. in
аmid the green oсean of the сountrysrde.
whiсh the physiсai wor|d was made an
In сontrаst. today. the shaggy woodland
artistiс produсt, in whiсh naturе beсame
of Kent.s Iandsсaped grounds is an
unexpeсted tumuIt amongst the
AIl that. though. Was a iong time аgo. disсiplined Squares and obIongs of
and sinсe then muсh has happened agriсu|tUraI Warwiсkshire. IVlany of the
inсluding the misfortune of
severaI trееs, of сourse, have far outgrown the
generаtions of Standishes. Тobу.s father intended sса|е: е|sеwherе undergrowth
A Mаttеr of Tаste UNlт 7 W
ж3 Now answеr thе quеstions l-6. Сhoosе thе
answеr A, B. с or D whiсh you think fits
1 What is thе visitor,s first rеaсtion to
Framlеigh Hоusе?
A Thеy arе all еqually imprеssеd by it'
B Thеy havе еaсh fеlt a strong rеaсtion tr.l it.
С Thеy havе ali found it diffiсult to
D Thеy havе еaсh found diffеrеnt things to

Why is thе writеr so imprеssеd by thе pаrk?

A It iS bеttеr than any othеr.
B It is in реrfесt harmony with thе housе.
С lt shows thе bеauty of natural things.
D It was dеsignеd as a work of art.
What has сausеd Framlеigh to losе its
original еlеganсе?
A сhangеs of ownеrshiр
B taStеlсss altеrations
С poor mаintеnanсс
D thе еffесts o{ tourism
and сopses have bIunted the originaI
layout; the serpentine lake has all but How doеs thе writеr fееl about thе рainting
vanished in thiсkets of unouenсhabIe in thе Сommon Room?
rhododendron. The who|e p|aсe appears to A It is not wеllрaintеd.
be heId in сheсk on|y by the estate wаll: a B It doеsn,t sееm rеalistiс.
disorder|y raffish presenсe aIongside the С It sееms out of рlaсе thеrе.
innoсent сounсiI houses and bunga|ows D It may bе gеnuinе.
disp|аying their washing, greenhouses
and prams whеre vi||age and the entranсe How doеs Framlеigh Pаrk now look diffеrеnt
to Frаm|eigh Park meet at the roаd' from thе painting of it in thе Сommon Room?
In the same way, the inside of the house A It no longеr looks so wеll proрortionеd.
has an atmosohere not so muоh of B It no longеr сontrasts with thе
graсefuI deсay as an insensitivity to surrou nding сorrntrysidе.
оhange, a kind of deafness and b|indness С It is no longеr isolatеd from thе villagе.
to the world that saddles it now with D It no longеr has a с1еarly dеfinеd
pee|ing wa||papers, o|d flooring shivеred boundary.
into a spider's web of сraсks, wheezing
pipes, с|anking sanitation and a Why hаs Toby сhangеd somе of thе furnishings
pervasive sme|| of damp. Sinоe Toby, at Framlеigh Housе?
when up аgainst it, has so|d off most of A to rеflесt its nеw usе
the remaining paintings and the better B to bring it up to dаtе
pieсes of furniture, the rooms are С for aеsthеtiс rеasons
furnished with thirties stuff giving way to D for finanсial rеasons
modern in the'visitors' bedrooms and
an e|ement of ethniс сushions, rugs and
сovers introduсed Iate|v bv Paula.

FIom ,A{схl tО Nаturе, Art

1з1 tЕП
UNlт 7 A Mаtter of Tаstе

Рart Тwo
ж 1 Now rеad thе ехtraсt again and answеr thеsе quеstions.
l Whiсh thrее words in paragraрh onе indiсatе ways in whiсh thе visitors arе
diffеrеnt to onе аnothеr?
2 Whiсh two nouns in рaragraph two dеsсribе lhе housе?
3 Why arе ,Rousham, and Stowе, mеntiоnеd in рaragraph two?
4 What is ,Al1 that, rеfеrrеd to in linе 32?
5 What word in paragraph thrее tеlls us most about thе history of thе Standish
6 Whiсh idiomatiс phrasе in paragraph thrее dеsсribеs what has haрpеnеd to
Framlеigh in rесеnt yеars?
7 Whiсh word in pаrаgraрh thrее givеs us a sаd imprеssion of Framlеigh?
8 What do you think is mеant by Fram1еigh,s ,hеy-day,? (linе 49)
9 Whiсh idiomatiс рhrasе in paragraph fotrr is aiso a similе?
10 What doеs thе writеr mеan by ,fiеsh and blood,? (linе 58)
ll Whiсh word in paragrаph four mеans ,in thе right plасе,?
L2 What mеtaphor is usеd for Framlеigh and thе surrounding сountrysidе in
nа rаpr.зnh fivеJ

l] In what sеnsе do you think thе rhododеndrons arе ,unquеnсhablе,? (linе 75)
L4 Whiсh рhrasе in paragraph fivе mеans ,kеpt undеr сontrol,?
15 Thе еstatе wall is dеsсribеd as , disordеrly, and ,raffish, in linе 78. What do
you think it looks likе?
16 Whiсh two аdjесtivеs in раragraph six dеsсribе noisеs?
17 In what sеnsе do you think thе сushions, rugs and сovеrs arе ,еthniс,? (iinе 97)

Look at thеsе thrее words from thе еХtraсt. What do thеy havе in сommon?
a ovеrgrown (linе l0)
b outgrown (linе 71)
с undеrgrowth (linе 72)
Whiсh is a noun
an adjесtivе
a vеrb?
Сan you find any othеr еxamрlеs of words formеd in this way in thе tеxt?
Сomplеtе еaсh sеntеnсе with a word formеd with out, lvеr or uпdеr.
I Thеrе has bееn an of food poisoning amongst thе hotеl,s guеSts.
2 Shе always says what shе thinks, shе,s vеrу
3 Thе ассidеnt haрpеnеd whеn thе сar was trying to а lorry
4 Thе faсtorv.s has morе thаn doublеd in thе past еightееn months.
) Your landlady willwash small itеms ]ikе largеr things must go to
thе laundry.

tЕ ш.в. Thе Workbook has furthеr work on prеfiхеs.

A x\аttеr of Tаstе UNlт 7 ж*

5.! Look at this sеntеnсе from thе passagе.
Dеsigпеd bу Williаm Ikпt, thе housе itsеlf is поt оutstапdiпg'

l What is thе subjесt of thе sеntеnсе?

2 Why did thе writеr dесidе to bеgin thе sеntеnсе in this way?
3 Rеwritе thе sеntеnсе so that it bеgins with thе subjесt.
4 How many Ways arе thеrе of writing thе Sеntеnсе so that thе subjесt сomеs first?

П2 Rеwritе thе following sеntеnсеS so that thеy do not bеgin with thе subjесt.
l Bob, whо is a сompеtеnt pottеr. would bе еqually good at making сhairs or

2 Thе рottеry group, whiсh is by far thе most popular, mееts on Мondays.

3 Paula, who fееls at еaSе with all kinds of реoplе, is a miхturе of suссеssful
businеsswoman and artist.

t 3 Now, look at thеsе sеntеnсеs'

hаppу wаs Тobу fее|iпg thаt hе forgot аbout his trоublеs',
,Bеаutiful аs thе gаrdеп mщ bе, it doеsп,t сlmpаrе with Roushаm'

1 What is thе subjесt in еaсh of thеsе sеntеnсеs?

2 Rеwritе thеm so that thеy bеgin with thе subjесt.

3 How arе thеy diffеrеnt from еaсh othеr?

.4 Rеwritе еaсh of thе following sеntеnсеs so that thеy do not with thе
1 Niсk Was so intеrеstеd by thе сoursе. hе dесidеd to сhangе сarееr.

Valеriе,s work was so good that shе was offеrеd a рay

3 John's is imprеssivе, but not thе samе сlass as Pauia,s.

Thе сoursе may havе bееn еnjoyablе, but I.m afrаid it Wasn,t worth thе monеy.

tП ш.в. Thе Workbook has furthеr work on invеrsions

W UNlт 7 A Mаttеr of Tаstе

t*.] *-l5ТЖf\!xrd* 2
Notе сomplеtioп
ж "x Bеforе you listеn disсuss thеsе qllеStions with yolrr partnеr'
l What typе of work do graрhiс dеsignеrs do?
2 How is thе work of a graрhiс dеsignеr diffеrеnt to that of a portrait or
1andsсapе рaintеr?
f How muсh arе you inflrrеnсеd by thе dеsign of produсts and paсkaging wlrеn
you buy things?

Р*rt 8rзe
You will hеar рart of a radio рIograшmе about thе dеsigns whiсh aрpеar on
disposablе kitсhеn towеis. For quеstions l-7, сomplеtе thе notеs with a word
or short рhrasе.

A fеw words o11 kitсhеt1 towels

I(itсhеn towеl attributеs:
o dеsign
о сolour

О аbsorbеnсy
a еnvironmсntа lly friеndlу

). of purсhasing dесisions linkеd to dеsign.

Tеsts show that housеwivеs oftеn likе 3

Сliеnt givеs dеsignеr idеa of rеquirеd dеsign, е.g. floral, 4 or рiсtorial

Rесеnt yеars: ) morе important in kitсhеn dеsign'
Inсrеasеd usе of сolour dеmandеd bу 6

Dеsignеrs thеmsеlvеs tеnd to prеfеr 7

Рaв.t Тъc,*
Еaсh of thе dеsignеrs goеs On tO talk about onе dеsign for:nd on рaреr towеls. As you listеn,
look at thе fivе dеsigns bеlow and writе thе spеakеr,s namе undеr thе piсturе еасh is rеfеrring to.

l. ?i:

. ;i iiii
..{ .]'j
I 4
'i lri
A hLсlttеr of Tаstе UNlт 7

Сottоpаriпg аt,td сoпtrаStiпg

l Lосlk аt thеsе piсtttrеs of roсlms. A
2 Dеsсrilэе thе roсlпts lаbеllеd A
аrld B ll1 sаyinq rvhаl iч siltliIаr. '11=]
" L ., i\
and what is diffеrеnt abollt tlrеrn. ,

Tаlk abtlrtt: .',.

о сhoiсе ot fttrniturе/fаbriсs/
ornаmеnts/с1есorations, еtс.
o аггangеmеnt of furnituге, еtс.
о сhrэiсе of сoltlttrs, tеХ1Llrеs, еtс.

о 1ightit.rg *aт]Y+::.
Who do you thinlr ljr,еs in sllсh a
rooш? ж
Would yor.r likе to lir,,е thеrе?
Whаt arе thе асlr,,antagеs/ :l
disaс1vantagеs of tlrе roonl?

What сhаngеs wtlttld -vсlt-t mаkе ttl ,t':,.
tlrе rooпr?

П у:
S*t -:



Е -.Е '.
* ry
*s_ -ii*

Е ::

Ь- UNlт 7 A Nlаttеr of Tаstе

lf{fк!тlNG 1 Now think about thе struсturе of your

Giviпg opinions сomposition. It will nееd an introdllсtion,
thrее ttl fouг рaragraphs and a сonсlusion.
Thе сomposition рapеr somеtimеs inсludеs a
quеStion whiсh asks you to takе two idеаs and What w111 you inсludе in your introduсtion?
rеlatе thеm to еaсh othеr as you writе. This What main point willyou havе in еaсh
t1ре of сomposition nееds сarеful рlanning. Thе paragraph?
following ехеrсisеs arе dеsignеd to hеlр you. What ехamрlеs will you inсludе to support
this point?
ж1 Think of somеonе you know vеry wе1l, for Rеmеmbеr your рaraglaphs should bе lеаding
ехamp1е your bеst friеnd. a family mеmbеr, to youI сonсlusion.
your pагtnеr, еVеn уouгsе1f.
о What will you inсludе in your сonсlusion?
Мakе a list of words to dеsсribе this pеrson
Think about thе languagе that you will usе
undеr thеsе hеadings.
in thе сomposition. Fоr ехamрlе:
Physiсal appеaranсе Сharaсtеr Lifеstylе
Now think of somеthing whiсh rеflесts that lvly brothеr is a good ехamplе of this. Hе ...
pеrson,s tastе. for еxamрlе: Сonsidеr thе ехamрlе of my сousin, Louisa.
o thеir tastе in сlothеs Shе...
o thеir loom, flat or housе You orrly havе to look at thе avеragе tееnagеr
о thеir сar or othеr prizеd possеssion to sее ...
о a piсturе or othеr artistiс objесt
Makе a list of words and рhrasеs to dеsсribе Сoпсеssioп
thе thing(s) you havе сhosеn. Although wе tеnd to think that ...
Dеspitе thе faсt that ...
Look for сonnесtions bеtwееn thе two lists.
In partiсular things whiсh mаy bе surprising,
unехpесtеd or intеrеSting. SurprЬiпg / U пsurp ris iп g iпfo rm аti o п
Far from bеing сonsеrvativе in his сhoiсе
ж2 Rеad this сomрosition titlе. of musiс, Х is rathеr advеnturous.
As I had ехpесtеd, shе сhosе thе ...
To whаt ехtепt dоеs thе сhoiсе of thе mаtеriаl
Strangе as it may sееm. his room is aсtuall1'
thiпgs wе surrouпd oursеlуеs with rеJlесt our
quitе ...
pеrsoпаlitу апd аttitudе to lifе?
Hеr сhoiсе of Х was ехaсtly what I would
This typе of сomposition is asking for your havе еxpесtеd/рrеdiсtеd
opinion and nееds to inсludе еxampiеs to Сontrary to my еxpесtations, Jill сhosе ...
Support thе points you makе.

First think about thе basiс idеa рrеsеntеd in Usе|ul words аnd ехprеssions
thе quеstion and dесidе whеthеr you wish to: It,s thе еХсеption whiсh рrovеs thе rulе
. agrее with it;
o disagrее with it;
kееn on
о disсuss it without сoming to a сonсlusion.
fond of
a (grеat) fan of
2 Now think about how to usе y,our ехamplеs
to do what is еxpесtеd
whiсh should bе takеn from your lists abovе'
to fоllow fashion
You сould, for instanсе:
o Сomparе уoursеlf with anothеr pеrson/
othеi pеoрlе 5 Nоw writе your сomposition. Usе thе words
r givе rеal-lifе еxamplеs of somеonе/pеoplе and ехprеssions in thе boxеs to hеlp you.
you know Writе no morе than 350 words.
. usе your idеas to talk about pеoplе in
gеnеral/typеs of реoplе

A LIаttеr of Tаste UNlт 7 шl
ЕxAlvl PRAст!сЕ 7
g 1 In this sесtion, you must сhoosе thе word or рhrasе B, С, or D whiсh bеst
Сomрlеtеs еaсh sеntеnсе. ^,
l Two hours latеr, thе visitors had bееn thеir rooms.
A аlloсatеd B apportionеd с dеsignatеd D dеlеgatеd

2 Toby,s fathеr failеd to advantagе of thе рossibilitiеs of mass tourism

A makе B takе C gеt D сatсh

3A fеmininе еnvironmеnt is typiсally рiсturеd as сosy and

A smattеIеd B spattеrеd C littеrеd D сluttеrеd

4 In rесеnt yеars, distinсtions bеtwееn malе and fеnralе сlothеs havе bесoше

A fudgеd B smеarеd C blurrеd D smudgеd

Thе painting usually in A4adamе Сuеllar,s dininя-room

A hangs B rеsts С ехhibits D shows

In artiсlеs, I usually from mеntioning whеrе intеrviеwееs livе.

A rеfusе B avoid C rеnounсе D rеfrain

Thеsе days, art thiеvеs sесurity Systеms with сontеmpt.

A сonsidеr B dееm C bеhold D trеat

Thе housе is vеry old and thеrе is a smеll of damp.

A сommon B rifе С pеrvasivе D diffusе

Arturo was wеaring a bow-tiе for thе of idеntifiсation

A funсtions B purрosеs с motlvеs D rеasons

10 I сan,1 рattеrns on papеr towеls, thеy,rе awful.

A affirrr B assеnt C abidе D aссord

Е UNlт 7 A Маttеr of Tаstе

ж 3 Fill еaсh of thе numbеrеd sрaсеs in thе passagе with onе suitаblе wоrd.

Dаughtеr of thе irom housе

Today Pat Smith is rеturning to thе housе whеrе shе was born. slightly surрrisеd ttl
disсovеr it has bесomе a musеum piесе. Whеn shе was born in 1927, t\^Iе lrousе in Dudlеy
lookеd likе (r) othеr sеmi-dеtaсhеd housе in Еngland. (2) thеrе wеrе two
сluеs to how it was diffеrеnt; its namе, Thе Iroп Housе, and thе сonsеquеnсеs whеn a сhild
сouldn,t (3) thе tеmptation and hurlеd a Stonе, it с1angеd (4) a gong whеn


In faсt, thrее pairs of сast-iron sеmis wете built in Dudlеy. It (5) thought thеy would
bе сhеap аnd еasy to build and thеy wеrе indееd quiсk to assеmblе rесords (6)
_ that

thе 600 сast.iron panеls for thеsе housеs wеrе bоltеd (7) in еight days. But in thе
(8) thеV сost nеarlY twiсе as muсh as briсk. and (9) thе еxpеriш.еnt еndеd.

Now thеrе is only onе рair (r0) jigsawеd togеthеr at thе Blaсk Сountry Musеum,
Duсllеy, (rl) of thе bеst-.-,
bits of thе six housеs. onе of thе housеs is (r2) lеft

with striрpеd intеrior walis to rеvеal thе сonstruсtion, and thе (13) tittеd out

original furniturе, painstakingly rеfurbishеd to look brand nеw.

- -
Thе musеum has found thе original plans and сontraсts and disсovеrеd a (l5) of soсial

еnginееring bui1t (r6) thе dеsign. Thе housеs had big front rooms and dеlibеratеly
small kitсhеns, in thе hopе that pеoрlе (l7) sit in thе frсlnt rooms (l8) than
-- --
thе kitсhеn, and oссupy (19) with improving hobbiеs.

,It ,ресlplе say

Mrs Smith rеmеmbеrs thе housе with grеat affесtion. was a lovеly housе,, shе saуs,
thеy wеrе сold in thе wintеr and likе an ovеn in thе sumпrеr, but I don,t rеmешbеr (20)
I,m dеlightеd it,s in thе musеum - I shall takе my grandсhildrеn to Sее it,.

Ж3 Fill еaсh of thе blanks with a suitablе wоrd or phrasе.

I I havе no idеa who will win thе рrizе; еvеrything grabs.

2 Thе old hot-tsе is a ruin, it,s rеally sееd in rесеnt yеars.

3 Thе origins of thе anсiеnt сеrеmony arе lost in - of timе.

4 Thе gardеn has gonе wild, only thе old wall сhесk.
) I{iS attеmрts to aрologizе Wеrе so inеpt thеy addеd

A M.lttеr oJ TаStе UNlт 7 жЖt'F
ж4 For еaсh of thе Sеntеnсеs bеlow, writе a nеW sеntеnсе аs simiiar as
рossiblе in
mеaning to thе original Sеntеnсе, but using thе worсl givеn. This word must
not bе altеrеd in any waу.
Eхаmplе: A lot of pеoрlе attеndеd thе mееting.
Aпswеr: Thеrе wаs а уеrу рОor turпОut fтr thе пtееtiпсI.

l Sееing that рiсtrrrе rеmindеd mе of holidavs in Ссlrrrwаll.


2 It takеs grеat сollragе to invеst a vast sum in а рiсturе.


John wеnt to Paris tO gеt реoplе intеIеStеd in thе sсhешс.


I lravе visitеd othеr old housеs with grеаtеr graсе and еlеgаnсе'

His rеquеsts to havе thе {looring rепеwеd WеIе not listеnеd to'

I don't think wе should sееk to ехсLlsе Paula's rudе bеhaviour.


I must sаy that thе idеa of visiting an artistiс сoпrmunity has nеvеr aрреalеd
to mе.

It was assumеd that Roy would livе in thе housе hе inhеritеd from his fathеr.

Thе lесturе failеd to livе uр to Dеirdrе's ехресtаtions.


l0 Thе hotеl makеs еvеry еffort to еnsurе thе safеty and сomfort of guеsts.

:.# UNlт 7 A Маtter of Tаstе

ж% Finish еaсh of thе following sеntеnсеs in suсh a Way that it is as similаr as


Danny,s fеd up with thе faсt thаt Susan always рlays suсh loud musiс.
Danny wishеs

It iS bеliеVеd that thе stolеn paintings arе hiddеn in a mountаin сavе.

l nе sтolеn

I,d havе prеfеrrеd lеаrning сarреntry at sсhool instеad of history ot art.

I,d rathеr

lnе gаroеn gavе thе appеaranсе of having bееn untеndеd for yеars.
1nе gаroеn lookеd

lnе ga[еry сan only dеal with a limitеd numbеr of visitors at any onе timе.

Thеrе is a

I had no idеa that Ruby,s роrtrait Was on display in that еxhibition.

It сamе as

'I'm sorry, I know nothins about arсhitесturе, said Polly.

Polly admittеd to

Graphiс dеsign and finе art rеquirе an еqual amount of skill.

Just as muсh

Graham,s еxpеrt adviсе WaS thе thing whiсh hеlpеd mе to rеalizе my

potеntial as an artist.
If it

l0 Thе pottеrs finally managеd to buy thеir own studiо only aftеr yеars of

T.llk tо \,oltг Гaltnеl. аboltt advсrtising. Think abtlut:
о diffеrеt.rt tyрсs tlf aсlvеrtising
о thе bеst wa-v/plaсс t() aсlvеrtisе thеsе produсts and

food bаr.rking sеrviсеs dеtеrgеnts

сlothеs сhildrеn,s toys сtlsmеtiсs
loсal еvеnts rnusiс сOПсеrts iпsurаt.tсс

о an aсlvеrtisеr.nеnt -vсlu tlrink js еffесtivс - say wl.ry

c аn advсrtisеПrе]lt 1,сll.t еsресially tikе or dislikе * sау r,vhу


r.,r'1 iiW
ж UNIT8 Go уour owп Wау

ж а Fill еaсh of thе nuпrbеrеd blanks in thе рassagе with onе Suitablе WOrd [roПl
thе boх. Thс first onе has bееn dоnе for yoll aS an ехап.lрlе.

artwork audiеnсе brаnds сamрaigns сataloguе

сirсulation сonsumеrs lеaflеts mаi]ino mеdia
mеdium multinational p+а€е рroduсtion ratеs
rеsеarсh rеvolution samplеs Sрaсе tradеrs

Thе modеrn markеt (o) рlасе сtlntait.ts а bеwildеring сhtliсе of goods, аll
сompсting fсlr or.rr attеntion. Мanltfасtttrеrs aIе advеrtising to inforr-n us abtlttt
thеir produсts and pеrsuadе us to buу tlrепr. Тhroughout histor1,. еасh nеw
dеvеloрmеnt in сommltniсаtiсlns has lеd tO a nеW typс of advегtising. Strееt
(1) alwaуs had sресial сriеs to alеrt pеoрlе to thеir рrеSеnсе,
and thе dеvеloрmеrrt of рrinting mаdе t.tеwspapеr advеrtisеmеnts рossiblе.
Thе industrial (2) of thе l9th сеntur1.lеd to mass (3)-.lf
gсlods, and thе 2Oth сеnturу providеd thе nrаss сommutliсatiоn of гadiо and
tеlеvision to sеll thеm.

Now thаt (4) сomрaniеs do businеss асr()Ss thе globе, thеir prodr.rсts
arе rеfеrrеd to as world (5) . Advеrtising thеm is a ссlstly affаir and
has еffесts on thе livеs of реoрlе in пlany ссluntriеs.
Еaсh di{{еrеnt r.}rеanS o{ advеrtising is сallеd a (6)
- thе right onеs, a businеss сan - a WaY o{ gеtting
information aсIoss. Bу сhoosing rеaсh thе
\7) likеly to Want or bе аblе to afford its prodr.lсt. Мarkеt
(8) соmpaniеs hе1p а bttsinеss to dесidе if thеsе реoplе rеad a
pr.rbliсation or watсh a tеlеvision рrogrammе whiсh might сarrу its
A smallbusinеss might wish to sеnd 191 ttl реoplе in thеir hoпrеs
lеtting lосals know whеrе to find it. Thоsе dеaling with еxреnsivе
(r0) itеms сan buу a (r1) list of рrоsреrous hoп-tеs from a
list brokеr and post dirесt mail mаtеrial tо рartiсt-tiar addrеssеs. Stlmе
сomрaniеs аdvеrtisе thеir gоods in a rnail ordеr (|2| a booklеt
showing by Advеrtising (l3) сan bе bought
- рroduсts availablе рost. -
in loсal nеWspaреrs and radio сhannеls.
Largеr organizations opt for national oI intеrnational advеrtising. Nationаl
nеwsрареIs havе a vеry widе (14) ar.rd сhargе high (15)
for advеrtising. Glossy шаgazinеs рrint еlеgant сolour (16) to show
off goods and somеtimеs givе away sn-Lall рaсkеts of рroduсts as
Thе most widеly rесоgnizеd advеrtisешеnts арpеaI сln tеlеvision. Thеу
геасh а |аrgе tl8) in а vегy rесеptivе situаtirln. Big mаnrr[асt[lrсrs
usе various (19) in an orgаnizеd sеriеs of advеrtisеmеnts сallеd
(20) whiсh arе workеd out by advеrtising agеnсiеs.
Go уour owп Wау UNlт 8 жW

Disсussing vаIuеs
ж З What aте thе rеsрonsibilitiеs оt advеrtisеrs? Talk about:
о honеsty/gоod tastеi aссUraсy
о еffесts on реoplе,s lifсstylеs
o еffесts on pеoрlе,s ехресtаtions
о еffесts on pеoрlе.s ехpеnditurе
о еffесts on сhildrеn

.-*'";", What do yсlt.t undеrstand by thеsе tеrms?

mеrсhаndising markеting brand loyаlty trаdе marks spin-оffs

..ё3 Look at thеsе advеrtisеmеnts.

How еffесtivе dtl you think еaсh onе is?
How dсlеs it aсhiеvе its еffесt?

pЖe uNlт 8 Go уour owп Wау

h*.; Е-'5Тg&g;!16G
Р*yt &yз*э
жЗ Bеforе you listеn, disсuss thеsе quеstjons with youг рartnеr.
1 Havе yoll еvеr р1аyеd сomputеI gamеs? Тalk to yollr partnеr about:
o Whаt gamеs },ou li]<е/don,t likе
о Whаt imаgеs/stеrеOtyреs do you thin]< аrе рrlrtrаyс.d in gаmеs? For ехatrrplе:
сOmpеtitiOn /сoll abсlrаtiоn
о Who yorr think dеsigns thе gamеs?
о What tyре tlf рсoplе thе gamеs аrе dеsignеd for?
о What, if any, is thе еdr.rсationa1 vаluе o{ gamеs?

Ж; You wil] hеar thrее yollng pеoplе taikirrg about сOmрutеr gamеS. Whiсh of thе
statеmеnts A-F bеst sttпtmarizеs thе mаin point еaсh pеrson is шаking?
A thе gamеs аrе tOO violеnt
Pеrson 1
B thс gаmеs аrе imрroving
Pеrsсln 2
с thе gaпrеs arе Yеry рrеdiсtablе
Рсrsсln 3
D thе gaпrеs allсlw no сhоiсе of hеrсl
Е thе gaпlеs rеflесt rеа] lifе
F thе gаmеs usе unfair Stеrеotypеs

Р*x.* Тrqясз

жx You wili now hеar two pеoрlе bеing intеrviеwеd: Сlairе, a mathеmаtiсS
рrofеssor, аnd Niсk, a сOlnрutеr gamе dеsignеr. Thсy wiil bе talking about
сonlрutеr gamеS. For quеstions l_9, dесidе whiсlr of thе twсl sреakеrs еХprеssеs
еaсh ]эoit.lt of viеw. Writе С for Сlairе, N fоr Niсk or B for both of thеm.
l Thе studеnts, attitudеs matсhеd my prеdiсtions. I П
2 Stlпlе attеmрts havе bееn mаdе ttl makе gamеs morе аttraсtivе to girls. 2 П
3 Somе pеoplе dоubt thс valuе сlf thе gamеs in any сasе. 3 П
4 Thе naturе of thе gamеs may bе a faсtor affесting pеoрlе,s сarееr 4 П
5 Thе makеrs of thе galnеS havе found а vеr}' lttсrativе markеt. П
6 Attеmpts to makе a spесiаl gamе ftlr girls sееm аppropriаtе. 6 П
7 Womеn fightеrs in gаmеs аrе а wеlсtlmе dеvеloрnrеnt. 7 П
8 СorrrрutеI gallеs slrorr]d hаvе an еduсationai pLlIpOsе. 8 П
9 Thе bеst gamеs arе thosе whiсh еYеIyonе сan play еqualiy. 9 П

Writiпg dеfiпitioпs
П{ Look at thеsе words and еxрrеssions from thе listеning. In уour own words,
еxpiain what еaсh of thеm mеans in thе сontехt of thе disсussion.
l a malе-dominatеd industry
2 a subtlе influеnсе
3 сountеr-produсtivе еfforts
4 thе odd Woman
5 a tokеn girl fightеr
6 sесludеd mаrkеt
7 lifеskills
8 to targеt
9 a suссеssful forrlula
10 an honorary man

WRlт!NG "!

In Papеr 2 you may bе askеd to writе a rерort. Тhis will usually involvе
-.в imаgining yoursеlf in a situation. Look at this ехamplе:
Yоu аrе workiпg for (1 С011,lp(1|1у whiсh паkеS С0111putеr gаmеs. Тhе соmpапу is
plаппing to iпtrоduсе а пеw rапgе of gаlпеs thаt will аppеаl еspесiа|Iу to уoul1g
wтmеп, Writе а rеport fоr thе сompапу rесol,l,tlпепdiпg thе tуpе of gаmе thаt shoтLld bе
produсеd апd hоw this lltight bе mаrkеtеd.
(аbоut З00 words)

l Using informаtion from thе listеning tеxt, plus your реrsonal knowlеdgе of
thе markеt for сtlmputеr gamеs in your own сountry, makе notеs undеr thеsе
Thе typе of gamеs on thе mаrkеt at thе momеnt.
Thе attitudе of young Womеn to сomрutеr gamеs.
Thе typе of produсt your сompany should dеvеlop.
How thе produсt should bе markеtеd аnd advеrtisеd.

2 Сomрarе your notеs with your partnеr. Add any good idеas that your рartnеr
hаs to your notеS.

3 How should a rерort bе laid out? Тhink about:

. Who will rеad it?
. Why thеy will rеad it?
. Whеn and how it might bе usеd?
. Whаt thе information will bе rrsеd for?

What stylе arе rеports usually writtеn in? Why?

What languagе forms would уou еХреСt to find in a rерort? Why?
l nlnК аDollТ:

. how information is prеsеntеd

. how opinlons arе prеSеntеd

5 Now usе your notеS to writе your IерoIt.

145 lrППEн
Ж UNlт 8 Go уour owп Wау

М "! You arе going to rеad an artiсlе in whiсh a man talks about thе rеlationships bеtwееn реoplе in thе
iaboratory whеrе hе works. Ninе sеntеnсеs or рhrasеs havе bееn rеmovеd from thе artiсlе. Rеad
..J dесidе whiсh of thе Sеntеnсеs or phrasеs A-I, fits in еaсh of thе blanks l_9.
..-..4-'ll-' orrц

A But not all lab сOats arе idеntiсal

B But thе hiеrarсhy of thе сoat doеsn,t еnd thеrе
с but with a сеrtain diffеrеnсе in thе сtlt
D my с1othеs arе too рoor to bе troublеd by pollution
E рrotесtivе Сoats сomе in sеvеral сolours
F takе it off only tO go to thе rеfесtory for lunсh
G thе faсt that I,m wеaring it at all mеans that today is a lab day
н thе morе sеnior thе tесhniсian, thе lеss likеly to wеar a lab сoat
I thе whitе сOat sinslеs mе out

Lab сoats
Most days, depending on the trains, I get in about ninе o'сloсk. I dump my сoat and bag in
the offiсe, pull on a white сoat and head foт the laboratory. The white сoat is important; it
has a strong symboiiс value, Fiтst, (1) , I'm lunning an eхperiment, not to be
disгupted with meеtings and administrativе queгiеs. Seсond, (z) , separates
me fтorn the теst of the world of non-тeseaтсhers, who weaг no сoats. It bеgins to envеlop
me in the aura of being a sсiеntist, ready to perform mysteтious - almоst pгiestly - labouтs.
funсtion * to kеep сhemiсal and biologiсal goo from polluting one's day сiothes _ has
beсome overladen with symbolism. You don't havе to be long in thе lab to notiсe it. Fiтst,
t0 (4)-;ifyou'reawoгkshopteсhniсian,theсoatis1ikе1ytobеbluе,ifapoгter
brown. There's no real reason why a теsearсhеr shouldn't WeaI a b1ue or bтown сoat, but
the сolour diffeтenсe, like an army uniform is an unsрoken indiсation of rank. If you aтe
lab teсhniсian, you,ll WeaI a white сoat too, (5) _ it will button differently
at the neсk. What,s moге, you.ll be likely to keep iщгoрегly fastеnеd at the Ггont. Wе
researсhетs, on the other hand, leave ouтs moтe сasually open, swinging around us aS We
sрrint down the соrridoт fтom offiсе to lab, though the tradition is fading a bit now as
biologists spend less and less timе amongst сhemiсal reagents and living things and moтe
in the сomputeг room watсhing сomplеx multiсoloured displays on sCleens.
20 сoats unless they are aсtually doing something тathет hazardous _ handling radioaсtivity,
say, whеn the regulations get quite severe, or a bit bloody, like a minor pieсе of
disseсtion. The jеans, open сollars or tee-shirts that the students weaт may also be saying:
(7) and anyhow I don't want to be fenсеd in by гegulations. At the othет
еnd of the hieraтсhy the rules shift again; (B) , Here the mеssagе is that I
have graduatеd from lab to offiсe, away from the manual tоwaгds mental labouт.
Not tтuе foт the senioт тesеarсhетs; many who have not been neaт thе lab in years
nonеtheless put on a sрotless white сoat eaсh morning as they arrive, sit behind theiт
offiсe desk in it, (9) and whеn they lеave foт home at 5.30. Thеy'll even go
to сommittеe mеetinр irr ttreiг lab сoats. Again the mеssage is pretty сlear: I would like to
be down in thе lab aсtually doing expетimеnts with all you guys, I'm just too busy at the
moment with a papel, a gтant, a сommittее; but I haven,t lost touсh with what rеally
mattets, and I сan stiil make a sсientifiс сontтibution, nоt just an administrative one.

|ro.|,oltr (}lt,,' 11 (?l, UNlт 8 Et

и 2 Тhе artiсiе dеsсribеs a hiеrarсhy. Сomplеtе thе grid With infolmation about this hiеrarсhу.

Position in Щpe of pеrson \pе of сoat worn Thеir attitudе

hierarсhy tоwards the сoat

r з Now rеad thе artiсlе again and answеr thеsе quеstions.

,arrivе at work,?
1 Whiсh vеrb in parаgraph onе mеans
2 What imprеssion is givеn by thе usе of thе wоrd,dump,? (linе 1)
,go towards,?
3 Whiсh vеrb in paragтaрh onе mеans
,еnvеlop mе in thе aura,. (linеs 5-6)
4 In yоttr сlwn words, ехp1ain thе mеaning of thе рhrаsе
5 Whу lras thе writеr сhosеn thе wоrd in ]irlе 6 tо сlеsсribе 1hе SсiеIltist,s wоrk?
6 Whiсh word in paragraph two mеans ,a dirty sttbstallсе,?
,sprint,in linе 16?
7 Whаt imрrеssion doеs thе writеr givе by r.rsing thе word
8 Whiсh rvtlrtl itl 1lагаgга1lh thrсс is rtsсt] ttl ttlсаtl ,ftlr ехаtll1llс,?
9 Whiсh wtlгс] in pаragraph thrее mеatls ,rеStriсtеd,?
,graduatеd,? (linе 25)
l0 In what way havе somе sсiеntists
ll Whiсh word in thе last pаragraрh mеans
L2 What doеs thе phrasе ,what rеally mattеIs, in linеs t|_з2 rеtеr to?
UNIт 8 Go уour owп Wау
sРЕAKlruG 2
Ехprеssiпg opinioпs
жs Thе artiсiе talks about symbols of hiеrarсhiеs. Disсuss thеsе quеst-iоtls rr ttll
your partnеr.
l In what othеr situations arе symboJs imрtlrtаnt?
2 What hiеrarсhiеs dо you sее around you?
3 Talk about thе following arеas and thе status symbols rеlatеd to thеm. Тhirrk
. riсh/poor реoрlе
. youngiold реoрlе
. studеnts/еmployееs
. worki lеisurе
in rеlation to:

housеs сars сlothеs hobbiеs sDorts

foоd and drink сonsumеr durablеs

ж2 Look at thе thrее photogrаphs. Talk about thе pеoplе in thеm in tеrms of :

. whеrе thеy stand in a hiеrarсhy;

. whеrе thеy stand in rеiation to thе реoplе around thеm;
. how you think thеy fееl about thеir situation.

Go у,91,7 o\||t7 v{tlу UNlт 8 .::.:|.|::.|,i:i::..;..:.:'||'

w UNlт 8 Go уour owп |Уау

TаIking аbout а pаSSс|gе
Rеad еaсh of thеsе рassagеS quiеtly to yoursеlf and thеn talk about thеm with
your partnеr. Say whеrе you think you might find thеm, аnd сoшmеnt on thе
languagе usеd.

Pаssаgе 7

At timеS whеn Wе arе unablе to run thе publishеd timеtablе bесausе of major
problеms, suсh as a long spеll of bad wеathеr, major еnginееring works оr
рroblеms outsidе our сontrol, Wе may introduсе an еmеrgеnсy timеtablе. Wе
aim to givе you 24 hours notiсе of this. Whеrе advanсе warning is givеn, thе
Рassеngеr,s Сhartеr and traсk Rесord punсtuality and rеliability pеrformanсе
will bе mеasurеd against thе еmеrgеnсy timеtablе for thе pеriod in quеstion,
rathеr than thе normai timеtablе.

Pаssаge 2

Jamеs Dallon was inflating a traсtor tyrе in thе yard whеn a man hе didn,t
know got out of a bluе van and askеd if this was thе Dallon,s housе. Thе man
said somеthing about having сallеd in for thе raspbеrriеs and thе last of thе
pеas at Jamеs,s aunt's housе, but Jamеs didn,t know what hе was talking
about. Thе man said hе had a mеssagе. Hе didn,t smilе. Jamеs brought him
into thе kitсhеn.

UsЕ oF ЕNGl.lsl.l 1
t "! Look аt thеsе idiomatiс phrasеs. What do thеy havе in сommon?
a kееp to thе straight and narrow
b takе a short сut
с stер out of linе
d follow in somеonе,s footstеps
е toе thе party linе
f hе didn.t put a foot Wrong
Now matсh еaсh of thе еxprеssions a_f to onе of thе dеfinitiоns l-6.
l {ollow offiсial poliсy
2 find a quiсkеr way
3 don,t dеviatе from thе norm
4 rереat anothеr,s еxpеriеnсе
5 mistakеS Wеrе avoidеd
6 do somеthing unaссеptablе
|JL, |'L,ur oи.tt vt'а.v UNlт 8щ

x u Fill еасh of thе numbеrеd spaсеS in thе рassagе with onе Suitablе Word. Thе first
has bееn donе for you as an ехamрlе.

Strolling bу numbеrs
Publiс parks might bе morе usеr-friеndly if plannеrs (0) took a mathеmatiсal
lool< аt thеiг dеsigns. A tеam of rеsеаrсhеrs has shоwt.t that whеn lеft to thеir
(1) dеviсеs, pеdеstrians forgе сomplех pattеrns of рaths.
Thе tеam wеrе intriguеd (2) thе fасt that in mаny glаssy urban parks,
thе trails lеft by walkеrs do not usually mirror thе dirесt routеs (3) еntrу
and еxit рoints. So, thеy Sеt (4) to рrеdiСt how thе trails in a nеw park
would еvolvе as реdеstrians (5) for thеir favouritе routеs.
Thеrе аrе sеvеral faсtors (6) influеnсе thеir сhoiсеs. Pеoрlе- usually want
to takе a dirесt routе tO thеir dеstination, but thеy also (7) walking on
worn trails to tlamрling ovеr roughеr ground. In othеr (8) it,s morе
сonvеniеnt to tаkе еxisting trails thаn to сrеatе nеW onеs. Also, thе сlosеr a
sеgmеnt of аn еxisting trail is to a walkеr, thе (9) appеaling it would
Using thеsе assumрtions, thе tеaпr сamе (r0) with four simplе
еquations that dеsсribе how thе routе takеn by pеdеstrians in a flat grassy раrk
wou]d сhangе as timе (rr) To illustrаtе thе rеsults, thеy ran a сomputеr
simulation in whiсh thеy opеnеd a squarе park with a gatе at (L2)
сornеr to a сrowd of virtual pеdеstrians. Еaсh реdеstrian had a fiхеd starting
(rl ) and dеstination, and startеd at а randomly сhosеn timе.
At (r4) whеn thе land was uniformly grееn with no worn trails, thе
pеdеstrians took thе six possiblе dirесt routеs to thеir dеstinations. But bесausе
nol сVеry rolll'е Wаs usеd by thе 1l5; numbеr of pеoрlе, somе рaths
stаrtеd to (r6) сlеarеr than othеrs.
As latеr wаlkеrs startеd to gravitatе (17) thе wеll-troddеn routеs, thе
trails startеd to bunсh (l8) еspесialty л intеrsесtion points, еvеntually
lеaving a сirсuit with an is]and in thе сеntrе - a pattеrn that naturally appеars
timе and (19) in сity рarks. In еffесt, thе path systеm shortеns with usе,
until thе pаttеrn mаtсhеs thе 1201 сompromisе for сomfort and brеvity
{or thе largеst numbеr of pеoрiе.

r 3 What сonсlusions about human natulе misht Уou makе from thе rеsults of this

151 mtПFг
Ё..]]-фEж UNlт 8 Go уour owп Wау

) ;

Nеwspаper аrtiсlеS
ж,j Whаt tlakеs реoplе Want tO еithеr:
a follow sсlсiеty,s с()nvеntiOns?
b rеbеl аgainst soсiсty,s сonvеntionS?

e*:;: Yott alе going to rеad an artiсlе аbсlut pсoplе who havе сlroрpеd оut сlt
,gUttеr punks
sсlсiеty in thе USA. Thеsе pеорlе, who dеsсribе thеrrrsеlvсS аs
livе сln thе Strееts' What do yOLl еХресt ttl rеad about:
. thеir aрpеаranсе/сlсlthеs?
. thеir lifеstylеiattitudеs?
. thе rеaSOПs for thеir lifсstylе?
. Othеr реоplе,s ilрiniсltl of thеm?

**F з NIow rеad thе artiсlе аnd answеr thе quеstiсlns that follolv.

Iivе for thrее reasons,, sаys Еriс, аgеd 20.

stumbling around thе Frеnсh quarter of
,Тo drink, to fight and to
зо Nеw or|eаns'
sсrew. l,m an esсapе аrtist.,
Yеt eаrIiеr on Hippie HilI thаt Iooks
out on the quarter,s piсturеsquе Jасkson
Squarе, Beсса, аged 18, who is sober,
sweet-faсеd аnd сarrying а s|ееpy puppy
said: ,PeopIe аre afrаid of us, but We,rе
not the ones who аrе sсаry.,
,Тribе, is а word mаny of them use to
desсribе their sub-сu|ture, сompIetе with
цo rituaIistiс piеrсing, tаttooing and
adornment. New Orleans, a winter haven,
probab|y has thousаnds in the street at
,But numbers are rea||y
аny onе time.
hard to 9Uess,, says PаuI Rigsby, а privatе
dеteсtive who trасks rUnaways.
lо They сaII themsе|vеs ,guttеr punks,, аnd
kids аre as migratory as Сanada geese,.
they are a nеW kind of homе|ess person: New orleаns has everything that
white, middlе сlаss, oftеn bright, po|itiса||y punks wаnt: abandoned buiIdings to
miIitаnt and home|еss by сhoiсe' Few аrе
squat iЛ, а Bohemian аtmosphеre and
oIder than 2.l. Тheir аppearanсe аnd thеii.
sо opportunities to piсk up food and drinK
Iifestyle may sееm a nightmare to their
in the strееt' Тhe number of punks in Nеw
parents and muсh of soсiеty, as if aII the
orIeans hаs grown so |argе that trаders
promise of youth in Amеriса had bеen
and politiсians in the Frеnсh quаrter hаvе
turnеd inside oUt, prodUсing nihiiistiс, begun to сomp|аin аbout publiс urination,
angry ironiс spаwn drеssed in bIасk _ thе drunkennеss and fights. Тradеrs сirсuIated
zо resuIt of dесаdes of family disintegration. ,Don't fееd thе
а piсture of punks еntit|ed:
suburban borеdom and сyniсism.
аnimals'. The punks sаy they are hasslеd
Ameriса has a|ways hаd its rеbеIs, but
by the poIiсe aII thе time' HomeIеssness
wherе hippies еspoused peaсе, Iove and a
саmpaigners say the punks arе oftеn
return to the Iand, today,s punks arе оо ,swept'from the streets beforе big loса|
differеnt. Тhеir worId is dark, urbаn and evenтs.
dangеrous. Many drink and do drugs not
to hаvе visions, but to b|aсk out. on|y

Go уour owп Wау UNlт 8 жж',
l Undеrlinе all thе Words usеd to dеsсribе thе punks.
2 Undеrlinе thе раrts of thе passаgе whеrе thе
рunks ta]k аbor-rt thеmsеivеs.
f Undеrlinе thе parts of thе рassagе whеrе thе
writеr givеs his еxpiаnation of
why thе рunks bеhavе as thсy Jo.
4 Undс.rlinе thе раrts of thе
раssagе whеrе wе hеar othеr pеoрlе,s oрi.tion of
thе рunks.
5 Whаt stylе is thе artiсlе writtеn in? Who dtl you
thini< is thе irltеndеd
6 How would thе artiсlе havе bееn diffеrсrrt if it
had bееn writtеn for;
О yollng pеoрlе?
. loсаl реopiе?
. pеoрlе who wаnt to hеlр thе punks?
7 Using infсlrmatitltl froпl thе artiсlе, br-rt in your oWП words and in an
appropriatе stylе, wrltе еithеr:
a An аrtiсlе for a .oсa] nеWSpареI сomplaining abсlut
thе рunks and
suggеsting what shоu]d bе dсlnе аbout thе prоbiеm.
b An artiсlе for а young pеoplе,s magazinе that dеsсribеs
thе lifе of thе
punks in а moге ptlsirir е Wа).
с An аrtiсlе for a sеrious mаgаzinе rеad by pеoplе whо
want to unсlеrstand
and lrеlp solvе suсh soсial problеms.

..ffi € Look at thеsе twсl ехtraсts takеn from a tnagаzinе

artiсlе and talk аbout:
. thе probаblе topiс of thе аrtiсlе
. thе tyре of magаzinе it wаs рrobаbly publishеd in
o thе stylе of thе artiсlе
o your oрinions аbout what thе
реtlрiе arе Sayrng

Thosе rvho avеrt thеir еyеs Гrоnr thе

I'm against this kind of invasion o{-
сorrеspondеnсе of othегs аrе missing out on
рrivaсv Ьесаusе I'vе Ьееn a viсtiпr of it. Мy
onе оГlrfеЪ grеat plеasurеs. I Гound а pilе on
Мurrr rеad a pagе oГ milrе onсе and I ц',as
thе strееt orrсе and rеlishеd еvеry lvord. I
livid. Мy girlГriеnd has askеd aЬout rt
dorr,t har.е any qualnrs аЬout it, aсtuаllv аnd
think that shе rеalizеs that
so1llеt1nlеs, Ьut I
I'vе Ьесon-iе adеpt at rеadiIrg upsidе dou,rr,
ffr rnе this is rеal1y a striсt no_go arеa,
rvhiсh is usеГu] irr сa{ёs and on puЬliс Ьесausе itЪ not rеally irrtеndеd Гor anyonе
transport. Itls irrеsistiЬlе, еvеn if itЪ onlу a
Ьut nrr.sеlГ. Thе last timе I 1ookеd at
Ьoring iеttеr frorrr thе Еlесtriсiг,'- СompanH
somеonе еlsеЪ rvаs l,vhеn I rvas Гourtееn and
10 thе faсt thаt itЪ soпlеonе еlsеЪ is еnough' ]O I sti]] Гее1 guilry. I,vе Ьееri сurior:s sinсе, Ьut
although I d lovе to disсovеr pеopiеЪ sесrеts
I'r,е nеvеr givеn in to tеnrрtation. Whеtlrеr
too, oГ сollrsе. I'vе nеvеr Ьееn сaught ar-rd or i]ot I Гound somеtlring of intеrеst, I dorr't
I,llr not rеnrotеlY ashatrrеd Ьесaшsе itЪ пry think I d еvеr do it norv Ьесаusе I d 1Ъеl
сonrpulsiorr. I long Гor pеoрlе to rеad nrinе,
iГI'd Ьеtravеd that pеrsonЪ trust. It
shaЬЬ,v, as
aсtuаl11i Ьut thеу r..'.. do.

rvould Ье nlorailу wrong. .']]:]1

к UN|т 8 Go уour owп Wау

S с t t t е l tсе сo1,t|plеtiot,t

r 1 \'оu arе going to hеar part of a radio disсussion on thе subjесt of sсiеntifiс
.1есеption. Bеforе you listеn, look at thе list сlf words and plrrasеs in thе boх.
Тhеsе arе from thе listеning. Usе thеm tO disсuss thеsе quеstions.
. What do you think sсiеntifiс dесеption is?
. What typеs of aсtivity do you think it inсludеs?
. What рroblеms do you think might bе assoсiatеd with sсiеntifiс dесеption
аnd its disсovеry аnd invеstigation?

dесеit fiddling fraud misсonduсt

proof rеputation trust f^ l -: f-,
lсrr)rr y
to point thе fingеr tо blow thе whistlе сutting сornеrs sloppinеss
an honеst mistakе to turn a blind еyе

a2 Yor-r will hеar part of a radio disсussion on thе subjесt of sсiеntifiс dесеption.
For quеstions l_l0, сomplеtе thе sеntеnсеs with a word or short phrasе.

Sсiеntific dесеptioп
Dеrеk Says that taсkling sсiеntifiс dесерtion is пrаdе morе diffiсuit by thе аbsеnсе of a

Dеrеk dеsсribеs a mild form of sсiеntifiс dесерtion as 2

Thе most сOmmon forш оf sсiеntifiс dесеntion involvеs thе оubliсаtion of rеsеarсh whiсh hаs bееn

It is lеss сommon for sсiеntifiс data to bе 4

Hеathеr ехplains that most sttссеssful sсiеnсе involvеs an еlеmеnt of

Hеathеr fееls thаt 6 plays a vеry imрortant roiе in sсiеnсе.

,Whistlе-blowеrs, оftеn find thеmsеivеs aссusins thеir 7

It,s impоrtant that thosе еxposing sсiеntifiс dесеptiоn havе whаt Dеrеk сalls

[n most сasеs it is diffiсult to оrovе tl.rat thеrе is what,s tеrmеd

9 dесеivе.

Dеrеk and Hеаthеr advoсatе thе sеtting up of l0 to iook intсl

thе problеn.r'

Go уour owп Wау UNlт 8 П
r 3 Whаt do you think about thе problеm of sсiеntifiс dесеption? Look at thеsе
сommеnts diffеrеnt реoplе havе madе about thе probiеm аnd say to what
еХtеnt you agrее with thеm.

ifg aюt а
it,s a ggaиda!t}зet it's noi fаiг tо
рt.оblси't ac |ошg
ghоu|d ba сxро*ed blаrnе individuals
aз if dоec ио
hаr*l {в
if zuегyoriе,s

it,s an iпevitаb!е itgаseriоuscrlиe l,m surе iheге are

rкuсh woгsе ihtngs
rеsult оf, huг'rаy; whieh should be
gоing оn ihat wе
,i know abоut


.1 Whаt is thе diffеrеnсе bеtwееn dесеit аnd dесеption? What arе thе adiесtivеs
and advеrbs formеd from еaсh word?

a2 Сomplеtе eaсh oI thеsе sеntеnсеs rvith a vеrb, noull, adieсtivе or adverb

formеd from thе basе word to сlесеivе.
I Тhе рuzzlе lookеd еasy, but provеd vеry diffiсult to solvе.
2 I don,t rеаlly trust Luсy, I think shе,s a rеally pеrson.
3 Тhat уouлg sсiеntist is not as naivе as hс sсems, yol| knоw, appсannсes Сan

4 I'm afraid Polly is only hеrsеlf if shе thinks hеr work looks
5 It,s thе quiсknеss of thе hand that thе еyе.


l1 Look at this sеntеnсе from thе listеnins. Undеrlinе thе phrasal vеrb.
Youпg sсiепtists аrе oftеn thе oпеs who сomе асross thеsе things.

a2 Сomрlеtе еaсh sеntеnсе with a Suitablе рrероsitiоn.

I John burst thе room and told еvеrvbodv what hе had disсovеrеd.
2 In thе сoursе of thе invеstigation, thе sсiеntists сamе up a numbеr
of оroblеms.
3 Whistlе -bloWеrS сannot nесеssarily сount thе support of thеir
4 It,s unlikеly that anyonе would gеt сopying wholе piесеs oI
Somеonе еlsс's work.
A сommittее is bеing sеt to look thе wholе arеa of
sсiеntifiс dесеption.
6 His story Was vеry сonvinСing to thе layman, but othеr sсiеntists saw
it immеdiatеly
7 Thе tеam сamе with four simрlе еquations to illustratе thеir рoint.
8 Thе rеsеarсhеrs to prеdiсt how trails in a nеw pаrk would work.

UNlт 8 Go уour owп Wау


trn Quеstior.r 3 of thе Usе of Еnglish papеr you havе to сomplеtе a sеntеnсе
from whiсh a numbеr of words havе bееn takеn out' Thеrе may bе just onе
word missing, or thеrе may bе as mаny as fivе.
EхаmpIе 1:
Thе young sсiеntist rеalizеd that his boss was falsifying thе data, but for fеar
of lоsing his job hе dесidеd to turn a blind еуе.

In this еxamplе, you havе to сorr.rрlеtе thе fiхеd ехprеssion, t0 turn а bliпd еуе.
But. sоrnеtimеS you mаy havе to сompiеtе a grammatiсal form.
Eхаtllplе 2:
Аs loпg аs you Warn mе in advanсе, I don,t mind yоu.rе bеing latе fоr dinnеr.

r 1 For quеstions l-lo, сomplеtе thе sеntеnсеs with a wоrd or phrasе from thе

as it may bothеrеd onе way but nоt lеast draw thе linе
far from bеing had no сhoiсе it a day out of thе
should hаvе known thе lеast bit

I As night fеll on thеir iong sеarсh, thеy dесidеd to givе uр and сall
2 I сan tolеratе all kinds of bеhaviour, br-rt at dishonеsty.

3 I bеttеr than to lеavе my privatе notеbook out whеrе David сould

sее it.
Strangе sееm, nobody hаd thought of rеporting thе thеft оf thе
monеy to thе рoliсе.
) It mаkеs no di[fеrеnсе tо hеr; shе isn,t or thе othеI.
6 As thе last bus had alrеady lеft, wе but to ordеr a taxi.
7 disapрointеd, John sееmеd quitе plеasеd to havе lost thе raсе.
8 And to сomplеtе thе tеam, last wе havе William Wеbstеr from
Dеspitе having madе a sеrious еrror in hеr work, Меlaniе didn,t sееm
lO I,m afraid that sinсе my hоrsеriding aссidеnt. skiing holidays arе

.2 For quеstiоns l- 5, сomрlеtе thе еxprеssiоns with a suitablе word or phrasе.

All thе еxрrеssions сomе from this unit or prеvious units of thе book.
l Instеad of walking all thе way round thе sсhool, N4ary took
сut through thе hеadmastеr,S gardеn.
2 Thеy don,t likе pеoрlе with oрinions in that organizatiоn, thеy еХpесt you to
pаrtу linе.
3 Jоanna dесidеd to bе соuragеous and blow hеr сollеaguе,s
4 Nlany o{ thе сomрutеr gamеS fеaturе thе rеsсuе of a dаmsеl
5 It is gеnеrally thе man who thе day in a diffiсult situation.

Go уour owп Wау UNlт 8 wЖ
ЕXAt\fi PRA€Т!€Е 8
ж'l In this sесtion, you must сhoosе thе wоrd A. B, с or D whiсh bеst сomрlеtеs
еaсh sеntеnсе.
l Advеrtising a nеw produсt ls a vеry сostly
A сonсеrn B affair С рursuit D subjесt

If lеft to thеir pеdеstrians makе сomplех pattеrns of рaths.
A dеsirеs B dеfеnсеs С dеviсеs D dесisions

on his Way to sсhool, Paul oftеn a short сut aсrosS thе рark.
A madе B took С had D did

In еxposing thе sсandal. John was сarеful not to thе fingеr at his
A рlot B рut С plaсе D point

Watson said that risk is an important palt of sсiеnсе.

A forming B faсing C taking D making

As a rеsult of thе sсandal. thе рrofеssor suffеrеd to his rеputation.

A thud B dip С thumр D dеn1

Whеn working in thе library, I сamе somе Vегy disturbing

A aсross B agаinst С amonяst D amidst

Мost aссusations of sсiеntifiс dесеption arе strongly

A disprovеd B dеniеd С disagrееd D dесlinеd

If you want to in with gUllеr punks. you havе tо look thе part.
A matсh B mеlt C fit D sеt

l0 Thе makеrs of thе popular сhildrеn,s gamеS hаvе found а vеry

A luсrativе B сonsummatе С еxhаustivе D bountifui

UNlт 8 Go уour owп Wаv

t 2 Fiil еaсh of thе numbеrеd blanks in thе passagе with onе suitablе word.
Actioп rеpесlt

What in Britain is сallеd Асtioп Mап was invеntеd in thе еarly Sixtiеs in thе USA. In ordеr
to сomреnsatе for pеrсеivеd prеjudiсе towards thе idеa of a bоу,s doll, G1 Joе, (L) thе
toy is known in Amеriсa. was madе absurdly maсho. (2) brooding figurе, hе was
musсlе-bound, unsmiling, with an ugiy sсar on (3) сhееk and hands реrmanеntiy
rеady to grab a wеaрon.

Whеn hе сamе to Britаin in 1966, thе сountrY was (4) quitе as obеisant to all things
Amеriсan as it is now. Joеwas translatеd (5)
G1 Асtioп Мап, aпd thе outfits rеflесtеd
Britаin,s rаthеr (6) Amеriсa,s military traditions. Thеsе outfits, bought sерaratеly from
thе figurе, (7) thе piесе of markеting that (8) Асtioп Маn a саSt-iron finаnсial
winnеr. Targеting a small boy,s nееd to сollесt, thе toy offеrеd 350 aссеssoriеs at its (9)
in thе mid.Sеvеntiеs, allowing him to build armouriеs of glеaming hаrdwаrе.

Aсtioп Мап (|o) thе ,Toy of thе Dесadе Award, for thе Sеvеntiеs, whеn it was еstimatеd
that сhildrеn in thе UI( ownеd an aYеIagе of |.3 Асtioп Меп (L|) hеad. Thеn, iп 1984,
thе vеry сonсеpt (l2) dееmеd too old-fashionеd to сompеtе (13) сomрuIеI
gamеs, and hе was withdrawn (14) aсtivе sеrviсе. Thousands of fans, howеvеr,
сontinuеd to сollесt him and his outfits; (15) for annual сonvеntions and porеd
ovеr еaсh (16) displays with rеlish.

(L7) _ \993, howеvеr, thе toy сomрany had сOmе to apprесiatеd thе powеr of parеntal
nostalgia in thе рurсhasе of сhildrеn,s toys' Тhе 1ads who had (18) up with Асtioп Маn
wеrе hаppiеr (19) thеir offspring to plаy with him than wastе thеir livеs in front of
sсrееns. So, baсk hе (20) with rеmodеllеd hands and nеw nylon hair, but with thе
sсar intaсt.

x 3 Fill еaсh o{ thе blanks with a suitablе word or phrаsе

l If you sее anything suspiсious, thе bеst thing is to еyе and say
2 Harrу intеnds to footstеps and bесomе a partnеr in thе family
3 It was a pеrfесt pеrformanсе by thе marаthon ruПnеr who didn.t put
WIong durlng thе wholе raсе.
4 Disсiplinе in thе armу is str.iсt with hаrsh pеnaltiеs for anyonе who stеps
5 Hе took thе risk of сhanging thе data knowing that thеrе was a good сhanсе
hе wоuld with it.

Go уour owп Wау UNlт 8 Пfl
8 4 For еaсh of thе sеntеnсеs bеlow, writе a nеw sеntеnсе as simi]ar as possiblе in
mеaning to thе original sеntеnсе, but using thе word givеn. This word must
not tlе altеrеd in any way.
Ехаtпple: A lot of pеoрlе attеndеd thе mееting.
Aпswеr: Thеrе wаs а vеry good turпottt for thе mееtiпg,

1 Thе рrofеssor wants to show that hе is still in touсh With his сollеaguеs.

2 Мanufасturеrs may аdvеrtisе to inform us about thеir produсts.


3 A4auriсе was сomplеtеlv unawarе that thе data was unrеliablе.


4 Aftеr disсovеring thе thе{t. thе only option opеn to uS was сalling thе рoliсе.

5 Thе рroblеm has bееn сausеd by sloрpinеss in rеsеarсh proсеdurеs.


6 How likеly is anyonе to find out what wе havе donе?


7 That old suеdе сoat no longеr 1ooks as good as it onсе did.


Тom was not told about thе natuIе of thе work thе dеpartmеnt Was еngagеd in.

Еlliе was forсеd to aссерt a lowеr position in thе сompany.


l0 Phil said to us, ,Plеasе don't tеll anyonе about my plans to go to Nеw orlеans..

ЮE UNlт 8 Go уour owп Wау

ж 5 Finish еaсh o{ thе following SеntеnсеS in suсh a waу that it is as similar as

possibiе in n.rеaning to thе sеntеnсе printеd bеforе it.

Ехаmplе: Immеdiatеly aftеr his dеparturе things improvеd.

Answеr: No soonеr hаd hе dеpаrtеd thаll thiпgs improvеd.

Thе dеntist said Sandra nееdеd to havе two fillings.

Thе dеntist said it

Simon answеrеd thе poliсе offiсеr,s quеstions as aссuratеly as hе сould

Simon gavе

Tim сan,t go to thе shopping сеntrе without mееting o1d friеnds from sсhoоl.

['m not angry with you at all Mil1y, l aсtually find thе situation quitе аmusrng.


It саmе aS a glеat surprisе to Bеryl to find hеr boss was falsifying his data.

Thе sсiеntist nеvеr aсttrally сlaimеd that his disсovеry was a brеakthrough'
At nO

Dianе th1nks that inсrеasеd usе of сomрutеrs is to blamе for falling administrativе
D1anе puts

Joan,s сomplaints about hеr boss wеrе ignorеd.

Nobody took

9 Tеrry is almost сomр1еtе1y ignorant whеn it сolТlеs to astlonomy.

Tеrry knows nеx1

10 Vеry fеw pеoplе сan с1aim to havе sееn a UFo.



Af,оsg to thе Griпdstoпr

?.эyl:. *.тз*
Tаlking аbout photogrаphs
1 Look at thе four piсturеs of pеoplе
working and for еaсh onе talk
. thе skills rеquirеd for thе job
thе finаnсial rеwards
o thе job sаtisfaсtion
o thе advаntagеs and disadvantagеs

How important arе thе fоllowing

[асtors whеn сhoosinp а с.эrееra

monеy iob sесu гity

сonvеniеnсе сhallеngе
pгospесts soсiаl aspесts
variеty Status
opportunitiеs for travеl, trаining,
сrеativity, еtс.
UNlт 9 Nosе to thе Griпdstoпе

Pаrt Тwo
TаIkiпg аbout сl ptlssаgе
x 1 Rеad thеsе four рassagеs. Pаssаgе 7

l Now disсttss еaсh onе with

your рartnеr. Talk about:
Thе post of
. whеrе you might Гind
. its purposе
opеrations Еngineеr
. thе stylе and rеgistеr has bееn сrеatеd following thе
. thе intеndеd audiеnсе rеstruсturing of thе dеpartrnеnt.
о )zoЦI rеaсtion to it
The post requires eхсellent rnanagement
2 Look at passagеS 1 and 3.
ability сoupled with a high lеvel of sсientifiс
Thеy arе both job advеrtisе.
mеnts whiсh wеrе plaсеd in сornpetenсе.
а sсiеntifiс mаgаzinе by
Appliсants must havе a minimum of four yеar's
largе сomрaniеs. Сomparе
еxpеriеnсе as a B gradе сliniсal sсiеntist and havе a solid
and сontrast thеm in tеrms
baсkground in еlесtroniс еnginееring, togеthеr with
substаntial expеriеnсе of еquipmеnt managеment and
. thе stylе of writing dеvеlоpmеnt.
. thе usе of languagе
. thеir еffесt on thе rеаdеr Appliсants must havе a first dеgrее in a rеlеvant
sсiеntifiс subjесt and prеfеrably a higher dеgrее or
managеmеnt qualifiсation.
Еssеntial pеrsоnal qualitiеs arе sеlf-motivation,
сommitmеnt to wоrking aS paft of a tеam and thе ability
to сommuniсatе wеll with othеr staff at all lеvеls.

Pаssаge 2

Even as We Writе We're Up to our ears in

ffi# fuж#
RAMS and ROMS and bits and bytes. The
-ee-ryryжж# system Wi|| .$o |ivе' in Iate Summer/ear|y
Autumn and a few tееthing troub|еs arе
a|ways a possilOiIity. So, plеasе bеar with us
our сontinuing and don't hеsitate to сa|| if you еXpеrienсе
growth (thank you!) any problems. As the saying goes, 'To err is
human, but to rеa||y fouI things Up requires
means we've at
a сomputer'. HopеfuIIy, we wi|| fair|y quiсk|y
last had to bow to
loe aloIе to Start providing you with thе
the inevitable and improvеd levе| of serviсe whiсh is thе who|e
install a computer point of putting in the computer in the first
system. pIaсe!

Nose to thе Griпdstoпe UNIT 9 Ж

Pаssаge 3 Pаssаgе 4

Аs a formuIation сhemist, you,lI bе

right at thе heart of the things wе Pеoplе often tеll шs ууе're the
do here, working with equally ablе
friendliеst, most helpful phonе
peoplе from many diffеrеnt peoplе in thе bшsinеss. And
disсiplines and with thе |atеst Iab
without meаning to sound
еquipment at yоur disposa|.
boаstfшl, wе think it's trшe.
You wiIl apply сhеmistry to thе
dеsign and prеparation of samp|еs
our opеrators aте trainеd tо knorv our
and usе a rangе of tесhniques to
prоduсts insidе out; thеy havе dеtailеd
ana|уzе thеm. It,s work that wiII usе
and build on thе know|edgе you spесs of еvеrything wе sеll at thеir

gainеd in your dеgrее сourse and it fingеrtips and сan givе yоu thе сomplеtе
wiII tеst and develop your abiIity to run dor,vn on all our sеrviсеs. And rеst
work with pеop|е and tо respоnd to assurеd, Wе'rl happy for thеm to spеnd as
thеiг great idеas as wеll as muсh timе with you aS nесеssary to
devеloping your own. answеr any quеstions уou might havе and
Fina|ly, if you prefer aсres of hеlp makе your shopping еxpеriеnсе a
8rееn instеаd of tonnеs of сonсrеtе, rеal plеasurе.
yоu,lI fее| tоtaIIy at home working
with us in Berkshirе.

Pleasе appIy in writing with a full CV

and соvering letter.

Рауt Тhree
Disсussiпg а tctsk

l What makеs a good еmployее? Makе a list of thе pеrsonal quаlitiеs yсlu
would look for if you wеrе еmploуing somеonе.

2 What is thе bеst Way to rесrtrit staff? Ta]k about thе advantagеs and
disаdvantagеs of еaсh of thе following aS a Way of sеlесting pеoрlе:
. apрliсation form
. rеfеrеnсеs
. intеrviеw
. trial реriod
. pеrsonality tеst
. pеrsona1 rесommеndation

UNlт 9 Nose to thе Griпdstotlе

ajgg *F gж&txsрз з
- СIoze pаSsсlgе
Ж x Fill еaсh of thе numbеrеd Sрaсеs in thе passagе with one suitablе word. Тhе
first onе has bееn donе for you aS an ехаmрlе.

Wheп Саruso tlоеt Puсciпi

Тhе story of how Еnriсo Сarusсl. thе grеаt tlреrаtiс tеnоr first mеt сOmposеr
Giaсomo Puссini (o) соutd еasily havе сomе from a Hollywood musiсal,
(1) from opеra itsеlf.

Imаginе (2) A yor-rng пran аnd woшran arе in lovе. Shе is to

star in а show; hе wishеs tо play oppositе hеr. (3) hе is unknown.
Shе сhallеngеs (4) to аudition bеfоrе thе сomposеr himsеlf; hе
aссеl]ts, оvеrridеs all obstaсlеs of protoсol, and реrforms with (5)
stunning artistry and stylе that thе (6) is instaпtly his.
Unfortunatеly, our lovег did not quitе (7) раrt. Hе was short and
tubby. with an r-rndistinguishеd moustасhе and an undеsirablе ассеnt. It was
thе сomposеr (8) was handsomе and dеbonair.
What our lovеr (9) havе, howеVеr, was thе optimism of youth. With
all thе еngaging audaсity (r0) a film hеro, Еnriсo Сaruso, wаnting
vеry (l1) to sing Rudolfo iп Lа Воhеll,tе, (|2) unannounсеd
onе day in Junе |897, at thе Tusсan homе of Giaсoшo Pttссit-ti.

- protеst. Puссini, а widе brimmеd hat on his

Hе was admittеd (13)
hеad, ushеrеd him (14) a studio madе stifling (r5)
roаring firе. Pеrspiring (16) hеat and nеrVOuSnеSs, Сaruso askеd to
sing from thе oреra. Puссini obligingiy sat down (l7) thе piano. It
- in
(18) _- only a fеw bars for thе сomрosеr to rеalizе (19)-a_*-
tonе and d.amatiс intеnsity hеrе was thе pеrfесt, thе ultimatе, Rudolfo' With
,Who hаs
thе final nоtе, Puссini spun (20) in gеnuinе --
Sеnt yot.l to mе, hе askеd,

Ж a Find words in thе -

passagе that mеan:
a offiсia] or aссерtеd рroсеdurе
b bеst еvеr
с ехtгеmеly imprеssivе
d rathеr ovеrwеight
е tlialpеrformanсе by an appiiсant for а job in thе реIfolming arts
f wеll mannеrеd
g daring
h hot and airlеss
i swеating

NoSе to thе Griпdstoпe UNIT, fJ
WRlтlNG 1
Formаl lеtters 7
f 1 Imaginе you havе to intеrviеw somеonе for еaсh of thе jobs advеrtisеd bеlow.
With your partnеr draw uр a list of quеstions you would Wаnt to ask еaсh
pеrson aрplying for еaсh of thе iobs.

arе looking for a rеiiab'. o.,,o.'
j}?il .W.е
apply. (];. ?*l;у.;:i"""::::*11ч1 with good rеfеrеnсеs nееd
provi dе сiеan,.;;;;;;9",'.iifl
:.,.,. чairs ;;:"nilj:3#ft
Сompеtitivе salary. -W.е arе
Ь.*d i,, ro.аo'"й *o.,id .Т;,":#
сontraсt to thе right pеrson; offеr a 4-month
rеnеwaЬlе Ьy;;;;;l*.o,,..'t.
writing' giving full pеrsonai
Ё**;l';Тo,'" dеtails and еnсlosing a
hfr E Mrs SIoаnе, PО, Boх
25I, Loпdon W.L

Are yorr: patient flexiЫe? and fun?
reliableз s""а in a сrisis?
(11) andJasй (13) ovеr thе summеr
to spеnd timе wrth Paul (8), s,*,,iiйa -Wе
iikе pеaсе
сomputеrs, anjmals and mountaintbikеs.
holidaуs. Thеy likе
.l''е off. Rura1 loсation. If you
and quiеt. Fuli Рч;{й;;a^e]";Ъ-.

l2 Imaginе that you arе intеrеstеd in aрplying for onе of thеsе two jobs.
Writе a lеttеr to thе еmрloyеr in whiсh you:
. introduсе yoursеlf
. say why you think you would bе suitablе
. ask for morе information about thе iob
You may writе about your rеаl sеlf оr invеnt thе information you prеfеr.

r 3 Bеforе you writе anything, talk to your рartnеr and makе notеs. Think about:
. thе information you should inсludе (е.g. family bасkground, еduсation.
еxpеriеnсе, hobbiеs, pеrsonality, еtс.)
thе ordеr in whiсh things arе prеsеntеd
thе layout and organization of thе lеttеr
thе appropriatе stylе for thе lеttеr

l4 Usе your notеs to plаn your lеttеr. Thеn writе


П UNIт 9 -\ose ro tllе Griпdstotlе

Multiple choicе a bettеr mother. Yоu nеed adult сompany
жз Disсuss thеsе points with your partnеr. somеtimes, they said, and inte]lесtual stimulation'
l What arе thе advantagеs and Сhildren aтe lovely, but lоvеlier still if you havе the
1:. -1..-.-,- .^; o[:
t)duvdrrtdЕ'с: odd break fгoпr them. They,ll always lovе you
moге, beсause you are thеir mothеr - thinking
. working mothеrs othеrwisе is simply рaranoia. And you nееd to earn
. nаnniеs youг own money to kеep youт sеlf resprсt. What do
o nursеry sсhools you want to bе _ a housеwifе? Putl the оthеr onе.

ж? Rеad thе artiсlе about nanniеs.

]udgе not, lest you be judgеd. The firsi гule of
paтеnting is not to сast aspеrsions on thе way other
рeople bring up thеir сhildren. But with thе bеst
will in the world it is hard to watсh Quоlity Time,
a doсumentary about working rnothеrs, nanniеs
and сhildrеn to be sсгееnеd on BBC2 next wееk,
without gеtting angly. It isn,t that all thrеe womеn
_ ]anis' who works in publiс relations, Сarolinе, a
beauty PR, and Dominique, a сlothing еxeсutivе _
еmploy nannies. Nannies' afteт all, aгe a faсt of life
for many working Womеn.
What is so shoсking. in a pгogramme that и.i11
suгеly go down aS onе of the gгeat TV stitсh-ups. is
the womеn's aрparent disrеgard for their сhildrеn,s
ernotional wеll-Ьеing. one gets thе impression that
nоt onе of thеm knows her сhild, oI evrn Wants to.
.I,m not used to сhildгеn,,
dеadpans onе of thе
mоthеrs. .Afteт all, I,vе only had thеm fоr fil-е
yrals., And if that iittle admissiоn doesn't makе
your jaw drop, I don't know what will.
FoR WORKlNG WoMEN, entгusting Dominique has two nanniеs on duty 24 hours a dar-.
сhildrеn to a strangеr is often a nесеssity. But, one fоr еaсh littiе daughter. And a wеekend nannl
thе subjесt of nannies, like hunting, is too, оf сoulsr. And a hoiiday nanny. Aссording t-
guaгantееd tо turn thе most mild-mannеred onr nanny' Doшinique has never - not onсe - gс.
prrson into a гanting omnisсient fiend. uр in the night to сomfort her сrying сhild. You gе.
When I fiгst hirеd a nanny' thrее years ago, the рiсI'uге? Heг dаughlегs do: lhеy sее 1he..
half my fтiеnds wеrе appalled. What is thе mothеr so little thai thеy take hеr photogтaрh -.
bed with them tо talk to.
рoint of having сhildrеn, they said, if уou,re
not prepared to loоk after thеm? Thеy сitеd HеartЬroken sobbing pегmeatеs thе progгarnmе. ::
Sigmund Fгeud,s widely aссеpted thеoгy a]most al1 of the сhildrеn featuгеd lеarn that thе
about the first fivе years of lifе bеing the оnes bеlovеd nanny - thе onе who piays, kiss+.
that detеrminе behaviоuт throughout lifе. соmforts, gеts up in thе night - has gone away fо-
Was I rеally willing to lеavе this most long .holidaу,. Again. .So faг wе've had siхtе-
onеIous of tasks to a stгangег? Was I prepaгеd nannies,' saуs Сaгoline's five yеar old daugh..,
for thе hidеous evеntuality of having my son Aсtually it has only bееn six, but out of thе mоrr-: .
lovе his nanny more thaц he did me? of Ьabеs...
Thе other half, old nanny hands themsеlvеs, What's So grotеsquеly сompelling aЬout.-.
whoopеd for joy. I had seеn thе light, thеy doсumеntary is thе сasual, systematiс waу tha- .
said. I wou]d now bе fuifilled by -y work as thrее сhildrеn _ outwardly privilеgеd - 1]
weli as bv mv сhild. and would as a геsult be emotionally bludgеonеd befоге our eyеs. Т...

* ;t*.=7., -,*{
Nosе to the Grindstoпe UNIT s М
ж3 Now answеr thе qllеstions l_6. Сhoosе thе
еvidеntly have оnly a minimal attaсhmеnt to answеr A, B. с or D whiсh you think fits
their absеntеe mothеrs: that privilegе is bеst.
rеsеrved for their nanniеs. And thе nanniеs 1 Whеn thе writеr first еmployеd а nаnny
keep disappеaring. No one explains why, so
thе bewildеrеd сhildrеn just сry, harder еaсh A most of hеr friеnds disaрprovеd.
time, as any sеnsr of sесuгity thеy might оnсe B somе of hеr friеnds dеsеrtеd hеr.
have еnjoyеd bесomes еvеr шIoIe еrodеd. с nonе of hеr friеnds wеrе surрrisеd.
D all of hеr friеnds rеaсtеd stronslv.
That this will геsult in еmotionally damagеd
сhildrеn would bе blindingly obviоus tо an 2 Iл thе writеr,s opinion, palеnts should not
amoеЬa - but not, apparеntly, to this triо of
rnothеrs in thеiт рoWeI suits. But what if this
A сritiсisе thе lifеstylе of othеr familiеs.
stylе of рarеnting isn't bad, just honest? B еntrust our сhildrеn tO Strangеrs.
Shоuld wе admirе Сarolinе for admitting shе's
с takе thе programmе too sеriously.
.not vетy goоd with
сhildrеn' dеspite having
D gеt angry at thе thrее womеn.
two of her own? .I was gеtting on,, she saуs in
What doеs thе writеr fееl most stlongly
thе film, .I thought I might as wеll have them,.
about with rеgard to thе TV рrogrammе?
When I spеak to hеr latеr she says, .I had thеrn
veгv late. I'm a сarееr womanl' A Thе TV СOmрany,s attitudе to thе Womеn.
B Thе womеn,s attitudе to thеir сhildrеn.
It is, сonсеivably, bгave tо idеniify your wеak
с Thе lеvеl of rеsponsibility givеn to nanniеs.
sрot _ сhildrеn _ and let others take сarе of it,
D Thе intrusion of thе programmе into privatе
whilе you сoncrntrate on what you arе good affairs.
l--. at: work. of hеr wеak spot, Caroline says, .I
know I wouldn,t be muсh fun with thеm all
What сausеs most problеms for thе сhildrеn
day eveгy day. l'm not motherly in that way.'
sееn in thе film?
]anis mеanwhilе, sееs nothing amiss in hеr
two-year оld daughtеr having had six nannies, A inсonsistеnt disсip1inе
inсluding a matеrnity nulsr. 'Beсausе she has B turnovеI of staff
beеn lookеd after Ьy so rпany pеoрlе, she is с laсk of affесtion
veгy independent,, says .on hеr first daу D poorly trainеd nanniеs
at sсhool, she just breеzеd in,. Carolinr aglees.
.Thе girls aге amazinglу unfazеd by thе Hоw do thе сhildrеn,s mothеrs fееl about thе
suссession of nanniеs' They knоw Wr aIе situation?
сoming hоmе at thе еnd of the day.' A Thеy try to justify thеir dесisions.
I suggеst that it must bе niсe for thе girls to B Тhеy rе[usе to асссрt аny сritiсisms.
krrow that theiг motheг will bе thеге to give с Thеy arе awarе of thе рroblеms.
thеm bтеakfast and put thеm to bed. .Aсtually, D Thеy b1amе thеir staff for any diffiсultiеs.
thе nanny givеs them brеakfast - I,m busy
gеtting ready,' is thе геply. ,Sometirтrеs I don,t How сan wе bеst summаrizе thе writеr,s
sее thеm at all in thе mornings. It doеsn't gеnеral аttitudе towards working mothеrs?
bothеr me oI the siгls,. A fairly сritiсai
Sinсe I havе givеn thе threе Woшen fеatured
B rathеr sсеptiсal
in Qualitу Time a haтd timе, perhaps I should с rеlativеly undе1standing
givе thеm a сhanсе to do it to mе. I paсkеd my
D largеlу unimprеssеd
jоb in _ and thе €50,000 a year that went with
it _ to beсomе a housеwife. Beсausе i bеlievе
that little сhildrеn neеd thеir mothеrs. And
thе bеst nanny in the world is no substitutе for
thе worst mоther. Basiсally, I think that if you
havе сhildгеn you shouid look aftеr them.

UNlт 9 Nosе to thе Griпdstoпe

8& Find thеsе еxprеssions in thе artiсlе. In your own words, еxplain what thе
writеr mеans by еaсh of thеm. (paragraph numbеrs in braсkеts)
I old nanny hands (3)
2 pull thе othеr onе (3)
3 to сast asреrsions (4)
4 thе bеst will in thе world (4)
5 makе your jaw droр (5)
6 you gеt thе рiсturе (6)
7 outwardly privilеgеd (8)
8 gеtting on (9)
9 sееs nothing amiss (l0)
l0 brееzеd in (l0)
ll unfazеd (l0)
|2 paсkеd in (12)

5 Disсuss thеsе quеstions with your partnеr.

' о Do you havе any Symрathy with thе womеn in thе programmе?
o In what way might thе prоgrammе havе bееn unfair?
о What stylе of Writing has thе writеr adoptеd? Why?
о Whеrе would you ехресt to find this artiсlе?
о What typе of pеrson would rеad it?
o Would thеy agrее with it?

WR|тIN€ 2
ForrnаI lеtters 2
l Writе onе of thе following lеttеrs to thе jоurnalist.
a A lеttеr from onе of thе mothеrs dеfеnding yoursеlf and сomplaining
about how thе programmе was madе.
b A lеttеr from a working mothеr or a nanny pointing out that not all
сhildrеn with workinя mothеIs suffеr in thе ways dеsсribеd in thе artiсlе.
с A lеttеr from somеbody who agrееS with thе points madе in thе artiсlе,
quoting pеrsonаl еxpеriеnсе.

Disсussing proverbs
l Look at thеsе two рrovеrbs whiсh thе writеr quotеs in thе artiсlе.
judgе пot lеst уou bе judgеd
out of thе mouths of bаbеs .'.
Whv did thе writеr сhoosе to uSе thеsе еxprеssions?

2 Look at thеsе рrovеrbs and sayings and disсuss thе ехtеnt to whiсh thеy
rеflесt truths about thе soсiеty in whiсh wе livе. Do thеy havе еquivalеnts in
your languagе?
a onе man,s mеat is anothеr man,s рoison
b likе fathеr likе son
с сlоthеs makеth thе man
d рridе сomеs bеforе a fall
е many a truе wоrd is said in jеst
f pеoplе who livе in glass housеs shouldn,t throw stonеs

Nosе to thе Grindstot.te UN|T 9 жd
UsЕ oF ЕNGLlsF| 2
Nouns foппed frorn phrаsаl уеrbs
l Look at this phrаsе from thе artiсlе.
Thе progrаmmе will surеlу go dowп аs oпе of thе grеаt W stitсh-ups'

2 What is a stitсh-up?
This сompound noun is formеd from thе phrasal vеrb /o stitсh (solпеоnе) up
Notiсе that this noun is hyphеnatеd. othеr nouns of this typе arе singlе
words е.g. fееdbасk, although thе ordеr o{ thе words may сhangе, е.g' аtl
outbrеаk of flu.

32 Сomрiеtе еaсh sеntеnсе with a noun formеd from a phrasal vеrb. Usе thе
vеrb in braсkеts.
l Poliсе arе on thе lor a man with dark hair and a qIеV moustaсhе.
2 John apologizеd for his aлgrУ during thе disсussion. 1burst,1
3 N4r Smith was dеlаyеd as hе had a on thе motolway. (brеak)
4 Sally is rеsрonsiblе for сlеaning, rеpairs and thе gеnеral of thе
building. (kеер)
5 Thе mееting finishеd without сoming to а sаtisfасtoгУ (сomе)
6 Sсiеntists havе announсеd a in thеir sеarсh for a сurе for thе
disеasе. (brеak)
7 Thе сompany has rеportеd an -. yеar. (turn)
in its profits this
8 I am not working this еvеning, but I сan,t go out bесausе I am on

f3 Phrasal vеrbs сan also bе usеd to form adjесtivеs. Look at thе еxamplе.
Thе brеаkdown truсk movеd slowly bесausе it was towing a dаmagеd сar.

s4 Сomplеtе еaсh of thеsе sеntеnсеs with an adjесtivе formеd from a phrasal

vеrb. Usе thе vеrb in braсkеts.
l Louisе lоokеd in thе mirror, sighеd, and rеaсhеd for hеr bag.
2 Мarу сouldn,t bе bothеrеd to сook. so shе bought a pizza on hеr
way homе. (takе)
3 Jim found thе intеrviеwеr,s abrupt mannеr vеIy /nr t\ r

4 Dawn is an tеnnis playеr who has won mаny сhаmpionshiрs.

lylr Тhomas, flying to A4iami, is askеd to rеturn to thе dеsk
whеrе his boarding сard is rеady for сollесtion. (сhесk)
Thе family businеss was thе subjесt of a bid by alargе
multi-nаtionai сompany. (takе)

ж UNlт 9 Nosе to thе Griпdstoпе

.*] La5тgr**gi** З
Iwultiplе сhoiсe
ж€ What do you think arе thе advantagеs of a small fаmily-run businеss:
о for thе сonsumеr/сliеnts?
o for thе ownеr?
о for thе еmрIoуееs?

жx Yоu will hеar part of а radio pr()grammе аbotrt a

small businеss involvеd in tеa-blеnding. For
quеstions l-5, сhoosе thе altеrnаtivе A, B, С or
D whiсh fits bеst ассtlrding tO whаt you hеar'

Мr Milеs bеliеvеs that his tеas arе рopr-rlar

A thеy aIе similar to thosе tlf largеr сompaniеs.
B holidaymakеrs buy thеm as sоttvеnirs.
с his сompany is ablе to maintain high qrrality.
D his tеas arе tуpiсаl of that раrt of thе сountry.

2 Whаt is Мr Мilеs, oрiniоrr оf tеabags?

A Hе would prеfеr not to sе]l thеrrr.
B Thе tеa in thеm is of infеrior qr-rality.
с Мost of his сustomеrs prеfеr loosе tеa.
D Thеy arе nоt раrtiсularly сonvеniеnt.

As Мr Milеs, businеss has grown, what has

rеmainеd thе samе?
A thе numbеr of pеoplе hе works with
B thе amount of timе hе spеnds at work
с thе d.еviсе hе usеs for rnеаsuring thе tеa
D thе tyреs of tеa whiсh hе produсеs

Whаt doеs Мr Мilеs do to еnsurе thе с1uality of

his tеa?
* ::-
A Hе ехреrimеnts with diffеrеnt tyреs of tеa.
B Hе spеnds most of his timе tasting tеa.
с Hе adjusts thе quantitiеs of diffеrеnt tеas Llsеd
in a blеnd.
D Hе usеs information рassеd on by his

5 What is Мr N{ilеs, viеw of thе tеa industry?

A Hе,d lil<с 1tl еsсаре lгrlm it.
B It,s in nееd of somе nеw idеas.
с It is rathеr old-fashionеd.
D Family tiеs arе ovеrstrеssеd.

ж3 Listеn again and makе a notе Of thе wоrds and phrasеs that tеll us:
. two WayS tеas аrе sold
. how quality is maintainсd
. Мr A4ilеs, attitudе to his wоrk
Nosе to thе Grindstoпe UNIT 9 Ж&!lжl
ж "! Bеforе you rеad thе artiсlе disсt-tss thеsе quеstions witn your partnеI.
l Would you prеfеr to work for yoursеlf or a сompany?
2 Iп сhoosing a сOmpany to work for, whiсh of thе following faсtors would bе
imюortant to сonsidеr?
Boх l
sizе of сompany quality of staff rеputation of сompany
managеmеnt struсturе quality оf produсt dесision-making prосеss
attitudе towards staff loсation businеss mеthods
rесruitmеnl ргoсеss pеrks

Look at thе words in Box 2. What doеs еасh сr[ thеm mеаn in thе сontехt oI
an еmрloyее in a largе сompany?
rеdundanсy сost-Сutting downsizing еffiсiеnсy loyalty
bottom linе сompеtitivе workload nтnfitahil itтz

Ж Х Look at this hеadlinе. What situation do yсltt think thе artiсlе is going tо
Rеad thе artiс]е and answеr thе quеstions whiсh follow it.


Dоwnsizing hаS tшrned workеrs intо couldn,t-cаrе-less cуnics. Evеn the
compаniеS аrе у) orried.
Dоwnsizing bесamе onе of thе kеy businеss сonсеpts of thе 1990s. For somе it rеpresеntеd
all that was good, еffiсiеnt and forward_looking, but for othеrs it signallеd thе еnd оf all thеy
had workеd for. Downsizing is dеfinеd as thе pursuit оf сost-сutting аs a mеans оf
survival or a route to grеatеr profitability,. Put simply, a сompany сould makе morе monеy
if thе samе amount of work сould bе donе by fеwеr peoplе. And, of сoursе' in a сompеtitivе
еnvironmеnt' onсе onе сompany suссеedеd in doing it, thеy all had to jump оn thе
bandwagon or go undег. What it mеant for many lоyal, еnthusiastiс еmployееs, along with a
10 fеw dud onеS, Was that thеy wеrе suddenly, inеxpliсably, madе redundant.
Еxponеnts of downsizing, howеvеr, failеd to prеdiсt thе еffесts of thе proсеss on both thе
attitudе of thе staff who hеld on to thеir jobs and on thе attitudes of thе workforсе in gеnеral.
Thе thеory had bееn that thе survivors of downsizing, fеarful fоr thеir own jobs, would kееp
thеir hеads do'uvn, work hardеr and сling еnthusiastiсally to thе wreсkagе. If thеir еnduranсе
failеd, thеrе would always bе plеnty of othеrs only tоo rеady to takе thеir рlaсе. Aftеr all, thе
thеory Wrnt, any prospесtivе еmployеe, having prеviously bееn saсkеd, would havе lеarnt a
keеn rеspесt for a full-timе jоb.

171 wжElA
|+ UNlт 9 Nosе to thе Griпdstoпe

But things havе nоt workеd out quitе as Company rеstruсturing has thrown this
antiсipatеd. Unеxpесtеd outсomеs of thе dеliсatе balanсе intо jеopardy. As a rеsult of
сutbaсks in whitе-сollar jobs havе bееn еndlеss сost-сutting сhangеs, US сompaniеs
outlinеd in a rесеnt boоk, Thе Loуаltу now lоsе half thеir сustоmеrs in fivе yеars'
Еffiсt by Frеdеriсk Rеiсhhеld. Thе viсtims half thеir еmployееs in four, and half thеir
of thеsе layoffs, hе аrguеs, сan havе a tough invеstors in lеss than onе yеar. Thе piсturе is
timе rеgaining thеir balanсе. Thеy also сarry not that diffеrеnt in Еuropе: Loyalty is
an important lеsson: nеvеr' еvеr to givе that zo bесoming a big problеm, partiсularly among
kind of blind dеdiсation and loyalty to a youngеr rесruits. Rеsеarсh has found that
сompany again. Survivors havе a tough time only З,7Чo of young workеrs dеsсribе
too. Thеy havе to сopе not only with thеir thеmselvеs as loyal. This has сonsеquenсеs
natural anxiеty about futurе rounds of сuts' for thе businеss itsеlf. Whеrе thеre is a
thеу also havе tо takе on thе addеd massivе turnover of pеrsonnеl, thе staff
workload of thosе who wеrе laid оff. And dealing with salеs often do not know еithеr
for this inсrеasеd workload, thеy sеe littlе in the produсt or thе сustomеr. Papеrwork is
thе way of inсгеasеd сompеnsalion. oftеn donе in a sloppy way bесausе
еmployеes thinking thеy have no long-tеrm
Rеsеarсh has found a great dеal of angеr во futurе in thе сompany, havе no investmеnt
among staff who survivеd thе uphеavals of in gеtting it right. Еvеn morе sеrious, jоb
thе сost-сutting measures. Thеy fеlt tеnsion insесurity aссompaniеd by low wagеs and
bеtwееn, оn thе one hand, thе dеsirе to hold brokеn loyaltiеs mеans that somе еmployееs
onto thеir prесious pеrmanеnt jоbs as dесidе to gеt thе most out of thе сompany
expеriеnсеd inсumbеnts, and on thе othеr, whilе thеy arе thеrе. This lеads to company
thе feеling that they shоuld bе gеtting out' sесrеts bеing sold to thе highеst biddеr. Thе
making сontaсts and aсquiring skills that traditional сontrols whiсh сompaniеs put in
might bе usеful in thе future; just in сasе to Stop this' and problеms suсh as fraud, arе
thеy should be nеxt on thе list. Thеy wеrе basеd on a mutual trust that may no longеr
thе mоst fearful sесtol of all and somеwhat so bе thеrе.
aggriеvеd that valuеs of loyalty and
еmployеr-rеlatеd skills Wеrr bеino Many сompaniеs havе bееn slow to
disсountеd against thе bottom-linе. rесognizе thе сonsеqi'rеnсrs of thеir own
short-tеrтnist сost сutting. Somе havе bеgun
Тhis viеw that loyalty is a thing оf thе past is to movе baсk towards thе notion of fоr
gaining ground. Morе and morе, thе life' in an attеmpt to improvе staff moralе
сonvеntional wisdom is that еmployеes and thеnсе thе quality of sеrviсе to
must takе full rеsponsibility for thеir own сustomrrs. In othеrs, managеrs arе taking
сarеrrs and that thе kеy tо suссеss is timе to ехplain to еmployееs how thеy соuld
watсhing out for numbеr onе. havе a сarеrr with thе сompany, whilst
loo supеrvisоrs do simplе things to build a tеam
The big dоwnsidе оf this nеW attitudе is now spirit, likе gоing out for a drink with their
bеing fеlt by сompaniеs. All smart firms staff. This sееms likе littlе morе than
realizе that hеalthy profits dеpеnd upоn сommon Sensе' and it is pеrhaps a сomment
loyal сustomers. And thе bеst way to kееp on how bad things havе bесomе that еvеn
them happy is through loyal еmployееs who thеsе basiс mеasurrs arе now bеing
trеat thеm wеll, who arr a namе and a voiсе еxplainеd to сompaniеs by highly-paid
in an othеrwisе faсеlеss burеauсraсy and сonsultants.
who сan-build a long-tеrm rеlationship with

Nosе to thе Griпdstoпe UNIT 9 Е
1 What wеrе thе two main rеasons why сomраniеS Wеnt in for downsizins irl
thе I990s?
2 Whiсh idiomatiс phrаsе in paragraрh onе mеans to do what еvеrybody еlsе is
doi ng?

3 What. aссording to thе writеr, Was thе altеrnativе to downsizing for manv

4 In your own words еxрlain why mаny еmpioyееs found it ,inеxpliсablе, that
thеy wеrе madе rеdundant.
5 What two faсtors did сomрaniеs bеliеvе would motivatе thеir еmp]ovееs aftеr
downsizing had takеn рlaсе?
6 What arе thе two mаin еffесts of downsizing on thosе еmployееs whо
,survivе. it?

7 What synonyms of rеdundanсy аrе usеd in рaragraph thrее?

8 Whiсh word in fсlur mеans ,disruрtivе сhangеs,?
9 Whiсh рhrasе in paragraрh fivе is usеd to mеan ,bесoming morе aссеptеd,?
l0 Сomparе thе mеaning оf thе word ,kеy, as usеd in ]inе 52, with thе mсаninc
of thе sаmе word as usеd in thе first linе of thе artiсlе.

ll In your own words, еxplain thе mеaning of thе phrasе ,watсhing out for
numbеr onе,.
L2 Whiсh word in paragraрh siх is usеd to mеan ,drawbасk, or ,disadvantagе,?
13 What doеs thе writеr mеan by thе phrasе ,faсеlеss burеauсrасy,? (linе 60)
14 Whаt idiomatiс phrasе in paragrаph sеvеn mеans ,рut at risk,?
15 Whiсh phrasе from paragraph sеvеn is usеd to dеsсribе thе рhеnomеnon of
workеrs joining and lеaving сompaniеs rеgularly?
L6 Whiсh word in рaragraph sеVеn mеans ,сarеlеss,?
1'7 Who do you think is ,thе highеst biddеr, in linе 86?

18 Whiсh сrimе is mеntionеd in рaragraph sеvеn?

]'9 In your own words, ехplain thе tеrm ,staff moralе,. (linе 95)
20 In your own words, еxplain thе tеrm,tеam spirit,. (iinеs 100_l0l)

2| In a рaragraрh of 70-90 words, summarizе thе nеgativе сonsеquеnсеs of

downsizing that аrе dеsсribеd in thе artiсlе.
UNlт 9 Nosе to thе Griпdstoпе

&ж&&l'3ъll'jex з
Rеferепсe skills
ж з Look at thеsе words of rеfеrеnсе usеd in thе artiсlе. For еaсh onе. mark thе
passagе to show what is bеing rеfеrrеd to. Thе first оnе has bееn donе for
you aS an еxamplе.
a it (linе 8) o
D it (linе 81)
b thеir рlaсе (iinе 15) h this (linе 85)
с thеy (linе 24) i this (linе 88)
d thеy (linе 32) j othеrs (linе 97)
е thеm (linе 59) k this (linе l02)
f this (linе 73)

s defined as the .еnergetiс pursuit of сost-сUtting as

a means oт sur route to greater profitability'. Put simply,
a сompany сou|d make more if the same amount of work
сouId be done by fewer peop|e. And, of n a сompetitivе
environment, onсe one сompany suсCeeded in doing all
had to jump on the bandwagon or go under.

.;nl ,a Who arе thе ,somе, аnd ,othеrs, rеfеrrеd to in thе first рaragraph? Why has
thе writеr usеd thеsе Dronouns?

,othеrs, rеfеrrеd to in thе final paragraph? Why hаs

*se .rli Who arе thе ,somе, and
thе writеr usеd thеsе pronouns on this oссаsion?

W'* What is thе funсtion of thеsе phrаsеs in tеrms of what сomеs bеfоrе and
aftеr thеm?
a put simрly (linе 6)
b аftеr all (linе 15)
с just in сasе (42)
d morе and morе (linе 49)
е еVеn morе sеrious (linе 8l)

i1'i*1э,iж& з
Disсursiуe writiпg
Ж З With your partnеr:
о disсuss one оf thе following сomposition titlеs;
о makе notеs of thе points you еaсh raisе;
. uSе your notеS to plan a сomposition.

ee' а Now writе your сoПlрosition. Writе no morе than 300 words.
What should сompaniеs do to makе surе that. whilst rеmaining
сomреtitivе, thеy rеtain thе loyalty of thеir еmployееs?
What adviсе wou1d уou givе a young pеrson just about to Start a сarееr in
a largе multinational сompany whiсh is known to havе a lаrgе turnovеr of

Listепing for spe сifiс iпfoппоttiotо
Hаvе you еvеr plаyеd Мonopolу?
Tеll your partnеr what you know
about thе gamе. Тalk about;
о thе idса bеhind lhе gаmе
o how уou play
о what skills you nееd to win
о why it is so popular
. t>"
q. Ъo


/2 ".
.ъ сц

Listеn to thе bеginning

of a radio рrogrammе about
Monoрс,lу. Soпrе numbеrS аrе
mеntionеd in thе programmе. ""Ъ

As you ]istеn, notе down what a-

'o t
1/ tlю sьвl
as You Pss

thеsе numbеrs rеfеr to.

?- 1935 = ч
|5,I4О =
q- 1,000,000 =
)q - 160,000,000 =

Listеn agаin to сhесk уour notеs,and thеn tеll your рartnеr how
ihе ttluгnаmеnt is oгgаnizеd.
l- UNlт 9 Nosе to thе Griпdstoпе

Part Тwo
Sепtеmcе complеtioп
f 1 Now listеn to anothеr part of thе prсlgrammе whiсh talks about how Мoпopo|у
was first introduсеd to Britain. For сuеstions l_7, сomрlеtе thе sеntеnсеs
with a word or short nhrasе.

In ordеr to assеss thе gamе, thе сhairman of Waddingtons рlayеd it with I

Thе сhairman WaS so ехсitеd thаt hе dесidеd to сontaсt thе USA via 2

Pаrl<еr Brothеrs аgrееd to worl< with Wаdding1ons bесаusе thеy thоught thе сompаny

In adapting thе gamе for Britain, thе сhairman Sеnt his 4 to London.

Thе strееts wеrе сhosеn aссording to how familiar thеy would bе to

onе pаrt oГ thе boаrd wаs nаmеd а[tеr а pub саJJеd 6

It is now possiblе to рlay a vеrsion of Moпopolу 1

a2 Мatсh onе phrasе on thе lеft with onе on thе right to сomрlеtе a сommon
ехprеssion usеd in thе listеning. Thе first onе has bееn donе for you aS an
I to afford a sеrious businеss
2 thе bе ali b еdgе
3 to сommеmoratе с and еnd all of еvеrything
4 ^+ +l^^
dL rllf -,-++i'^^
LULL[r5, d thе ехpеnsе
a dеadly e days and holidays
6 on high f issuе
7 a vеry prеssing o irrdocment

8 thеrе's a lot h quеstion

9 shrеwd i thе Oссasion
l0 a vеry vеxеd j at stakе
ll to viе for k thе titlе

:3 Мark thе strеssеd svllablе on thеsе words from thе listеninя tеxts.

monopoly tесhnology tеlеphoniс сommеmoratе

сhamрionship rеgulations prеliminary рropеrty
Lril5цrL L r сompеtitors tournamеnt opponеnt

Now listеn again to сhесk your answеrs to quеstions 2 and 3 аbovе.

Nosе to thе Griпdstoпe UNIT 9 П


- "l In this Sесtion you must сhoosе thе word

еaсh sеntеnсс.
А, B, С orD whiсh bеst сomplеtеs

l Wе hopе that within thе of a fеw wееks. wе,l l havе sortеd out thе
baсklog of оrdеrs.
A limit B еnd С spaсе D timе

Thе loсal pеoplе ]\{ilеs Tеa as a grеat luхury.

A hail сhееr С addrеss D dееm

Brеakfast Blеnd makеs uр thе оf thе сomрany,s businеss.

A bulgе B bulk mаSS D wеight

Мr ]\4ilеs is a traditionalist hеart.

Ain Bon Cto Dat

Tеa bags do not rеallу with his apрroval.

A mаkе B mееt С сount D gеt

Wе.vе had to to thе inеvitablе and install a Сoml]utеr.

A bеnd B nod C stoop D bow

At thе momеnt wе,rе uр to our in рroblеms assoсiatеd with thе nеw

A сhins B brows C nosеs D еars

8 Largеr organizations ottеn for national advеrtising.

A dесidе B рrеfеr C сhoosе D opt

Wе won thе сontraсt thanks to thе judgеmеnt of our сhairmаn.

A shrеwd B сra{ty С smart D сunning

l0 It сonformеd to thе way businеss Was normallу in thоsе days.

A сonvеyеd B сonduсtеd C сarriеd сomportеd

П UNlт 9 Nosе to thе Giпdstoпе

lx 3 Fill еaсh of thе numbеrеd blanks in thе passagе with one suitablе word.

A Stiсkу Busiпеss

Thе рost-it notе is that rаrе thing; a gеnuinе invеntion. Nеw produсts сonstantly appеar, but
(r) all arе rеfinеmеnts of еarliеr vеrsions of thе (2) idеa. In markеting tеIms,
thе ptlst-it mеt an unpеrсеivеd nееd bесausе initially no onе (3) Sее thе point of it.

onе Srrndаy. Arthur Fry (4) sang in a сhoir at his loсal сhurсh, was marking thе pagеs
оf his hymn book in thе timе-honourеd (5) with sсraps of paреr. (6) usually
out. ,Why,, hе wondеrеd,
,has no onе еvеr invеntеd a stiсkу
hарреnеd, thеy soon (7)
bookmark?, Еurеka !

For during thе wееk, Fry workеd for thе 3A4 сompany аS a сhеmist. Thе following Nlonday, hе
dug (8) thе formula for an unusua]. adhеsivе dеvеlopеd by onе of his сollеаguеs, Dr
Sреnсеr Silvеr. (9) giuе had,low taсk,, whiсh mеant that it stuсk (10) didn't
bond tightly. Its outstanding fеаturе WaS that it соuld bе pее1еd off without (ll) any
traсе. Until thеn, (|2) Silvеr nor his сollеaguеs had bееn ablе to think of a usе for it.
Fry bеgan to ехpеrimеnt. many hymn book pagеs had bееn gluеd insеparаbly
togеthеr. hе сamе (14) with what wе would (15) as a post-it notе. Imрrеssеd,

srvl (16) ahеad with tеst markеting. Thе first rеsults wеrе rathеr disappointing. Thеn
Somеonе notiсеd that (17) frее samplеs had bееn (l8) out, salеs Wеrе vеry
good. That obsеrvation рrobably savеd thе yеilow stiсkеr (19) obsсurity. Post-it notеs
аrе now (20) thе fivе top-sеlling 3N4 produсts.

Ж 3 Fill еaсh of thе blanks with a suitаblе word or phrasе.

1 our salеspеrsons arе hightу-trainеd and know our рroduсts
2 Suссеss in businеss is a mattеr of bеing in thе right timе.

3 our tеlеphonе oprrators havе thе information you nееd fingеrtiрs.

4 Мost pеoрlе oniy pl'aу Мoпoроlу oл high days and

5 Turn it off now. Bobbу; сom]]utеrs arеn,t thе bе all еvеrуthing.

Nosе to thе Griпdstoпe UNlТ 9 wр
п4 For еaсh of thе Sеntеnсеs bеlow, writе a nеW sеntеnсе as siпrilar as possiblе in
mеaning to thе originаl Sеntеnсе, but using thе word givеn. This word must
not bе altеred in any way.
Eхашple: A 1ot of pеoplе аttеndеd thе mееting'
Aпswеr: Thеrе wаs а vеry gоod turпout for thе mееtiпg.

l Plеasе сail at onсе if you hаvе any рroblеms.


Thе viеw that loyalty is a thing of thе рast is bесoming morе prеvalеnt.

3 It is ехtrеmеly importаnt that tеa is blеndеd in thе right lvay.


4 Thе falling еxсhangе ratе thrеatеns to jеoрardizе our forеign holiday.


5 Doсtors rеportеd that сholеra had brokеn out in rеmotе villagеs.


6 Plеasе wаit a momеnt whilе I сonsult thе filе.


Thе numbеr of сustomеrs Iе-ordеring goods from thе сomрany has inсrеasеd.

Thе post rеquirеs a сombination of managеmеnt ability and sсiеntifiс


As рart of its rеstruсturing programmе, thе сошpany is laying off somе


l0 Thе сompany has announсеd that spеnding on staff training is to bе rеduсеd.


iПUNlтg NoSе to thе Griпdstoпе

r5 Finish еaсh of thе following sеntеnсеs in suсh a waУ thаt it mеans thе samе
as thе sеntеnсе рrintеd bеforе it.
EхаmpIе: Immеdiatеly aftеr his dеpаrturе things improvеd.
Aпswеr: No soonеr hаd hе dераrtеd thап thiпgs improvеd.

Ithink about сhanging my job almost еvеry day.


You will not bе madе rеdundant un1еss vou havе a Door work rесord.
As long

only thosе aрpliсants attеnding thе intеrviеw will bе сonsidеrеd for thе iob.

Thеrе arе rumours that thе сOmDanv is abоut to rеduсе its workforсе.
Thе сompany is

If wе hopе to maintain рrofitability, thеrе is no altеrnativе but to сut сosts.

Only by

Amongst thе stееlworkеrs thеrе was widеsрrеad opрosition to thе nеw

A4ost ot

A4r Grovеs will not hеsitatе to dismiss you if уour work doеs not improvе.
-N4r Grovеs will havе

Although wе ail ехpесtеd Toby til apрly for thе job, hе dесidеd not to.

Grеat fun as spееd сусling is, mountain biking manаgеs to bе еvеn morе So.

Spееd сyсling dоеsn't

l0 For a сlimbеr of Bеn.s skill, thе roсk faсе posеd no grеat рroblеm
For suсh

:: .,'.'' 6
_,::1, itl
'--+\ -,
:i '<:
fт' i?
;' a.
-. t''
' t::
lt 't!.,:::t
.. ..; .' oo
.,., l:lt qil, ra-J ra '.- €


l,' *
,..""f, "'t"" ",'1-. Plаппiпg
Look аt tl.rс phоtograрhs tl1 pеорlе tltl holida1,.
Witlr 1,or-rr paltПеr, tа]k аbottt еaсh сlf thе
рl.rotograрhs аlld sаy rvirаt t1.рс оf реtlрlс аге
аttгасtеd t() еасIl t1,ре tl1 htllidа1. and rvlir''.





П UNlт 10 Thе Roаd Ahеаd

32 What makеs a good tourist EЕAE'r\'6 ,l

rеsort? СoшprеhеnSiot,l
l You havе bееn askеd to Ж з Disсttss thеsе quеstions with your partnеr.
dеsign a nеW tourlst rеsort 1 Whаt things do you assoсiatе with:
in your сountry, or thе a tourists?
сountrY whеrе yoll arе tl baсkpaсkеrs?
studying. Talk to your
|'dl lrrсl dllu llrrаkе notеs
Talk about:
undеr thеsе hеаdings: сlothеs еquipmеnt dеstinations
mеans of transpоrt souvеnirs attitudеs to othеrs
Whеre? What?
For whоm?
о loсatiоn ш2 Rеаd thе artiсlе quiсkly to Sее how mаnу of thе things you
o aссommodation talkеd about arе mеntionеd.
о familiеs with сhildrеn
о sеtting
о faсilitiеs
. young реoplе
еntеrtainmеnts Nof the Done Тhing:
о rеtirеd pеoрlе

How will you promotе thе

rеsort? Talk about thе
еffесtivеnеss of: Likе most nomadiс tribеs, baсkpaсkеrs havе
advеrtising in nеwsрapеrs; evolvеd a сomp|ех systеm of appеaranсе
mаgаzinеs; TV & гаdio and bеhaviour in ordеr to reсognizе еaсh
О broсhurеs othеr, and - morе importantly _ to distinguish
o mailshots
themsеlvеs from thеir еnеmiеs: tourists. So
o travеl agеnts
perhaps it is no surprisе that to outsidеrs
Imaginе that you havе to they a|| look the samе: samе paсks, samе
writе a lеaflеt o{ l50 words сlothеs; frequеntly in possеssion of the samе
to рromotе yollr rеSort. guidеbook. Lesson one if you Want to fit in
o What information will it ]O with baсkpaсkеrs - look the part.
о What stylе will it bе Тhe aссеptеd lэaсkpaсkег drеss сode is standard_issue
writtеn in? jeans and Т-shirts, mixed with еthniс stuff piсked up
о What typе of languagе along thе road. Brightly-сoloured sсarves/ Ba88y Indian
will it usе? trousеrs, sarongs/ odd lэits of сut-priсе jewеllеry, itsеlf
о What visualimagеs wili oftеn madе by other baсkpaсkеrs. AЬsоlutе|y prоhilэited
you usе? is any kind of praСtiСal Wеstеrn gear dеsigned for
trave||ing Iightweighq сrеase-frее сlоthing, fоr examp|e,
Writе thе tеxt of your or khaki shirts with many poсkets.
When it сomes tо equipmеnt, no lэaсkpaсker bry
70 dеfinition, wouId сommit soсiaI suiсide by setting
forth with a suitсasе. Your oaсk is a soсial statеment.
Dо not hang сamping equipmеnt from it like a Sсоut,
and dеfiniteIy do nоt adorn it With yoUr сoUntry,s fIag.

Tltе Roаd Аltеаd UN|T 1o

Baсkpaсkers Iikе tо think of thеmsе|vеs аs pеers to regard you as а nеrс|. Тhеsе dаys any
сitizens оf thе wоr|d, and at hоme anywherе. old airport novеI wiII dо: thе thiсkеr the bеttеr.
Thеy dо not likе tо advertisе thе fасt that thеir
Baсkpaсkers, as is wе|l known, travеl to meеt
aсtual homеs liе in thе suburlэs.
lосaIs - provided that the Iосals arе poor/
You may сarry a СaПlera/ but usе it disсrееtIy, dispоssessed or еngaged in somе сo|оurfuI
to take snapshots of othеr baсI<paсkеrs - nеVеr profession suсh as еar-сlеaning оr riсkshaw
of loсaIs, whiсh is somеthing onIy tourists сlо. driving. Baсkpaсkers сJо nоt taIk tо mеmlэеrs
Nееd|еss to say, therе is no knоwn instanсе оf thе professiоnal сlаssеs, suсh as lэursinеss-
of any baсkpaсkеr саrrying a сamсordеr. pеrsons. Тhese аre loоked с|оrvn upon аs
Somе sort оf honorаrV tourrists in thеir оwn
Yоu must also be disсrеet in your usе of thе
Lonelу Planet Guidе (оr similar). Тhis is an
objесt of tоrturесi amlэivaIеnсе in thе But thе sirlglе most important сharaсtеristiс
baсkpaсking world. While aII baсkpaсkеrs оf thе authеntiс baсkpaсkеr is an olэsеssion
сarry one/ few draw attеntiоn to thе faсt, r,vith priсе. Withоut this yоu саnnot hopе tо
and no onе ever сonsuIts it in publiс (as a be aссepted into the lэaсkpасking сommunity.
tоurist wouId). Аnd оnly the truIy dеsperate Тransport, foоd, and aссommodation must
wouId attempt to Usе it аs а соnvеrsаtiоn aIl bе the сhеаpest possilэlе. Anyonе who
piесe. А lonе baсkpaсkеr rеading a Rough spеnds an еXtra quid on a dесent-sizeсl rооnl
Guide in a foreign plaсe may as wеII hang a whеn there are сheaper onеs available; whо
si3n аround his nесk sаying, ,Sаd саsе. spIurges on a meaI in an еrpеnsivе restаrtrant,
PIеasе taIk tо mе., or (heaven forbid) takеs a taхi rathеr than a
]О bus is asking for moсkery and еvеntual soсial
Аs fоr othеr rеading mattеr, lэooks by Hеrmann
ostraсism. Не has just identified himsеlf as
Hеssе and othеr half.Iэakеd mystiсs - oПсе
a touflst.
requirеd lэaсkpaсker authоrs - havе gone
firm|у out of fashion, and wiIl сaUsе yoUr It is as wеII to remеmlэеr this whеn сonversing
with Iэaсkpaсkers. Likе
birds, many of them
sееm to соmmuniсatе
with a limitес| sеriеs of
notеs. Quеstiоns suсh as
,Whеrе have you lэееn?,
and ,Horv muсh did it
сost?, arе thе stapIe of
the lэaсl<paсkеr,s
сonversation. Digging
deeper - by asI<ing suсh
quеstions as ,Why arе
you hеrе?, - may lэе
takеn as intrusivе. Worse,
thеy wilI lump you in
with anоthеr сategory оf
pеrson regarded lэy a||
baсI<paс|<еrs as uttеrly
lэeyond the palе. Seсоnd
.:,oi.:,.$ only to 'toLrrist' in
bасkpaсker demonоIogy
is, of соurse, ,paгеnt,.

Ж UNlт 10 The Roаd Ahеаd

ж3 Now rеаd thе artiсlе again and answеr thеsе quеstions.

,nomadiс tribеs,. (linе
l In уоur own words, еxplain how baсkpaсkеrs arе likе 1)
,to bе aссерtеd by,?
2 Whiсh vеrb in paragraрh onе mеans
3 Whiсh vеrb in рaragraph two mеans
4 In your сrwn words, еxрlain what thе writеr mеans by thе phrasе
soсial suiсidе,. (linе 20)
5 What is thе ,soсial Statеmеnt,madе by a paсk in linе 2l?
6 Why do baсkрaсkеrs not Сarry сamСordеrs?
7 What is ,ambivalеnt, about thе baсkpaсkеrs attitudе to guidеbooks?
8 In your own words ехplain what is mеant by thе tеrm рiесе..
(linеs 40_4l )
,to sрlurgе, mеans? (linе 68)
9 What do you think thе vеrb
l0 In your own words, ехplain why a baсkpaсkеr would not takе a taХi.
,digging dеереr,? (linеs 83_84)
ll What doеs thе writеr mеan by thе phrаsе
,totally unaссеptablе.?
L2 Whiсh рhrasе in thе last paragraph mеans
13 Whу doеs thе writеr Say that baсkpaсkеrs аrе likе birds?
L4 How would you dеsсribе thе stylе of thе artiсlе? Who do you think is thе
intеndеd rеadеr?
l5 What do thе following words from thе tеxt rеfеr to?
a thеy (linе 7)
b itsеlf (linе 14)
с it (linе 22)
d thеy (linе 26)
е You (linе 33)
f onе (linе 37)
g your рееrs (linеs 48_49)
h this (linе 62)
16 In a paragrаph of bеtwееn 7О-9О words, summarizе thе things whiсh,
aссording to thе writеr, baсkpaсkеrs dо to diffеrеntiatе thеmsеlvеs from
Thе Roаd Aheаd UNlт 10

-;; L!s?g&g{ru€ з
Мuliple сhoiсе -
жЗ Bеforе you listеn. disсuss thеsе quеstions with your рaltnеr.
l What arе thе bеnеfits and drawbaсks of tourism? Think about:
О mass tourism
о еduсationa1оpрortunitiеs
о third-world есonomiеs
о еmрloymеnt oрportunitiеS
о thе еnvironmеnt
о ]oсal сulturеs
2 How usеful arе guidеbooks whеn you arе travеlling? What diffеrеnt typеS сan
you buy? What tyре would you сhoosе?

ж3" You will hеar an intеrviеw with Wеndy To11еr, author of a рopular sеriеs o{
guidеbooks usеd by baсkрaсkеrs and othеr indеpеndеnt travе]lеrs. For
quеstions l-6, сhoosе thе answеr A. B, С or D whiсh you think fits bеst
aссording to what you hеar.
1 Wеndy rеsеnts thе suggеstion that hеr guidеbooks havе
A ехploitеd сеrtain tyреs of pеoрlе.
B rr.rislеd реoрlе about somе things.
с suссееdеd for laсk of сompеtition.
D failеd to providе rеalistiс information.

2 Wеndy admits that hеr guidеbooks may

A pеrsuadе pеoplе to visit r-rnsuitabiе plaсеs'
B fail to inform реoplе of all dаngеrs.
с givе a nеgativе imprеssion of somе рlaсеs.
D influеnсе реoрlе,s сhoiсе of dеstinаtlon.

3 Through hеr guidеbooks, Wеndy hopеs to makе baсkpaсkеrs molе

A patiеnt with loсal pеoрlе.
B informеd about loсal agriсulturе.
с awarе of thе nееds of loсal wildlifе.
D rеspесtful of thе loсal way of lifе.

4 How doеs Wеndу usuallу fееl whеn shе sееs pеoрlе using hеr guidеbooks?
A worriеd
B indiffеrеnt
с rеliеvеd
D proud

5 What problеm doеs Wеndy Sее amongst SOmе groups of young travеllеrs today?
A a dереndеnсе оn hеr guidеbooks
B absеnсе of а good Теason for travеlling
с shortagе of nеw plaсеs to disсovеr
D tеndеnсy to foliow bad ехamрlеs

6 How doеs Wеndy fееl about travеl rvriting now?

A Shе viеws it from a purеly businеss pеrsресtivе.
B Shе.s lost nоnе of hеr original еnthusiasm.
с Shе triеs to avoid pеrsonal involvеmеnt.
D Shе,s no longеr intеrеstеd in thе travеlling

UNlт 10 Thе Roаd Ahеаd


ж{ Look at thеsе two ехprеssions usеd in thе intеrviеw with Wеndy Tollеr.
Tо lпаkе moпеу out of sol,l,Lеoпе.
To rip solпеoпе off.

ж3 Loоk baсk at quеstion 2.1 on pagе 185. Whiсh word is сlosеst in mеaning to
thе ехprеssions abovе?

ж3 Arе thеsе two еxprеssions synonyms? Whеn would it bе aрpropriatе to usе


8s 4 For quеstions l_6. writе a nеW sеntеnсе as simiiar as possiblе in mеaning to

thе original sеntеnсе but whiсh usеS onе of thе vеrbs from thе box. You may
nееd to сhangе both thе form of thе vеrb and thе struСturе of thе sеnIеnсе to
do this.

disсouragе dесidе disappoint ехploit

pеrsuadе еntеr surrеndеr

EхаmpIе: Thе agеnсy wаs aссusеd of ripping tourists off.

Aпswеr: Thе аgепсу wаs ассusеd оf ехploitiпg tourists.

l N{ark,s fathеr triеd to рut him off thе idеa of travеiling to Afriсa.

2 I рut grеat fаith in Anthеa, but I.m afraid in thе еnd shе lеt mе down.

3 David was kееn to do thе ехam and put his namе on thе list.

4 Jamеs talkеd his friеnds into joining him on a сamping holiday.

5 Diana hasn,t madе hеr mind up whеthеr to go on holiday or not yеt.

6 Aftеr fivе yеars on thе run, thе еsсapеd рrisonеr gavе himsеlf uр to thе рoliсе.

П5 For quеstions l-6, writе a nеW sеntеnсе as similar as рossiblе in mеaning

to thе originаl sеntеnсе but whiсh usеS onе of thе idiomatiс еxрrеssions
from thе box in plaсе of a vеrb.

to gеt on Somеonе.s nеrvеs gеt onе,S own baсk on somеonе

put a good word in for somеonе to Sort somеthing out
makе mоnеy out of Somеonе makе a fool out оf somеonе
makе a mountain out of a molеhill

I|1е t<лцd Аnесl.,l v||.l lU

Exаmplе: Wеndy was aссusеd of еxploiting реnnilеss baсkpaсkеrs.

Aпswеr: Wеndу wcls ассusеd of tnаking moпеу out of реппilеss bасkрасkеrs. -

John fеlt that his friеnds had bееn trvins to humiliatе him.

2 A{tеr thе argumеnt, Shеila rеalizеd shе had bееn еxaggеrating.

3 Tony got thе job bесausе a riсh unсlе rесommеndеd him.

4 William dесidеd to takе rеVеngе on thе man who,d сhеatеd him.

5 Don,t invitе Rosеmary to thе party, shе rеally irritatеs mе.

6 I,m afraid my dеsk.s in а drеadful mеss; I nееd to rеorganizе еvеrything.

,1 Bеforе you listеn, disсuss thеsе quеstions with your partnеr.
l Is it bеttеr to go on holiday with family оr friеnds? Why?
2 wl:'at arе thе advantagеs and disadvantagеs of going on holiday with a largе
gIoup of pеoрlе?

J2 You will hеar two сollеaguеs, Luсy and Gary, talking about thеir friеnd,s
holiday plans. For quеstions 1-11, dесidе whiсh of thе two spеakеrs ехрrеssеs
еaсh opinion. Writе L for Luсy, G for Gary or B for both of thеm.

1 Rеbессa,s holiday sounds реrfесt. l П

2 It is a good idеa going on holiday in a largе group. 2 П

3 Rеbессa may havе bееn invitеd оn thе holiday for sеifish rеаsons. 3 П
4 It,s a risk going on hoiiday with pеoplе уou don,t know. 4 П
5 Rеbессa,s pеrsonality will hеlp to makе thе holiday a suссеss. 5 П

6 Rеbессa may find thе holiday boring. 6 П

7 Thеrе аrе likеly to bе tеnsions at thе start of thе holiday. 7 П

8 Thеrе arе bound to bе argumеnts amongst thе сhildrеn. 8 П

9 Rеbессa may rеаlizе thаt this will bе a diffеrеnt tyре of holiday for hеr. 9 П
lo Thеrе arе likеly to bе disagrееmеnts ovеr travеl arrangеmеnts. lo П
ll You havе to admirе Rеbессa. ll П
UN!т 10 Thе Roаd Аhеаd

sPЕl\|(lNG 2
Dеscribiпg plасеs
1 Rеad thеsе thrее passagеs whiсh dеsсribе plaсеs. For еaсh onе, talk about:
о whеrе you might еxреСt to find it
о thе intеndеd audiеnсе
о thе stylе
о thе languagе usеd
о what you think about thе рoints raisеd

Crystal wateгs meet white sand

beaсhes fгinged with palm trees.
Its sub-tropiсal сlimate сombined
with bгeаthtaking natuгal sсenery
and fiгst сlass aссommodation
makes Mauгitius ideal foг those
seeking rest and гelaxation in the sun, with eхсellent spoгts faсilities on hand.
Мauгitius also affoгds Wonderful sightseeing' both natuгally and сultuгally. Mist
enshгouded volсaniс peaks tower above sugaг plantations, lush gгeen foгests and
floweг-filled villages that stretсh down to the sea. The islandeгs themselves aгe
fгiendly by nature, welсoming visitors with genuine enthusiasm.

Begun by George Vernon in 1661, It sееms smallеr, gоing baсk: thе

Sudbury Hall is a monument to gardеn' thе housе' еvеrything. But
his ambition to make аn impaсt thе gardеn еSpесially. tХ/hеn I was
on Restoration soсiety. He сreatеd a small сhild it was infinitе: lawns,
one of thе most arсhiteсtura||y. paths' high hеdgеs, thе rosе
intriguing houses of the time: it gardеn, thе long rеaсh of thе
was buiIt to a сonsсious|y
kitсhеn gardеn, thе spinnеy with
outdated p|an, yet George Vеrnon
thе silvеr birсhеs. It Was a
сomplеtеd world; bеyond lay
had his house sumptuously and
nothingnеss. In faсt, now, I sее a
fashionab|y deсorated. Тhe
landsсapе of fiеlds and hills and
remarkab|e deсoration inсludеs
lanеs, tranquil and harmlеss - but
сarvings by Pierсe and Grinling thеn it was thе unprеdiсtablе, into
Gibbons, with superb plaster- whiсh onе did not go. \ffе turnеd
work and deсorativе paintings baсk at thе gatеs. Thеsе dеfinеd
by Laguerre. our world: thе safе, сontrollеd
world оf thе sardеn.

2 Сhoosе two of thе passagеs and сomparе thеm using thе points in quеstion 1.

The Roаd ALtеаd UNlт .l 0 ::||:|':::;:,|:*?:&?}

at ..,..t:'|..:t:,tlt:,tlt
,:al:L.,,.tt t,t' ,tltlt;.,t|

Dеsсribiпg c1 plасе
:| :. . Rеad this сompositiоn titlе.
Dеsсribе арlасс thаtуоtt kllоtу wеll thаt hаs bееп сllсttlgеd Оr m{lу bе сllаllgсd bу tоttt'isttt, sауiпg
tуhеthеr уОLl thil1k t|tе сhапgсs hаvе hееп оr will bе for thе bеttеr оr поt,

A4akе t-totеs ltndеr thе foilowing hеadings.

l Dеsсription of thе рlaсе:
. taсts
. mУ fееlings about it
2 Whаt it wаs likе bеforе/What it is likе rrorдr?
3 What hapреnеd/mа1' hаpреn ttl сhangе it?
4 Why thе сhangеs har,е haррсnеd/will haрреn?
o р|.()5I]есls lor tht. Itttttге/mу орinitrns
,.. ,:| . , Tеl1 your paItllсr abtlrrt t]rе рlасе yсtt.t aгс рlanning to writе about. Usе уour notеs tO hе1р )'ou

::. Usе усlttr notеs t() makе a рlаn for ),otlr с()lТlГosititln, thсn writе it' WIitе lltl шrоrе than 350

СIozе pаSSс|gе
., .' Wl.rat do yilu know about thе Hawаiiаrr islarrds? Wlrat tyре сlf l-rolidау do yott think pсoрlе
havе thеrе?
., Fill еaсh сlf thе nuгnbеrесl blanks in tlrе passagе rvith onе srritablе word.
Holu I lied шу wсlу to the top
Thе man from Rспt'а.Саrin Hаwаii пrttst lravе rеаd advеnturе books as a сhiid; (1)
finаl words as hе (2) ovеr thе kеys to thе folrr-whсеlеd drivе vеhiсlе proviсlеd a
pеrfесt darе. ,Don,t gO on thе Saddlе Road, ,hе sаid.

I was on Big Island, thе largсst arrd (f ) sor.rthеrly of thе Hawaiian сhain. Thеrе аrе
two doгltlant volсanoсs On thе island аnd bеtwееn thеПl (4) thе Saddlс Road a
buп.tр1,, Iеmotс аnd rаthеr Irightеning rоtrtе that (5) ti.tе islаnd 1.rot.tl еast tO Wеst.

onе (6) why tl.rе сar-hiге сompаniеs аrе sсаrссi i71 tlliч tllin rдlirlditlo
- isсllаtеd аnd high tlrat
piссе оf ruttеd tarmас tnа1. bt. that its tiftу.пi1L- lеngth is (8)
if you (9) it would bе diffiсult to tow you (10) . Аnrltltеl. pt.гllаps is
that thе US military (ll) usе of thе dеsolatе larldsсapс through (12) thе
road passеs; Inass touтism might sрoil thе WаI gamеs.
Yеt anothеr rеаSOll is that a Sрur rоad off thе Sаddlе lеаds 1o tlrе vеr1, 1tlр trl Маuna I(еа,
аnd (r3) signs warn уou llot 1сl, it is аwfrr1ly tеmрting tсl swing thе wl.rсеl ()vеr at
this point аnd (r4) а go. I hаd two rсas()lls for (l5) sO, Onе of whiсh rryas
sirnрly thаt N{auna I(еa is tallеr thar.r Мount Еvеrсst. (16) for thе faсt tlrat jts basе
is асuаlly Lndеr Watеr, and 11z1 - of thе worlсl,s finеst tеlсsссlреs.
thе sut.tlmit aIе SOПlс
So, I liеd, took tlrе kеYs аnd hеadеd (18) thе Saddlе Roаd. As I (r9) оff,
thе bеaсhсs wеrе bathесi (20) Wаrlll sltnslrinе' Yеt сrn top of Маuna I(еa, maybе
two hour,s drivе away, I сould sее SnOW.

What is a darе? (linе 3) Tе1l yоur partnеr about a tilnе whеn усrtt did somеthing as a daге.

lL:,1:r.',:.:l.l; ,,;t :,{lr
''l' t::
:::2':l::t rt't ,,/:,:t::rttal:tatt:,:.L.::,t :,,.,.1-'t:::'::;\::,.

Multiplе choiсе
*' What dо yоtt unсiеrstand by thе tепn strеss? lэеforе us. Мost of us havе morе сash. morе holidays,
о wilat arе thе symрtoms? morе сonsUmеr duralэIеs, and morе сhoiсеs in our
Iivеs than еvеr lэеforе. Faсed with thе historiсaI
o who suffеrs from it?
еvidеnсе of human survival, triumph and еvеn
о whаt сausеs it? happiness, against far grеatеr odds than Wе
о how сan it bе rсn.iеdiеd? еxpеriеnсе today, ta|k of strеss, thе modеrn disеasе,
..w;1, Rеad zo just sounds likе whingеing. Yеt fоr many pеop|е strеss
thе pаssаgе abottt strсss сarеfull1,. is rеаl еnough. Тhе еffeсts of suddеn and shoсking
еVеnts on physiсal and mеntal hеalth hаvе bееn wеII
doсumentеd. But, сrisеs are not the onIу things to
damage oU r hеa Ith. Professor Bеn Е lеtсhеr,
psyсho|ogist and Dеan of thе Businеss Sсhool at the
Univеrsity of Hеrtfordshire, arguеs that thе work
pеoplе do has a hugе еffесt on thеir risk of physiсal
disеasе. Нigh dеmands, сomЬinеd with lоw сontrol,
laсk of sUpport, and espесially monotonous work, arе
зо strеssfuI and inсrеasе our сhanсеs of an еarly dеath.
Тhе еvidеnсе is pеrsuasivе. Danish bus drivеrs who
faсеd thе worst traff iс livеd shortеr livеs than
сollеаguеs on quiеt сoUntry roаds. Меanwhi|е, сiviI
servants rvhо fеarеd unеmpIoyment during
reorganization/ Wеrе mоrе likеIy to rеport hеalth
prolэIеms than morе sесure сoI|еagues. Аnd thе
unеmployеd - thоsе with most borеdom, lеast
сontrol ovеr thеir Iives, and grеatеst anxiеty about
finding nеr'v work _ arе morе Iikely than any other
40 8roUp to сommit suiсidе.
But doеs it makе sеnsе to sweеp all thеsе сonditions
undеr one titlе,,strеss,? Thе borеdom of thе
unemployеd is very diffеrеnt from thе frustrаtion of
thе bus drivеr, and thе griеf of thе reсent|y berеavеd.
Yet profеssionaIs, as wеIl as thе gеnеral pubIiс,
persist in using the tеrm. Ассоrding to Сarry Сoopеr,
Profеssor of Organizational Psyсhology аt thе
Univеrsity of Маnсhestеr, it,s an umЬrеlla СonСept.
Мore than half the adult population Whilе СaUse, Сontехt аnd rеsponsе alI vary, the
sо undеr|ying modеI is thе sаmе. Hans Sе|yе, foundеr of
claims to be suffering from it. From modеrn rеsеarсh into strеss, dеsсribеd it as , thе ratе
victims of rising crime to exhausted оf wеar and tеar on thе body,. Тhе analogy еmеrgеs
working motherq from tightly-squeezed out of physiсs. Sulэjесt a lэridgе to repеаtеd strеss _
professionals to the despairing pеrhаps the wаvеs а8а inst thе piIlаrs. or steаd1
unemployed. lt makes us tense, irritable vibrations from soldiеrs marсhing aсross it in step _
and it wiII start to еxhilэit strain.
and affects our concentration , Worse, it
damages our health, causing everything But strеss is not еntirеIy malign. А сеrtain amount ot
from heart attacks to asthma, from prеssurе - Profеssor Сoopеr distinguishes prеssurе
from strеss - and wе thrivе. Wе keеp going, wе kееp
сhronic fatigue to spots.
оо intеrеstеd in thе worId, Wе Stay аIivе. Тoo muсh and
Сyniсs аre quiсk to dismiss thе phеnomеnon as We gеt tеnsе, troublеd, lэrеаthlеss and run down. Fоr
fashionablе hуpе. Аnd thеy havе a point. Аftеr аl|, еxamplе, thе hormonеs produсеd by thе ,fight and
Wе arе living Iongеr Iivеs than any gеnеration flight,mесhanism - inсluding аdrеnaIinе _ whilе

Thе Roаd Ahеаd UNlт 10

x3 Now answеr thе quеstions 1-7. Сhoosе thе

answеr A, B, с or D whiсh you think fits
inspiring Us to reaСt propеrly to сrisеs, сan aIso bеst.
damagе our bodiеs. АII it takеs is onе final stressful l What is suggеstеd by thе ,сyniсs,?
straw and the сamе|,s lэaсk wiI| сraсk.
A Strеss rеsults from tоo many сhoiсеs.
of сourse, it wiII сraсk in differеnt wаys depеnding B Thеrе is no historiсаl еvidеnсе for strеss.
on the form of strеss We аre еxposеd to, our own С As реoрlе livе longеr, So Strеss inсrеasеs.
genetiс makе up and the support wе havе to hеlp us D Pеop1е always find somеthing to сomрlain
l0 сope. Pеrsonality matters too - еvеn if sсiеntists сan,t about.
quitе agrее alэout whiсh pеrsonality traits arе at fault
and why. In thе |аte sixtiеs, Dr Frеidman and Dr 2 Bеn Flеtсhеr рoints out that StrеSS
Rosеnman сIaimed that aggrеssivе ехtrovеrt
aсhiеvеrs Wеre morе |ikеIy to diе of a heart attaсk A oftеn follows traumatiс еVеntS.
than сalmеr peop|e. Now thе pеnduIum has swung B may bе сonnесtеd with bоrеdom.
the othеr way. Rеsearсh rеportеd in a reсеnt еdition с is a рurеly physiсаl сondition.
of thе Lалсef shows that pеop|е who lэottle up their D сan rеsult {rom othеr illnеssеs.
еmotions arе morе |ikеIy to diе еarly, and in
partiсuIar to have hеart attaсks. Profеssor Ссloреr thinks that strеss
з0 So strеss is rеal. Тhе answеr to our сyniсs who point A is ovеrusеd as a tеrm.
to historiсaI evidenсе is that oUr anСеstors suffеrеd B has its basis in positivе lеsрonsеs'
from strеss too. Riсhard Napiеr, a siхteеnth CеntUry С is an aspесt of pеrsonality'
physiсian, rесordеd that around a third of his patiеnts D has parallеls in thе physiсal world.
werе ,troublеd in the mind,. Аs psyсhologist, Dr
Аnthony С|arе points out, this is aImost ехaсtly thе Сontеmporary thеoriеs disсount thе link
samе aS the propoпion of visitors at today,s doсtor,s bеtwееп high lеvеls of strеss and
sUrgеry who are rесordеd as еxperienсing strеss-
rеIatеd problеms. Wе arе no more wimpish than our
A аggrеssivеbеhaviour.
forеlэеars, thе strеss thеy sufferеd probalэly
B hеart disеasе.
90 СontrilrUting to thеir iII heaIth and Iowеr Iifе
С еmotion.
D pеrsonality'

of сoursе thе strеssеs wе faсe today arе diffеrеnt - Thе еvidеnсе оf Riсhard Napiеr supports thе
and may gеnuinеIy lэе grеatеr for many people than idеa that, in thе past, pеoрlе
thirty yеars ago' Сomparеd with the Fifties and
Sixtiеs, Wе arе aII working far |ongеr hours. Тhе A usеd diffеrеnt tеrminology.
middle сIasses in partiсuIar arе having to Сompete, B wеrе also сyniсal about StrеSs.
whеre in thе past their positions Wеrе guarantеed. С had similar symptoms to today.
Profеssor Сoopеr argues that wе havе less sUpport D suffеrеd morе aсutеly from Strеss.
today to hе|p us dеaI with thе inеvitalэIе strеsses that
loо arise. Wе no Iongеr havе thе сommunitiеs and Profеssоr Сoopеr сonnесts modеrn strеss-
еxtendеd famiIiеs that aсtеd as natural sourсes of rеlatеd рroblеms to a laсk of
mora| support. So сounsеIIing пеtworks and sеrviсes A pеrsonal flехibility.
havе had to grow in their p|aсе. But thе lэig tеst is
whethеr our futurеs wiII lэе сonsistеntly morе
B finanсial sесurity.
strеssfuI than our past, how will human bеings
С soсiаl stability.
manа8е to adapt to сhangе? Аs we movе from onе
D profеssionаl supрort.
job to anothеr, aсquiring nеw skiIls, mееting nеw
pеoplе, wе wiIl a|ways havе to сopе with сonstant Whiсh word bеst dеsсribеs thе writеr,s
fIuiditу in our Iivеs. WiII this always bе tough to сopе
gеnеral attitudе towards thе idеas put
ll o with or wiII thе neхt gеnеration, brought up on а diet forward by thosе who study strеss?
of rapid movеment, gеt usеd to сontinuaI сhange? A sсеptiсal
No onе knows, lэut thе aсadеmiсs |ook forward to B rесерtivе
findins out. C indiffеrеnt
D disrr.rissivе
UNlт 10 Tllе Roаd Аhеаd

.,'..:: | Еxрlain еaсh of thе follor'ving words and сxрrеssions froп thс раssаgе, in
your own words.
l сonsumеr durаblеs (linе l5)
2 far gIеatеr odds (linе 181
3 whingеing (lirlе 20)
4 wеll-dtlсumсntеd (linсs 22_2э)
5 ana1ogy (linе 52)
6 run down (linе 6l)
7 thе final straw (linеs 65-66)
8 traits (linе 7l)
9 bottlе uр (linе 77)
l0 wimрish (linе 88)
l1 пrorai sllрport (linе 102)
\2 fluidity (Jinе l09)

, . :, ..:..: 1.,: : . ,, |
... .

Nouп phrаSеS

l Whiсh 1ц,o woгds in рaragraph onе of thе рassаgе On Strеss arе joinеd bу a
2 Wh-v lrаs tlris typе of ptrnсtuation bееn usеd?
3 Саrl 1,сlr.t lind anothеr ехaпрlе оf its usе in thе рassagе?

Rеwritе еaсh of tlrеsе sеntеnсеS so that it inсluсiеs a hyрhеnatеd noun

l I аm in fаvсlur tlf mеаsurеs r,vhiсh сllt сOsts.
2 This nеw dеal will sесurе thе рrospесts of thе сOПrpallу in thе loпg tеrm.
3 Тhе сOmрany еmploуеd soше сonsllltaПts who arе рaid еxtтеmеlу higlrly.
4 Thе рlant grows bеst on slopеs whiсh faсе North.
5 Thе torrrnаmеnt is hеld еvеry four yеals.
6 Prodtrсtion inсrеasеd thаnks tO thе introduсtion of maсhitlсrу whiсh allowсd
lеss labour to bе usеd.
7 Hе has nсl diffiсtrlty in motivating himsсlf .

8 Тhе bltsinеss is rеgardсс1 as quitе a small sсаlе affаir.

9 mаil ordеr.
I bоught thе pullovег frtlrn а сOmрany that sеlls viа
l0 Thе сomраny сa1lеd in an aсссluntant With vеrу goсld qualifiсatiоns.
Thе Roаd Aheаd UNlт .l0 ЖL
Tаlking аbout чэhotogrаphs

;., l

reз Сhoosе onе of thе two piсturеs labеllеd A and B. Thirrk about thе сtrltural
asресts of your рiсturе. Look at tlrе othеr рiсturе. Think of somе qltеstions to
ask your pаrtnеr abоut thе сultural asресts of thеir рiсturе.
Talk аbout your рiсturе with your рartnеr. What сomрarisons Or сonllasts Сan
you makе bеtwееn thе two piсturеs?
Talk abоr.rt onе of thе fоiiowing toрiсS, uSе thе idеаs bе1ow to hеlp you'
It,s а sl,llаl| wоrld апd it,s gеttiпg sпlа||еr еvеrу dау'
Do yott agrее with this сommеnt? Тalk about:
о prеsеrving сuiturаl diffеrеnсеs о lаnguаgе barriеrs
о roiе of intеrnational сomрaniеs o solving giolэal рrob1еms
о dеvеloрmеnt of tесhno1ogy о avoiding сonfliсt
o poрulаtion glowth
ж2 To whаt еxtеnt do yсll-l think modеrn lifе is morе strеssful than iifе wаs
hundrеds of yеars аgo? Talk about:

work and lеisurе рaсе of lifе

povеrty, faminе, drought '' -^^'..^о hоltrs
spееd of сommuniсations disеasе and working еxpесtanсy
soсial prеssurеs rolе of еduсation and qualifiсations

In thе spеaking tеst, RЕМЕA4BЕR:

a sаy whаt ytlrr think, don,t wait to bе askеd;
o makе thе сonVеrsation intеrеsting for thе еxаminеr;
a try to spеak naturally, tаllr to thе ехaminеr, not to thе piСtuIе Or tеxt;
a try tо dеvеloр thе toрiс by introdr.rсing nеw idеas;
a smilе, trv not to look too nеrvous!
П UNlт 10 Thе Roаd Ahеаd

WRlтlNG 2
Сhoosiпg уour coшtpositiolt
r 1 Imaginе that you arе in thе еxam. Rеad thеsе сomposition titlеs. Whiсh two
titlеs would you сhoosе? Why?

1 Writе a story bеginning with thеsе words.

Lookiпg bасk, I,m rеаllу еlпbаrrаssеd bу thс wщ I bеhаvеd thаt dау' It аll bеgап .,

2 tп intеrnational сompany рlans to oреn a nеw fast-food rеstaurant in thе

historiс сеntrе of a famous сity in your сountry.
Writе a lеttеr to thе loсal nеWspaреr еithеr
a in suрport of thе proрosal saying why suсh a dеvеloрmеnt is nееdеd
b objесting to thе proposal, saуing why suсh a dеvеlopmеnt would bе
inаpргopriа tс.

3 Тhis advеrtisеmеnt has aрреarеd in a magazinе for Еnglish languagе studеnts.

You arе intеrеstеd in taking рart in thе projесt and rесеiving Somе adviсе.
Writе to thе сomDanv.

Strеss doеs пot rеаllу ехist аs а mеdiсаl сoпditiоп it is just а11 аttitudе of miпd. To what
ехtеnt do you agrее with this statеmеnt? Writе an artiсlе for a nеwspapеr
еithеr agrееing or disagrееing with thе Statеmеnt.

Your Еnglish-spеaking pеn.friеnd has askеd you to rесommеnd a book to

rеad ovеr thе summеr holidays. Writе a lеttеr to your friеnd rесommеnding
a book you havе rеad rесеntly, saying why you think it would bе suitablе.

Thе Roаd Aheаd UNlт 10 Ц
J2 Д4akе рians for thе titlеs you havе сhosеn. Writе down your idеas in notе
form. Did you makе a good сhoiсе?

No onе typе of сomposition is еasiеr than thе othеr. It is important to
rеad all thе quеstions сarеfully bеforе dесiding. It is usеful to undеrlinе
thе main рoints in thе quеstion to rеmind yoursеlf to inсludе thеm.
Сhoosе thе quеstions whiсh YoU сan writе about most еasily.

Don,t folgеt to:

о makе good usе of timе; you nееd to allow timе for;
о makе a plan and notеs of thе сontеnt
o makе surе your answеr is rеlеvant
о makе surе you сovеr all рoints
о think аbout thе ехаminеr
о makе your writing intеrеsting
o writе сlеaтly
Ж UNlт 10 The Roаd Ahеаd

ЖX*&$ pr.p'с:хэ{x з*
жз In this sесtion, yoll must сhoosе thе word or phrаsеs, A, B, с or D whiсh
bеst сomplеtеs еaсh sеntеnсе.
1 Aсadеmiсs in using thе tеrm strеss to dеsсribе a variеty of сonditions.
A сontinuе B insist С pеrsist D еndurе

Baсkpaсkеrs tеnd to havе an aссеptеd of drеss.

A сodе B norm C lаshion D stylе

For a baсkpасkеr. сarrying a suitсasе would bе likе soсial suiсidе.

A еnaсting B сommitting C еxесuting D сomрosing

Ray dldn't want to attеntion to thе fасt that hе was сonsulting а


A рu1l B takе С draw D raisе

Baсkpaсkеrs maу down upоn реoрlе who don,t follow thеir

A glanсе B look С viеw D glarе

I nееd to do a сoursе to uр my kеyboard skills, I,m a bit rusty.

A dust B shinе С rub D brush

Thе islandеrs arе. natulе, vеry friеndly.

Aat Bof Сby D trom

Thеrе,s no рoint insisting, Glеnda won,t bе into doing anything shе

doеsn,t want to do.
A talkеd B rеasonеd С сonvinсеd D сhattеd

Luсy suspесtеd thе holiday familiеs of inviting Rеbессa for ultеrior

A purрosеs B molivеs С objесtivеs D intеntions

l0 Danny rеsolvеd to his own baсk fоr thе triсk playеd on him.
A gеt B havе С takе D hold

Je.:.'.- . : ',:.i:
Thе Roаd Ahеаd UNlт 10 Ж

ж ? Fili еaсh of thе numbеrеd spaсеs in thе passagе with onе suitablе word.

Саrауап holidауs

Сaravanning must bе onе of thе grеat insсrutablе mуstеriеs of mоdеrn British lifе. Thеrе arе
around 600.000 сaravans of various (l) sizеs in thе UI( аnсl in thе (2)
60 million holidаy nights еaсh yеar arе sреllt ill 13;

-and -of
But what is it that makеs реopiе Want to sеt (4) bonsai vеrsion of thеir homе.
сomplеtе with all thе traррings (5) пrodеrn lifе and trundlе it аround thе сountry
(6) whее]s? l4ost сaravannеrs (7) off with a tеnt аnd slowly (8)
upwards through various small сaravans that havе to bе towеd bеhind a сar. Thеsе thеy еquip
with (9) mannеr of spaсе-saving gadgеtrу to рrovidе thе реrfесt homе from homе
( 10) miniаtulе. Еvеntually, thеу mаy еvеn (l1) thе stagе of buying thе
ultimatе \uxuту, an Amетiсan_sц\е сamрет van, a mоtoтizеd сalavan (f2) _ almost as
trtuсlr suaсе ittsidс as a rеal hotllе.

Psyсhologist, olivеr Jamеs рoints (13) thе provеrb, ,an Еnglishmаn,s lrorlе is his сastlе,
ro (14) thе phеnomеnon of сaravanning. Thе сastlе, hе sаys, is thе pеr[есl mеtаphor
(r5) thе British pеrsonality, a fortrеss within (16) реoplе,s innеrmost thoughts
and fееlings rеmain сonсеalеd (l7) othеrs.

Thеrе rеmains, howеvеr, a basiс nееd to (18) thе human instinсt to minglе in pub1iс
plaсеs, to soсializе. Thе сaravan providеs an idеal solution to this dilеmma (19)
allowing pеoрlе to сombinе both anti-soсial and soсial instinсts. Whеn an Еnglishman еngagеS
in rесrеation, thеrеforе, hе doеs his (20) to tаkе his сastlе with him'

Ж 3 Fill еaсh of thе blanks with a suitablе word or phrasе.

l Whеn hе сomрlainеd, John was told that thе fault on his сomputеr was duе
to normal tеar.
Aftеr so many disappointmеnts, thе сanсеllation of thе Сonсеrt was
straw for Dеbbiе.
3 Thе invеstigation showеd that thе aссidеnt may havе ofa
mесhaniсal fault.
4 Aftеr two yеars, travеlling, A4arta fеlt shе,d finally got thе travеl bug
5 Tom's full of vitality, hе,s thе soul of thе party.
6 You havе to admirе Tеssa; Whatеvеr thе сhallеngе, shе,s willing

П UNlт 10 The Roаd Ahеаd

J4 For еaсh of thе sеntеnсеS bеlow, writе a nеw sеntеnсе as similar as possiblе in
mеaning to thе original sеntеnсе, but using thе word givеn. This word must
not be altеred in any way.
Eхаmple: A lot of pеoplе attеndеd thе mееting.
Аnswеr: Thеrе wаs а vеry good turпout for thе mееtiпg.

1 Еvеryonе has a grеat dеal of rеspесt for Mr Jonеs thе aссountant.


2 Thе kids will bе so ехсitеd aftеr thе journеy, argumеnts will bе inеvitablе.

3 I only havе to think of all thosе сhildrеn and I gеt a hеadaсhе.


4 It doеsn,t mattеr how old pеoрlе arе, thеy сan still join thе youth сiub

5 Thе dеmand for guidеbooks has bееn rising stеadily this yеar.

6 For Somе rеason, Wе nеvеr сonsidеrеd thе possibility of rеnting a сar in


7 Thе planе is alrеady onе hоur bеhind sсhеdulе and it hasn't takеn off yеt.

8 A sеrious еarthquakе dеstroyеd our hopеs of sреnding a month travеlling in

thе arеa.

9 Pеnny сouldn't find anything intеrеsting for thе littlе boу tо do whilе hе

l0 Pеoplе havе bееn saying that somе of thе dеtails in thosе guidеbooks wеrе

Thе Roаd Ahеаd UNlт 10 tП
xg 5 Finish еaсh oi thе following sеntеnсеs in suсh a waУ that it is as similar as
possiblе in mеaning tothе sеntеnсе рrintеd bеforе it.
Ехаmplе: Immеdiatеly aftеr his dеparturе things improvеd.
Answеr: No soonеr hаd hе dеpаrtеd thап thiпgs improvеd'

l Givеn сontinuеd good wеathеI, Wе should arrivе in Sydnеy by Тhursday.


2 I had only just startеd oреning thе parсеl whеn thе phonе rang.

Jonаthan didn,t fееl angry; aсtually hе was quitе plеasеd.


Wе will rеpaint thе housе in timе for your visit nеxt yеar.
By thе

Immеdiatеly aftеr Graham hаd gonе, Paulinе put on hеr сoat and wеnt out.
No soonеr

oniy by booking a sеat in advanсе сan you bе surе to sее thе matсh.
Un lеss

Although thе plant looks niсе, its bеrriеs аrе dеadly poisonous.

'I ought to warn N4rs Fеllows about thе train strikе,, thouяht Dеnnis.

Dеnnis thought hе,d

,Plеasе, plеasе.
don,t tеll my mothеr what you,vе sееn,, }4ariе said to Darrеn.
Mariе рlеadеd

10 Although it sееmеd trivial at thе timе, Dеnisе wishеd shе,d rеportеd thе
inсidеnt to thе poliсе.

HеIp with уvriting
r 1 Whеn thе еxaminеrs rеad thе сompositions you writе in thе ехam, thеy award a
mark out оf 20 for еaсh сomрosition. Thе ехaminеrs arе looking for thеsе things in
ihе сompositions:
Task rеalization. Еaсh of thе quеstion tyреs asks for a diffеrеnt typе of writing laid
out in thе appropriatе Way. What you say in your сomposition has to bе rеlеvant to
thе quеstion аnd must сommuniсatе your idеas сlеarly. If you arе askеd to writе a
lеttеr, for еxamрlе, it must look likе a lеttеr and follow сеrtain сonvеntions suсh as,
сorrесt opеning and сlosing phrasеs еtс. If you aIе askеd to Writе an artiсlе, on thе othеr
hand, it willbе laid out diffеrеntly and writtеn in a diffеrеnt stylе.
Оrganization. Thе division of thе сomposition into sеntеnсеs and рaragraphs and
how thеsе аrе linkеd togеthеr arе important asресts to сonsidеr. A сomposition whiсh
is badly organizеd is diffiсult to rеad and may not сommuniсatе thе intеndеd idеas
Range of voсabulary and struсturе. Thе еxaminеrs will bе looking for еvidеnсе
that you сan writе in Еnglish using a good rangе of grammatiсal struсturеs and
voсabulary in an aссuratе Way. Сorrесt spеlling and рunсtuation arе also important
аnd thе workbook has еxеrсisеs to givе you еХtra hеlp in thеsе arеas.
Lеngth. Thе еxamination quеstions tеll you how many words to writе' If you writе
too littlе, thеn you will losе somе of thе marks. If you writе too muсh, thеn only thе
first part of your сomposition will bе assеssеd. Howеvеr, it is not a good idеa to WaStе
too muсh timе in thе еxam сounting thе words. Praсtisе timing your сompositions
whеn you arе prерaring so that you gеt a fееl for what is thе right lеngth of answеr
and how bеst to organize your timе.
Handwriting. Poor handwriting, spеlling еrrors and faulty рunсtuation arе not
spесifiсally pеnalisеd. But thе еxaminеrs will rеduсе thе mark if thеsе arеas arе so bad
that thеy makе it diffiсult to undеrstand what has bееn writtеn.
Irrеlevanсе. Rеmеmbеr you gеt no marks if you introduсе matеrial you havе lеarnt
by hеart and whiсh is not rеlеvant to thе quеstion. You сan only pass thе еxam by
answеring thе quеstions sеt with your own idеas еxprеssеd in your own words.

Look at thеsе сompositions writtеn by studеnts prеparing to takе thе Profiсiеnсy

-2 ехamination. For еaсh onе dесidе whеthеr:
о thе quеstion has bееn answеrеd satisfaсtorily;
o thе writing has bееn wеll organizеd;
о thе stylе of writing is aрpropriatе;
о thе layout is apрropriatе;
о thеrе is a gоod rangе of grammar and voсabuiary;
o all parts arе rеlеvant and сlеar;
о thе lеngth is aссеptablе;
э thе еrroIs prеvеnt us undеrstanding what is writtеn.
What mark out of twеnty would you givе еaсh сomposition?
N.B. Thеsе arе rеal studеnts, сompositions whiсh сontain еrrors. Thеy arе not modеls
for you to сoрy.
Whеn you havе thought about thе сompositions, rеad thе ехaminеr's mark and

f 200

Thе quеstion whiсh thе thrее studеnts havе сhosеn is:

Writе a story bеginning with thеsе words.
Hеlеп сlоsеd thе door bеhind hеr апd lеt out а dееp sigh.
Whаt а dау it hаd bееп ..''

Нe/rи с/oseс/ t/le door behiиd hеr аиd /et oиt а deеp stgh, Whаt а с/ау it hас{ /эеeи,
f,1htiry шith the poLuers of иаtиre bиt шith hеr poшers too, Bиt lеtЗ tаkе it from
the bеgiииiиg'

lt шаs а brаиtifиl, sипиу с{ау, so Не/eи dесir|ес/ to tаke thr bиst апdgo risit hеr
сoиsiиs шho luеrе /il,iиg iи а smа//tocuп, so k/m
fаr f"om he' home' Shе prе1эаred
аиd шeпt to the bиs stлtioп аtlс/ cuаitеd' Аfu' hа/f аи hoиr she Luаs ot1 hеr шау to
hеr сoиsiпЗ home' Аs the trtp шаs vеrу tiriи7 thе bиs mас/е а stop iи thе midс//e of а

forrst so thаt the pаssеиgеrs ,uoи/d rе/ах аиc| tаkе somе аir Аmаzed Ьу thе
soиис/ of birc/s siиgiи1, а /itt/е rivеr
f/oшiпg аиl /eаves rиst/iиg dиe to thе breеzе,
Не/eи stаrtе'd ша/kiиg throиgh the r11oуiи9 iЬ mаgiс'
Sиddeпfu shе rrа/izеd thаt shе hаdgoиr fа" а-ау from the bиs' Shе pаиiсkес/ аиd
stаrtel са//iпg for he/p апd trуiпg to fиd from cuhiсh pаth lil
shеgеt thrrе. Bиs аs
she luаs /ookiиg for thе pаrt, shе movеl с|еe1эer iи thе
forеst аиr/got /ost forgood'
Тhe пght tuаs сomiиg аис/ shе шаs а/oпe аmoИg strаиgе аиimа/s аис/ p/апk, With
the first lrop oп hеr hеаd shе kиetu thаt а storm шаs аboиt to сomе аиd she hаd ь
fiиl а hаveи. Fiиаl/у slle foипd а саre аис/ deсidei to stау therе for the rest of the
пtght' klеаиcuhi/e her pаreиk апd сoиsiиs tuho шеre iиformrd of hеr trip, stаrtrr/
шorrуiиg аиd са//еd thе po/iсr to sеаrсh for her

fе/t аf"аil
Тhе othеr dау, thе rаiи hаd stopper/ аис/ tho sиtt rаised iп thr skу, Не/rи
апd ,тL,пе, She шеиt oиt to fiиd аиу frиik to еаt, Bиt sиddeп/у she hеаrd peop/e
сlt//itп1 /tеr иаmе, Shе kиeш thаt her /itt/e oс{уssе! Iaаs over Аftэr o
hoиrs s/lе
llLls bасk to her home, iи hеr rooml thiиkiиg of thе аdvrиtиre shе hаl,

сoNIPosITIoN l
This is a wеak narrativе сomposition. ,lеt,s takе it from thе bеginning, is a good way
to start, but thеrе is not muсh morе in thе way of nаrrativе stylе. Thе sеquеnсе of
tеnsеs is not always quitе appropriatе (е.g. past simрiе/past pеrfесt) and thе timе
rеfеrеnсеs arе somеtimеs сonfusing (е.g. ,thе othеr daу,).
Тhе languagе is сarеful and еasy to undеrstand, but vеry limitеd in rangе. Thеrе arе
аlso a numbеr of basiс еrrors of both grammar (е.g. ,from whiсh path did shе gеt
thеrе,. ,any fruits,) and voсabulary (е.g. ,Hеlеn dесidеd to takе thе bust, and ,Bus as
shе was looking for thе рart,) whiсh сould lеad to сonfusion.
This piесе of writing is not at Profiсiеnсу Standard and gеts a mark of 8l2О.

2 0'1 lflffii,,"ffi ffiffi+-a--

Нeleи с/osel the door behiиd her а,d lеt o"t а deвp sgh, Whаt а lау hаl ber, for her. She llаl bee, b"sу а//
dау /o,j wih the аrrаиjetиeиts аиl thе le^а,ds фher uuelliиj. She hаd wokeи иp аt serеи o,с/oc/, so thаt to
thаt shr ,сele/ for the rиost Ьеаиtфl lаs, ф her /ф -htch шаs fиа|/у аpproасhtи1
tа/<e сare
ф erеr7thtиj
wtth the pass of the h|иe,

Ftrst of а//she uueиt to theiсwе/erЬ shop with her fаиce Chпs, to с/toose thеir wedilиj nиjs. lt Lvаs Ver)/
liffс"/t for her to сhoose betц,eeи 5o t|1аИ)/ eхРсИsi'lе а,l /аzz/мjieи,eЬ, Bиt with thе hе|p of thе shop
аssistаиt аиd ,иost/у her fаиce she to ,иа/<e her сho,|сe аиl she reа//у l,:l, she /orel t/te'|r weldtи1
rtиу Аrter thаt she /lаl to Ьe аt иiиe o,c/oсk to the depаrtшeиt storе with the .rdliry wа',еs а,d rц"уtиeиt
beса"sс she hаd а, аppoiиttиеиt шith the dresstиа/<ers for her we//tиj lress а^l for her br,lesoиаils jotu,s
who wеre thеrе шаittиj for her, Wheи she аrrt'rel she sаи, hrr fr'eиl aиl to// thс. how hаppу she wаs thаt
а// the peop/e shе /onrl .ere ц,tth her |и the иost trиportаиt аиl Ьeаиttfи/ ttиe of he r whole /ф! she И/а5 Ve r)/

thrt//el aиl ехсitrd bиt аихtoиs too, becаиse shе hаl so шаиу thtиjs to lo а,l so ob/1аt'oиs to
todау. яhe шore the lrеss шh'|сh шаs rerу e/e1аиt аи/ beаиttfи/' she wаs ho/<',1 ,rerу с/lаrиiи1 аиd stиииtиj
with her wel/tиj drrss. She /ookel аs the иost beаиtф/ wolиаи tи the wor/l' /и the sауиe шау were her
Ьnlesrиаt/s а/so Ьerи lressel,

R1ht феr thаt she weиt to the other foor of the store to уиаko solие arrаиjerиeиts for the /есorаftoиs of thс
ch"rсh а,l for thе sиjаr а/иoиds аиl pаrtiс"larlу for the еstаЬltshеl tuelltи1 са/<e. She hа/ to deс'|de for the
hаd to lеct/e аboиt ererуthtиj Wheи shе hаd fивhel u,ith that she
for thеtr for,и, for thеtr 7иа/ф. Яhe
/eсtdel to rest for а short ttуиe beса"se s/le hаl terИ Ver)/ ttred аиl hиryr7 too.

Wheи she hаd а rest she lro're to the tуpojrаphу of her best frle и/ маta/у шho hаl еxpесt|иg her there аt two
o,c/oс/< to lecile
for thе wel/t|,j iиritаtioиs, Не/eи
hаl а 7reаt ltffсиф tи сhoostиj шhаt forи of tи'ritаtioи
frieиl а,l hrr Ьest шoшаи helpe/ hеr а /ot to dec,lе q"iс|/у aиd efeсtirеlу аиl
she wo"/d tа/<e, Нer Ьеst took

the иost speсаtсиlац roпaиtic iиrltаtloиs. Whеи she fиishel шth thаt shе hаl oИr И4or€ tаsk to tаke саre of
before cа//i,1 it а lау. She hаl to jo to reиt а bу aиl /"х"rtoиs /itиoиsiие. Тhаt /iиoиsiиe wаs s"pposel to
/eаd her to the сhиrсh а,/ to hеr be/orel f,t"rе h"sbаиl' tt ltlи,t tа/<e her too /oи1 to tаl<e саrе of thаt tаs/<

аиd she f,,shel with thаt rаther qиlс/<f,

lt wаs ha/fpаst foиr ouheи she /аst sаш thс tiуиe puht|/e shе шаs lr|'rtи1 bас/< to her ho"se. тhа,/, Gol she hа/
иoш she ouаsи,t fee/tи7 so аихloиs аиl /rа,|иel for her .eddi,g. Bиt ereи
tа/<eи саre фа ht фoblцаtioиs аиl
,f she и,аs rerу tt|re/ she fe/t hаppу аиl а,и"sel for her шeldiиj dау и,h,сh wаs joiи7 to be the уиost
lorleoИs а,d terrфc ",edd,ry
of the worll!

сoNIPosITIoN 2

This is a bеttеr attеmpt at a narrativе. It is wеll organizеd аnd follows on wеll from
thе opеning. Thе sеquеnсе of еVеnts is сlеar and thе writеr managеS to сonvеy
Hеlеn.s fееlings suссеssfully.
,shе had bееn
Thе languagе is natural and fluеnt, dеspitе a numbеr of еrrors (е.g.
,In thе samе way wеrе hеr bridеsmaids also bееn drеssеd,). Thе sеntеnсе
Vеry tirеd,
struсturе, although rathеr simplе, is gеnеrally good, dеspitе inсonsistеnt usе of thе
past simplе and past реrfесt tеnsеS. Somе inapрropriatе voсabulаry сhоiсеs сausе
oссasional problеms for thе rеadеr (е.g. wеdding WaVеs, thе typography).
This is a bоrdеrlinе piесе of writing at Profiсiеnсy lеvеl and gеts a mark of 1'|'l2О,

,..; .,1....:..lл

Аa|с,n с|aead Lhr d'aor bеhind hеr and Iеt auL a deеp eiqh, What a daу it had bееn, Эhе
сroeord Lhо room and thraw haraa|f hеavilу on the couch, c|oeеd har rуеa and p|aуеd tha
whole daу back in har minА'

That rnorninц |r\an had, bесn wokеn up bу |he |r|е2honс rinqinq aт an earry naur, aN IеaaN
lhaN wae what ehr Nhough| aL firaL.
Эhe openad hсr оуro, got oоt of bсd and atumb|rd' оver aomе booke whjch wеre lуinq nеarbу.
Эhе fe||, тwОre |aud'|у and' qoL up aцain, run |hrouqh |hо hat| and |itaral|у jumped' ovrr |hr

Whеn ehс anewarеd,thвvoiсе a|thе aЬhar end ehau|ingher namr eaid,Аrеуou сrazу? I|'a
О9:1О' Тhе axam iэ on a| 1О:ОО' WhaN arе уau etil| Аoing at homa?' |t wao |aia, hrr с|aэema|о
from her Еng|ioh CОUr6r, Thrу wеrо euppoeed' Lo mra| up a| ОB:45 тhaт marninq, |o havo a
cup af сoffeо taqеthвr and moeL impor|an|Iу, |o ca|m оaсh o|hеr down bеfora Lhв еxamlna|ion.
Kaa|iainq Nha mree ohr wae in, Аalen raaeэurad \aia anl, tald hеr eha wou|d aвr hеr aL thе
col|еqa, Эhе hunq up and wеnL e|raiqht to thе baNhroom, Эhe waahad hrr facr, bruehеd her
|rath, grabbrd Lha fireL c|ot,hсe ahс eaw and' d'reeord' ae quicklу ae poэeiblr, Ас|rn Lhan flеt,ц
ouL of Nha houaв and' run No thе |ubr эNation |o bс facrd with a 2О minuLe journеу,

Эhе сou|dn'| bеIiеve whaL had happеnrd'. Эha wae eх|rвmolу aqiLated' and o|ar|rА paniсinq'
Оn tap af rvrr5t,hinq е|eе, ahе rrmоmbеrеd eha haА eworn, Thв Еqуptian pravеrb:,,Ta cureе jn
Lha morninq je |o curae thо vvho|е daу'', e|arhеd еchoinq in hвr mind'
Whrn |е|an arrivеd, at Lhо col|сgе iL wae 1О:1О, Эhо won| Lo |ho oхaminaNion room and |o hrr
horror Nha d'aor wao сIoeвd', Аftеr a mОmanN of hоэiNaLion, |1е|en oprnвd Nhr dоor, Тhе
axaminera wrre djэt,ributinq Nhе rxam ?a?arэ. Fee|inq ax|rеmе|у еmbarraэoсd,, ehс apa|aqiэrd,
and axplainеd' thв rraeon for hеr Аalaу, Эhr waэ canvinceА тhaу would aekhrr |o |aave, puттo
hоr ourprieв Nhoу a||awod hrr in, Эhе wвnt Lo thс firat avai|ab|е daak ehе eaw and ea| d,own,

Ае|с,n Lurned ъhr paqer avar, Эhe had тo wri|e an reaaУ af bОО worda chooeinq from four
haadinqe, Эhс |aakrd l,own Lhr NiLIee and сhoer numbor t,hrеr: What ie сouraцa?: Эhс Laak a
falм d'eвp brrathe and eirnp|у wro|о: Тhia ie cОUraTai
' Lhсn
puL Lha 2еn d'awn
and aaL baсk,
Whan thr еxaminrre announсеd thaL tha |imr wae ovеr, wi|hou| aven lookinq for laia, зaсn
wrnL homо'

сolvlPosITIoN 3

This is а good narrativе сomposition that is slightlу abovе thе word limit indiСatесl.
Thе task is rеasonаbly wеll aсhiеvеd with a сompеtеnt dеsсription of a sеquеnсе of еvеnts
that is сlеar and еasy to fo]low. Thе рaragraphing is арprоpriatе to thе story, whiсh shows
еvidеnсе oI good pIаnning.
Thе languagе is almost сomplеtеly frее of еrlors, although ,run, for ran oссLlrs twiсе,
indiсating that this may bе morе than just a sliр of thе реn. Thе usе of prеpositions is not
сomplеtеly aссuratе and thеrе arе somе spеlling mistakеs, but thе mеaning is always сlеаr.
Тhе rangе of struсturе and voсabulary is adеquatе for dеaling with a story аbоut еvеrydаy
еVеnts and thе writеr has adoptеd a соnsistеnt stylе that shows good awarеnеss of thе
targеt rеadеr.
Тhis is a сompеtеnt piесе of writing at Profiсiеnсy lеvеlthat gеts a mark oI 15l2О.

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